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太平洋电脑网 文/天空之城

从第一个真正意义上的具有palm操作系统的PalmPilot 1000在1996年产生以来差不多整整



款新机型上市,引人注目的有sony的有着蓝牙,wi-fi和键盘的ux 50,handspring的tero 600

智能手机,palm公司的Tungsten T3,Tungsten E等。7年间风云变幻,让我们通过palm历


开山鼻祖——PalmPilot 1000(1996)

图为:PalmPilot 1000掌上电脑


处理器: MOTOROLA Dragonball 16MHz

操作系统: PalmOS 1.0

RAM: 128KB

尺寸: 12 x 8.1 x 1.8 (cm)

重量: 162g


提起palm我们不得不提起palm pilot1000,那个第一部的palmpilot电脑使用的是Hawkins

和Dubinsky自己开发的Palm OS 1.0操作系统,只有128K内存。那个机器开创了palm的先




真正意义的现代palm——Palm III(1998)

图为:Palm III掌上电脑


处理器: MOTOROLA Dragonball 16MHz

操作系统: PalmOS 3.0

尺寸: 12 x 8.1 x 1.8 (cm)

RAM/ROM: 2MB/2MB flash

重量: 162g



98年,Palm公司公布了第三代掌上电脑Palm III,由于Pilot是闻名的制笔公司Pilot Pen

的商标,因此Palm不得已把自己的产品重命名为Palm III。Palm III使用的是Palm OS 3.0操

作系统,拥有2M内存和2M的Flash ROM,用户能够升级操作系统。这是第一款拥有红外线

的palm机型,从此之后palm开始能够同手机和palm之间进行数据交换。同时Palm OS 3.0




顺便提一下palm III对中文使用者来说是第一款真正用使用意义的机器,2m的RAM在装


轻薄漂亮——Plam V (1999)

图为:Plam V掌上电脑

处理器: MOTOROLA Dragonball EZ 16 MHz

操作系统: PalmOS 3.1


RAM/ROM: 2MB/2MB Flash

尺寸: 11.5 x 7.7 X 1(cm)

重量: 113g









大侠,推出的升8MB RAM的服务真是方便了许多人。相信今天还有一些朋友手中拥有升级过

的8MB的Palm V吧。

时尚漂亮——visor deluxe(2000)

图为:visor deluxe掌上电脑

操作系统: PalmOS 3.1

显示屏幕: 4级灰度;背光;

RAM/ROM: 8MB/2MB mask

外壳: 鲜艳彩色透亮塑料壳

电池: AAA电池

通讯: usb口同步/红外

99年成立的handspring在2000年推出了自己的第一款palm产品:Visor Delux。一口气


能够如现在尚漂亮。令人兴奋的是,连同步底座差不多上透亮的雾白色。Visor Deluxe几乎成为


在工业上,visor Delux第一个推出usb的同步底座,让文件传输的速度有了一个质的提高。

另一方面handspring在visor delux上加上了Springboard扩展技术,不断显现了各种的

springboard模块如内存模块,minijam mp3模块,sondgoodmp3模块,visorphone手机模块,

Magri Presenter2Go简报模块,eyemodule相机模块,Xircom 56k modem模块,Xircom WIFI

模块,magellan gps模块,redm blade蓝牙模块,InnoPak/2v振动提醒加内存模块,专门值得



多彩天地——Palm IIIc

图为:Palm IIIc掌上电脑

处理器: MOTOROLA DragonBall EZ 20MHz

操作系统: Palm OS 3.5



尺寸: 12.9 x 8.1 x 1.7(cm)

重量: 193g




Palm IIIc是Palm公司2000年2月22日公布的最新产品,是该公司第一款带彩显的掌上




特立独行-handera 330

图为:Handera 330掌上电脑

处理器: Dragonball vZ 33Mhz

操作系统: PalmOS 3.5.2

显示屏幕: 320*240 16级灰度

RAM/ROM: 8MB/2MB Flash

尺寸: 12.1 x 8.1 X 1.7(cm)

重量: 167g







记得晚上使用palm III时,手写区没有背光的苦恼吗?handera再也可不能有如此的问题了。


种的软件,等到一切的软件都稳固下来后,handera 330但是日常办公的好帮手。

近于完美——tero 90

图为:Handspring Tero 90掌上电脑

处理器: Motorola DragonBall VZ 33 MHz

操作系统: Palm OS 4.1



尺寸: 10.8 X 7.0 X 1.8(cm)

重量: 116g

扩展: SD/MMC插槽


通讯: USB同步/红外

Tero -Handspring一个新的系列机器,中规中矩的设计。然而难得的全面,该有的都有了,








完美商务——m515 (2002)

图为:Palm 515掌上电脑

处理器: Motorola DragonBall VZ 33 MHz

操作系统: Palm OS 4.1



尺寸: 11.4 X 7.9 X 1.3(cm)

重量: 139g

扩展: SD/MMC插槽


通讯: USB同步/红外

拥有Palm m515就等于拥有了一切--几乎是一切。PALM OS 4时代的完美商务机型,亮金







因此sony确实是sony,总喜爱把任何的东西打上自己的烙印,memory stick的扩展槽,






Chronology of Handheld


Copyright © 2001-2003 Ken Polsson


(month unknown)

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP-35, the first scientific handheld calculator.



(month unknown)

• Texas Instruments enters the pocket calculator field with the introduction of the

Texas Instruments SR-50 Slide Rule Calculator. It sells for about US$75. [4.179]


July 31

• Radio Shack introduces the TRS-80 Pocket Computer. It features a 24 character

display, QWERTY keyboard, and 1.9 KB of programmable memory. Price is US$230.

[5.172] [8.198] [86.144] [140.D3] (August [7.30])

(month unknown)

• Panasonic and Quasar unveil handheld computers, made by Matsushita. The units

use a 1-MHz 6502 CPU, and weigh 14 ounces (397 grams). [6.34]


November 10

• Panasonic introduces The Link handheld computer, the size of a small book, with a

keyboard but no display. It can be hooked up to a television or to a host computer via

a telephone dial-up connection. Price is US$500-600. [155.D5]



• Sharp introduces the Sharp PC-1500 Hand Held Personal Computer. It comes with 16

KB ROM, and 3.5 KB RAM. Price for computer is US$300. Price for tiny color

graphics printer that attaches to the side, US$250. [10.67]

• Radio Shack introduces the TRS-80 Pocket Computer, Model PC-2, for US$280. It

uses a 1.3 MHz 8-bit microprocessor, and has a 26-character display, with upper and

lower case characters. It comes with 16 KB ROM, and 2.6 KB RAM, expandable to 16

KB. An optional 4-color printer attaches to the side. [11.216] [15.41]


• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP75C portable computer. It features a rechargeable

battery pack, 16K RAM, 65 key keyboard, 1 line by 32 character LCD display,

magnetic card reader, 48K ROM including BASIC interpreter, text editor, and

scheduler. Size is is 11.1 x 6 x 1.1 inches; weight is 26 ounces; price is US$995. [31.184]

[45.178] [74.D4]

(month unknown)

• NEC introduces the PC-2001 Hand-Held Computer. It features an 8-bit 4 MHz CMOS

uPD7907 microprocessor, 36 KB ROM, 16 KB RAM, serial port, and 40x2 character

LCD screen. [18.125]

• Sanyo introduces the PHC-8000 handheld computer. It features a NSC-800 CMOS

microprocessor, 24 KB ROM, 4 KB RAM, one-line LCD screen, optional I/O unit

PHC-8010 allows connection to video monitor and microcassette recorder and adds

14 KB ROM and 22 KB RAM. [18.125]

• Toshiba introduces the Pasopia Mini. It features an 8-bit CMOS microprocessor, 4 KB

RAM, 20 KB ROM including 16 KB BASIC, and a one-line LCD screen. [18.125]



• At the Winter CES, Commodore Business Machines demonstrates the HHC-4

(Hand-Held Computer). It features 24-character LCD screen with 4 KB RAM

expandable to 16 KB. This was one of Commodore’s pre-PET business products. Price

is US$199. [38.17]

(month unknown)

• Radio Shack introduces the TRS-80 Pocket Computer, Model PC-4, replacing the

PC-1, for US$70. [20.288]


• At the Japan Microcomputer Show, Casio shows the Casio FP 200 handheld

microcomputer. It features 8-line x 20 character display, 8 KB RAM, 32 KB ROM, for

about US$300. [45.251]

• At the Japan Microcomputer Show, Canon shows the Canon X-07 Handy Personal

Computer. It features an NSC 800 microprocessor (Z80 compatible), 20 KB ROM

with BASIC, 4-line by 20-character display, just over one pound weight, for about

US$445. [45.251]

• At the Japan Microcomputer Show, National shows the National JR-800, featuring

63A01V processor (compatible with Motorola 6801), 8-line by 32-character LCD, 16

KB RAM, 20 KB ROM with BASIC, 1551 bytes of video RAM, five-octave music, 1 5/8

pounds weight, 10 1/4 x 5 5/8 x 1 3/8 inches, and runs for 25 hours on batteries.


(month unknown)

• Texas Instruments introduces the Compact Computer 40 (CC-40). It uses the 8-bit

TMS 70C20 processor, 6 KB RAM, 34 KB ROM with BASIC, and 31x1 LCD display. It

runs on four AA batteries, lasting up to 200 hours. [21.37]

• Radio Shack introduces the PC-3 pocket computer. It features 24-character LCD, 1.4

KB RAM, 4 ounce weight, for US$99.95. [45.7]

• Sharp introduces the PC-1250 pocket computer, for US$110. It measures 5 5/16 x 2

1/2 x 3/8 inches. [45.7]



• Seiko Instruments U.S.A. Inc. displays the first wristwatch computer, with a

10-character, 4-line LCD. [1]

(month unknown)

• Casio unveils the PB-700 handheld computer. It features 4 KB RAM (expandable to

16 KB), 20x4 character display, 58 key keyboard, BASIC. Weight is 4.5 pounds; price

is about US$200. Optional add-on FA-10 color printer/plotter costs about US$250.

Optional add-on CM-1 microcassette module costs about US$90. [71.15]


(month unknown)

• Atari Computer introduces the Portfolio, a 1-pound DOS-based PC. It uses a 4.92

MHz 80C88 processor, 240x64 resolution screen, and runs on three AA batteries.

Price: US$400. [12.57]


• Poqet Computer ships the Poqet PC computer, featuring 512 KB RAM, 6.8 x 2.7 inch

monochrome LCD screen, 80x25 text, 640x200 pixels, 77 keys, 7 MHz Intel 80C88

processor, 640 KB ROM, MS DOS 3.3 and GW BASIC in ROM, card slots for ROM or

RAM. The system runs for about 100 hours on AA batteries. Weight is 1 pound; price

is about US$2000. [75.115]


(month unknown)

• Apple Computer petitions the FCC to allocate a 40 MHz wide band of frequencies for

use with its personal digital assistants. [32.211]


• Chips & Technologies introduces the F8680 PC/Chip microprocessor. It is designed

for use in notebook and handheld computers. The CPU is compatible with the Intel

8086 and Intel 80186. The chip also includes a universal asynchronous

receiver/transmitter, CGA-compatible display controller, and PCMCIA support,

making it the most integrated chip ever produced to date. Price is US$45. [19.128]


• At the Microprocessor Forum, Advanced RISC Machines presents the 32-bit ARM600

processor. It incorporates 33,494 transistors. [57.1] [66.134]

(month unknown)

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP 95LX handheld computer. It runs MS-DOS 3.2,

includes Lotus 1-2-3 v2.2 in 1 MB of ROM, displays MDA graphics, and weighs 11

ounces. 512 KB RAM is standard, with optional 128 KB and 512 KB RAM cards. Two

AA batteries can power the system for six weeks. Price is US$699. [39.128]

• Psion introduces the Psion Series 3 palmtop computer. It features 8 row by 40

column LCD display, 4 MHz NEC V30 processor, 384 KB ROM with operating system

and seven built-in applications, 128 KB RAM, slot for Flash EPROM memory cards. It

runs for up to 120 hours on two AA batteries. Size is 6.5 x 3.3 x 1 inches; weight is 0.5

pounds; price is US$425. [73.40]


January 9

• At the Winter Consumer Electronics Show, Apple Computer chairman John Sculley

coins the term Personal Digital Assistant, referring to handheld computers that

typically operate via a stylus on a LCD display. Sculley announces that Apple will

enter the consumer-electronics market by the end of the year. [22.67] [33.49]


(month unknown)

• Apple Computer and Sharp announce an agreement to co-develop a personal digital

assistant, based on Apple’s software and Sharp’s hardware. [420.125]

• At the Spring Consumer Electronics Show, Apple Computer announces the Newton

pen input device. Features include: multitasking NewtOS operating system, ARM 610

processor, one PCMCIA 2.0 card slot, 7 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch size, 3 x 6 inch screen, and

weight of under one pound. [66.63] [94.129]

October 14

• At the Microprocessor Forum, AT&T Microelectronics unveils its Hobbit processor,

implementing the CRISP architecture. Formal name of the processor is ATT92020.

Processor speed is 20-30 MHz, depending on voltage. Price is US$35 in quantities of

10,000. [57.1]

• At the Microprocessor Forum, Advanced RISC Machines introduces the ARM250 chip,

combining the core ARM processor with memory controller, video controller, and I/O

interface. CPU speed is 12 to 16 MHz. The chip uses under 100,000 transistors, built

in a 1-micron CMOS process. Price is US$25 in 100,000 unit quantities. [57.1]

(month unknown)

• Eo announces the Personal Communicator 440 handheld pen-based microcomputer.

It features 20 MHz Hobbit processor, 4 MB RAM, PenPoint operating system in ROM,

480x640 screen, optional internal 20 MB hard drive, optional external floppy disk,

keyboard port, one PCMCIA Type II slot, and various built-in software programs.

Weight is 2.2 pounds. Size is about 11 x 8 x 1 inches. Battery life is about 4 hours.

Pricing will start at about US$2000. [58.1]

• Eo announces the Personal Communicator 880 handheld pen-based microcomputer.

It features 30 MHz Hobbit processor, 4 MB RAM, PenPoint operating system in ROM,

480x640 backlit screen, optional internal 64 MB hard drive, VGA output port, SCSI II

interface, optional external floppy disk, keyboard port, two PCMCIA Type II slots, and

various built-in software programs. Weight is 4 pounds. Size is about 13 x 9 x 1 inches.

battery life is about 4 hours. Pricing will start at about US$3000. [58.1]



• Apple Computer shows off test versions of its Newton Personal Digital Assistants at

the Winter Consumer Electronics Show. [2]


• Amstrad begins shipping the Amstrad Pen Pad PDA600 Personal Digital Assistant

(PDA) in England. It is the first PDA to be shipped. The Pen Pad weighs under a

pound, is 1 inch thick, and features a 240x320 resolution 3x4 inch screen. It uses a 20

MHz Zilog Z8S180 microprocessor, and can run for 40 hours on three AA batteries. It

includes 128 KB RAM, with a PCMCIA expansion slot for memory expansion to 2 MB.


