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ISCC官方标准文件 ISCC_PLUS_205_05_Non-GMO-Guidance

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ISCC 205-05 Additional guid-

ance for GMO / Non GMO mate-


Additional guidance for GMO / Non GMO material

ISCC 205-05

V 1.0-PLUS

Copyright notice

© ISCC 2015

This ISCC document is protected by copyright. It is freely available from the ISCC website or

upon request.

No part of this copyrighted document might be changed or amended. The document might not

be duplicated or copied in any form or by any means for commercial purpose without permis-

sion of ISCC.

Document title: ISCC 205-05

Additional guidance for GMO / NON GMO material

Application date: 01 March 2015

ISCC 205-05 Additional guidance for GMO / NON GMO material 2 of 6


Content ..................................................................................................................................... 3





Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4

Scope ............................................................................................................................. 4

Normative references .................................................................................................... 4

Additional guidance for requirements for the production of Non GMO biomass ............ 5

4.1 Fundamentals ................................................................................................................ 5

4.2 Field sizes and safety distances .................................................................................... 5

4.3 Material sampling for PCR analysis ................................................................................ 6

4.4 Material handling and avoidance of commingling ........................................................... 6

ISCC 205-05 Additional guidance for GMO / NON GMO material 3 of 6

1 Introduction

The additional guidance for the treatment of GMO / NON GMO material gives further guide-

lines for sustainable biomass considered for the certification under ISCC PLUS 205-03 or

ISCC PLUS 205-04 respectively.

Major subject of certification described within this document are single farms, first gathering

points and/or conversion units. This document describes guidelines especially for producers

of NON GMO material. Further downstream elements of the supply chain are requested to

pay attention to the guidance for GMO material handling.

2 Scope

In addition to the ISCC documents 205-03 and 205-04, this document describes further guid-

ance for the biomass production considered for the certification of material for Non GMO for

technical markets or material for Non GMO for Food & Feed respectively. The additional

guidance described hereafter is to be applied only for producers of sustainable biomass and

its treatment along the supply chain.

3 Normative references

As a basic principle, all relevant ISCC documents are valid for the scope of application. The

normative references display the documents whose contents are linked and have to be con-

sidered as conjoint points.

Relevant references:





ISCC PLUS 205-03

ISCC PLUS 205-04

National and Regional Initiative

System Basics

Sustainability Requirements – Requirements for the Production of


Requirements for Traceability

Non GMO for Food & Feed

Non GMO for technical markets

ISCC 205-05 Additional guidance for GMO / NON GMO material 4 of 6



Additional guidance for requirements for the production of

Non GMO biomass


The requirements for the production of sustainable biomass are based on the six ISCC prin-

ciples (see ISCC 202). Any farm or plantation that goes through an ISCC audit shall comply

with relevant national and regional laws and regulations.

4.2 Field sizes and safety distances

The farmer growing Non GMO feedstock shall maintain appropriate safety distances from

adjacent GMO-grown fields if necessary. In countries where GMO cultivation is per se not

allowed or underlies very strict requirements on safety distances to Non GMO feedstock the

requirements on safety distances do not apply.

Safety distances between fields with Non GMO feedstock and fields with GMO feedstock are

important to avoid cross-pollination. Therefore the location of so-called “Non GMO” and GMO

fields must be determined. In this context, a Non GMO field is defined as one coherent “Non

GMO” field even if it includes dividing features (such as water ways, trees, driveways or rail-

road tracks) as long as the farm/plantation subject to Non GMO certification owns and/or

rents the entire field. Land that is owned or rented by any other third party cannot be consid-

ered in the field approach of a Non GMO certified farmer unless that land is farmed under the

same Non GMO conditions.

The following section describes the approach to determine safety distances between “Non

GMO” and “GMO” fields. However, a farmer shall always take into account further factors

that influence the likelihood of crosspollination, such as feedstock pollination characteristics,

landscape conditions and surrounding area.

Generally harvests from fields of a size less than three hectares are less appropriate to be

considered for Non GMO certification. Harvests from fields larger than nine hectares are less

likely to require specific measures such as safety distances.

Harvests from field sizes between three and nine hectares and aiming for Non GMO for Food

& Feed certification under ISCC PLUS 205-03 should be checked on their relative position to

surrounding fields seeded with GMO material. Either

• a minimum distance of 500 meters as a “buffer zone” is kept between the two fields or

• perimeter material


of the “Non GMO” field is veritably excluded from the overall field

harvest considered for certification. The perimeter material must be considered as

GMO and physically segregated from the rest of the field harvest

1 Perimeter material refers to the 12 outer boundary rows of material adjacent to surrounding fields on

which GMO material is grown.

