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作者:计晨晓 霍旺 包森成


【摘要】 随着信息技术的发展,移动App应用鉴于其便捷、快速、高效的特点,已成为人们的工作、学习以及日常生活中不可或缺的重要组成部分。但随着国内外网络安全形势不断复杂化,以及缺乏对移动应用拥有针对性的安全管理平台,造成针对移动应用攻击事件接连频发。本文将对基于D-S模型的移动应用的威胁感知平台进行相关介绍,该平台对移动应用APP的安全威胁源进行精准探知,定位移动端风险并进行分析与控制,它弥补了传统安全管理模式中存在的漏洞,是一种创新而高效的移动端应用APP精准安全管理平台。

【关键字】 D-S 威胁感知平台 威胁精准探知 风险分析与控制

Construction of Mobile Threat-Awareness Platform Based on Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis(China Mobile communication group Zhejiang Co., Ltd.,Zhejiang、310000)

Abstract:Information Technology is now experiencing an unprecedented rapid development,

due to its nature of being convenient, efficient and as the core of information technology, mobile

application inevitably has become an indispensable part of people’s daily work and study life.

However, on account of its technological immaturity, and lack of a mobile applications targeted

security management platform, have resulted in a significant number of user privacy leaks,

corporate financial lost, and damaged interests, and have caused an incalculable impact on our

paper will introduce the D-S Model-based Threat-Awareness Platform of Mobile

Application. By data mining and analyzing the mobile terminal threat, this security platform not

only provides users with relevant threat intelligence information but also indicates the source of the

threat with accurate positioning and in all, Threat-Awareness platform is an innovative

and efficient mobile security management platform that can close the loopholes which traditional

security management architectures have failed to do so.

KEY words: D-S MODEL, Threat-Awareness Platform, Precise Threat Detection, Risk

Analysis and Management.






作者:计晨晓 霍旺 包森成


【摘要】 随着信息技术的发展,移动App应用鉴于其便捷、快速、高效的特点,已成为人们的工作、学习以及日常生活中不可或缺的重要组成部分。但随着国内外网络安全形势不断复杂化,以及缺乏对移动应用拥有针对性的安全管理平台,造成针对移动应用攻击事件接连频发。本文将对基于D-S模型的移动应用的威胁感知平台进行相关介绍,该平台对移动应用APP的安全威胁源进行精准探知,定位移动端风险并进行分析与控制,它弥补了传统安全管理模式中存在的漏洞,是一种创新而高效的移动端应用APP精准安全管理平台。

【关键字】 D-S 威胁感知平台 威胁精准探知 风险分析与控制

Construction of Mobile Threat-Awareness Platform Based on Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis(China Mobile communication group Zhejiang Co., Ltd.,Zhejiang、310000)

Abstract:Information Technology is now experiencing an unprecedented rapid development,

due to its nature of being convenient, efficient and as the core of information technology, mobile

application inevitably has become an indispensable part of people’s daily work and study life.

However, on account of its technological immaturity, and lack of a mobile applications targeted

security management platform, have resulted in a significant number of user privacy leaks,

corporate financial lost, and damaged interests, and have caused an incalculable impact on our

paper will introduce the D-S Model-based Threat-Awareness Platform of Mobile

Application. By data mining and analyzing the mobile terminal threat, this security platform not

only provides users with relevant threat intelligence information but also indicates the source of the

threat with accurate positioning and in all, Threat-Awareness platform is an innovative

and efficient mobile security management platform that can close the loopholes which traditional

security management architectures have failed to do so.

KEY words: D-S MODEL, Threat-Awareness Platform, Precise Threat Detection, Risk

Analysis and Management.




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