(month unknown)

• Casio introduces the Zoomer personal digital assistant, developed jointly with Tandy.

It features 7.4 MHz 8086-compatible processor, 4 MB ROM, 1 MB RAM, GeoWorks

Geos operating system, PCMCIA flash memory cards. The system operates for about

100 hours on three AA batteries. Price is US$900. [59] [81]


• Apple Computer launches the Newton MessagePad 100 personal digital assistant at

Macworld Expo, in Boston’s Symphony Hall. It features 640 KB RAM, 3 MB of ROM

storing applications and the operating system (Newton Intelligence), a low-voltage 20

MHz 32-bit ARM 610 microprocessor, 240x336 resolution (85 dpi) 2.8 x 4-inch LCD

screen, one PCMCIA Type II expansion socket, data transfer of 9600bps, and runs on

four AAA batteries. 50,000 units sell in the first 10 weeks, but only 80,000 are sold

during the product’s life. [2] [3] [9.N7] [16.187] [17.36] [23.148] [26.21] [27.61] [81]

(4 MB of ROM [32.104]) (July [24.159])


• VLSI Technology and Intel announce the Polar processor chip set for handheld

computers. The VI86C300 integrated processor controller incorporates a 386

processor core with 2 KB cache, memory controller, LCD controller, andgraphics

accelerator. The VI86C100 multiple peripheral controller includes support for

peripherals typically used in handheld systems. Speed is 33 MHz. Price is US$50 in

quantities of 10,000. [68]


• At the Microprocessor Forum, Advanced RISC Machines unveils the ARM7 processor

family. Features are 0.8 micron technology, 3-5 volt operation, 20-33 MHz. [80]

• At the Microprocessor Forum, AT&T Microelectronics announces the Hobbit 92020S

processor, compatible with the 92020 processor. The 92020S doubles the instruction

cache to 6 KB, and operates at 20 MHz. Price is US$37 in 10,000 unit quantities. [69]

• At the Microprocessor Forum, Advanced Micro Devices announces the Am386SC

processor for handheld computers. Operating speed is up to 33 MHz, operating at 3.3

Volts. Price is US$49 in 10,000 unit quantities. [69]

December 31

• Shipments of handheld PCs for the year: 244,000. [36.36]


(month unknown)

• Shipments of Apple Computer Newton MessagePad 100 systems in the first five

months: 80,000. [14]


• Apple Computer introduces the Newton MessagePad 110 handheld computer. It

features 1 MB RAM, 20 MHz ARM610 processor, and runs on four AA batteries.

Remote data transfer rate is 38.5 Kbps. Battery life is five times that of the Model 100.

Price is US$599. [2] [9.N7] [17.36] [14]

• Apple Computer introduces an improved Newton MessagePad 100. It is physically

identical to the previously released model, but contains improved software. Price is

US$499. [2] [9.N7] [17.36] [14]

(month unknown)

• AT&T closes subsidiary Eo, ending life for the Hobbit processor, and the PenPoint

operating system. [48]


• Palm Computing releases the Graffiti handwriting recognition software. Price is

US$79. [113.33]

December 31

• Shipments of handheld PCs for the year: 390,000. [36.36]



• Apple Computer announces the Newton MessagePad 120. [2] [9.N7]


• Intel announces the 80486SXSF and GXSF 486 microprocessors, designed for

handheld computer products. The GX has a 16-bit bus, the SX a 32-bit bus. Both are

33 MHz, operating on 2.0-3.3 volts. [13.3] [82]


• Apple Computer ships the Newton 2.0 operating system. [9.N7]

December 31

• Shipments of smart handheld devices in the US for the year: 1.5 million. World

shipments: 2.4 million. [53.232] (1.1 million in US [41.28])



• 3Com debuts the Palm Pilot. [40.138] [97.101]

(month unknown)

• Sharp Electronics introduces the Zaurus ZR-5800FX handheld computer. It features

keyboard and fax modem. Price is US$729. [114.113]


• Apple Computer introduces the Apple Newton MessagePad 130, with transreflective

LCD with an electroluminescent backlight, battery life about 8 hours (4 with backlight

on), 1.2 MB heap space, 20 MHz ARM 610 RISC processor, 320x240 pixel display,

one Type II PC Card slot, 2.5 MB internal RAM, for US$799. [44.45] [114.113]

(month unknown)

• NEC Electronics begins shipping its R4101 processor for personal digital assistants.

The chip includes a 33 MHz 4100 processor core, 2 KB instruction cache, 1 KB data

cache, real-time clock, DMA controller, audio driver, and interfaces for serial port,

keyboard, infrared, and touch-screen interfaces. [83.5]

September 16

• Microsoft unveils Windows CE operating system for handheld PCs. Code-name of the

project was Pegasus. "CE" stands for Consumer Electronics. [25.32] [28.4] [138.36]

(month unknown)

• LG Electronics introduces the LG HPC GP40M handheld computer. It features a

Hitachi SH3 processor, 480x240 LCD screen, one Type 2 PC Card slot, 4 MB RAM, 4

MB ROM with Windows CE, fax modem, IrDA port, keyboard. Size is 6.5 x 3.8 x 1.1

inches; weight is 0.77 pounds; price is about US$650. The systems runs for about 15

hours on two A batteries. [70.135]

• Microsoft ships Windows CE 1.0 for handheld microcomputers. [54.151] [56.46]


• Apple Computer unveils the MessagePad 2000 computer. It features 1 MB DRAM, 5

MB Flash RAM, 2 Type II PC Card slots, backlit 480x320 100 dpi display, size 4.7 x

8.3 inches, Newton OS 2.1, 1.4 pound weight, and 161.9 MHz StrongARM 110 RISC

processor. It runs on four AA batteries. [49.45] [61.44]

• Compaq Computer ships the Compaq PC Companion handheld computer. It features

a Hitachi SH3 processor, 480x240 pixel backlit LCD, one Type 2 PC Card slot, 2-6

MB RAM, 4 MB ROM with Windows CE, IrDA port, keyboard. Size is 6.8 x 3.6 x 1

inches, weight is 0.89 pounds, price is about US$500-700. The system runs on 2 AA

batteries for up to 20 hours, [29.139] [30.6] [70.135]

• NEC Computer Systems introduces the NEC MobilePro 400 handheld computer. It

features NEC VR 4104 processor, 480x240 LCD screen, one 2 PC Card, 4 MB RAM,

70: 8 MB ROM with Windows CE, IrDA port, keyboard. Size is 6.9 x 3.7 x 1 inches;

weight is 0.85 pounds; price is about US$650. [30.6] [70.133]

• Hitachi Home Electronics ships the Hitachi Handheld PC, running Windows CE.


Apple Computer unveils the eMate 300 mobile computer. [90.45]

Casio Computer ships the Cassiopeia, a handheld computer running Windows CE.


December 31

• Worldwide shipments of PalmPilot handheld computers for the year: about 350,000.


• Shipments of handheld computers in the US for the year: 1.9 million. [53.232] (1.5

million [41.28])

• Worldwide handheld computer sales: about 2.4 million. [46.9] (2.6 million [53.232])


(month unknown)

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP 300LX handheld computer. It features 640x240

screen, Windows CE, 2 MB RAM, Type II PC Card slot, stylus, and keyboard. It is 7.2

inches wide. Price is US$499. [72.47]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP 320LX handheld computer. It features 640x240

screen, Windows CE, 4 MB RAM, Type II PC Card slot, stylus, and keyboard. It is 7.2

inches wide. Price is US$699. [72.47]


• Apple Computer spins off its Newton Systems Group into a subsidiary company.

[34.40] [115.28]

(month unknown)

• Apple Computer releases the Apple eMate 300. It features 25-MHz ARM 710a

processor, 3-MB RAM, 480x320 pixel backlit grayscale screen, Newton 2.1 operating

system. Price is US$799. [91.34]


• Apple Computer announces it will not spin off its Newton Systems Group as it had

announced in May. [34.40]

(month unknown)

• Franklin Rolodex Electronics introduces the REX PC Companion jandheld personal

information manager. It is a 1/4-inch thick credit-card sized PC Card, weighing 1.4

ounces. It has a 160x98 black/white LCD display with five buttons. It can store about

3000 items, and uses two lithium watch batteries. Price is about US$150. [89.68]

• Texas Instruments releases the TI Avigo 10 handheld computer. It features stylus,

seven buttons, 2-MB flash ROM, 1-MB RAM, Avigo operating system, 3.3 x 2.2 inch

160x240 pixel backlit PCD display, serial and infrared ports. Price is US$199; size is

5.5 x 3.3 x 0.8 inches; weight is 7 ounces. It operates for about 14 hours on two AAA

batteries. [89.68] [103.124] [116.202]

• Apple Computer introduces the Newton MessagePad 2000. It features a 162 MHz

processor. [60.45]


• Microsoft ships Windows CE 2.0 operating system. It includes support for color and

16-gray-scale displays, TrueType fonts, and Ethernet connectivity. Code name during

development was Jupiter. [84.55] [97.102]

(month unknown)

• Franklin Electronic Publishers introduces the Franklin Rex-3-DS PC Companion PDA.

It features Type II PC Card, two lithium batteries for about six months use, storage for

3000 contacts/tasks/appointments, 9 lines by 32 characters 1.3 x 2.1 inch

monochrome LCD display, five buttons. Price is about US$180. [97.114]

• Franklin Electronic Publishers introduces the Franklin Rex-1 PC Companion PDA. It

features Type II PC Card, two lithium batteries for about six months use, storage for

750 contacts/tasks/appointments, 9 lines by 32 characters 1.3 x 2.1 inch monochrome

LCD display, five buttons. Price is about US$130. [97.114]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP 620LX Palmtop PC. It features 16-MB RAM,

256-color 640x240 pixel 6.5-inch diagonal display, Windows CE 2.0, and lithium ion

battery pack giving about 5.5 hours use. Price is about US$900; weight is 20.6 ounces.


• Nokia introduces the Nokia 9000i Communicator, combining hand-held PC, digital

cell phone, and fax. It features 4.5 x 1.4 inch LCD screen, QWERTY keyboard,

GeoWorks operating system, Intel 24-MHz 386 procesor, and 8-MB RAM. Price is

US$850-1000 plus monthly cell phone charge; weight is 14 ounces; size is 6.5 x 2.5 x

1.5 inches. [103.116]

• Psion introduces the Psion Series 5 handheld computer. It features EPOC32 operating

system, 5.25 x 2.0 inch 640 x 240 16-shade grayscale LCD display, 8-MB RAM, stylus,

keyboard, CompactFlash slot. Two AA batteries power the unit for about 35 hours use.

Size is 6.7 x 3.5 x 0.5 inches; weight is 12.5 ounces; price is US$699. [98.56] [103.120]

• 3Com introduces the 3Com PalmPilot Professional hand-held PC. It features six

buttons and LCD display, stylus, 1-MB RAM, and two AAA batteries giving about ten

weeks use. Price is about US$370; weight is 5.7 ounces. [103.120]

• Geofox introduces the Geofox-One Professional hand-held PC. It features Psion

EPOC32 operating system, 33.6-Kbps PC Card modem, one Type II PC Card slot,

about 25 hour battery life, 6.8-inch diagonal 640x320 monochrome LCD display.

Weight is 13.7 ounces; size is 7.4 x 4.7 x 0.8 inches. [97.114]

• At the Fall Comdex show, Philips Mobile Computing Group introduces the Philips

Velo 500 hand-held computer. It features 16-MB RAM, 16-MB ROM, 75-MHz 3.3-volt

32-bit MIPS-based Philips PR31700 RISC processor, two AA batteries or a

nickel-metal-hydride battery pack (lasting about 12-15 hours), 6.25-inch diagonal

640x240 pixel 16-shade monochrome LCD display, two Miniature Card slots, 61-key

keyboard, 28.8-Kbps modem, and Windows CE 2.0. Weight is 15.3 ounces; size is 6.75

x 3.75 x 1 inches; price is about US$640. [96.56] [97.112] [104.60]

• At Fall Comdex, NEC Computer Systems Division of Packard Bell NEC announces the

NEC MobilePro 700 hand-held computers. It features 4-gray-scale backlit 7-inch

diagonal 640x240 pixel display, Windows CE 2.0; 8-MB RAM, 33.6-Kbps fax/modem,

two AA batteries lasting about 30 hours, and keyboard. Weight is 24 ounces; width is

9.6 inches; price is US$699. [97.112]

• At Fall Comdex, NEC Computer Systems announces the NEC MobilePro 750C

hand-held computers. It features color 7-inch diagonal 640x240 pixel display,

Windows CE 2.0; 8-MB RAM, 33.6-Kbps fax/modem, lithium ion battery pack lasting

about 11 hours, and keyboard. Weight is 28.8 ounces; width is 9.6 inches; price is

about US$1000. [97.112]

• At the Fall Comdex, Sharp Electronics announces the Sharp Mobilon HC-4500C

hand-held PC. It features 256-color LCD display, 16-MB RAM, 33.6-Kbps fax/modem,

one Type II PC Card slot, lithium ion battery pack, keyboard, and Windows CE 2.0.

Price is about US$1000. [97.112]

• At the Fall Comdex, Sharp Electronics announces the Sharp Mobilon HC-4000

hand-held PC. It features 4-MB RAM, 33.6-Kbps fax/modem, one Type II PC Card

slot, runs on two AA batteries for about 25 hours, keyboard, and Windows CE 2.0.

Price is about US$600. [97.112]

• At the Fall Comdex, Sharp Electronics announces the Sharp Mobilon HC-4100

hand-held PC. It features 12-MB RAM, 33.6-Kbps fax/modem, one Type II PC Card

slot, runs on two AA batteries for about 25 hours, keyboard, and Windows CE 2.0.

