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-GL认证-2010-7[1].8 偏航系统

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IV – Part 1 7.8 Yaw System Chapter 7

GL 2010 Page 7-25

7.8 Yaw System

7.8.1 General

(1) This section applies to the yaw system of wind

turbines as described below. In the event of other

designs, the wording shall apply with the necessary


(2) The design of the yaw system shall be verified

for proper function in accordance with the system


(3) The torque necessary to make the nacelle track

the wind is provided by a yaw motor with the associ-

ated yaw gearbox (rotary drive). The torque is trans-

mitted by the yaw teeth from the yaw pinion to the

yaw bearing.

(4) The nacelle is supported on the tower head

either by a friction yaw bearing or by a roller yaw

bearing. The rotating of the nacelle around the tower

axis is usually braked either by a brake in the yaw

motor and/or by yaw brakes acting on a brake disc

fixed to the tower head or the nacelle.

(5) To exclude damages caused by alternating

stresses at the yaw teeth due to oscillating motions

around the tower axis, a constantly acting residual

brake torque should be applied, either by the innate

and load-dependent friction torque of the yaw bearing

or by an additional yaw brake system.

7.8.2 Assessment documents

(1) General information on the assessment docu-

ments to be submitted is given in Section 7.1.

(2) For the components of the yaw system, type

sheets, specifications and assembly drawings shall be


(3) Assembly and sectional drawings, including the

associated parts lists and if applicable individual-part

drawings, shall be submitted together with a descrip-

tion explaining the functional principle of the yaw


(4) The calculations (including input data for the

calculation, presentation of the results with the rele-

vant safety margins) for the verification of the com-

ponents of the yaw system shall be presented.

(5) For the evaluation of the yaw teeth, the individ-

ual-part drawings of the yaw pinion shaft and the yaw

bearing teeth are required, as well as individual-part

drawings of the planet carrier and the gearbox hous-

ing at the output of the yaw gearbox.

(6) The analysis of

the yaw gearbox teeth

the yaw bearing teeth

the load capacity considering the fatigue loads

the static strength against tooth breakage and


fatigue and static strength analysis for the output

shaft of the yaw gearbox and for the connecting


of a yaw system with a yaw gearbox shall meet the

requirements posed within the documentation as per


7.8.3 Loads to be applied

(1) For the calculation of the loading of the yaw

system, the design loads as per Chapter 4 shall be


(2) For the fatigue strength analysis of the yaw

gears, the load duration distributions (LDD) and the

load spectra shall be used. A distinction shall be made

between operation with and without yawing. For

operation with yawing, innate and load-dependent

yaw bearing friction torque as well as gyroscopic

torque of the rotor at rated yaw and rotor speed shall

be considered in the fatigue strength analysis (see

Section, para 10.

(3) The static strength analysis – with and without

operation of the yaw system – shall be performed for

the design loads of the dimensioning load case as per

Chapter 4. If applicable, the following additional

dimensioning loads shall be considered:

the maximum torque of the yaw motor brakes for

the static strength analysis of the yaw gearbox,

the yaw bearing teeth and the connecting ele-

ments according to Section

If yaw motors are directly switched to the grid

without application of soft-start switches or fre-

quency converters, the static strength analysis for

the teeth and the shaft connections of the yaw

gearbox shall be performed by applying three ti-

mes the rated yaw motor torque. The occurrence

of peak torques at three times the rated motor

torque in direct-switched yaw motors shall be

Chapter 7 7.8 Mechanical Brakes and Locking Devices IV – Part 1

Page 7-26

considered also in the fatigue strength analysis of

the gears and their shaft connections.

(4) For the static strength analysis, an application

factor of K


= 1.0 is used.

(5) When determining the number of load cycles

or the load duration per tooth occurring during yaw-

ing, the specifications in Section shall be used

as a basis. Operation of the yaw system shall be con-

sidered to occur during 10 % of the turbine’s service


7.8.4 Verification of the yaw system Yaw gearbox

(1) The gear load capacity calculation of the yaw

gearbox and yaw teeth shall be based on ISO


(2) The calculation of the load capacity from the

fatigue loads shall be performed according to ISO

6336-6:2006 using the LDD or using an equivalent

torque derived from the LDD according to ISO 6336-

6:2006, Annex A. The Palmgren-Miner sum used in

the service life calculation shall be less than or equal

to 1.

(3) Furthermore, an analysis of the fatigue and

static strength against tooth breakage and pitting in

compliance with the safety factors according to Table

7.8.1 and Table 7.8.2 is also required.

(4) According to ISO 6336-5:2003, the predomi-

nant alternating load on the gears shall be considered.

A reduction factor of 0.7 for the respective S/N curve

shall be used. More favourable values may be used,

e.g. based on ISO 6336-3:2006, Annex B.

