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科技创新导报2020 NO.25Science and Technology Innovation Herald信息科学DOI:10.16660/.1674-098X.2006-9750-6107基于Android手机与单片机的智能防盗系统设计王庐山(湖北工业职业技术学院智能工程学院 湖北十堰 442000)摘 要:本文介绍了一种Android手机作为移动控制端, STC89C52RC单片机为底层主控芯片,人体远红外热释电传感器、防闯入光幕及振动传感器作为检测装置,通过WIFI通信来实现Android手机移动端远程监控防盗系统。单片机将检测到的防盗传感器开关信号,上传到移动手机端,移动端软件通过数据分析。系统可以设置布防和解除布防模式,在布防模式下,当检测到有人闯入时,Android手机收到报警提示,用户可以通过手机控制警笛警灯发生报警声,同时远程拍照取证。实践证明,本系统结构简单、可靠性高、成本低,具有很强的实用价值和广阔的市场前景。关键词:Android 单片机 防盗 远程控制 光幕中图分类号:TP277 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2020)09(a)-0126-03①Design of Intelligent Anti-Theft System Based on Android

Mobile Phone and SCMWANG Lushan(Institute Of Intelligent Engineering, Hubei Industrial Polytechnic, Shiyan, Hubei Province, 442000 China)Abstract:This paper introduces an Android mobile phone as the mobile control terminal, STC89c52rc single

chip as the bottom main control chip, human far-infrared pyroelectric sensor, anti intruder light curtain and

vibration sensor as the detection device, through WiFi communication to realize the Android mobile phone

remote monitoring and anti-theft system. SCM will detect the anti-theft sensor switch signal, upload to the

mobile phone, mobile software through data analysis. The system can set and remove the deployment mode.

In the deployment mode, when someone intrudes, the Android mobile phone receives an alarm prompt, and

the user can control the siren and alarm light to generate an alarm sound through the mobile phone, and take

a remote photo to obtain evidence at the same time. It has been proved that the system is simple in structure,

high in reliability and low in cost. It has strong practical value and broad market Words:Android SCM;Anti-theft;Remote control;Light curtain1 系统总体设计系统架构图如图1所示,基于Android手机与单片机的智能防盗系统是在传统防盗系统的基础上,配置了人体远红外热释传感器、防闯入光幕墙及振动传感器等防盗采集设备和数据传输设备、单片机底层控制设备、智能移动终端等处理控制设备,通过Android移动端上位机应用软件,实现了对防盗系统的远程监控。系统主要由数据采集层、数据处理层、驱动控制层等部分组成。核心,单片机与时钟电路、电源电路及复位电路一起构成单片机最小系统。外接人体远红外热释传感器、防闯入光幕及振动传感器,用于检测是否有人闯入。单片机通过串口与Wifi模块连接,接收Android移动端发来的控制命令,向


科技创新导报2020 NO.25Science and Technology Innovation Herald信息科学DOI:10.16660/.1674-098X.2006-9750-6107基于Android手机与单片机的智能防盗系统设计王庐山(湖北工业职业技术学院智能工程学院 湖北十堰 442000)摘 要:本文介绍了一种Android手机作为移动控制端, STC89C52RC单片机为底层主控芯片,人体远红外热释电传感器、防闯入光幕及振动传感器作为检测装置,通过WIFI通信来实现Android手机移动端远程监控防盗系统。单片机将检测到的防盗传感器开关信号,上传到移动手机端,移动端软件通过数据分析。系统可以设置布防和解除布防模式,在布防模式下,当检测到有人闯入时,Android手机收到报警提示,用户可以通过手机控制警笛警灯发生报警声,同时远程拍照取证。实践证明,本系统结构简单、可靠性高、成本低,具有很强的实用价值和广阔的市场前景。关键词:Android 单片机 防盗 远程控制 光幕中图分类号:TP277 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2020)09(a)-0126-03①Design of Intelligent Anti-Theft System Based on Android

Mobile Phone and SCMWANG Lushan(Institute Of Intelligent Engineering, Hubei Industrial Polytechnic, Shiyan, Hubei Province, 442000 China)Abstract:This paper introduces an Android mobile phone as the mobile control terminal, STC89c52rc single

chip as the bottom main control chip, human far-infrared pyroelectric sensor, anti intruder light curtain and

vibration sensor as the detection device, through WiFi communication to realize the Android mobile phone

remote monitoring and anti-theft system. SCM will detect the anti-theft sensor switch signal, upload to the

mobile phone, mobile software through data analysis. The system can set and remove the deployment mode.

In the deployment mode, when someone intrudes, the Android mobile phone receives an alarm prompt, and

the user can control the siren and alarm light to generate an alarm sound through the mobile phone, and take

a remote photo to obtain evidence at the same time. It has been proved that the system is simple in structure,

high in reliability and low in cost. It has strong practical value and broad market Words:Android SCM;Anti-theft;Remote control;Light curtain1 系统总体设计系统架构图如图1所示,基于Android手机与单片机的智能防盗系统是在传统防盗系统的基础上,配置了人体远红外热释传感器、防闯入光幕墙及振动传感器等防盗采集设备和数据传输设备、单片机底层控制设备、智能移动终端等处理控制设备,通过Android移动端上位机应用软件,实现了对防盗系统的远程监控。系统主要由数据采集层、数据处理层、驱动控制层等部分组成。核心,单片机与时钟电路、电源电路及复位电路一起构成单片机最小系统。外接人体远红外热释传感器、防闯入光幕及振动传感器,用于检测是否有人闯入。单片机通过串口与Wifi模块连接,接收Android移动端发来的控制命令,向


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