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ConfidentialMicro Dot PrinterM-150IISpecificationSTANDARDRev. Copied DateCopied by , ,SEIKO EPSON CORPORATIONMATSUMOTO MINAMI PLANT2070 KOTOBUKI KOAKA, MATSUMOTO-SHI, NAGANO, 399-8702 JAPANPHONE(0263)86-5353 FAX(0263)86-9923

ConfidentialREVISION SHEETSheet 1 of 2The table below indicates which pages in this specification have been reading this specification, be sure you have the correct version of each onsRev.--12ABDocumentEnactmentChangeChangeChangeChangeDesign SectionWRTTezukaTezukaTezukaSheet Rev. amaiAokiNaritaArai1234567891BBBAAAABAAAAAAATITLEFront PartM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)copeGeneralDescriptionTable ofContentsContentsAppendixTotal12


ConfidentialREVISION SHEETSheet 2 of 2REV.1SHEET1CHANGED CONTENTS1.3 Print Speed

“Print condition” is added.“44,5mm”, was

“45mm”1.5 Paper Paper width is

1.11 Print solenoid

“Terminal voltage” is changed.2.3 Ribbon cassette

“Life” is added.

“Print condition

“ is added.2.6 2) Wave form, Phase

“TYP.0.6ms” is added.

“MIN. 0.2ms” is added.2.8 Print solenoid

“Terminal voltage” is changed. 3) Current

“Current value” is

“3A”, was

“2.5A”. 8) Spark Killer

“Prepared by the customer side refer the circuit and case design recommendations.”Note: Note 1 is

“t1 =t2

≤ 50

µs”, was

“t1 =t2

≤ 28

µs”.Column number is

“1 column, 2 column, 3 column --- from left side”, was

“1 column, 2column, --- from right side”.2.11

“Overall Dimensions” is changed.“Attached Table 1” is added.2.6 2) Pulse Wave form, Phase

“MAX 2.5 ms” is added.2.7 2)

“stopping at abnormality” is added.2.8 9)

“protection of Solenoid at abnormality” is 2.5 ms is pages are re-formatted due to add the

“Confidential” in the header.2.5 1) Timing Pulse

“threshold level to be 0

± 0.1 V”, was

“threshold level to be 0

± 1 V”2.5 2) Output Waveform Sample circuit is deleted.2.7 1) Driving and Stopping Sample circuit is of Contents1.16 Weight

→ 1.16 Mass1.3 Print Speed1 l/s

→ 1 lps (lps: lines per second)1.16 Weight

→ 1.16 MassIn Figure [Units: mm] (added)2.8 Print Solenoid3 mj/dot

→ 3 mJ/dot46893,12,13141562A89All56IV1238BTITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)

ConfidentialPoints You Must Observe To Assure Product SafetyIn order to assure the safe operation of this product, carefully observe thespecifications as well as the notes provided Epson Corporation will not bear any responsibility for any damage orinjuries arising from use of this product that is not in accordance with thespecifications and the notes provided r Control Precautions1. Absolute Maximum voltage1) Printer driver voltage: 5 VDC(Apply to the print solenoid, and motor.)2) Detector input voltage: 20 VDC(Apply to the reset sensor.) designing drive circuitry for solenoids, motors, magnets, and other electrical parts, alwaysprovide for proper energizing time limit control and include overcurrent protection.1) MotorThe motor is DC brush motors which can be short-circuited and must there fore be protectedusing a fuse that is properly matched to the power supply.2) Print solenoidThe energizing time must not always exceed 1 second.3) Reset sensorThe input voltage must not exceed the maximum rating of the Precautions•Because the print head can become very hot, it must not be exposed in such a way that it can ng the print head could cause burns.•The case must be designed so that movable parts such as gears, etc., are not ng moving parts could cause a laceration or other -150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETAIIIII


