GenePix Pro 7 Software
The industry standard in microarray image analysis
Pro 7 Software. Global alignment algorithms
GenePix® Pro 7 Software is the industry
determine the translation, rotation and skew
standard in microarray image analysis for
of blocks of features. In addition to finding
• Multiplexed image acquisition
its unique combination of image acquisition
circular or square features, it has an edge-
• Powerful automated
and analysis tools, visualizations, automation
detection option for segmenting irregularly
spot-finding algorithms
capabilities, performance, and ease of use.
shaped features from the background.
• Walk-away batch analysis
• Automated quality control flagging
Multiplexed image acquisition
Multiple background
With your predefined settings, you do not
• I mport/export of industry-standard
need to manually scan each individual array
subtraction methods
file formats
With each microarray experiment, it is critical
anymore. Select multiple scan areas on one
to calculate the best-possible numerical
• F ull control of GenePix SL50
microarray and set your scan parameters for
representation of biological changes on
Slide Loader
independent scans and click on Data Scan
the array, which is often hampered by
• I ntegration with GenePix
All. A scanner controlled by GenePix Pro 7
substandard array quality. GenePix Pro 7
Scanners and Acuity
Software will do the image acquisition and
Software allows users to choose between
Informatics Software
save the images to your desired location.
several background subtraction methods, to
best fit existing requirements. Choose from
Powerful spot-finding algorithms
local, global, morphological or negative
Manual gridding is no longer necessary.
control methods, all with user-selectable
Analyze any microarray TIFF image
parameters. Or, where appropriate, choose
from any scanner, including hexagonally
to have no background subtraction at all.
packed arrays, using a set of proprietary
powerful spot-finding algorithms in GenePix
Feature viewer. The Feature Viewer gives instant access to a large amount
of individual feature data, without requiring complete analysis of the entire
Flag Features dialog. The Flag Features dialog box allows users to
construct fully general Boolean-quality control queries.
Scatter plot interface. Use the Scatter Plot to plot any two Results columns
against each other. In this case, Log ratio is plotted against Sum of Medians
(on a log scale) to assess the intensity-dependence of ratio data.
Automated feature flagging
The user-defined Flag Features interface allows users to design
and save multiple-parameter Boolean queries for automated
feature flagging. Queries can easily be shared between
collaborators to help standardize quality control practices within a
group of users.
Walk-away batch analysis
GenePix Pro 7 Software simplifies batch analysis. Simply load a
group of TIFF images to the Batch Analysis Tab, assign layout files
and press Start. The software will automatically run spot-finding
algorithms, extract numerical values, flag features and save a
results file for each image. With the Browse Tool, users can quickly
review results of the completed batch.
Data-centric interface
GenePix Pro 7 Software has a transparent interface so users
clearly see and control each step of image analysis. The Image
Tab allows users to view up to four wavelength images and three
two-wavelength ratio images, with a variety of color palettes.
The Results Tab displays multiple analysis results with up to 50
metrics for each feature, in a straightforward, sortable spreadsheet
format. Users can select metrics to plot as either scatter plots or
histograms on the Scatter Plot Tab. All three tabs are linked to each
other, so that selections on one are shown throughout.
Measuring tools
Use the unique measuring tools in GenePix Pro 7 Software for
quality control and quantitative assay development: measure
intensities along lines, polylines and in user-defined regions.
Correct unbalanced dye signals within GenePix Pro 7 Software,
using ratio- or wavelength-based normalization methods,
based either on all features or any subset of features. For
more advanced normalization methods, such as Lowess, save
analysis results directly to Molecular Devices Acuity® Microarray
Informatics Software.
Reports and scripting
The Reports Tab of GenePix Pro 7 Software is stocked with ready-
to-use analysis reports, including array quality control, identification
of interesting features and more. Each report is editable, and
example reports provide building blocks for users to create and
customize their own scripts for displaying images, tables and
graphs, and even controlling scanner automation.
Share your data
GenePix Results (GPR) and GenePix Array List (GAL) files are
the industry standard formats. Along with MAGE-ML export to
satisfy journal submission requirements, GenePix Pro 7 Software
users can easily share and compare data with colleagues
and collaborators.
