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(2015.1姓名成绩分) (共“B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话)你将听两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)1c.⒎∶Ⅱ;CB八年级英语试题第1页(共8页)

二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最隹选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共12分,每小题1分)请听一段对( ) 5 When arc th印话,完成第5至第6小题。golng to have a pany?A Inthe m。ming B In thc aftemoonq。r⒒c evellIng( ) 6 What wilI the glIl wcar to tllc partl,?少e9/'A dressB A TshinC A sweatcr( )⒎Ⅰh下扌如g? t/f'ithcpar⒈f∶∶l∶罗 c%thc museum( ) 8 What h。bby does Tony haˇe? 'A Flying kltcs B Playing the guitar C,∶Making modcl trains请听一段对话,完成第9至第10犭、题。( ) 9 Wher,are thC speakcls going to lncct?厶a baill【e⒍( )10 Wben wⅡ'茄 B In山∞⒍ c IIl a coffce曲opl tlacy meet?A In ten mlllut∞ `'亻而Cn1y minutcs c Ill thllly mlllllt∞请听一段对话,完成第lt至第13小题。( )ll What is thc mtnil"”呷bd°?A L。sc wcight B study hard c J。in a club( ) 12 `ha1d°cs the w。Inan do evc¤day?A shc swims B shc dances( )13 Whal佰氵砾c mn⒌thc woman doing?逍/Civing ad访cc B Tdli吧a呲°ry C Maki吧people Iaugll请听一段独白( )14 How mally d呷,完成第14至第16小题。s厶Town Clncma opel,a wcck?A Three days B Fivc days( )15 What。、thc movie sllown心σζ∶n∶a阝k、ab。ut?(l lO:∷∷

d B Rob。过迎莎△/飞pa∞1r盯也‘at h°me C Rockc‘cln tllc mc【lnJ汛蜘(;冫扌万?

三⒀⒍、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分)Doctor Brown’s advlce、 el嬲teethHclp you spcak clca11yHow to brush teetIlBmsll vour饴dh扯山c肯戆J~1t拓nd啪酣al。ng山eζ:=ToofhbrlLsh191h背ξ。ft(软的)⒗o山blttsllGct a new onc eve”` ' ^`~Eatal°tof2I犭缶卫mon1hsP吖(终食咱hd媲ξctablc⒌)Drinkmorc、vater八年级英语试题第2页(共8页)

`知识运用 (共⒛分),)四、单项填空(共10分,每小题1分从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(∈)彡A冫⒛_WhCⅡ do YOu hve?-I liveLucy b吨s mtls忆and shc takcsB ac⒒ngA cookingan apanmcntlessonsC pian。D history(b)24A inˉˉsurc, 1’d lovc toB of C foryou come to play socccr wi1h mc?D onA Need B Mav)25 Be巧ing has bCcomc muChA bca丿tiftllC Mu⒍than beforeD CanB nlorc bcautiful C m。欲beautifill D thc most beautifulwe need to make thc brcad?)26)刃

一A IfA wa1chmilk d。A How many B H°w much C Holf long”u stll心hard,”u ll△1l gct驷od⒏耐∞D How oftenB So)28 Jcff and his fatherC Andan NBA game螂∶D ButB wa1ohedC wcrc watching D arc going to waIch%rthe New Ycar Pars wi山himD plcparcdC prcparingq剑匕l sh°wtg,o冖冖°)29 Dav1d askcd his cla∞matesA pⅡparcB to preparc)30 My br。thera song in the sch°B wil1singC sangA

⒍n爹)31 No°ne kn°ws what the fllttIrcC wⅡlhkeB is likeA hke五、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、)D hab sungD wiⅡ bc likeB、C、D四个选项中,选择最隹选项。A little boy scⅡing magazines walkcd up to an old man’s house The old man seldom calne outand nc∞r sald hello to neI曲bors TllC b吖kncckcd clIl thc door and 32 slowly,thc d∞opened,“W%at`do yρu wklnt?’wondeing if you would likc to 33 one

,【r“’山e dd man said

Uh,sir,I am selling magazines and,uh,I was”ccltIld see lIlslde the houqe,ou collect dogs?”the li钍leThe old man 34 1【,ked at thc boy,sa△111g llclJllng %eb呼and saw lhat he had dog丑guhnes(小雕像)曲ovc the丘replace“D°boy ask耐

