最新消息: USBMI致力于为网友们分享Windows、安卓、IOS等主流手机系统相关的资讯以及评测、同时提供相关教程、应用、软件下载等服务。


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Google Inc. is an American multinational

corporation that provides Internet-related

products and services, including internet

search, cloud computing, software and

advertising technologies. Advertising revenues

from AdWords generate almost all of the

company's profits.


The company was founded by Larry Page and

Sergey Brin while both attended Stanford

University. Together, Brin and Page own about

16 percent of the company's stake. Google was

first incorporated as a privately held company

on September 4, 1998, and its initial public

offering followed on August 19, 2004. The

company's mission statement from the outset

was "to organize the world's information and

make it universally accessible and useful" and

the company's unofficial slogan is "Don't be

evil".In 2006, the company moved to its

headquarters in Mountain View, California.

1998年9月4日,Google以私营公司的形式创立,设计并管理一个互联网搜索引擎“Google搜索”;Google网站则于1999年下半年启用。2004年8月19日,Google公司的股票在纳斯达克上市, 创始之初,Google官方的公司使命为“集成全球范围的信息,使人人皆可访问并从中受益”(to organize

the world's information and make it

universally accessible and useful);而非正式的口号则为“不作恶”(Don't be evil),由工程师阿米特·帕特尔(Amit Patel)所创,并得到了保罗·布赫海特(英语:Paul Buchheit)的支持。Google公司的总部称为„Googleplex‟,位于美国加州圣克拉拉县的芒廷维尤

Rapid growth since incorporation has triggered

a chain of products, acquisitions, and

partnerships beyond the company's core web

search engine. The company offers online

productivity software including email, an

office suite, and social networking. Google's

products extend to the desktop as well, with

applications for web browsing, organizing and

editing photos, and instant messaging. Google

leads the development of the Android mobile

operating system, as well as the Google

Chrome OS browser-only operating system,

found on specialized netbooks called

Chromebooks. Google has increasingly

become a hardware company with its

partnerships with major electronics

manufacturers on its high-end Nexus series of

devices and its acquisition of Motorola

Mobility in May 2012, as well as the

construction of fiber-optic infrastructure in

Kansas City as part of the Google Fiber

broadband Internet service project.


Buzz以及最近的Google+在内的社交网络服务。Google的产品同时也以应用软件的形式进入用户桌面,例如Google Chrome浏览器、Picasa图片整理与编辑软件、Google Talk即时通讯工具等。另外,Google还进行了移动设备的Android操作系统以及上网本的Google Chrome OS操作系统的开发。

Google began in January 1996 as a research

project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when

they were both PhD students at Stanford

[25]University in California.

While conventional search engines ranked

results by counting how many times the search

terms appeared on the page, the two theorized

about a better system that analyzed the

[26]relationships between websites. They called

this new technology PageRank, where a

website's relevance was determined by the

number of pages, and the importance of those

pages, that linked back to the original site.

1996年1月,身为加州斯坦福大学理学博士生的拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布卢姆在学校开始[30]一项关于搜索的研究项目。 区别于传统的搜索靠搜索字眼在页面中出现次数来进行结果排序的方法,两人开发了一个对网站[31]之间的关系做精确分析的搜寻引擎。 这个名为PageRank的引擎通过检查网页中的反向链接以评估站点的重要性,此引擎的精确度胜于当时的基本搜索技术

Page and Brin originally nicknamed their new

search engine "BackRub", because the system

checked backlinks to estimate the importance

of a site.

Eventually, they changed the name to Google,

originating from a misspelling of the word

[36][37]"googol", the number one followed by

one hundred zeros, which was picked to

signify that the search engine wants to provide

large quantities of information for people.[38]

Originally, Google ran under the Stanford

University website, with the domains


and domain name for Google was registered

on September 15, 1997,[41] and the company

was incorporated on September 4, 1998. It was

[25]based in a friend's (Susan Wojcicki) garage

in Menlo Park, California. Craig Silverstein, a

fellow PhD student at Stanford, was hired as

the first employee


这个新名字来源于一个数学大数googol(数100字1后有100个0,即自然数10)单词错误的拼写方式,[37][38] 象征着为人们提供搜索[39]海量优质信息的决心。 Google搜索引擎在斯坦福大学的网站上启用,域名为[40]。

1997年9月15日,两人注册了Google域名。[41] 一年后,1998年9月4日,佩奇和布卢姆在加州门洛帕克一位朋友家的车库内创建了Google公司,克雷格·西尔弗斯坦(Craig



Financing and initial public offering

Google's first production server. Google's

production servers continue to be built with

[46]inexpensive hardware.

The first funding for Google was an August

1998 contribution of US$100,000 from Andy

Bechtolsheim, co-founder of Sun

Microsystems, given before Google was even

incorporated.[47] Early in 1999, while still

graduate students, Brin and Page decided that

the search engine they had developed was

taking up too much of their time from

academic pursuits. They went to Excite CEO

George Bell and offered to sell it to him for $1

million. He rejected the offer, and later

criticized Vinod Khosla, one of Excite's

venture capitalists, after he had negotiated

Brin and Page down to $750,000. On June 7,

1999, a $25 million round of funding was

[48]announced, with major investors including

the venture capital firms Kleiner Perkins

[47]Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital.

Google's initial public offering (IPO) took

place five years later on August 19, 2004. At

that time Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Eric

Schmidt agreed to work together at Google for

20 years, until the year 2024.[49] The company

offered 19,605,052 shares at a price of $85 per

[50][51]share. Shares were sold in a unique

online auction format using a system built by

Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse,

[52][53]underwriters for the deal. The sale of

$1.67 billion gave Google a market

capitalization of more than $23 billion.[54] The

vast majority of the 271 million shares

remained under the control of Google, and

many Google employees became instant paper

millionaires. Yahoo!, a competitor of Google,

also benefited because it owned 8.4 million

shares of Google before the IPO took place


佩奇和布卢姆在Google项目上最早获得投资是在1998年8月,Sun Microsystems的联合创始人安迪·贝托尔斯海姆给了两人一张十万美金的支票来用于搜索引擎的开发和运[45]营,当时Google公司还尚未成立。 到1999年,由于搜索引擎的开发花费了太多的学习时间,佩奇和布卢姆甚至考虑将其出售。两人找到Excite(英语:Excite)公司CEO乔治·贝尔(George Bell)提出一百万美元的收购价。尽管Excite的风险投资人维诺德·科斯拉在与Google的两位创始人谈判后将价格降低到75万美元,但仍被贝尔拒绝了。1999年6月7日,包括Kleiner Perkins公司(英语:Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers)和红杉资本在内的投资者为Google注资两千五百万[45][46]美元。

Google直到2004年8月19日才进行首次公开募股,公司发行了19,605,052份每股价值[47][48]85美元的股票。 股票由摩根士丹利和瑞士信贷集团承销,以网上拍卖的形式发售。[49][50][51] IPO后,Google公司的市值迅速上涨到超过230亿美元,而Google仍然


Some people speculated that Google's IPO

would inevitably lead to changes in company

culture. Reasons ranged from shareholder

pressure for employee benefit reductions to the

fact that many company executives would

become instant paper millionaires.[56] As a

reply to this concern, co-founders Sergey Brin

and Larry Page promised in a report to

potential investors that the IPO would not

[57]change the company's culture. In 2005,

however, articles in The New York Times and

other sources began suggesting that Google

had lost its anti-corporate, no evil

[58][59][60]philosophy. In an effort to maintain

the company's unique culture, Google

designated a Chief Culture Officer, who also

serves as the Director of Human Resources.

The purpose of the Chief Culture Officer is to

develop and maintain the culture and work on

ways to keep true to the core values that the

company was founded on: a flat organization

[61]with a collaborative environment. Google

has also faced allegations of sexism and

ageism from former employees.[62][63]

The stock's performance after the IPO went

well, with shares hitting $700 for the first time

[64]on October 31, 2007, primarily because of

strong sales and earnings in the online

[65]advertising market. The surge in stock price

was fueled mainly by individual investors, as

opposed to large institutional investors and

[65]mutual funds. The company is now listed on

the NASDAQ stock exchange under the ticker

symbol GOOG and under the Frankfurt Stock

Exchange under the ticker symbol GGQ1.

一些人怀疑Google公司的企业文化在上市后,会由于董事会施压或高管们的暴富而不可避免地被改变。[53] 两位创始人拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布卢姆则在一份报告中承诺,上市

不会影响Google的公司文化,以作为对潜[54]在投资者们的怀疑所做的回应。2005年,纽约时报等媒体撰文指出Google已经丧失了原来不作恶的哲学。[55][56][57] 在此之下,为了保持与众不同的企业文化,Google专门指派了一位首席文化官,来为Google构建和维护企业内部广泛协助的扁平化组织,及[58]其所产生的核心价值。 Google也面临前[59][60]员工性别歧视和年龄歧视的指控。

首次公开募股之后,Google的股票形势良好,2007年10月31日,受益于在网络广告市[61]场的强势盈利, 股价首次超过700美元。[62] 相比较大型机构投资和共同基金,Google股票的股价的变动更多地是由个人[61]投资者们所影响。 目前,Google的股票在纽约纳斯达克证券交易所和法兰克福特证券交易所内进行交易(股票代号分别为NASDAQ:GOOG、FWB:GGQ1)。


In March 1999, the company moved its offices

to Palo Alto, California, home to several other

noted Silicon Valley technology startups.[66]

The next year, against Page and Brin's initial

opposition toward an advertising-funded

search engine,[67] Google began selling

advertisements associated with search

[25]keywords. In order to maintain an

uncluttered page design and increase speed,

advertisements were solely text-based.