Price is about US$700. [97.112]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP 320LX Palmtop PC. It features Windows CE 1.1,

6.25 x 2.5 inch 640x240 pixel 16-shade grayscale LCD display, 4-MB RAM, stylus,

keyboard, PC Card slot, CompactFlash slot, and is powered by two AA batteries. Size

is 7,2 x 3.67 x 1.1 inches; weight is 15.6 ounces; price is US$499. [98.56]

• Casio introduces the Cassiopeia A-11 Plus hand-held PC. It features Windows CE 1.0,

4.6 x 2.4 inch 480x240 pixel 4-shade grayscale LCD display, 6-MB RAM, stylus,

keyboard, PC Card slot, and it runs on two AA batteries. Size is 6.9 x 3.6 x 1.0 inches;

weight is 13.4 ounces; price is US$399.95. [98.56]

• Apple Computer introduces the MessagePad 2100 hand-held PC. It features Newton

2.1 operating system, 4.9 x 3.3 inch 480x320 pixel 16-shade grayscale LCD display,

4-MB RAM, stylus, two Type-II PC Card slots, four AA batteries. Size is 8.3 x 4.7 x 1.1

inches; weight is 1.4 pounds; price is US$999. [98.56]

• NEC Computer Systems introduces the MobilePro 700 hand-held PC. It features 6.75

x 2.63 inch 640x240 4-shade grayscale LCD display, 8-MB RAM, stylus, keyboard, PC

Card slot, CompactFlash slot, Windows CE 2.0, 33.6-Kbps modem, two AA batteries.

Size is 9.6 x 4.8 x 1.2 inches; weight is 1.5 pounds; price is US$699. [98.56]

• Palm Computing introduces the PalmPilot professional hand-held PC. It features

Palm OS 2.0, 3.25 x 2.5 inch 160x160 pixel monochrome LCD display, 1-MB RAM,

stylus, two AAA batteries. Size is 4.7 x 3.2 x 0.7 inches; weight is 6 ounces; price is

US$369. [98.56]

• Philips Mobile Computing Group introduces the Velo 1 hand-held PC. It features

Windows CE 1.0, 4.5 x 2.75 inch 480x240 pixel 4-shade grayscale LCD display, 4-MB

RAM, stylus, keyboard, DRAM slot, Flashcard slot, ROM socket slot, 19.2-Kbps

modem, two AA batteries, rechargeable battery pack. Size is 6.25 x 3.75 x 1.0 inches;

weight is 14.8 ounces; price is US$399.99. [98.57]

• Sharp Electronics introduces the ZR-3500X hand-held PC. It features Synergy

operating system, 2.25 x 3.5 inch 320x240 monochrome LCD display, 2-MB RAM,

stylus, keyboard, 14.4-Kbps modem, two AA batteries. Size is 6.3 x 3.5 x 1.0 inches;

weight is 11.8 ounces; price is US$399. [98.57]

• Apple Computer introduces the Apple MessagePad 2100 hand-held computer. It

features Newton 2.1 OS, 8-MB ROM with various applications, 4-MB DRAM, 4-MB

flash RAM, optional 2-4-MB flash PC Cards, two Type II PC Card slots, 16-shade 4.9 x

3.3 inch display, four AA batteries, and a stylus. Weight is 22.4 ounces; size is 1.1 x 4.7

x 8.3 inches; price is about US$1150. [97.103]

• Casio introduces the Casio Cassiopeia A-20 hand-held computer. It features Windows

CE 2.0, 8-MB RAM, 8-MB ROM, 6.2-inch wide 640x240 pixel 4-gray-scale display,

keyboard, serial port, Type II PC Card slot, Compact Flash card slot, and two AA

batteries or litium ion battery pack. Price is about US$600; weight is 15.2 ounces.


December 31

• Shipments of handheld computers in the US for the year: 2.471 million. [37.28] [46.9]


Worldwide shipments of handheld computers for the year: 5.5 million. [53.232]

Shipments of Windows CE devices during the year: 430,000. [147.146]

Worldwide shipments of PalmPilot handheld computers for the year: about 350,000.




• At the Consumer Electronics Show, Microsoft announces the Palm PC hand-held

computer, running Windows CE 2.0. Code name during development was Gryphon.


(month unknown)

To date, about 500,000 Windows CE devices have been shipped. [56.46]

Apple Computer ceases development of its Newton operating system and Newton

OS-based products. [35.6]

• 3Com introduces the Palm III handheld computer. It features Palm OS 3.0, 2-MB

RAM, 2-MB ROM, infrared port, 2.4 x 2.4 inch 160 x 160 pixel backlit LCD

monochrome touch-screen display, serial port, stylus, six buttons. Size is 4.7 x 3.2 x

0.7 inches; weight is 5.7 ounces; price is US$399. [92.61] [105.50] [110.202]


• Handheld PC market share: 3Com (Palm) 59%, Sharp 17%, HP 13%. [41.28]

March 31

• Handheld operating system market share from January to March: Palm OS 67%,

Windows CE 18%. [151.147]

(month unknown)

• Everex Systems releases the Everex Freestyle Executive A-20 handheld computer. It

features stylus, four front and nine side buttons, 8-MB RAM, 8-MB ROM, Windows

CE, 3.1 x 2.4 inch 320x240 pixel backlit LCD display, microphone, serial and infrared

ports, one CompactFlash slot, 33.6-Kbps modem. Price is US$499; size is 4.7 x 3.1 x

0.6 inches; weight is 5.9 ounces. It operates for about 10 hours on AAA rechargeable

batteries. [116.202]

• Philips Mobile Computing Group releases the Philips Nino 300 handheld computer.

It features stylus, six side buttons, 4-MB ROM, 4-MB RAM, Windows CE, 3.0 x 2.2

inch 320x240 pixel backlit LCD display, microphone, speaker, serial and infrared

ports, 19.2-Kbps modem, one CompactFlash slot. Price is US$399; size is 5.5 x 3.4 x

0.8 inches; weight is 7.3 ounces. It operates for about ten hours on two rechargeable

batteries. [116.202]

• Casio releases the Cassiopeia E-10 hand-held computer. It features stylus, four front

and three side buttons, 8-MB ROM, 4-MB RAM, NEC VR4111 MIPS RISC processor,

Compact Flash slot, Windows CE 2.0, grayscale 3.1 x 2.4 inch 320 x 240 pixel backlit

LCD touchscreen display, microphone, speaker, serial and infrared ports, one

CompactFlash slot. Price is US$399; size is 4.8 x 3.2 x 0.8 inches; weight is 6.6

ounces. Two AAA batteries power the unit for 10-25 hours. [105.48] [110.202] [117.79]


• For a short time in the spring, Microsoft calls all small Windows CE devices PalmPC

computers. [99.148]

• 3Com begins shipping the Palm III handheld computer. The Palm III features 2 MB

RAM, two AAA batteries allowing use for 6-8 weeks. Weight is about 6 ounces. Price

is US$399. [52.76] [87.56]

• Sharp Electronics releases the Mobilon HC-4500 hand-held PC. It features 640x240

pixel 256-color 6.5-inch diagonal screen; 75-MHz processor, 16-MB RAM, 16-MB

ROM, 33.6-Kbps modem, NiMH rechargeable battery, PC Card slot, Windows CE 2.0.

Size is 3.8 x 7.3 x 1.2 inches; weight is 17.6 ounces. [104.59]

• Compaq Computer releases the C-Series 2021C hand-held PC. It features 6.5-inch

diagonal 256-color 640x240 pixel screen, 65-MHz processor, 20-MB RAM, 16-MB

ROM, 33-Kbos modem, PC Card slot, NiMH battery, Windows CE 2.0. Size is 3.93 x

7.32 x 1.61 inches; weight is 15.2 ounces; price is US$900. [104.59]

• LG Electronics releases the Phenom Ultra hand-held computer. It features 8.25-inch

256-color 640x240 pixel screen, 100-MHz processor, 16-MB RAM, 12-MB ROM,

33.6-Kbps modem, Lithium Ion battery, PC Card slot, Compact Flash slot. Size is 10 x

5.2 x 1.3 inches; weight is 1.87 pounds; price is US$900. [104.60]

• NEC Computer Systems introduces the MobilePro 750C handheld PC. It features

Windows CE 2.0, 8-inch 256-color 640x240 pixel touch screen, keyboard, 33.6-Kbps

modem, PC Card slot, Compact Flash card slot, 78-MHz processor, 16-MB ROM, and

16 MB RAM. The system operates for about eight hours on a rechargeable lithium-ion

battery. Size is 5.4 x 9.6 x 1.2 inches; weight is 1.8 pounds; price is US$899. [85.76]


• Psion releases the Psion Series 5mx handheld computer. It features EPOC operating

system, 36-MHz ARM 710T RISC processor, 16-MB RAM, CompactFlash card slot,

infrared port, keyboard. Price is about US$500. [109.64]

• Everex releases the Freestyle Manager A-15 hand-held computer. It features 8-MB

RAM, 4-shade grayscale display, Windows CE. Price is about US$400. [105.49]

• Philips releases the Nino 312 hand-held computer. It features Windows CE, 4-shade

grayscale backlit display, 8-MB RAM, docking station, CompactFlash slot,

rechargeable battery. Price is about US$460. [105.49]

• Sharp Electronics releases the SE-300 hand-held computer. It features 1-MB Flash

memory, one AA battery. Price is about US$180. [105.50]

Donna Dubinsky and Jeff Hawkins found Handspring. [156.100]

Microsoft announces Windows CE Handheld PC Professional Edition hardware

reference design, based on Windows CE 2.11. [46.41]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP Jornada 820 Handheld PC. It features a

StrongARM SA-1100 processor, 8.2-inch diagonal 256-color LCD display, 16-MB

RAM, V.90 modem, VGA port, USB port, keyboard, and Windows CE. Weight is 2.6

pounds; price is about US$1000; size is 9.5 (wide) x 1.3 (thick) inches. [99.149]

• LG Electronics introduces the LG Phenom Express handheld PC. It features a Hitachi

SH3 7709R processor, 8.2-inch LCD touch screen, 32-MB RAM, V.90 model,

keyboard, and Windows CE. Weight is 1.9 pounds; price is about US$900. [99.152]

• Sharp introduces the Sharp Mobillon Pro PV-5000 handheld PC. It features a MIPS

3922 processor, 8.2-inch LC touch screen, 16-MB RAM, keyboard, Type II PC Card

slot, IrDA port, and Windows CE. Weight is 2.7 pounds; price is about US$900.


• Nadem introduces the Vadem Clio handheld PC. It features a NEC VR4 III MIPS

4000 processor, 9.4-inch LCD touch screen, 16-MB RAM, keyboard, stylus, Windows

CE, IrDA port, PC Card slot, CompactFlash slot. Weight is 3.2 pounds; price is about

US$1000; size is 11.3 x 8.8 x 1 inches. [99.157]


• Worldwide personal electronic companion market share: 3Com Palm Computing 72%.


(month unknown)

• Royal Consumer Business Products introduces the Royal daVinci PDA. It features

256-KB RAM. Size is 5 x 3 inches; price is about US$100. [99.60]


• Palm announces the Palm VII handheld computer. [51.137]

December 31

• Handheld operating system market share from October to December: Palm OS 69%,

Windows CE 20%. [151.147]

• Best-selling handheld computer in the US during October to December: 3Com Palm

III. [151.147]

Handheld computer operating system market share for the year: EPOC 13%. [107.22]

Market share of US mobile computers for the year: 3Com Palm 40%. [43.29]

Worldwide shipments of handheld computers for the year: 3.988 million. [47.28]

[64.18] [78.7]

• Installed base (worldwide) of handheld computers: 8.2 million. [64.18]



• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP Journada 420 hand-held PC. It features

256-color 320x240 display, and Windows CE. Price is US$499; weight is 8 ounces.


(month unknown)

• Palm Computing releases the Palm IIIx handheld computer. it features 16-MHz

Motorola Dragonball EZ processor, 4-MB RAM, Palm OS 3.1, 2.4 x 2.4 inch passive

matrix 16-shade grayscale backlit display, infrared port, serial port. Two AAA

batteries power the unit for about two months. Size is 4.7 x 3.2 x 0.7 inches; weight is

7 ounces; price is about US$370. [109.43] [149.75]

• Palm Computing introduces the Palm V handheld computer. It features 16-MHz

Motorola DragonBall EZ processor, 2 MB RAM, 3.9-inch diagonal LCD screen,

synchronization cradle, Graffiti software. Size is 4.5 x 3.1 x 0.4 inches; weight is four

ounces; price is US$449. [149.75]


• Hand-held PC operating system market share: Windows CE 8%. [107.20]

(month unknown)

• Hitachi introduces the HPW-200EC hand-held PC. It features Windows CE 2.0,

100-MHz SH3 processor, 16-MB RAM, 33.6-Kbps modem, and 8.1-inch diagonal

640x240 resolution LCD display. Size is 10 x 5.2 x 1.3 inches; weight is 2 pounds;

price is US$699. Operational time on battery power is about 8 hours. [106.84]

• Casio introduces the Cassiopeia E106 hand-held PC. It features Windows CE, 65,536

color display, stereo sound port, 131-MHz NEC processor, 3-MB RAM, 16-MB ROM,

optional 56-Kbps modem. Price is US$600. [106.11]

• Palm Computing introduces the Palm VII Connected Organizer handheld computer.

It features 2 MB RAM, and modem. Price is US$599; size is 5.25 x 3.25 x 0.75 inches;

weight is 6.7 ounces. Two AAA batteries power the unit for 2-3 weeks. Connectivity

via Palm for email and Internet access costs US$9.99 for 50 KB transferred per

month, or US$24.99 for 150 KB. [67.52] [77.26,40]

• Sony Electronics introduces the Sony VAIO C1 PictureBook handheld computer. It

features digital video camera, 266 MHz MMX Pentium, 4.3 GB hard drive, 64 MB

RAM, Windows 98, Zoomed Video PC Card slot, USB port, V.90 modem, 8.9 inch

TFT 1024x480 display, Microsoft Works, Adobe PhotoDeluxe Business Edition, Intuit

Quicken, Microsoft Money 98. Weight is 2.4 pounds; size is 1.5 x 9.5 x 5.5 inches;

price is US$2299. Battery life is about 1.3 hours. Optional external 16x CD-ROM drive

costs US$299. [77.58]

• NEC Computer Systems introduces the NEC MobilePro 770 handheld computer. It

features 131 MHz NEC VR4121 processor, 32 MB RAM, 24 MB ROM, 8.1 inch

640x240 16,000 color LCD display, V.90 modem, VGA (800x600 to external

monitor), PC Card and CompactFlash slots, Windows CE Handheld PC Professional

v3.0. Weight is 1.7 pounds; size is 1.1 x 9.6 x 5.2 inches; price is US$799. Lithium-ion

battery life is about 10 hours. [77.59]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP Jornada 680 handheld computer. It features 13

MHz Hitachi SH-3 processor, 16 MB RAM, 16 MB ROM, 6.5 inch 640x240 256-color

LCD display, V.90 modem, Windows CE Handheld PC Professional v3.0. Size is 1.3 x

7.4 x 3.7 inches; 1.1 pounds; price is US$899. Lithium ion battery life is about 8 hours.


