Film’s Chinese Title:
Film’s English Title:
Film No.:
Submission Date:
I (the company) am the copyright owner or agent of the aforesaid film (hereinafter
referred to as the “Licensed Work”). I own or have the right to manage the Licensed
Work, and have the right to grant a third party to use the Licensed Work.
I (the company) declare that I have read and understood in full all the terms of the
REGULATION of Mobile Film Festival of the Shanghai International Film Festival
(hereinafter referred to as “Mobile SIFF”) and SETTLEMENT MEASURES of Mobile
SIFF on the revenue related to Licensed Work on MOBILE SIFF’s official website
as an effective appendix to this Letter.
I hereby agree to grant the host of Mobile SIFF (hereinafter referred to as the
“Licensee”) the following rights and obtain the revenue according to SETTLEMENT
MEASURES of Mobile SIFF on the revenue related to Licensed Work:
授予权利: 非独家广播权及信息网络传播权,可转授权
Licensed Right:
non-exclusive right of broadcast and right of information
network dissemination, including sublicense.
Licensed Platform: including but not limited to Internet and Local Area Network of
which the output terminal is computer, visualized Mobile end
devices, mobile TV (wireless value-added services) and
Licensed Form:
the existing and future developed broadcasting form,
including but not limited to live broadcast, VOD and rolling
From 2014/1/1 to 2014/07/31
Licensed Term:
I guarantee that the rights and interests I have enjoyed related to the Licensed Work
are legitimate and undisputable, and I will be liable independently for any defects in
copyright related to Licensed Work.
I confirm that this Letter is executed in Chinese and English. If there are any
discrepancies (discrepancies are defined as “the understanding differences of the
words and numbers in this Letter caused by the differences of languages, culture and
customs”) between Chinese and English, the Chinese shall prevail. This Letter is
executed, interpreted and performed according to the laws and regulations of the
People’s Republic of China.
1、REGULATION of Mobile SIFF of the 17th Shanghai International Film Festival
2、SETTLEMENT MEASURES of Mobile SIFF on the income related to Licensed Work
Authorizer (Signature/ Stamp):
Passport/Company registration No.:
1. 手机电影节短片比赛共设3个类别:故事短片、动画短片和纪录短片。
2. 组委会将在报名参赛的短片中选择故事短片15部,动画短片和纪录短片各5部,进入最后的决赛环节。
3. 入围名单将在手机电影节的官方网站()上予以公布。
4. 电影节邀请国内外电影专家组成手机电影节国际评选委员会,对入围的短片进行评选,评选的最终结果在手机电影节颁奖典礼上当众揭晓。评委不能与参赛短片的制作或商业开发有关。
5. 评委会将评出下列奖项:
1. 所有报名者须首先通过手机电影节官方网站注册登陆后,完成在线报名。报名截止期是2014年4月30日。
2. 所有报名参赛参展短片的样片,需达到标清或高清标准,以DVD为存储介质,寄送至上海国际电影节办公室。
3. 报名者根据要求的图片尺寸上传一张导演照片和多张剧照,并授权组委会将这些照片用于手机电影节短片评选单元的宣传,图片最低清晰度:1280*960 dpi。
4. 报名者完成在线报名后,组委会将通过电子邮件回复给报名者一份授权书。报名者在收到授权书后,须将其打印并签字确认,然后连同存储短片的DVD一起寄至上海国际电影节办公室(每部作品只需寄一份DVD)。
1. 非英语对白的短片,送片方必需提供配有英文字幕的短片。
2. 所有的申请文件,包括DVD将不会返还给报名者。请务必在寄送之前做好备份。
3. 报名者一旦正式确认接受上海国际电影节邀请,即不得以任何理由擅自撤回已入选手机电影节参赛或参展的短片。
1. 组委会将邀请入围短片比赛的导演或演员(每部作品限一位,若最佳导演与最佳演员来自同一部作品,则邀请导演与演员同时来上海参加手机电影节颁奖礼)参加手机电影节各项活动,以及上海国际电影节的电影论坛,电影大师班、亚洲新人奖颁奖晚会等。
2. 组委会将向受邀的入围导演或演员提供手机电影节期间四个晚上的住宿。
3. 组委会邀请只对被邀请本人有效。
4. 获奖者如缺席手机电影节的颁奖仪式,将被视为自动放弃奖金。
1. 报名者所有的报名资料,包括故事梗概、照片、剧照等,将会被刊登在手机电影节会刊或相关的宣传资料中,包括但不仅限于手机电影节官方网站和会刊。
2. 报名者本人将对所有报名资料的真实性和短片的原创性负责。如由此引发的任何侵权事件发生,组委会不承担任何责任。
3. 报名者应确保申请表中的联系信息真实并有效。
1. 所有入围参赛参展短片都将在手机电影节的官方网站上公布,并允许观众通过链接在手机上观看。
2. 报名者同意,自短片报名成功之日起,授权上海国际电影节组委会对其报名短片享有播出权(含转授权),授权期至2014年7月31日止。
3. 授权期结束,组委会将取消其作品的播放链接。
4. 报名者同意授权组委会剪辑其作品,用于制作手机电影节宣传片,在网络、电视、手机等媒体播放。
Article 1
This Regulation covers participants in MOBILE SIFF, an event of the Shanghai International Film
Article 2
Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) was ratified by the State Council of China, and is one of
