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课文翻译及语言点U3 How to Get a Job at Google

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全新版大学进阶英语综合教程 第4册 Unit 3 Job Hunting

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程 第4册 Unit 3 Job Hunting

Text A How to Get a Job at Google


课文:How to Get a Job at Google .......................................................................................... 1

课文翻译:怎样在谷歌谋得一份工作 ................................................................................... 4

语言点(Language Focus) ..................................................................................................... 6

How to Get a Job at Google

By Thomas L. Friedman

1 Last June, in an interview with Adam Bryant of The Times, Laszlo Bock, the senior vice

president of people operations for Google — i.e., the guy in charge of hiring for one of the world’s

most successful companies — noted that Google had determined that “GPA’s are worthless as a

criteria for hiring, and test scores are worthless. ... We found that they don’t predict anything.” He

also noted that the “proportion of people without any college education at Google has increased

over time” — now as high as 14 percent on some teams. At a time when many people are asking,

“How’s my kid gonna get a job?” I thought it would be useful to visit Google and hear how Bock

would answer.

2 Don’t get him wrong, Bock begins, “Good grades certainly don’t hurt.” Many jobs at Google

require math, computing and coding skills, so if your good grades truly reflect skills in those areas

that you can apply, it would be an advantage. But Google has its eyes on much more.

3 “There are five hiring attributes we have across the company,” explained Bock. “If it’s a

technical role, we assess your coding ability, and half the roles in the company are technical roles.

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全新版大学进阶英语综合教程 第4册 Unit 3 Job Hunting

For every job, though, the No. 1 thing we look for is general cognitive ability, and it’s not I.Q. It’s

learning ability. It’s the ability to process on the fly. It’s the ability to pull together disparate bits of

information. We assess that using structured behavioral interviews that we validate to make sure

they’re predictive.”

4 The second, he added, “is leadership — in particular emergent leadership as opposed to

traditional leadership. Traditional leadership is, were you president of the chess club? Were you

vice president of sales? How quickly did you get there? We don’t care. What we care about is,

when faced with a problem and you’re a member of a team, do you, at the appropriate time, step in

and lead. And just as critically, do you step back and stop leading, do you let someone else?

Because what’s critical to be an effective leader in this environment is you have to be willing to

relinquish power.”

5 What else? Humility and ownership. “It’s feeling the sense of responsibility, the sense of

ownership, to step in,” he said, to try to solve any problem — and the humility to step back and

embrace the better ideas of others. “Your end goal,” explained Bock, “is what can we do together

to problem-solve. I’ve contributed my piece, and then I step back.”

6 And it is not just humility in creating space for others to contribute, says Bock, it’s “intellectual

humility. Without humility, you are unable to learn.” It is why research shows that many graduates

from hotshot business schools plateau. “Successful bright people rarely experience failure, and so

they don’t learn how to learn from that failure,” said Bock.

7 “They, instead, commit the fundamental attribution error, which is if something good happens,

it’s because I’m a genius. If something bad happens, it’s because someone’s an idiot or I didn’t get

the resources or the market moved. ... What we’ve seen is that the people who are the most

successful here, who we want to hire, will have a fierce position. They’ll argue like hell. They’ll

be zealots about their point of view. But then you say, ‘Here’s a new fact,’ and they’ll go, ‘Oh,

well, that changes things; you’re right.’” You need a big ego and small ego in the same person at

the same time.

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全新版大学进阶英语综合教程 第4册 Unit 3 Job Hunting

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程 第4册 Unit 3 Job Hunting

Text A How to Get a Job at Google


课文:How to Get a Job at Google .......................................................................................... 1

课文翻译:怎样在谷歌谋得一份工作 ................................................................................... 4

语言点(Language Focus) ..................................................................................................... 6

How to Get a Job at Google

By Thomas L. Friedman

1 Last June, in an interview with Adam Bryant of The Times, Laszlo Bock, the senior vice

president of people operations for Google — i.e., the guy in charge of hiring for one of the world’s

most successful companies — noted that Google had determined that “GPA’s are worthless as a

criteria for hiring, and test scores are worthless. ... We found that they don’t predict anything.” He

also noted that the “proportion of people without any college education at Google has increased

over time” — now as high as 14 percent on some teams. At a time when many people are asking,

“How’s my kid gonna get a job?” I thought it would be useful to visit Google and hear how Bock

would answer.

2 Don’t get him wrong, Bock begins, “Good grades certainly don’t hurt.” Many jobs at Google

require math, computing and coding skills, so if your good grades truly reflect skills in those areas

that you can apply, it would be an advantage. But Google has its eyes on much more.

3 “There are five hiring attributes we have across the company,” explained Bock. “If it’s a

technical role, we assess your coding ability, and half the roles in the company are technical roles.

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全新版大学进阶英语综合教程 第4册 Unit 3 Job Hunting

For every job, though, the No. 1 thing we look for is general cognitive ability, and it’s not I.Q. It’s

learning ability. It’s the ability to process on the fly. It’s the ability to pull together disparate bits of

information. We assess that using structured behavioral interviews that we validate to make sure

they’re predictive.”

4 The second, he added, “is leadership — in particular emergent leadership as opposed to

traditional leadership. Traditional leadership is, were you president of the chess club? Were you

vice president of sales? How quickly did you get there? We don’t care. What we care about is,

when faced with a problem and you’re a member of a team, do you, at the appropriate time, step in

and lead. And just as critically, do you step back and stop leading, do you let someone else?

Because what’s critical to be an effective leader in this environment is you have to be willing to

relinquish power.”

5 What else? Humility and ownership. “It’s feeling the sense of responsibility, the sense of

ownership, to step in,” he said, to try to solve any problem — and the humility to step back and

embrace the better ideas of others. “Your end goal,” explained Bock, “is what can we do together

to problem-solve. I’ve contributed my piece, and then I step back.”

6 And it is not just humility in creating space for others to contribute, says Bock, it’s “intellectual

humility. Without humility, you are unable to learn.” It is why research shows that many graduates

from hotshot business schools plateau. “Successful bright people rarely experience failure, and so

they don’t learn how to learn from that failure,” said Bock.

7 “They, instead, commit the fundamental attribution error, which is if something good happens,

it’s because I’m a genius. If something bad happens, it’s because someone’s an idiot or I didn’t get

the resources or the market moved. ... What we’ve seen is that the people who are the most

successful here, who we want to hire, will have a fierce position. They’ll argue like hell. They’ll

be zealots about their point of view. But then you say, ‘Here’s a new fact,’ and they’ll go, ‘Oh,

well, that changes things; you’re right.’” You need a big ego and small ego in the same person at

the same time.

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