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尼科莱特 I S50 FT-IR 光谱仪:通过紧凑型自动化提高生产力 应用笔记 5

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Application Note 52416

Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 FT-IR

Spectrometer: Improving Productivity

through Compact Automation

Key Words

Automation, Far-IR, FT-IR, Full-spectral, Infrared, Mid-IR, Multi-range,

Multiple Methods, Near-IR, Workflow Optimization

Challenges Facing Industrial Analytical Labs

Many routine QC/QA laboratories can perform material

analyses with single range, basic Fourier transform-

infrared (FT-IR) instrument configurations. However,

modern analytical laboratories face increasing workloads

from a broad range of sample types with a simultaneous

drive for faster results and more complex sample

characterization needs. Flexibility to analyze multiple

sample types becomes mandatory when rapidly responding

to these different application requests. Such diversity

requires laboratory instruments to be reconfigured for

specific measurements multiple times per day, taking time

away from other critical activities. This also implies that

laboratory personnel possess the necessary skills and

experience to make decisions on how best to configure the

instrument for a given application. In addition, frequent

handling of delicate optics components presents a costly

risk for instrument failure. As a result, many industrial

laboratories choose to outsource complex analyses. These

limitations inevitably slow the laboratory’s ability to

respond to urgent business needs.

The Thermo Scientific



50 FT-IR spectrometer

alleviates many of these productivity concerns by

automating setup of the FT-IR system for multi-spectral

range experiments (>20,000 cm


to 80 cm


) and for


ntegrating techniques like FT-Raman, near-IR and

mid/far-IR attenuated total reflectance (ATR) into a single

workflow. Intelligent design behind the Nicolet iS50

spectrometer permits unattended, risk-free operation,

increasing lab efficiency, sample throughput, and

operational consistency between users. This capability is

delivered in an economical, compact system (63 cm of

linear bench space) enabling any laboratory to employ

multiple techniques for their analysis.

Flexibility and Value-added Activities

Working labs need analytical flexibility to respond to

a variety of situations where answers are critical for

decision-making. Examples include deformulating

mixtures to build a case for patent infringement, identifying

counterfeit materials for product safety alerts, analyzing

forensic samples for criminal investigations, performing

failure analysis to minimize production run delays,

assessing process scale-up options for a new product

launch, or troubleshooting customer complaints. Such

diversity of applications requires the selection and

installation of the correct instrument accessory as well

as choosing the optimal source, beamsplitter, detector,

optical path, and experimental conditions. Manually

changing components and sampling parameters requires

skill and may risk exposure of expensive optics to the

external environment (i.e., dust, fingerprints or water

vapor). In addition, changing these parameters can result

in extensive wait times to equilibrate the instrument before

the next measurement.

These manual reconfigurations provide little added value

to the laboratory workflow. Users must plan and set up

batch experiments to minimize the number of steps. This

creates bottlenecks, limiting access to the full capability of

the instrument. As a result, labs are less able to address

“emergency situations” without interrupting the batch run

and resetting the instrument parameters. For instance,

analysis of a polymer with additives requires mid-IR and

far-IR plus Raman spectroscopy. This would entail three

beamsplitter changes with associated risks in handling

expensive components and instrument recovery times

between changes.

The productivity improvements with the Nicolet iS50

FT-IR spectrometer come from two main sources. First,

the internally mounted iS50 ABX Automated Beamsplitter

Exchanger uses one-button simplicity (described as a

Touch Point) to perform instrument setup and operation,

providing a “one touch and done” workflow. The removal

of manual handling and exposure of the optics to the

environment means instant readiness. Second, the user

need no longer care about which optics are installed. As

seen in Table 1, the potential for error in manual operations

is apparent when the array of possible component

combinations is considered. With the Nicolet iS50

spectrometer, however, a user simply presses the Touch

Point on the instrument to automate the configuration and

ready the instrument for the experiment. For example,

pressing the Touch Point on the iS50 NIR module

automates the setup without requiring any understanding

of which optics are used. What matters is performing

NIR analysis – not worrying about choosing the right

components. The instrument takes care of this step.