the FIAPF-accredited non-specialized competitive worldwide film festivals. MOBILE SIFF focuses on
multi-layered and multi-angled explorations of new directors. It aims to exhibit short movies of high
quality in order to enhance exchange and cooperation between China and the rest of the world, and
explore new broadcasting media outlets for the short movies.
Article 3
Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) is held every June in Shanghai.
The 17th Shanghai International Film Festival will be held from June 14th (Sat.) to June 22nd (Sun.),
2014. The Mobile SIFF will be held from June 16th to June 19th.
Article 4
The Organizing Committee of SIFF will select short movies from the applicants for the competition
and screening in MOBILE SIFF.
Short movies for the MOBILE SIFF should be no longer than 30 minutes.
Article 5
1. There are three competition categories: Feature, Animation and Documentary.
2. The Organizing Committee of SIFF will choose 15 short movies from Feature, 5 short
movies from Animation and 5 short movies from Documentary, 25 short movies in total, to
join in the final International Competition of MOBILE SIFF.
3. The nomination list for the International Competition will be announced on the official
website of Mobile SIFF ().
4. International Competition: the Organizing Committee will invite three internationally
recognized film experts to form a jury, who will assess the 25 short movies that have entered
the International Competition, and the winning short movies will be determined by a jury vote.
The Jury should have no relationship with the nominated short movies.
5. For International Competition, the Organizing Committee will select one winner for each of
the following awards:
Grand Short
Best Director
Best Script-writer
Best Performing
Best Feature
Best Animation
Best Documentary
Jury Special Award
People’s Choice Award
A certificate, a trophy and a bonus will be awarded to each winner.
Article 6
The Organizing Committee will select a certain amount of high quality short movies from the
submitted short movies to organize screening events in the cinema in Shanghai during the Shanghai
International Film Festival.
Article 7
1. All participants must first register at the official website of MOBILE SIFF, at
, and complete on-line registration. The deadline for entry is April 30th,
2. All applicants should send a DVD to the organizing committee’s office in standard or high
definition format.
3. Meanwhile, please upload one or more photo(s) of the director and stills of the film
according to the unified size required by the Organizing Committee. The latter has the right
to apply such photos and stills in the promotion of MOBILE SIFF. The minimum request on
the photo resolution is: 1280*960 dpi.
4. After registering online, competitors should sign a letter of authority and mail it back to the
Organizing Committee with shorts in DVD (one copy for each film). The film will not be
qualified for competition until the DVD is received.
Mailing Address:
WANG Xiaozhao
11/F, B, STV Mansion, 298 Weihai Road
Shanghai 200041
P.R. China
(Please specify on the envelope “Not for commercial use-for cultural exchange purposes
Article 8
1. For the convenience of the international judges, films subtitled in English must be provided
and the complete English script must be provided to SIFF.
2. All the application documents, including DVD, will NOT be returned to the participants.
Please make sure you keep a copy before sending.
3. The participant shall not withdraw his/her film for any reasons if he/she confirms an invitation
from SIFF.
