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Agilent RF & Universal

Frequency Counter/Timers

Programming Comparison Guide

Technical Overview

53200 Series (53210A, 53220A, 53230A)

531xxA Series (53131A, 53132A, 53181A)


The Agilent 53200 Series emula-

tion mode enables the Agilent

53131A, 53132A, 53181A (531xxA

Series) Standard Commands for

Programmable Instruments (SCPI)

command set to be used with a

53210A, 53220A, or 53230A (53200

Series) counter. This programming

comparison guide will list those areas

where 531xxA Series users might

find differences in operation when

using a 53200 Series counter. These

differences are few, but documented

in order to make it easier to verify


With 531xxA Series compatibility

mode selected, all programming is

through the counter’s remote inter-

face (LAN, USB, GPIB). The counter

display responds according to the

remote commands received. Pressing

any front panel key while in 531xxA

Series compatibility mode returns

the counter to 53200 Series mode

as prompted. Setting or changing to

either mode requires the instrument

to be restarted.

When the 531xxA compatibility mode

has been selected, most SCPI com-

mands should execute semantically

the same as the SCPI commands

described in the Agilent 53181A and

53131A/132A 225 MHz Universal

Counter Programming Guides avail-

able in the library section of each the

product’s web pages found at www.


:CALCulate Subsystem

The 531xxA CALCulate1:IMMediate,

CALCulate1: IMMediate:AUTO,

CALCulate2: IMMediate, and

CALCulate2: IMMediate:AUTO com-

mands, which allowed recalculation

of old measurements, are not sup-


Measurement Instructions

The 531xxA READ?, FETCh?, and

MEASure? commands returned a

variable-length ASCII string whose

number of digits depended on the

actual measurement resolution. The

53200 Series will always return 15


The 531xxA READ:? and

FETch:? commands do

not allow data conversion from one

function to another.

must match the currently configured

measurement function.

:SENSe Subsytem – Trigger



The 53200 series hardware has only

two input hysteresis levels, compared

to three on the 531xxA counters.

For 53131A/132A:

Sending the 53131A/132A

SENSe:EVENt{1|2}:HYSTeresis 50

or 100 command enables noise

rejection (INPut{1|2}:NREJect

ON) in the 53220A/230A;

SENSe:EVENt{1|2}:HYSTeresis 0

disables noise rejection.

For 53181A:

Sending the 53181A

SENSe:EVENt:HYSTeresis 50 or 100

command enables noise rejection

(INPut:NREJect ON) in the 53210A;

SENSe:EVENt:HYSTeresis 0 disables

noise rejection.


Reference Levels for pulse width and

duty cycle

The 53131A/132A allowed you to set

different reference levels for the ris-

ing and falling edges for pulse width

and duty cycle measurements using

the SENSe:EVENt{1|2}:LEVel subsys-

tem commands. The 53220A/230A

uses the same reference level for

both edges. If you require different

references levels for the two edges,

you can accomplish this by using the

time interval measurement function

instead of pulse width or duty cycle.

The 53131A/132A models allowed

the lower and upper reference values

for rise and fall time measurements

to be in different units (percent vs.

voltage). The 53220A/230A models

require the same units for both refer-

ence values (both must be percent, or

both must be voltage).

Gate Time Resolution

The 53131A/53132A had different

resolutions for long and short gate

times and delays for the following









The resolution for gate time and delay

does not change based on value on

the 53220A/230A models.

The 53181A had different resolutions

for long and short gate times for the


command. The 53210A has the same,

better resolution regardless of the

gate time.

External Reference Signals

The 53181A & 53131A could auto-

matically adapt to external reference

signals of 1 MHz, 5 MHz, or 10 MHz.

The 53132A only accepted 10 MHz

signals. The SENSe:ROSCillator:E

XTernal:FREQuency? query would

measure and return which frequency

was present. The 53200 Series

accepts 1 MHz, 5 MHz, or 10 MHz,

but you need to specify via the SEN


command which frequency is present.