“ind said,“No,boy,I don’t need any 35

”Yes,lhey are my famlly here”The old man w叩ready h d蕊O the d∞r tln山eb哕 ITlle little box Ielt 36 for the old man becaLl∞he was al°ne

ηen hethl●ught of a llule dogllguine1hat he had Thc boy hcadcd back to the old man’s house with it He knocked 37 thc”‘‘door again and the old man came right to thc door

B°y, I thought I tdd you no magazines

”“No,盂r Iknc,w that I wantcd tQ~望8~”ua妒丘Tlle boy hallded him tlle sglIine andtllc old ma1l、fdce1t up The old man was 39 and比ld,“Boy,you have a big hea⒒

△Jlly are汐u doing this?”ThC b呷Smilcd a"lie man and田ld,“ 40 pu△ke dogs”八年级英语试题第3页(共8页)

rin, thC old man s1artcd coming out and greeting peoplc He and thc boyFrom 1hat st。叩

°ure(举动)cllklrlgCd both thor lll,es forcvcrbecame fllcllds Tllt 41 111cc箩甙D jumpcd(A )32 A waltedC movcdB 1umcdC catchD buy( D )33 A watchB covcrD already( c ) 34 A alwaysC ncvcrB justD newspapcrs( C)35 A d°gsC magazinesB books( ^ )36 A sad( lh ) 37 A inB allgryC gladD fleshB onB canγB worllc・C toC take( c )3ε、 A h°ld〈 <~)39 A bσcd( `; )~!⒐1 A Though(

‘)咚⒈)A SlmplcD forD bringD relaxedD UntildC suq,lisedB BccauseB flccC UnlcssC casyD common阅读理解 (共36分)六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、隹选项。(共⒛分,每小题2分)B、C、D四个选项中,选择最∷AVote(投票)for Me!

Bcttc and skⅤe arc both rllllning%r glass plesidcnt (l,lt


、fant 1。 bc your ncxt class prcsidcn1 I haⅤ】 for fourc bccn at this sch°°rus Wec°ycars IfI becomc thc pre“den1,l1|l⒒gct a cla$roo又辶tΙ!IFr、can also raise money to buy some books for1he class library Evcryone likcsf trips 1his year

△Iost imponantly, J wiIl putschool1五ps, so I11 plan a tot

。an idea box on thc wall for you to tcll me about your ideas A vole for mc is avotc for a great ycarI’m new at school, s。 I can bri11g many ncw ideas if I becomc the prcsident Iplanned our class party on the last day of scho。l and I can do the samc for this絷蹀Fc瑟:崴Jr融1擢萏常l噬∴瀚嚣捻。J∶F∶r圭ab。u1ani∶nals Rcase choosc mc as your next presidcnt(

”)42 Bcttc bas bccn a1tllis scho ll forA onc ycarA alotof1rips B 1wo vearsanC dlree yeam D ftjur yc.・lrs(廴 )43 For his vote,qlevc will p】C 1o havc a class pctB asp°ns mccting `''D 1o buy some books


∧)44 :dh stcvc汕d Bcttc wm"o黟r the classA acompu1cr B an idea box C a libra叩D some1noncy八年级英语试题第4页(共8页)

BThc s1°ry of Dr Pcrcy Juhan is an cxample of。ne pe屿on’s hard work and bravcry Percy wascan Amcican, he couldn’1g°to thc samc schools asbom in 1899 in Alabama Bccausc he was Afl△xvhitc children The schools he、vent to did not tcach science And ye1, hc bccamc grcatly intcrcstcdin the scicnce of chemis1饣After collcgc, Pcrcy wantcd t。 go to graduate school s。 he c°uld bccomc a chcmist But o】lcsch°ol aier another turncd him down because°f his skin color Finally, Harvald University acceptedhim Hc got his mastcfs de墅ee(硕士学位)ll11923 %cr hc went to Europc In1931,Pcrcy)佰und h dants HClle creatcd thosc mmebccamc Dr Percy Julan, d°ctor of Chcmis1”For山e邯tdh怂⒈佗,DI Julan workcd with chcmicals(化学物质kncw曲at somc plants had chemica、h铷could hed(治愈)pe。pk⒌chc∏licals in a lab That mcant morc people c°uId gct 1he nlcdicines thcy nccdcd Hc dcvclopcdchcnicals that trcatcd pcoplc