• Palm Computing releases the 3Com Palm IIIe handheld computer. It features 2-MB

RAM, Palm OS 3.1, and reverse backlit LCD touchscreen. Size is 4.6 x 3.8 x 0.8 inches;

weight is 5.8 ounces, and it uses two AAA batteries. Price is US$229. [50.66] [62.44]


• Casio releases the Cassiopeia E-100 handheld computer. It features131-MHz NEC

VR4121 processor, 16-MB RAM, one Type II CompactFlash slot, Windows CE 2.11, 3.1

x 2.4 inch active-matrix TFT 65536-color backlit display, infrared port, microphone,

speaker, serial port. Price is about US$500; size is 5.1 x 3.3 x 0.8 inches; weight is 9

ounces. Lithium ion battery powers the unit for 6-8 hours. [109.43]

• VTech Information releases the VTech Helio PDA. It features 4-MB RAM, VT-OS 1.1

operating system, microphone, 75-MHz 32-bit RISC processor, 16-shade grayscale

display. Price is US$199. [109.42]


• Handspring releases the Handspring Visor Deluxe hand-held computer. It features

16-MHz Motorola Dragonball EZ processor, 8-MB RAM, 2-MB ROM, Springboard

expansion slot, Palm OS 3.1, 2.1 x 2.1 inch passive matrix 16-shade grayscale backlit

display, infrared port, microphone, USB port. Two AAA alkaline batteries power the

unit for about two months. Price is about US$250; size is 4.8 x 3.0 x 0.6 inches;

weight is 6 ounces. [109.41] [118.76] [119.44]

(month unknown)

• Psion introduces the Psion Revo personal digital assistant. It features 8 MB RAM, 36

MHz ARM 710T RISC processor, 53-key keyboard, 1.5 x 4.5 inch monochrome

480x160 pixel touchscreen, 8 MB ROM, Symbian EPOC32 v5.0 operating system,

19.2 Kbps modem. The system operates for about 14 hours on nickel hydride batteries.

Size is 0.8 x 6 x 3 inches; weight is 7.8 ounces. [79.49]

• Psion introduces the Psion Series 7 handheld computer. It features 7.7-inch diagonal

touch-screen VGA color display, keyboard, 132.71-MHz Intel StrongARM 1100

processor, 16-MB RAM, Compact Flash Type II slot, Type II PC Card slot, serial port,

infrared port, Symbian EPOC32 ER5 operating system. The rechargeable lithium ion

battery gives power for about 8.5 hours. Size is 1.5 x 9.2 x 7.1 inches; weight is 2.5

pounds, price is about US$900. [118.53]

• Compaq Computer introduces the Aero 1500 handheld computer. It features 16 MB

RAM, 240x320 resolution 16-grayscale display, Windows CE, Compact Flash Card

slot. Power lasts 12-14 hours on a lithium-ion battery. Price is US$349. [93.119]

October 15

• Handspring begins shipping the Handspring Visor Deluxe handheld computer.

[118.76] April 2000 [156.100])

December 31

• Unit shipments of handheld computers during the year: about 5 million. [111.20]


(month unknown)

• Palm Canada introduces the Palm IIIc handheld computer in Canada. Features

include color active matrix thin film transistor display, 8 MB memory, Palm OS 3.5,

for about CDN$679. [63.31]


• Microsoft releases Windows CE 3.0. [119.44]

April 19

• In New York City’s Grand Central Station, Microsoft launches the Pocket PC, a

specification for handheld computers. The Pocket PC runs Microsoft Windows CE 3.0,

and includes several applications: music player, word processor, Internet browser,

and more. [65.12] [108.76]


• Compaq Computer introduces the iPAQ Pocket PC handheld computer. It features

2.25 x 3 inch color screen, USB port, 206 MHz Intel StrongARM processor, 32 MB

RAM, Windows CE 3.0. Expansion packs offer access to PC Cards, flash memory

cards, email, music , digital camera, modem, bar code scanner, etc. Basic unit price is

$699. [76.34] [101.40]


• Hewlett-Packard announces that the Jornada 545 and 530 units are not capable of

16-bit 64-KB graphics as previously advertised, and offers to refund money. [108.76]


• Market share of palm-size computers: Palm 65.4%, Handspring 21.6%. [119.44]

(month unknown)

• Compaq Computer releases the iPaq H3650 Pocket PC handheld computer. It

features Windows CE, 32-MB RAM, 206-MHz Intel StrongARM 32-bit RISC

processor, 4096-color touch screen display, cradle with USB port, 16-MB ROM.

Weight is 6.3-ounces; price is about US$500. [121.98]

• Research in Motion releases the RIM 957 Wireless Handheld computer. It features

5-MB RAM, built-in keyboard, monochrome screen. Weight is 5.3 ounces; price is

about US$500. [121.98]


• Palm introduces the Palm m100 hand-held PC. It features 16-MHz Intel StrongARM

processor, 2-MB RAM, 2-MB ROM, 2x2-inch monochrome LCD display, and Palm OS

3.5 operating system. Price is about US$150. [108.40]

• Palm introduces the Palm VIIx hand-held PC. It features 8-MB RAM. Price is about

US$450. The unit is an update of the Palm VII. [108.40]

(month unknown)

• Hewlett-Packard releases the HP Jornada 545 handheld computer. It features

Windows CE 3.0, 4096-color 240x320 pixel passive matrix display, 16-MB RAM. Size

is 5.2 x 3.1 x 0.6 inches; price is US$499. The HP Jornada 548 comes with 32-MB

RAM for US$600. [122.19]


• Transmeta releases the 600-MHz Crusoe processor. [102.162]

(month unknown)

• Sony Computer Entertainment introduces the Sony PlayStation 2. It features single

analog DualShock2 controller, two memory card slots, two USB ports, one i-Link

(IEEE 1394) port, 128-bit Emotion Engine graphics processor. The system can also

play PlayStation games, and supports DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, CD-ROM, DTS, and

Dolby Digital media. Size is 12 x 3.5 x 7 inches; weight is 5 pounds; price is about

US$300. [100.48]

• Handspring releases the Handspring Visor Prism PDA. It features a Motorola

33-MHz DragonBall VZ processor, Palm OS 3.5.2H, 16-bit color 160x160 pixel

3.1-inch diagonal screen, and rechargeable lithium ion batteries giving about two

weeks use. Price is about US$450, size is 4.8 x 3.0 x 0.8 inches; weight is 7.2 ounces.


• Handspring releases the Handspring Visor Platinum PDA. It features a Motorola

33-MHz DragonBall VZ processor, Palm OS 3.5.2H, 16 gray shades 160x160 pixel

3.1-inch diagonal screen, and two AAA batteries giving about 4-6 weeks use. Price is

about US$300, size is 4.8 x 3.0 x 0.7 inches; weight is 5.8 ounces. [100.50]

December 31

• Unit shipments of handheld computers during the year: about 11-12 million. [111.20]



(month unknown)

• Palm releases the Palm m505 handheld computer. It features 16-bit 64,000 color

160x160 pixel display, SecureDigital slot, Universal Connector, Palm OS v4.0, 8-MB

RAM. Price is about US$405; weight is 5.2 ounces; size is 4.5 x 3.2 x 0.5 inches.



• NCR files a lawsuit against Palm and Handspring, claiming to hold two patents dating

from 1987, governing the creation and sale of handheld computing devices. [88.3]

(month unknown)

• HandEra introduces the HandEra 330 handheld computer. It features 320x240 pixel

display, serial port, 33-MHz Motorola DragonBall-VZ processor, Palm OS 3.5.2,

CompactFlash Type II+ and SecureDigital slots. Price is about US$350; size is 4.7 x

3.2 x 0.7 inches; weight is 6.8 ounces. [126.32]

June 30

• Unit shipments of handheld computers during the past three months: 2.89 million.


(month unknown)

• Handspring introduces the Handspring Visor Neo handheld computer. It features

monochrom display, 33-MHz processor, 8-MB RAM, palm OS 3.5.2H3. Two AAA

batteries power the unit for 6-8 weeks. Price is about US$200. The Handspring Visor

Pro comes with 16-MB RAM, for about US$300. [124.52]

October 4

• Microsoft introduces the Pocket PC 2002 operating system. [124.41]

(month unknown)

• Compaq Computer introduces the iPAQ Pocket PC 3870 handheld computer. It

features 64-MB RAM, Bluetooth radio, 65,536 color TFT screen, Secure Digital

expansion slot, Pocket PC 2002 operating system. The battery provides about 12

hours of operation. Price is about US$650. [124.41]

• Hewlett-Packard introcuces the HP Jornada 565 handheld computer. It features

32-MB RAM, 65,536-color reflective TFT display, CompactFlash Type I slot. The

lithium polymer battery provides about 14 hours of operation. Price is about US$600.


• Toshiba America Information Systems introduces the Toshiba Pocket PC e570

handheld computer. It features 64-MB RAM, CompactFlash Type II slot,

SecureDigital slot, 65,536-color reflective display. The battery provides about 8 hours

of operation. Price is about US$570. [124.42]

• Sony Electronics introduces the Sony Cli?PEG-T415 handheld computer. It features

Palm OS, 8-MB RAM, Memory Stick slot, 2.8-inch diagonal 320x320 pixel backlit

monochrome display, infrared port. Price is about US$300. [127.34]

• Sony Electronics introduces the Sony Cli?PEG-T615C handheld computer. It features

65,536-color 320x320 pixel backlit TFT display, 16-MB RAM, Memory Stick

expansion slot, USB connection, Palm OS 4.1. The lithium ion polymer battery powers

the system for about 12 days. Price is about US$400; weight is 6 ounces; size is 4.8 x

2.8 x 0.6 inches. [128.56]

• Palm introduces the Palm i705 handheld computer. It features monochrome 160x160

pixel display, Secure Digital slot, 33-MHz Motorola Dragonball VZ processor, 8-MB

RAM. Price is about US$450; weight is 5.4 ounces. [128.56]

• Casio introduces the Casio Cassiopeia E-200 Pocket PC 2002 handheld computer. It

features 64-MB RAM, CompactFlash Type II slot, Secure Digital and MultiMedia

Card slot, USB connection, 206-MHz Intel StrongARM processor, 65,536-color

reflective TFT display. Price is about US$600; weight is 7 ounces; size is 5 x 3.1 x 0.6

inches. [129.34]

December 31

• Unit shipments of handheld computers worldwide during the year: 13-16.4 million.

[111.20] [123.20]


(month unknown)

• Palm introdces the Palm m130 handheld computer. It features 1.8 x 1.8 inch 160x160

pixel transreflective STN 65,536-color display, USB docking cradle/recharger, Secure

Digital slot, Palm OS, 8-MB RAM. The lithium ion battery powers the unit for about

one week. Price is about US$280. [130.29]

• Palm introdces the Palm m515 handheld computer. It features 2.2 x 2.2 inch

active-matrix TFT 65,536-color display, USB docking cradle/recharger, Secure Digital

slot, Palm OS, 16-MB RAM. The lithium ion battery powers the unit for about one

week. Price is about US$400; weight is 5.2 ounces. [130.29]

• Research in Motion introduces the RIM BlackBerry 5810 handheld computer. It

features backlit monochrome display, keyboard, phone. Price is about US$500;

weight is 4.7 ounces; size is 4.6 x 3.1 x 0.7 inches. [131.42]

• Toshiba America Information Systems introduces the Toshiba Pocket PC e310

handheld computer. It features 65,536-color reflective TFT display, 206-MHz Intel

StrongARM processor, microphone, speaker, USB cradle/charger, 32-MB RAM,

Secure Digital slot, Pocket PC 2002 operating system. Price is about US$400; weight

is 5 ounces. [131.45]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP iPAQ Pocket PC H3970 handheld computer. It

features 400-MHz Intel XScale processor, 64-MB RAM, 48-MB flash ROM, Pocket

PC 2002 operating system, Bluetooth wireless connectivity, backlit transreflective

TFT color display. Weight is 6.6 ounces; size is 5.3 x 3.3 x 0.6 inches; price is about

US$750. [132.36]

June 30

• Unit shipments of handheld computers during the past three months: 2.62 million.


• Market share of handheld computers: Palm 32.2%. [112.3]

(month unknown)

• Palm introduces the Palm Tungsten T handheld computer. It features voice recorder,

Bluetooth wireless support, 16-MB RAM, 3-inch diagonal 320x320 pixel 65,536-color

TFT display, Secure Digital slot, USB docking cradle/charger, Texas Instruments

OMAP1510 chip (ARM 925 processor), Palm OS 5.0, rechargeable lithium ion battery.

Price is about US$500; weight is 5.6 ounces; size is 4 x 3 x 0.6 inches. [133.52]


• In Canada, Palm Canada launches the Tungsten T handheld computer. Price is about

CDN$799. [134.30]

(month unknown)

• Sony Electronics introduces the Sony Cli?PEG-NX70V handheld computer. It features

802.11b wireless LAN card slot, voice recorder, digital camera, Palm OS 5.0, 16-MB

RAM, Memory Stick expansion slot, 65,536-color TFT 320x480 pixel display,

keyboard, digital audio/video player. Price is about US$600. [135.40]

• Dell Computer releases the Dell Axim X5 handheld computer. It features 300-MHz

Intel XScale processor, 32-MB SDRAM, CompactFlash type II slot, Secure Digital and

MMC slot, 65,536-color transreflective TFT display, speaker, microphone, Pocket PC

2002 operating system. The rechargeable battery powers the unit for about 8 hours.

