Is a mandatory kill switch the solution to smartphone
How do you stop the growing epidemic of stolen smartphones? Lawmakers in
California seem to think it's by mandating providers to sell devices with
built-in "kill switch" capabilities that would make stolen phones inoperable.
This month, when the California Senate approved a bill that would require
smartphone providers to build a "kill switch" feature into their devices, a key
question was left unanswered: Is this the solution to smartphone theft?
You'd be hard-pressed to find a consensus among industry experts on the
matter. What's clear is that cell phone theft is a growing problem. In 2013,
more than three million devices were stolen in the U.S., up from 1.6 million in
2012, according to Consumer Reports. And in San Francisco alone, 2,400
cellphones were stolen in 2013, up by 23 percent from the year before,
according to the San Francisco Police Department. "Police departments across
the U.S. are starting to drown in smart phone thefts,"says Tom Kemp, CEO of
Centrify, a software and cloud security provider.
行业专家们针对这个问题还没有形成共识。但是手机被盗无疑已经是一个越来越严重的问题。根据《消费者报告》(Consumer Reports)的数据,2013年美国有超过300万部智能手机被盗,远超2012年的160万部。另据旧金山警局表示,
The bill, SB 962, introduced by State Senator Mark Leno and sponsored by
San Francisco's district attorney, George Gascón, is an attempt to curb these
alarming figures. If approved by the California State Assembly and Governor
Jerry Brown as early as August, it would require all smartphones sold after
July 1, 2015 in California to include a kill switch function that would
effectively "brick" stolen phones. Those sellers who don't comply would face
fines of up to $2,500 per device.
这个编号“SB 962”的法案是由加州参议员马克•雷诺提出的,并且获得了旧金山地区地方检察官乔治•加斯肯的支持。如果这份提案最早在八月初能获得加州众议院以及州长杰瑞•布朗的批准,它将意味着从2015年7月1日起,所有在加州销售的智能手机都要安装一个能让手机变成板砖一块的“自杀开关”。如果手机销售商违反这项法案,则将面临最高每部手机2500美元的罚款。
The bill, which was originally rejected by the California Senate in April and
opposed by major providers including Apple (AAPL) and Microsoft (MSFT),
passed this month with a vote of 26 to 8. While it targets the state of California,
its effects would be national, as added features mandated by the state would
likely make it into phones sold across the country.
Opponents of the bill including CTIA, the wireless association that represents
providers, believe forcing providers to put a solution in place state-by-state
will only hurt consumers in the end. The group believes that the industry itself
should drive innovation in the field. "State-by-state technology mandates stifle
innovation to the ultimate detriment to the consumer," according to a
statement released by Jamie Hastings, CTIA's vice president of external and
state affairs. In an attempt to take matters into its own hands, last month,
CTIA released a "Smartphone Anti-Theft Voluntary Commitment," an
agreement signed by major industry players like Apple, Samsung, AT&T (T)
and Verizon (VZN) who pledge that smartphones they manufacture after July
2015 will include free built-in antitheft tools.
But supporters of the bill aren't convinced this is enough and see legislation as
a way to speed up the process. "What that California legislation does is a
positive step in encouraging the industry to actually develop a solution faster,"
says DmitriAlperovitch, cofounder and CTO of CrowdStrike Inc., a provider of
security technology and services.
Others see it as a sign of meddling in the industry. "Proponents of a kill switch
know nothing about how technology works," says Robert Siciliano, a McAfee
Online Security expert. "Whatever kill switch is implemented, will be
hack-able and rendered useless by anyone with ill intent."
Software-only based approaches have the potential to backfire. For one, they
can be worked around by clever thieves. "If someone steals a phone, there are
ways to block it from receiving communications that would kill a device," says
Greg Kazmierczak, CTO of Wave Systems, a provider of hardware-based
encryption technology. For instance, a thief could place the stolen phone in a
signal-blocking phone case that would prevent all electromagnetic
communications from reaching the device. According to Kazmierczak, it could
be possible to put it into one of those cases and perform whatever you need to
in order to stop the kill signal from coming in.
纯粹依靠软件的技术手段必然有可以动手脚的空间,因而也必然会被聪明的小偷利用。基于硬件的加密技术提供商Wave Systems技术总监格雷格•卡兹米耶尔扎克说:“如果有人偷了一部手机,那就有办法阻止它从外部接收自毁指令。”比如小偷只要把偷来的手机放在一个能阻绝无线信号的手机壳里,就能阻断这部手机的所有电磁通讯。据卡兹米耶尔扎克表示,将被盗手机放在这种手机壳里,然后再进行各种阻断接受自杀信号的操作,的确具有可能性。
Another alternative solution is to use hardware, rather than software to make
stolen phones inoperable -- an approach that's becoming more widely
recognized in the industry. This would involve embedding actual hardware
into the phone that would prevent thieves from circumventing software
technology to get access to data encrypted on the phone.