Keywords were sold based on a combination

of price bids and click-throughs, with bidding

starting at five cents per click.[25] This model

of selling keyword advertising was first

pioneered by , an Idealab spin-off

created by Bill Gross.[68][69] When the

company changed names to Overture Services,

it sued Google over alleged infringements of

the company's pay-per-click and bidding

patents. Overture Services would later be

bought by Yahoo! and renamed Yahoo! Search

Marketing. The case was then settled out of

court, with Google agreeing to issue shares of

common stock to Yahoo! in exchange for a

perpetual license.[70]

During this time, Google was granted a patent

[71]describing its PageRank mechanism. The

patent was officially assigned to Stanford

University and lists Lawrence Page as the

inventor. In 2003, after outgrowing two other

locations, the company leased an office

complex from Silicon Graphics at 1600

Amphitheatre Parkway in Mountain View,

[72]California. The complex has since come to

be known as the Googleplex, a play on the

word googolplex, the number one followed by

a googol zeroes. The Googleplex interiors

were designed by Clive Wilkinson Architects.

Three years later, Google would buy the

property from SG

[73]or $319 million. By that time, the name

"Google" had found its way into everyday

language, causing the verb "google" to be

added to the Merriam-Webster Collegiate

Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary,

denoted as "to use the Google search engine to

obtain information on the Internet.


1999年3月,Google公司将的办公场所搬至加州的帕罗奥多,这里是众多知名的硅谷初[63]创公司所在的地方。 翌年,Google开始[30]以出售搜索关键词的广告, 但这一做法与佩奇和布卢姆以广告赞助搜索的意愿相[64]违背。 为了保持页面简洁的设计,提高搜索速度,广告只会以基于文本的形式出现。关键词的出售结合点击次数和价格的竞[30]标,竞标起价为每次点击5美分。 这种出售广告关键词的模式最早来源于——一个由比尔·葛罗斯的Idealab(英语:Idealab)企业孵化器派生的网站。[65][66] 之后Google受到了这家改名为Overture Services的公司对于次广告出售专利技术侵权的指控。2003年,Overture


2001年,Google获得了PageRank的专利权,[68] 这项专利被正式颁与斯坦福大学,劳伦斯·佩奇(即拉里·佩奇)为专利发明人。2003年,在发展了两处办公地点以后,公司又向硅谷图形公司租赁了位于芒廷维尤目前所[69]在的综合办公楼。 这处办公地点被戏称为„Googleplex‟,数学大数古戈尔普勒克斯(googolplex)单词的变体。三年后,Google以三亿一千九百万的价额向硅谷图形公司[70]买下了这里的产权。 在这段时间内,google这个单词逐渐进入各类语言当中,也使得„google‟作为动词被收入至梅里亚姆-韦珀斯特词典和牛津英语词典内,释义为“使用Google搜索引擎在互联网上获取信息”(to use the Google search engine to obtain

[71][72]information on the Internet)。

2011年5月,Google的月独立访客数量首次超过十亿,与一年前同期的9亿3100万[73]相比增长8.4%。 Google也是首个取得该数据里程碑的网站

Acquisitions and partnerships

Since 2001, Google has acquired many

companies, mainly focusing on small venture

capital companies. In 2004, Google acquired

Keyhole, Inc.[76] The start-up company

developed a product called Earth Viewer that

gave a three-dimensional view of the Earth.

Google renamed the service to Google Earth in

2005. Two years later, Google bought the

online video site YouTube for $1.65 billion in

[77]stock. On April 13, 2007, Google reached

an agreement to acquire DoubleClick for $3.1

billion, giving Google valuable relationships

that DoubleClick had with Web publishers and

advertising agencies.[78] Later that same year,

Google purchased GrandCentral for $50

[79]million. The site would later be changed

over to Google Voice. On August 5, 2009,

Google bought out its first public company,

purchasing video software maker On2

[80]Technologies for $106.5 million. Google

also acquired Aardvark, a social network

search engine, for $50 million, and

commented on its internal blog, "we're looking

forward to collaborating to see where we can

[81]take it". In April 2010, Google announced it

had acquired a hardware startup, Agnilux.[82]

In addition to the many companies Google has

purchased, the company has partnered with

other organizations for everything from

research to advertising. In 2005, Google

partnered with NASA Ames Research Center

2to build 1,000,000 square feet (93,000 m) of

offices.[83] The offices would be used for

research projects involving large-scale data

management, nanotechnology, distributed

computing, and the entrepreneurial space

industry. Google entered into a partnership

with Sun Microsystems in October 2005 to

help share and distribute each other's

[84]technologies. The company also partnered

[85]with AOL of Time Warner, to enhance each

other's video search services. Google's 2005

partnerships also included financing the

new .mobi top-level domain for mobile

devices, along with other companies including

[86]Microsoft, Nokia, and Ericsson. Google

would later launch "AdSense for Mobile",

taking advantage of the emerging mobile

[87]advertising market. Increasing its

advertising reach even further, Google and Fox

Interactive Media of News Corporation

entered into a $900 million agreement to

provide search and advertising on (at the time)

[88]popular social networking site MySpace.

In October 2006, Google announced that it had

acquired the video-sharing site YouTube for

US$1.65 billion in Google stock, and the deal

was finalized on November 13, 2006.[89]

Google does not provide detailed figures for

YouTube's running costs, and YouTube's

revenues in 2007 were noted as "not material"

[90]in a regulatory filing. In June 2008, a

Forbes magazine article projected the 2008

YouTube revenue at US$200 million, noting

progress in advertising sales.[91] In 2007,

Google began sponsoring NORAD Tracks

Santa, a service that follows Santa Claus'

[92]progress on Christmas Eve, using Google

Earth to "track Santa" in 3-D for the first

time,[93] and displacing former sponsor AOL.

Google-owned YouTube gave NORAD Tracks

[94]Santa its own channel.

In 2008, Google developed a partnership with

GeoEye to launch a satellite providing Google

with high-resolution (0.41 m monochrome,

1.65 m color) imagery for Google Earth. The

satellite was launched from Vandenberg Air

[95]Force Base on September 6, 2008. Google

also announced in 2008 that it was hosting an

archive of Life Magazine's photographs as part

of its latest partnership. Some of the images in

the archive were never published in the

[96]magazine. The photos were watermarked

and originally had copyright notices posted on

all photos, regardless of public domain


In 2010, Google Energy made its first

investment in a renewable energy project,

putting $38.8 million into two wind farms in

North Dakota. The company announced the

two locations will generate 169.5 megawatts

of power, or enough to supply 55,000 homes.

The farms, which were developed by NextEra

Energy Resources, will reduce fossil fuel use

in the region and return profits. NextEra

Energy Resources sold Google a twenty

percent stake in the project to get funding for

[98]its development. Also in 2010, Google

purchased Global IP Solutions, a

Norway-based company that provides

web-based teleconferencing and other related

services. This acquisition will enable Google

to add telephone-style services to its list of

[99]products. On May 27, 2010, Google

announced it had also closed the acquisition of

the mobile ad network AdMob. This purchase

occurred days after the Federal Trade

Commission closed its investigation into the

purchase.[100] Google acquired the company

[101]for an undisclosed amount. In July 2010,

Google signed an agreement with an Iowa

wind farm to buy 114 megawatts of energy for

[102]20 years.

On April 4, 2011, The Globe and Mail

reported that Google bid $900 million for six

[103]thousand Nortel Networks patents.

On August 15, 2011, Google made its

largest-ever acquisition to-date when

announced that it would acquire Motorola

[104][105]Mobility for $12.5 billion subject to

approval from regulators in the United States

and Europe. In a post on Google's blog,

Google Chief Executive and co-founder Larry

Page revealed that Google's acquisition of

Motorola Mobility is a strategic move to

strengthen Google's patent portfolio. The

company's Android operating system has come

under fire in an industry-wide patent battle, as

Apple and Microsoft have taken to court

Android device makers such as HTC,

Samsung and Motorola.[106] The merger was

completed on the May 22, 2012, after the

approval of People's Republic of China.[107]

This purchase was made in part to help Google

gain Motorola's considerable patent portfolio

on mobile phones and wireless technologies to

help protect it in its ongoing patent disputes

[108]with other companies, mainly Apple and

Microsoft[106] and to allow it to continue to

[109]freely offer Android. After the acquisition

closed, Google began to restructure the

Motorola business to fit Google's strategy. On

August 13, 2012, Google announced plans to

[110]layoff 4000 Motorola Mobility employees.

On December 10, 2012, Google sold the

manufacturing operations of Motorola

[111]Mobility to Flextronics for $75 million. As

a part of the agreement, Flextronics will

manufacture undisclosed Android and other

[112]mobile devices On December 19, 2012,

Google sold the Motorola Home business

division of Motorola Mobility to Arris Group

for $2.35 billion in a cash-and-stock

transaction. As a part of this deal, Google

acquired a 15.7% stake in Arris Group valued

[113]at $300Million.

On June 5, 2012, Google announced it

acquired Quickoffice, a company widely

known for their mobile productivity suite for

both iOS and Android. Google plans to

integrate Quickoffice's technology into its own

[114]product suite.

On February 6, 2013, Google announced it has

acquired Channel Intelligence for $125 million.