Table 7.8.1 Safety factors for the fatigue strength


Minimum safety

for yaw gearbox and yaw Gearbox


bearing teeth


Surface durability S


1.0 1.10

Tooth root breakage S


1.15 1.25

GL 2010

Table 7.8.2 Safety factors for the static strength


Minimum safety

for yaw gearbox and yaw Gearbox


bearing teeth


Surface durability S


1.0 1.10

Tooth root breakage S


1.1 1.2

(5) For the output shaft of the yaw gearbox and for

the connecting elements, a fatigue strength analysis

and a static strength analysis shall be submitted. The

analyses shall be performed in accordance with DIN

743, DIN 6892 and DIN 7190, or equivalent codes.

(6) Strength analyses for yaw gearbox housings

and planet carriers may be necessary (see Section Connecting elements

Strength analyses for bolted connections are neces-

sary wherever the bolts are essential to the distribu-

tion of forces (see Section 6.5). Yaw bearing

(1) For the calculation and design of the yaw bear-

ing, reference is made to Section 7.3.

(2) The turbine manufacturer and/or the supplier of

the blade bearing shall verify that the surrounding

construction of the yaw bearing is adequate for the

function of the yaw bearing.

(3) The seals shall be so protected that they are not

damaged by the prevailing environmental conditions.


It should be possible to exchange the seal of the yaw

bearing in the installed condition. Lubrication system

(1) It shall be shown that an adequate film of lu-

bricant is always provided on the flanks of the yaw

bearing teeth and also between the balls or rollers and

the track surface of the yaw bearing for all operational

modes of the wind turbine.

(2) For the teeth of the yaw bearing, a lubrication

system is mandatory in general. The functionality of

the lubrication system shall be documented (installa-

tion plan, lubrication intervals, lubricant distribution).

IV – Part 1 7.8 Yaw System Chapter 7

GL 2010

(3) Appropriate collecting reservoirs should be

provided to accommodate excess quantities of lubri-

cant from the yaw teeth as well as from the yaw bear-

ing. Yaw brake

(1) Notes on the calculation of brakes are given in

Section 7.5.

(2) If a permanent application of a braking mo-

ment is required according to the system concept, the

function of the brakes shall also be ensured in the

event of failure of the power supply.

Page 7-27 Additional verifications

(1) In the case of systems with electrical actuating

yaw motors, Chapter 8 shall also be considered.

(2) For the verification of the hydraulic system,

Section 7.9 shall be considered.


According to section, para 3 the yaw system

may be applied for testing of the Load Relevant con-

trol and safety system Functions (LRF).


IV – Part 1 7.8 Yaw System Chapter 7

GL 2010 Page 7-25

7.8 Yaw System

7.8.1 General

(1) This section applies to the yaw system of wind

turbines as described below. In the event of other

designs, the wording shall apply with the necessary


(2) The design of the yaw system shall be verified

for proper function in accordance with the system


(3) The torque necessary to make the nacelle track

the wind is provided by a yaw motor with the associ-

ated yaw gearbox (rotary drive). The torque is trans-

mitted by the yaw teeth from the yaw pinion to the

yaw bearing.

(4) The nacelle is supported on the tower head

either by a friction yaw bearing or by a roller yaw

bearing. The rotating of the nacelle around the tower

axis is usually braked either by a brake in the yaw

motor and/or by yaw brakes acting on a brake disc

fixed to the tower head or the nacelle.

(5) To exclude damages caused by alternating

stresses at the yaw teeth due to oscillating motions

around the tower axis, a constantly acting residual

brake torque should be applied, either by the innate

and load-dependent friction torque of the yaw bearing

or by an additional yaw brake system.

7.8.2 Assessment documents

(1) General information on the assessment docu-

ments to be submitted is given in Section 7.1.

(2) For the components of the yaw system, type

sheets, specifications and assembly drawings shall be


(3) Assembly and sectional drawings, including the

associated parts lists and if applicable individual-part

drawings, shall be submitted together with a descrip-

tion explaining the functional principle of the yaw


(4) The calculations (including input data for the

calculation, presentation of the results with the rele-

vant safety margins) for the verification of the com-

ponents of the yaw system shall be presented.

(5) For the evaluation of the yaw teeth, the individ-

ual-part drawings of the yaw pinion shaft and the yaw

bearing teeth are required, as well as individual-part

drawings of the planet carrier and the gearbox hous-

ing at the output of the yaw gearbox.

(6) The analysis of

the yaw gearbox teeth

the yaw bearing teeth

the load capacity considering the fatigue loads

the static strength against tooth breakage and


fatigue and static strength analysis for the output

shaft of the yaw gearbox and for the connecting


of a yaw system with a yaw gearbox shall meet the

requirements posed within the documentation as per


7.8.3 Loads to be applied

(1) For the calculation of the loading of the yaw

system, the design loads as per Chapter 4 shall be


(2) For the fatigue strength analysis of the yaw

gears, the load duration distributions (LDD) and the

load spectra shall be used. A distinction shall be made

between operation with and without yawing. For

operation with yawing, innate and load-dependent

yaw bearing friction torque as well as gyroscopic

torque of the rotor at rated yaw and rotor speed shall

be considered in the fatigue strength analysis (see

Section, para 10.

