鼠标乱飞及解决方法(Mouse flying and Solutions)
It's very detailed here! You can look at it, there will be a
lot of harvest! It can also solve the problem for you!!
Reason and solution of mouse disorderly flight
One, the mouse problem
I have met the problem of mouse auto fly more than once, and
I believe other friends have also encountered it. It's a small
problem, but it can make a lot of trouble for you. Here, I solve
this problem with theoretical and practical analysis.
First of all, let's talk about software failures. Talking about
here, you will immediately think of the system infection of the
virus, or the mouse flooding and operating systems conflict.
But there is another reason, probably not everyone has ever met,
that is, you have a Trojan horse, the system for remote control
of others. For such problems, it is recommended to use floppy
disk in DOS antivirus, if not valid, please reinstall the system.
In addition, if your computer often surf the Internet, it is
recommended to download THE CLEAN software to kill Trojan
Next, let's talk about the more complicated hardware failures.
First of all, we should be familiar with the working principle
of the mechanical mouse: by moving the mouse, driven by the
rubber ball, rubber ball and rolling friction level in mouse
and in charge of vertical direction of the two roller gate, gate
driving wheel. The grid wheel rim is grid shaped. Adjacent to
the grid wheel grille, one side is an infrared light emitting
diode, and the other side is an infrared receiving module. The
infrared receiving module is a 13 terminal device, which
contains two infrared receiving tubes. There is a pressing
wheel in the direction of the angle between the horizontal and
vertical grid wheels, which makes the rubber ball always press
on the two grid wheels, no matter where the direction is
Connect to host via ps/2 port or serial port. The interface uses
four lines, respectively, power, ground, clock and data. In
normal operation, the movement of the mouse is converted to the
rotation of the horizontal and vertical grid wheels in
different directions and speeds. When the grid wheel rotates,
the teeth of the grid wheel periodically block the infrared ray
emitted by the infrared light emitting tube to irradiate the
tube and the tube in the receiving component, so that the output
of a and B outputs the electric pulse to the control chip inside
the mouse. Because the infrared receiving module and two pipes
are arranged vertically, the gate wheel tooth clamps in the
direction of infrared transmitting and receiving middle
portion of the direction, and a receiving angle tube and the
infrared transmitting tube is not zero, then B tube output
electric pulse has a phase difference. The mouse control chip
through the pulse phase difference to judge the direction of
rotation of horizontal or vertical grid wheel, through the
pulse frequency to judge the rotation speed of the wheel gate,
and continue through the data line to the host mouse information,
the host through the cursor on the screen with the mouse to move.
When the computer starts, the windows initializes the mouse
through the interface. If there is a broken line in the mouse
cable, the host will give the mouse not installed. Please shut
down the information of installing the mouse. If the mouse
connector or mouse cable is not touched properly, the mouse
system will die.
Knowing the basic working principle of the mouse, here we will
discuss why the mouse pointer will be fluttering:
Pointer movement shows that the mouse sends the mouse movement
information to the host through the serial data line, but the
mouse does not move at this time. How can the mouse chip send
the mobile data? The reason is that the relative position
between the middle infrared transmitting tube of the mouse and
the gear of the grid wheel and the infrared receiving component
is not proper, and the power supply voltage of the host sent
through the interface is not matched well with the three mouse.
When a moment in a mouse wheel in the gate stopped receiving
module two B tube has the same voltage position, and the voltage
is to determine the threshold voltage to the mouse chip
identification bright and dark signals, the voltage may be
identified as mouse chip light, may also identify dark. If the
mouse on a chip tube output recognition as a bright signal, B
tube output for dark signal, mouse based on signal processing,
and chip processing will cause the receiver output voltage and
mouse chip receiving tube component of a light dark
discrimination threshold small changes. Because the mouse chip
is also a clock driven digital circuit, its identification of
the signal also has a clock cycle, the current identification
cycle is coming,
The discriminant result is a dark second is bright. So far, the
recognition results of the two recognition cycles of the mouse
chip are different, so the chip obtains the information of the
grid wheel rotation. In this process, the pointer moves rapidly
and uniformly in one direction until the edge of the screen.