Channel Intelligence, a technology company

that helps customers buy products online, is

active globally in 31 different countries and

works with over 850 retailers. Google will use

this technology to enhance it's ecommerce



同年10月又吞并了Keyhole公司(英语:[76]Keyhole, Inc)。 这家初创公司开发出一个名为Earth Viewer的产品,供用户以3D的视

角观察地球。一年后,Google将此服务改名为Google地球。2005年,成立仅22个月的高科技企业Android被Google相中,被收购并成为Google麾下的移动设备操作系统。2006年10月,Google宣布以16.5亿美元的股票收购在线视频分享网站YouTube,并于11月敲定。[77]2007年4月13日,Google与DoubleClick达成协议,DoubleClick以31亿美元的价格被Google收购,并成为后者旗[78]下的一家网络出版与广告商。 同年,Google以5千万美元并购了GrandCentral,[79]后来将其改造为Google Voice。2009年8月5日,Google以1亿650万美元买断视频软件制造公司On2 Technologies。[80]2010年,Google将Aardvark(英语:Aardvark (search

engine))纳入旗下,出价为5千万美元,并在内部博客中写道:“我们很期待将其集成[81]进我们的产品中”。 同年,Google又大举并购了ITA Software(英语:ITA Software)、Slide(英语:)、等。[82][83][84][85]2011年,Google继续大笔的收购[86]之路,业已将SageTV(英语:SageTV)


除了收购的方式以外,Google也积极地与其他公司或组织进行合作关系,从科研到商业广告,都是开展合作所涉及的领域。2005年,Google与美国国家航空航天局艾姆斯研究中心(英语:Ames Research Center)合作建设了用于囊括了大规模数据管理、纳米技术、分布式计算、航空航天产业等科研项目[88]的场所,占地约93000平方米。 2005年10月,Google与Sun Microsystems交换并分[89]享了各自的技术。 Google也和AOL及时代华纳达成商业伙伴关系,以增强各自视频[90]搜索服务的质量。 2005年,Google与微软、诺基亚、爱立信联手,为顶级域名.mobi[91]融资。 而后Google启动了Adsense for

Mobile,开拓移动广告市场。2006年,新闻集团旗下的福克斯互动媒体同Google达成一份9亿美元的协议,Google为社交网站[92]MySpace提供搜索与广告业务。 2007年,

Google与34家手机制造商、芯片制造商、软件开发商和电信运营商一同创建了开放手机联盟,开发Android系统与苹果iOS、微软Windows Phone等移动平台竞争。

Products and services


In 2011, 96% of Google's revenue was derived

[118]from its advertising programs. For the 2006

fiscal year, the company reported $10.492

billion in total advertising revenues and only

$112 million in licensing and other

[119]revenues. Google has implemented various

innovations in the online advertising market

that helped make it one of the biggest brokers

in the market. Using technology from the

company DoubleClick, Google can determine

user interests and target advertisements so they

are relevant to their context and the user that is

[120][121]viewing them. Google Analytics allows

website owners to track where and how people

use their website, for example by examining

click rates for all the links on a page.[122]

Google advertisements can be placed on

third-party websites in a two-part program.

Google's AdWords allows advertisers to

display their advertisements in the Google

content network, through either a

cost-per-click or cost-per-view scheme. The

sister service, Google AdSense, allows website

owners to display these advertisements on

their website, and earn money every time ads

are clicked.[123]

One of the disadvantages and criticisms of this

program is Google's inability to combat click

fraud, when a person or automated script

"clicks" on advertisements without being

interested in the product, which causes that

advertiser to pay money to Google unduly.

Industry reports in 2006 claim that

approximately 14 to 20 percent of clicks were

[124]in fact fraudulent or invalid. Furthermore,

there has been controversy over Google's

"search within a search", where a secondary

search box enables the user to find what they

are looking for within a particular website. It

was soon reported that when performing a

search within a search for a specific company,

advertisements from competing and rival

companies often showed up along with those

results, drawing users away from the site they

[125]were originally searching.

Another complaint against Google's

advertising is its censorship of advertisers,

though many cases concern compliance with

the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. For

example, in February 2003, Google stopped

showing the advertisements of Oceana, a

non-profit organization protesting a major

cruise ship's sewage treatment practices.

Google cited its editorial policy at the time,

stating "Google does not accept advertising if

the ad or site advocates against other

[126]individuals, groups, or organizations." The

policy was later changed.[127] In June 2008,

Google reached an advertising agreement with

Yahoo!, which would have allowed Yahoo! to

feature Google advertisements on its web

pages. The alliance between the two

companies was never completely realized due

to antitrust concerns by the U.S. Department

of Justice. As a result, Google pulled out of the

deal in November 2008.[128][129]

In an attempt to advertise its own products,

Google launched a website called Demo Slam,

developed to demonstrate technology demos

of Google Products.[130] Each week, two teams

compete at putting Google's technology into

new contexts. Search Engine Journal said

Demo Slam is "a place where creative and

tech-savvy people can create videos to help the

rest of the world understand all the newest and

greatest technology out there.



如2006年财政年度,公司财报显示104.92亿美元的收入中只有1.12亿来自于非广告收[95]入。 为了保持在网络广告代理市场中执

牛耳的地位,Google不断实施各种新的手段。例如Google在收购DoubleClick后获取技术,得以获取用户兴趣和确定广告目标。[96][97]Google Analytics可以让网站站长们查看并追踪访问者在何时,以何种方式访问自己的网站,如检查某一页面上所有链接的点击等。[98] Google的广告系统由两个部分组成,通过第三方网站来放置。AdWords为广告客户提供在网络中展示广告的服务,按点击或显示收费;AdWords的姊妹项目AdSense,允许网站站长在自己的网页中提[99]供广告展示的位置,并参与分成。

但Google也由于在网络广告系统中反点击欺诈(英语:Click fraud)管理的无力而饱受诟病——当一个并不是出于对广告中产品感兴趣的访客或一个自动脚本故意点击该则广告后,会引起广告客户过多支付广告费用。2006年的行业报告指出,约有14%至[100]20%的点击属于欺诈点击或无效点击。


名为Oceana(英语:Oceana (non-profit

group))的非营利组织的(抗议大型油轮不合理的污水处理)广告展示。Google引用其编辑政策解释:“Google不接受广告或网站内容为宣扬反对其他个人、团体或组织的广[101][102]告。” 该政策却在随后即被更改。


为了推销自己的产品,Google启动了一个名为 Demo Slam 的网站以展示自有产品的技术示范(英语:Tech demo)。[105] 每一周都会有两个团队竞相把Google的新产品公布到网站上。《搜索引擎杂志》撰文写道:Demo


Search engine

On February 14, 2012, Google updated its

homepage with a minor twist. There are no red

lines above the options in the black bar, and

there is a tab space before the "+You". The

button has also changed, it is no longer

in the black bar, instead under it as a button.

Google Search, a web search engine, is the

company's most popular service. According to

market research published by comScore in

November 2009, Google is the dominant

search engine in the United States market, with

a market share of 65.6%.[132] Google indexes

[133]billions of web pages, so that users can

search for the information they desire, through

the use of keywords and operators.

Despite its popularity, it has received criticism

from a number of organizations. In 2003, The

New York Times complained about Google's

indexing, claiming that Google's caching of

content on its site infringed its copyright for

[134]the content. In this case, the United States

District Court of Nevada ruled in favor of

Google in Field v. Google and Parker v.

Google.[135][136] Furthermore, the publication

2600: The Hacker Quarterly has compiled a

list of words that the web giant's new instant

search feature will not search.[137] Google

Watch has also criticized Google's PageRank

algorithms, saying that they discriminate

against new websites and favor established

[138]sites, and has made allegations about

connections between Google and the National

Security Agency (NSA) and the Central

Intelligence Agency (CIA).[139] Despite

criticism, the basic search engine has spread to

specific services as well, including an image

search engine, the Google News search site,

Google Maps, and more. In early 2006, the

company launched Google Video, which

allowed users to upload, search, and watch

[140]videos from the Internet. In 2009, however,

uploads to Google Video were discontinued so

that Google could focus more on the search

aspect of the service.[141] The company even

developed Google Desktop, a desktop search

application used to search for files local to

one's computer (discontinued in 2011).

Google's most recent development in search is

its partnership with the United States Patent

and Trademark Office to create Google Patents,

which enables free access to information about

patents and trademarks.

One of the more controversial search services

Google hosts is Google Books. The company

began scanning books and uploading limited

previews, and full books where allowed, into

its new book search engine. The Authors Guild,

a group that represents 8,000 U.S. authors,

filed a class action suit in a New York City

federal court against Google in 2005 over this

new service. Google replied that it is in

compliance with all existing and historical

applications of copyright laws regarding

[142]books. Google eventually reached a revised

settlement in 2009 to limit its scans to books

from the U.S., the UK, Australia and

[143]Canada. Furthermore, the Paris Civil Court

ruled against Google in late 2009, asking it to

remove the works of La Martinière (Éditions

[144]du Seuil) from its database. In competition

with , Google plans to sell digital

[145]versions of new books.

On July 21, 2010, in response to newcomer

Bing, Google updated its image search to

display a streaming sequence of thumbnails

that enlarge when pointed at. Though web

searches still appear in a batch per page format,

on July 23, 2010, dictionary definitions for

certain English words began appearing above

[146]the linked results for web searches.

Google's algorithm was changed in March

2011, giving more weight to high-quality

[147]content possibly by the use of n-grams to

remove spun content.



联网搜索引擎。根据comScore(英语:comScore)2009年11月公布的市场统计,Google在美国搜索引擎市场上占有率为65.6%。[108] Google抓取数十亿的互联网网页,因此用户能通过搜索关键词等操作较为[109]轻松地获取想要搜寻的信息。 除了最基本的文字搜索功能之外,Google搜索还提供[110][111]至少22种特殊功能, 如同义词、天气预报、时区、股价、地图、地震数据、电影放映时间、机场、体育赛事比分等。Google搜索在搜索与数字相关的信息时又会有另一些特殊功能:如单位换算、货币换算、数[110]字运算、包裹追踪、地区代码。 同时,Google也为搜索页面提供语言翻译功能。2011年,Google先后推出语音搜索和图片搜[112]索。

尽管Google搜索很受大众喜爱,但也有许多组织对它发出批评的声音。2003年,纽约时报声称Google对其网站抓取与形成的缓[113]存侵害了网站内容的版权。 在这个问题上,内华达地方法院审理了相关的Field v.