△Iith cyc discascs and easc thc pain that s°boncs DL Julian also used chcmicals to inⅤAftσ w∝bng扯n1e people had in theirent many nclv prclductsJtll1m otDcrlqⅡ灬p呷!?0∷T|ρa∞mp汕y h Clllt・a四fol m呷rars,D・哎alt时e叫19¢lhal呷il△ed you卩g pe。ue∞号!∶¨heml时⒌D⒈Perq Jul1汕山ed访”1975%d呷,hs。叹山跹t,vel蚣(发现)ccl11tInue⒗hclp mⅡllons of lle°ple(辶)朽 I,l PcⅡy JullaIl lJccamc〈A cducati。n:∶:苎!1¥m-F子|fI!hC chenlistrvas a studcntB computerD geOgraphy( ), ) 46 After working a1a company fr,r nlany yca烬,Dr Percy JuhanA had his own lab

′C got his doctors dcgrcc `B wcnt1°Europe

∶D taugh1scicncc at a high sch。。l( V ) 47 Accordlllg to1he passagc,Dr Pcrcy JulianA could not go10 school f。r his skin c。lor .B hclpcd many people with his disc°vchcsC made a bt of moncy flom his c°mpany

ˇD wa。a famous d。ctor working in a hospital `C9¢hat is a working day like for an cmploycc? Nowadays, most

、vorkers spend eight hoursrworking at thcir dcsks cvc,day Many companics make rules Thcy ask workcr.s not to comc latc°lcoavc cady But in the fllt1Irc,tllerc may bc no offlccs anymore %。ple w"havc meetillgs tllloughl⒒clηct instead of stting in the samc room lVorkplaces and time will bc far ln。thc

【re tIeXible T°meet 1heir nccds, employees can have nexiblc starl and linish times or w。Citrix, a leader company in mobilc 1cchnol°rk at homcgy, rcIcascd a rcpon last rrlonth Acc。lding to it,offlcc space will bc17Pcrcent snlallcr in2020 Thc wOIkplace will plt,vi(lc ju欲T∷Fn r忄′一

e=灿扯Ⅱm,驷r!吁八年级英语试题scvcn dcsks for掣∵∵f芽l皿鲷石ˇt∶iti|∶

%ey wiIl do their work at home, in h°1els or in c°仃cc shops The trend thal fcwcr cmployees willwork in the o伍ce is callcd1he mobIle worl【s〃】c

“MobiIe”mcans to move A qualler of companiesaround the world havc laken up1his work stylcFor empIoyees, a mobilc w°rk style all°ws pcople to make use of thcir time and workplacefleC⒈△hc“叫山蛱ⅡrIIlg乍CR叩0?早Isp”re叹滞嚣∵皙艚ˉ∶∶‘`腽懑瑙℃%怔巴呕b时’al叩¨bet1。灿CCJl1oork卩刂m叩型γJⅡ'~cc,1liled泅rl|||∶i|∶ρloye阝 nccd l° pay more a"ent1on to protcctingthor dah(数据)and illfonnatIcllMick H。llison, vicc prcsiden1

°f Citrix, is a suppodcr of thc mobile work stylc idea

“%cresult of a mohk wclrk咬a stronger organ讫aJ【il(机构)w△h hgh ah⒈ty uople d。ng th击bcs1,” hc said t°thc Investors Business Dai1y`e。(憾)4:Accolding to the rcpo⒒of Cit五x,___A fLl1ure o伍ces wi⒒be smaller with fewer wollcersB fLIture offlces will plovidc°ne dcsk ft,r each workcr

、^C aⅡ peoplc wⅡl work a1h°mc, in h。tels or in c°ffcc sh°ps '

ˉ( )49


ⅡtDpk wlll work thr。u曲山c Inkm“and【llar h1hrn1a‘Qr rπh!i5thc m。hk work鼓yle getjng morc P££些世ar?A Bccau・,e workc咚will bec。mc more talenled and crcativc

ˇ⒊BccalI出△helps bo由thc workcrs and由e2翌:弘史s mve mclrle⒈C Becausc w°rkcrs pay morc a1tention to thcir data and inf°nnation

火D Becklttse i1allo鹏thc compaⅡs叩夕ρm卩(.`)sO the undedhcd wcld“Ⅱ刂哏°c lLcRr tilYlc an0workp”哏∴'∶ⅡeX栅e”h曲e丘r鸵pa闱斟aph mckqns__⊥~A cr°wdcd kB s△ictC tradltIOnal