PLEASERETURN THIS DOCUMENT IMMEDIATELY IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE document contains confidential, proprietary information of Seiko Epson Corporation or its must keep such information confidential. If the user is a business entity or organization, you mustlimit disclosure to your employees, agents, and contractors who have a need to know and who are alsobound by obligations of the earlier of (a) termination of your relationship with Seiko Epson, or (b) Seiko Epson's request, youmust stop using the confidential information. You must then return or destroy the information, asdirected by Seiko a court, arbitrator, government agency or the like orders you to disclose any confidential information,you must immediately notify Seiko Epson. You agree to give Seiko Epson reasonable cooperation andassistance in the may use confidential information only for the purpose of operating or servicing the products to whichthe document relates, unless you obtain the prior written consent of Seiko Epson for some other Epson warrants that it has the right to disclose the confidential information. SEIKO EPSONMAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES CONCERNING THE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OR ANYOTHER INFORMATION IN THE DOCUMENT, INCLUDING (WITHOUT LIMITATION) ANYWARRANTY OF TITLE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Seiko Epson has no liability for loss or damagearising from or relating to your use of or reliance on the information in the may not reproduce, store, or transmit the confidential information in any form or by any means(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission ofSeiko obligations under this Agreement are in addition to any other legal obligations. Seiko Epson doesnot waive any right under this Agreement by failing to exercise it. The laws of Japan apply to document shall apply only to the product(s) identified part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form orby any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior writtenpermission of Seiko Epson contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Please contact us for the every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, Seiko Epson Corporationassumes no responsibility for errors or r is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained r Seiko Epson Corporation nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or thirdparties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by the purchaser or third parties as a result of:accident, misuse, or abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to thisproduct, or (excluding the U.S.) failure to strictly comply with Seiko Epson Corporation's operating andmaintenance Epson Corporation shall not be liable against any damages or problems arising from the use ofany options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original EPSON Products orEPSON Approved Products by Seiko Epson arksEPSON® is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson l Notice: Other product and company names used herein are for identification purposes only and maybe trademarks of their respective -150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETAIIIIIIII

ConfidentialSummaryM-150II is the mechanical dot printer, whose Print Head consists of 4 Print Solenoids laying horizontallyand moves for 24 dots horizontally. Print Head which moves horizontally prints unidirectionally as eachPrint Solenoid of it is energized in Print Head return, paper is fed for 1 pitch automatically. By repetition of this dot line printing andpaper feed desired Print Format can be is characterized by the following features: dot -side, Light weight (60 g) and Super thin thickness (12.8 mm)3.44.5 mm width normal -Cd Battery priceTITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETAIVIIIIV

ConfidentialTable of Contents1. 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.11.6 11.10 11.11 11.21.13 Ambient 32.1 32.2 42.3 42.42.5 52.6 62.62.8 .82.9 .102.10 .112.11 14Attached Table 1 15TITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETBA1IVV

Confidential1. GENERAL SPECIFCATIONS1.1 Printing MethodImpact Dot Matrix Printer1.2 Printing Format1)Number of Total Dot:2)Number of Column:Max. 96 dots/1 dot lineMax. 16 columns(In case of 5

× 7 dot matrix and 1 dot column space)1.3 Print Speed1)1 Dot Line:2)5

× 7 dot Matrix:(3 dots line space)Approximately 100 ms (continuous printing, 4.5 VDC, 25°C)Approximately 1 lps (continuous printing, 4.5 VDC, 25°C)(lps: lines per second)1.4 Character Size1)Dot Space :2)5

× 7 Dot Matrix:Horizontal 0.35 mmVertical 0.35 mm1.8 (W)

× 2.5 (H) mm1.5 Paper44.5 mm width woodfree paper1.6 Paper FeedPaper is fed automatically per dot line. With a manual feed knob (option).1.7 InkingRibbon CassetteRibbon is fed automatically during Motor revolution.1.8 Motor1)Terminal Voltage:2)Mean Current:4.5 +0.5/–0.7 VDCApproximately 0.17 A (4.5 VDC, 25°C)1.9 Timing DetectorTachometer−Generator (directly connected with motor)1.10 Reset DetectorReed-Switch1.11 Print Solenoid1)Terminal Voltage:4 columns / sol.

× 4 pcs. of solenoids4.5 +0.5/–1.2 VDCNOTE:Print Solenoid terminal voltage and Motor terminal voltageshould satisfy the voltage relationship which is shown in item2.8.1.)2)Ohmic Resistance:1.5

± 0.15

Ω (at 25°C)EPSONTITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETAB21

Confidential1.12 Connection1)Printer side:2)Circuit side:P.C. Board with 2.54 mm pitch copper leaf pattern that is fixed onprinter or Lead wires1.13 Ambient Temperature Operating0 to 50°C1.14 ReliabilityMCBF 5

× 10 limes51.15 Dimensions73.2 (W)

× 42.6 (D)