Google(英语:Field v. Google)和Parker v.


Productivity tools

In addition to its standard web search services,

Google has released over the years a number

of online productivity tools. Gmail, a free

webmail service provided by Google, was

launched as an invitation-only beta program

[149]on April 1, 2004, and became available to

the general public on February 7, 2007.[150]

The service was upgraded from beta status on

[151]July 7, 2009, at which time it had 146

[152]million users monthly. The service would

be the first online email service with one

gigabyte of storage, and the first to keep

emails from the same conversation together in

one thread, similar to an Internet forum.[149]

The service currently offers over 7600 MB of

free storage with additional storage ranging

from 20 GB to 16 TB available for US$0.25

[153]per 1 GB per year. Furthermore, software

developers know Gmail for its pioneering use

of AJAX, a programming technique that

allows web pages to be interactive without

refreshing the browser.[154] One criticism of

Gmail has been the potential for data

disclosure, a risk associated with many online

web applications. Steve Ballmer (Microsoft's

[155][156][157]CEO), Liz Figueroa, Mark Rasch,

[158]and the editors of Google Watch believe

the processing of email message content goes

beyond proper use, but Google claims that

mail sent to or from Gmail is never read by a

human being beyond the account holder, and is

only used to improve relevance of


Google Docs, another part of Google's

productivity suite, allows users to create, edit,

and collaborate on documents in an online

environment, not dissimilar to Microsoft Word.

The service was originally called Writely, but

was obtained by Google on March 9, 2006,

where it was released as an invitation-only

preview.[160] On June 6 after the acquisition,

Google created an experimental spreadsheet

[161]editing program, which would be

combined with Google Docs on October

[162]10. A program to edit presentations would

[163]complete the set on September 17, 2007,

before all three services were taken out of beta

along with Gmail, Google Calendar and all

products from the Google Apps Suite on July 7,



除了强大的搜索引擎以外,Google也研发了许多在线的工作辅助工具。Gmail是Google开发的一个免费电子邮箱服务,于2004年4[116]月1日进入Beta阶段, 2007年2月7日正[117]式面向大众开放。 直到2009年7月7日,[118]Gmail才结束其漫长的Beta阶段, 当时[119]已有1.64亿用户使用。 Gmail是首个拥有1GB存储空间的网络电子邮箱,也是第一个以单线程会话保存邮件的的电邮,这与网络[116]论坛相似。 目前,Gmail提供给每个免

费用户10GB的邮箱容量,付费用户可缴纳每年每GB 0.25美元的费用来将容量提升至[120]20GB至16TB。 Gmail也是AJAX技术开拓的先行者,该技术使人们不用手动刷新[121]浏览器显示就能看到新的网页信息。

Google工作包的另一部分——Google文件,与微软的Microsoft Word不同,它允许用户在在线环境下新建、编辑或协同编辑文件。这项服务原名为Writely,但在2006年3月9[122]日被Google收购。6月6日,Google创建[123]了一个实验性的电子表格编辑项目, 在随后的10月10日被集成进Google文件中。[124] 2007年9月17日,编辑演示文稿的功能也被加入Google文件。[125] 2009年7月7日,包括三项功能在内的Google文件与Gmail、Google日历一起组成Google Apps工作包。

Enterprise products

Google's search appliance at the 2008 RSA


Google entered the enterprise market in

February 2002 with the launch of its Google

Search Appliance, targeted toward providing

[25]search technology for larger organizations.

Google launched the Mini three years later,

which was targeted at smaller organizations.

Late in 2006, Google began to sell Custom

Search Business Edition, providing customers

with an advertising-free window into

's index. The service was renamed

[164]Google Site Search in 2008.

Google Apps is another primary Google

enterprise service offering. The service allows

organizations to bring Google's web

application offerings, such as Gmail and

Google Docs, into its own domain. The service

is available in several editions: a basic free

edition (formerly known as Google Apps

Standard edition), Google Apps for Business,

Google Apps for Education, and Google Apps

for Government. Special editions include

extras such as more disk space, API access, a

service level agreement (SLA), premium

support, and additional apps. In the same year

Google Apps was launched, Google acquired

[165]Postini and proceeded to integrate the

company's security technologies into Google

Apps[166] under the name Google Postini


Additional Google enterprise offerings include

geospatial solutions (e.g., Google Earth and

Google Maps); security and archival solutions

(e.g., Postini); and Chromebooks for business

and education (i.e., personal computing run on

browser-centric operating systems)


2002年2月,Google向企业市场推出一款名为Google Search Appliance的设备,针对大[30]型组织机构提供搜索技术。 三年后Google又推出Google Mini以适应中小型企业。2006年,又推出子自定义搜索商务版,[126]2008年改名为Google协作平台。

另一个Google的企业产品是Google Apps专业版。Google Apps专业版和标准版及教育版同为Google Apps的不同版本,为企业、

学校和其他组织提供自身域名下的Gmail、Google文件等在线应用服务。与标准版相比,专业版有着更多的功能,例如更多的磁盘空间、API准入和高级支持,每个账户收费为每年50美元。Google较早在加拿大安大略省桑德贝的湖首大学推广Google Apps业务,有超过3万8千名用户。在推出Google

Apps的同年,Google收购了Postini(英语:[127]Postini)公司, 得以将其原有的安全技术以Google Postini Services之名集成进Google Apps中

Other products

Google Translate is a server-side machine

translation service, which can translate

between 35 different languages. Browser

extensions allow for easy access to Google

Translate from the browser. The software uses

corpus linguistics techniques, where the

program "learns" from professionally

translated documents, specifically UN and

[168]European Parliament proceedings.

Furthermore, a "suggest a better translation"

feature accompanies the translated text,

allowing users to indicate where the current

translation is incorrect or otherwise inferior to

another translation.

Google launched its Google News service in

2002. The site proclaimed that the company

had created a "highly unusual" site that "offers

a news service compiled solely by computer

algorithms without human intervention.

Google employs no editors, managing editors,

[169]or executive editors." The site hosted less

licensed news content than Yahoo! News, and

instead presented topically selected links to

news and opinion pieces along with

reproductions of their headlines, story leads,

[170]and photographs. The photographs are

typically reduced to thumbnail size and placed

next to headlines from other news sources on

the same topic in order to minimize copyright

infringement claims. Nevertheless, Agence

France Presse sued Google for copyright

infringement in federal court in the District of

Columbia, a case which Google settled for an

undisclosed amount in a pact that included a

license of the full text of AFP articles for use

[171]on Google News.

In 2006, Google made a bid to offer free

wireless broadband access throughout the city

of San Francisco along with Internet service

provider EarthLink. Large telecommunications

companies such as Comcast and Verizon

opposed such efforts, claiming it was "unfair

competition" and that cities would be violating

their commitments to offer local monopolies to

these companies. In his testimony before

Congress on network neutrality in 2006,

Google's Chief Internet Evangelist Vint Cerf

blamed such tactics on the fact that nearly half

of all consumers lack meaningful choice in

[172]broadband providers. Google currently

offers free wi-fi access in its hometown of

Mountain View, California.[173]

In 2010, Google announced the Google Fiber

project with plans to build an ultra-high-speed

broadband network for 50,000 to 500,000

[174]customers in one or more American cities.

On March 30, 2011, Google announced that

Kansas City, Kansas would be the first

community where the new network would be

deployed.[175] In July 2012, Google completed

the construction of a fiber-optic broadband

internet network infrastructure in Kansas City,

and after building an infrastructure, Google

announced pricing for Google Fiber. The

service will offer three options including a free

broadband internet option, a 1Gbit/s internet

option for $70 per month and a version that

includes television service for $120 per


In 2007, reports surfaced that Google was

planning the release of its own mobile phone,

possibly a competitor to Apple's

[176][177][178]iPhone. The project, called Android,

turned out not to be a phone but an operating

system for mobile devices, which Google

acquired and then released as an open source

[179]project under the Apache 2.0 license.

Google provides a software development kit

for developers so applications can be created

to be run on Android-based phones. In

September 2008, T-Mobile released the G1,

the first Android-based phone.[180] More than a

year later on January 5, 2010, Google released

an Android phone under its own company

[181]name called the Nexus One.

Other projects Google has worked on include a

new collaborative communication service, a

web browser, and even a mobile operating

system. The first of these was first announced

on May 27, 2009. Google Wave was described

as a product that helps users communicate and

collaborate on the web. The service is

Google's "email redesigned", with realtime

editing, the ability to embed audio, video, and

other media, and extensions that further

enhance the communication experience.

Google Wave was previously in a developer's

preview, where interested users had to be

invited to test the service, but was released to

the general public on May 19, 2010, at

Google's I/O keynote. On September 1, 2008,

Google pre-announced the upcoming

availability of Google Chrome, an open source

web browser,[182] which was then released on

September 2, 2008. The next year, on July 7,

2009, Google announced Google Chrome OS,

an open source Linux-based operating system

that includes only a web browser and is

designed to log users into their Google


Google Goggles is a mobile application

available on Android and iOS used for image

recognition and non-text-based search. In

addition to scanning QR codes, the app can

recognize historic landmarks, import business

[185]cards, and solve Sudoku puzzles. While

Goggles could originally identify people as

well, Google has limited that functionality as a

[186]privacy protection.


