-- filename:;with _IO;procedure Hello is begin _ ("Hello Anycodes!"); __Line; end Hello;
输出gcc-7 -c -Ianycodes/test/ -I- anycodes/test/tbind-7 -x tlink-7 Hello Anycodes!
Asmtutor代码; Hello World Program - ; Compile with: nasm -f elf ; Link with (64 bit systems require elf_i386 option): ld -m elf_i386 helloworld.o -o helloworld; Run with: ./helloworld SECTION .data msg db 'Hello Anycodes!', 0Ah ; assign msg variable with your message string SECTION .text global _start _start: mov edx输出Hello Anycodes!timeout: the monitored command dumped coreSegmentation fault分享码e2cb1fecab0518948cd26f8806b6837bBASH代码echo 'hello anycodes!'输出hello anycodes!分享码3b3875e7de3ca9f34a0d8291e5368789
输出hello anycodes!分享码2c593ac7933861ed293c6fb921dc35f2
C sharp代码class Anycodes { static void Main () { ("Hello Anycodesn"); } }
输出Hello Anycodes分享码3e036b28c82568d9b173bde55ddc484dC++代码#include 输出Hello Anycodes!分享码e707a97be7b27f394703bce0a6bdf2f3Dlang代码 import ;void main(string[] args){ writeln("Hello Anycodes");}输出Hello Anycodes分享码2bd3c841ba7Fortran代码program mainwrite(*,*) "Hello world of Anycodes!"end program main 输出Hello world of Anycodes!分享码c4b99ee1b249631af12dae308217e43d Go代码package mainimport "fmt"func main() { n("Hello, Anycodes!") } 输出Hello, Anycodes!分享码49a6f0f65ceecab947d05acea5b1b7d9 Java代码public class MyJava { public static void main(String[] args) { ("Hello,Java world of Anycodes!"); } } 输出Hello,Java world of Anycodes!分享码001fef4227e581af3b5493487c445665LISP代码(write-line "Hello World of Anycodes!")(write-line "I am at Anycodes Learning LISP") 输出Hello World of Anycodes!I am at Anycodes Learning LISP分享码14e89fc3e7f928741512571eab15c6a6LUA代码print("Hello Anycodes World!")输出Hello Anycodes World!分享码6dd40582f883c7ebf4b46a75bcb59ec8PHP(5.6/7.2)代码 Hello World Hello World
Python(3.5.*)代码print('hello world, powered by Anycodes')输出
hello world, powered by Anycodes分享码c6ca5a5a04c1f6237f926518181ea3e6
R代码print("r world of anycodes")输出[1] "r world of anycodes"分享码1fb017d83204fafce45eb4966377f1baRUBY代码puts "Hello,Ruby world of Anycodes!"输出Hello,Ruby world of Anycodes!分享码ad32fa024c95f1466c739a8e543acbfa
Swift代码var myString = "Hello, World! Hello, Anycodes!"print(myString)输出Hello, World! Hello, Anycodes!
分享码41dcb41b3775191acd17036fd5f26b1aTCL代码puts "Hello,Tcl world of AnycodeX!"输出Hello,Tcl world of AnycodeX!分享码eac7d79681873a552006fbd2a63146a3PASCAL代码Program pas_test;Begin writeln('Anycodes, I love you! ');End.输出Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.4+dfsg-18ubuntu2 [2018/08/29] for x86_64 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 by Florian Klaempfl and others Target OS: Linux for x86分享码472b64c7b0e76b9db6faca069d19be7c
Scala代码object HelloWorld { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println("Hello, world!") } }
输出Hello, world!
输出Anycodes, Hello World of Object-C!分享码56a762167
-- filename:;with _IO;procedure Hello is begin _ ("Hello Anycodes!"); __Line; end Hello;
输出gcc-7 -c -Ianycodes/test/ -I- anycodes/test/tbind-7 -x tlink-7 Hello Anycodes!
Asmtutor代码; Hello World Program - ; Compile with: nasm -f elf ; Link with (64 bit systems require elf_i386 option): ld -m elf_i386 helloworld.o -o helloworld; Run with: ./helloworld SECTION .data msg db 'Hello Anycodes!', 0Ah ; assign msg variable with your message string SECTION .text global _start _start: mov edx输出Hello Anycodes!timeout: the monitored command dumped coreSegmentation fault分享码e2cb1fecab0518948cd26f8806b6837bBASH代码echo 'hello anycodes!'输出hello anycodes!分享码3b3875e7de3ca9f34a0d8291e5368789
输出hello anycodes!分享码2c593ac7933861ed293c6fb921dc35f2
C sharp代码class Anycodes { static void Main () { ("Hello Anycodesn"); } }
输出Hello Anycodes分享码3e036b28c82568d9b173bde55ddc484dC++代码#include 输出Hello Anycodes!分享码e707a97be7b27f394703bce0a6bdf2f3Dlang代码 import ;void main(string[] args){ writeln("Hello Anycodes");}输出Hello Anycodes分享码2bd3c841ba7Fortran代码program mainwrite(*,*) "Hello world of Anycodes!"end program main 输出Hello world of Anycodes!分享码c4b99ee1b249631af12dae308217e43d Go代码package mainimport "fmt"func main() { n("Hello, Anycodes!") } 输出Hello, Anycodes!分享码49a6f0f65ceecab947d05acea5b1b7d9 Java代码public class MyJava { public static void main(String[] args) { ("Hello,Java world of Anycodes!"); } } 输出Hello,Java world of Anycodes!分享码001fef4227e581af3b5493487c445665LISP代码(write-line "Hello World of Anycodes!")(write-line "I am at Anycodes Learning LISP") 输出Hello World of Anycodes!I am at Anycodes Learning LISP分享码14e89fc3e7f928741512571eab15c6a6LUA代码print("Hello Anycodes World!")输出Hello Anycodes World!分享码6dd40582f883c7ebf4b46a75bcb59ec8PHP(5.6/7.2)代码 Hello World Hello World
Python(3.5.*)代码print('hello world, powered by Anycodes')输出
hello world, powered by Anycodes分享码c6ca5a5a04c1f6237f926518181ea3e6
R代码print("r world of anycodes")输出[1] "r world of anycodes"分享码1fb017d83204fafce45eb4966377f1baRUBY代码puts "Hello,Ruby world of Anycodes!"输出Hello,Ruby world of Anycodes!分享码ad32fa024c95f1466c739a8e543acbfa
Swift代码var myString = "Hello, World! Hello, Anycodes!"print(myString)输出Hello, World! Hello, Anycodes!
分享码41dcb41b3775191acd17036fd5f26b1aTCL代码puts "Hello,Tcl world of AnycodeX!"输出Hello,Tcl world of AnycodeX!分享码eac7d79681873a552006fbd2a63146a3PASCAL代码Program pas_test;Begin writeln('Anycodes, I love you! ');End.输出Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.4+dfsg-18ubuntu2 [2018/08/29] for x86_64 Copyright (c) 1993-2017 by Florian Klaempfl and others Target OS: Linux for x86分享码472b64c7b0e76b9db6faca069d19be7c
Scala代码object HelloWorld { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println("Hello, world!") } }
输出Hello, world!
输出Anycodes, Hello World of Object-C!分享码56a762167