This command form is available in

53181A/53131A/53132A compatibil-

ity mode; the query form returns the

programmed value, not a measured


The 53181A/53131A/53132A SENS

e:ROSCillator:EXTernal:CHECk com-

mand controlled whether the instru-

ment would detect and report errors if

the external reference signal was not

present at the end of a measurement.

The 53200 Series will always detect

this condition and report errors. The

531xxA command is accepted by the

53200 Series, but has no effect on the


SCPI Macros

The 531xxA SCPI macro capabil-

ity is not supported in the 53200

Series, including the *DMC, *EMC,

*EMC?, *GMC?, *LMC?, *PMC,

MEMory:DELete:MACRo, and

MEMory:FREE:MACRo? commands.

RS-232 Commands

The 53200 Series does not include

an RS-232 port, and does not

support hard copy output. The

associated HCOPy:CONTinuous and

SYStem:COMMunicate:SERial subsys-

tem SCPI commands of the 531xxA

Series 53131A/132A are accepted by

the 53200 Series, but have no effect

on the instrument.

Diagnostics and Calibration

Due to significant hardware differenc-

es between the 53200 series and the

531xxA counters, the calibration pro-

cedure and some of the CALibration

subsystem commands are different.

The 531xxA DIAGnostic subsystem

commands are not supported.

Front Panel Operation

Given the complete redesign of the

front panel, the 531xxA SYSTem:KEY

and SYSTem:KEY:LOG? commands,

which simulate the pressing of a

front-panel key, are not supported.

Input Protection

When 50 ohm input impedance

is selected, the 531xxA and the

53200 Series specifications limit the

input voltage to 5 Vrms to prevent

damage to the input termination

resistor. If higher voltage is present,

53200 Series will automatically

switch the input impedance to 1

Mohm to prevent damage; the

531xxA counters do not have this

protection capability. If the automatic

protection is triggered on the 53200

Series, you will need to send the

53131A/132A INPut{1|2}:IMPedance

SCPI command to reset the input

impedance to 50 ohms (on 53181A:


For additional specification informa-

tion for these frequency counters,

please refer to the data sheets

available on each model’s web page

at: /find/frequency-




For more information on Agilent

Technologies’ products, applications or

services, please contact your local Agilent

office. The complete list is available at:

Agilent Email Updates


Get the latest information on the

products and applications you select.

LXI is the LAN-based successor to

GPIB, providing faster, more efficient

connectivity. Agilent is a founding

member of the LXI consortium.

Agilent Channel Partners


Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s

measurement expertise and product

breadth, combined with channel

partner convenience.

Agilent Advantage Services is com-

mitted to your success throughout

your equipment’s lifetime. We share

measurement and service expertise

to help you create the products that

change our world. To keep you com-

petitive, we continually invest in tools

and processes that speed up calibra-

tion and repair, reduce your cost of

ownership, and move us ahead of

your development curve.




Canada (877) 894 4414

Brazil (11) 4197 3500

Latin America 305 269 7500

Mexico 01800 5064 800

United States (800) 829 4444

Asia Pacific



Hong Kong








1 800 629 485

800 810 0189

800 938 693

1 800 112 929

0120 (421) 345

080 769 0800

1 800 888 848

1 800 375 8100

0800 047 866

1 800 226 008




is a U.S registered trademark

of the Microsoft Corporation.