Weight is 6.9 ounces; size is 5 x 3.2 x 0.7 inches; price is US$249. A model with

400-MHz processor and 64-MB RAM costs US$349. [136.42]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP iPAQ Pocket PC h1910 handheld computer. It

features 64-MB RAM, MMC and Secure Digital slot, microphone, speaker,

65,536-color 240x320 pixel backlit TFT display, 200-MHz Intel PXA250 XScale

processor, USB cradle and cable, Pocket PC 2002 operating system. The battery

powers the unit for about four hours. Price is about US$300; weight is 4.2 ounces;

size is 4.5 x 2.8 x 0.5 inches. [136.42]

• ViewSonic releases the ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 handheld computer. It features

300-MHz Intel PXA250 Scale processor, MMC and Secure Digital slot, stylus,

240x320 pixel display. The battery powers the unit for about ten hours. Price is about

US$300; weight is 4.2 ounces; 4.8 x 3.0 x 0.4 inches. [136.42]



• Palm announces it will discontinue its Graffiti handwriting recognition software in

favor of Jot technology, which Palm will rename Graffiti 2. Jot software is written by

Communication Intelligence Corporation. [137.8]




太平洋电脑网 文/天空之城

从第一个真正意义上的具有palm操作系统的PalmPilot 1000在1996年产生以来差不多整整



款新机型上市,引人注目的有sony的有着蓝牙,wi-fi和键盘的ux 50,handspring的tero 600

智能手机,palm公司的Tungsten T3,Tungsten E等。7年间风云变幻,让我们通过palm历


开山鼻祖——PalmPilot 1000(1996)

图为:PalmPilot 1000掌上电脑


处理器: MOTOROLA Dragonball 16MHz

操作系统: PalmOS 1.0

RAM: 128KB

尺寸: 12 x 8.1 x 1.8 (cm)

重量: 162g


提起palm我们不得不提起palm pilot1000,那个第一部的palmpilot电脑使用的是Hawkins

和Dubinsky自己开发的Palm OS 1.0操作系统,只有128K内存。那个机器开创了palm的先




真正意义的现代palm——Palm III(1998)

图为:Palm III掌上电脑


处理器: MOTOROLA Dragonball 16MHz

操作系统: PalmOS 3.0

尺寸: 12 x 8.1 x 1.8 (cm)

RAM/ROM: 2MB/2MB flash

重量: 162g



98年,Palm公司公布了第三代掌上电脑Palm III,由于Pilot是闻名的制笔公司Pilot Pen

的商标,因此Palm不得已把自己的产品重命名为Palm III。Palm III使用的是Palm OS 3.0操

作系统,拥有2M内存和2M的Flash ROM,用户能够升级操作系统。这是第一款拥有红外线

的palm机型,从此之后palm开始能够同手机和palm之间进行数据交换。同时Palm OS 3.0




顺便提一下palm III对中文使用者来说是第一款真正用使用意义的机器,2m的RAM在装


轻薄漂亮——Plam V (1999)

图为:Plam V掌上电脑

处理器: MOTOROLA Dragonball EZ 16 MHz

操作系统: PalmOS 3.1


RAM/ROM: 2MB/2MB Flash

尺寸: 11.5 x 7.7 X 1(cm)

重量: 113g









大侠,推出的升8MB RAM的服务真是方便了许多人。相信今天还有一些朋友手中拥有升级过

的8MB的Palm V吧。

时尚漂亮——visor deluxe(2000)

图为:visor deluxe掌上电脑

操作系统: PalmOS 3.1

显示屏幕: 4级灰度;背光;

RAM/ROM: 8MB/2MB mask

外壳: 鲜艳彩色透亮塑料壳

电池: AAA电池

通讯: usb口同步/红外

99年成立的handspring在2000年推出了自己的第一款palm产品:Visor Delux。一口气


能够如现在尚漂亮。令人兴奋的是,连同步底座差不多上透亮的雾白色。Visor Deluxe几乎成为


在工业上,visor Delux第一个推出usb的同步底座,让文件传输的速度有了一个质的提高。

另一方面handspring在visor delux上加上了Springboard扩展技术,不断显现了各种的

springboard模块如内存模块,minijam mp3模块,sondgoodmp3模块,visorphone手机模块,

Magri Presenter2Go简报模块,eyemodule相机模块,Xircom 56k modem模块,Xircom WIFI

模块,magellan gps模块,redm blade蓝牙模块,InnoPak/2v振动提醒加内存模块,专门值得



多彩天地——Palm IIIc

图为:Palm IIIc掌上电脑

处理器: MOTOROLA DragonBall EZ 20MHz

操作系统: Palm OS 3.5



尺寸: 12.9 x 8.1 x 1.7(cm)

重量: 193g




Palm IIIc是Palm公司2000年2月22日公布的最新产品,是该公司第一款带彩显的掌上




特立独行-handera 330

图为:Handera 330掌上电脑

处理器: Dragonball vZ 33Mhz

操作系统: PalmOS 3.5.2

显示屏幕: 320*240 16级灰度

RAM/ROM: 8MB/2MB Flash

尺寸: 12.1 x 8.1 X 1.7(cm)

重量: 167g







记得晚上使用palm III时,手写区没有背光的苦恼吗?handera再也可不能有如此的问题了。


种的软件,等到一切的软件都稳固下来后,handera 330但是日常办公的好帮手。

近于完美——tero 90

图为:Handspring Tero 90掌上电脑

处理器: Motorola DragonBall VZ 33 MHz

操作系统: Palm OS 4.1



尺寸: 10.8 X 7.0 X 1.8(cm)

重量: 116g

扩展: SD/MMC插槽


通讯: USB同步/红外

Tero -Handspring一个新的系列机器,中规中矩的设计。然而难得的全面,该有的都有了,








完美商务——m515 (2002)

图为:Palm 515掌上电脑

处理器: Motorola DragonBall VZ 33 MHz

操作系统: Palm OS 4.1



尺寸: 11.4 X 7.9 X 1.3(cm)

重量: 139g

扩展: SD/MMC插槽


通讯: USB同步/红外

拥有Palm m515就等于拥有了一切--几乎是一切。PALM OS 4时代的完美商务机型,亮金







因此sony确实是sony,总喜爱把任何的东西打上自己的烙印,memory stick的扩展槽,






Chronology of Handheld


Copyright © 2001-2003 Ken Polsson


(month unknown)

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP-35, the first scientific handheld calculator.



(month unknown)

• Texas Instruments enters the pocket calculator field with the introduction of the

Texas Instruments SR-50 Slide Rule Calculator. It sells for about US$75. [4.179]


July 31

• Radio Shack introduces the TRS-80 Pocket Computer. It features a 24 character

display, QWERTY keyboard, and 1.9 KB of programmable memory. Price is US$230.

[5.172] [8.198] [86.144] [140.D3] (August [7.30])

(month unknown)

• Panasonic and Quasar unveil handheld computers, made by Matsushita. The units

use a 1-MHz 6502 CPU, and weigh 14 ounces (397 grams). [6.34]


November 10

• Panasonic introduces The Link handheld computer, the size of a small book, with a

keyboard but no display. It can be hooked up to a television or to a host computer via

a telephone dial-up connection. Price is US$500-600. [155.D5]



• Sharp introduces the Sharp PC-1500 Hand Held Personal Computer. It comes with 16

KB ROM, and 3.5 KB RAM. Price for computer is US$300. Price for tiny color

graphics printer that attaches to the side, US$250. [10.67]

• Radio Shack introduces the TRS-80 Pocket Computer, Model PC-2, for US$280. It

uses a 1.3 MHz 8-bit microprocessor, and has a 26-character display, with upper and

lower case characters. It comes with 16 KB ROM, and 2.6 KB RAM, expandable to 16

KB. An optional 4-color printer attaches to the side. [11.216] [15.41]


• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP75C portable computer. It features a rechargeable

battery pack, 16K RAM, 65 key keyboard, 1 line by 32 character LCD display,

magnetic card reader, 48K ROM including BASIC interpreter, text editor, and

scheduler. Size is is 11.1 x 6 x 1.1 inches; weight is 26 ounces; price is US$995. [31.184]

[45.178] [74.D4]

(month unknown)

• NEC introduces the PC-2001 Hand-Held Computer. It features an 8-bit 4 MHz CMOS

uPD7907 microprocessor, 36 KB ROM, 16 KB RAM, serial port, and 40x2 character

LCD screen. [18.125]

• Sanyo introduces the PHC-8000 handheld computer. It features a NSC-800 CMOS

microprocessor, 24 KB ROM, 4 KB RAM, one-line LCD screen, optional I/O unit

PHC-8010 allows connection to video monitor and microcassette recorder and adds

14 KB ROM and 22 KB RAM. [18.125]

• Toshiba introduces the Pasopia Mini. It features an 8-bit CMOS microprocessor, 4 KB

RAM, 20 KB ROM including 16 KB BASIC, and a one-line LCD screen. [18.125]



• At the Winter CES, Commodore Business Machines demonstrates the HHC-4

(Hand-Held Computer). It features 24-character LCD screen with 4 KB RAM

expandable to 16 KB. This was one of Commodore’s pre-PET business products. Price

is US$199. [38.17]

(month unknown)

• Radio Shack introduces the TRS-80 Pocket Computer, Model PC-4, replacing the

PC-1, for US$70. [20.288]


• At the Japan Microcomputer Show, Casio shows the Casio FP 200 handheld

microcomputer. It features 8-line x 20 character display, 8 KB RAM, 32 KB ROM, for

about US$300. [45.251]

• At the Japan Microcomputer Show, Canon shows the Canon X-07 Handy Personal

Computer. It features an NSC 800 microprocessor (Z80 compatible), 20 KB ROM

with BASIC, 4-line by 20-character display, just over one pound weight, for about

US$445. [45.251]

• At the Japan Microcomputer Show, National shows the National JR-800, featuring

63A01V processor (compatible with Motorola 6801), 8-line by 32-character LCD, 16

KB RAM, 20 KB ROM with BASIC, 1551 bytes of video RAM, five-octave music, 1 5/8

pounds weight, 10 1/4 x 5 5/8 x 1 3/8 inches, and runs for 25 hours on batteries.


(month unknown)

• Texas Instruments introduces the Compact Computer 40 (CC-40). It uses the 8-bit

TMS 70C20 processor, 6 KB RAM, 34 KB ROM with BASIC, and 31x1 LCD display. It

runs on four AA batteries, lasting up to 200 hours. [21.37]

• Radio Shack introduces the PC-3 pocket computer. It features 24-character LCD, 1.4

KB RAM, 4 ounce weight, for US$99.95. [45.7]

• Sharp introduces the PC-1250 pocket computer, for US$110. It measures 5 5/16 x 2

1/2 x 3/8 inches. [45.7]



• Seiko Instruments U.S.A. Inc. displays the first wristwatch computer, with a

10-character, 4-line LCD. [1]

(month unknown)

• Casio unveils the PB-700 handheld computer. It features 4 KB RAM (expandable to

16 KB), 20x4 character display, 58 key keyboard, BASIC. Weight is 4.5 pounds; price

is about US$200. Optional add-on FA-10 color printer/plotter costs about US$250.

Optional add-on CM-1 microcassette module costs about US$90. [71.15]


(month unknown)

• Atari Computer introduces the Portfolio, a 1-pound DOS-based PC. It uses a 4.92

MHz 80C88 processor, 240x64 resolution screen, and runs on three AA batteries.

Price: US$400. [12.57]


• Poqet Computer ships the Poqet PC computer, featuring 512 KB RAM, 6.8 x 2.7 inch

monochrome LCD screen, 80x25 text, 640x200 pixels, 77 keys, 7 MHz Intel 80C88

processor, 640 KB ROM, MS DOS 3.3 and GW BASIC in ROM, card slots for ROM or

RAM. The system runs for about 100 hours on AA batteries. Weight is 1 pound; price

is about US$2000. [75.115]


(month unknown)

• Apple Computer petitions the FCC to allocate a 40 MHz wide band of frequencies for

use with its personal digital assistants. [32.211]


• Chips & Technologies introduces the F8680 PC/Chip microprocessor. It is designed

for use in notebook and handheld computers. The CPU is compatible with the Intel

8086 and Intel 80186. The chip also includes a universal asynchronous

receiver/transmitter, CGA-compatible display controller, and PCMCIA support,

making it the most integrated chip ever produced to date. Price is US$45. [19.128]


• At the Microprocessor Forum, Advanced RISC Machines presents the 32-bit ARM600

processor. It incorporates 33,494 transistors. [57.1] [66.134]

(month unknown)

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP 95LX handheld computer. It runs MS-DOS 3.2,

includes Lotus 1-2-3 v2.2 in 1 MB of ROM, displays MDA graphics, and weighs 11

ounces. 512 KB RAM is standard, with optional 128 KB and 512 KB RAM cards. Two

AA batteries can power the system for six weeks. Price is US$699. [39.128]

• Psion introduces the Psion Series 3 palmtop computer. It features 8 row by 40

column LCD display, 4 MHz NEC V30 processor, 384 KB ROM with operating system

and seven built-in applications, 128 KB RAM, slot for Flash EPROM memory cards. It

runs for up to 120 hours on two AA batteries. Size is 6.5 x 3.3 x 1 inches; weight is 0.5

pounds; price is US$425. [73.40]


January 9

• At the Winter Consumer Electronics Show, Apple Computer chairman John Sculley

coins the term Personal Digital Assistant, referring to handheld computers that

typically operate via a stylus on a LCD display. Sculley announces that Apple will

enter the consumer-electronics market by the end of the year. [22.67] [33.49]


(month unknown)

• Apple Computer and Sharp announce an agreement to co-develop a personal digital

assistant, based on Apple’s software and Sharp’s hardware. [420.125]

• At the Spring Consumer Electronics Show, Apple Computer announces the Newton

pen input device. Features include: multitasking NewtOS operating system, ARM 610

processor, one PCMCIA 2.0 card slot, 7 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch size, 3 x 6 inch screen, and

weight of under one pound. [66.63] [94.129]

October 14

• At the Microprocessor Forum, AT&T Microelectronics unveils its Hobbit processor,

implementing the CRISP architecture. Formal name of the processor is ATT92020.

Processor speed is 20-30 MHz, depending on voltage. Price is US$35 in quantities of

10,000. [57.1]

• At the Microprocessor Forum, Advanced RISC Machines introduces the ARM250 chip,

combining the core ARM processor with memory controller, video controller, and I/O

interface. CPU speed is 12 to 16 MHz. The chip uses under 100,000 transistors, built

in a 1-micron CMOS process. Price is US$25 in 100,000 unit quantities. [57.1]

(month unknown)

• Eo announces the Personal Communicator 440 handheld pen-based microcomputer.

It features 20 MHz Hobbit processor, 4 MB RAM, PenPoint operating system in ROM,

480x640 screen, optional internal 20 MB hard drive, optional external floppy disk,

keyboard port, one PCMCIA Type II slot, and various built-in software programs.

Weight is 2.2 pounds. Size is about 11 x 8 x 1 inches. Battery life is about 4 hours.

Pricing will start at about US$2000. [58.1]

• Eo announces the Personal Communicator 880 handheld pen-based microcomputer.

It features 30 MHz Hobbit processor, 4 MB RAM, PenPoint operating system in ROM,

480x640 backlit screen, optional internal 64 MB hard drive, VGA output port, SCSI II

interface, optional external floppy disk, keyboard port, two PCMCIA Type II slots, and

various built-in software programs. Weight is 4 pounds. Size is about 13 x 9 x 1 inches.

battery life is about 4 hours. Pricing will start at about US$3000. [58.1]



• Apple Computer shows off test versions of its Newton Personal Digital Assistants at

the Winter Consumer Electronics Show. [2]


• Amstrad begins shipping the Amstrad Pen Pad PDA600 Personal Digital Assistant

(PDA) in England. It is the first PDA to be shipped. The Pen Pad weighs under a

pound, is 1 inch thick, and features a 240x320 resolution 3x4 inch screen. It uses a 20

MHz Zilog Z8S180 microprocessor, and can run for 40 hours on three AA batteries. It

includes 128 KB RAM, with a PCMCIA expansion slot for memory expansion to 2 MB.