、ˇD changcablc〈 )51 What is thc best ti11e for th始a⒒忆tc♀A An offlce Rcporl f】om Citox

‘B AV¢°rk Day in thc FutureC A New wolk style in thc Fu1uⅡ VD Not Enou吵Room f。r offl∞s、七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题2分)Best FⅡends Are Forever“Yclu饨my b∞t缸clld”I1、thc nice欲thIng you四n sγ10∞mcOlle

∧52 Gclcldfi蚰扎hips b吒IIl in middle scllod II’s thc place”ub咱n to del,clop yclur。wn personality(个'眭) YotIr paren1s arcrt art,und,∞you spcnd lo‘of Jmc cve,day shaⅡng yotIl

Ⅱfc with yotlrc]assmates You talk with thcm,you woll【‘with thcm and 53

色 But n。1all of1hem wlI bcc°meyour‘best” friends八年级英语试题第6页(共8页)

舳Illellds alc tllc酗thc mOSt

⒒Cy are casy1o Workho1ikC you and undCrstand you y, bCcatlse you don’Ⅳand bavc fttn with ~ˉ匿∫∠」巨J Soms secm t。滏u"刂m can ieel d讹d△t have a bcstf11clad,lc w ~5±土BCst fllCtldCr as if b咒flnd cach

°m婚“醐枷讪m哪our best friend, tbe tllagic wi111ast f°flnd

ⅤrcvcrABCAnd irs als。tl△C nicest thing you can hCar fl°ms°mconeuw0n’t bavc Onc in lllC futurelhat doesn’t mcau y°But somOtimcs irs not casy to llnd a bcst fliendHow t°makc frlendsy°DEu bccome fjends wⅡh thcm(共容回答问题。八、阅读短文,根据短文内〗In Britain,somc pcoplc say t、。KⅠ箔pC°p:!∶v∶8分,每小题2分)讧瀑⒒芯jΙ∶∶丨:丨lJ:;∶1∶∶∶莒:∶:∶a沆n".严d mⅡ“Ⅱk灬eahmms u蛳:时y氵l∶1cv would do anuhillg if a famous peⅡb som(mC' --^^∽‘^^冖°mltch““^i1ρoll they l°vc askcd them to!;辶;T;∶:∶l∶°逞∶、ji;∶f°;|。uric。plC arc solll1clCs1Cd in llleir holoes thdt it affects(影Ⅱ向)tlleir li%just to follow tlaem ors1rong fcelingsLoving a Famous person in two ways%ere alC tw。us peclple Onc wav话W呷s of worqlⅡⅡng(崇拜)fam。t nom1al and is an illncss, pcoplc have vc叩1alk about them wth iliCndS lor fun In anoJ1er morC sCrl0us waⅤfor thCm and tllink thCy are their foends This is n°Too much hero worship can be badˉExpelis repo丁t that thCrc arc both good and bad sidcs°f loving s°meone famous PCop1C who doso for ftln are ftund to be hapPier Ho飞〕扌TJ∶fjTr群票iπ∶」:「T1苜扌絮岁瑟硭T紫,T三冒vcvCr,those who have就rong tcelings ftor a%mous pcrs°n will:∶山d mⅡ“唧Ⅱ汛劈咖。57 D°—BrltalWadlll抬have thC samC problem?on?fecl if tbey havc strong feelings for a falnous pe⒔58 Hσ汀wi⒒pcop1c probab”hat docs the wr⒒er want1o te△59


书面表达九、完成句子(共(共18分)8分,每小题2分)根据中文意思完成句子。60为了成为一名作家,我坚持写文章。on1ontlng a⒒ic1cs,In order to be a wnter, I61

我擅长数学,所以我希望成为一名工程师。I alnmath, so I wantto be an cn芋neer′每个人都应该参与拯救地球活动。丨:Eve叩one shouldin saving the ea⒒h“如果你有问题,你可以跟我谈谈。, you can lalk to mc十、文段表达(共10分)“

请根据中英文提示,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于ω词的短文。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。学校校刊正在为卞学期的第一期刊物策划一个栏目“NCw飞m’s Resoluions”。现向全校同学征集新学期的决心。请你根据以下问题,从岂J和生活两个方面谈谈你的决心。●What are△ou going to do nexttenn?(Help olhers?spend ime with fanlill,?Get good grades?0r・…?)

