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Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

12.3. Feeder [F4]

The menu edits data related to tape feeder, stick feeder, and MatrixTray feeder.

The user can specify the part to be supplied from each feeder, teach pickup position, and

test component pickup. When this command is selected, the initial screen is for the tape

feeder dialog box.

12.3.1. Feeder Base

When the feeder base is selected, the following dialog box is displayed and the data on

feeder base can be edited.

Grid Section

Figure 12-23. "Feeder : Feeder Base" dialog box

w <1. Feeder Base> group

Display the status of various devices mounted on the feeder base including the feeder

type and edit the mounting position.

§ group

Select the feeder base unit to edit..( Front / Rear )

button selects the previous unit, button selects the next unit

§ button

When this button is clicked, the following dialog box is displayed.

Set the Z axis offset value during component pickup for all the Tape Feeders

mounted on the Feeder Base.

§ Grid Section

ú column

A serial number of the feeder base slot. The pneumatic feeder base without

the Docking Cart has 58 slots. The pneumatic feeder base with the Docking

Cart has 48 slots


PCB Edit Menu

ú column

Select the component to be supplied from the tape feeder which is mounted

on the corresponding slot. When the column is clicked on, the combo

box appears, and of the components registered in "Parts" dialog box, the list

of components to be supplied from "Tape" is displayed. Select the

component to be supplied from the tape feeder in this list. The following

dialog box shows selection of components in the combo box of


Figure 12-24. "Feeder : When the part is selected in the Feeder Base" dialog box

ú column

Displays the type of the device mounted on the corresponding slot. The

following dialog box shows the content displayed in the column of

the feeder base on which various devices are mounted.

Figure 12-25. "Feeder : When various devices are mounted in the Feeder Base"

dialog box

1Half: The corresponding slot is occupied by 1 device mounted on the adjacent


2Half: The corresponding slot is occupied by 2 devices mounted on the adjacent


Full: The corresponding slot is entirely occupied by the device mounted on the


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

adjacent slot.

Half Status Slot



Full Status Slot








If a tape feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, shows the Tape Feeder

pitch set in component data.


If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

X position on which to pick up the components supplied from the Tape



If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

Y position on which to pick up the components supplied from the Tape



If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

Z position on which to pick up the components supplied from the Tape



If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

R position (Head's rotation angle) on which to pick up the components

supplied from the Tape Feeder.


If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the placement

angle of the components supplied from the Tape Feeder.







PCB Edit Menu


Definition on component supply angle and pickup angle

Supply angle (In the case of user):

The supply angle is based on the angle at which a component is supplied from the feeder.

It is the angle when the component is supplied from the feeder regardless of the feeder

being mounted on the front or at the rear.


ú column

If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, select whether to

pick up the components supplied from the Tape Feeder. To pick them up,

leave the check box as it is. Not to pick them up, check the check box.

ú column

If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, select the Dump Box

to dump the picked up components when recognition of components

supplied from the Tape Feeder fails. Available dump box is as follows.

System Dump: the dump box installed in the system, it is mounted on the

front /rear of the conveyor.

ú column

Used to adjust the Pickup Point of the Tape Feeder by automatically

compensating it from the Vision when it is continuously deviated.

OK : used to set , NO: used not to set

If simultaneous pickup is desired, it is best to cancel the automatic

compensation function.

ú column

Used to pick up components from another Tape Feeder that supplies the

same type of components when a Tape Feeder has used up all its


OK : used to set , NO: used not to set.

§ combo box

Select the device to move when you want to move the XY motor axis or to get

the coordinates of the corresponding position. Available devices are as follows.

Head1: Selects Head1.

Head2: Selects Head2.


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

Head3: Selects Head3.

Head4: Selects Head4.

Head5: Selects Head5.

Head6: Selects Head6.

Head7: Selects Head7.

Head8: Selects Head8.

Head9: Selects Head9.

Head10: Selects Head10.

Head11: Selects Head11.

Head12: Selects Head12.

If the check box is not checked, the DownCamera will be selected

as the default. To select a specific head and move, first select the

check box and select the Head wanted in the combo box.

ú button

Before executing the button, select the slot on which the Tape

Feeder that supplies the components to be picked up is mounted in the Grid

section with the mouse. Select a Teaching Device and click the

button to move to the desired point. And teach the position accurately by

using the Teaching Box and press the Enter button on the Teaching Box to

get the coordinates of the point.