(month unknown)

• Casio introduces the Zoomer personal digital assistant, developed jointly with Tandy.

It features 7.4 MHz 8086-compatible processor, 4 MB ROM, 1 MB RAM, GeoWorks

Geos operating system, PCMCIA flash memory cards. The system operates for about

100 hours on three AA batteries. Price is US$900. [59] [81]


• Apple Computer launches the Newton MessagePad 100 personal digital assistant at

Macworld Expo, in Boston’s Symphony Hall. It features 640 KB RAM, 3 MB of ROM

storing applications and the operating system (Newton Intelligence), a low-voltage 20

MHz 32-bit ARM 610 microprocessor, 240x336 resolution (85 dpi) 2.8 x 4-inch LCD

screen, one PCMCIA Type II expansion socket, data transfer of 9600bps, and runs on

four AAA batteries. 50,000 units sell in the first 10 weeks, but only 80,000 are sold

during the product’s life. [2] [3] [9.N7] [16.187] [17.36] [23.148] [26.21] [27.61] [81]

(4 MB of ROM [32.104]) (July [24.159])


• VLSI Technology and Intel announce the Polar processor chip set for handheld

computers. The VI86C300 integrated processor controller incorporates a 386

processor core with 2 KB cache, memory controller, LCD controller, andgraphics

accelerator. The VI86C100 multiple peripheral controller includes support for

peripherals typically used in handheld systems. Speed is 33 MHz. Price is US$50 in

quantities of 10,000. [68]


• At the Microprocessor Forum, Advanced RISC Machines unveils the ARM7 processor

family. Features are 0.8 micron technology, 3-5 volt operation, 20-33 MHz. [80]

• At the Microprocessor Forum, AT&T Microelectronics announces the Hobbit 92020S

processor, compatible with the 92020 processor. The 92020S doubles the instruction

cache to 6 KB, and operates at 20 MHz. Price is US$37 in 10,000 unit quantities. [69]

• At the Microprocessor Forum, Advanced Micro Devices announces the Am386SC

processor for handheld computers. Operating speed is up to 33 MHz, operating at 3.3

Volts. Price is US$49 in 10,000 unit quantities. [69]

December 31

• Shipments of handheld PCs for the year: 244,000. [36.36]


(month unknown)

• Shipments of Apple Computer Newton MessagePad 100 systems in the first five

months: 80,000. [14]


• Apple Computer introduces the Newton MessagePad 110 handheld computer. It

features 1 MB RAM, 20 MHz ARM610 processor, and runs on four AA batteries.

Remote data transfer rate is 38.5 Kbps. Battery life is five times that of the Model 100.

Price is US$599. [2] [9.N7] [17.36] [14]

• Apple Computer introduces an improved Newton MessagePad 100. It is physically

identical to the previously released model, but contains improved software. Price is

US$499. [2] [9.N7] [17.36] [14]

(month unknown)

• AT&T closes subsidiary Eo, ending life for the Hobbit processor, and the PenPoint

operating system. [48]


• Palm Computing releases the Graffiti handwriting recognition software. Price is

US$79. [113.33]

December 31

• Shipments of handheld PCs for the year: 390,000. [36.36]



• Apple Computer announces the Newton MessagePad 120. [2] [9.N7]


• Intel announces the 80486SXSF and GXSF 486 microprocessors, designed for

handheld computer products. The GX has a 16-bit bus, the SX a 32-bit bus. Both are

33 MHz, operating on 2.0-3.3 volts. [13.3] [82]


• Apple Computer ships the Newton 2.0 operating system. [9.N7]

December 31

• Shipments of smart handheld devices in the US for the year: 1.5 million. World

shipments: 2.4 million. [53.232] (1.1 million in US [41.28])



• 3Com debuts the Palm Pilot. [40.138] [97.101]

(month unknown)

• Sharp Electronics introduces the Zaurus ZR-5800FX handheld computer. It features

keyboard and fax modem. Price is US$729. [114.113]


• Apple Computer introduces the Apple Newton MessagePad 130, with transreflective

LCD with an electroluminescent backlight, battery life about 8 hours (4 with backlight

on), 1.2 MB heap space, 20 MHz ARM 610 RISC processor, 320x240 pixel display,

one Type II PC Card slot, 2.5 MB internal RAM, for US$799. [44.45] [114.113]

(month unknown)

• NEC Electronics begins shipping its R4101 processor for personal digital assistants.

The chip includes a 33 MHz 4100 processor core, 2 KB instruction cache, 1 KB data

cache, real-time clock, DMA controller, audio driver, and interfaces for serial port,

keyboard, infrared, and touch-screen interfaces. [83.5]

September 16

• Microsoft unveils Windows CE operating system for handheld PCs. Code-name of the

project was Pegasus. "CE" stands for Consumer Electronics. [25.32] [28.4] [138.36]

(month unknown)

• LG Electronics introduces the LG HPC GP40M handheld computer. It features a

Hitachi SH3 processor, 480x240 LCD screen, one Type 2 PC Card slot, 4 MB RAM, 4

MB ROM with Windows CE, fax modem, IrDA port, keyboard. Size is 6.5 x 3.8 x 1.1

inches; weight is 0.77 pounds; price is about US$650. The systems runs for about 15

hours on two A batteries. [70.135]

• Microsoft ships Windows CE 1.0 for handheld microcomputers. [54.151] [56.46]


• Apple Computer unveils the MessagePad 2000 computer. It features 1 MB DRAM, 5

MB Flash RAM, 2 Type II PC Card slots, backlit 480x320 100 dpi display, size 4.7 x

8.3 inches, Newton OS 2.1, 1.4 pound weight, and 161.9 MHz StrongARM 110 RISC

processor. It runs on four AA batteries. [49.45] [61.44]

• Compaq Computer ships the Compaq PC Companion handheld computer. It features

a Hitachi SH3 processor, 480x240 pixel backlit LCD, one Type 2 PC Card slot, 2-6

MB RAM, 4 MB ROM with Windows CE, IrDA port, keyboard. Size is 6.8 x 3.6 x 1

inches, weight is 0.89 pounds, price is about US$500-700. The system runs on 2 AA

batteries for up to 20 hours, [29.139] [30.6] [70.135]

• NEC Computer Systems introduces the NEC MobilePro 400 handheld computer. It

features NEC VR 4104 processor, 480x240 LCD screen, one 2 PC Card, 4 MB RAM,

70: 8 MB ROM with Windows CE, IrDA port, keyboard. Size is 6.9 x 3.7 x 1 inches;

weight is 0.85 pounds; price is about US$650. [30.6] [70.133]

• Hitachi Home Electronics ships the Hitachi Handheld PC, running Windows CE.


Apple Computer unveils the eMate 300 mobile computer. [90.45]

Casio Computer ships the Cassiopeia, a handheld computer running Windows CE.


December 31

• Worldwide shipments of PalmPilot handheld computers for the year: about 350,000.


• Shipments of handheld computers in the US for the year: 1.9 million. [53.232] (1.5

million [41.28])

• Worldwide handheld computer sales: about 2.4 million. [46.9] (2.6 million [53.232])


(month unknown)

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP 300LX handheld computer. It features 640x240

screen, Windows CE, 2 MB RAM, Type II PC Card slot, stylus, and keyboard. It is 7.2

inches wide. Price is US$499. [72.47]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP 320LX handheld computer. It features 640x240

screen, Windows CE, 4 MB RAM, Type II PC Card slot, stylus, and keyboard. It is 7.2

inches wide. Price is US$699. [72.47]


• Apple Computer spins off its Newton Systems Group into a subsidiary company.

[34.40] [115.28]

(month unknown)

• Apple Computer releases the Apple eMate 300. It features 25-MHz ARM 710a

processor, 3-MB RAM, 480x320 pixel backlit grayscale screen, Newton 2.1 operating

system. Price is US$799. [91.34]


• Apple Computer announces it will not spin off its Newton Systems Group as it had

announced in May. [34.40]

(month unknown)

• Franklin Rolodex Electronics introduces the REX PC Companion jandheld personal

information manager. It is a 1/4-inch thick credit-card sized PC Card, weighing 1.4

ounces. It has a 160x98 black/white LCD display with five buttons. It can store about

3000 items, and uses two lithium watch batteries. Price is about US$150. [89.68]

• Texas Instruments releases the TI Avigo 10 handheld computer. It features stylus,

seven buttons, 2-MB flash ROM, 1-MB RAM, Avigo operating system, 3.3 x 2.2 inch

160x240 pixel backlit PCD display, serial and infrared ports. Price is US$199; size is

5.5 x 3.3 x 0.8 inches; weight is 7 ounces. It operates for about 14 hours on two AAA

batteries. [89.68] [103.124] [116.202]

• Apple Computer introduces the Newton MessagePad 2000. It features a 162 MHz

processor. [60.45]


• Microsoft ships Windows CE 2.0 operating system. It includes support for color and

16-gray-scale displays, TrueType fonts, and Ethernet connectivity. Code name during

development was Jupiter. [84.55] [97.102]

(month unknown)

• Franklin Electronic Publishers introduces the Franklin Rex-3-DS PC Companion PDA.

It features Type II PC Card, two lithium batteries for about six months use, storage for

3000 contacts/tasks/appointments, 9 lines by 32 characters 1.3 x 2.1 inch

monochrome LCD display, five buttons. Price is about US$180. [97.114]

• Franklin Electronic Publishers introduces the Franklin Rex-1 PC Companion PDA. It

features Type II PC Card, two lithium batteries for about six months use, storage for

750 contacts/tasks/appointments, 9 lines by 32 characters 1.3 x 2.1 inch monochrome

LCD display, five buttons. Price is about US$130. [97.114]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP 620LX Palmtop PC. It features 16-MB RAM,

256-color 640x240 pixel 6.5-inch diagonal display, Windows CE 2.0, and lithium ion

battery pack giving about 5.5 hours use. Price is about US$900; weight is 20.6 ounces.


• Nokia introduces the Nokia 9000i Communicator, combining hand-held PC, digital

cell phone, and fax. It features 4.5 x 1.4 inch LCD screen, QWERTY keyboard,

GeoWorks operating system, Intel 24-MHz 386 procesor, and 8-MB RAM. Price is

US$850-1000 plus monthly cell phone charge; weight is 14 ounces; size is 6.5 x 2.5 x

1.5 inches. [103.116]

• Psion introduces the Psion Series 5 handheld computer. It features EPOC32 operating

system, 5.25 x 2.0 inch 640 x 240 16-shade grayscale LCD display, 8-MB RAM, stylus,

keyboard, CompactFlash slot. Two AA batteries power the unit for about 35 hours use.

Size is 6.7 x 3.5 x 0.5 inches; weight is 12.5 ounces; price is US$699. [98.56] [103.120]

• 3Com introduces the 3Com PalmPilot Professional hand-held PC. It features six

buttons and LCD display, stylus, 1-MB RAM, and two AAA batteries giving about ten

weeks use. Price is about US$370; weight is 5.7 ounces. [103.120]

• Geofox introduces the Geofox-One Professional hand-held PC. It features Psion

EPOC32 operating system, 33.6-Kbps PC Card modem, one Type II PC Card slot,

about 25 hour battery life, 6.8-inch diagonal 640x320 monochrome LCD display.

Weight is 13.7 ounces; size is 7.4 x 4.7 x 0.8 inches. [97.114]

• At the Fall Comdex show, Philips Mobile Computing Group introduces the Philips

Velo 500 hand-held computer. It features 16-MB RAM, 16-MB ROM, 75-MHz 3.3-volt

32-bit MIPS-based Philips PR31700 RISC processor, two AA batteries or a

nickel-metal-hydride battery pack (lasting about 12-15 hours), 6.25-inch diagonal

640x240 pixel 16-shade monochrome LCD display, two Miniature Card slots, 61-key

keyboard, 28.8-Kbps modem, and Windows CE 2.0. Weight is 15.3 ounces; size is 6.75

x 3.75 x 1 inches; price is about US$640. [96.56] [97.112] [104.60]

• At Fall Comdex, NEC Computer Systems Division of Packard Bell NEC announces the

NEC MobilePro 700 hand-held computers. It features 4-gray-scale backlit 7-inch

diagonal 640x240 pixel display, Windows CE 2.0; 8-MB RAM, 33.6-Kbps fax/modem,

two AA batteries lasting about 30 hours, and keyboard. Weight is 24 ounces; width is

9.6 inches; price is US$699. [97.112]

• At Fall Comdex, NEC Computer Systems announces the NEC MobilePro 750C

hand-held computers. It features color 7-inch diagonal 640x240 pixel display,

Windows CE 2.0; 8-MB RAM, 33.6-Kbps fax/modem, lithium ion battery pack lasting

about 11 hours, and keyboard. Weight is 28.8 ounces; width is 9.6 inches; price is

about US$1000. [97.112]

• At the Fall Comdex, Sharp Electronics announces the Sharp Mobilon HC-4500C

hand-held PC. It features 256-color LCD display, 16-MB RAM, 33.6-Kbps fax/modem,

one Type II PC Card slot, lithium ion battery pack, keyboard, and Windows CE 2.0.

Price is about US$1000. [97.112]

• At the Fall Comdex, Sharp Electronics announces the Sharp Mobilon HC-4000

hand-held PC. It features 4-MB RAM, 33.6-Kbps fax/modem, one Type II PC Card

slot, runs on two AA batteries for about 25 hours, keyboard, and Windows CE 2.0.

Price is about US$600. [97.112]

• At the Fall Comdex, Sharp Electronics announces the Sharp Mobilon HC-4100

hand-held PC. It features 12-MB RAM, 33.6-Kbps fax/modem, one Type II PC Card

slot, runs on two AA batteries for about 25 hours, keyboard, and Windows CE 2.0.