Hardware integration
When used with GenePix Scanners, GenePix Pro 7 Software
acts as both acquisition and analysis software, eliminating the
need to transfer data between two software packages. This
close integration also allows real-time monitoring of hardware
performance to ensure proper hardware function during data
collection and automated photomultiplier (PMT) adjustment.
GenePix Pro 7 Software is fully compatible with all GenePix 4000B,
4100A, 4200, 4300, 4400, and the SL50 Slide Loader. The software
does not support the 4000A and the 4200AL scanners.
Informatics integration
GenePix Pro 7 Software and Acuity Microarray Informatics Software
allow users to perform acquisition, first-pass analysis and advanced
analysis all within one environment. GenePix Pro 7 Software results
are easily saved directly into the Acuity Software database.
Recommended computer specifications
• Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit*
• Windows 10, 32-bit and 64-bit**
• Intel Quad Core 1.8 GHz or faster processor
• 8 GB RAM or more
• Dedicated video card 256MB or more
• 250 GB hard drive (for image storage)
• 3 free USB 2.0 ports***
• 1280 x 1024 display
*Applicable for scanners compatible with USB, 32-bit only for the older
model SCSI scanners
**Not tested with the older model SCSI scanners
***One for the USB software protection key and one for the scanner.
An extra port is needed if SL50 slide loader is being used. Only one
USB port is required for older models of SCSI scanners for USB software
protection key.
Technical Support
To check availability of the GenePix SL50 Microarray Slide Loader
or to download a demonstration version of GenePix Pro 7 Software,
please contact our Technical Support team.
North America
Phone: +1.800.635.5577
United Kingdom
Phone: +44.118.944.8000
Phone: 00800.665.32860
Contact Us
Phone: +1-800-635-5577
Email: ***************
Check our website for a current listing
of worldwide distributors.
The trademarks used herein are the property of Molecular Devices, LLC or their respective owners.
Specifications subject to change without notice. Patents: /productpatents
©2019 Molecular Devices, LLC
9/19 2274A
Printed in USA
GenePix Pro 7 Software
The industry standard in microarray image analysis
Pro 7 Software. Global alignment algorithms
GenePix® Pro 7 Software is the industry
determine the translation, rotation and skew
standard in microarray image analysis for
of blocks of features. In addition to finding
• Multiplexed image acquisition
its unique combination of image acquisition
circular or square features, it has an edge-
• Powerful automated
and analysis tools, visualizations, automation
detection option for segmenting irregularly
spot-finding algorithms
capabilities, performance, and ease of use.
shaped features from the background.
• Walk-away batch analysis
• Automated quality control flagging
Multiplexed image acquisition
Multiple background
With your predefined settings, you do not
• I mport/export of industry-standard
need to manually scan each individual array
subtraction methods
file formats
With each microarray experiment, it is critical
anymore. Select multiple scan areas on one
to calculate the best-possible numerical
• F ull control of GenePix SL50
microarray and set your scan parameters for
representation of biological changes on
Slide Loader
independent scans and click on Data Scan
the array, which is often hampered by
• I ntegration with GenePix
All. A scanner controlled by GenePix Pro 7
substandard array quality. GenePix Pro 7
Scanners and Acuity
Software will do the image acquisition and
Software allows users to choose between
Informatics Software
save the images to your desired location.
several background subtraction methods, to
best fit existing requirements. Choose from
Powerful spot-finding algorithms
local, global, morphological or negative
Manual gridding is no longer necessary.
control methods, all with user-selectable
Analyze any microarray TIFF image
parameters. Or, where appropriate, choose
from any scanner, including hexagonally
to have no background subtraction at all.
packed arrays, using a set of proprietary
powerful spot-finding algorithms in GenePix
Feature viewer. The Feature Viewer gives instant access to a large amount
of individual feature data, without requiring complete analysis of the entire
Flag Features dialog. The Flag Features dialog box allows users to
construct fully general Boolean-quality control queries.
Scatter plot interface. Use the Scatter Plot to plot any two Results columns
against each other. In this case, Log ratio is plotted against Sum of Medians
(on a log scale) to assess the intensity-dependence of ratio data.