The key lies in the optical signal voltage supply voltage
delivered to the host mouse launch a mouse in the infrared
emission tube in infrared photosensitive component in two B of
photosensitive tube produced just in bright and dark
discrimination mouse chip signal recognition threshold cut-off
point. This point is very coincidental, so the emergence of
mouse pointer swimming is also very random, sometimes may not
appear for a few days, and sometimes occur frequently. This
fault generally occurs only in one direction. Because the fault
is also related to the output power of the host interface, it
is possible that a malfunctioning mouse on one machine works
on another machine.
Solution: check the hardware aspects of the hardware, there is
no conflict (such as Modem and other peripherals) and then try
to check your mouse interface needle is bent and broken, then
open the mouse, to see if there is dirt or winding twist? Clear
it up and try again. Or, try it on other computers to see if
the fault is still there. Do you have any information about
hardware failures?. If not, only adjust the corresponding
direction of the infrared transmitter tube, the infrared
receiving component and the relative position of the grid wheel,
to see whether it can be restored. The last move is to buy a
new one.
Two, virus invasion
My mouse recently sometimes casually move, do not listen to
command. I suspect there is a virus or Trojan like, so use
Kingsoft, iparmor5.33, the cleaner killing, were not found to
have problems. But I found several tasks with no path, version,
and any information under the "system information - running
task" (see Annex). Do not know and this has not shut, ask these
three tasks is what things, can delete, how to delete?
Answer: This is a NIMDA virus. The solution is as follows:
A. detection and removal
* check if there are and files in
the temporary folder, and XXXX is a string that is randomly
composed of subtitles and numbers
* check whether C:, D:, and E: exist files
* is bandwidth heavily occupied?
In Win 9x/ME system, is there a file in the
Windowssystem directory?
In the Win NT/2K system, is there a hidden file in
the WindowsSystem directory?
It is recommended that you download Symantec and Trendmicro
killing Nimda_E virus tools for detection and removal
Killing steps:
1, /focus/nimda_e/
, stored in the system.
2. Stop all the running programs in the system.
3, if your system is Windows Me, you must stop the Windows Me
system recovery function, because the virus may be
automatically saved in the backup directory. Stop system
recovery steps. See Synonyms at stop:
4, double-click to run .
Note: running this program requires you to log in as a system
administrator and stop the IIS service or unplug the line before
the operation, so as not to be infected again during the cleanup
5, click the Start button to run the program until it is reported
that the system has cleared the virus.
6, /focus/nimda/trend_
download trend_, decompress, use the command line to
execute Fix_.
B. install operating system patch
If the system is still not installed the following patch, please
immediately install Microsoft's latest security patches
according to different operating systems:
1, Windows NT4 system
Windows NT 4.
0中文版Service Pack 6a下载
Windows NT 4英文版Service Pack 6a下载
Windows NT 4中文版SP6a安全补丁集合(SRP)下载
Windows NT 4英文版SP6a安全补丁集合(SRP)下载
2、Windows 2000系统
Windows 2000 Service Pack 2下载中文版
Windows 2000 Service Pack 2下载英文版
Internet Explorer 5.01服务包2:
Internet Explorer 5.5服务包2:
1、Windows NT4系统
* IIS 4中文版
ssinc DLL安全补丁:
×IIS 4英文版
ssinc DLL安全补丁:
2、Windows 2000系统
* IIS 5中文版
ssinc DLL安全补丁:
×IIS 5英文版
http: / / / focus / patch / iispatch /
q301625 _, an _ sp3 x86 _ _
参考资料: http: / / / article /
下载网址: http: / / /
下载安装后, 首先升级到最新版本, 然后退出正常模式并重启按f8
进入到安全模式.打开软件, 点击 "系统扫描", 对扫描结果全选,
然后点击 "执行清理" 按钮, 如果软件提示你是否 "备份", 选择 "
是" (备份是为了防止发生清理错误, 如果清理后系统没有发生异常,
就删除备份), 按提示进行操作即可.
1、开机按f8进入安全模式后在退出, 选重启或关机在开机, 就可以
进入正常模式 (修复注册表).