‘● Why do you want to do them?。 How are you going t°do them?八年级英语试题第8页(共8页)



(2015.1姓名成绩分) (共“B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话)你将听两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)1c.⒎∶Ⅱ;CB八年级英语试题第1页(共8页)

二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最隹选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共12分,每小题1分)请听一段对( ) 5 When arc th印话,完成第5至第6小题。golng to have a pany?A Inthe m。ming B In thc aftemoonq。r⒒c evellIng( ) 6 What wilI the glIl wcar to tllc partl,?少e9/'A dressB A TshinC A sweatcr( )⒎Ⅰh下扌如g? t/f'ithcpar⒈f∶∶l∶罗 c%thc museum( ) 8 What h。bby does Tony haˇe? 'A Flying kltcs B Playing the guitar C,∶Making modcl trains请听一段对话,完成第9至第10犭、题。( ) 9 Wher,are thC speakcls going to lncct?厶a baill【e⒍( )10 Wben wⅡ'茄 B In山∞⒍ c IIl a coffce曲opl tlacy meet?A In ten mlllut∞ `'亻而Cn1y minutcs c Ill thllly mlllllt∞请听一段对话,完成第lt至第13小题。( )ll What is thc mtnil"”呷bd°?A L。sc wcight B study hard c J。in a club( ) 12 `ha1d°cs the w。Inan do evc¤day?A shc swims B shc dances( )13 Whal佰氵砾c mn⒌thc woman doing?逍/Civing ad访cc B Tdli吧a呲°ry C Maki吧people Iaugll请听一段独白( )14 How mally d呷,完成第14至第16小题。s厶Town Clncma opel,a wcck?A Three days B Fivc days( )15 What。、thc movie sllown心σζ∶n∶a阝k、ab。ut?(l lO:∷∷

d B Rob。过迎莎△/飞pa∞1r盯也‘at h°me C Rockc‘cln tllc mc【lnJ汛蜘(;冫扌万?

三⒀⒍、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分)Doctor Brown’s advlce、 el嬲teethHclp you spcak clca11yHow to brush teetIlBmsll vour饴dh扯山c肯戆J~1t拓nd啪酣al。ng山eζ:=ToofhbrlLsh191h背ξ。ft(软的)⒗o山blttsllGct a new onc eve”` ' ^`~Eatal°tof2I犭缶卫mon1hsP吖(终食咱hd媲ξctablc⒌)Drinkmorc、vater八年级英语试题第2页(共8页)

`知识运用 (共⒛分),)四、单项填空(共10分,每小题1分从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(∈)彡A冫⒛_WhCⅡ do YOu hve?-I liveLucy b吨s mtls忆and shc takcsB ac⒒ngA cookingan apanmcntlessonsC pian。D history(b)24A inˉˉsurc, 1’d lovc toB of C foryou come to play socccr wi1h mc?D onA Need B Mav)25 Be巧ing has bCcomc muChA bca丿tiftllC Mu⒍than beforeD CanB nlorc bcautiful C m。欲beautifill D thc most beautifulwe need to make thc brcad?)26)刃

一A IfA wa1chmilk d。A How many B H°w much C Holf long”u stll心hard,”u ll△1l gct驷od⒏耐∞D How oftenB So)28 Jcff and his fatherC Andan NBA game螂∶D ButB wa1ohedC wcrc watching D arc going to waIch%rthe New Ycar Pars wi山himD plcparcdC prcparingq剑匕l sh°wtg,o冖冖°)29 Dav1d askcd his cla∞matesA pⅡparcB to preparc)30 My br。thera song in the sch°B wil1singC sangA

⒍n爹)31 No°ne kn°ws what the fllttIrcC wⅡlhkeB is likeA hke五、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、)D hab sungD wiⅡ bc likeB、C、D四个选项中,选择最隹选项。A little boy scⅡing magazines walkcd up to an old man’s house The old man seldom calne outand nc∞r sald hello to neI曲bors TllC b吖kncckcd clIl thc door and 32 slowly,thc d∞opened,“W%at`do yρu wklnt?’wondeing if you would likc to 33 one

,【r“’山e dd man said

Uh,sir,I am selling magazines and,uh,I was”ccltIld see lIlslde the houqe,ou collect dogs?”the li钍leThe old man 34 1【,ked at thc boy,sa△111g llclJllng %eb呼and saw lhat he had dog丑guhnes(小雕像)曲ovc the丘replace“D°boy ask耐

