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IT圈 admin 26浏览 0评论






#include "includes.h"

#define FCY 16000000 // 4MPLL16 16 MHz

#define FCAN 16000000 // 16 MHz

#define BITRATE 250000 // 通讯波特率

#define NTQ 16 // Number of Tq cycles which will make the

//CAN Bit Timing .

#define BRP_VAL ((FCAN/(2*NTQ*BITRATE))-1) //Formulae used for





unsigned int OutData0[4] = {0x5251, 0x5453, 0x5655, 0x5857};

unsigned int OutData1[2] = {0x5A59, 0x5C5B};

unsigned int OutData2[4] = {0x6261, 0x6463, 0x6665, 0x6867};

unsigned int OutData3[2] = {0x6A69, 0x6C6B};


unsigned int InData0[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

unsigned int InData1[2] = {0, 0};

unsigned int InData2[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

unsigned int InData3[2] = {0, 0};




void CAN_init(void)




= 0x4; //请求进入配置模式

while (!=0x4){} //确认进入配置模式

= 1; // Select the CAN Master Clock . It is equal

to Fcy here.

// equal to Fcy.(Fcy=4Mhz)

=00; //Synchronized jump width time is 1 x TQ when SJW

is equal to 00

= BRP_VAL; //((FCY/(2*NTQ*BITRATE))-1)

C1CFG2 = 0x02ed; // SEG1PH=6Tq, SEG2PH=3Tq, PRSEG=5Tq

// Sample 3 times

// Each bit time is 16Tq

///Interrupt Section of CAN Peripheral

C1INTF = 0; //Reset all The CAN Interrupts

IFS1bits.C1IF = 0; //Reset the Interrupt Flag status register

C1INTE = 0x00ff; //Enable all CAN interrupt sources tx0 rx0

IEC1bits.C1IE = 1; //Enable the CAN1 Interrupt



// Configure Receive registers, Filters and Masks



C1RX0CON =0;

C1RX1CON = 0x0002; // Receive Buffer1 and 0 Status use fliter 2

// Acceptance Mask Register0SID and Register1SID associated with Recieve


// and Receive Buffer1 for CAN1 and CAN2

C1RXM0SID = C1RXM1SID = 0x1F01; //接收的为标准数据桢

// Acceptance Mask Register0EIDH and Register1EIDH associated with

Recieve Buffer0


// Acceptance Mask Register0EIDL and Register1EIDL associated with

Recieve Buffer0


//Initializing of Acceptance Filter n Standard Identifier for CAN1

C1RXF0SID = 0x0AA8; //CAN1 Receive Acceptance Filter2 SID

C1RXF2SID = 0x15c0; //CAN1 Receive Acceptance Filter2 SID

C1RXF2EIDH = 0x0004; //CAN1 Receive Acceptace Filter2 Extended

Identifier high byte

C1RXF2EIDL = 0x8C00; //CAN1 Receive Acceptance Filter2 Extended

identifier low byte

//Initializing of Acceptance Filter n Standard Identifier for CAN2



// Configure Transmit Registers Buffer 0 and Transmit Buffer 1



C1TX0CON = 0x0003; // High priority

C1TX0SID = 0x50A8; // SID

C1TX0EID = 0x0000; // EID

C1TX0DLC = 0x01C0; //Select the Data word Length for CAN1 Transmit

Buffer0 which is 8 byte

// Data Field 1,Data Field 2, Data Field 3, Data Field 4 // 8 bytes selected

by DLC

C1TX0B1 = OutData0[0];

C1TX0B2 = OutData0[1];

C1TX0B3 = OutData0[2];

C1TX0B4 = OutData0[3];

C1TX1CON = 0x0002; // High Intermediate priority

C1TX1SID = 0xA860; // SID

C1TX1EID = 0x0000; // EID

C1TX1DLC = 0x8DA0; //Select the Data word Length for CAN1 Transmit

Buffer1 which

// is 4 byte

//Data Field 1, Data Field 2 // 4 bytes selected by DLC

C1TX1B1 = OutData1[0];

C1TX1B2 = OutData1[1];