4. NO entry fee will be charged for the selection process.
Article 9
1. Directors whose films have been selected or awarded (one director for each film) will be
invited to participate in other activities in MOBILE SIFF and SIFF, including the Film Forum
and the Master Class thereof, the award ceremonies of MOBILE SIFF and Asian New
Talent Award.
2. SIFF will provide complimentary accommodation (four nights) during MOBILE SIFF for the
directors whose films have been nominated.
3. The invitation by the Organizing Committee is only effective to the person so invited. In case
of any change please contact the Organizing Committee.
4. Absence from the award ceremony of the MOBILE SIFF shall be deemed as a waiver of the
award bonus.
Article 10
Upon receiving nomination notice from SIFF, the selected finalists should send an additional copy in
High-definition to SIFF for official screening purposes. The screening copy must arrive at the
Organizing Committee office no later than June 1st, 2014.
Article 11
1. In order to promote the films in competition, all the application materials, including plot
summary, photos and posts etc., will be published in MOBILE SIFF’s journal or other
relevant promotional materials, including but not limited to the official website of MOBILE
2. The participants shall be liable for the authenticity of their application materials and the
originality of films. The Organizing Committee will not be liable and the participants shall
assume all liability in case of any infringement arising from the abovementioned materials,
3. The Organizing Committee will keep in touch with the participants mainly by email, so
please make sure your contact information is valid.
Article 12
1. For purpose of competition, all the nominated films will be released on the official website of
MOBILE SIFF in mobile device for people to watch on their mobile phones.
2. The participants agree that, from the date their application is confirmed by the
Organizing Committee, they authorize the Organizing Committee of SIFF to broadcast
(including sublicense)their films in any medias. The license is valid until July 31st,
3. When the authorization period ends, the viewing link will be immediately removed from the
official website.
4. The participants agree that, the Organizing Committee of SIFF may make trailers of their
films for broadcast on websites, TV, Mobile, or other media, for promotion purposes.
Article 13
The participants shall independently be liable for copyright matters related to all the materials
(including but not limited to music) used in the films. In case of any legal dispute arising therefrom,
the participants shall be fully liable.
Article 14
Upon registration for participation in MOBILE SIFF, it shall be deemed that you have acknowledged
and accepted this Regulation. The producers, distributors or relevant organizations submitting the
films are obligated to ensure that approval has been obtained from the copyright owner of such films,
and they have the right to submit the films to MOBILE SIFF, failing which such producers,
distributors or relevant organizations shall be fully liable for any dispute arising therefrom.
Article 15
Subject to the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter, for purpose of this
Regulation, excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao), the ultimate right of explanation of this
Regulation belongs to the Organizing Committee of MOBILE SIFF, an event of the Shanghai
International Film Festival. If any disputes arise from the short movies submitted to SIFF, it shall be
submitted Shanghai International Arbitration Center for arbitration and the laws and regulations of
the People’s Republic of China shall be applied.
SETTLEMENT MEASURES of Mobile SIFF on the revenue related to the
Licensed Work
The Licensors grants Mobile SIFF to broadcast the licensed work in accordance with
LETTER OF AUTHORITY, and confirms to obtain the revenue generated from the
broadcasting of the licensed work as follows:
1、 手机用户可通过访问中国移动运营商的产品内容服务站点,以点播短片的方式观看授权作品。每次有效观看,由手机电影节付给授权人人民币0.1元(含税)。授权人同意将根据本办法获得手机收益,放弃除手机收益以外的根据授权书播放授权作品产生的其他收益(如有)。
The mobile phone users may watch the licensed work by visiting the content
service website of China mobile operator. The licensor will be paid RMB 0.1 Yuan
for every valid watching for his or her licensed work The Licensor agrees to
obtain the mobile phone revenue according to these Measures and shall not
claim for any revenue other than mobile phone revenue generated from the
broadcasting of the Licensed work in accordance with LETTER OF AUTHORITY (if
2、 结算金额不足600元人民币(税前)的,则授权人不收取授权人收益。
The Licensor will not obtain any Licenor’s revenue if the mobile phone revenue
is less than RMB 600 before deducting the taxes.
