那是一个非常寒冷的雪夜,美国普林斯顿大学数学物理系的主楼??泰坡林大楼(Taplin Auditorium)室内演示厅早早地坐满了听众。欣赏是免费的,凡是去参加音乐会的人在门口都可以拿到节目单和简短的说明书。我和两个好友抱着猎奇心理,也参加了这场奇特的音乐会。走进演出厅,只见舞台的地板上十几台笔记本电脑分别摆在大大的扩音箱上,旁边连接着他们自行设计制造的六声道开放型立体声喇叭,麦克风和一个酷似电子游戏器的控制器。
特别值得一提的是由计算机博士生王戈创作并演出的乐章《水晶城》,这个乐章表现了一股清风吹到一个高高的山峰上,这时听到的是丛林草木的摇曳声,风穿越于山间石缝的呼啸声和山峦之间互相呼应的回声,令人心旷神怡,接着这股清风随之旋入了一个山洞,那是一个长满了水晶石的山洞。风儿在山洞中穿越,水晶与风儿在对话,五光十色的水晶不断地发出各种各样美妙的声音,变幻着奇妙无比的音符,最终,随着风儿的离去,山洞中的水晶又回归到了静谧的原始状态之中。这是一段虚拟的,从来没有听到过的美轮美奂的声音,完全将人们带入一种虚无缥缈的境界,好像是在混沌初开的远古,又好似在未知状态的未来世界。我注意到观众席上有的人闭上了眼睛,不知是闭目聆听还是沉入梦乡?美国音乐评论家宝林・奥立菲斯(Pauline Oliveros)说:“声音和音乐是无尽的销魂资源,它将外面的世界融入我的内心。”音乐能够表达或者调节人的情绪与情感,神奇的电脑音乐刚刚崭露头角就能沁人心脾,前程不可估量。
演出结束后,我有机会找到电脑音乐团发起者和组织者之一的王戈进行采访。王戈是一个不到30岁的小伙子,半长的头发微卷,兼具音乐家和新新电脑人的气质。王戈来自北京,九岁时随父母来到美国,自幼喜爱音乐的他会拉手风琴,弹得一手好吉他,在中学时,他迷上了电脑,后来以优异的成绩考上了美国杜克大学(DUKE *****ITY)攻读计算机专业,同时也选修专业音乐课程。上大学期间,他曾经在美国微软总部做过两年暑期实习生,在那个软件王国里,他的计算机编写程序能力得到极大的提高。大学本科毕业后,他被美国普林斯顿大学计算机系录取为博士研究生,因为这里的计算机系和音乐系正联手研发电脑音乐,这正好发挥他的两个强项。
Melodious Laptop Computers
By Qin Feng, Our special reporter in USA
A notebook computer is nothing new, but it is extremely
incredible that notebook computers work like a band to play
music. Fifteen professors, doctoral students, graduates and
undergraduates with the computer department and music
department of Princeton University have organized themselves
into a band to play music with their notebooks.
Just the other day, I attended a concert at Taplin Auditorium
on the campus of Princeton University. Admission was free and
everyone of the audience received a playbill and a brief
introduction. A close look at the stage revealed that more than a
dozen laptop computers perched on sound boxes, each
connected to a six-channel stereo system, a microphone, and a
controller that looked like a game-playing console.
The musicians filed onto the stage, all dressed in black
trousers and black T-shirts. They looked pretty relaxed. The
introductory talk was brief before the performance. They treaded
softly to the computers. Their fingers nimbly input commands
quietly. One by one, they gave the conductor a thumbs-up to
indicate they were ready.
The music began. The conductor coordinated all the sounds.
His body language looked quite mesmerizing. He bent his body
forward and opened his arms like wings and then he straightened his torso and lifted his arms. We heard the sounds of
horses?hoofs approaching from the distant. As he curved forward
gradually and his arms pushed down, horses galloped away. His
hands drew small circles in the air and we heard the noise of a
wind. The larger the circles, the louder the wind. In the end, the
wind crescendoed into a storm, howling with vengeance. In
another piece, as the conductor continued to move his fingers
magically, we heard the rhythmic noises of drums, footsteps and
distant bells from a temple in a deep valley.A piece called “Mirrors
Dancing?was actually a symphonic composition. The players
created sounds to go with the melody of a flute player to stage a
flute concerto and then mixed a melody of computerized sounds
and human voices. “Listening to the Sounds of Earth? a theme of
the band’s musical creations, unleashed the sounds which people
either never heard or never paid attention to.