“ind said,“No,boy,I don’t need any 35

”Yes,lhey are my famlly here”The old man w叩ready h d蕊O the d∞r tln山eb哕 ITlle little box Ielt 36 for the old man becaLl∞he was al°ne

ηen hethl●ught of a llule dogllguine1hat he had Thc boy hcadcd back to the old man’s house with it He knocked 37 thc”‘‘door again and the old man came right to thc door

B°y, I thought I tdd you no magazines

”“No,盂r Iknc,w that I wantcd tQ~望8~”ua妒丘Tlle boy hallded him tlle sglIine andtllc old ma1l、fdce1t up The old man was 39 and比ld,“Boy,you have a big hea⒒

△Jlly are汐u doing this?”ThC b呷Smilcd a"lie man and田ld,“ 40 pu△ke dogs”八年级英语试题第3页(共8页)

rin, thC old man s1artcd coming out and greeting peoplc He and thc boyFrom 1hat st。叩

°ure(举动)cllklrlgCd both thor lll,es forcvcrbecame fllcllds Tllt 41 111cc箩甙D jumpcd(A )32 A waltedC movcdB 1umcdC catchD buy( D )33 A watchB covcrD already( c ) 34 A alwaysC ncvcrB justD newspapcrs( C)35 A d°gsC magazinesB books( ^ )36 A sad( lh ) 37 A inB allgryC gladD fleshB onB canγB worllc・C toC take( c )3ε、 A h°ld〈 <~)39 A bσcd( `; )~!⒐1 A Though(

‘)咚⒈)A SlmplcD forD bringD relaxedD UntildC suq,lisedB BccauseB flccC UnlcssC casyD common阅读理解 (共36分)六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、隹选项。(共⒛分,每小题2分)B、C、D四个选项中,选择最∷AVote(投票)for Me!

Bcttc and skⅤe arc both rllllning%r glass plesidcnt (l,lt


、fant 1。 bc your ncxt class prcsidcn1 I haⅤ】 for fourc bccn at this sch°°rus Wec°ycars IfI becomc thc pre“den1,l1|l⒒gct a cla$roo又辶tΙ!IFr、can also raise money to buy some books for1he class library Evcryone likcsf trips 1his year

△Iost imponantly, J wiIl putschool1五ps, so I11 plan a tot

。an idea box on thc wall for you to tcll me about your ideas A vole for mc is avotc for a great ycarI’m new at school, s。 I can bri11g many ncw ideas if I becomc the prcsident Iplanned our class party on the last day of scho。l and I can do the samc for this絷蹀Fc瑟:崴Jr融1擢萏常l噬∴瀚嚣捻。J∶F∶r圭ab。u1ani∶nals Rcase choosc mc as your next presidcnt(

”)42 Bcttc bas bccn a1tllis scho ll forA onc ycarA alotof1rips B 1wo vearsanC dlree yeam D ftjur yc.・lrs(廴 )43 For his vote,qlevc will p】C 1o havc a class pctB asp°ns mccting `''D 1o buy some books


∧)44 :dh stcvc汕d Bcttc wm"o黟r the classA acompu1cr B an idea box C a libra叩D some1noncy八年级英语试题第4页(共8页)

BThc s1°ry of Dr Pcrcy Juhan is an cxample of。ne pe屿on’s hard work and bravcry Percy wascan Amcican, he couldn’1g°to thc samc schools asbom in 1899 in Alabama Bccausc he was Afl△xvhitc children The schools he、vent to did not tcach science And ye1, hc bccamc grcatly intcrcstcdin the scicnce of chemis1饣After collcgc, Pcrcy wantcd t。 go to graduate school s。 he c°uld bccomc a chcmist But o】lcsch°ol aier another turncd him down because°f his skin color Finally, Harvald University acceptedhim Hc got his mastcfs de墅ee(硕士学位)ll11923 %cr hc went to Europc In1931,Pcrcy)佰und h dants HClle creatcd thosc mmebccamc Dr Percy Julan, d°ctor of Chcmis1”For山e邯tdh怂⒈佗,DI Julan workcd with chcmicals(化学物质kncw曲at somc plants had chemica、h铷could hed(治愈)pe。pk⒌chc∏licals in a lab That mcant morc people c°uId gct 1he nlcdicines thcy nccdcd Hc dcvclopcdchcnicals that trcatcd pcoplc