Integration of the spectrometer with its modules and

components allows the user to expand capabilities,

increasing productivity with tools such as:

• Up to three detectors (such as near-, mid- and far-IR)

• The iS50 Raman sample compartment module

• The built-in diamond iS50 ATR sampling station


he iS50 NIR module with integrating sphere or

fiber optics

• The iS50 GC-IR module

• A sample compartment thermal gravimetric

analysis-IR (TGA-IR Interface)

Figure 1 describes the analytical power the user can

achieve with the iS50 spectrometer to obtain answers

needed for time-sensitive decisions. With a single user

interaction, the instrument can perform multiple

measurements and analyses, resulting in a final report,

even when unattended. The Thermo Scientific OMNIC

software provides a user-friendly interface to set up

applications quickly and generate spectra for definitive

answers. By adding powerful analytical tools like the

Thermo Scientific OMNIC Specta

software with a

library of over 30,000 spectra and multi-component

searching (or the TQ Analyst

software for chemometrics),

a complete analytical workflow from sampling to results

can often be achieved in less than 60 seconds.

Figure 1: Nicolet iS50 analysis workflow

This paper will demonstrate how the integration and

automation of the Nicolet iS50 spectrometer leads to new

levels of productivity, while minimizing risk to costly

components. Unlike most spectrometers, operating the

Nicolet iS50 instrument becomes simpler as modules are

added and as more manual steps are removed even when


Experiment Source Beamsplitter Detector Accessory

Mid-IR Transmission

Far-IR Transmission

Near-IR Transmission




Thermo Scientific Polaris


White Light



Raman Laser


Solid Substrate


Solid Substrate




Polyethylene DLaTGS

Dedicated DLaTGS

Dedicated DLaTGS

Raman InGaAs

Standard Cells

Cells w/Far-IR Windows

iS50 ATR

iS50 ATR

iS50 Raman



InGaAs Cuvettes

Table 1: Experiments made possible with the Nicolet iS50 FT-IR Spectrometer

Automated Multi-spectral Analysis:

Mid- and Far-IR ATR plus Near-IR

Most FT-IR users understand the utility of the mid-IR

spectral range for qualitative and quantitative analyses.

Less well known, the far-IR region can provide new and

unique information. Simply put, as the mass of atoms

involved in vibrations increases, the wavenumber



Thus, for materials like organometallics or

metal oxides, the IR absorption shifts below 400 cm


and below the range of standard KBr optics. Numerous

polymers, sugars, and other large molecules also have

far-IR information which may be useful or definitive to the

analyst. Traditionally, collecting FT-IR spectra in both

the mid-IR and far-IR region entailed significant sample

preparation. This included changing hygroscopic optics and

multiple detectors, and risking altered system performance

from water vapor. The Nicolet iS50 spectrometer enables

rapid analysis over the full mid-IR and well into the

far-IR region (4,000 cm


to 80 cm


) when equipped with

the iS50 ABX, iS50 ATR, and the correct beamsplitters.

The typical, multi-range FT-IR application requires

opening the spectrometer to swap beamsplitters. This

requires care in handling costly components and exposes

the internal optics to the environment by disrupting purge

or desiccation. This activity adds a recovery period to

re-equilibrate the instrument before quality data can be

collected. These wait times add no value to operations,

wasting the analyst’s precious time. Integration and

automation on the spectrometer eliminate non-productive

wait times, improving efficiency.

As an example, Table 2 compares the steps needed to

perform a full spectral analysis from far-IR to near-IR

between the manual method (Typical) and the Nicolet iS50

method with built-in iS50 ATR and iS50 NIR module. This

represents three spectral ranges in one sampling operation,

a unique power of the instrument. Most important the

built-in iS50 ATR optics and detector permit spectral data

collection in both the mid- and far-IR regions. The analysis

time decreases from around 30 minutes to less than seven.

With the Nicolet iS50 spectrometer, the user is able to

load two sampling locations (the built-in ATR and the

Integrating Sphere module), start the macro and walk away,

while in the manual operation, continuous attention is

needed to swap the beamsplitters at the right moments.

This seemingly hidden improvement allows unattended

operation, permitting productivity through automation.

Figure 2 shows just the mid- and far-IR spectra collected

from acetylferrocene analyzed using an OMNIC macro-

controlled workflow. The additional information from

the far-IR spectra is clear – the low end triplet verifies

that the iron is sandwiched between the cyclopentadiene

rings. The NIR data is not shown, but the entire process

required seven minutes, including collection of the

mid- and far-IR backgrounds. Automation also reduced

the total hands-on time of the user (pressing buttons,

loading sample) to ≈20 seconds.