ISCC 205-05 Additional guidance for GMO / NON GMO material 5 of 6


ISCC 205-05 Additional guid-

ance for GMO / Non GMO mate-


Additional guidance for GMO / Non GMO material

ISCC 205-05

V 1.0-PLUS

Copyright notice

© ISCC 2015

This ISCC document is protected by copyright. It is freely available from the ISCC website or

upon request.

No part of this copyrighted document might be changed or amended. The document might not

be duplicated or copied in any form or by any means for commercial purpose without permis-

sion of ISCC.

Document title: ISCC 205-05

Additional guidance for GMO / NON GMO material

Application date: 01 March 2015

ISCC 205-05 Additional guidance for GMO / NON GMO material 2 of 6


Content ..................................................................................................................................... 3





Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4

Scope ............................................................................................................................. 4

Normative references .................................................................................................... 4

Additional guidance for requirements for the production of Non GMO biomass ............ 5

4.1 Fundamentals ................................................................................................................ 5

4.2 Field sizes and safety distances .................................................................................... 5

4.3 Material sampling for PCR analysis ................................................................................ 6

4.4 Material handling and avoidance of commingling ........................................................... 6

ISCC 205-05 Additional guidance for GMO / NON GMO material 3 of 6

1 Introduction

The additional guidance for the treatment of GMO / NON GMO material gives further guide-

lines for sustainable biomass considered for the certification under ISCC PLUS 205-03 or

ISCC PLUS 205-04 respectively.

Major subject of certification described within this document are single farms, first gathering

points and/or conversion units. This document describes guidelines especially for producers

of NON GMO material. Further downstream elements of the supply chain are requested to

pay attention to the guidance for GMO material handling.

2 Scope

In addition to the ISCC documents 205-03 and 205-04, this document describes further guid-

ance for the biomass production considered for the certification of material for Non GMO for

technical markets or material for Non GMO for Food & Feed respectively. The additional

guidance described hereafter is to be applied only for producers of sustainable biomass and

its treatment along the supply chain.

3 Normative references

As a basic principle, all relevant ISCC documents are valid for the scope of application. The

normative references display the documents whose contents are linked and have to be con-

sidered as conjoint points.

Relevant references:





ISCC PLUS 205-03

ISCC PLUS 205-04

National and Regional Initiative

System Basics

Sustainability Requirements – Requirements for the Production of


Requirements for Traceability

Non GMO for Food & Feed

Non GMO for technical markets

ISCC 205-05 Additional guidance for GMO / NON GMO material 4 of 6



Additional guidance for requirements for the production of

Non GMO biomass


The requirements for the production of sustainable biomass are based on the six ISCC prin-

ciples (see ISCC 202). Any farm or plantation that goes through an ISCC audit shall comply

with relevant national and regional laws and regulations.

4.2 Field sizes and safety distances

The farmer growing Non GMO feedstock shall maintain appropriate safety distances from

adjacent GMO-grown fields if necessary. In countries where GMO cultivation is per se not

allowed or underlies very strict requirements on safety distances to Non GMO feedstock the

requirements on safety distances do not apply.

Safety distances between fields with Non GMO feedstock and fields with GMO feedstock are

important to avoid cross-pollination. Therefore the location of so-called “Non GMO” and GMO

fields must be determined. In this context, a Non GMO field is defined as one coherent “Non

GMO” field even if it includes dividing features (such as water ways, trees, driveways or rail-

road tracks) as long as the farm/plantation subject to Non GMO certification owns and/or

rents the entire field. Land that is owned or rented by any other third party cannot be consid-

ered in the field approach of a Non GMO certified farmer unless that land is farmed under the

same Non GMO conditions.

The following section describes the approach to determine safety distances between “Non

GMO” and “GMO” fields. However, a farmer shall always take into account further factors

that influence the likelihood of crosspollination, such as feedstock pollination characteristics,

landscape conditions and surrounding area.

Generally harvests from fields of a size less than three hectares are less appropriate to be

considered for Non GMO certification. Harvests from fields larger than nine hectares are less

likely to require specific measures such as safety distances.

Harvests from field sizes between three and nine hectares and aiming for Non GMO for Food

& Feed certification under ISCC PLUS 205-03 should be checked on their relative position to

surrounding fields seeded with GMO material. Either

• a minimum distance of 500 meters as a “buffer zone” is kept between the two fields or

• perimeter material


of the “Non GMO” field is veritably excluded from the overall field

harvest considered for certification. The perimeter material must be considered as

GMO and physically segregated from the rest of the field harvest

1 Perimeter material refers to the 12 outer boundary rows of material adjacent to surrounding fields on

which GMO material is grown.

ISCC 205-05 Additional guidance for GMO / NON GMO material 5 of 6


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