Automated feature flagging
The user-defined Flag Features interface allows users to design
and save multiple-parameter Boolean queries for automated
feature flagging. Queries can easily be shared between
collaborators to help standardize quality control practices within a
group of users.
Walk-away batch analysis
GenePix Pro 7 Software simplifies batch analysis. Simply load a
group of TIFF images to the Batch Analysis Tab, assign layout files
and press Start. The software will automatically run spot-finding
algorithms, extract numerical values, flag features and save a
results file for each image. With the Browse Tool, users can quickly
review results of the completed batch.
Data-centric interface
GenePix Pro 7 Software has a transparent interface so users
clearly see and control each step of image analysis. The Image
Tab allows users to view up to four wavelength images and three
two-wavelength ratio images, with a variety of color palettes.
The Results Tab displays multiple analysis results with up to 50
metrics for each feature, in a straightforward, sortable spreadsheet
format. Users can select metrics to plot as either scatter plots or
histograms on the Scatter Plot Tab. All three tabs are linked to each
other, so that selections on one are shown throughout.
Measuring tools
Use the unique measuring tools in GenePix Pro 7 Software for
quality control and quantitative assay development: measure
intensities along lines, polylines and in user-defined regions.
Correct unbalanced dye signals within GenePix Pro 7 Software,
using ratio- or wavelength-based normalization methods,
based either on all features or any subset of features. For
more advanced normalization methods, such as Lowess, save
analysis results directly to Molecular Devices Acuity® Microarray
Informatics Software.
Reports and scripting
The Reports Tab of GenePix Pro 7 Software is stocked with ready-
to-use analysis reports, including array quality control, identification
of interesting features and more. Each report is editable, and
example reports provide building blocks for users to create and
customize their own scripts for displaying images, tables and
graphs, and even controlling scanner automation.
Share your data
GenePix Results (GPR) and GenePix Array List (GAL) files are
the industry standard formats. Along with MAGE-ML export to
satisfy journal submission requirements, GenePix Pro 7 Software
users can easily share and compare data with colleagues
and collaborators.
Hardware integration
When used with GenePix Scanners, GenePix Pro 7 Software
acts as both acquisition and analysis software, eliminating the
need to transfer data between two software packages. This
close integration also allows real-time monitoring of hardware
performance to ensure proper hardware function during data
collection and automated photomultiplier (PMT) adjustment.
GenePix Pro 7 Software is fully compatible with all GenePix 4000B,
4100A, 4200, 4300, 4400, and the SL50 Slide Loader. The software
does not support the 4000A and the 4200AL scanners.
Informatics integration
GenePix Pro 7 Software and Acuity Microarray Informatics Software
allow users to perform acquisition, first-pass analysis and advanced
analysis all within one environment. GenePix Pro 7 Software results
are easily saved directly into the Acuity Software database.
Recommended computer specifications
• Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit*
• Windows 10, 32-bit and 64-bit**
• Intel Quad Core 1.8 GHz or faster processor
• 8 GB RAM or more
• Dedicated video card 256MB or more
• 250 GB hard drive (for image storage)
• 3 free USB 2.0 ports***
• 1280 x 1024 display
*Applicable for scanners compatible with USB, 32-bit only for the older
model SCSI scanners
**Not tested with the older model SCSI scanners
***One for the USB software protection key and one for the scanner.
An extra port is needed if SL50 slide loader is being used. Only one
USB port is required for older models of SCSI scanners for USB software
protection key.
Technical Support
To check availability of the GenePix SL50 Microarray Slide Loader
or to download a demonstration version of GenePix Pro 7 Software,
please contact our Technical Support team.
North America
Phone: +1.800.635.5577
United Kingdom
Phone: +44.118.944.8000
Phone: 00800.665.32860
Contact Us
Phone: +1-800-635-5577
Email: ***************
Check our website for a current listing
of worldwide distributors.
The trademarks used herein are the property of Molecular Devices, LLC or their respective owners.
Specifications subject to change without notice. Patents: /productpatents
©2019 Molecular Devices, LLC
9/19 2274A
Printed in USA