Europe & Middle East

Austria 43 (0) 1 360 277 1571

Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40

Denmark 45 70 13 15 15

Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100

France 0825 010 700*

*0.125 €/minute

Germany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333

Ireland 1890 924 204

Israel 972-3-9288-504/544

Italy 39 02 92 60 8484

Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111

Spain 34 (91) 631 3300

Sweden 0200-88 22 55

Switzerland 0800 80 53 53

United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 9276201

Other European Countries:


Revised: July 8, 2010

Product specifications and descriptions

in this document subject to change

without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2010

Printed in USA, September 20, 2010



Agilent RF & Universal

Frequency Counter/Timers

Programming Comparison Guide

Technical Overview

53200 Series (53210A, 53220A, 53230A)

531xxA Series (53131A, 53132A, 53181A)


The Agilent 53200 Series emula-

tion mode enables the Agilent

53131A, 53132A, 53181A (531xxA

Series) Standard Commands for

Programmable Instruments (SCPI)

command set to be used with a

53210A, 53220A, or 53230A (53200

Series) counter. This programming

comparison guide will list those areas

where 531xxA Series users might

find differences in operation when

using a 53200 Series counter. These

differences are few, but documented

in order to make it easier to verify


With 531xxA Series compatibility

mode selected, all programming is

through the counter’s remote inter-

face (LAN, USB, GPIB). The counter

display responds according to the

remote commands received. Pressing

any front panel key while in 531xxA

Series compatibility mode returns

the counter to 53200 Series mode

as prompted. Setting or changing to

either mode requires the instrument

to be restarted.

When the 531xxA compatibility mode

has been selected, most SCPI com-

mands should execute semantically

the same as the SCPI commands

described in the Agilent 53181A and

53131A/132A 225 MHz Universal

Counter Programming Guides avail-

able in the library section of each the

product’s web pages found at www.


:CALCulate Subsystem

The 531xxA CALCulate1:IMMediate,

CALCulate1: IMMediate:AUTO,

CALCulate2: IMMediate, and

CALCulate2: IMMediate:AUTO com-

mands, which allowed recalculation

of old measurements, are not sup-


Measurement Instructions

The 531xxA READ?, FETCh?, and

MEASure? commands returned a

variable-length ASCII string whose

number of digits depended on the

actual measurement resolution. The

53200 Series will always return 15


The 531xxA READ:? and

FETch:? commands do

not allow data conversion from one

function to another.

must match the currently configured

measurement function.

:SENSe Subsytem – Trigger



The 53200 series hardware has only

two input hysteresis levels, compared

to three on the 531xxA counters.

For 53131A/132A:

Sending the 53131A/132A

SENSe:EVENt{1|2}:HYSTeresis 50

or 100 command enables noise

rejection (INPut{1|2}:NREJect

ON) in the 53220A/230A;

SENSe:EVENt{1|2}:HYSTeresis 0

disables noise rejection.

For 53181A:

Sending the 53181A

SENSe:EVENt:HYSTeresis 50 or 100

command enables noise rejection

(INPut:NREJect ON) in the 53210A;

SENSe:EVENt:HYSTeresis 0 disables

noise rejection.


Reference Levels for pulse width and

duty cycle

The 53131A/132A allowed you to set

different reference levels for the ris-

ing and falling edges for pulse width

and duty cycle measurements using

the SENSe:EVENt{1|2}:LEVel subsys-

tem commands. The 53220A/230A

uses the same reference level for

both edges. If you require different

references levels for the two edges,

you can accomplish this by using the

time interval measurement function

instead of pulse width or duty cycle.

The 53131A/132A models allowed

the lower and upper reference values

for rise and fall time measurements

to be in different units (percent vs.

voltage). The 53220A/230A models

require the same units for both refer-

ence values (both must be percent, or

both must be voltage).

Gate Time Resolution

The 53131A/53132A had different

resolutions for long and short gate

times and delays for the following









The resolution for gate time and delay

does not change based on value on

the 53220A/230A models.

The 53181A had different resolutions

for long and short gate times for the


command. The 53210A has the same,

better resolution regardless of the

gate time.

External Reference Signals

The 53181A & 53131A could auto-

matically adapt to external reference

signals of 1 MHz, 5 MHz, or 10 MHz.

The 53132A only accepted 10 MHz

signals. The SENSe:ROSCillator:E

XTernal:FREQuency? query would

measure and return which frequency

was present. The 53200 Series

accepts 1 MHz, 5 MHz, or 10 MHz,

but you need to specify via the SEN


command which frequency is present.

