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Chi nese compa ny Xiaomi la un ches in teractive wristba nd


Chi nese smartph one maker Xiaomi has started selli ng an in teractive wristband called the Mi Band that it

says can monitor a user's heart rate and state of sleep.



The band is certainly not a unique on the China's market, but when the Mi Band went on sale? Mon day, its

official store on Tmall had sold out its stock of 455 wristbands within an hour.

腕带在中国市场自非独此一家,但周一开卖后,在其官方的天猫商店, 一小时内已卖光所有455只库存

Whe n Xiaomi announ ced the product last mon th, compa ny foun der Lei Jun said despite its low price, its

quality is guara nteed.

小米上个月发布此物时,公司创始人雷军说,尽管它的价格低,但质 量有保证。

The band can monitorusers 'xercise data and feed it back to theser ' s

Xiaomi smartpho ne via bluetooth.


But similar products on the market are not cheap.


Samsung' sGear Fit sells for around 1,000 yuan and Jawbone ' SP24

wristba nd costs 1,500 yua n.


Xiaomi ' is just 79 yuan.


One industry expert says that iaomi ' strategy is not just about money.


"Its profit margin is very low.


Its main targetis n 'to get money from the ban d, it is to catch more users.


I think it hopes to strengthen its current user base with this product.


And via this the company can get more data from its users and develop its further products based on that,"

Professor Liu Erwu at Info.

该公司可以藉此从用户获得更多的数据, 在此基础上开发未来产品,”


Engineering Dept., Tongji University, said.


Domestic bra nd Bong laun ched its latest wristba nd just a few days after Xiaomi announ ced the price of the

Mi Band last mon th.

国内品牌Bong(锣)也推出其最新的腕带 仅在小米上月宣布其腕带的 价格后数日。

The price of Bong' s wristband dropped from 690 yuan for the first gen erati on to 99 yua n.


Liu saysthat other bra nds 'in tellige nt bands may have some bubbles in their prices, but that is necessaryfor

small companies to survive in the


刘说,其他品牌的智能腕带可能在他们的价格上有一定的泡沫, 但小


"After Xiaomi 'product, other compa ni esthat want to compete in this en vir onmen t, I thi nk they will cut

their price, and that will, i n tur n, affect their quality.

“小米有此产品后,要在这样的环境中竞争的其他公司, 我想他们会


This will also undermine their ability to innovate," Professor Liu said. 这也将破坏他们的创新能力,”刘教授说。

But Liu says that he does n 'th ink Xiaomi ' slow-price strategy will in flue nee big foreig n compa ni es, because

they have differe nt target con sumers.

但刘说,他不认为小米的低价策略将影响外国大公司, 因为他们有不


Foreign brands have high-end products, while Xiaomi wants to keep its curre nt customers while expa nding

its user base.


Liu says that most of the high-end foreign wristbands have more comprehe nsive databases and an alysis

platforms tha n local on es, so they can charge more.

刘说,大多数的高端外国腕带具有较全面的数据库和分析平台, 因此


China ' smarket for wearabledeviceswas valued at 420 million yuan in

2012, and some analysts estimate it will be worth 1 billion yuan by 2015, and 5 billio n yua n by 2017.

中国可穿戴设备市场价值2012年为4.2亿元,一些分析师估计,这个 数到2015年将是10亿元而到2017年将达50



Chi nese compa ny Xiaomi la un ches in teractive wristba nd


Chi nese smartph one maker Xiaomi has started selli ng an in teractive wristband called the Mi Band that it

says can monitor a user's heart rate and state of sleep.



The band is certainly not a unique on the China's market, but when the Mi Band went on sale? Mon day, its

official store on Tmall had sold out its stock of 455 wristbands within an hour.

腕带在中国市场自非独此一家,但周一开卖后,在其官方的天猫商店, 一小时内已卖光所有455只库存

Whe n Xiaomi announ ced the product last mon th, compa ny foun der Lei Jun said despite its low price, its

quality is guara nteed.

小米上个月发布此物时,公司创始人雷军说,尽管它的价格低,但质 量有保证。

The band can monitorusers 'xercise data and feed it back to theser ' s

Xiaomi smartpho ne via bluetooth.


But similar products on the market are not cheap.


Samsung' sGear Fit sells for around 1,000 yuan and Jawbone ' SP24

wristba nd costs 1,500 yua n.


Xiaomi ' is just 79 yuan.


One industry expert says that iaomi ' strategy is not just about money.


"Its profit margin is very low.


Its main targetis n 'to get money from the ban d, it is to catch more users.


I think it hopes to strengthen its current user base with this product.


And via this the company can get more data from its users and develop its further products based on that,"

Professor Liu Erwu at Info.

该公司可以藉此从用户获得更多的数据, 在此基础上开发未来产品,”


Engineering Dept., Tongji University, said.


Domestic bra nd Bong laun ched its latest wristba nd just a few days after Xiaomi announ ced the price of the

Mi Band last mon th.

国内品牌Bong(锣)也推出其最新的腕带 仅在小米上月宣布其腕带的 价格后数日。

The price of Bong' s wristband dropped from 690 yuan for the first gen erati on to 99 yua n.


Liu saysthat other bra nds 'in tellige nt bands may have some bubbles in their prices, but that is necessaryfor

small companies to survive in the


刘说,其他品牌的智能腕带可能在他们的价格上有一定的泡沫, 但小


"After Xiaomi 'product, other compa ni esthat want to compete in this en vir onmen t, I thi nk they will cut

their price, and that will, i n tur n, affect their quality.

“小米有此产品后,要在这样的环境中竞争的其他公司, 我想他们会


This will also undermine their ability to innovate," Professor Liu said. 这也将破坏他们的创新能力,”刘教授说。

But Liu says that he does n 'th ink Xiaomi ' slow-price strategy will in flue nee big foreig n compa ni es, because

they have differe nt target con sumers.

但刘说,他不认为小米的低价策略将影响外国大公司, 因为他们有不


Foreign brands have high-end products, while Xiaomi wants to keep its curre nt customers while expa nding

its user base.


Liu says that most of the high-end foreign wristbands have more comprehe nsive databases and an alysis

platforms tha n local on es, so they can charge more.

刘说,大多数的高端外国腕带具有较全面的数据库和分析平台, 因此


China ' smarket for wearabledeviceswas valued at 420 million yuan in

2012, and some analysts estimate it will be worth 1 billion yuan by 2015, and 5 billio n yua n by 2017.

中国可穿戴设备市场价值2012年为4.2亿元,一些分析师估计,这个 数到2015年将是10亿元而到2017年将达50



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