Convert EU Fxx N53 production code MT11 to MY51
using E-Sys to flash the DME & EGS modules
The mod is conversion of a EU Fxx 523i to a 528i. It is valid for cars of production period where both
models were delivered with the same N53 motor, albeit the 523i being detuned in HP & Torque.
The mod requires a software change to the DME & EGS modules of the car, and a replacement of the
Single-step intake manifold with a 3-Step intake manifold equipped by DISA valves.
This document details the software change segment of the mod.
Module software used is the same as the original delivered by BMW in MY51 N53 equipped cars.
Flashing ECU's with E-sys is not a technically complicated process and the risks involved are less of
technical nature and more of integration & configuration mistakes. Successfully passing the flashing
process itself needs some precautions & guidelines which are general to any eeprom style programming:
Maintain constant power supply to the programming & target devices
Allow sufficient time for processing to complete
Stop in case of errors and analyze/troubleshoot the reasons before proceeding
Use the programming tool built-in controls to assure proper processing
The E-Sys tool itself has powerful controls to avoid flashing mistakes when it comes to compatibility
between the software to be flashed & the target ECU. The ECU's themselves being of automotive grade
are by nature of robust fail-safe design, especially those related to engine, transmission, car security &
passenger safety.
E-Sys also provides the integration support by managing the Master Security Module (MSM) of the car
to maintain security & compatibility in programming.
The controls in the hands of the user however, do allow for a lot of manual manipulation which can lead
to failed, incorrect flashing and a non-functioning car.
The risk therefore in this process, is mitigated mostly by keeping strict planning & control,
understanding the integration of the change within the car-wide computerized network, being vigilant in
troubleshooting unexpected failures before making new attempts and finally making sure that the E-Sys
settings and functions are carefully and correctly set.
Good luck to all who use this procedure. Anyone reading this is welcome to visit us at
– BMW Coding and Programming Forum.
This document is written & tested by forum members @maisav & @miotoo
Success may vary, we take no responsibility for any damage
that may occur in relation to this document and the risk is
entirely taken by those attempting to perform it
Page 1 of 7 Guide for flashing EU Fxx N53 DME and EGS using ESYS V. 1.1
Mandatory Prerequisites:
Confirm current ECU part numbers and target ECU part numbers are identical based on realoem /
ETK. Here we were ok with the DME, but had difference in EGS module. Posted question to BMW
technical staff who confirmed the difference is for support/replacement related reasons. Units are
No exchange of modules. Units are functional and in-sync with car network. No faults registered in
the fault or Information memories.
Know your Shipment & Current I-Step. Refer to basic coding guide to read I-Step from VCM.
Car network is running a unique I-level across modules.
PSdZdata for current I-level available and imported into Esys.
FA in car is in shipment status ie. Zeitkriterium not modified.
Car hooked up to battery charger or maintainer.
Phase 1: Connection
Prepare PC. Make sure wifi & bluetooth are disabled and no application is running.
Connect ENET cable to OBD port then to RJ45 port on PC.
Car ignition on, engine off.
Start-up E-Sys. After up to 30 seconds the car and your PC are on the same IP subnet.
Click on the 'Connect' button.
In the 'Open Connection' window which appears, select the appropriate TargetSelector.
Project is the Fxx I-Step of PSdZdata you loaded into Esys, VehicleInfo is your car Fxx without
DIRECT at the end.
8. In the Interface section, select 'Connection via VIN'.
9. In the Vehicle-specific parameter section, select 'Read parameters from VCM'.
10. Click Connect.
11. A pop-up window will appear. Confirm what you see is your known Shipment I-step & click OK.
Phase 2: Confirm current FA and SVT Actual state match to PSdZdata
1. Go to Comfort mode - TAL-Calculating. Top-left 'Vehicle Order', select 'Read'.
After VO is read, Open the FAList tree to FAList/FA/FZAuftrag/Type and confirm the
‘Zeitkriterium’ entry is your shipment (mmyy format) & the ‘Typschlüssel’ entry is your
production code MT11. Click save and provide a clearly identifiable name eg.
Right click on the 'FA' folder and select 'Activate FA'.
2. On the right, in 'SVT Actual' section, select 'Read SVT'.
When done, The SVT ECU tree will appear on the left. All entries will be BLUE in color.
Click save and provide a clearly identifiable name eg. SVT_ACTUAL_MT11_yyyymmdd
3. On the right, in 'KIS/SVT Target section, perform the following:
In 'Calculation Strategy' select 'Complete Flash'.
In I-Step (shipm.) select your I-Step Shipment as verified by connection phase step 11.
In I-Step target should be only one entry, matching to the Target selected in connection phase
step 7.
Click 'Calculate' and wait.
When done, The SVT ECU tree entries on the left will change color.
The entire tree with all entries must be BLACK with exception of SWUP, ENTD & NAVD entries in the
CMB_ECALL/CMB_MEDIA/HU_CIC modules which may remain BLUE.
