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Power Consumption Test SOP(功耗测试作业规范)

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ISDDQAEE0004---Power Consumption Test SOP


1. Test Purpose


The purpose of this test is to verify the power consumption on the all modes that meet the specifications or not .

[ 本测试的目的是确定机器在各种工作模式下的功耗是否符合要求.]

2. Test Sample Size


 The test quantity is 1-2pcs.


3. Test Implement/Equipemnt



samples x 1

Brand iron x 1

Oscilloscope:Lecory454x 1


Lecory454 示波器一台 ]

4. Test Location and Environment Control


22±5℃ , 55±5%RH

[温度范围:22.0±5℃,湿度范围:55±5% R.H.]

5. Test Procedure


the base function of test machine and define measure points .(as 5V and 24V) ;

[步骤1. 检查整机的功能并且确定测试点.(如5V与24V)]

step tle the ESS board and find measure points.

[步骤2. 拆下机器主板,找到测试点位置.]

step the wire to the measure point.(The Brand iron's temperature is about 300℃-400℃ will be better. )

The wire is the shorter,the better.(about 2 points).

[步骤3. 焊接测试线到相应测试点.(烙铁温度在300-400度之间为宜.) 连接线越短越好.(2个点)]

step le the machine and fix the test wire.

[步骤4. 组装好机器并固定好测试线.]

step the machine Firmware and down load the late Firmware.

[步骤5. 确定机器FW,更新到最新版本.]

step 6. Try to run the machine 2-3 times,make sure it smooth.

[步骤6. 试运行2-3次机器,确保机器能正常运行.]

step7. Measure the consumption of +5V on 17 modes (sleep,stand by,power on/off,FB color scan 300dpi, FB color scan

600dpi,FB B&W scan 300dpi,FB B&W scan 600dpi ADF color scan 300dpi,ADF color scan 600dpi,ADF B&W scan

300dpi,ADF B&W scan 600dpi,FB color copy,FB B&W copy,ADF color copy,ADF B&W copy,color print,B&W print。),

(The main point is the setting on the Oscilloscope basetime and measurement . The test basetime setting relate to the every

running period that should be as longer as possible include the running test voltage measurement is setting on

one of third or one of second actual Voltage.)

[步骤7. 测量在 +5V电压在17种模式的功耗.(最主要的是进行示波器的量程和时基的设置.测试时基的设置与每一个运行


step8. Measure the +24V test point on 17 modes as the same.

[步骤8. 用相同方式测试+24V电压的17种模式. ]

step9. Store the test graph and record the test data.(as bottom show)

[步骤9. 保存测试图并记录下测试数据.(如页底所示)]

6. Test Record Table


ISDDQAEE0004---Power Consumption Test SOP


1. Test Purpose


The purpose of this test is to verify the power consumption on the all modes that meet the specifications or not .

[ 本测试的目的是确定机器在各种工作模式下的功耗是否符合要求.]

2. Test Sample Size


 The test quantity is 1-2pcs.


3. Test Implement/Equipemnt



samples x 1

Brand iron x 1

Oscilloscope:Lecory454x 1


Lecory454 示波器一台 ]

4. Test Location and Environment Control


22±5℃ , 55±5%RH

[温度范围:22.0±5℃,湿度范围:55±5% R.H.]

5. Test Procedure


the base function of test machine and define measure points .(as 5V and 24V) ;

[步骤1. 检查整机的功能并且确定测试点.(如5V与24V)]

step tle the ESS board and find measure points.

[步骤2. 拆下机器主板,找到测试点位置.]

step the wire to the measure point.(The Brand iron's temperature is about 300℃-400℃ will be better. )

The wire is the shorter,the better.(about 2 points).

[步骤3. 焊接测试线到相应测试点.(烙铁温度在300-400度之间为宜.) 连接线越短越好.(2个点)]

step le the machine and fix the test wire.

[步骤4. 组装好机器并固定好测试线.]

step the machine Firmware and down load the late Firmware.

[步骤5. 确定机器FW,更新到最新版本.]

step 6. Try to run the machine 2-3 times,make sure it smooth.

[步骤6. 试运行2-3次机器,确保机器能正常运行.]

step7. Measure the consumption of +5V on 17 modes (sleep,stand by,power on/off,FB color scan 300dpi, FB color scan

600dpi,FB B&W scan 300dpi,FB B&W scan 600dpi ADF color scan 300dpi,ADF color scan 600dpi,ADF B&W scan

300dpi,ADF B&W scan 600dpi,FB color copy,FB B&W copy,ADF color copy,ADF B&W copy,color print,B&W print。),

(The main point is the setting on the Oscilloscope basetime and measurement . The test basetime setting relate to the every

running period that should be as longer as possible include the running test voltage measurement is setting on

one of third or one of second actual Voltage.)

[步骤7. 测量在 +5V电压在17种模式的功耗.(最主要的是进行示波器的量程和时基的设置.测试时基的设置与每一个运行


step8. Measure the +24V test point on 17 modes as the same.

[步骤8. 用相同方式测试+24V电压的17种模式. ]

step9. Store the test graph and record the test data.(as bottom show)

[步骤9. 保存测试图并记录下测试数据.(如页底所示)]

6. Test Record Table


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