Google Inc. is an American multinational

corporation that provides Internet-related

products and services, including internet

search, cloud computing, software and

advertising technologies. Advertising revenues

from AdWords generate almost all of the

company's profits.


The company was founded by Larry Page and

Sergey Brin while both attended Stanford

University. Together, Brin and Page own about

16 percent of the company's stake. Google was

first incorporated as a privately held company

on September 4, 1998, and its initial public

offering followed on August 19, 2004. The

company's mission statement from the outset

was "to organize the world's information and

make it universally accessible and useful" and

the company's unofficial slogan is "Don't be

evil".In 2006, the company moved to its

headquarters in Mountain View, California.

1998年9月4日,Google以私营公司的形式创立,设计并管理一个互联网搜索引擎“Google搜索”;Google网站则于1999年下半年启用。2004年8月19日,Google公司的股票在纳斯达克上市, 创始之初,Google官方的公司使命为“集成全球范围的信息,使人人皆可访问并从中受益”(to organize

the world's information and make it

universally accessible and useful);而非正式的口号则为“不作恶”(Don't be evil),由工程师阿米特·帕特尔(Amit Patel)所创,并得到了保罗·布赫海特(英语:Paul Buchheit)的支持。Google公司的总部称为„Googleplex‟,位于美国加州圣克拉拉县的芒廷维尤

Rapid growth since incorporation has triggered

a chain of products, acquisitions, and

partnerships beyond the company's core web

search engine. The company offers online

productivity software including email, an

office suite, and social networking. Google's

products extend to the desktop as well, with

applications for web browsing, organizing and

editing photos, and instant messaging. Google

leads the development of the Android mobile

operating system, as well as the Google

Chrome OS browser-only operating system,

found on specialized netbooks called

Chromebooks. Google has increasingly

become a hardware company with its

partnerships with major electronics

manufacturers on its high-end Nexus series of

devices and its acquisition of Motorola

Mobility in May 2012, as well as the

construction of fiber-optic infrastructure in

Kansas City as part of the Google Fiber

broadband Internet service project.


Buzz以及最近的Google+在内的社交网络服务。Google的产品同时也以应用软件的形式进入用户桌面,例如Google Chrome浏览器、Picasa图片整理与编辑软件、Google Talk即时通讯工具等。另外,Google还进行了移动设备的Android操作系统以及上网本的Google Chrome OS操作系统的开发。

Google began in January 1996 as a research

project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when

they were both PhD students at Stanford

[25]University in California.

While conventional search engines ranked

results by counting how many times the search

terms appeared on the page, the two theorized

about a better system that analyzed the

[26]relationships between websites. They called

this new technology PageRank, where a

website's relevance was determined by the

number of pages, and the importance of those

pages, that linked back to the original site.

1996年1月,身为加州斯坦福大学理学博士生的拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布卢姆在学校开始[30]一项关于搜索的研究项目。 区别于传统的搜索靠搜索字眼在页面中出现次数来进行结果排序的方法,两人开发了一个对网站[31]之间的关系做精确分析的搜寻引擎。 这个名为PageRank的引擎通过检查网页中的反向链接以评估站点的重要性,此引擎的精确度胜于当时的基本搜索技术

Page and Brin originally nicknamed their new

search engine "BackRub", because the system

checked backlinks to estimate the importance

of a site.

Eventually, they changed the name to Google,

originating from a misspelling of the word

[36][37]"googol", the number one followed by

one hundred zeros, which was picked to

signify that the search engine wants to provide

large quantities of information for people.[38]

Originally, Google ran under the Stanford

University website, with the domains


and domain name for Google was registered

on September 15, 1997,[41] and the company

was incorporated on September 4, 1998. It was

[25]based in a friend's (Susan Wojcicki) garage

in Menlo Park, California. Craig Silverstein, a

fellow PhD student at Stanford, was hired as

the first employee


这个新名字来源于一个数学大数googol(数100字1后有100个0,即自然数10)单词错误的拼写方式,[37][38] 象征着为人们提供搜索[39]海量优质信息的决心。 Google搜索引擎在斯坦福大学的网站上启用,域名为[40]。

1997年9月15日,两人注册了Google域名。[41] 一年后,1998年9月4日,佩奇和布卢姆在加州门洛帕克一位朋友家的车库内创建了Google公司,克雷格·西尔弗斯坦(Craig



Financing and initial public offering

Google's first production server. Google's

production servers continue to be built with

[46]inexpensive hardware.

The first funding for Google was an August

1998 contribution of US$100,000 from Andy

Bechtolsheim, co-founder of Sun

Microsystems, given before Google was even

incorporated.[47] Early in 1999, while still

graduate students, Brin and Page decided that

the search engine they had developed was

taking up too much of their time from

academic pursuits. They went to Excite CEO

George Bell and offered to sell it to him for $1

million. He rejected the offer, and later

criticized Vinod Khosla, one of Excite's

venture capitalists, after he had negotiated

Brin and Page down to $750,000. On June 7,

1999, a $25 million round of funding was

[48]announced, with major investors including

the venture capital firms Kleiner Perkins

[47]Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital.

Google's initial public offering (IPO) took

place five years later on August 19, 2004. At

that time Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Eric

Schmidt agreed to work together at Google for

20 years, until the year 2024.[49] The company

offered 19,605,052 shares at a price of $85 per

[50][51]share. Shares were sold in a unique

online auction format using a system built by

Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse,

[52][53]underwriters for the deal. The sale of

$1.67 billion gave Google a market

capitalization of more than $23 billion.[54] The

vast majority of the 271 million shares

remained under the control of Google, and

many Google employees became instant paper

millionaires. Yahoo!, a competitor of Google,

also benefited because it owned 8.4 million

shares of Google before the IPO took place


佩奇和布卢姆在Google项目上最早获得投资是在1998年8月,Sun Microsystems的联合创始人安迪·贝托尔斯海姆给了两人一张十万美金的支票来用于搜索引擎的开发和运[45]营,当时Google公司还尚未成立。 到1999年,由于搜索引擎的开发花费了太多的学习时间,佩奇和布卢姆甚至考虑将其出售。两人找到Excite(英语:Excite)公司CEO乔治·贝尔(George Bell)提出一百万美元的收购价。尽管Excite的风险投资人维诺德·科斯拉在与Google的两位创始人谈判后将价格降低到75万美元,但仍被贝尔拒绝了。1999年6月7日,包括Kleiner Perkins公司(英语:Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers)和红杉资本在内的投资者为Google注资两千五百万[45][46]美元。

Google直到2004年8月19日才进行首次公开募股,公司发行了19,605,052份每股价值[47][48]85美元的股票。 股票由摩根士丹利和瑞士信贷集团承销,以网上拍卖的形式发售。[49][50][51] IPO后,Google公司的市值迅速上涨到超过230亿美元,而Google仍然


Some people speculated that Google's IPO

would inevitably lead to changes in company

culture. Reasons ranged from shareholder

pressure for employee benefit reductions to the

fact that many company executives would

become instant paper millionaires.[56] As a

reply to this concern, co-founders Sergey Brin

and Larry Page promised in a report to

potential investors that the IPO would not

[57]change the company's culture. In 2005,

however, articles in The New York Times and

other sources began suggesting that Google

had lost its anti-corporate, no evil

[58][59][60]philosophy. In an effort to maintain

the company's unique culture, Google

designated a Chief Culture Officer, who also

serves as the Director of Human Resources.

The purpose of the Chief Culture Officer is to

develop and maintain the culture and work on

ways to keep true to the core values that the

company was founded on: a flat organization

[61]with a collaborative environment. Google

has also faced allegations of sexism and

ageism from former employees.[62][63]

The stock's performance after the IPO went

well, with shares hitting $700 for the first time

[64]on October 31, 2007, primarily because of

strong sales and earnings in the online

[65]advertising market. The surge in stock price

was fueled mainly by individual investors, as

opposed to large institutional investors and

[65]mutual funds. The company is now listed on

the NASDAQ stock exchange under the ticker

symbol GOOG and under the Frankfurt Stock

Exchange under the ticker symbol GGQ1.

一些人怀疑Google公司的企业文化在上市后,会由于董事会施压或高管们的暴富而不可避免地被改变。[53] 两位创始人拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布卢姆则在一份报告中承诺,上市

不会影响Google的公司文化,以作为对潜[54]在投资者们的怀疑所做的回应。2005年,纽约时报等媒体撰文指出Google已经丧失了原来不作恶的哲学。[55][56][57] 在此之下,为了保持与众不同的企业文化,Google专门指派了一位首席文化官,来为Google构建和维护企业内部广泛协助的扁平化组织,及[58]其所产生的核心价值。 Google也面临前[59][60]员工性别歧视和年龄歧视的指控。

首次公开募股之后,Google的股票形势良好,2007年10月31日,受益于在网络广告市[61]场的强势盈利, 股价首次超过700美元。[62] 相比较大型机构投资和共同基金,Google股票的股价的变动更多地是由个人[61]投资者们所影响。 目前,Google的股票在纽约纳斯达克证券交易所和法兰克福特证券交易所内进行交易(股票代号分别为NASDAQ:GOOG、FWB:GGQ1)。


In March 1999, the company moved its offices

to Palo Alto, California, home to several other

noted Silicon Valley technology startups.[66]

The next year, against Page and Brin's initial

opposition toward an advertising-funded

search engine,[67] Google began selling

advertisements associated with search

[25]keywords. In order to maintain an

uncluttered page design and increase speed,

advertisements were solely text-based.