§ button

Executes component pickup from the Tape Feeder mounted on the slot currently

selected in the Grid section. At this time, the head to pick up should be already

selected in the combo box and a nozzle should be attached on the head.

§ button

Select whether to move the selected device by slot or by slot with tape feeder


ú button

If the check box is marked, the slot previous to the slot currently

selected in the Grid Section will be selected.

If the check box is not marked, the slot on which the tape feeder

previous to the tape feeder currently selected in the Grid Section is mounted

will be selected.


If the check box is marked, the slot next to the slot currently

selected in the Grid Section will be selected.

If the check box is not marked, the slot on which the tape feeder

next to the tape feeder currently selected in the Grid Section is mounted will

be selected.

check box

Check it to select the slot in the order of slot number when selecting the

slots in the Grid Section

If it is not checked, select by slot in which the Tape Feeder is mounted.




PCB Edit Menu

ú check box

Check it to see the shape of the component supplied from the selected

Feeder on the Machine View window.

§ button

Moves up or down the pneumatic cylinder in the slot currently selected in the

Grid section. When the feeder driving cylinder is on, the driving lever of the

feeder is lifted, and the shutter at the top of the feeder opens. Pickup point

teaching is executed in this state.

§ button

Changes the coordinates of the component pick up point for the slot selected on

the Grid to the Default position value. The Default Position is 0.0000 for both X

and Y.

§ button

Removes the Tape Feeder mounted in the slot selected in the Grid section.

w button

Figure 12-26. “Scan /Inspect” dialog box

§ group

The profile of the component selected in the Grid section of the

group is selected as the default.

option button: This is set as default.

combo box: Used to select another profile.

combo box: Select the head to pickup a part.

list box: Displays the scan result.

§ group

Used to adjust the light level of Inner, Middle, Outer.

§ group

Used to rotate the component by a certain angle.

If the check box is checked, the angle will be set to 0.

§ button

Click on this button to scan and inspect the current component. The result is

shown in the list box.

§ button

Recognition precision and recognition status can be checked repeatedly by

clicking on this button. Specify the number of repetition by clicking on the spin

button beside it.


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

§ button

Click this button to dump the part picked from the feeder.

§ check box

Check the check box to save the Scan result image.

§ check box

Check the check box to save the Scan result data.

§ button

To close this dialog box with saving any changes

§ button

To close this dialog box without saving any changes.

w button

To close “Feeder Base” dialog box with saving any changes.

w button

To close “Feeder Base” dialog box without saving any changes.

12.3.2. Stick Feeder

Mount stick feeder and set data on the stick feeder. When “Stick Unit” is selected, the

initial dialog box looks as follows.

Figure 12-27. “Stick Unit” dialog box

w group

Create and edit data according to the stick unit type selected in the combo


§ group

Select the stick unit to edit. Up to 8 units can be mounted.

button selects the previous unit, button selects the next unit.

§ combo box

Select the type of stick unit to install. Available types are as follows.

Stack Stick: Stick unit where the same type of components are installed vertically.

Multi Stick: One or many types of components are installed horizontally.


PCB Edit Menu

VibMulti Stick Feeder: Vibration Unit which one or more types of components

are supplied horizontally.

If a new type is specified when there is already a Stick Unit mounted in the

current Stick Unit, the following message box will be displayed. To mount the

specified Type Stick Unit, click on the button.

To add a new Stick Unit, change the and specify the Type.

§ button

When this button is clicked, the following dialog box is displayed.

Set the Z axis offset value during component pickup for all the stick feeders

§ Grid Section

ú column

Serial numbers of the Stick Unit Slot. Generally, "Stack Stick" has 1 slot,

"Multi Stick" has 5 slots, and "VibMulti Stick" has 4 slots. The slots here are

not Feeder Base Slots..

ú column

Select the part to be supplied from the stick feeder which is mounted on the

corresponding slot. When the column is clicked, the combo box

appears and lists the components registered in "Parts" dialog box. Select the

component to be supplied from the stick feeder in this list. The following

dialog box shows the component selection in the combo box of


List Box


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

ú column

When a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the

component supply time of the stick feeder. Basically stick feeders are

vibration type, therefore certain time interval is necessary after a component

is picked up until the next component moves to the pickup position. The

time is set here.


If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

X position on which to pick up the components supplied from the stick



If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

Y position on which to pick up the components supplied from the stick



If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

Z position on which to pick up the components supplied from the stick



If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

R position on which to pick up the components supplied from the stick



If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the placement

angle of the components supplied from the stick feeder


If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, select whether to pick

up the components supplied from the stick feeder. To pick them up, leave the

check box as it is. Not to pick them up, check the check box.