Process Step Typical



with Built-in ATR

Nicolet iS50



Sample Preparation Grind, Mix 10 None 0

Mid-IR Background Collect BKG 0.5 Collect BKG (2nd)* 1.

Mid-IR Collect Load Sample, 2 Load Sample, 1

Collect Spectrum Collect Spectrum

Change Optics Manual Exchange 0.5 Automated 0.5

Recovery Time Wait for Purge 5–10 No Recovery Time 0

Far-IR Background Collect BKG 0.5 Collect BKG (1st)* 0.5

Far-IR Collect Load Sample, 2 Load Sample, 1

Collect Spectrum Collect Spectrum

Change Optics (NIR) Manual Exchange 0.5 Automated 0.5

Recovery Time Wait for Purge 5 No Recovery Time 0

Collect Background Collect BKG 0.5 Collect BKG 0.5

Collect Sample Load Sample, 1 Collect SAM 0.5

Collect SAM

Data Analysis (Search) Perform Search 2 Automated Search 0.5

Total Time 29.5–34.5 6.5

Table 2: Far-infrared analysis: Typical versus Nicolet iS50 process

* With the iS50 ATR present, the far-IR background (BKG) is collected, the iS50 ABX swaps beamsplitters, and the

mid-IR background is collected in <1.5 minutes. The sample is loaded and the spectra are collected in sequence.

All times are approximate.

Figure 2: Mid-IR and far-IR spectra of Acetylferrocene. The far-IR optics permit collection to

1700 cm


, which may be sufficient (fingerprint and far-IR) for many applications.

Figure 3: The Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 FT-IR spectrometer configured for FT-Raman,

near-IR, and mid/far-IR ATR with the automated beamsplitter exchanger.





Figure 4: Touch Points on the Nicolet iS50 spectrometer employ one-button switching

between modules and the iS50 ABX automates optics set-up

Touch Point A – NIR module

Touch Point B – Raman module

Touch Point C – Built-in diamond ATR

Component D – ABX Automated Beamsplitter Exchanger

Multiple Techniques and Multi-range Analysis:

Enhanced Flexibility

The Nicolet iS50 spectrometer can be configured with

FT-Raman, NIR, and wide-range diamond ATR. Switching

between these experiments raises concerns of instrument

recovery time (purge), exposure/handling of optics, and

potential confusion or user error. The experiments are

often seen as independent activities for these reasons.

The spectrometer with iS50 ABX simplifies this apparently

complex situation to one step – initiation of a macro. The

Nicolet iS50 instrument shown in Figure 3 is configured

with the iS50 NIR, iS50 Raman, iS50 ATR and the iS50

ABX modules and shows how easy sample loading and

analysis can be done.

For operating one module at a time, the user need only

press the associated Touch Point. Seen more closely in

Figure 4, Touch Points make one-button operation

effortless when switching between modules (sampling

stations) and automating optics exchange. Rather than

thinking through the components needed (light source,

beamsplitter, optical path and detector) to run an

experiment, the user simply presses the Touch Point to

switch from an ATR to an NIR measurement and waits

until the instrument indicates that it is ready to begin.

This error-free operation is done in 30 seconds.

The Nicolet iS50 analytical power in Figure 1 becomes

clear when the four data collections – mid-IR and far-IR

ATR, NIR, and Raman – are performed in one workflow.

Collecting spectra from each of these modules using a

conventional manual approach required about 50 minutes,

including sample loading, optical changes, time for

equilibration, and optimization of the Raman signal. The

analyst needed to be present throughout the experiment

to perform the beamsplitter changes and collect various

backgrounds for each sampling station. At the end of the

50 minutes, four spectra and their analyses were

available. Actual data collection took 5 minutes and

total hands-on time was 45 minutes, representing

inefficient use of the analyst’s time.

In contrast, the results shown in Figure 5 emerged from

a single OMNIC-macro operation. The macro was

programmed to begin by collecting backgrounds for the

mid- and far-IR ATR, and then switched to the iS50

Raman module. Next the samples were loaded on the

ATR, NIR, and Raman sampling stations. After optimizing

the signal using the autofocus feature of the Raman

module, the macro was initiated, and the analyst walked

away. From starting the macro to completion of the final

report, the analysis took less than 12 minutes, representing

a time savings of over 70%. The actual data collection

time was again 5 minutes, however, total hands-on time

for the analyst was only 2 minutes – a highly efficient

use of the analyst’s (and the instrument’s) time.

