IP Router Command Reference
Command Hierarchies
Configuration Commands
•Router Commands on page 100
•Router BFD commands on page 102
•Router L2TP Commands on page 103
•Router Interface Commands on page 106
•Router Interface IPv6 Commands on page 109
•Router Advertisement Commands on page 110
•Show Commands on page 111
•Clear Commands on page 113
•Debug Commands on page 114
7950 XRS Router Configuration Guide
IP Router Configuration
Page 99
Command Hierarchies
Router Commands
—router [router-name]
Page 100
—aggregate ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [summary-only] [as-set] [aggregator as-number:ip-
address] [black-hole] [community comm-id] [description description]
— aggregate ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [summary-only] [as-set] [aggregator as-number:ip-
address] [community comm-id] [indirect ip-address] [description description]
—no aggregate ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length
—autonomous-system autonomous-system
—no autonomous-system
—confederation confed-as-num members as-number [(up to 15 max)]
—no confederation [confed-as-num (up to 15 max)]
—ecmp max-ecmp-routes
—no ecmp
—fib-priority {high | standard}
—[no] icmp-tunneling
—[no] ignore-icmp-redirect
—[no] ip-fast-reroute
—[no] ldp-shortcut
—mc-maximum-routes number [log-only] [threshold threshold]
—no mc-maximum-routes
—static-label-range static-range
—no static-label-range
—sr-labels start-value end end-value
—no sr-labels
—multicast-info policy-name
—no multicast-info
—description description-string
—no description
—[no] rpki-session ip-address
—[no] connect-retryseconds
—[no] description string
—[no] local-address ip-address
—[no] port number
—[no] refresh-time seconds hold-time seconds
—[no] shutdown
—[no] stale-time seconds
—static-entry ip-prefix/prefix-length1-prefix-length2 origin-as as-number
[valid | invalid]
—no static-entry ip-prefix/prefix-length1-prefix-length2
—router-id ip-address
—no router-id
—service-prefix {ip-prefix/mask | ip-prefix netmask}[exclusive]
—no service-prefix ip-prefix/mask | ip-prefix netmask}
—application dscp-app-name dscp {dscp-value | dscp-name}
—application dot1p-app-name dot1p dot1p-priority
—no application {dscp-app-name | dot1p-app-name}
—dscp dscp-name fc fc-name
—[no] dscp dscp-name
7950 XRS Router Configuration Guide
IP Router Command Reference
Command Hierarchies
Configuration Commands
•Router Commands on page 100
•Router BFD commands on page 102
•Router L2TP Commands on page 103
•Router Interface Commands on page 106
•Router Interface IPv6 Commands on page 109
•Router Advertisement Commands on page 110
•Show Commands on page 111
•Clear Commands on page 113
•Debug Commands on page 114
7950 XRS Router Configuration Guide
IP Router Configuration
Page 99
Command Hierarchies
Router Commands
—router [router-name]
Page 100
—aggregate ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [summary-only] [as-set] [aggregator as-number:ip-
address] [black-hole] [community comm-id] [description description]
— aggregate ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [summary-only] [as-set] [aggregator as-number:ip-
address] [community comm-id] [indirect ip-address] [description description]
—no aggregate ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length
—autonomous-system autonomous-system
—no autonomous-system
—confederation confed-as-num members as-number [(up to 15 max)]
—no confederation [confed-as-num (up to 15 max)]
—ecmp max-ecmp-routes
—no ecmp
—fib-priority {high | standard}
—[no] icmp-tunneling
—[no] ignore-icmp-redirect
—[no] ip-fast-reroute
—[no] ldp-shortcut
—mc-maximum-routes number [log-only] [threshold threshold]
—no mc-maximum-routes
—static-label-range static-range
—no static-label-range
—sr-labels start-value end end-value
—no sr-labels
—multicast-info policy-name
—no multicast-info
—description description-string
—no description
—[no] rpki-session ip-address
—[no] connect-retryseconds
—[no] description string
—[no] local-address ip-address
—[no] port number
—[no] refresh-time seconds hold-time seconds
—[no] shutdown
—[no] stale-time seconds
—static-entry ip-prefix/prefix-length1-prefix-length2 origin-as as-number
[valid | invalid]
—no static-entry ip-prefix/prefix-length1-prefix-length2
—router-id ip-address
—no router-id
—service-prefix {ip-prefix/mask | ip-prefix netmask}[exclusive]
—no service-prefix ip-prefix/mask | ip-prefix netmask}
—application dscp-app-name dscp {dscp-value | dscp-name}
—application dot1p-app-name dot1p dot1p-priority
—no application {dscp-app-name | dot1p-app-name}
—dscp dscp-name fc fc-name
—[no] dscp dscp-name
7950 XRS Router Configuration Guide