If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, select the Dump Box

to dump the picked up components when recognition of components

supplied from the stick feeder fails. Available dump box is as follows.

System Dump: the dump box installed in the system, it is mounted on the

front /rear of the conveyor.


Used to adjust the Pickup Point of the stick feeder by automatically

compensating it from the Vision when it is continuously deviated.

OK : used to set , NO: used not to set

If simultaneous pickup is desired, it is best to cancel the automatic

compensation function.


Used to pick up components from another stick feeder that supplies the

same type of components when a Tape Feeder has used up all its












PCB Edit Menu

OK : used to set , NO: used not to set.

§ combo box

Select the device to move when you want to move the XY motor axis or to obtain

the coordinates of the corresponding position. Available devices are as follows.

Head1: Selects Head1.

Head2: Selects Head2.

Head3: Selects Head3.

Head4: Selects Head4.

Head5: Selects Head5.

Head6: Selects Head6.

Head7: Selects Head7.

Head8: Selects Head8.

Head9: Selects Head9.

Head10: Selects Head10.

Head11: Selects Head11.

Head12: Selects Head12.

If the check box is not checked, the DownCamera will be selected

as the default. To select a specific head and move, first select the

check box and select the Head wanted in the combo box.

ú button

Before executing the button, select the slot on which the stick

feeder that supplies the components to be picked up is mounted in the Grid

section with the mouse. Select a Teaching Device and click the

button to move to the desired point. And teach the position accurately by

using the Teaching Box and press the Enter button on the Teaching Box to

get the coordinates of the point.

§ button

Executes component pickup from the stick feeder mounted on the slot currently

selected in the Grid section. At this time, the head to pick up should be already

selected in the combo box and a nozzle should be attached on the head.

§ button

ú button

The slot previous to the slot currently selected in the Grid Section will be



The slot next to the slot currently selected in the Grid Section will be


check box

Check it to see the shape of the component supplied from the selected

Feeder on the Machine View window.



§ group

ú list box


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

Displays the serial number of the slot currently selected in the Grid Section.

(1 - Front , 2 – Rear)

list box

Displays the slot number of the Feeder Base, where the current Unit is



In the case of mounting a Stick Unit on the Feeder Base, set the Feeder Base

and Slot number to mount.



combo box : Select a Feeder Base to install a Stick Feeder..

combo box : Select the Slot to install a Stick Feeder.

button : Close this dialog box with saving any changes.

button : Close this dialog box without saving any changes.

w button

§ group

The profile of the component selected in the Grid section of the group is

selected as the default.

option button: Set as default.

combo box: Used to select another profile.

combo box: Select the head to pickup a part.

list box: Displays the scan result.


PCB Edit Menu

§ group

Used to adjust the light level of Inner, Middle, Outer.

§ group

Used to rotate the component by a certain angle.

If the check box is checked, the angle will be set to 0.

§ button

Click on this button to scan and inspect the current component. The result is

shown in the list box.

§ button

Recognition precision and recognition status can be checked repeatedly by

clicking on this button. Specify the number of repetition by clicking on the spin

button beside it.

§ button

Click this button to dump the part picked from the feeder.

§ check box

Check the check box to save the Scan result image.

§ check box

Check the check box to save the Scan result data.

§ button

To close this dialog box with saving any changes

§ button

To close this dialog box without saving any changes.

w button

To close “Stick Unit” dialog box with saving any changes.

w button

To close “Stick Unit” dialog box without saving any changes.

12.3.3. MatrixTray Feeder

Set various data for MatrixTray Feeder. When “Tray Unit“ is selected, the initial dialog

box looks as follows.


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

Figure 12-28. “Tray Unit” dialog box

w group

Create and edit data according to the type of the corresponding tray.

§ group

Select the tray unit to edit. Up to 4 units can be mounted.

button selects the previous unit, button selects the next unit.

§ list box

Displays the type of installed MatrixTray Unit. The corresponding MatrixTray

Unit should be installed in “System Setup“ menu.

§ Grid Section

ú column

Serial numbers of the MatrixTray Unit.

ú column

Select the part to be supplied from the corresponding MatrixTray feeder.

When the column is clicked on, a combo box appears, and among the

components registered in “Parts“ dialog box, a list of components to be

supplied to "Tray" are displayed. The following dialog box shows

component selection in the combo box of column.