Application Note 52416

Figure 5: Multi-technique data for a recyclable plastic component using the spectrometer pictured in Figure 3. Inset shows NIR

independently for clarity.


Many forces contribute to new pressures on industrial

analytical laboratories: increased sample loads, decreased

staffing, retirement of experts, and shrinking budgets. The

Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 FT-IR spectrometer makes

a significant contribution to alleviating these challenges

through automation in a multi-tasking, single platform

instrument. The Nicolet iS50 spectrometer greatly simplifies

and streamlines workflows by decreasing the number

of steps with one-button ease and macro operations

performed by the analyst. In addition, risks inherent in

manual operations (e.g., user error, environmental

exposure) and long recovery times are eliminated. Analysts

of any skill level can successfully obtain meaningful

results with minimal hands-on time.

Technology designed to improve workflow can be found

in the iS50 ABX and task-specific modules (i.e., Raman,

NIR, TGA-IR etc.). The Touch Point operation simplifies

access to the full range of capabilities by automatically

configuring the optics (near-, mid- and far-IR) and

switching between sampling stations (modules) in seconds

for enhanced productivity. For the modern industrial lab,

the Nicolet iS50 FT-IR spectrometer offers a powerful

new tool that goes beyond routine FT-IR to more

comprehensive analyses (e.g., FT-Raman and far-IR),

adding value to laboratory activities in a compact,

easy-to-operate platform.


1. Heavy atoms or groups of atoms shift the IR wavenumber value

lower, according to the relationship

1 / µ

where v˜ is the IR wavenumber (cm


) and μ is the reduced mass.

As the mass (μ) increases, the IR peak shifts to lower wavenumbers.




– calcium fluoride

DLaTGS – deuterated L-alanine doped triglycene sulphate

InGaAs – Indium gallium arsenide

KBr – potassium bromide

©2012 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.

This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. products. It is not intended to encourage use of

these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of others. Specifications, terms and pricing

are subject to change.

Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representative for details.


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Application Note 52416

Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 FT-IR

Spectrometer: Improving Productivity

through Compact Automation

Key Words

Automation, Far-IR, FT-IR, Full-spectral, Infrared, Mid-IR, Multi-range,

Multiple Methods, Near-IR, Workflow Optimization

Challenges Facing Industrial Analytical Labs

Many routine QC/QA laboratories can perform material

analyses with single range, basic Fourier transform-

infrared (FT-IR) instrument configurations. However,

modern analytical laboratories face increasing workloads

from a broad range of sample types with a simultaneous

drive for faster results and more complex sample

characterization needs. Flexibility to analyze multiple

sample types becomes mandatory when rapidly responding

to these different application requests. Such diversity

requires laboratory instruments to be reconfigured for

specific measurements multiple times per day, taking time

away from other critical activities. This also implies that

laboratory personnel possess the necessary skills and

experience to make decisions on how best to configure the

instrument for a given application. In addition, frequent

handling of delicate optics components presents a costly

risk for instrument failure. As a result, many industrial

laboratories choose to outsource complex analyses. These

limitations inevitably slow the laboratory’s ability to

respond to urgent business needs.

The Thermo Scientific



50 FT-IR spectrometer

alleviates many of these productivity concerns by

automating setup of the FT-IR system for multi-spectral

range experiments (>20,000 cm


to 80 cm


) and for


ntegrating techniques like FT-Raman, near-IR and

mid/far-IR attenuated total reflectance (ATR) into a single

workflow. Intelligent design behind the Nicolet iS50

spectrometer permits unattended, risk-free operation,

increasing lab efficiency, sample throughput, and

operational consistency between users. This capability is

delivered in an economical, compact system (63 cm of

linear bench space) enabling any laboratory to employ

multiple techniques for their analysis.