× 12.8 (H) mm1.16 MassApproximately 60 gEPSONTITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETBA32

Confidential2. DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS2.1 Print FormatPrint Head consists of 4 Print Solenoids (A. B. C. D) which are laid horizontally. Print Head moves toright direction from left side on stand-by condition. Moving amount of Print Head is 24 dots per PrintSolenoid. One dot line is formed by energizing Print Solenoid one by one as Print Head is of total dots per dot line is 96 dots (24 dots

× 4 Print Solenoids)1)5

× 7 Dot MatrixDivide 24 dots which one Print Solenoid is printable into four equal parts. And 6 dots in one part areused as one column; That is 5 dots for printing and one dot for column space. Accordingly one dot lineis formed of 96 dots which are divided into 16 parts and 5

× 7 dot matrix character can be got byrepeating 7 times in the direction of paper feed. Number of columns is 16.(5+1)

× 16 = 96 dots/1 dot lineColumnPrint ASolenoidB0.35CD0.352.51.80.3Column space 1 dot1.8[Units: mm]SHEETREVISION1.0Line space 3 EETM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)AB43

Confidential2.2 Paper Feed1)One dot line Feed:2)Space Feed:3)Paper Free Mechanism:4)Manual Paper Feed Knob:Paper is fed automatically for 0.35 mm (one pitch) when Print Head isreturned to left from right space feed is done by feeding one dot line can be pulled out forward when the printer is in the halted 2.3 Ribbon Cassette1)Color:2)Dimensions:3)Life:Purple or BlackApproximately 74 (W)

× 25 (D)

× 7 (H) mmPurple Approximately 1

× 10 lines (4.5 VDC 25°C continuous printing)3Black Approximately 7

× 10 lines (4.5 VDC 25°C continuous printing)(Life test is done with print mode in Attached Table 1.)EPSON ERC-0544)Parts number:2.4 Paper1)Kind:2)Width:3)Diameter:4)Thickness:5)Basis weight:Woodfree paper44.5

± 0.5 mmMax.

φ50 mmApproximately 0.07 mm52.3 g/m (141 b/ 500 sheet /17

× 22")2EPSONTITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETA54

Confidential2.5 Timing DetectorTiming Detector is tachometer-generator that is directly connected with motor. Detector generates 168output signals per dot line; 96 output signals correspond to dot position of Print Head and 72 outputsignals correspond to Print Head return. These output signals are arranged in a pulse wave form onthe customer side, and are used as Timing Pulse.1)Timing Pulse:2)Output WaveformTiming Pulses should be obtained for threshold level to be 0

± 0.1 V ofTiming Detector output s the signal to be generated by the customer ITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETA65

Confidential2.6 Reset DetectorReset Detector has Lead-switch that makes at each time of dot lines. Reset Detector output signal isused as Reset Signal which denotes standard position of dot position at each time of print cycles.1)Rating:VoltageCurrentInstantaneous power2.85 – 20 VDC20

µA – 1 mA5 mW or less (Resistance load)2)Pulse waveform, s the signal to be generated by the customer motor steady driving (except for period from motor starting to generation of Resetsignal R1)2.7 Motor1)Driving and StoppingThe motor is in the halted state when the printer is in the stand-by state (i.e., non-printing condition).Application of electric brake to quickly stop the motor must be performed by interrupting Motor Drivesignal within 0.5 ms after the leading edge of Reset signal Rn (Rn is R10 in case of 5

× 7 dot matrix and 3dots line space.), and applying the Motor stop signal more than 100 ms, and short-circuiting a cross theMotor terminals with a transistor.2)Stopping at abnormalityMotor driving signal is cut off before the interval of timing pulse (Tn - Tn+1) is performed more than ITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETA76

Confidential3)Terminal Voltage:4)Currenta)Peak Current:b)Mean Current:c)Current wave formApproximately 0.8 A (4.5 VDC, 25°C)(Worst case 1.2 A or less)Approximately 0.17 A (4.5 VDC, 25°C)4.5 +0.5/–0.7 VDC(s)EPSONTITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETA87

Confidential2.8 Print SolenoidDot Print is done by energizing Print Solenoid.1)Terminal Voltage:4.5 +0.5/–1.2 VDCPrint Solenoid terminal voltage and Motor terminal voltage shouldsatisfy the voltage relationship of the extent of an oblique line in thefollowing Solenoidterminal voltage (V)