Price is about US$700. [97.112]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP 320LX Palmtop PC. It features Windows CE 1.1,

6.25 x 2.5 inch 640x240 pixel 16-shade grayscale LCD display, 4-MB RAM, stylus,

keyboard, PC Card slot, CompactFlash slot, and is powered by two AA batteries. Size

is 7,2 x 3.67 x 1.1 inches; weight is 15.6 ounces; price is US$499. [98.56]

• Casio introduces the Cassiopeia A-11 Plus hand-held PC. It features Windows CE 1.0,

4.6 x 2.4 inch 480x240 pixel 4-shade grayscale LCD display, 6-MB RAM, stylus,

keyboard, PC Card slot, and it runs on two AA batteries. Size is 6.9 x 3.6 x 1.0 inches;

weight is 13.4 ounces; price is US$399.95. [98.56]

• Apple Computer introduces the MessagePad 2100 hand-held PC. It features Newton

2.1 operating system, 4.9 x 3.3 inch 480x320 pixel 16-shade grayscale LCD display,

4-MB RAM, stylus, two Type-II PC Card slots, four AA batteries. Size is 8.3 x 4.7 x 1.1

inches; weight is 1.4 pounds; price is US$999. [98.56]

• NEC Computer Systems introduces the MobilePro 700 hand-held PC. It features 6.75

x 2.63 inch 640x240 4-shade grayscale LCD display, 8-MB RAM, stylus, keyboard, PC

Card slot, CompactFlash slot, Windows CE 2.0, 33.6-Kbps modem, two AA batteries.

Size is 9.6 x 4.8 x 1.2 inches; weight is 1.5 pounds; price is US$699. [98.56]

• Palm Computing introduces the PalmPilot professional hand-held PC. It features

Palm OS 2.0, 3.25 x 2.5 inch 160x160 pixel monochrome LCD display, 1-MB RAM,

stylus, two AAA batteries. Size is 4.7 x 3.2 x 0.7 inches; weight is 6 ounces; price is

US$369. [98.56]

• Philips Mobile Computing Group introduces the Velo 1 hand-held PC. It features

Windows CE 1.0, 4.5 x 2.75 inch 480x240 pixel 4-shade grayscale LCD display, 4-MB

RAM, stylus, keyboard, DRAM slot, Flashcard slot, ROM socket slot, 19.2-Kbps

modem, two AA batteries, rechargeable battery pack. Size is 6.25 x 3.75 x 1.0 inches;

weight is 14.8 ounces; price is US$399.99. [98.57]

• Sharp Electronics introduces the ZR-3500X hand-held PC. It features Synergy

operating system, 2.25 x 3.5 inch 320x240 monochrome LCD display, 2-MB RAM,

stylus, keyboard, 14.4-Kbps modem, two AA batteries. Size is 6.3 x 3.5 x 1.0 inches;

weight is 11.8 ounces; price is US$399. [98.57]

• Apple Computer introduces the Apple MessagePad 2100 hand-held computer. It

features Newton 2.1 OS, 8-MB ROM with various applications, 4-MB DRAM, 4-MB

flash RAM, optional 2-4-MB flash PC Cards, two Type II PC Card slots, 16-shade 4.9 x

3.3 inch display, four AA batteries, and a stylus. Weight is 22.4 ounces; size is 1.1 x 4.7

x 8.3 inches; price is about US$1150. [97.103]

• Casio introduces the Casio Cassiopeia A-20 hand-held computer. It features Windows

CE 2.0, 8-MB RAM, 8-MB ROM, 6.2-inch wide 640x240 pixel 4-gray-scale display,

keyboard, serial port, Type II PC Card slot, Compact Flash card slot, and two AA

batteries or litium ion battery pack. Price is about US$600; weight is 15.2 ounces.


December 31

• Shipments of handheld computers in the US for the year: 2.471 million. [37.28] [46.9]


Worldwide shipments of handheld computers for the year: 5.5 million. [53.232]

Shipments of Windows CE devices during the year: 430,000. [147.146]

Worldwide shipments of PalmPilot handheld computers for the year: about 350,000.




• At the Consumer Electronics Show, Microsoft announces the Palm PC hand-held

computer, running Windows CE 2.0. Code name during development was Gryphon.


(month unknown)

To date, about 500,000 Windows CE devices have been shipped. [56.46]

Apple Computer ceases development of its Newton operating system and Newton

OS-based products. [35.6]

• 3Com introduces the Palm III handheld computer. It features Palm OS 3.0, 2-MB

RAM, 2-MB ROM, infrared port, 2.4 x 2.4 inch 160 x 160 pixel backlit LCD

monochrome touch-screen display, serial port, stylus, six buttons. Size is 4.7 x 3.2 x

0.7 inches; weight is 5.7 ounces; price is US$399. [92.61] [105.50] [110.202]


• Handheld PC market share: 3Com (Palm) 59%, Sharp 17%, HP 13%. [41.28]

March 31

• Handheld operating system market share from January to March: Palm OS 67%,

Windows CE 18%. [151.147]

(month unknown)

• Everex Systems releases the Everex Freestyle Executive A-20 handheld computer. It

features stylus, four front and nine side buttons, 8-MB RAM, 8-MB ROM, Windows

CE, 3.1 x 2.4 inch 320x240 pixel backlit LCD display, microphone, serial and infrared

ports, one CompactFlash slot, 33.6-Kbps modem. Price is US$499; size is 4.7 x 3.1 x

0.6 inches; weight is 5.9 ounces. It operates for about 10 hours on AAA rechargeable

batteries. [116.202]

• Philips Mobile Computing Group releases the Philips Nino 300 handheld computer.

It features stylus, six side buttons, 4-MB ROM, 4-MB RAM, Windows CE, 3.0 x 2.2

inch 320x240 pixel backlit LCD display, microphone, speaker, serial and infrared

ports, 19.2-Kbps modem, one CompactFlash slot. Price is US$399; size is 5.5 x 3.4 x

0.8 inches; weight is 7.3 ounces. It operates for about ten hours on two rechargeable

batteries. [116.202]

• Casio releases the Cassiopeia E-10 hand-held computer. It features stylus, four front

and three side buttons, 8-MB ROM, 4-MB RAM, NEC VR4111 MIPS RISC processor,

Compact Flash slot, Windows CE 2.0, grayscale 3.1 x 2.4 inch 320 x 240 pixel backlit

LCD touchscreen display, microphone, speaker, serial and infrared ports, one

CompactFlash slot. Price is US$399; size is 4.8 x 3.2 x 0.8 inches; weight is 6.6

ounces. Two AAA batteries power the unit for 10-25 hours. [105.48] [110.202] [117.79]


• For a short time in the spring, Microsoft calls all small Windows CE devices PalmPC

computers. [99.148]

• 3Com begins shipping the Palm III handheld computer. The Palm III features 2 MB

RAM, two AAA batteries allowing use for 6-8 weeks. Weight is about 6 ounces. Price

is US$399. [52.76] [87.56]

• Sharp Electronics releases the Mobilon HC-4500 hand-held PC. It features 640x240

pixel 256-color 6.5-inch diagonal screen; 75-MHz processor, 16-MB RAM, 16-MB

ROM, 33.6-Kbps modem, NiMH rechargeable battery, PC Card slot, Windows CE 2.0.

Size is 3.8 x 7.3 x 1.2 inches; weight is 17.6 ounces. [104.59]

• Compaq Computer releases the C-Series 2021C hand-held PC. It features 6.5-inch

diagonal 256-color 640x240 pixel screen, 65-MHz processor, 20-MB RAM, 16-MB

ROM, 33-Kbos modem, PC Card slot, NiMH battery, Windows CE 2.0. Size is 3.93 x

7.32 x 1.61 inches; weight is 15.2 ounces; price is US$900. [104.59]

• LG Electronics releases the Phenom Ultra hand-held computer. It features 8.25-inch

256-color 640x240 pixel screen, 100-MHz processor, 16-MB RAM, 12-MB ROM,

33.6-Kbps modem, Lithium Ion battery, PC Card slot, Compact Flash slot. Size is 10 x

5.2 x 1.3 inches; weight is 1.87 pounds; price is US$900. [104.60]

• NEC Computer Systems introduces the MobilePro 750C handheld PC. It features

Windows CE 2.0, 8-inch 256-color 640x240 pixel touch screen, keyboard, 33.6-Kbps

modem, PC Card slot, Compact Flash card slot, 78-MHz processor, 16-MB ROM, and

16 MB RAM. The system operates for about eight hours on a rechargeable lithium-ion

battery. Size is 5.4 x 9.6 x 1.2 inches; weight is 1.8 pounds; price is US$899. [85.76]


• Psion releases the Psion Series 5mx handheld computer. It features EPOC operating

system, 36-MHz ARM 710T RISC processor, 16-MB RAM, CompactFlash card slot,

infrared port, keyboard. Price is about US$500. [109.64]

• Everex releases the Freestyle Manager A-15 hand-held computer. It features 8-MB

RAM, 4-shade grayscale display, Windows CE. Price is about US$400. [105.49]

• Philips releases the Nino 312 hand-held computer. It features Windows CE, 4-shade

grayscale backlit display, 8-MB RAM, docking station, CompactFlash slot,

rechargeable battery. Price is about US$460. [105.49]

• Sharp Electronics releases the SE-300 hand-held computer. It features 1-MB Flash

memory, one AA battery. Price is about US$180. [105.50]

Donna Dubinsky and Jeff Hawkins found Handspring. [156.100]

Microsoft announces Windows CE Handheld PC Professional Edition hardware

reference design, based on Windows CE 2.11. [46.41]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP Jornada 820 Handheld PC. It features a

StrongARM SA-1100 processor, 8.2-inch diagonal 256-color LCD display, 16-MB

RAM, V.90 modem, VGA port, USB port, keyboard, and Windows CE. Weight is 2.6

pounds; price is about US$1000; size is 9.5 (wide) x 1.3 (thick) inches. [99.149]

• LG Electronics introduces the LG Phenom Express handheld PC. It features a Hitachi

SH3 7709R processor, 8.2-inch LCD touch screen, 32-MB RAM, V.90 model,

keyboard, and Windows CE. Weight is 1.9 pounds; price is about US$900. [99.152]

• Sharp introduces the Sharp Mobillon Pro PV-5000 handheld PC. It features a MIPS

3922 processor, 8.2-inch LC touch screen, 16-MB RAM, keyboard, Type II PC Card

slot, IrDA port, and Windows CE. Weight is 2.7 pounds; price is about US$900.


• Nadem introduces the Vadem Clio handheld PC. It features a NEC VR4 III MIPS

4000 processor, 9.4-inch LCD touch screen, 16-MB RAM, keyboard, stylus, Windows

CE, IrDA port, PC Card slot, CompactFlash slot. Weight is 3.2 pounds; price is about

US$1000; size is 11.3 x 8.8 x 1 inches. [99.157]


• Worldwide personal electronic companion market share: 3Com Palm Computing 72%.


(month unknown)

• Royal Consumer Business Products introduces the Royal daVinci PDA. It features

256-KB RAM. Size is 5 x 3 inches; price is about US$100. [99.60]


• Palm announces the Palm VII handheld computer. [51.137]

December 31

• Handheld operating system market share from October to December: Palm OS 69%,

Windows CE 20%. [151.147]

• Best-selling handheld computer in the US during October to December: 3Com Palm

III. [151.147]

Handheld computer operating system market share for the year: EPOC 13%. [107.22]

Market share of US mobile computers for the year: 3Com Palm 40%. [43.29]

Worldwide shipments of handheld computers for the year: 3.988 million. [47.28]

[64.18] [78.7]

• Installed base (worldwide) of handheld computers: 8.2 million. [64.18]



• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP Journada 420 hand-held PC. It features

256-color 320x240 display, and Windows CE. Price is US$499; weight is 8 ounces.


(month unknown)

• Palm Computing releases the Palm IIIx handheld computer. it features 16-MHz

Motorola Dragonball EZ processor, 4-MB RAM, Palm OS 3.1, 2.4 x 2.4 inch passive

matrix 16-shade grayscale backlit display, infrared port, serial port. Two AAA

batteries power the unit for about two months. Size is 4.7 x 3.2 x 0.7 inches; weight is

7 ounces; price is about US$370. [109.43] [149.75]

• Palm Computing introduces the Palm V handheld computer. It features 16-MHz

Motorola DragonBall EZ processor, 2 MB RAM, 3.9-inch diagonal LCD screen,

synchronization cradle, Graffiti software. Size is 4.5 x 3.1 x 0.4 inches; weight is four

ounces; price is US$449. [149.75]


• Hand-held PC operating system market share: Windows CE 8%. [107.20]

(month unknown)

• Hitachi introduces the HPW-200EC hand-held PC. It features Windows CE 2.0,

100-MHz SH3 processor, 16-MB RAM, 33.6-Kbps modem, and 8.1-inch diagonal

640x240 resolution LCD display. Size is 10 x 5.2 x 1.3 inches; weight is 2 pounds;

price is US$699. Operational time on battery power is about 8 hours. [106.84]

• Casio introduces the Cassiopeia E106 hand-held PC. It features Windows CE, 65,536

color display, stereo sound port, 131-MHz NEC processor, 3-MB RAM, 16-MB ROM,

optional 56-Kbps modem. Price is US$600. [106.11]

• Palm Computing introduces the Palm VII Connected Organizer handheld computer.

It features 2 MB RAM, and modem. Price is US$599; size is 5.25 x 3.25 x 0.75 inches;

weight is 6.7 ounces. Two AAA batteries power the unit for 2-3 weeks. Connectivity

via Palm for email and Internet access costs US$9.99 for 50 KB transferred per

month, or US$24.99 for 150 KB. [67.52] [77.26,40]

• Sony Electronics introduces the Sony VAIO C1 PictureBook handheld computer. It

features digital video camera, 266 MHz MMX Pentium, 4.3 GB hard drive, 64 MB

RAM, Windows 98, Zoomed Video PC Card slot, USB port, V.90 modem, 8.9 inch

TFT 1024x480 display, Microsoft Works, Adobe PhotoDeluxe Business Edition, Intuit

Quicken, Microsoft Money 98. Weight is 2.4 pounds; size is 1.5 x 9.5 x 5.5 inches;

price is US$2299. Battery life is about 1.3 hours. Optional external 16x CD-ROM drive

costs US$299. [77.58]

• NEC Computer Systems introduces the NEC MobilePro 770 handheld computer. It

features 131 MHz NEC VR4121 processor, 32 MB RAM, 24 MB ROM, 8.1 inch

640x240 16,000 color LCD display, V.90 modem, VGA (800x600 to external

monitor), PC Card and CompactFlash slots, Windows CE Handheld PC Professional

v3.0. Weight is 1.7 pounds; size is 1.1 x 9.6 x 5.2 inches; price is US$799. Lithium-ion

battery life is about 10 hours. [77.59]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP Jornada 680 handheld computer. It features 13

MHz Hitachi SH-3 processor, 16 MB RAM, 16 MB ROM, 6.5 inch 640x240 256-color

LCD display, V.90 modem, Windows CE Handheld PC Professional v3.0. Size is 1.3 x

7.4 x 3.7 inches; 1.1 pounds; price is US$899. Lithium ion battery life is about 8 hours.