Hardware technology offers a much more secure solution, says Kazmierczak.
But the question of which technology to use is not arbitrary. It hinges on what
drives thieves to steal phones in the first place. "We need to understand what
the motivation is in the theft before instilling a solution," Kazmierczak says.
"What's the most valuable component -- the hardware or the data you are
storing in your device?"
A software-based approach could protect a phone from getting wiped and
reset to factory default, but it would not be as effective in protecting the user's
data encrypted on hardware in the device. A hardware-based approach, on the
other hand, might make it possible for thieves to reactivate the phone for
resale, but would protect encrypted personal data about the original owner
from getting stolen. "As we put more and more into these devices, the data is
more valuable than the device itself," Kazmierczak says.
Attempts to offer a solution to the problem are already in place by some
providers. Anti-theft software like Apple's Activation Lock rolled out in 2013
as part of iOS 7 and last month Samsung released a "Reactivation Lock," both
of which would allow consumers whose phones were stolen to lock them
remotely and prevent thieves from wiping and reactivating their devices to be
And a few phone manufacturers are putting a hybrid of hardware and software
technologies in place in their newest models. Samsung phones with Knox
technology in them do this, as do newer iPhones that include proprietary
hardware to protect encrypted data. The downside of such a hardware
solution, of course, is that it can't be introduced remotely to older modeled
phones in the same way a software update can be.
Regardless of whether smartphone makers take a software, hardware, or
combined approach to theft prevention, one of the biggest challenges they
have yet to figure out is where the manpower to monitor and regulate a kill
switch function will come from. When someone wants to resell a used phone
legally, for example, how can they transfer kill switch capabilities to the new
owner safely and securely? "How do you validate that it's the right person
trying to kill the device? Someone could kill your phone if they know your
password," Kemp says. "So far no one has figured that out yet."
Other solutions beyond the kill switch have been attempted, including a
database of blacklisted IMEIs or identification numbers for stolen phones,
better policing and a proposed bill by New York senator Jeffrey D. Klein, that
would require those people selling more than one used phone to provide
receipts of purchase to prevent black-market business. But CTIA's blacklist,
which was proposed in 2012 hasn't helped reduce crime numbers and Klein's
bill has been stuck in a Senate Committee since it was proposed last October.
"With robberies of smartphones reaching an all-time high, California cannot
continue to stand by when a solution to the problem is readily available," said
Senator Leno in a statement. But while solutions to the problem are available,
how effective they'll be at actually curbing smartphone theft still remains to be
Is a mandatory kill switch the solution to smartphone
How do you stop the growing epidemic of stolen smartphones? Lawmakers in
California seem to think it's by mandating providers to sell devices with
built-in "kill switch" capabilities that would make stolen phones inoperable.
This month, when the California Senate approved a bill that would require
smartphone providers to build a "kill switch" feature into their devices, a key
question was left unanswered: Is this the solution to smartphone theft?
You'd be hard-pressed to find a consensus among industry experts on the
matter. What's clear is that cell phone theft is a growing problem. In 2013,
more than three million devices were stolen in the U.S., up from 1.6 million in
2012, according to Consumer Reports. And in San Francisco alone, 2,400
cellphones were stolen in 2013, up by 23 percent from the year before,
according to the San Francisco Police Department. "Police departments across
the U.S. are starting to drown in smart phone thefts,"says Tom Kemp, CEO of
Centrify, a software and cloud security provider.
行业专家们针对这个问题还没有形成共识。但是手机被盗无疑已经是一个越来越严重的问题。根据《消费者报告》(Consumer Reports)的数据,2013年美国有超过300万部智能手机被盗,远超2012年的160万部。另据旧金山警局表示,
The bill, SB 962, introduced by State Senator Mark Leno and sponsored by
San Francisco's district attorney, George Gascón, is an attempt to curb these
alarming figures. If approved by the California State Assembly and Governor
Jerry Brown as early as August, it would require all smartphones sold after
July 1, 2015 in California to include a kill switch function that would
effectively "brick" stolen phones. Those sellers who don't comply would face
fines of up to $2,500 per device.
这个编号“SB 962”的法案是由加州参议员马克•雷诺提出的,并且获得了旧金山地区地方检察官乔治•加斯肯的支持。如果这份提案最早在八月初能获得加州众议院以及州长杰瑞•布朗的批准,它将意味着从2015年7月1日起,所有在加州销售的智能手机都要安装一个能让手机变成板砖一块的“自杀开关”。如果手机销售商违反这项法案,则将面临最高每部手机2500美元的罚款。
The bill, which was originally rejected by the California Senate in April and
opposed by major providers including Apple (AAPL) and Microsoft (MSFT),
passed this month with a vote of 26 to 8. While it targets the state of California,
its effects would be national, as added features mandated by the state would
likely make it into phones sold across the country.