(3) The static strength analysis – with and without

operation of the yaw system – shall be performed for

the design loads of the dimensioning load case as per

Chapter 4. If applicable, the following additional

dimensioning loads shall be considered:

the maximum torque of the yaw motor brakes for

the static strength analysis of the yaw gearbox,

the yaw bearing teeth and the connecting ele-

ments according to Section

If yaw motors are directly switched to the grid

without application of soft-start switches or fre-

quency converters, the static strength analysis for

the teeth and the shaft connections of the yaw

gearbox shall be performed by applying three ti-

mes the rated yaw motor torque. The occurrence

of peak torques at three times the rated motor

torque in direct-switched yaw motors shall be

Chapter 7 7.8 Mechanical Brakes and Locking Devices IV – Part 1

Page 7-26

considered also in the fatigue strength analysis of

the gears and their shaft connections.

(4) For the static strength analysis, an application

factor of K


= 1.0 is used.

(5) When determining the number of load cycles

or the load duration per tooth occurring during yaw-

ing, the specifications in Section shall be used

as a basis. Operation of the yaw system shall be con-

sidered to occur during 10 % of the turbine’s service


7.8.4 Verification of the yaw system Yaw gearbox

(1) The gear load capacity calculation of the yaw

gearbox and yaw teeth shall be based on ISO


(2) The calculation of the load capacity from the

fatigue loads shall be performed according to ISO

6336-6:2006 using the LDD or using an equivalent

torque derived from the LDD according to ISO 6336-

6:2006, Annex A. The Palmgren-Miner sum used in

the service life calculation shall be less than or equal

to 1.

(3) Furthermore, an analysis of the fatigue and

static strength against tooth breakage and pitting in

compliance with the safety factors according to Table

7.8.1 and Table 7.8.2 is also required.

(4) According to ISO 6336-5:2003, the predomi-

nant alternating load on the gears shall be considered.

A reduction factor of 0.7 for the respective S/N curve

shall be used. More favourable values may be used,

e.g. based on ISO 6336-3:2006, Annex B.

Table 7.8.1 Safety factors for the fatigue strength


Minimum safety

for yaw gearbox and yaw Gearbox


bearing teeth


Surface durability S


1.0 1.10

Tooth root breakage S


1.15 1.25

GL 2010

Table 7.8.2 Safety factors for the static strength


Minimum safety

for yaw gearbox and yaw Gearbox


bearing teeth


Surface durability S


1.0 1.10

Tooth root breakage S


1.1 1.2

(5) For the output shaft of the yaw gearbox and for

the connecting elements, a fatigue strength analysis

and a static strength analysis shall be submitted. The

analyses shall be performed in accordance with DIN

743, DIN 6892 and DIN 7190, or equivalent codes.

(6) Strength analyses for yaw gearbox housings

and planet carriers may be necessary (see Section Connecting elements

Strength analyses for bolted connections are neces-

sary wherever the bolts are essential to the distribu-

tion of forces (see Section 6.5). Yaw bearing

(1) For the calculation and design of the yaw bear-

ing, reference is made to Section 7.3.

(2) The turbine manufacturer and/or the supplier of

the blade bearing shall verify that the surrounding

construction of the yaw bearing is adequate for the

function of the yaw bearing.

(3) The seals shall be so protected that they are not

damaged by the prevailing environmental conditions.


It should be possible to exchange the seal of the yaw

bearing in the installed condition. Lubrication system

(1) It shall be shown that an adequate film of lu-

bricant is always provided on the flanks of the yaw

bearing teeth and also between the balls or rollers and

the track surface of the yaw bearing for all operational

modes of the wind turbine.

(2) For the teeth of the yaw bearing, a lubrication

system is mandatory in general. The functionality of

the lubrication system shall be documented (installa-

tion plan, lubrication intervals, lubricant distribution).

IV – Part 1 7.8 Yaw System Chapter 7

GL 2010

(3) Appropriate collecting reservoirs should be

provided to accommodate excess quantities of lubri-

cant from the yaw teeth as well as from the yaw bear-

ing. Yaw brake

(1) Notes on the calculation of brakes are given in

Section 7.5.

(2) If a permanent application of a braking mo-

ment is required according to the system concept, the

function of the brakes shall also be ensured in the

event of failure of the power supply.

Page 7-27 Additional verifications

(1) In the case of systems with electrical actuating

yaw motors, Chapter 8 shall also be considered.

(2) For the verification of the hydraulic system,

Section 7.9 shall be considered.


According to section, para 3 the yaw system

may be applied for testing of the Load Relevant con-

trol and safety system Functions (LRF).


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