3、 手机电影节将在结算日期内,以书面函件或电子邮件的形式,通知授权人结算依据和结果。授权人确认结算依据和结果无误后,与手机电影节签署结算协议。结算协议签署后10个工作日内,手机电影节将授权人应得收益支付至授权人书面指定的银行账户。中国境内授权人提供人民币账户;境外授权人须按承担手机电影节国际结算支付的银行要求提供银行账户的详细信息。
The Mobile SIFF will inform the Licensor of the outcome and credential of
settlement in the form of written letter or email before the final day of settlement.
The Licensor will sign the settlement agreement after he or she confirms that the
outcome and the credential of settlement is correct. The Mobile SIFF will pay
Licensor’s revenue to the bank account appointed by the Licensor in writing. The
Licensor from the People’s Republic of China (hereafter, for the purpose of these
Measures, excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) shall provide RMB account.
The Licensor outside of the People’s Republic of China shall provide the detailed
information of the bank account according to the requests of the bank who will
oblige to proceed the international settlement for the Mobile SIFF.
4、 授权人收益包含了授权作品的作者及为授权作品作出贡献的人的收益,任何第三方不得在就授权作品的播放向手机电影节组委会主张任何收益。
Licensor’s revenue includes the revenue of the author and any persons or
entities that made contributions to the Licensed work and any parties other than
the Licensor shall not claim for any revenue from the broadcasting of the
Licensed work to Mobile SIFF.
5、 结算日期:2014年10月15日至2014年12月15日。
Settlement date: 2014/10/15-2014/12/15
6、 结算货币为人民币。
The currency of the settlement will be RMB.
7、 授权人收益应缴纳的相关税费由手机电影节代扣代缴。境外授权人自行承担因国际结算汇款引至的金融机构相关费用。授权人收益按照支付日中国人民银行等额外币金额兑换。
The personal income tax charged from Licensor’s revenue will be paid on behalf
of the Licensor by Mobile SIFF. The Licensor outside of the People’s Republic of
China will bear the cost which is caused by the international settlement transfer.
The licensor’s revenue will be exchanged according to the foreign exchange
quotation of People’s Bank of China on the day of settlement.
Film’s Chinese Title:
Film’s English Title:
Film No.:
Submission Date:
I (the company) am the copyright owner or agent of the aforesaid film (hereinafter
referred to as the “Licensed Work”). I own or have the right to manage the Licensed
Work, and have the right to grant a third party to use the Licensed Work.
I (the company) declare that I have read and understood in full all the terms of the
REGULATION of Mobile Film Festival of the Shanghai International Film Festival
(hereinafter referred to as “Mobile SIFF”) and SETTLEMENT MEASURES of Mobile
SIFF on the revenue related to Licensed Work on MOBILE SIFF’s official website
as an effective appendix to this Letter.
I hereby agree to grant the host of Mobile SIFF (hereinafter referred to as the
“Licensee”) the following rights and obtain the revenue according to SETTLEMENT
MEASURES of Mobile SIFF on the revenue related to Licensed Work:
授予权利: 非独家广播权及信息网络传播权,可转授权
Licensed Right:
non-exclusive right of broadcast and right of information
network dissemination, including sublicense.
Licensed Platform: including but not limited to Internet and Local Area Network of
which the output terminal is computer, visualized Mobile end
devices, mobile TV (wireless value-added services) and
Licensed Form:
the existing and future developed broadcasting form,
including but not limited to live broadcast, VOD and rolling
From 2014/1/1 to 2014/07/31
Licensed Term:
I guarantee that the rights and interests I have enjoyed related to the Licensed Work
are legitimate and undisputable, and I will be liable independently for any defects in
copyright related to Licensed Work.
I confirm that this Letter is executed in Chinese and English. If there are any
discrepancies (discrepancies are defined as “the understanding differences of the
words and numbers in this Letter caused by the differences of languages, culture and
customs”) between Chinese and English, the Chinese shall prevail. This Letter is
executed, interpreted and performed according to the laws and regulations of the
People’s Republic of China.