//Change to Loopback Operation Mode from Configuration Mode

= 0;

while( != 0);//Wait for CAN1 mode change from

Configuration Mode to Loopback mode

} //end main loop



//Interrupt Section for CAN1



unsigned int buf=0;

unsigned int buf1[8],buf2[8];

void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _C1Interrupt(void)


IFS1bits.C1IF = 0; //Clear interrupt flag



Uart0_Printf("C1 Interrupt Section for CAN1 TX0IF111 ");

0IF = 0; //If the Interrupt is due to Transmit0 of CAN1

Clear the Interrupt




Uart0_Printf("C1 Interrupt Section for CAN1 TX1IF 222 ");

1IF = 0; //If the Interrupt is due to Transmit1 of

CAN1 Clear the Interrupt




0IF = 0; //If the Interrupt is due to Receive0 of CAN1

Clear the Interrupt

InData0[0] = buf1[0]= C1RX0B1;

InData0[1] = buf1[1]=C1RX0B2; //Move the recieve data from

Buffers to InData

InData0[2] = buf1[2]=C1RX0B3;

InData0[3] = buf1[3]=C1RX0B4;


if ((InData0[0]==OutData0[0]) && (InData0[1]==OutData0[1]) &&

(InData0[2]==OutData0[2]) && (InData0[3]==OutData0[3]))

Uart0_Printf("C1RX0 data received is same which was

transmitted ");




1IF = 0; //If the Interrupt is due to Receive1 of

CAN1 Clear the Interrupt

InData1[0] =buf2[0]= C1RX1B1; //Move the data received to

Indata Registers

InData1[1] = buf2[1]=C1RX1B2;

// Uart0_Printf("InData1[0]= 0x%02x ",InData1[0]);

// Uart0_Printf("InData1[1] 0x%02x ",InData1[1]);


if ((InData1[0]==OutData1[0]) &&


Uart0_Printf("C1RX1 data received is same which was transmitted





Uart0_Printf("C1TX is wrong TXWAR=1 !!!!!!!!!!!! ");




Uart0_Printf("C1TX is wrong TXEP=1 !!!!!!!!!!!! ");




Uart0_Printf("C1TX is wrong TXBO=1 ,CAN BUS CLOSE !!!!!!!!!!!!







#include "includes.h"

#define FCY 16000000 // 4MPLL16 16 MHz

#define FCAN 16000000 // 16 MHz

#define BITRATE 250000 // 通讯波特率

#define NTQ 16 // Number of Tq cycles which will make the

//CAN Bit Timing .

#define BRP_VAL ((FCAN/(2*NTQ*BITRATE))-1) //Formulae used for





unsigned int OutData0[4] = {0x5251, 0x5453, 0x5655, 0x5857};

unsigned int OutData1[2] = {0x5A59, 0x5C5B};

unsigned int OutData2[4] = {0x6261, 0x6463, 0x6665, 0x6867};

unsigned int OutData3[2] = {0x6A69, 0x6C6B};


unsigned int InData0[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

unsigned int InData1[2] = {0, 0};

unsigned int InData2[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

unsigned int InData3[2] = {0, 0};




void CAN_init(void)




= 0x4; //请求进入配置模式

while (!=0x4){} //确认进入配置模式

= 1; // Select the CAN Master Clock . It is equal

to Fcy here.

// equal to Fcy.(Fcy=4Mhz)

=00; //Synchronized jump width time is 1 x TQ when SJW

is equal to 00

= BRP_VAL; //((FCY/(2*NTQ*BITRATE))-1)

C1CFG2 = 0x02ed; // SEG1PH=6Tq, SEG2PH=3Tq, PRSEG=5Tq

// Sample 3 times

// Each bit time is 16Tq

///Interrupt Section of CAN Peripheral

C1INTF = 0; //Reset all The CAN Interrupts

IFS1bits.C1IF = 0; //Reset the Interrupt Flag status register

C1INTE = 0x00ff; //Enable all CAN interrupt sources tx0 rx0

IEC1bits.C1IE = 1; //Enable the CAN1 Interrupt



// Configure Receive registers, Filters and Masks



C1RX0CON =0;