This command form is available in

53181A/53131A/53132A compatibil-

ity mode; the query form returns the

programmed value, not a measured


The 53181A/53131A/53132A SENS

e:ROSCillator:EXTernal:CHECk com-

mand controlled whether the instru-

ment would detect and report errors if

the external reference signal was not

present at the end of a measurement.

The 53200 Series will always detect

this condition and report errors. The

531xxA command is accepted by the

53200 Series, but has no effect on the


SCPI Macros

The 531xxA SCPI macro capabil-

ity is not supported in the 53200

Series, including the *DMC, *EMC,

*EMC?, *GMC?, *LMC?, *PMC,

MEMory:DELete:MACRo, and

MEMory:FREE:MACRo? commands.

RS-232 Commands

The 53200 Series does not include

an RS-232 port, and does not

support hard copy output. The

associated HCOPy:CONTinuous and

SYStem:COMMunicate:SERial subsys-

tem SCPI commands of the 531xxA

Series 53131A/132A are accepted by

the 53200 Series, but have no effect

on the instrument.

Diagnostics and Calibration

Due to significant hardware differenc-

es between the 53200 series and the

531xxA counters, the calibration pro-

cedure and some of the CALibration

subsystem commands are different.

The 531xxA DIAGnostic subsystem

commands are not supported.

Front Panel Operation

Given the complete redesign of the

front panel, the 531xxA SYSTem:KEY

and SYSTem:KEY:LOG? commands,

which simulate the pressing of a

front-panel key, are not supported.

Input Protection

When 50 ohm input impedance

is selected, the 531xxA and the

53200 Series specifications limit the

input voltage to 5 Vrms to prevent

damage to the input termination

resistor. If higher voltage is present,

53200 Series will automatically

switch the input impedance to 1

Mohm to prevent damage; the

531xxA counters do not have this

protection capability. If the automatic

protection is triggered on the 53200

Series, you will need to send the

53131A/132A INPut{1|2}:IMPedance

SCPI command to reset the input

impedance to 50 ohms (on 53181A:


For additional specification informa-

tion for these frequency counters,

please refer to the data sheets

available on each model’s web page

at: /find/frequency-




For more information on Agilent

Technologies’ products, applications or

services, please contact your local Agilent

office. The complete list is available at:

Agilent Email Updates


Get the latest information on the

products and applications you select.

LXI is the LAN-based successor to

GPIB, providing faster, more efficient

connectivity. Agilent is a founding

member of the LXI consortium.

Agilent Channel Partners


Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s

measurement expertise and product

breadth, combined with channel

partner convenience.

Agilent Advantage Services is com-

mitted to your success throughout

your equipment’s lifetime. We share

measurement and service expertise

to help you create the products that

change our world. To keep you com-

petitive, we continually invest in tools

and processes that speed up calibra-

tion and repair, reduce your cost of

ownership, and move us ahead of

your development curve.




Canada (877) 894 4414

Brazil (11) 4197 3500

Latin America 305 269 7500

Mexico 01800 5064 800

United States (800) 829 4444

Asia Pacific



Hong Kong








1 800 629 485

800 810 0189

800 938 693

1 800 112 929

0120 (421) 345

080 769 0800

1 800 888 848

1 800 375 8100

0800 047 866

1 800 226 008




is a U.S registered trademark

of the Microsoft Corporation.

Europe & Middle East

Austria 43 (0) 1 360 277 1571

Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40

Denmark 45 70 13 15 15

Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100

France 0825 010 700*

*0.125 €/minute

Germany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333

Ireland 1890 924 204

Israel 972-3-9288-504/544

Italy 39 02 92 60 8484

Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111

Spain 34 (91) 631 3300

Sweden 0200-88 22 55

Switzerland 0800 80 53 53

United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 9276201

Other European Countries:


Revised: July 8, 2010

Product specifications and descriptions

in this document subject to change

without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2010

Printed in USA, September 20, 2010



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