PCB Edit Menu




Set the number of components arranged on the tray in X direction.


Set the number of components arranged on the tray in Y direction.



ú column

When the MatrixTray feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the Z

position to pick up the component supplied from the MatrixTray feeder.


If a MatrixTray Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the

placement angle of the components supplied from the MatrixTray Feeder.


If a MatrixTray Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, select whether

to pick up the components supplied from the MatrixTray Feeder. To pick

them up, leave the check box as it is. Not to pick them up, check the check



If a MatrixTray Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, select the

Dump Box to dump the picked up components when recognition of

components supplied from the MatrixTray Feeder fails. Available dump box

is as follows:

Return : Dump the components to the Tray from which the component was

picked up.


Used to adjust the Pickup Point of the MatrixTray Feeder by automatically

compensating it from the Vision when it is continuously deviated.

OK : used to set , NO: used not to set


Used to pick up components from another MatrixTray Feeder that supplies

the same type of components when a MatrixTray Feeder has used up all its







OK : used to set , NO: used not to set.

§ combo box

Select the device to move when you want to move the XY motor axis or to obtain

the coordinates of the corresponding position. Available devices are as follows:


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

Head1: Selects Head1.

Head2: Selects Head2.

Head3: Selects Head3.

Head4: Selects Head4.

Head5: Selects Head5.

Head6: Selects Head6.

Head7: Selects Head7.

Head8: Selects Head8.

Head9: Selects Head9.

Head10: Selects Head10.

Head11: Selects Head11.

Head12: Selects Head12.

If the check box is not checked, the DownCamera will be selected

as the default. To select a specific head and move, first select the

check box and select the Head wanted in the combo box.


Before executing the button, select the slot on which the

MatrixTray Feeder that supplies the components to be picked up is mounted

in the Grid Section with the mouse. Select a Teaching Device and click the

button to move to the desired point. And teach the position

accurately by using the Teaching Box and press the Enter button on the

Teaching Box to get the coordinates of the point.

§ button

Executes component pickup from the MatrixTray Feeder mounted on the slot

currently selected in the Grid Section. At this time, the head to pick up should be

already selected in the combo box and a nozzle should be attached on

the head.

§ < Move> group




Selects the pocket selected in the edit box.


The pocket previous to the pocket currently selected in the Grid group will

be selected.


The pocket next to the pocket currently selected in the Grid group will be


check box

Check this box to teach the lower left corner of the selected component.

edit box





Displays the position in the Tray.

§ group

ú list box


PCB Edit Menu

Displays the serial number of the Feeder Base where the current Unit is


(1 - Front , 2 – Rear)

list box

Displays the slot number of the Feeder Base where the current Unit is


§ check box

Check it to see the shape of the component supplied from the selected Feeder on

the Machine View window.

§ group

ú option button

Used to execute operation by teaching two points of the MatrixTray already

registered in the Component DB.

option button

As the shape of MatrixTray varies according to the shape of the component

to be supplied, define corresponding MatrixTray for each component,

register it in the Component DB, and use it when necessary. Once it is

registered, when the component supplied by this MatrixTray is selected, this

MatrixTray is selected automatically.

w button



§ group

The profile of the component selected in the Grid Section of the group is

selected as the default.

option button: Set as default.

combo box: Used to select another profile.

combo box: Select the head to pickup a part.

list box: Displays the scan result.

§ group

Used to adjust the light level of Inner, Middle, Outer.

§ group

Used to rotate the component by a certain angle.

If the check box is checked, the angle will be set to 0.

§ button


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

Click on this button to scan and inspect the current component. The result is

shown in the list box.

§ button

Recognition precision and recognition status can be checked repeatedly by

clicking on this button. Specify the number of repetition by clicking on the spin

button beside it.

§ button

Click this button to dump the part picked from the feeder.

§ check box

Check the check box to save the Scan result image.

§ check box

Check the check box to save the Scan result data.

§ button

To close this dialog box with saving any changes

§ button

To close this dialog box without saving any changes.

w button

To close “Tray Unit” dialog box with saving any changes.

w button

To close “Tray Unit” dialog box without saving any changes.

During teaching, the operator or people near the operator

could be injured due to operation error or insufficient checking

of surroundings.

Before start teaching, check the device to teach one more


time, and check whether there is any worker near the




Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

12.3. Feeder [F4]

The menu edits data related to tape feeder, stick feeder, and MatrixTray feeder.