1、REGULATION of Mobile SIFF of the 17th Shanghai International Film Festival
2、SETTLEMENT MEASURES of Mobile SIFF on the income related to Licensed Work
Authorizer (Signature/ Stamp):
Passport/Company registration No.:
1. 手机电影节短片比赛共设3个类别:故事短片、动画短片和纪录短片。
2. 组委会将在报名参赛的短片中选择故事短片15部,动画短片和纪录短片各5部,进入最后的决赛环节。
3. 入围名单将在手机电影节的官方网站()上予以公布。
4. 电影节邀请国内外电影专家组成手机电影节国际评选委员会,对入围的短片进行评选,评选的最终结果在手机电影节颁奖典礼上当众揭晓。评委不能与参赛短片的制作或商业开发有关。
5. 评委会将评出下列奖项:
1. 所有报名者须首先通过手机电影节官方网站注册登陆后,完成在线报名。报名截止期是2014年4月30日。
2. 所有报名参赛参展短片的样片,需达到标清或高清标准,以DVD为存储介质,寄送至上海国际电影节办公室。
3. 报名者根据要求的图片尺寸上传一张导演照片和多张剧照,并授权组委会将这些照片用于手机电影节短片评选单元的宣传,图片最低清晰度:1280*960 dpi。
4. 报名者完成在线报名后,组委会将通过电子邮件回复给报名者一份授权书。报名者在收到授权书后,须将其打印并签字确认,然后连同存储短片的DVD一起寄至上海国际电影节办公室(每部作品只需寄一份DVD)。
1. 非英语对白的短片,送片方必需提供配有英文字幕的短片。
2. 所有的申请文件,包括DVD将不会返还给报名者。请务必在寄送之前做好备份。
3. 报名者一旦正式确认接受上海国际电影节邀请,即不得以任何理由擅自撤回已入选手机电影节参赛或参展的短片。
1. 组委会将邀请入围短片比赛的导演或演员(每部作品限一位,若最佳导演与最佳演员来自同一部作品,则邀请导演与演员同时来上海参加手机电影节颁奖礼)参加手机电影节各项活动,以及上海国际电影节的电影论坛,电影大师班、亚洲新人奖颁奖晚会等。
2. 组委会将向受邀的入围导演或演员提供手机电影节期间四个晚上的住宿。
3. 组委会邀请只对被邀请本人有效。
4. 获奖者如缺席手机电影节的颁奖仪式,将被视为自动放弃奖金。
1. 报名者所有的报名资料,包括故事梗概、照片、剧照等,将会被刊登在手机电影节会刊或相关的宣传资料中,包括但不仅限于手机电影节官方网站和会刊。
2. 报名者本人将对所有报名资料的真实性和短片的原创性负责。如由此引发的任何侵权事件发生,组委会不承担任何责任。
3. 报名者应确保申请表中的联系信息真实并有效。
1. 所有入围参赛参展短片都将在手机电影节的官方网站上公布,并允许观众通过链接在手机上观看。
2. 报名者同意,自短片报名成功之日起,授权上海国际电影节组委会对其报名短片享有播出权(含转授权),授权期至2014年7月31日止。
3. 授权期结束,组委会将取消其作品的播放链接。
4. 报名者同意授权组委会剪辑其作品,用于制作手机电影节宣传片,在网络、电视、手机等媒体播放。
Article 1
This Regulation covers participants in MOBILE SIFF, an event of the Shanghai International Film
Article 2
Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) was ratified by the State Council of China, and is one of
the FIAPF-accredited non-specialized competitive worldwide film festivals. MOBILE SIFF focuses on
multi-layered and multi-angled explorations of new directors. It aims to exhibit short movies of high
quality in order to enhance exchange and cooperation between China and the rest of the world, and
explore new broadcasting media outlets for the short movies.
Article 3
Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) is held every June in Shanghai.
The 17th Shanghai International Film Festival will be held from June 14th (Sat.) to June 22nd (Sun.),
2014. The Mobile SIFF will be held from June 16th to June 19th.
Article 4
The Organizing Committee of SIFF will select short movies from the applicants for the competition
and screening in MOBILE SIFF.
Short movies for the MOBILE SIFF should be no longer than 30 minutes.
Article 5
1. There are three competition categories: Feature, Animation and Documentary.
2. The Organizing Committee of SIFF will choose 15 short movies from Feature, 5 short
movies from Animation and 5 short movies from Documentary, 25 short movies in total, to
join in the final International Competition of MOBILE SIFF.