C1RX1CON = 0x0002; // Receive Buffer1 and 0 Status use fliter 2

// Acceptance Mask Register0SID and Register1SID associated with Recieve


// and Receive Buffer1 for CAN1 and CAN2

C1RXM0SID = C1RXM1SID = 0x1F01; //接收的为标准数据桢

// Acceptance Mask Register0EIDH and Register1EIDH associated with

Recieve Buffer0


// Acceptance Mask Register0EIDL and Register1EIDL associated with

Recieve Buffer0


//Initializing of Acceptance Filter n Standard Identifier for CAN1

C1RXF0SID = 0x0AA8; //CAN1 Receive Acceptance Filter2 SID

C1RXF2SID = 0x15c0; //CAN1 Receive Acceptance Filter2 SID

C1RXF2EIDH = 0x0004; //CAN1 Receive Acceptace Filter2 Extended

Identifier high byte

C1RXF2EIDL = 0x8C00; //CAN1 Receive Acceptance Filter2 Extended

identifier low byte

//Initializing of Acceptance Filter n Standard Identifier for CAN2



// Configure Transmit Registers Buffer 0 and Transmit Buffer 1



C1TX0CON = 0x0003; // High priority

C1TX0SID = 0x50A8; // SID

C1TX0EID = 0x0000; // EID

C1TX0DLC = 0x01C0; //Select the Data word Length for CAN1 Transmit

Buffer0 which is 8 byte

// Data Field 1,Data Field 2, Data Field 3, Data Field 4 // 8 bytes selected

by DLC

C1TX0B1 = OutData0[0];

C1TX0B2 = OutData0[1];

C1TX0B3 = OutData0[2];

C1TX0B4 = OutData0[3];

C1TX1CON = 0x0002; // High Intermediate priority

C1TX1SID = 0xA860; // SID

C1TX1EID = 0x0000; // EID

C1TX1DLC = 0x8DA0; //Select the Data word Length for CAN1 Transmit

Buffer1 which

// is 4 byte

//Data Field 1, Data Field 2 // 4 bytes selected by DLC

C1TX1B1 = OutData1[0];

C1TX1B2 = OutData1[1];

//Change to Loopback Operation Mode from Configuration Mode

= 0;

while( != 0);//Wait for CAN1 mode change from

Configuration Mode to Loopback mode

} //end main loop



//Interrupt Section for CAN1



unsigned int buf=0;

unsigned int buf1[8],buf2[8];

void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _C1Interrupt(void)


IFS1bits.C1IF = 0; //Clear interrupt flag



Uart0_Printf("C1 Interrupt Section for CAN1 TX0IF111 ");

0IF = 0; //If the Interrupt is due to Transmit0 of CAN1

Clear the Interrupt




Uart0_Printf("C1 Interrupt Section for CAN1 TX1IF 222 ");

1IF = 0; //If the Interrupt is due to Transmit1 of

CAN1 Clear the Interrupt




0IF = 0; //If the Interrupt is due to Receive0 of CAN1

Clear the Interrupt

InData0[0] = buf1[0]= C1RX0B1;

InData0[1] = buf1[1]=C1RX0B2; //Move the recieve data from

Buffers to InData

InData0[2] = buf1[2]=C1RX0B3;

InData0[3] = buf1[3]=C1RX0B4;


if ((InData0[0]==OutData0[0]) && (InData0[1]==OutData0[1]) &&

(InData0[2]==OutData0[2]) && (InData0[3]==OutData0[3]))

Uart0_Printf("C1RX0 data received is same which was

transmitted ");




1IF = 0; //If the Interrupt is due to Receive1 of

CAN1 Clear the Interrupt

InData1[0] =buf2[0]= C1RX1B1; //Move the data received to

Indata Registers

InData1[1] = buf2[1]=C1RX1B2;

// Uart0_Printf("InData1[0]= 0x%02x ",InData1[0]);

// Uart0_Printf("InData1[1] 0x%02x ",InData1[1]);


if ((InData1[0]==OutData1[0]) &&


Uart0_Printf("C1RX1 data received is same which was transmitted





Uart0_Printf("C1TX is wrong TXWAR=1 !!!!!!!!!!!! ");




Uart0_Printf("C1TX is wrong TXEP=1 !!!!!!!!!!!! ");




Uart0_Printf("C1TX is wrong TXBO=1 ,CAN BUS CLOSE !!!!!!!!!!!!




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