The user can specify the part to be supplied from each feeder, teach pickup position, and

test component pickup. When this command is selected, the initial screen is for the tape

feeder dialog box.

12.3.1. Feeder Base

When the feeder base is selected, the following dialog box is displayed and the data on

feeder base can be edited.

Grid Section

Figure 12-23. "Feeder : Feeder Base" dialog box

w <1. Feeder Base> group

Display the status of various devices mounted on the feeder base including the feeder

type and edit the mounting position.

§ group

Select the feeder base unit to edit..( Front / Rear )

button selects the previous unit, button selects the next unit

§ button

When this button is clicked, the following dialog box is displayed.

Set the Z axis offset value during component pickup for all the Tape Feeders

mounted on the Feeder Base.

§ Grid Section

ú column

A serial number of the feeder base slot. The pneumatic feeder base without

the Docking Cart has 58 slots. The pneumatic feeder base with the Docking

Cart has 48 slots


PCB Edit Menu

ú column

Select the component to be supplied from the tape feeder which is mounted

on the corresponding slot. When the column is clicked on, the combo

box appears, and of the components registered in "Parts" dialog box, the list

of components to be supplied from "Tape" is displayed. Select the

component to be supplied from the tape feeder in this list. The following

dialog box shows selection of components in the combo box of


Figure 12-24. "Feeder : When the part is selected in the Feeder Base" dialog box

ú column

Displays the type of the device mounted on the corresponding slot. The

following dialog box shows the content displayed in the column of

the feeder base on which various devices are mounted.

Figure 12-25. "Feeder : When various devices are mounted in the Feeder Base"

dialog box

1Half: The corresponding slot is occupied by 1 device mounted on the adjacent


2Half: The corresponding slot is occupied by 2 devices mounted on the adjacent


Full: The corresponding slot is entirely occupied by the device mounted on the


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

adjacent slot.

Half Status Slot



Full Status Slot








If a tape feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, shows the Tape Feeder

pitch set in component data.


If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

X position on which to pick up the components supplied from the Tape



If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

Y position on which to pick up the components supplied from the Tape



If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

Z position on which to pick up the components supplied from the Tape



If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

R position (Head's rotation angle) on which to pick up the components

supplied from the Tape Feeder.


If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the placement

angle of the components supplied from the Tape Feeder.







PCB Edit Menu


Definition on component supply angle and pickup angle

Supply angle (In the case of user):

The supply angle is based on the angle at which a component is supplied from the feeder.

It is the angle when the component is supplied from the feeder regardless of the feeder

being mounted on the front or at the rear.


ú column

If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, select whether to

pick up the components supplied from the Tape Feeder. To pick them up,

leave the check box as it is. Not to pick them up, check the check box.

ú column

If a Tape Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, select the Dump Box

to dump the picked up components when recognition of components

supplied from the Tape Feeder fails. Available dump box is as follows.

System Dump: the dump box installed in the system, it is mounted on the

front /rear of the conveyor.

ú column

Used to adjust the Pickup Point of the Tape Feeder by automatically

compensating it from the Vision when it is continuously deviated.

OK : used to set , NO: used not to set

If simultaneous pickup is desired, it is best to cancel the automatic

compensation function.

ú column

Used to pick up components from another Tape Feeder that supplies the

same type of components when a Tape Feeder has used up all its


OK : used to set , NO: used not to set.

§ combo box

Select the device to move when you want to move the XY motor axis or to get

the coordinates of the corresponding position. Available devices are as follows.

Head1: Selects Head1.

Head2: Selects Head2.


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

Head3: Selects Head3.

Head4: Selects Head4.

Head5: Selects Head5.

Head6: Selects Head6.

Head7: Selects Head7.

Head8: Selects Head8.

Head9: Selects Head9.

Head10: Selects Head10.

Head11: Selects Head11.

Head12: Selects Head12.

If the check box is not checked, the DownCamera will be selected

as the default. To select a specific head and move, first select the

check box and select the Head wanted in the combo box.

ú button

Before executing the button, select the slot on which the Tape

Feeder that supplies the components to be picked up is mounted in the Grid

section with the mouse. Select a Teaching Device and click the

button to move to the desired point. And teach the position accurately by

using the Teaching Box and press the Enter button on the Teaching Box to

get the coordinates of the point.