Keywords were sold based on a combination

of price bids and click-throughs, with bidding

starting at five cents per click.[25] This model

of selling keyword advertising was first

pioneered by , an Idealab spin-off

created by Bill Gross.[68][69] When the

company changed names to Overture Services,

it sued Google over alleged infringements of

the company's pay-per-click and bidding

patents. Overture Services would later be

bought by Yahoo! and renamed Yahoo! Search

Marketing. The case was then settled out of

court, with Google agreeing to issue shares of

common stock to Yahoo! in exchange for a

perpetual license.[70]

During this time, Google was granted a patent

[71]describing its PageRank mechanism. The

patent was officially assigned to Stanford

University and lists Lawrence Page as the

inventor. In 2003, after outgrowing two other

locations, the company leased an office

complex from Silicon Graphics at 1600

Amphitheatre Parkway in Mountain View,

[72]California. The complex has since come to

be known as the Googleplex, a play on the

word googolplex, the number one followed by

a googol zeroes. The Googleplex interiors

were designed by Clive Wilkinson Architects.

Three years later, Google would buy the

property from SG

[73]or $319 million. By that time, the name

"Google" had found its way into everyday

language, causing the verb "google" to be

added to the Merriam-Webster Collegiate

Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary,

denoted as "to use the Google search engine to

obtain information on the Internet.


1999年3月,Google公司将的办公场所搬至加州的帕罗奥多,这里是众多知名的硅谷初[63]创公司所在的地方。 翌年,Google开始[30]以出售搜索关键词的广告, 但这一做法与佩奇和布卢姆以广告赞助搜索的意愿相[64]违背。 为了保持页面简洁的设计,提高搜索速度,广告只会以基于文本的形式出现。关键词的出售结合点击次数和价格的竞[30]标,竞标起价为每次点击5美分。 这种出售广告关键词的模式最早来源于——一个由比尔·葛罗斯的Idealab(英语:Idealab)企业孵化器派生的网站。[65][66] 之后Google受到了这家改名为Overture Services的公司对于次广告出售专利技术侵权的指控。2003年,Overture


2001年,Google获得了PageRank的专利权,[68] 这项专利被正式颁与斯坦福大学,劳伦斯·佩奇(即拉里·佩奇)为专利发明人。2003年,在发展了两处办公地点以后,公司又向硅谷图形公司租赁了位于芒廷维尤目前所[69]在的综合办公楼。 这处办公地点被戏称为„Googleplex‟,数学大数古戈尔普勒克斯(googolplex)单词的变体。三年后,Google以三亿一千九百万的价额向硅谷图形公司[70]买下了这里的产权。 在这段时间内,google这个单词逐渐进入各类语言当中,也使得„google‟作为动词被收入至梅里亚姆-韦珀斯特词典和牛津英语词典内,释义为“使用Google搜索引擎在互联网上获取信息”(to use the Google search engine to obtain

[71][72]information on the Internet)。

2011年5月,Google的月独立访客数量首次超过十亿,与一年前同期的9亿3100万[73]相比增长8.4%。 Google也是首个取得该数据里程碑的网站

Acquisitions and partnerships

Since 2001, Google has acquired many

companies, mainly focusing on small venture

capital companies. In 2004, Google acquired

Keyhole, Inc.[76] The start-up company

developed a product called Earth Viewer that

gave a three-dimensional view of the Earth.

Google renamed the service to Google Earth in

2005. Two years later, Google bought the

online video site YouTube for $1.65 billion in

[77]stock. On April 13, 2007, Google reached

an agreement to acquire DoubleClick for $3.1

billion, giving Google valuable relationships

that DoubleClick had with Web publishers and

advertising agencies.[78] Later that same year,

Google purchased GrandCentral for $50

[79]million. The site would later be changed

over to Google Voice. On August 5, 2009,

Google bought out its first public company,

purchasing video software maker On2

[80]Technologies for $106.5 million. Google

also acquired Aardvark, a social network

search engine, for $50 million, and

commented on its internal blog, "we're looking

forward to collaborating to see where we can

[81]take it". In April 2010, Google announced it

had acquired a hardware startup, Agnilux.[82]

In addition to the many companies Google has

purchased, the company has partnered with

other organizations for everything from

research to advertising. In 2005, Google

partnered with NASA Ames Research Center

2to build 1,000,000 square feet (93,000 m) of

offices.[83] The offices would be used for

research projects involving large-scale data

management, nanotechnology, distributed

computing, and the entrepreneurial space

industry. Google entered into a partnership

with Sun Microsystems in October 2005 to

help share and distribute each other's

[84]technologies. The company also partnered

[85]with AOL of Time Warner, to enhance each

other's video search services. Google's 2005

partnerships also included financing the

new .mobi top-level domain for mobile

devices, along with other companies including

[86]Microsoft, Nokia, and Ericsson. Google

would later launch "AdSense for Mobile",

taking advantage of the emerging mobile

[87]advertising market. Increasing its

advertising reach even further, Google and Fox

Interactive Media of News Corporation

entered into a $900 million agreement to

provide search and advertising on (at the time)

[88]popular social networking site MySpace.

In October 2006, Google announced that it had

acquired the video-sharing site YouTube for

US$1.65 billion in Google stock, and the deal

was finalized on November 13, 2006.[89]

Google does not provide detailed figures for

YouTube's running costs, and YouTube's

revenues in 2007 were noted as "not material"

[90]in a regulatory filing. In June 2008, a

Forbes magazine article projected the 2008

YouTube revenue at US$200 million, noting

progress in advertising sales.[91] In 2007,

Google began sponsoring NORAD Tracks

Santa, a service that follows Santa Claus'

[92]progress on Christmas Eve, using Google

Earth to "track Santa" in 3-D for the first

time,[93] and displacing former sponsor AOL.

Google-owned YouTube gave NORAD Tracks

[94]Santa its own channel.

In 2008, Google developed a partnership with

GeoEye to launch a satellite providing Google

with high-resolution (0.41 m monochrome,

1.65 m color) imagery for Google Earth. The

satellite was launched from Vandenberg Air

[95]Force Base on September 6, 2008. Google

also announced in 2008 that it was hosting an

archive of Life Magazine's photographs as part

of its latest partnership. Some of the images in

the archive were never published in the

[96]magazine. The photos were watermarked

and originally had copyright notices posted on

all photos, regardless of public domain


In 2010, Google Energy made its first

investment in a renewable energy project,

putting $38.8 million into two wind farms in

North Dakota. The company announced the

two locations will generate 169.5 megawatts

of power, or enough to supply 55,000 homes.

The farms, which were developed by NextEra

Energy Resources, will reduce fossil fuel use

in the region and return profits. NextEra

Energy Resources sold Google a twenty

percent stake in the project to get funding for

[98]its development. Also in 2010, Google

purchased Global IP Solutions, a

Norway-based company that provides

web-based teleconferencing and other related

services. This acquisition will enable Google

to add telephone-style services to its list of

[99]products. On May 27, 2010, Google

announced it had also closed the acquisition of

the mobile ad network AdMob. This purchase

occurred days after the Federal Trade

Commission closed its investigation into the

purchase.[100] Google acquired the company

[101]for an undisclosed amount. In July 2010,

Google signed an agreement with an Iowa

wind farm to buy 114 megawatts of energy for

[102]20 years.

On April 4, 2011, The Globe and Mail

reported that Google bid $900 million for six

[103]thousand Nortel Networks patents.

On August 15, 2011, Google made its

largest-ever acquisition to-date when

announced that it would acquire Motorola

[104][105]Mobility for $12.5 billion subject to

approval from regulators in the United States

and Europe. In a post on Google's blog,

Google Chief Executive and co-founder Larry

Page revealed that Google's acquisition of

Motorola Mobility is a strategic move to

strengthen Google's patent portfolio. The

company's Android operating system has come

under fire in an industry-wide patent battle, as

Apple and Microsoft have taken to court

Android device makers such as HTC,

Samsung and Motorola.[106] The merger was

completed on the May 22, 2012, after the

approval of People's Republic of China.[107]

This purchase was made in part to help Google

gain Motorola's considerable patent portfolio

on mobile phones and wireless technologies to

help protect it in its ongoing patent disputes

[108]with other companies, mainly Apple and

Microsoft[106] and to allow it to continue to

[109]freely offer Android. After the acquisition

closed, Google began to restructure the

Motorola business to fit Google's strategy. On

August 13, 2012, Google announced plans to

[110]layoff 4000 Motorola Mobility employees.

On December 10, 2012, Google sold the

manufacturing operations of Motorola

[111]Mobility to Flextronics for $75 million. As

a part of the agreement, Flextronics will

manufacture undisclosed Android and other

[112]mobile devices On December 19, 2012,

Google sold the Motorola Home business

division of Motorola Mobility to Arris Group

for $2.35 billion in a cash-and-stock

transaction. As a part of this deal, Google

acquired a 15.7% stake in Arris Group valued

[113]at $300Million.

On June 5, 2012, Google announced it

acquired Quickoffice, a company widely

known for their mobile productivity suite for

both iOS and Android. Google plans to

integrate Quickoffice's technology into its own

[114]product suite.

On February 6, 2013, Google announced it has

acquired Channel Intelligence for $125 million.