△Iith cyc discascs and easc thc pain that s°boncs DL Julian also used chcmicals to inⅤAftσ w∝bng扯n1e people had in theirent many nclv prclductsJtll1m otDcrlqⅡ灬p呷!?0∷T|ρa∞mp汕y h Clllt・a四fol m呷rars,D・哎alt时e叫19¢lhal呷il△ed you卩g pe。ue∞号!∶¨heml时⒌D⒈Perq Jul1汕山ed访”1975%d呷,hs。叹山跹t,vel蚣(发现)ccl11tInue⒗hclp mⅡllons of lle°ple(辶)朽 I,l PcⅡy JullaIl lJccamc〈A cducati。n:∶:苎!1¥m-F子|fI!hC chenlistrvas a studcntB computerD geOgraphy( ), ) 46 After working a1a company fr,r nlany yca烬,Dr Percy JuhanA had his own lab

′C got his doctors dcgrcc `B wcnt1°Europe

∶D taugh1scicncc at a high sch。。l( V ) 47 Accordlllg to1he passagc,Dr Pcrcy JulianA could not go10 school f。r his skin c。lor .B hclpcd many people with his disc°vchcsC made a bt of moncy flom his c°mpany

ˇD wa。a famous d。ctor working in a hospital `C9¢hat is a working day like for an cmploycc? Nowadays, most

、vorkers spend eight hoursrworking at thcir dcsks cvc,day Many companics make rules Thcy ask workcr.s not to comc latc°lcoavc cady But in the fllt1Irc,tllerc may bc no offlccs anymore %。ple w"havc meetillgs tllloughl⒒clηct instead of stting in the samc room lVorkplaces and time will bc far ln。thc

【re tIeXible T°meet 1heir nccds, employees can have nexiblc starl and linish times or w。Citrix, a leader company in mobilc 1cchnol°rk at homcgy, rcIcascd a rcpon last rrlonth Acc。lding to it,offlcc space will bc17Pcrcent snlallcr in2020 Thc wOIkplace will plt,vi(lc ju欲T∷Fn r忄′一

e=灿扯Ⅱm,驷r!吁八年级英语试题scvcn dcsks for掣∵∵f芽l皿鲷石ˇt∶iti|∶

%ey wiIl do their work at home, in h°1els or in c°仃cc shops The trend thal fcwcr cmployees willwork in the o伍ce is callcd1he mobIle worl【s〃】c

“MobiIe”mcans to move A qualler of companiesaround the world havc laken up1his work stylcFor empIoyees, a mobilc w°rk style all°ws pcople to make use of thcir time and workplacefleC⒈△hc“叫山蛱ⅡrIIlg乍CR叩0?早Isp”re叹滞嚣∵皙艚ˉ∶∶‘`腽懑瑙℃%怔巴呕b时’al叩¨bet1。灿CCJl1oork卩刂m叩型γJⅡ'~cc,1liled泅rl|||∶i|∶ρloye阝 nccd l° pay more a"ent1on to protcctingthor dah(数据)and illfonnatIcllMick H。llison, vicc prcsiden1

°f Citrix, is a suppodcr of thc mobile work stylc idea

“%cresult of a mohk wclrk咬a stronger organ讫aJ【il(机构)w△h hgh ah⒈ty uople d。ng th击bcs1,” hc said t°thc Investors Business Dai1y`e。(憾)4:Accolding to the rcpo⒒of Cit五x,___A fLl1ure o伍ces wi⒒be smaller with fewer wollcersB fLIture offlces will plovidc°ne dcsk ft,r each workcr

、^C aⅡ peoplc wⅡl work a1h°mc, in h。tels or in c°ffcc sh°ps '

ˉ( )49


ⅡtDpk wlll work thr。u曲山c Inkm“and【llar h1hrn1a‘Qr rπh!i5thc m。hk work鼓yle getjng morc P££些世ar?A Bccau・,e workc咚will bec。mc more talenled and crcativc

ˇ⒊BccalI出△helps bo由thc workcrs and由e2翌:弘史s mve mclrle⒈C Becausc w°rkcrs pay morc a1tention to thcir data and inf°nnation

火D Becklttse i1allo鹏thc compaⅡs叩夕ρm卩(.`)sO the undedhcd wcld“Ⅱ刂哏°c lLcRr tilYlc an0workp”哏∴'∶ⅡeX栅e”h曲e丘r鸵pa闱斟aph mckqns__⊥~A cr°wdcd kB s△ictC tradltIOnal