§ button

Executes component pickup from the Tape Feeder mounted on the slot currently

selected in the Grid section. At this time, the head to pick up should be already

selected in the combo box and a nozzle should be attached on the head.

§ button

Select whether to move the selected device by slot or by slot with tape feeder


ú button

If the check box is marked, the slot previous to the slot currently

selected in the Grid Section will be selected.

If the check box is not marked, the slot on which the tape feeder

previous to the tape feeder currently selected in the Grid Section is mounted

will be selected.


If the check box is marked, the slot next to the slot currently

selected in the Grid Section will be selected.

If the check box is not marked, the slot on which the tape feeder

next to the tape feeder currently selected in the Grid Section is mounted will

be selected.

check box

Check it to select the slot in the order of slot number when selecting the

slots in the Grid Section

If it is not checked, select by slot in which the Tape Feeder is mounted.




PCB Edit Menu

ú check box

Check it to see the shape of the component supplied from the selected

Feeder on the Machine View window.

§ button

Moves up or down the pneumatic cylinder in the slot currently selected in the

Grid section. When the feeder driving cylinder is on, the driving lever of the

feeder is lifted, and the shutter at the top of the feeder opens. Pickup point

teaching is executed in this state.

§ button

Changes the coordinates of the component pick up point for the slot selected on

the Grid to the Default position value. The Default Position is 0.0000 for both X

and Y.

§ button

Removes the Tape Feeder mounted in the slot selected in the Grid section.

w button

Figure 12-26. “Scan /Inspect” dialog box

§ group

The profile of the component selected in the Grid section of the

group is selected as the default.

option button: This is set as default.

combo box: Used to select another profile.

combo box: Select the head to pickup a part.

list box: Displays the scan result.

§ group

Used to adjust the light level of Inner, Middle, Outer.

§ group

Used to rotate the component by a certain angle.

If the check box is checked, the angle will be set to 0.

§ button

Click on this button to scan and inspect the current component. The result is

shown in the list box.

§ button

Recognition precision and recognition status can be checked repeatedly by

clicking on this button. Specify the number of repetition by clicking on the spin

button beside it.


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

§ button

Click this button to dump the part picked from the feeder.

§ check box

Check the check box to save the Scan result image.

§ check box

Check the check box to save the Scan result data.

§ button

To close this dialog box with saving any changes

§ button

To close this dialog box without saving any changes.

w button

To close “Feeder Base” dialog box with saving any changes.

w button

To close “Feeder Base” dialog box without saving any changes.

12.3.2. Stick Feeder

Mount stick feeder and set data on the stick feeder. When “Stick Unit” is selected, the

initial dialog box looks as follows.

Figure 12-27. “Stick Unit” dialog box

w group

Create and edit data according to the stick unit type selected in the combo


§ group

Select the stick unit to edit. Up to 8 units can be mounted.

button selects the previous unit, button selects the next unit.

§ combo box

Select the type of stick unit to install. Available types are as follows.

Stack Stick: Stick unit where the same type of components are installed vertically.

Multi Stick: One or many types of components are installed horizontally.


PCB Edit Menu

VibMulti Stick Feeder: Vibration Unit which one or more types of components

are supplied horizontally.

If a new type is specified when there is already a Stick Unit mounted in the

current Stick Unit, the following message box will be displayed. To mount the

specified Type Stick Unit, click on the button.

To add a new Stick Unit, change the and specify the Type.

§ button

When this button is clicked, the following dialog box is displayed.

Set the Z axis offset value during component pickup for all the stick feeders

§ Grid Section

ú column

Serial numbers of the Stick Unit Slot. Generally, "Stack Stick" has 1 slot,

"Multi Stick" has 5 slots, and "VibMulti Stick" has 4 slots. The slots here are

not Feeder Base Slots..

ú column

Select the part to be supplied from the stick feeder which is mounted on the

corresponding slot. When the column is clicked, the combo box

appears and lists the components registered in "Parts" dialog box. Select the

component to be supplied from the stick feeder in this list. The following

dialog box shows the component selection in the combo box of


List Box


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

ú column

When a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the

component supply time of the stick feeder. Basically stick feeders are

vibration type, therefore certain time interval is necessary after a component

is picked up until the next component moves to the pickup position. The

time is set here.


If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

X position on which to pick up the components supplied from the stick



If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

Y position on which to pick up the components supplied from the stick



If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

Z position on which to pick up the components supplied from the stick



If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the coordinates of

R position on which to pick up the components supplied from the stick



If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the placement

angle of the components supplied from the stick feeder


If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, select whether to pick

up the components supplied from the stick feeder. To pick them up, leave the

check box as it is. Not to pick them up, check the check box.