Channel Intelligence, a technology company

that helps customers buy products online, is

active globally in 31 different countries and

works with over 850 retailers. Google will use

this technology to enhance it's ecommerce



同年10月又吞并了Keyhole公司(英语:[76]Keyhole, Inc)。 这家初创公司开发出一个名为Earth Viewer的产品,供用户以3D的视

角观察地球。一年后,Google将此服务改名为Google地球。2005年,成立仅22个月的高科技企业Android被Google相中,被收购并成为Google麾下的移动设备操作系统。2006年10月,Google宣布以16.5亿美元的股票收购在线视频分享网站YouTube,并于11月敲定。[77]2007年4月13日,Google与DoubleClick达成协议,DoubleClick以31亿美元的价格被Google收购,并成为后者旗[78]下的一家网络出版与广告商。 同年,Google以5千万美元并购了GrandCentral,[79]后来将其改造为Google Voice。2009年8月5日,Google以1亿650万美元买断视频软件制造公司On2 Technologies。[80]2010年,Google将Aardvark(英语:Aardvark (search

engine))纳入旗下,出价为5千万美元,并在内部博客中写道:“我们很期待将其集成[81]进我们的产品中”。 同年,Google又大举并购了ITA Software(英语:ITA Software)、Slide(英语:)、等。[82][83][84][85]2011年,Google继续大笔的收购[86]之路,业已将SageTV(英语:SageTV)


除了收购的方式以外,Google也积极地与其他公司或组织进行合作关系,从科研到商业广告,都是开展合作所涉及的领域。2005年,Google与美国国家航空航天局艾姆斯研究中心(英语:Ames Research Center)合作建设了用于囊括了大规模数据管理、纳米技术、分布式计算、航空航天产业等科研项目[88]的场所,占地约93000平方米。 2005年10月,Google与Sun Microsystems交换并分[89]享了各自的技术。 Google也和AOL及时代华纳达成商业伙伴关系,以增强各自视频[90]搜索服务的质量。 2005年,Google与微软、诺基亚、爱立信联手,为顶级域名.mobi[91]融资。 而后Google启动了Adsense for

Mobile,开拓移动广告市场。2006年,新闻集团旗下的福克斯互动媒体同Google达成一份9亿美元的协议,Google为社交网站[92]MySpace提供搜索与广告业务。 2007年,

Google与34家手机制造商、芯片制造商、软件开发商和电信运营商一同创建了开放手机联盟,开发Android系统与苹果iOS、微软Windows Phone等移动平台竞争。

Products and services


In 2011, 96% of Google's revenue was derived

[118]from its advertising programs. For the 2006

fiscal year, the company reported $10.492

billion in total advertising revenues and only

$112 million in licensing and other

[119]revenues. Google has implemented various

innovations in the online advertising market

that helped make it one of the biggest brokers

in the market. Using technology from the

company DoubleClick, Google can determine

user interests and target advertisements so they

are relevant to their context and the user that is

[120][121]viewing them. Google Analytics allows

website owners to track where and how people

use their website, for example by examining

click rates for all the links on a page.[122]

Google advertisements can be placed on

third-party websites in a two-part program.

Google's AdWords allows advertisers to

display their advertisements in the Google

content network, through either a

cost-per-click or cost-per-view scheme. The

sister service, Google AdSense, allows website

owners to display these advertisements on

their website, and earn money every time ads

are clicked.[123]

One of the disadvantages and criticisms of this

program is Google's inability to combat click

fraud, when a person or automated script

"clicks" on advertisements without being

interested in the product, which causes that

advertiser to pay money to Google unduly.

Industry reports in 2006 claim that

approximately 14 to 20 percent of clicks were

[124]in fact fraudulent or invalid. Furthermore,

there has been controversy over Google's

"search within a search", where a secondary

search box enables the user to find what they

are looking for within a particular website. It

was soon reported that when performing a

search within a search for a specific company,

advertisements from competing and rival

companies often showed up along with those

results, drawing users away from the site they

[125]were originally searching.

Another complaint against Google's

advertising is its censorship of advertisers,

though many cases concern compliance with

the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. For

example, in February 2003, Google stopped

showing the advertisements of Oceana, a

non-profit organization protesting a major

cruise ship's sewage treatment practices.

Google cited its editorial policy at the time,

stating "Google does not accept advertising if

the ad or site advocates against other

[126]individuals, groups, or organizations." The

policy was later changed.[127] In June 2008,

Google reached an advertising agreement with

Yahoo!, which would have allowed Yahoo! to

feature Google advertisements on its web

pages. The alliance between the two

companies was never completely realized due

to antitrust concerns by the U.S. Department

of Justice. As a result, Google pulled out of the

deal in November 2008.[128][129]

In an attempt to advertise its own products,

Google launched a website called Demo Slam,

developed to demonstrate technology demos

of Google Products.[130] Each week, two teams

compete at putting Google's technology into

new contexts. Search Engine Journal said

Demo Slam is "a place where creative and

tech-savvy people can create videos to help the

rest of the world understand all the newest and

greatest technology out there.



如2006年财政年度,公司财报显示104.92亿美元的收入中只有1.12亿来自于非广告收[95]入。 为了保持在网络广告代理市场中执

牛耳的地位,Google不断实施各种新的手段。例如Google在收购DoubleClick后获取技术,得以获取用户兴趣和确定广告目标。[96][97]Google Analytics可以让网站站长们查看并追踪访问者在何时,以何种方式访问自己的网站,如检查某一页面上所有链接的点击等。[98] Google的广告系统由两个部分组成,通过第三方网站来放置。AdWords为广告客户提供在网络中展示广告的服务,按点击或显示收费;AdWords的姊妹项目AdSense,允许网站站长在自己的网页中提[99]供广告展示的位置,并参与分成。

但Google也由于在网络广告系统中反点击欺诈(英语:Click fraud)管理的无力而饱受诟病——当一个并不是出于对广告中产品感兴趣的访客或一个自动脚本故意点击该则广告后,会引起广告客户过多支付广告费用。2006年的行业报告指出,约有14%至[100]20%的点击属于欺诈点击或无效点击。


名为Oceana(英语:Oceana (non-profit

group))的非营利组织的(抗议大型油轮不合理的污水处理)广告展示。Google引用其编辑政策解释:“Google不接受广告或网站内容为宣扬反对其他个人、团体或组织的广[101][102]告。” 该政策却在随后即被更改。


为了推销自己的产品,Google启动了一个名为 Demo Slam 的网站以展示自有产品的技术示范(英语:Tech demo)。[105] 每一周都会有两个团队竞相把Google的新产品公布到网站上。《搜索引擎杂志》撰文写道:Demo


Search engine

On February 14, 2012, Google updated its

homepage with a minor twist. There are no red

lines above the options in the black bar, and

there is a tab space before the "+You". The

button has also changed, it is no longer

in the black bar, instead under it as a button.

Google Search, a web search engine, is the

company's most popular service. According to

market research published by comScore in

November 2009, Google is the dominant

search engine in the United States market, with

a market share of 65.6%.[132] Google indexes

[133]billions of web pages, so that users can

search for the information they desire, through

the use of keywords and operators.

Despite its popularity, it has received criticism

from a number of organizations. In 2003, The

New York Times complained about Google's

indexing, claiming that Google's caching of

content on its site infringed its copyright for

[134]the content. In this case, the United States

District Court of Nevada ruled in favor of

Google in Field v. Google and Parker v.

Google.[135][136] Furthermore, the publication

2600: The Hacker Quarterly has compiled a

list of words that the web giant's new instant

search feature will not search.[137] Google

Watch has also criticized Google's PageRank

algorithms, saying that they discriminate

against new websites and favor established

[138]sites, and has made allegations about

connections between Google and the National

Security Agency (NSA) and the Central

Intelligence Agency (CIA).[139] Despite

criticism, the basic search engine has spread to

specific services as well, including an image

search engine, the Google News search site,

Google Maps, and more. In early 2006, the

company launched Google Video, which

allowed users to upload, search, and watch

[140]videos from the Internet. In 2009, however,

uploads to Google Video were discontinued so

that Google could focus more on the search

aspect of the service.[141] The company even

developed Google Desktop, a desktop search

application used to search for files local to

one's computer (discontinued in 2011).

Google's most recent development in search is

its partnership with the United States Patent

and Trademark Office to create Google Patents,

which enables free access to information about

patents and trademarks.

One of the more controversial search services

Google hosts is Google Books. The company

began scanning books and uploading limited

previews, and full books where allowed, into

its new book search engine. The Authors Guild,

a group that represents 8,000 U.S. authors,

filed a class action suit in a New York City

federal court against Google in 2005 over this

new service. Google replied that it is in

compliance with all existing and historical

applications of copyright laws regarding

[142]books. Google eventually reached a revised

settlement in 2009 to limit its scans to books

from the U.S., the UK, Australia and

[143]Canada. Furthermore, the Paris Civil Court

ruled against Google in late 2009, asking it to

remove the works of La Martinière (Éditions

[144]du Seuil) from its database. In competition

with , Google plans to sell digital

[145]versions of new books.

On July 21, 2010, in response to newcomer

Bing, Google updated its image search to

display a streaming sequence of thumbnails

that enlarge when pointed at. Though web

searches still appear in a batch per page format,

on July 23, 2010, dictionary definitions for

certain English words began appearing above

[146]the linked results for web searches.

Google's algorithm was changed in March

2011, giving more weight to high-quality

[147]content possibly by the use of n-grams to

remove spun content.



联网搜索引擎。根据comScore(英语:comScore)2009年11月公布的市场统计,Google在美国搜索引擎市场上占有率为65.6%。[108] Google抓取数十亿的互联网网页,因此用户能通过搜索关键词等操作较为[109]轻松地获取想要搜寻的信息。 除了最基本的文字搜索功能之外,Google搜索还提供[110][111]至少22种特殊功能, 如同义词、天气预报、时区、股价、地图、地震数据、电影放映时间、机场、体育赛事比分等。Google搜索在搜索与数字相关的信息时又会有另一些特殊功能:如单位换算、货币换算、数[110]字运算、包裹追踪、地区代码。 同时,Google也为搜索页面提供语言翻译功能。2011年,Google先后推出语音搜索和图片搜[112]索。

尽管Google搜索很受大众喜爱,但也有许多组织对它发出批评的声音。2003年,纽约时报声称Google对其网站抓取与形成的缓[113]存侵害了网站内容的版权。 在这个问题上,内华达地方法院审理了相关的Field v.

