初秋的一缕清风,是严冬的一堆篝火。微笑着去面对吧,你会感到人生是那样温馨。 华
目? 录
第1章 静态路由配置命令... 1-1
1.1 静态路由配置命令.. 1-1
1.1.1 delete static-routes all 1-1
1.1.2 ip route-static. 1-2
1.1.3 ip route-static default-preference. 1-3
第2章 RIP配置命令... 2-1
2.1 RIP配置命令.. 2-1
2.1.1 checkzero. 2-1
2.1.2 default cost 2-2
2.1.3 default-route originate. 2-2
2.1.4 display rip. 2-3
2.1.5 display rip database. 2-5
2.1.6 display rip interface. 2-6
2.1.7 display rip route. 2-7
2.1.8 filter-policy export 2-9
2.1.9 filter-policy import 2-10
2.1.10 host-route. 2-11
2.1.11 import-route. 2-12
2.1.12 network. 2-13
2.1.13 peer 2-13
2.1.14 preference. 2-14
2.1.15 reset rip statistics. 2-15
2.1.16 rip. 2-15
2.1.17 rip authentication-mode. 2-16
2.1.18 rip input 2-17
2.1.19 rip metricin. 2-18
2.1.20 rip metricout 2-18
2.1.21 rip output 2-19
2.1.22 rip poison-reverse. 2-20
2.1.23 rip split-horizon. 2-20
2.1.24 rip summary-address. 2-21
2.1.25 rip version. 2-22
2.1.26 silent-interface. 2-24
2.1.27 summary. 2-24
2.1.28 timers. 2-25
2.1.29 validate-source-address. 2-26
2.1.30 version. 2-27
第3章 IP路由策略配置命令... 3-1
3.1 IP路由策略配置命令.. 3-1
3.1.1 apply cost 3-1
3.1.2 apply ip-address next-hop. 3-2
3.1.3 apply preference. 3-2
3.1.4 apply tag. 3-3
3.1.5 display ip ip-prefix. 3-4
3.1.6 display route-policy. 3-5
3.1.7 if-match acl 3-6
3.1.8 if-match cost 3-6
3.1.9 if-match interface. 3-7
3.1.10 if-match ip. 3-8
3.1.11 if-match ip-prefix. 3-9
3.1.12 if-match tag. 3-9
3.1.13 ip ip-prefix. 3-10
3.1.14 route-policy. 3-11
3.1.15 reset ip ip-prefix. 3-13
第1章? 静态路由配置命令
&? 说明:
1.1? 静态路由配置命令
1.1.1? delete static-routes all
delete static-routes all
delete static-routes all命令用来删除所有静态路由。
相关配置可参考命令ip route-static和display ip routing-table。
# 删除所有静态路由。
[Sysname] delete static-routes all
This will erase all ipv4 static routes and their configurations, you must
reconfigure all static routes???????????????
Are you sure?[Y/N]:y
1.1.2? ip route-static
ip route-static ip-address { mask | mask-length } { [ Vlan-interface vlan-id ]
初秋的一缕清风,是严冬的一堆篝火。微笑着去面对吧,你会感到人生是那样温馨。 华
目? 录
第1章 静态路由配置命令... 1-1
1.1 静态路由配置命令.. 1-1
1.1.1 delete static-routes all 1-1
1.1.2 ip route-static. 1-2
1.1.3 ip route-static default-preference. 1-3
第2章 RIP配置命令... 2-1
2.1 RIP配置命令.. 2-1
2.1.1 checkzero. 2-1
2.1.2 default cost 2-2
2.1.3 default-route originate. 2-2
2.1.4 display rip. 2-3
2.1.5 display rip database. 2-5
2.1.6 display rip interface. 2-6
2.1.7 display rip route. 2-7
2.1.8 filter-policy export 2-9
2.1.9 filter-policy import 2-10
2.1.10 host-route. 2-11
2.1.11 import-route. 2-12
2.1.12 network. 2-13
2.1.13 peer 2-13
2.1.14 preference. 2-14
2.1.15 reset rip statistics. 2-15
2.1.16 rip. 2-15
2.1.17 rip authentication-mode. 2-16
2.1.18 rip input 2-17
2.1.19 rip metricin. 2-18
2.1.20 rip metricout 2-18
2.1.21 rip output 2-19
2.1.22 rip poison-reverse. 2-20
2.1.23 rip split-horizon. 2-20
2.1.24 rip summary-address. 2-21
2.1.25 rip version. 2-22
2.1.26 silent-interface. 2-24
2.1.27 summary. 2-24
2.1.28 timers. 2-25
2.1.29 validate-source-address. 2-26
2.1.30 version. 2-27
第3章 IP路由策略配置命令... 3-1
3.1 IP路由策略配置命令.. 3-1
3.1.1 apply cost 3-1
3.1.2 apply ip-address next-hop. 3-2
3.1.3 apply preference. 3-2
3.1.4 apply tag. 3-3
3.1.5 display ip ip-prefix. 3-4
3.1.6 display route-policy. 3-5
3.1.7 if-match acl 3-6
3.1.8 if-match cost 3-6
3.1.9 if-match interface. 3-7
3.1.10 if-match ip. 3-8
3.1.11 if-match ip-prefix. 3-9
3.1.12 if-match tag. 3-9
3.1.13 ip ip-prefix. 3-10
3.1.14 route-policy. 3-11
3.1.15 reset ip ip-prefix. 3-13
第1章? 静态路由配置命令
&? 说明:
1.1? 静态路由配置命令
1.1.1? delete static-routes all
delete static-routes all
delete static-routes all命令用来删除所有静态路由。
相关配置可参考命令ip route-static和display ip routing-table。
# 删除所有静态路由。
[Sysname] delete static-routes all
This will erase all ipv4 static routes and their configurations, you must
reconfigure all static routes???????????????
Are you sure?[Y/N]:y
1.1.2? ip route-static
ip route-static ip-address { mask | mask-length } { [ Vlan-interface vlan-id ]