If a stick feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, select the Dump Box

to dump the picked up components when recognition of components

supplied from the stick feeder fails. Available dump box is as follows.

System Dump: the dump box installed in the system, it is mounted on the

front /rear of the conveyor.


Used to adjust the Pickup Point of the stick feeder by automatically

compensating it from the Vision when it is continuously deviated.

OK : used to set , NO: used not to set

If simultaneous pickup is desired, it is best to cancel the automatic

compensation function.


Used to pick up components from another stick feeder that supplies the

same type of components when a Tape Feeder has used up all its












PCB Edit Menu

OK : used to set , NO: used not to set.

§ combo box

Select the device to move when you want to move the XY motor axis or to obtain

the coordinates of the corresponding position. Available devices are as follows.

Head1: Selects Head1.

Head2: Selects Head2.

Head3: Selects Head3.

Head4: Selects Head4.

Head5: Selects Head5.

Head6: Selects Head6.

Head7: Selects Head7.

Head8: Selects Head8.

Head9: Selects Head9.

Head10: Selects Head10.

Head11: Selects Head11.

Head12: Selects Head12.

If the check box is not checked, the DownCamera will be selected

as the default. To select a specific head and move, first select the

check box and select the Head wanted in the combo box.

ú button

Before executing the button, select the slot on which the stick

feeder that supplies the components to be picked up is mounted in the Grid

section with the mouse. Select a Teaching Device and click the

button to move to the desired point. And teach the position accurately by

using the Teaching Box and press the Enter button on the Teaching Box to

get the coordinates of the point.

§ button

Executes component pickup from the stick feeder mounted on the slot currently

selected in the Grid section. At this time, the head to pick up should be already

selected in the combo box and a nozzle should be attached on the head.

§ button

ú button

The slot previous to the slot currently selected in the Grid Section will be



The slot next to the slot currently selected in the Grid Section will be


check box

Check it to see the shape of the component supplied from the selected

Feeder on the Machine View window.



§ group

ú list box


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

Displays the serial number of the slot currently selected in the Grid Section.

(1 - Front , 2 – Rear)

list box

Displays the slot number of the Feeder Base, where the current Unit is



In the case of mounting a Stick Unit on the Feeder Base, set the Feeder Base

and Slot number to mount.



combo box : Select a Feeder Base to install a Stick Feeder..

combo box : Select the Slot to install a Stick Feeder.

button : Close this dialog box with saving any changes.

button : Close this dialog box without saving any changes.

w button

§ group

The profile of the component selected in the Grid section of the group is

selected as the default.

option button: Set as default.

combo box: Used to select another profile.

combo box: Select the head to pickup a part.

list box: Displays the scan result.


PCB Edit Menu

§ group

Used to adjust the light level of Inner, Middle, Outer.

§ group

Used to rotate the component by a certain angle.

If the check box is checked, the angle will be set to 0.

§ button

Click on this button to scan and inspect the current component. The result is

shown in the list box.

§ button

Recognition precision and recognition status can be checked repeatedly by

clicking on this button. Specify the number of repetition by clicking on the spin

button beside it.

§ button

Click this button to dump the part picked from the feeder.

§ check box

Check the check box to save the Scan result image.

§ check box

Check the check box to save the Scan result data.

§ button

To close this dialog box with saving any changes

§ button

To close this dialog box without saving any changes.

w button

To close “Stick Unit” dialog box with saving any changes.

w button

To close “Stick Unit” dialog box without saving any changes.

12.3.3. MatrixTray Feeder

Set various data for MatrixTray Feeder. When “Tray Unit“ is selected, the initial dialog

box looks as follows.


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

Figure 12-28. “Tray Unit” dialog box

w group

Create and edit data according to the type of the corresponding tray.

§ group

Select the tray unit to edit. Up to 4 units can be mounted.

button selects the previous unit, button selects the next unit.

§ list box

Displays the type of installed MatrixTray Unit. The corresponding MatrixTray

Unit should be installed in “System Setup“ menu.

§ Grid Section

ú column

Serial numbers of the MatrixTray Unit.

ú column

Select the part to be supplied from the corresponding MatrixTray feeder.

When the column is clicked on, a combo box appears, and among the

components registered in “Parts“ dialog box, a list of components to be

supplied to "Tray" are displayed. The following dialog box shows

component selection in the combo box of column.