“Crystal City? composed by Wang Ge, a doctoral student
who had come from China to USA at the age of nine, was also an
analogous piece of composition. Winds blew, trees swished,
crystals in a cave responded to winds and echoes. Such ethereal
and futuristic sounds, though man-made, introduced an
intriguing and transparent universe to the audience. Some people
just closed their eyes to enjoy the mood created by the music.
After the concert, I talked with Wang Ge, one of the founders
and leaders of the band. He was in his late 20s. With somewhat
long semi-curled hair, he looked like a musician and a computer
nerd. He was a good player of accordion and guitar in his teenage
years and became a computer geek in the high school. Duke
University made it possible for him to major in computer and
minor in music at the same time. Now a student for a doctorate degree in computer science at Princeton, he was finally able to
put his two passions together.
Wang Ge briefed me on the origin and development of
computers as music tools. As soon as computers debuted in the
United States in the 1960s, people began to edit and compose
music on computers. Computers appeared as music instruments
in some concerts and on some public occasions quite early. But
these were just some individual cases. It was not until the late
1990s that music software mushroomed and computers were
more frequently used for the purpose of making music. Now a
computer can imitate all kinds of musical instruments and human
voice. Without making any physical changes, a computer can
make sounds like a piano, a violin, a flute. But computers are not
meant to replace established musical instruments, which are the
best that remain after time has eliminated so many other musical
instruments. The biggest advantage of a computer is that it can
create sounds that human ears have never heard from nature. A
composer can easily make a melody on a computer and then
keep modifying it by playing it back repeatedly in all ways until
he is satisfied.
(Translated by Tian Jinjiang)
那是一个非常寒冷的雪夜,美国普林斯顿大学数学物理系的主楼??泰坡林大楼(Taplin Auditorium)室内演示厅早早地坐满了听众。欣赏是免费的,凡是去参加音乐会的人在门口都可以拿到节目单和简短的说明书。我和两个好友抱着猎奇心理,也参加了这场奇特的音乐会。走进演出厅,只见舞台的地板上十几台笔记本电脑分别摆在大大的扩音箱上,旁边连接着他们自行设计制造的六声道开放型立体声喇叭,麦克风和一个酷似电子游戏器的控制器。
特别值得一提的是由计算机博士生王戈创作并演出的乐章《水晶城》,这个乐章表现了一股清风吹到一个高高的山峰上,这时听到的是丛林草木的摇曳声,风穿越于山间石缝的呼啸声和山峦之间互相呼应的回声,令人心旷神怡,接着这股清风随之旋入了一个山洞,那是一个长满了水晶石的山洞。风儿在山洞中穿越,水晶与风儿在对话,五光十色的水晶不断地发出各种各样美妙的声音,变幻着奇妙无比的音符,最终,随着风儿的离去,山洞中的水晶又回归到了静谧的原始状态之中。这是一段虚拟的,从来没有听到过的美轮美奂的声音,完全将人们带入一种虚无缥缈的境界,好像是在混沌初开的远古,又好似在未知状态的未来世界。我注意到观众席上有的人闭上了眼睛,不知是闭目聆听还是沉入梦乡?美国音乐评论家宝林・奥立菲斯(Pauline Oliveros)说:“声音和音乐是无尽的销魂资源,它将外面的世界融入我的内心。”音乐能够表达或者调节人的情绪与情感,神奇的电脑音乐刚刚崭露头角就能沁人心脾,前程不可估量。
演出结束后,我有机会找到电脑音乐团发起者和组织者之一的王戈进行采访。王戈是一个不到30岁的小伙子,半长的头发微卷,兼具音乐家和新新电脑人的气质。王戈来自北京,九岁时随父母来到美国,自幼喜爱音乐的他会拉手风琴,弹得一手好吉他,在中学时,他迷上了电脑,后来以优异的成绩考上了美国杜克大学(DUKE *****ITY)攻读计算机专业,同时也选修专业音乐课程。上大学期间,他曾经在美国微软总部做过两年暑期实习生,在那个软件王国里,他的计算机编写程序能力得到极大的提高。大学本科毕业后,他被美国普林斯顿大学计算机系录取为博士研究生,因为这里的计算机系和音乐系正联手研发电脑音乐,这正好发挥他的两个强项。
Melodious Laptop Computers
By Qin Feng, Our special reporter in USA
A notebook computer is nothing new, but it is extremely
incredible that notebook computers work like a band to play
music. Fifteen professors, doctoral students, graduates and
undergraduates with the computer department and music
department of Princeton University have organized themselves
into a band to play music with their notebooks.