Flexibility and Value-added Activities

Working labs need analytical flexibility to respond to

a variety of situations where answers are critical for

decision-making. Examples include deformulating

mixtures to build a case for patent infringement, identifying

counterfeit materials for product safety alerts, analyzing

forensic samples for criminal investigations, performing

failure analysis to minimize production run delays,

assessing process scale-up options for a new product

launch, or troubleshooting customer complaints. Such

diversity of applications requires the selection and

installation of the correct instrument accessory as well

as choosing the optimal source, beamsplitter, detector,

optical path, and experimental conditions. Manually

changing components and sampling parameters requires

skill and may risk exposure of expensive optics to the

external environment (i.e., dust, fingerprints or water

vapor). In addition, changing these parameters can result

in extensive wait times to equilibrate the instrument before

the next measurement.

These manual reconfigurations provide little added value

to the laboratory workflow. Users must plan and set up

batch experiments to minimize the number of steps. This

creates bottlenecks, limiting access to the full capability of

the instrument. As a result, labs are less able to address

“emergency situations” without interrupting the batch run

and resetting the instrument parameters. For instance,

analysis of a polymer with additives requires mid-IR and

far-IR plus Raman spectroscopy. This would entail three

beamsplitter changes with associated risks in handling

expensive components and instrument recovery times

between changes.

The productivity improvements with the Nicolet iS50

FT-IR spectrometer come from two main sources. First,

the internally mounted iS50 ABX Automated Beamsplitter

Exchanger uses one-button simplicity (described as a

Touch Point) to perform instrument setup and operation,

providing a “one touch and done” workflow. The removal

of manual handling and exposure of the optics to the

environment means instant readiness. Second, the user

need no longer care about which optics are installed. As

seen in Table 1, the potential for error in manual operations

is apparent when the array of possible component

combinations is considered. With the Nicolet iS50

spectrometer, however, a user simply presses the Touch

Point on the instrument to automate the configuration and

ready the instrument for the experiment. For example,

pressing the Touch Point on the iS50 NIR module

automates the setup without requiring any understanding

of which optics are used. What matters is performing

NIR analysis – not worrying about choosing the right

components. The instrument takes care of this step.

Integration of the spectrometer with its modules and

components allows the user to expand capabilities,

increasing productivity with tools such as:

• Up to three detectors (such as near-, mid- and far-IR)

• The iS50 Raman sample compartment module

• The built-in diamond iS50 ATR sampling station


he iS50 NIR module with integrating sphere or

fiber optics

• The iS50 GC-IR module

• A sample compartment thermal gravimetric

analysis-IR (TGA-IR Interface)

Figure 1 describes the analytical power the user can

achieve with the iS50 spectrometer to obtain answers

needed for time-sensitive decisions. With a single user

interaction, the instrument can perform multiple

measurements and analyses, resulting in a final report,

even when unattended. The Thermo Scientific OMNIC

software provides a user-friendly interface to set up

applications quickly and generate spectra for definitive

answers. By adding powerful analytical tools like the

Thermo Scientific OMNIC Specta

software with a

library of over 30,000 spectra and multi-component

searching (or the TQ Analyst

software for chemometrics),

a complete analytical workflow from sampling to results

can often be achieved in less than 60 seconds.

Figure 1: Nicolet iS50 analysis workflow

This paper will demonstrate how the integration and

automation of the Nicolet iS50 spectrometer leads to new

levels of productivity, while minimizing risk to costly

components. Unlike most spectrometers, operating the

Nicolet iS50 instrument becomes simpler as modules are

added and as more manual steps are removed even when


Experiment Source Beamsplitter Detector Accessory

Mid-IR Transmission

Far-IR Transmission

Near-IR Transmission




Thermo Scientific Polaris


White Light



Raman Laser


Solid Substrate


Solid Substrate




Polyethylene DLaTGS

Dedicated DLaTGS

Dedicated DLaTGS

Raman InGaAs

Standard Cells

Cells w/Far-IR Windows

iS50 ATR

iS50 ATR

iS50 Raman



InGaAs Cuvettes

Table 1: Experiments made possible with the Nicolet iS50 FT-IR Spectrometer

Automated Multi-spectral Analysis:

Mid- and Far-IR ATR plus Near-IR

Most FT-IR users understand the utility of the mid-IR

spectral range for qualitative and quantitative analyses.