PCB Edit Menu




Set the number of components arranged on the tray in X direction.


Set the number of components arranged on the tray in Y direction.



ú column

When the MatrixTray feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the Z

position to pick up the component supplied from the MatrixTray feeder.


If a MatrixTray Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, set the

placement angle of the components supplied from the MatrixTray Feeder.


If a MatrixTray Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, select whether

to pick up the components supplied from the MatrixTray Feeder. To pick

them up, leave the check box as it is. Not to pick them up, check the check



If a MatrixTray Feeder is mounted on the corresponding slot, select the

Dump Box to dump the picked up components when recognition of

components supplied from the MatrixTray Feeder fails. Available dump box

is as follows:

Return : Dump the components to the Tray from which the component was

picked up.


Used to adjust the Pickup Point of the MatrixTray Feeder by automatically

compensating it from the Vision when it is continuously deviated.

OK : used to set , NO: used not to set


Used to pick up components from another MatrixTray Feeder that supplies

the same type of components when a MatrixTray Feeder has used up all its







OK : used to set , NO: used not to set.

§ combo box

Select the device to move when you want to move the XY motor axis or to obtain

the coordinates of the corresponding position. Available devices are as follows:


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

Head1: Selects Head1.

Head2: Selects Head2.

Head3: Selects Head3.

Head4: Selects Head4.

Head5: Selects Head5.

Head6: Selects Head6.

Head7: Selects Head7.

Head8: Selects Head8.

Head9: Selects Head9.

Head10: Selects Head10.

Head11: Selects Head11.

Head12: Selects Head12.

If the check box is not checked, the DownCamera will be selected

as the default. To select a specific head and move, first select the

check box and select the Head wanted in the combo box.


Before executing the button, select the slot on which the

MatrixTray Feeder that supplies the components to be picked up is mounted

in the Grid Section with the mouse. Select a Teaching Device and click the

button to move to the desired point. And teach the position

accurately by using the Teaching Box and press the Enter button on the

Teaching Box to get the coordinates of the point.

§ button

Executes component pickup from the MatrixTray Feeder mounted on the slot

currently selected in the Grid Section. At this time, the head to pick up should be

already selected in the combo box and a nozzle should be attached on

the head.

§ < Move> group




Selects the pocket selected in the edit box.


The pocket previous to the pocket currently selected in the Grid group will

be selected.


The pocket next to the pocket currently selected in the Grid group will be


check box

Check this box to teach the lower left corner of the selected component.

edit box





Displays the position in the Tray.

§ group

ú list box


PCB Edit Menu

Displays the serial number of the Feeder Base where the current Unit is


(1 - Front , 2 – Rear)

list box

Displays the slot number of the Feeder Base where the current Unit is


§ check box

Check it to see the shape of the component supplied from the selected Feeder on

the Machine View window.

§ group

ú option button

Used to execute operation by teaching two points of the MatrixTray already

registered in the Component DB.

option button

As the shape of MatrixTray varies according to the shape of the component

to be supplied, define corresponding MatrixTray for each component,

register it in the Component DB, and use it when necessary. Once it is

registered, when the component supplied by this MatrixTray is selected, this

MatrixTray is selected automatically.

w button



§ group

The profile of the component selected in the Grid Section of the group is

selected as the default.

option button: Set as default.

combo box: Used to select another profile.

combo box: Select the head to pickup a part.

list box: Displays the scan result.

§ group

Used to adjust the light level of Inner, Middle, Outer.

§ group

Used to rotate the component by a certain angle.

If the check box is checked, the angle will be set to 0.

§ button


Samsung Component Placer CP-60L Operations Manual

Click on this button to scan and inspect the current component. The result is

shown in the list box.

§ button

Recognition precision and recognition status can be checked repeatedly by

clicking on this button. Specify the number of repetition by clicking on the spin

button beside it.

§ button

Click this button to dump the part picked from the feeder.

§ check box

Check the check box to save the Scan result image.

§ check box

Check the check box to save the Scan result data.

§ button

To close this dialog box with saving any changes

§ button

To close this dialog box without saving any changes.

w button

To close “Tray Unit” dialog box with saving any changes.

w button

To close “Tray Unit” dialog box without saving any changes.

During teaching, the operator or people near the operator

could be injured due to operation error or insufficient checking

of surroundings.

Before start teaching, check the device to teach one more


time, and check whether there is any worker near the




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