Just the other day, I attended a concert at Taplin Auditorium
on the campus of Princeton University. Admission was free and
everyone of the audience received a playbill and a brief
introduction. A close look at the stage revealed that more than a
dozen laptop computers perched on sound boxes, each
connected to a six-channel stereo system, a microphone, and a
controller that looked like a game-playing console.
The musicians filed onto the stage, all dressed in black
trousers and black T-shirts. They looked pretty relaxed. The
introductory talk was brief before the performance. They treaded
softly to the computers. Their fingers nimbly input commands
quietly. One by one, they gave the conductor a thumbs-up to
indicate they were ready.
The music began. The conductor coordinated all the sounds.
His body language looked quite mesmerizing. He bent his body
forward and opened his arms like wings and then he straightened his torso and lifted his arms. We heard the sounds of
horses?hoofs approaching from the distant. As he curved forward
gradually and his arms pushed down, horses galloped away. His
hands drew small circles in the air and we heard the noise of a
wind. The larger the circles, the louder the wind. In the end, the
wind crescendoed into a storm, howling with vengeance. In
another piece, as the conductor continued to move his fingers
magically, we heard the rhythmic noises of drums, footsteps and
distant bells from a temple in a deep valley.A piece called “Mirrors
Dancing?was actually a symphonic composition. The players
created sounds to go with the melody of a flute player to stage a
flute concerto and then mixed a melody of computerized sounds
and human voices. “Listening to the Sounds of Earth? a theme of
the band’s musical creations, unleashed the sounds which people
either never heard or never paid attention to.
“Crystal City? composed by Wang Ge, a doctoral student
who had come from China to USA at the age of nine, was also an
analogous piece of composition. Winds blew, trees swished,
crystals in a cave responded to winds and echoes. Such ethereal
and futuristic sounds, though man-made, introduced an
intriguing and transparent universe to the audience. Some people
just closed their eyes to enjoy the mood created by the music.
After the concert, I talked with Wang Ge, one of the founders
and leaders of the band. He was in his late 20s. With somewhat
long semi-curled hair, he looked like a musician and a computer
nerd. He was a good player of accordion and guitar in his teenage
years and became a computer geek in the high school. Duke
University made it possible for him to major in computer and
minor in music at the same time. Now a student for a doctorate degree in computer science at Princeton, he was finally able to
put his two passions together.
Wang Ge briefed me on the origin and development of
computers as music tools. As soon as computers debuted in the
United States in the 1960s, people began to edit and compose
music on computers. Computers appeared as music instruments
in some concerts and on some public occasions quite early. But
these were just some individual cases. It was not until the late
1990s that music software mushroomed and computers were
more frequently used for the purpose of making music. Now a
computer can imitate all kinds of musical instruments and human
voice. Without making any physical changes, a computer can
make sounds like a piano, a violin, a flute. But computers are not
meant to replace established musical instruments, which are the
best that remain after time has eliminated so many other musical
instruments. The biggest advantage of a computer is that it can
create sounds that human ears have never heard from nature. A
composer can easily make a melody on a computer and then
keep modifying it by playing it back repeatedly in all ways until
he is satisfied.
(Translated by Tian Jinjiang)