Less well known, the far-IR region can provide new and

unique information. Simply put, as the mass of atoms

involved in vibrations increases, the wavenumber



Thus, for materials like organometallics or

metal oxides, the IR absorption shifts below 400 cm


and below the range of standard KBr optics. Numerous

polymers, sugars, and other large molecules also have

far-IR information which may be useful or definitive to the

analyst. Traditionally, collecting FT-IR spectra in both

the mid-IR and far-IR region entailed significant sample

preparation. This included changing hygroscopic optics and

multiple detectors, and risking altered system performance

from water vapor. The Nicolet iS50 spectrometer enables

rapid analysis over the full mid-IR and well into the

far-IR region (4,000 cm


to 80 cm


) when equipped with

the iS50 ABX, iS50 ATR, and the correct beamsplitters.

The typical, multi-range FT-IR application requires

opening the spectrometer to swap beamsplitters. This

requires care in handling costly components and exposes

the internal optics to the environment by disrupting purge

or desiccation. This activity adds a recovery period to

re-equilibrate the instrument before quality data can be

collected. These wait times add no value to operations,

wasting the analyst’s precious time. Integration and

automation on the spectrometer eliminate non-productive

wait times, improving efficiency.

As an example, Table 2 compares the steps needed to

perform a full spectral analysis from far-IR to near-IR

between the manual method (Typical) and the Nicolet iS50

method with built-in iS50 ATR and iS50 NIR module. This

represents three spectral ranges in one sampling operation,

a unique power of the instrument. Most important the

built-in iS50 ATR optics and detector permit spectral data

collection in both the mid- and far-IR regions. The analysis

time decreases from around 30 minutes to less than seven.

With the Nicolet iS50 spectrometer, the user is able to

load two sampling locations (the built-in ATR and the

Integrating Sphere module), start the macro and walk away,

while in the manual operation, continuous attention is

needed to swap the beamsplitters at the right moments.

This seemingly hidden improvement allows unattended

operation, permitting productivity through automation.

Figure 2 shows just the mid- and far-IR spectra collected

from acetylferrocene analyzed using an OMNIC macro-

controlled workflow. The additional information from

the far-IR spectra is clear – the low end triplet verifies

that the iron is sandwiched between the cyclopentadiene

rings. The NIR data is not shown, but the entire process

required seven minutes, including collection of the

mid- and far-IR backgrounds. Automation also reduced

the total hands-on time of the user (pressing buttons,

loading sample) to ≈20 seconds.

Process Step Typical



with Built-in ATR

Nicolet iS50



Sample Preparation Grind, Mix 10 None 0

Mid-IR Background Collect BKG 0.5 Collect BKG (2nd)* 1.

Mid-IR Collect Load Sample, 2 Load Sample, 1

Collect Spectrum Collect Spectrum

Change Optics Manual Exchange 0.5 Automated 0.5

Recovery Time Wait for Purge 5–10 No Recovery Time 0

Far-IR Background Collect BKG 0.5 Collect BKG (1st)* 0.5

Far-IR Collect Load Sample, 2 Load Sample, 1

Collect Spectrum Collect Spectrum

Change Optics (NIR) Manual Exchange 0.5 Automated 0.5

Recovery Time Wait for Purge 5 No Recovery Time 0

Collect Background Collect BKG 0.5 Collect BKG 0.5

Collect Sample Load Sample, 1 Collect SAM 0.5

Collect SAM

Data Analysis (Search) Perform Search 2 Automated Search 0.5

Total Time 29.5–34.5 6.5

Table 2: Far-infrared analysis: Typical versus Nicolet iS50 process

* With the iS50 ATR present, the far-IR background (BKG) is collected, the iS50 ABX swaps beamsplitters, and the

mid-IR background is collected in <1.5 minutes. The sample is loaded and the spectra are collected in sequence.

All times are approximate.

Figure 2: Mid-IR and far-IR spectra of Acetylferrocene. The far-IR optics permit collection to

1700 cm


, which may be sufficient (fingerprint and far-IR) for many applications.

Figure 3: The Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 FT-IR spectrometer configured for FT-Raman,

near-IR, and mid/far-IR ATR with the automated beamsplitter exchanger.





Figure 4: Touch Points on the Nicolet iS50 spectrometer employ one-button switching

between modules and the iS50 ABX automates optics set-up

Touch Point A – NIR module

Touch Point B – Raman module

Touch Point C – Built-in diamond ATR

Component D – ABX Automated Beamsplitter Exchanger

Multiple Techniques and Multi-range Analysis:

Enhanced Flexibility

The Nicolet iS50 spectrometer can be configured with

FT-Raman, NIR, and wide-range diamond ATR. Switching

between these experiments raises concerns of instrument

recovery time (purge), exposure/handling of optics, and

potential confusion or user error. The experiments are

often seen as independent activities for these reasons.

