当年what hi-fi 250英镑级别的5星功放。
“柔性剪峰”(Soft Clipping)是一个相当有用的功能,您可以选择开启或关闭此功能。一般人都有这样的经验:如果功放音量开得比较大,或音
乐电平起伏较大,功放的输出超过其额定功率,会产生削波失真,声音变紧、生硬、失真。而NAD的Soft Clipping电路正是通过适当减小输出
“气囊功率”(Power Drive)也是NAD的特色线路,这是NAD于上世纪80年代和90年代著名的Power Envelope电路技术的进一步发展和
改进,它能在瞬间高输出的情况下提供更强大的电源供给,使功放的大功率输出更稳定,驱动力更强,低频更出色。Power Drive电路与Power
NAD 304 - Best SS amp ever?
I'm being silly, of course, but my experience with this integrated amp has
been really baffling. I'll give a brief historical outline
I. Bought one in 1994 on the strength of Corey Greenberg's utterly excited
"this is real high end audio for $300!" review in Stereophile (btw, this review
isn't anywhere online that I can find). After owing it for a few days, the
skeptical retailer asked me if it sounded as "glorious" touted? Well, powering
my lil' Dahlquist DQ-16s, the answer was YES!
II. In 1995, something went wrong and I needed a repair. That was the old "green
circuit board" version. Borrowed a Quad Amp aybe a 405 with
matching preamp? Sounded big and warm.
III. Got the NAD 304 back with new Blue circuit board. Sounded way bigger,
more dynamic, and clearer than the Quad set-up. Loved it! had to sell it off
later that year to help with some debt.
IV. Bought one in 2008 for $175. I'm using it to power Triangle Zerius 202s.
I know, not the first combo you'd imagine, right? Sounds very clean and not
lacking tonally, but now I'm looking for more dimensionality and palpable
presence. I have tried using more powerful NAD amps, a high-powered Adcom,
and I'm currently trying a Parasound HCA-750A. dinary.
To be fair, the Parasound has warmed up and is starting to sound pretty good,
but it doesn't exactly blow the 304 away.
Am I going to going to have to look at much more expensive gear? Tubes, maybe?
Some of the amps I've tried have been very affordable, but the Quad and the
Adcom were kind of ridiculously high-priced IMO, and the 304 was hands-down
the winner in those shootouts.
Has anyone else had a similar experience - and if so, what did you finally
choose upgrade with?
(System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Responses (1-13 of 13)
Click title to read one, or click date to read all below it.
To rephrase the question, have you ever upgraded from an n ...
I am using one with a video system in the living
room-tryed ...
Right on, dred, thanks for sharing your experience! the
304 ...
Nad amps are pretty good deal for the money and i agree
with ...
I owned a 304 for quite a few years, then passed it down
to ...
10-13-08: Joelv
You know, I'm using the 304 as a pre-amp now. After a few months with my
Triangles, I am hearing the 304' namely rolled off extreme
highs and lows. Shortly after writing this, I spent some serious listening
time with the Parasound amp and realized that it was pretty great, if a little
"hard" sounding in my system.
I'm curious about the 315Bee and the 325Bee as well. I assumed they would
be only marginal improvements, but a remote control would be awesome.
I'm curious about the B&K ST-140 (the older, 70WPC one), the ST-120, and
the newest Parasound Zamp. I've also heard some great things about the Onkyo
A9555 Class D integrated.
当年what hi-fi 250英镑级别的5星功放。
“柔性剪峰”(Soft Clipping)是一个相当有用的功能,您可以选择开启或关闭此功能。一般人都有这样的经验:如果功放音量开得比较大,或音
乐电平起伏较大,功放的输出超过其额定功率,会产生削波失真,声音变紧、生硬、失真。而NAD的Soft Clipping电路正是通过适当减小输出
“气囊功率”(Power Drive)也是NAD的特色线路,这是NAD于上世纪80年代和90年代著名的Power Envelope电路技术的进一步发展和
改进,它能在瞬间高输出的情况下提供更强大的电源供给,使功放的大功率输出更稳定,驱动力更强,低频更出色。Power Drive电路与Power
NAD 304 - Best SS amp ever?
I'm being silly, of course, but my experience with this integrated amp has
been really baffling. I'll give a brief historical outline
I. Bought one in 1994 on the strength of Corey Greenberg's utterly excited
"this is real high end audio for $300!" review in Stereophile (btw, this review
isn't anywhere online that I can find). After owing it for a few days, the
skeptical retailer asked me if it sounded as "glorious" touted? Well, powering
my lil' Dahlquist DQ-16s, the answer was YES!
II. In 1995, something went wrong and I needed a repair. That was the old "green
circuit board" version. Borrowed a Quad Amp aybe a 405 with
matching preamp? Sounded big and warm.
III. Got the NAD 304 back with new Blue circuit board. Sounded way bigger,
more dynamic, and clearer than the Quad set-up. Loved it! had to sell it off
later that year to help with some debt.
IV. Bought one in 2008 for $175. I'm using it to power Triangle Zerius 202s.
I know, not the first combo you'd imagine, right? Sounds very clean and not
lacking tonally, but now I'm looking for more dimensionality and palpable
presence. I have tried using more powerful NAD amps, a high-powered Adcom,
and I'm currently trying a Parasound HCA-750A. dinary.
To be fair, the Parasound has warmed up and is starting to sound pretty good,
but it doesn't exactly blow the 304 away.
Am I going to going to have to look at much more expensive gear? Tubes, maybe?
Some of the amps I've tried have been very affordable, but the Quad and the
Adcom were kind of ridiculously high-priced IMO, and the 304 was hands-down
the winner in those shootouts.
Has anyone else had a similar experience - and if so, what did you finally
choose upgrade with?
(System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Responses (1-13 of 13)
Click title to read one, or click date to read all below it.
To rephrase the question, have you ever upgraded from an n ...
I am using one with a video system in the living
room-tryed ...
Right on, dred, thanks for sharing your experience! the
304 ...
Nad amps are pretty good deal for the money and i agree
with ...
I owned a 304 for quite a few years, then passed it down
to ...
10-13-08: Joelv
You know, I'm using the 304 as a pre-amp now. After a few months with my
Triangles, I am hearing the 304' namely rolled off extreme
highs and lows. Shortly after writing this, I spent some serious listening
time with the Parasound amp and realized that it was pretty great, if a little
"hard" sounding in my system.
I'm curious about the 315Bee and the 325Bee as well. I assumed they would
be only marginal improvements, but a remote control would be awesome.
I'm curious about the B&K ST-140 (the older, 70WPC one), the ST-120, and
the newest Parasound Zamp. I've also heard some great things about the Onkyo
A9555 Class D integrated.