Should Kids Be Allowed to Bring Phones to School?
Phones are a big deal for kids these days. Pretty much every
kid wants one, but a lot of schools don't let you bring them. I
think kids should be allowed to have phones at school, but there
are some good reasons why schools don't want us to have them
First of all, I'll explain why I think we should get to bring our
phones to school. The biggest reason is because our parents
want to be able to get ahold of us. If there's an emergency or
they need to tell us something important, they can just call or
text us. Also, if we get out of school early for some reason like a
snow day, our parents can easily find out and come get us. With
no phone, we might be stuck at school for ages waiting to get
picked up!
Another good reason to let us have phones is for calling for
help if we need it. What if someone got really hurt at recess and a
teacher wasn't around? We could call 911 for an ambulance right
away instead of having to run and find a teacher first. Or if there
was some other kind of emergency like a fire, we could get help
Phones can also be really useful for schoolwork. We can use
them as calculators, dictionaries, or to look things up online if we
need to research something. A lot of times it's way easier to just
use our phones than to have to go to the computer lab. Plus,
most of us have our own laptops or tablets anyway that we use
for schoolwork, so why not phones too?
Playing games and watching videos isn't the only thing
phones are good for. We can use them for good educational
stuff like learning apps, ebooks, podcasts, and more. It's a lot
more fun to learn with phones and tablets than just books and
Most of us are pretty responsible with our phones too. We
know not to mess around on them too much during class time.
Maybe schools could make rules like we can only use them
during lunch or for certain assignments. That seems fair.
Okay, those are some of the main reasons I think we should
get to have phones at school. But there are also some pretty
good reasons why schools don't allow them that I can
Should Kids Be Allowed to Bring Phones to School?
Phones are a big deal for kids these days. Pretty much every
kid wants one, but a lot of schools don't let you bring them. I
think kids should be allowed to have phones at school, but there
are some good reasons why schools don't want us to have them
First of all, I'll explain why I think we should get to bring our
phones to school. The biggest reason is because our parents
want to be able to get ahold of us. If there's an emergency or
they need to tell us something important, they can just call or
text us. Also, if we get out of school early for some reason like a
snow day, our parents can easily find out and come get us. With
no phone, we might be stuck at school for ages waiting to get
picked up!
Another good reason to let us have phones is for calling for
help if we need it. What if someone got really hurt at recess and a
teacher wasn't around? We could call 911 for an ambulance right
away instead of having to run and find a teacher first. Or if there
was some other kind of emergency like a fire, we could get help
Phones can also be really useful for schoolwork. We can use
them as calculators, dictionaries, or to look things up online if we
need to research something. A lot of times it's way easier to just
use our phones than to have to go to the computer lab. Plus,
most of us have our own laptops or tablets anyway that we use
for schoolwork, so why not phones too?
Playing games and watching videos isn't the only thing
phones are good for. We can use them for good educational
stuff like learning apps, ebooks, podcasts, and more. It's a lot
more fun to learn with phones and tablets than just books and
Most of us are pretty responsible with our phones too. We
know not to mess around on them too much during class time.
Maybe schools could make rules like we can only use them
during lunch or for certain assignments. That seems fair.
Okay, those are some of the main reasons I think we should
get to have phones at school. But there are also some pretty
good reasons why schools don't allow them that I can