3. The nomination list for the International Competition will be announced on the official
website of Mobile SIFF ().
4. International Competition: the Organizing Committee will invite three internationally
recognized film experts to form a jury, who will assess the 25 short movies that have entered
the International Competition, and the winning short movies will be determined by a jury vote.
The Jury should have no relationship with the nominated short movies.
5. For International Competition, the Organizing Committee will select one winner for each of
the following awards:
Grand Short
Best Director
Best Script-writer
Best Performing
Best Feature
Best Animation
Best Documentary
Jury Special Award
People’s Choice Award
A certificate, a trophy and a bonus will be awarded to each winner.
Article 6
The Organizing Committee will select a certain amount of high quality short movies from the
submitted short movies to organize screening events in the cinema in Shanghai during the Shanghai
International Film Festival.
Article 7
1. All participants must first register at the official website of MOBILE SIFF, at
, and complete on-line registration. The deadline for entry is April 30th,
2. All applicants should send a DVD to the organizing committee’s office in standard or high
definition format.
3. Meanwhile, please upload one or more photo(s) of the director and stills of the film
according to the unified size required by the Organizing Committee. The latter has the right
to apply such photos and stills in the promotion of MOBILE SIFF. The minimum request on
the photo resolution is: 1280*960 dpi.
4. After registering online, competitors should sign a letter of authority and mail it back to the
Organizing Committee with shorts in DVD (one copy for each film). The film will not be
qualified for competition until the DVD is received.
Mailing Address:
WANG Xiaozhao
11/F, B, STV Mansion, 298 Weihai Road
Shanghai 200041
P.R. China
(Please specify on the envelope “Not for commercial use-for cultural exchange purposes
Article 8
1. For the convenience of the international judges, films subtitled in English must be provided
and the complete English script must be provided to SIFF.
2. All the application documents, including DVD, will NOT be returned to the participants.
Please make sure you keep a copy before sending.
3. The participant shall not withdraw his/her film for any reasons if he/she confirms an invitation
from SIFF.
4. NO entry fee will be charged for the selection process.
Article 9
1. Directors whose films have been selected or awarded (one director for each film) will be
invited to participate in other activities in MOBILE SIFF and SIFF, including the Film Forum
and the Master Class thereof, the award ceremonies of MOBILE SIFF and Asian New
Talent Award.
2. SIFF will provide complimentary accommodation (four nights) during MOBILE SIFF for the
directors whose films have been nominated.
3. The invitation by the Organizing Committee is only effective to the person so invited. In case
of any change please contact the Organizing Committee.
4. Absence from the award ceremony of the MOBILE SIFF shall be deemed as a waiver of the
award bonus.
Article 10
Upon receiving nomination notice from SIFF, the selected finalists should send an additional copy in
High-definition to SIFF for official screening purposes. The screening copy must arrive at the
Organizing Committee office no later than June 1st, 2014.
Article 11
1. In order to promote the films in competition, all the application materials, including plot
summary, photos and posts etc., will be published in MOBILE SIFF’s journal or other
relevant promotional materials, including but not limited to the official website of MOBILE
2. The participants shall be liable for the authenticity of their application materials and the
originality of films. The Organizing Committee will not be liable and the participants shall
assume all liability in case of any infringement arising from the abovementioned materials,
3. The Organizing Committee will keep in touch with the participants mainly by email, so
please make sure your contact information is valid.
Article 12
1. For purpose of competition, all the nominated films will be released on the official website of
MOBILE SIFF in mobile device for people to watch on their mobile phones.
2. The participants agree that, from the date their application is confirmed by the
Organizing Committee, they authorize the Organizing Committee of SIFF to broadcast
(including sublicense)their films in any medias. The license is valid until July 31st,
3. When the authorization period ends, the viewing link will be immediately removed from the
official website.
4. The participants agree that, the Organizing Committee of SIFF may make trailers of their
films for broadcast on websites, TV, Mobile, or other media, for promotion purposes.
Article 13
The participants shall independently be liable for copyright matters related to all the materials
(including but not limited to music) used in the films. In case of any legal dispute arising therefrom,
the participants shall be fully liable.