ConfidentialMicro Dot PrinterM-150IISpecificationSTANDARDRev. Copied DateCopied by , ,SEIKO EPSON CORPORATIONMATSUMOTO MINAMI PLANT2070 KOTOBUKI KOAKA, MATSUMOTO-SHI, NAGANO, 399-8702 JAPANPHONE(0263)86-5353 FAX(0263)86-9923

ConfidentialREVISION SHEETSheet 1 of 2The table below indicates which pages in this specification have been reading this specification, be sure you have the correct version of each onsRev.--12ABDocumentEnactmentChangeChangeChangeChangeDesign SectionWRTTezukaTezukaTezukaSheet Rev. amaiAokiNaritaArai1234567891BBBAAAABAAAAAAATITLEFront PartM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)copeGeneralDescriptionTable ofContentsContentsAppendixTotal12


ConfidentialREVISION SHEETSheet 2 of 2REV.1SHEET1CHANGED CONTENTS1.3 Print Speed

“Print condition” is added.“44,5mm”, was

“45mm”1.5 Paper Paper width is

1.11 Print solenoid

“Terminal voltage” is changed.2.3 Ribbon cassette

“Life” is added.

“Print condition

“ is added.2.6 2) Wave form, Phase

“TYP.0.6ms” is added.

“MIN. 0.2ms” is added.2.8 Print solenoid

“Terminal voltage” is changed. 3) Current

“Current value” is

“3A”, was

“2.5A”. 8) Spark Killer

“Prepared by the customer side refer the circuit and case design recommendations.”Note: Note 1 is

“t1 =t2

≤ 50

µs”, was

“t1 =t2

≤ 28

µs”.Column number is

“1 column, 2 column, 3 column --- from left side”, was

“1 column, 2column, --- from right side”.2.11

“Overall Dimensions” is changed.“Attached Table 1” is added.2.6 2) Pulse Wave form, Phase

“MAX 2.5 ms” is added.2.7 2)

“stopping at abnormality” is added.2.8 9)

“protection of Solenoid at abnormality” is 2.5 ms is pages are re-formatted due to add the

“Confidential” in the header.2.5 1) Timing Pulse

“threshold level to be 0

± 0.1 V”, was

“threshold level to be 0

± 1 V”2.5 2) Output Waveform Sample circuit is deleted.2.7 1) Driving and Stopping Sample circuit is of Contents1.16 Weight

→ 1.16 Mass1.3 Print Speed1 l/s

→ 1 lps (lps: lines per second)1.16 Weight

→ 1.16 MassIn Figure [Units: mm] (added)2.8 Print Solenoid3 mj/dot

→ 3 mJ/dot46893,12,13141562A89All56IV1238BTITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)

ConfidentialPoints You Must Observe To Assure Product SafetyIn order to assure the safe operation of this product, carefully observe thespecifications as well as the notes provided Epson Corporation will not bear any responsibility for any damage orinjuries arising from use of this product that is not in accordance with thespecifications and the notes provided r Control Precautions1. Absolute Maximum voltage1) Printer driver voltage: 5 VDC(Apply to the print solenoid, and motor.)2) Detector input voltage: 20 VDC(Apply to the reset sensor.) designing drive circuitry for solenoids, motors, magnets, and other electrical parts, alwaysprovide for proper energizing time limit control and include overcurrent protection.1) MotorThe motor is DC brush motors which can be short-circuited and must there fore be protectedusing a fuse that is properly matched to the power supply.2) Print solenoidThe energizing time must not always exceed 1 second.3) Reset sensorThe input voltage must not exceed the maximum rating of the Precautions•Because the print head can become very hot, it must not be exposed in such a way that it can ng the print head could cause burns.•The case must be designed so that movable parts such as gears, etc., are not ng moving parts could cause a laceration or other -150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETAIIIII


PLEASERETURN THIS DOCUMENT IMMEDIATELY IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE document contains confidential, proprietary information of Seiko Epson Corporation or its must keep such information confidential. If the user is a business entity or organization, you mustlimit disclosure to your employees, agents, and contractors who have a need to know and who are alsobound by obligations of the earlier of (a) termination of your relationship with Seiko Epson, or (b) Seiko Epson's request, youmust stop using the confidential information. You must then return or destroy the information, asdirected by Seiko a court, arbitrator, government agency or the like orders you to disclose any confidential information,you must immediately notify Seiko Epson. You agree to give Seiko Epson reasonable cooperation andassistance in the may use confidential information only for the purpose of operating or servicing the products to whichthe document relates, unless you obtain the prior written consent of Seiko Epson for some other Epson warrants that it has the right to disclose the confidential information. SEIKO EPSONMAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES CONCERNING THE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OR ANYOTHER INFORMATION IN THE DOCUMENT, INCLUDING (WITHOUT LIMITATION) ANYWARRANTY OF TITLE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Seiko Epson has no liability for loss or damagearising from or relating to your use of or reliance on the information in the may not reproduce, store, or transmit the confidential information in any form or by any means(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission ofSeiko obligations under this Agreement are in addition to any other legal obligations. Seiko Epson doesnot waive any right under this Agreement by failing to exercise it. The laws of Japan apply to document shall apply only to the product(s) identified part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form orby any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior writtenpermission of Seiko Epson contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Please contact us for the every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, Seiko Epson Corporationassumes no responsibility for errors or r is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained r Seiko Epson Corporation nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or thirdparties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by the purchaser or third parties as a result of:accident, misuse, or abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to thisproduct, or (excluding the U.S.) failure to strictly comply with Seiko Epson Corporation's operating andmaintenance Epson Corporation shall not be liable against any damages or problems arising from the use ofany options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original EPSON Products orEPSON Approved Products by Seiko Epson arksEPSON® is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson l Notice: Other product and company names used herein are for identification purposes only and maybe trademarks of their respective -150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETAIIIIIIII

ConfidentialSummaryM-150II is the mechanical dot printer, whose Print Head consists of 4 Print Solenoids laying horizontallyand moves for 24 dots horizontally. Print Head which moves horizontally prints unidirectionally as eachPrint Solenoid of it is energized in Print Head return, paper is fed for 1 pitch automatically. By repetition of this dot line printing andpaper feed desired Print Format can be is characterized by the following features: dot -side, Light weight (60 g) and Super thin thickness (12.8 mm)3.44.5 mm width normal -Cd Battery priceTITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETAIVIIIIV

ConfidentialTable of Contents1. 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.11.6 11.10 11.11 11.21.13 Ambient 32.1 32.2 42.3 42.42.5 52.6 62.62.8 .82.9 .102.10 .112.11 14Attached Table 1 15TITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETBA1IVV

Confidential1. GENERAL SPECIFCATIONS1.1 Printing MethodImpact Dot Matrix Printer1.2 Printing Format1)Number of Total Dot:2)Number of Column:Max. 96 dots/1 dot lineMax. 16 columns(In case of 5

× 7 dot matrix and 1 dot column space)1.3 Print Speed1)1 Dot Line:2)5

× 7 dot Matrix:(3 dots line space)Approximately 100 ms (continuous printing, 4.5 VDC, 25°C)Approximately 1 lps (continuous printing, 4.5 VDC, 25°C)(lps: lines per second)1.4 Character Size1)Dot Space :2)5

× 7 Dot Matrix:Horizontal 0.35 mmVertical 0.35 mm1.8 (W)

× 2.5 (H) mm1.5 Paper44.5 mm width woodfree paper1.6 Paper FeedPaper is fed automatically per dot line. With a manual feed knob (option).1.7 InkingRibbon CassetteRibbon is fed automatically during Motor revolution.1.8 Motor1)Terminal Voltage:2)Mean Current:4.5 +0.5/–0.7 VDCApproximately 0.17 A (4.5 VDC, 25°C)1.9 Timing DetectorTachometer−Generator (directly connected with motor)1.10 Reset DetectorReed-Switch1.11 Print Solenoid1)Terminal Voltage:4 columns / sol.

× 4 pcs. of solenoids4.5 +0.5/–1.2 VDCNOTE:Print Solenoid terminal voltage and Motor terminal voltageshould satisfy the voltage relationship which is shown in item2.8.1.)2)Ohmic Resistance:1.5

± 0.15

Ω (at 25°C)EPSONTITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETAB21

Confidential1.12 Connection1)Printer side:2)Circuit side:P.C. Board with 2.54 mm pitch copper leaf pattern that is fixed onprinter or Lead wires1.13 Ambient Temperature Operating0 to 50°C1.14 ReliabilityMCBF 5

× 10 limes51.15 Dimensions73.2 (W)

× 42.6 (D)

× 12.8 (H) mm1.16 MassApproximately 60 gEPSONTITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETBA32

