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Simotion调试笔记2:TIA Scout下载前期准备与恢复出厂设置

IT圈 admin 41浏览 0评论


Simotion2TIA Scout win7 64 TIA Portal V13

TIA Scout V4.4 Simotion D425-2 DP/PN

1. "SIMOTION"simotion Scout

2. simotion scout"PLC_1"SINAMICS_Integrated_1simotion

3. Accessible nodessimotion

4. "PG/PC"simotionPG/PC"Device""S7online"

5. simotionPLCSINAMICS

6. PLC_1simotion

7. SINAMICS_Integrated_1

8. "Alarms""Acknowledge all"

9. """PLC_1""Download to target system"


Simotion2TIA Scout win7 64 TIA Portal V13

TIA Scout V4.4 Simotion D425-2 DP/PN

1. "SIMOTION"simotion Scout

2. simotion scout"PLC_1"SINAMICS_Integrated_1simotion

3. Accessible nodessimotion

4. "PG/PC"simotionPG/PC"Device""S7online"

5. simotionPLCSINAMICS

6. PLC_1simotion

7. SINAMICS_Integrated_1

8. "Alarms""Acknowledge all"

9. """PLC_1""Download to target system"


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