The spectrometer with iS50 ABX simplifies this apparently

complex situation to one step – initiation of a macro. The

Nicolet iS50 instrument shown in Figure 3 is configured

with the iS50 NIR, iS50 Raman, iS50 ATR and the iS50

ABX modules and shows how easy sample loading and

analysis can be done.

For operating one module at a time, the user need only

press the associated Touch Point. Seen more closely in

Figure 4, Touch Points make one-button operation

effortless when switching between modules (sampling

stations) and automating optics exchange. Rather than

thinking through the components needed (light source,

beamsplitter, optical path and detector) to run an

experiment, the user simply presses the Touch Point to

switch from an ATR to an NIR measurement and waits

until the instrument indicates that it is ready to begin.

This error-free operation is done in 30 seconds.

The Nicolet iS50 analytical power in Figure 1 becomes

clear when the four data collections – mid-IR and far-IR

ATR, NIR, and Raman – are performed in one workflow.

Collecting spectra from each of these modules using a

conventional manual approach required about 50 minutes,

including sample loading, optical changes, time for

equilibration, and optimization of the Raman signal. The

analyst needed to be present throughout the experiment

to perform the beamsplitter changes and collect various

backgrounds for each sampling station. At the end of the

50 minutes, four spectra and their analyses were

available. Actual data collection took 5 minutes and

total hands-on time was 45 minutes, representing

inefficient use of the analyst’s time.

In contrast, the results shown in Figure 5 emerged from

a single OMNIC-macro operation. The macro was

programmed to begin by collecting backgrounds for the

mid- and far-IR ATR, and then switched to the iS50

Raman module. Next the samples were loaded on the

ATR, NIR, and Raman sampling stations. After optimizing

the signal using the autofocus feature of the Raman

module, the macro was initiated, and the analyst walked

away. From starting the macro to completion of the final

report, the analysis took less than 12 minutes, representing

a time savings of over 70%. The actual data collection

time was again 5 minutes, however, total hands-on time

for the analyst was only 2 minutes – a highly efficient

use of the analyst’s (and the instrument’s) time.

Application Note 52416

Figure 5: Multi-technique data for a recyclable plastic component using the spectrometer pictured in Figure 3. Inset shows NIR

independently for clarity.


Many forces contribute to new pressures on industrial

analytical laboratories: increased sample loads, decreased

staffing, retirement of experts, and shrinking budgets. The

Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 FT-IR spectrometer makes

a significant contribution to alleviating these challenges

through automation in a multi-tasking, single platform

instrument. The Nicolet iS50 spectrometer greatly simplifies

and streamlines workflows by decreasing the number

of steps with one-button ease and macro operations

performed by the analyst. In addition, risks inherent in

manual operations (e.g., user error, environmental

exposure) and long recovery times are eliminated. Analysts

of any skill level can successfully obtain meaningful

results with minimal hands-on time.

Technology designed to improve workflow can be found

in the iS50 ABX and task-specific modules (i.e., Raman,

NIR, TGA-IR etc.). The Touch Point operation simplifies

access to the full range of capabilities by automatically

configuring the optics (near-, mid- and far-IR) and

switching between sampling stations (modules) in seconds

for enhanced productivity. For the modern industrial lab,

the Nicolet iS50 FT-IR spectrometer offers a powerful

new tool that goes beyond routine FT-IR to more

comprehensive analyses (e.g., FT-Raman and far-IR),

adding value to laboratory activities in a compact,

easy-to-operate platform.


1. Heavy atoms or groups of atoms shift the IR wavenumber value

lower, according to the relationship

1 / µ

where v˜ is the IR wavenumber (cm


) and μ is the reduced mass.

As the mass (μ) increases, the IR peak shifts to lower wavenumbers.




– calcium fluoride

DLaTGS – deuterated L-alanine doped triglycene sulphate

InGaAs – Indium gallium arsenide

KBr – potassium bromide

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This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. products. It is not intended to encourage use of

these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of others. Specifications, terms and pricing

are subject to change.

Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representative for details.


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