Google(英语:Field v. Google)和Parker v.


Productivity tools

In addition to its standard web search services,

Google has released over the years a number

of online productivity tools. Gmail, a free

webmail service provided by Google, was

launched as an invitation-only beta program

[149]on April 1, 2004, and became available to

the general public on February 7, 2007.[150]

The service was upgraded from beta status on

[151]July 7, 2009, at which time it had 146

[152]million users monthly. The service would

be the first online email service with one

gigabyte of storage, and the first to keep

emails from the same conversation together in

one thread, similar to an Internet forum.[149]

The service currently offers over 7600 MB of

free storage with additional storage ranging

from 20 GB to 16 TB available for US$0.25

[153]per 1 GB per year. Furthermore, software

developers know Gmail for its pioneering use

of AJAX, a programming technique that

allows web pages to be interactive without

refreshing the browser.[154] One criticism of

Gmail has been the potential for data

disclosure, a risk associated with many online

web applications. Steve Ballmer (Microsoft's

[155][156][157]CEO), Liz Figueroa, Mark Rasch,

[158]and the editors of Google Watch believe

the processing of email message content goes

beyond proper use, but Google claims that

mail sent to or from Gmail is never read by a

human being beyond the account holder, and is

only used to improve relevance of


Google Docs, another part of Google's

productivity suite, allows users to create, edit,

and collaborate on documents in an online

environment, not dissimilar to Microsoft Word.

The service was originally called Writely, but

was obtained by Google on March 9, 2006,

where it was released as an invitation-only

preview.[160] On June 6 after the acquisition,

Google created an experimental spreadsheet

[161]editing program, which would be

combined with Google Docs on October

[162]10. A program to edit presentations would

[163]complete the set on September 17, 2007,

before all three services were taken out of beta

along with Gmail, Google Calendar and all

products from the Google Apps Suite on July 7,



除了强大的搜索引擎以外,Google也研发了许多在线的工作辅助工具。Gmail是Google开发的一个免费电子邮箱服务,于2004年4[116]月1日进入Beta阶段, 2007年2月7日正[117]式面向大众开放。 直到2009年7月7日,[118]Gmail才结束其漫长的Beta阶段, 当时[119]已有1.64亿用户使用。 Gmail是首个拥有1GB存储空间的网络电子邮箱,也是第一个以单线程会话保存邮件的的电邮,这与网络[116]论坛相似。 目前,Gmail提供给每个免

费用户10GB的邮箱容量,付费用户可缴纳每年每GB 0.25美元的费用来将容量提升至[120]20GB至16TB。 Gmail也是AJAX技术开拓的先行者,该技术使人们不用手动刷新[121]浏览器显示就能看到新的网页信息。

Google工作包的另一部分——Google文件,与微软的Microsoft Word不同,它允许用户在在线环境下新建、编辑或协同编辑文件。这项服务原名为Writely,但在2006年3月9[122]日被Google收购。6月6日,Google创建[123]了一个实验性的电子表格编辑项目, 在随后的10月10日被集成进Google文件中。[124] 2007年9月17日,编辑演示文稿的功能也被加入Google文件。[125] 2009年7月7日,包括三项功能在内的Google文件与Gmail、Google日历一起组成Google Apps工作包。

Enterprise products

Google's search appliance at the 2008 RSA


Google entered the enterprise market in

February 2002 with the launch of its Google

Search Appliance, targeted toward providing

[25]search technology for larger organizations.

Google launched the Mini three years later,

which was targeted at smaller organizations.

Late in 2006, Google began to sell Custom

Search Business Edition, providing customers

with an advertising-free window into

's index. The service was renamed

[164]Google Site Search in 2008.

Google Apps is another primary Google

enterprise service offering. The service allows

organizations to bring Google's web

application offerings, such as Gmail and

Google Docs, into its own domain. The service

is available in several editions: a basic free

edition (formerly known as Google Apps

Standard edition), Google Apps for Business,

Google Apps for Education, and Google Apps

for Government. Special editions include

extras such as more disk space, API access, a

service level agreement (SLA), premium

support, and additional apps. In the same year

Google Apps was launched, Google acquired

[165]Postini and proceeded to integrate the

company's security technologies into Google

Apps[166] under the name Google Postini


Additional Google enterprise offerings include

geospatial solutions (e.g., Google Earth and

Google Maps); security and archival solutions

(e.g., Postini); and Chromebooks for business

and education (i.e., personal computing run on

browser-centric operating systems)


2002年2月,Google向企业市场推出一款名为Google Search Appliance的设备,针对大[30]型组织机构提供搜索技术。 三年后Google又推出Google Mini以适应中小型企业。2006年,又推出子自定义搜索商务版,[126]2008年改名为Google协作平台。

另一个Google的企业产品是Google Apps专业版。Google Apps专业版和标准版及教育版同为Google Apps的不同版本,为企业、

学校和其他组织提供自身域名下的Gmail、Google文件等在线应用服务。与标准版相比,专业版有着更多的功能,例如更多的磁盘空间、API准入和高级支持,每个账户收费为每年50美元。Google较早在加拿大安大略省桑德贝的湖首大学推广Google Apps业务,有超过3万8千名用户。在推出Google

Apps的同年,Google收购了Postini(英语:[127]Postini)公司, 得以将其原有的安全技术以Google Postini Services之名集成进Google Apps中

Other products

Google Translate is a server-side machine

translation service, which can translate

between 35 different languages. Browser

extensions allow for easy access to Google

Translate from the browser. The software uses

corpus linguistics techniques, where the

program "learns" from professionally

translated documents, specifically UN and

[168]European Parliament proceedings.

Furthermore, a "suggest a better translation"

feature accompanies the translated text,

allowing users to indicate where the current

translation is incorrect or otherwise inferior to

another translation.

Google launched its Google News service in

2002. The site proclaimed that the company

had created a "highly unusual" site that "offers

a news service compiled solely by computer

algorithms without human intervention.

Google employs no editors, managing editors,

[169]or executive editors." The site hosted less

licensed news content than Yahoo! News, and

instead presented topically selected links to

news and opinion pieces along with

reproductions of their headlines, story leads,

[170]and photographs. The photographs are

typically reduced to thumbnail size and placed

next to headlines from other news sources on

the same topic in order to minimize copyright

infringement claims. Nevertheless, Agence

France Presse sued Google for copyright

infringement in federal court in the District of

Columbia, a case which Google settled for an

undisclosed amount in a pact that included a

license of the full text of AFP articles for use

[171]on Google News.

In 2006, Google made a bid to offer free

wireless broadband access throughout the city

of San Francisco along with Internet service

provider EarthLink. Large telecommunications

companies such as Comcast and Verizon

opposed such efforts, claiming it was "unfair

competition" and that cities would be violating

their commitments to offer local monopolies to

these companies. In his testimony before

Congress on network neutrality in 2006,

Google's Chief Internet Evangelist Vint Cerf

blamed such tactics on the fact that nearly half

of all consumers lack meaningful choice in

[172]broadband providers. Google currently

offers free wi-fi access in its hometown of

Mountain View, California.[173]

In 2010, Google announced the Google Fiber

project with plans to build an ultra-high-speed

broadband network for 50,000 to 500,000

[174]customers in one or more American cities.

On March 30, 2011, Google announced that

Kansas City, Kansas would be the first

community where the new network would be

deployed.[175] In July 2012, Google completed

the construction of a fiber-optic broadband

internet network infrastructure in Kansas City,

and after building an infrastructure, Google

announced pricing for Google Fiber. The

service will offer three options including a free

broadband internet option, a 1Gbit/s internet

option for $70 per month and a version that

includes television service for $120 per


In 2007, reports surfaced that Google was

planning the release of its own mobile phone,

possibly a competitor to Apple's

[176][177][178]iPhone. The project, called Android,

turned out not to be a phone but an operating

system for mobile devices, which Google

acquired and then released as an open source

[179]project under the Apache 2.0 license.

Google provides a software development kit

for developers so applications can be created

to be run on Android-based phones. In

September 2008, T-Mobile released the G1,

the first Android-based phone.[180] More than a

year later on January 5, 2010, Google released

an Android phone under its own company

[181]name called the Nexus One.

Other projects Google has worked on include a

new collaborative communication service, a

web browser, and even a mobile operating

system. The first of these was first announced

on May 27, 2009. Google Wave was described

as a product that helps users communicate and

collaborate on the web. The service is

Google's "email redesigned", with realtime

editing, the ability to embed audio, video, and

other media, and extensions that further

enhance the communication experience.

Google Wave was previously in a developer's

preview, where interested users had to be

invited to test the service, but was released to

the general public on May 19, 2010, at

Google's I/O keynote. On September 1, 2008,

Google pre-announced the upcoming

availability of Google Chrome, an open source

web browser,[182] which was then released on

September 2, 2008. The next year, on July 7,

2009, Google announced Google Chrome OS,

an open source Linux-based operating system

that includes only a web browser and is

designed to log users into their Google


Google Goggles is a mobile application

available on Android and iOS used for image

recognition and non-text-based search. In

addition to scanning QR codes, the app can

recognize historic landmarks, import business

[185]cards, and solve Sudoku puzzles. While

Goggles could originally identify people as

well, Google has limited that functionality as a

[186]privacy protection.



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