、ˇD changcablc〈 )51 What is thc best ti11e for th始a⒒忆tc♀A An offlce Rcporl f】om Citox

‘B AV¢°rk Day in thc FutureC A New wolk style in thc Fu1uⅡ VD Not Enou吵Room f。r offl∞s、七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题2分)Best FⅡends Are Forever“Yclu饨my b∞t缸clld”I1、thc nice欲thIng you四n sγ10∞mcOlle

∧52 Gclcldfi蚰扎hips b吒IIl in middle scllod II’s thc place”ub咱n to del,clop yclur。wn personality(个'眭) YotIr paren1s arcrt art,und,∞you spcnd lo‘of Jmc cve,day shaⅡng yotIl

Ⅱfc with yotlrc]assmates You talk with thcm,you woll【‘with thcm and 53

色 But n。1all of1hem wlI bcc°meyour‘best” friends八年级英语试题第6页(共8页)

舳Illellds alc tllc酗thc mOSt

⒒Cy are casy1o Workho1ikC you and undCrstand you y, bCcatlse you don’Ⅳand bavc fttn with ~ˉ匿∫∠」巨J Soms secm t。滏u"刂m can ieel d讹d△t have a bcstf11clad,lc w ~5±土BCst fllCtldCr as if b咒flnd cach

°m婚“醐枷讪m哪our best friend, tbe tllagic wi111ast f°flnd

ⅤrcvcrABCAnd irs als。tl△C nicest thing you can hCar fl°ms°mconeuw0n’t bavc Onc in lllC futurelhat doesn’t mcau y°But somOtimcs irs not casy to llnd a bcst fliendHow t°makc frlendsy°DEu bccome fjends wⅡh thcm(共容回答问题。八、阅读短文,根据短文内〗In Britain,somc pcoplc say t、。KⅠ箔pC°p:!∶v∶8分,每小题2分)讧瀑⒒芯jΙ∶∶丨:丨lJ:;∶1∶∶∶莒:∶:∶a沆n".严d mⅡ“Ⅱk灬eahmms u蛳:时y氵l∶1cv would do anuhillg if a famous peⅡb som(mC' --^^∽‘^^冖°mltch““^i1ρoll they l°vc askcd them to!;辶;T;∶:∶l∶°逞∶、ji;∶f°;|。uric。plC arc solll1clCs1Cd in llleir holoes thdt it affects(影Ⅱ向)tlleir li%just to follow tlaem ors1rong fcelingsLoving a Famous person in two ways%ere alC tw。us peclple Onc wav话W呷s of worqlⅡⅡng(崇拜)fam。t nom1al and is an illncss, pcoplc have vc叩1alk about them wth iliCndS lor fun In anoJ1er morC sCrl0us waⅤfor thCm and tllink thCy are their foends This is n°Too much hero worship can be badˉExpelis repo丁t that thCrc arc both good and bad sidcs°f loving s°meone famous PCop1C who doso for ftln are ftund to be hapPier Ho飞〕扌TJ∶fjTr群票iπ∶」:「T1苜扌絮岁瑟硭T紫,T三冒vcvCr,those who have就rong tcelings ftor a%mous pcrs°n will:∶山d mⅡ“唧Ⅱ汛劈咖。57 D°—BrltalWadlll抬have thC samC problem?on?fecl if tbey havc strong feelings for a falnous pe⒔58 Hσ汀wi⒒pcop1c probab”hat docs the wr⒒er want1o te△59


书面表达九、完成句子(共(共18分)8分,每小题2分)根据中文意思完成句子。60为了成为一名作家,我坚持写文章。on1ontlng a⒒ic1cs,In order to be a wnter, I61

我擅长数学,所以我希望成为一名工程师。I alnmath, so I wantto be an cn芋neer′每个人都应该参与拯救地球活动。丨:Eve叩one shouldin saving the ea⒒h“如果你有问题,你可以跟我谈谈。, you can lalk to mc十、文段表达(共10分)“

请根据中英文提示,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于ω词的短文。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。学校校刊正在为卞学期的第一期刊物策划一个栏目“NCw飞m’s Resoluions”。现向全校同学征集新学期的决心。请你根据以下问题,从岂J和生活两个方面谈谈你的决心。●What are△ou going to do nexttenn?(Help olhers?spend ime with fanlill,?Get good grades?0r・…?)

‘● Why do you want to do them?。 How are you going t°do them?八年级英语试题第8页(共8页)


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