Confidential2. DETAIL SPECIFICATIONS2.1 Print FormatPrint Head consists of 4 Print Solenoids (A. B. C. D) which are laid horizontally. Print Head moves toright direction from left side on stand-by condition. Moving amount of Print Head is 24 dots per PrintSolenoid. One dot line is formed by energizing Print Solenoid one by one as Print Head is of total dots per dot line is 96 dots (24 dots

× 4 Print Solenoids)1)5

× 7 Dot MatrixDivide 24 dots which one Print Solenoid is printable into four equal parts. And 6 dots in one part areused as one column; That is 5 dots for printing and one dot for column space. Accordingly one dot lineis formed of 96 dots which are divided into 16 parts and 5

× 7 dot matrix character can be got byrepeating 7 times in the direction of paper feed. Number of columns is 16.(5+1)

× 16 = 96 dots/1 dot lineColumnPrint ASolenoidB0.35CD0.352.51.80.3Column space 1 dot1.8[Units: mm]SHEETREVISION1.0Line space 3 EETM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)AB43

Confidential2.2 Paper Feed1)One dot line Feed:2)Space Feed:3)Paper Free Mechanism:4)Manual Paper Feed Knob:Paper is fed automatically for 0.35 mm (one pitch) when Print Head isreturned to left from right space feed is done by feeding one dot line can be pulled out forward when the printer is in the halted 2.3 Ribbon Cassette1)Color:2)Dimensions:3)Life:Purple or BlackApproximately 74 (W)

× 25 (D)

× 7 (H) mmPurple Approximately 1

× 10 lines (4.5 VDC 25°C continuous printing)3Black Approximately 7

× 10 lines (4.5 VDC 25°C continuous printing)(Life test is done with print mode in Attached Table 1.)EPSON ERC-0544)Parts number:2.4 Paper1)Kind:2)Width:3)Diameter:4)Thickness:5)Basis weight:Woodfree paper44.5

± 0.5 mmMax.

φ50 mmApproximately 0.07 mm52.3 g/m (141 b/ 500 sheet /17

× 22")2EPSONTITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETA54

Confidential2.5 Timing DetectorTiming Detector is tachometer-generator that is directly connected with motor. Detector generates 168output signals per dot line; 96 output signals correspond to dot position of Print Head and 72 outputsignals correspond to Print Head return. These output signals are arranged in a pulse wave form onthe customer side, and are used as Timing Pulse.1)Timing Pulse:2)Output WaveformTiming Pulses should be obtained for threshold level to be 0

± 0.1 V ofTiming Detector output s the signal to be generated by the customer ITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETA65

Confidential2.6 Reset DetectorReset Detector has Lead-switch that makes at each time of dot lines. Reset Detector output signal isused as Reset Signal which denotes standard position of dot position at each time of print cycles.1)Rating:VoltageCurrentInstantaneous power2.85 – 20 VDC20

µA – 1 mA5 mW or less (Resistance load)2)Pulse waveform, s the signal to be generated by the customer motor steady driving (except for period from motor starting to generation of Resetsignal R1)2.7 Motor1)Driving and StoppingThe motor is in the halted state when the printer is in the stand-by state (i.e., non-printing condition).Application of electric brake to quickly stop the motor must be performed by interrupting Motor Drivesignal within 0.5 ms after the leading edge of Reset signal Rn (Rn is R10 in case of 5

× 7 dot matrix and 3dots line space.), and applying the Motor stop signal more than 100 ms, and short-circuiting a cross theMotor terminals with a transistor.2)Stopping at abnormalityMotor driving signal is cut off before the interval of timing pulse (Tn - Tn+1) is performed more than ITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETA76

Confidential3)Terminal Voltage:4)Currenta)Peak Current:b)Mean Current:c)Current wave formApproximately 0.8 A (4.5 VDC, 25°C)(Worst case 1.2 A or less)Approximately 0.17 A (4.5 VDC, 25°C)4.5 +0.5/–0.7 VDC(s)EPSONTITLEM-150IISpecification(STANDARD)EETA87

Confidential2.8 Print SolenoidDot Print is done by energizing Print Solenoid.1)Terminal Voltage:4.5 +0.5/–1.2 VDCPrint Solenoid terminal voltage and Motor terminal voltage shouldsatisfy the voltage relationship of the extent of an oblique line in thefollowing Solenoidterminal voltage (V)


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