Opponents of the bill including CTIA, the wireless association that represents
providers, believe forcing providers to put a solution in place state-by-state
will only hurt consumers in the end. The group believes that the industry itself
should drive innovation in the field. "State-by-state technology mandates stifle
innovation to the ultimate detriment to the consumer," according to a
statement released by Jamie Hastings, CTIA's vice president of external and
state affairs. In an attempt to take matters into its own hands, last month,
CTIA released a "Smartphone Anti-Theft Voluntary Commitment," an
agreement signed by major industry players like Apple, Samsung, AT&T (T)
and Verizon (VZN) who pledge that smartphones they manufacture after July
2015 will include free built-in antitheft tools.
But supporters of the bill aren't convinced this is enough and see legislation as
a way to speed up the process. "What that California legislation does is a
positive step in encouraging the industry to actually develop a solution faster,"
says DmitriAlperovitch, cofounder and CTO of CrowdStrike Inc., a provider of
security technology and services.
Others see it as a sign of meddling in the industry. "Proponents of a kill switch
know nothing about how technology works," says Robert Siciliano, a McAfee
Online Security expert. "Whatever kill switch is implemented, will be
hack-able and rendered useless by anyone with ill intent."
Software-only based approaches have the potential to backfire. For one, they
can be worked around by clever thieves. "If someone steals a phone, there are
ways to block it from receiving communications that would kill a device," says
Greg Kazmierczak, CTO of Wave Systems, a provider of hardware-based
encryption technology. For instance, a thief could place the stolen phone in a
signal-blocking phone case that would prevent all electromagnetic
communications from reaching the device. According to Kazmierczak, it could
be possible to put it into one of those cases and perform whatever you need to
in order to stop the kill signal from coming in.
纯粹依靠软件的技术手段必然有可以动手脚的空间,因而也必然会被聪明的小偷利用。基于硬件的加密技术提供商Wave Systems技术总监格雷格•卡兹米耶尔扎克说:“如果有人偷了一部手机,那就有办法阻止它从外部接收自毁指令。”比如小偷只要把偷来的手机放在一个能阻绝无线信号的手机壳里,就能阻断这部手机的所有电磁通讯。据卡兹米耶尔扎克表示,将被盗手机放在这种手机壳里,然后再进行各种阻断接受自杀信号的操作,的确具有可能性。
Another alternative solution is to use hardware, rather than software to make
stolen phones inoperable -- an approach that's becoming more widely
recognized in the industry. This would involve embedding actual hardware
into the phone that would prevent thieves from circumventing software
technology to get access to data encrypted on the phone.
Hardware technology offers a much more secure solution, says Kazmierczak.
But the question of which technology to use is not arbitrary. It hinges on what
drives thieves to steal phones in the first place. "We need to understand what
the motivation is in the theft before instilling a solution," Kazmierczak says.
"What's the most valuable component -- the hardware or the data you are
storing in your device?"
A software-based approach could protect a phone from getting wiped and
reset to factory default, but it would not be as effective in protecting the user's
data encrypted on hardware in the device. A hardware-based approach, on the
other hand, might make it possible for thieves to reactivate the phone for
resale, but would protect encrypted personal data about the original owner
from getting stolen. "As we put more and more into these devices, the data is
more valuable than the device itself," Kazmierczak says.
Attempts to offer a solution to the problem are already in place by some
providers. Anti-theft software like Apple's Activation Lock rolled out in 2013
as part of iOS 7 and last month Samsung released a "Reactivation Lock," both
of which would allow consumers whose phones were stolen to lock them
remotely and prevent thieves from wiping and reactivating their devices to be
And a few phone manufacturers are putting a hybrid of hardware and software
technologies in place in their newest models. Samsung phones with Knox
technology in them do this, as do newer iPhones that include proprietary
hardware to protect encrypted data. The downside of such a hardware
solution, of course, is that it can't be introduced remotely to older modeled
phones in the same way a software update can be.
Regardless of whether smartphone makers take a software, hardware, or
combined approach to theft prevention, one of the biggest challenges they
have yet to figure out is where the manpower to monitor and regulate a kill
switch function will come from. When someone wants to resell a used phone
legally, for example, how can they transfer kill switch capabilities to the new
owner safely and securely? "How do you validate that it's the right person
trying to kill the device? Someone could kill your phone if they know your
password," Kemp says. "So far no one has figured that out yet."
Other solutions beyond the kill switch have been attempted, including a
database of blacklisted IMEIs or identification numbers for stolen phones,
better policing and a proposed bill by New York senator Jeffrey D. Klein, that
would require those people selling more than one used phone to provide
receipts of purchase to prevent black-market business. But CTIA's blacklist,
which was proposed in 2012 hasn't helped reduce crime numbers and Klein's
bill has been stuck in a Senate Committee since it was proposed last October.
"With robberies of smartphones reaching an all-time high, California cannot
continue to stand by when a solution to the problem is readily available," said
Senator Leno in a statement. But while solutions to the problem are available,
how effective they'll be at actually curbing smartphone theft still remains to be