Page 2 of 7 Guide for flashing EU Fxx N53 DME and EGS using ESYS V. 1.1
Convert EU Fxx N53 production code MT11 to MY51
using E-Sys to flash the DME & EGS modules
The mod is conversion of a EU Fxx 523i to a 528i. It is valid for cars of production period where both
models were delivered with the same N53 motor, albeit the 523i being detuned in HP & Torque.
The mod requires a software change to the DME & EGS modules of the car, and a replacement of the
Single-step intake manifold with a 3-Step intake manifold equipped by DISA valves.
This document details the software change segment of the mod.
Module software used is the same as the original delivered by BMW in MY51 N53 equipped cars.
Flashing ECU's with E-sys is not a technically complicated process and the risks involved are less of
technical nature and more of integration & configuration mistakes. Successfully passing the flashing
process itself needs some precautions & guidelines which are general to any eeprom style programming:
Maintain constant power supply to the programming & target devices
Allow sufficient time for processing to complete
Stop in case of errors and analyze/troubleshoot the reasons before proceeding
Use the programming tool built-in controls to assure proper processing
The E-Sys tool itself has powerful controls to avoid flashing mistakes when it comes to compatibility
between the software to be flashed & the target ECU. The ECU's themselves being of automotive grade
are by nature of robust fail-safe design, especially those related to engine, transmission, car security &
passenger safety.
E-Sys also provides the integration support by managing the Master Security Module (MSM) of the car
to maintain security & compatibility in programming.
The controls in the hands of the user however, do allow for a lot of manual manipulation which can lead
to failed, incorrect flashing and a non-functioning car.
The risk therefore in this process, is mitigated mostly by keeping strict planning & control,
understanding the integration of the change within the car-wide computerized network, being vigilant in
troubleshooting unexpected failures before making new attempts and finally making sure that the E-Sys
settings and functions are carefully and correctly set.
Good luck to all who use this procedure. Anyone reading this is welcome to visit us at
– BMW Coding and Programming Forum.
This document is written & tested by forum members @maisav & @miotoo
Success may vary, we take no responsibility for any damage
that may occur in relation to this document and the risk is
entirely taken by those attempting to perform it
Page 1 of 7 Guide for flashing EU Fxx N53 DME and EGS using ESYS V. 1.1
Mandatory Prerequisites:
Confirm current ECU part numbers and target ECU part numbers are identical based on realoem /
ETK. Here we were ok with the DME, but had difference in EGS module. Posted question to BMW
technical staff who confirmed the difference is for support/replacement related reasons. Units are
No exchange of modules. Units are functional and in-sync with car network. No faults registered in
the fault or Information memories.
Know your Shipment & Current I-Step. Refer to basic coding guide to read I-Step from VCM.
Car network is running a unique I-level across modules.
PSdZdata for current I-level available and imported into Esys.
FA in car is in shipment status ie. Zeitkriterium not modified.
Car hooked up to battery charger or maintainer.
Phase 1: Connection
Prepare PC. Make sure wifi & bluetooth are disabled and no application is running.
Connect ENET cable to OBD port then to RJ45 port on PC.
Car ignition on, engine off.
Start-up E-Sys. After up to 30 seconds the car and your PC are on the same IP subnet.
Click on the 'Connect' button.
In the 'Open Connection' window which appears, select the appropriate TargetSelector.
Project is the Fxx I-Step of PSdZdata you loaded into Esys, VehicleInfo is your car Fxx without
DIRECT at the end.
8. In the Interface section, select 'Connection via VIN'.
9. In the Vehicle-specific parameter section, select 'Read parameters from VCM'.
10. Click Connect.
11. A pop-up window will appear. Confirm what you see is your known Shipment I-step & click OK.
Phase 2: Confirm current FA and SVT Actual state match to PSdZdata
1. Go to Comfort mode - TAL-Calculating. Top-left 'Vehicle Order', select 'Read'.
After VO is read, Open the FAList tree to FAList/FA/FZAuftrag/Type and confirm the
‘Zeitkriterium’ entry is your shipment (mmyy format) & the ‘Typschlüssel’ entry is your
production code MT11. Click save and provide a clearly identifiable name eg.
Right click on the 'FA' folder and select 'Activate FA'.
2. On the right, in 'SVT Actual' section, select 'Read SVT'.
When done, The SVT ECU tree will appear on the left. All entries will be BLUE in color.
Click save and provide a clearly identifiable name eg. SVT_ACTUAL_MT11_yyyymmdd
3. On the right, in 'KIS/SVT Target section, perform the following:
In 'Calculation Strategy' select 'Complete Flash'.
In I-Step (shipm.) select your I-Step Shipment as verified by connection phase step 11.
In I-Step target should be only one entry, matching to the Target selected in connection phase
step 7.
Click 'Calculate' and wait.
When done, The SVT ECU tree entries on the left will change color.
The entire tree with all entries must be BLACK with exception of SWUP, ENTD & NAVD entries in the
CMB_ECALL/CMB_MEDIA/HU_CIC modules which may remain BLUE.
Page 2 of 7 Guide for flashing EU Fxx N53 DME and EGS using ESYS V. 1.1