Article 14
Upon registration for participation in MOBILE SIFF, it shall be deemed that you have acknowledged
and accepted this Regulation. The producers, distributors or relevant organizations submitting the
films are obligated to ensure that approval has been obtained from the copyright owner of such films,
and they have the right to submit the films to MOBILE SIFF, failing which such producers,
distributors or relevant organizations shall be fully liable for any dispute arising therefrom.
Article 15
Subject to the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter, for purpose of this
Regulation, excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao), the ultimate right of explanation of this
Regulation belongs to the Organizing Committee of MOBILE SIFF, an event of the Shanghai
International Film Festival. If any disputes arise from the short movies submitted to SIFF, it shall be
submitted Shanghai International Arbitration Center for arbitration and the laws and regulations of
the People’s Republic of China shall be applied.
SETTLEMENT MEASURES of Mobile SIFF on the revenue related to the
Licensed Work
The Licensors grants Mobile SIFF to broadcast the licensed work in accordance with
LETTER OF AUTHORITY, and confirms to obtain the revenue generated from the
broadcasting of the licensed work as follows:
1、 手机用户可通过访问中国移动运营商的产品内容服务站点,以点播短片的方式观看授权作品。每次有效观看,由手机电影节付给授权人人民币0.1元(含税)。授权人同意将根据本办法获得手机收益,放弃除手机收益以外的根据授权书播放授权作品产生的其他收益(如有)。
The mobile phone users may watch the licensed work by visiting the content
service website of China mobile operator. The licensor will be paid RMB 0.1 Yuan
for every valid watching for his or her licensed work The Licensor agrees to
obtain the mobile phone revenue according to these Measures and shall not
claim for any revenue other than mobile phone revenue generated from the
broadcasting of the Licensed work in accordance with LETTER OF AUTHORITY (if
2、 结算金额不足600元人民币(税前)的,则授权人不收取授权人收益。
The Licensor will not obtain any Licenor’s revenue if the mobile phone revenue
is less than RMB 600 before deducting the taxes.
3、 手机电影节将在结算日期内,以书面函件或电子邮件的形式,通知授权人结算依据和结果。授权人确认结算依据和结果无误后,与手机电影节签署结算协议。结算协议签署后10个工作日内,手机电影节将授权人应得收益支付至授权人书面指定的银行账户。中国境内授权人提供人民币账户;境外授权人须按承担手机电影节国际结算支付的银行要求提供银行账户的详细信息。
The Mobile SIFF will inform the Licensor of the outcome and credential of
settlement in the form of written letter or email before the final day of settlement.
The Licensor will sign the settlement agreement after he or she confirms that the
outcome and the credential of settlement is correct. The Mobile SIFF will pay
Licensor’s revenue to the bank account appointed by the Licensor in writing. The
Licensor from the People’s Republic of China (hereafter, for the purpose of these
Measures, excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) shall provide RMB account.
The Licensor outside of the People’s Republic of China shall provide the detailed
information of the bank account according to the requests of the bank who will
oblige to proceed the international settlement for the Mobile SIFF.
4、 授权人收益包含了授权作品的作者及为授权作品作出贡献的人的收益,任何第三方不得在就授权作品的播放向手机电影节组委会主张任何收益。
Licensor’s revenue includes the revenue of the author and any persons or
entities that made contributions to the Licensed work and any parties other than
the Licensor shall not claim for any revenue from the broadcasting of the
Licensed work to Mobile SIFF.
5、 结算日期:2014年10月15日至2014年12月15日。
Settlement date: 2014/10/15-2014/12/15
6、 结算货币为人民币。
The currency of the settlement will be RMB.
7、 授权人收益应缴纳的相关税费由手机电影节代扣代缴。境外授权人自行承担因国际结算汇款引至的金融机构相关费用。授权人收益按照支付日中国人民银行等额外币金额兑换。
The personal income tax charged from Licensor’s revenue will be paid on behalf
of the Licensor by Mobile SIFF. The Licensor outside of the People’s Republic of
China will bear the cost which is caused by the international settlement transfer.
The licensor’s revenue will be exchanged according to the foreign exchange
quotation of People’s Bank of China on the day of settlement.