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PSP2000 PSP3000破解使用方法 PSP2000 psp3000 unscramble method

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PSP2000 V3 PSP3000 5.03 破解使用方法

1:放入破解的程序卡――开机――主机设定(System Settings)――恢复初始设定(Restore Default Settings)――按提示――按确定;PSP会自动重启――十字键按多次向右-直到尽头――按确定;


Photo(图片)――Memory Stick(内存卡)――按确定-稍等――待图片全部出现,右下角的Options图标消失后,马上按十字键下方键,让图片滚动到最底部,然后马上按十字键的上键;运气好的话,PSP会闪屏重启,否则死机就要拔掉电池,重新装上电池,重新启PSP――重新运行第二步――直到会闪屏重启为止;

3:Game ―― Memory Stick,运行CFW Loader 3.60的程序――按提示按确定――PSP会自动回到桌面――成功;

4:System Settings――System Language-选择语言―-按确定:;

5:待机关机――换上有游戏的记忆卡――开机――有游戏内存卡(Memory Stick)――进入及运行游戏――破解完成;

6:安装补丁1――Game(游戏)――Memory Stick(内存卡)――运行5.03 GEN-C ,按确定进入,马上同时按住“ L R

X ”3个键,进入菜单,按提示不断按“X”,之后就会重新回到桌面,补丁安装完成。

7: 安装补丁2 ——再安装普罗米修斯补丁-- Game(游戏)――Memory Stick(内存卡)――运行5.03 Prometheus---进按提示---不断按“X” 键,待机器重新回到桌面就安装完这个补丁了。

8:安装签名补丁:一键刷机补丁——以后只要运行这个补丁,就不用进行 1---7 这样繁琐的刷机步骤了;只要您的PSP以前刷过 1----7 步骤的,就可以运行这个软件,实行一键破解了。但是如果您的PSP主机仍是5.03官方系统,并且从未刷过机,那么你的PSP主机必须要成功刷过机器(1----7)才能直接运行该一键刷机程序;



PSP2000/ psp3000 unscramble method

1: Insert the programme card-- switch on psp -- system settings-- Restore Default Settings --

press register/ tips-- press confirm/ OK; after that, your psp will be restart, and also then it restart at

the same time pls press the cross button several time of the right side, till to the end-- press confirm/


2: Following procedure must be in English to precess:

Photo -- Memory Stick -- Press confirm/ OK -- waiting--when all photoes are

be showed, the lower right corner " Options" logo will disappear, at the moment pls press "Down "button

of the cross button, make the photo roll to the end ot menu, and then pls press "UP" button of the cross

button, if all smoothly, PSP will be lighting and restart, otherwise no reaction of your PSP then you need

to unplug the battery. Replug your battery again, restart PSP by yourself, and reset the second ( 2.)

step till the PSP will be lighting and restart automatic.

3:Game—Memory Stick, running the programme of CFW loader 3.60-- according

mention press confirm/ OK-- PSP will back to the desktop-- finished.

4:System Settings-- System Language-- Press confirm/ OK

5:Switch off PSP, insert the memory card which it had included games, swith on--PSP-- game-- memory

stick-- running games-- finished unscramble.

6: Install the patch--Enter Game Menu--Memory Stick--Run the program named 5.03 GEN-C,once it

enter, hold the three button "L" "R" "X" together to enter the menu, follow the guide and press "X" to

confirm until it back to the main menu. The patch will be installed completely.

Remark: Pls switch off your PSP when you are not playing that.

Games name only can be read by English, can't be in Chinese, but the

music and movie are not by language limitation.

Prohibited upgrade PSP version ( over the original 5.03 version).

Huigaowei Games & Accessories Tel:+86 (020) 61102733 E-mail: huigaowei@

Add: Booth 097, 2A, Onelink International Plaza, NO. 39, Jiefang South Road, Guangzhou,



PSP2000 V3 PSP3000 5.03 破解使用方法

1:放入破解的程序卡――开机――主机设定(System Settings)――恢复初始设定(Restore Default Settings)――按提示――按确定;PSP会自动重启――十字键按多次向右-直到尽头――按确定;


Photo(图片)――Memory Stick(内存卡)――按确定-稍等――待图片全部出现,右下角的Options图标消失后,马上按十字键下方键,让图片滚动到最底部,然后马上按十字键的上键;运气好的话,PSP会闪屏重启,否则死机就要拔掉电池,重新装上电池,重新启PSP――重新运行第二步――直到会闪屏重启为止;

3:Game ―― Memory Stick,运行CFW Loader 3.60的程序――按提示按确定――PSP会自动回到桌面――成功;

4:System Settings――System Language-选择语言―-按确定:;

5:待机关机――换上有游戏的记忆卡――开机――有游戏内存卡(Memory Stick)――进入及运行游戏――破解完成;

6:安装补丁1――Game(游戏)――Memory Stick(内存卡)――运行5.03 GEN-C ,按确定进入,马上同时按住“ L R

X ”3个键,进入菜单,按提示不断按“X”,之后就会重新回到桌面,补丁安装完成。

7: 安装补丁2 ——再安装普罗米修斯补丁-- Game(游戏)――Memory Stick(内存卡)――运行5.03 Prometheus---进按提示---不断按“X” 键,待机器重新回到桌面就安装完这个补丁了。

8:安装签名补丁:一键刷机补丁——以后只要运行这个补丁,就不用进行 1---7 这样繁琐的刷机步骤了;只要您的PSP以前刷过 1----7 步骤的,就可以运行这个软件,实行一键破解了。但是如果您的PSP主机仍是5.03官方系统,并且从未刷过机,那么你的PSP主机必须要成功刷过机器(1----7)才能直接运行该一键刷机程序;



PSP2000/ psp3000 unscramble method

1: Insert the programme card-- switch on psp -- system settings-- Restore Default Settings --

press register/ tips-- press confirm/ OK; after that, your psp will be restart, and also then it restart at

the same time pls press the cross button several time of the right side, till to the end-- press confirm/


2: Following procedure must be in English to precess:

Photo -- Memory Stick -- Press confirm/ OK -- waiting--when all photoes are

be showed, the lower right corner " Options" logo will disappear, at the moment pls press "Down "button

of the cross button, make the photo roll to the end ot menu, and then pls press "UP" button of the cross

button, if all smoothly, PSP will be lighting and restart, otherwise no reaction of your PSP then you need

to unplug the battery. Replug your battery again, restart PSP by yourself, and reset the second ( 2.)

step till the PSP will be lighting and restart automatic.

3:Game—Memory Stick, running the programme of CFW loader 3.60-- according

mention press confirm/ OK-- PSP will back to the desktop-- finished.

4:System Settings-- System Language-- Press confirm/ OK

5:Switch off PSP, insert the memory card which it had included games, swith on--PSP-- game-- memory

stick-- running games-- finished unscramble.

6: Install the patch--Enter Game Menu--Memory Stick--Run the program named 5.03 GEN-C,once it

enter, hold the three button "L" "R" "X" together to enter the menu, follow the guide and press "X" to

confirm until it back to the main menu. The patch will be installed completely.

Remark: Pls switch off your PSP when you are not playing that.

Games name only can be read by English, can't be in Chinese, but the

music and movie are not by language limitation.

Prohibited upgrade PSP version ( over the original 5.03 version).

Huigaowei Games & Accessories Tel:+86 (020) 61102733 E-mail: huigaowei@

Add: Booth 097, 2A, Onelink International Plaza, NO. 39, Jiefang South Road, Guangzhou,



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