• Palm Computing releases the 3Com Palm IIIe handheld computer. It features 2-MB

RAM, Palm OS 3.1, and reverse backlit LCD touchscreen. Size is 4.6 x 3.8 x 0.8 inches;

weight is 5.8 ounces, and it uses two AAA batteries. Price is US$229. [50.66] [62.44]


• Casio releases the Cassiopeia E-100 handheld computer. It features131-MHz NEC

VR4121 processor, 16-MB RAM, one Type II CompactFlash slot, Windows CE 2.11, 3.1

x 2.4 inch active-matrix TFT 65536-color backlit display, infrared port, microphone,

speaker, serial port. Price is about US$500; size is 5.1 x 3.3 x 0.8 inches; weight is 9

ounces. Lithium ion battery powers the unit for 6-8 hours. [109.43]

• VTech Information releases the VTech Helio PDA. It features 4-MB RAM, VT-OS 1.1

operating system, microphone, 75-MHz 32-bit RISC processor, 16-shade grayscale

display. Price is US$199. [109.42]


• Handspring releases the Handspring Visor Deluxe hand-held computer. It features

16-MHz Motorola Dragonball EZ processor, 8-MB RAM, 2-MB ROM, Springboard

expansion slot, Palm OS 3.1, 2.1 x 2.1 inch passive matrix 16-shade grayscale backlit

display, infrared port, microphone, USB port. Two AAA alkaline batteries power the

unit for about two months. Price is about US$250; size is 4.8 x 3.0 x 0.6 inches;

weight is 6 ounces. [109.41] [118.76] [119.44]

(month unknown)

• Psion introduces the Psion Revo personal digital assistant. It features 8 MB RAM, 36

MHz ARM 710T RISC processor, 53-key keyboard, 1.5 x 4.5 inch monochrome

480x160 pixel touchscreen, 8 MB ROM, Symbian EPOC32 v5.0 operating system,

19.2 Kbps modem. The system operates for about 14 hours on nickel hydride batteries.

Size is 0.8 x 6 x 3 inches; weight is 7.8 ounces. [79.49]

• Psion introduces the Psion Series 7 handheld computer. It features 7.7-inch diagonal

touch-screen VGA color display, keyboard, 132.71-MHz Intel StrongARM 1100

processor, 16-MB RAM, Compact Flash Type II slot, Type II PC Card slot, serial port,

infrared port, Symbian EPOC32 ER5 operating system. The rechargeable lithium ion

battery gives power for about 8.5 hours. Size is 1.5 x 9.2 x 7.1 inches; weight is 2.5

pounds, price is about US$900. [118.53]

• Compaq Computer introduces the Aero 1500 handheld computer. It features 16 MB

RAM, 240x320 resolution 16-grayscale display, Windows CE, Compact Flash Card

slot. Power lasts 12-14 hours on a lithium-ion battery. Price is US$349. [93.119]

October 15

• Handspring begins shipping the Handspring Visor Deluxe handheld computer.

[118.76] April 2000 [156.100])

December 31

• Unit shipments of handheld computers during the year: about 5 million. [111.20]


(month unknown)

• Palm Canada introduces the Palm IIIc handheld computer in Canada. Features

include color active matrix thin film transistor display, 8 MB memory, Palm OS 3.5,

for about CDN$679. [63.31]


• Microsoft releases Windows CE 3.0. [119.44]

April 19

• In New York City’s Grand Central Station, Microsoft launches the Pocket PC, a

specification for handheld computers. The Pocket PC runs Microsoft Windows CE 3.0,

and includes several applications: music player, word processor, Internet browser,

and more. [65.12] [108.76]


• Compaq Computer introduces the iPAQ Pocket PC handheld computer. It features

2.25 x 3 inch color screen, USB port, 206 MHz Intel StrongARM processor, 32 MB

RAM, Windows CE 3.0. Expansion packs offer access to PC Cards, flash memory

cards, email, music , digital camera, modem, bar code scanner, etc. Basic unit price is

$699. [76.34] [101.40]


• Hewlett-Packard announces that the Jornada 545 and 530 units are not capable of

16-bit 64-KB graphics as previously advertised, and offers to refund money. [108.76]


• Market share of palm-size computers: Palm 65.4%, Handspring 21.6%. [119.44]

(month unknown)

• Compaq Computer releases the iPaq H3650 Pocket PC handheld computer. It

features Windows CE, 32-MB RAM, 206-MHz Intel StrongARM 32-bit RISC

processor, 4096-color touch screen display, cradle with USB port, 16-MB ROM.

Weight is 6.3-ounces; price is about US$500. [121.98]

• Research in Motion releases the RIM 957 Wireless Handheld computer. It features

5-MB RAM, built-in keyboard, monochrome screen. Weight is 5.3 ounces; price is

about US$500. [121.98]


• Palm introduces the Palm m100 hand-held PC. It features 16-MHz Intel StrongARM

processor, 2-MB RAM, 2-MB ROM, 2x2-inch monochrome LCD display, and Palm OS

3.5 operating system. Price is about US$150. [108.40]

• Palm introduces the Palm VIIx hand-held PC. It features 8-MB RAM. Price is about

US$450. The unit is an update of the Palm VII. [108.40]

(month unknown)

• Hewlett-Packard releases the HP Jornada 545 handheld computer. It features

Windows CE 3.0, 4096-color 240x320 pixel passive matrix display, 16-MB RAM. Size

is 5.2 x 3.1 x 0.6 inches; price is US$499. The HP Jornada 548 comes with 32-MB

RAM for US$600. [122.19]


• Transmeta releases the 600-MHz Crusoe processor. [102.162]

(month unknown)

• Sony Computer Entertainment introduces the Sony PlayStation 2. It features single

analog DualShock2 controller, two memory card slots, two USB ports, one i-Link

(IEEE 1394) port, 128-bit Emotion Engine graphics processor. The system can also

play PlayStation games, and supports DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, CD-ROM, DTS, and

Dolby Digital media. Size is 12 x 3.5 x 7 inches; weight is 5 pounds; price is about

US$300. [100.48]

• Handspring releases the Handspring Visor Prism PDA. It features a Motorola

33-MHz DragonBall VZ processor, Palm OS 3.5.2H, 16-bit color 160x160 pixel

3.1-inch diagonal screen, and rechargeable lithium ion batteries giving about two

weeks use. Price is about US$450, size is 4.8 x 3.0 x 0.8 inches; weight is 7.2 ounces.


• Handspring releases the Handspring Visor Platinum PDA. It features a Motorola

33-MHz DragonBall VZ processor, Palm OS 3.5.2H, 16 gray shades 160x160 pixel

3.1-inch diagonal screen, and two AAA batteries giving about 4-6 weeks use. Price is

about US$300, size is 4.8 x 3.0 x 0.7 inches; weight is 5.8 ounces. [100.50]

December 31

• Unit shipments of handheld computers during the year: about 11-12 million. [111.20]



(month unknown)

• Palm releases the Palm m505 handheld computer. It features 16-bit 64,000 color

160x160 pixel display, SecureDigital slot, Universal Connector, Palm OS v4.0, 8-MB

RAM. Price is about US$405; weight is 5.2 ounces; size is 4.5 x 3.2 x 0.5 inches.



• NCR files a lawsuit against Palm and Handspring, claiming to hold two patents dating

from 1987, governing the creation and sale of handheld computing devices. [88.3]

(month unknown)

• HandEra introduces the HandEra 330 handheld computer. It features 320x240 pixel

display, serial port, 33-MHz Motorola DragonBall-VZ processor, Palm OS 3.5.2,

CompactFlash Type II+ and SecureDigital slots. Price is about US$350; size is 4.7 x

3.2 x 0.7 inches; weight is 6.8 ounces. [126.32]

June 30

• Unit shipments of handheld computers during the past three months: 2.89 million.


(month unknown)

• Handspring introduces the Handspring Visor Neo handheld computer. It features

monochrom display, 33-MHz processor, 8-MB RAM, palm OS 3.5.2H3. Two AAA

batteries power the unit for 6-8 weeks. Price is about US$200. The Handspring Visor

Pro comes with 16-MB RAM, for about US$300. [124.52]

October 4

• Microsoft introduces the Pocket PC 2002 operating system. [124.41]

(month unknown)

• Compaq Computer introduces the iPAQ Pocket PC 3870 handheld computer. It

features 64-MB RAM, Bluetooth radio, 65,536 color TFT screen, Secure Digital

expansion slot, Pocket PC 2002 operating system. The battery provides about 12

hours of operation. Price is about US$650. [124.41]

• Hewlett-Packard introcuces the HP Jornada 565 handheld computer. It features

32-MB RAM, 65,536-color reflective TFT display, CompactFlash Type I slot. The

lithium polymer battery provides about 14 hours of operation. Price is about US$600.


• Toshiba America Information Systems introduces the Toshiba Pocket PC e570

handheld computer. It features 64-MB RAM, CompactFlash Type II slot,

SecureDigital slot, 65,536-color reflective display. The battery provides about 8 hours

of operation. Price is about US$570. [124.42]

• Sony Electronics introduces the Sony Cli?PEG-T415 handheld computer. It features

Palm OS, 8-MB RAM, Memory Stick slot, 2.8-inch diagonal 320x320 pixel backlit

monochrome display, infrared port. Price is about US$300. [127.34]

• Sony Electronics introduces the Sony Cli?PEG-T615C handheld computer. It features

65,536-color 320x320 pixel backlit TFT display, 16-MB RAM, Memory Stick

expansion slot, USB connection, Palm OS 4.1. The lithium ion polymer battery powers

the system for about 12 days. Price is about US$400; weight is 6 ounces; size is 4.8 x

2.8 x 0.6 inches. [128.56]

• Palm introduces the Palm i705 handheld computer. It features monochrome 160x160

pixel display, Secure Digital slot, 33-MHz Motorola Dragonball VZ processor, 8-MB

RAM. Price is about US$450; weight is 5.4 ounces. [128.56]

• Casio introduces the Casio Cassiopeia E-200 Pocket PC 2002 handheld computer. It

features 64-MB RAM, CompactFlash Type II slot, Secure Digital and MultiMedia

Card slot, USB connection, 206-MHz Intel StrongARM processor, 65,536-color

reflective TFT display. Price is about US$600; weight is 7 ounces; size is 5 x 3.1 x 0.6

inches. [129.34]

December 31

• Unit shipments of handheld computers worldwide during the year: 13-16.4 million.

[111.20] [123.20]


(month unknown)

• Palm introdces the Palm m130 handheld computer. It features 1.8 x 1.8 inch 160x160

pixel transreflective STN 65,536-color display, USB docking cradle/recharger, Secure

Digital slot, Palm OS, 8-MB RAM. The lithium ion battery powers the unit for about

one week. Price is about US$280. [130.29]

• Palm introdces the Palm m515 handheld computer. It features 2.2 x 2.2 inch

active-matrix TFT 65,536-color display, USB docking cradle/recharger, Secure Digital

slot, Palm OS, 16-MB RAM. The lithium ion battery powers the unit for about one

week. Price is about US$400; weight is 5.2 ounces. [130.29]

• Research in Motion introduces the RIM BlackBerry 5810 handheld computer. It

features backlit monochrome display, keyboard, phone. Price is about US$500;

weight is 4.7 ounces; size is 4.6 x 3.1 x 0.7 inches. [131.42]

• Toshiba America Information Systems introduces the Toshiba Pocket PC e310

handheld computer. It features 65,536-color reflective TFT display, 206-MHz Intel

StrongARM processor, microphone, speaker, USB cradle/charger, 32-MB RAM,

Secure Digital slot, Pocket PC 2002 operating system. Price is about US$400; weight

is 5 ounces. [131.45]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP iPAQ Pocket PC H3970 handheld computer. It

features 400-MHz Intel XScale processor, 64-MB RAM, 48-MB flash ROM, Pocket

PC 2002 operating system, Bluetooth wireless connectivity, backlit transreflective

TFT color display. Weight is 6.6 ounces; size is 5.3 x 3.3 x 0.6 inches; price is about

US$750. [132.36]

June 30

• Unit shipments of handheld computers during the past three months: 2.62 million.


• Market share of handheld computers: Palm 32.2%. [112.3]

(month unknown)

• Palm introduces the Palm Tungsten T handheld computer. It features voice recorder,

Bluetooth wireless support, 16-MB RAM, 3-inch diagonal 320x320 pixel 65,536-color

TFT display, Secure Digital slot, USB docking cradle/charger, Texas Instruments

OMAP1510 chip (ARM 925 processor), Palm OS 5.0, rechargeable lithium ion battery.

Price is about US$500; weight is 5.6 ounces; size is 4 x 3 x 0.6 inches. [133.52]


• In Canada, Palm Canada launches the Tungsten T handheld computer. Price is about

CDN$799. [134.30]

(month unknown)

• Sony Electronics introduces the Sony Cli?PEG-NX70V handheld computer. It features

802.11b wireless LAN card slot, voice recorder, digital camera, Palm OS 5.0, 16-MB

RAM, Memory Stick expansion slot, 65,536-color TFT 320x480 pixel display,

keyboard, digital audio/video player. Price is about US$600. [135.40]

• Dell Computer releases the Dell Axim X5 handheld computer. It features 300-MHz

Intel XScale processor, 32-MB SDRAM, CompactFlash type II slot, Secure Digital and

MMC slot, 65,536-color transreflective TFT display, speaker, microphone, Pocket PC

2002 operating system. The rechargeable battery powers the unit for about 8 hours.

Weight is 6.9 ounces; size is 5 x 3.2 x 0.7 inches; price is US$249. A model with

400-MHz processor and 64-MB RAM costs US$349. [136.42]

• Hewlett-Packard introduces the HP iPAQ Pocket PC h1910 handheld computer. It

features 64-MB RAM, MMC and Secure Digital slot, microphone, speaker,

65,536-color 240x320 pixel backlit TFT display, 200-MHz Intel PXA250 XScale

processor, USB cradle and cable, Pocket PC 2002 operating system. The battery

powers the unit for about four hours. Price is about US$300; weight is 4.2 ounces;

size is 4.5 x 2.8 x 0.5 inches. [136.42]

• ViewSonic releases the ViewSonic Pocket PC V35 handheld computer. It features

300-MHz Intel PXA250 Scale processor, MMC and Secure Digital slot, stylus,

240x320 pixel display. The battery powers the unit for about ten hours. Price is about

US$300; weight is 4.2 ounces; 4.8 x 3.0 x 0.4 inches. [136.42]



• Palm announces it will discontinue its Graffiti handwriting recognition software in

favor of Jot technology, which Palm will rename Graffiti 2. Jot software is written by

Communication Intelligence Corporation. [137.8]


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