2、如果故障依旧, 请你用系统自带的系统还原, 还原到你没有出现
这次故障的时候修复 (如果正常模式恢复失败, 请开机按f8进入到
3、如果故障依旧, 使用系统盘修复, 打开命令提示符输入sfc /
scannow 回车 (sfc和 / 之间有一个空格), 插入原装系统盘修复系
统, 系统会自动对比修复的.
4、如果故障依旧, 在bios中设置光驱为第一启动设备插入系统安装
盘按r键选择 "修复安装" 即可.
5、如果故障依旧, 建议重装操作系统 (如果没有安装盘需购买).
出现鼠标问题大部分是鼠标自身的问题, 需要到另外一台电脑做实
验首先排除鼠标自身的问题.如果是系统的原因, 一般经过重启就可
恢复或开机按f8进入安全模式在退出, 在进入正常模式 (修复受损
的注册表).另外还有一种原因, 就是usb接口供电不足, 可能是usb
用usb转ps / 2的转接头.还有可能windowsxp默认开启了节电模式,
致使usb接口供电不足, 使usb接口间歇性失灵.右击我的电脑 / 属
性 / 硬件 / 设备管理器, 双击 "通用串行总线控制器" "usb root
hub 会到好几个" 双击任意一个, 打开属性对话框, 切换 到 "电源
管理" 选项卡, 去除 "允许计算机关闭这个设备以节约电源" 前的
勾选, 点击确定返回, 依次将每个usb roothub的属性都修改完后重
新启动电脑.usb设备就能恢复稳定运行了, 频率尽量设低一些.
(一) 光电鼠标故障主要包括: 鼠标按键失灵、找不到鼠标、灵敏度
变差、鼠标定位不准或经常无故发生飘移现象.光电鼠标故障90% 以
上为断线、按键接触不良、光学系统脏污三类故障, 但也有虚焊和原
(1) 电缆芯线断线主要为光标不动或时好时坏, 用手触动连线, 光
标抖动.一般断线故障多发生在插头或电缆引出端等频繁弯折处, 此
时护套完好无损, 从表面一般看不出来, 需要用万用表测量.电缆芯
线断线故障的排除方法为: 拆开鼠标, 将电缆排线插头从电路板拔
下, 并按芯线颜色与插针的对应关系做好标记后, 然后把芯线按断
线的位置剪去5cm - 6cm左右, 再将鼠标芯线重新接好即可.
(2) 按键失灵故障多为微动开关中的簧片断裂或内部接触不良所致,
这种故障可以采用另换一只按键的方法维修.更换方法为: 用电烙铁
The removed middle key is welded back to the left key position.
(3) the variation of sensitivity is a common fault of the
photoelectric mouse. The specific manifestation is that the
cursor moves late and does not obey the command when moving the
mouse. The main reasons for the deterioration of sensitivity
are the aging of the light-emitting diode or photosensitive
element, the deviation of the photoelectric receiving system,
the lack of alignment of the focal length, the influence of
external light and the contamination of the lens path. The same
type of light emitting tube or photosensitive tube can be
replaced by the failure of the luminous tube or photosensitive
element. For the photoelectric receiver system, the focus of
the fault can not adjust the location of the light-emitting
diode, so that it can restore the original position, until the
cursor moves to the horizontal and vertical direction, the most
sensitive until. The black paper which covers the exposed parts
of the lens assembly can be re placed for the failure caused
by the external light. For the lens path pollution, so that the
light can not reach the fault caused by the smooth, can be washed
with anhydrous alcohol light-emitting tube, lens and reflector,
photosensitive tube surface can be.
(4) mouse positioning is not accurate or often drift occurs
without fault is mainly due to the influence of stray light or
interference pulse in the circuit, crystal oscillator or IC
quality is not good. Positioning the mouse are not allowed to
drift or failure often occurs without cause first check circuit
of the solder joints, especially the force of some vulnerable
parts, found that the weld point after electric soldering iron
welding. If there is no weld, check the crystal is normal, if
not normal, the crystal can be replaced.
(two) the system can not find the mouse diagnosis method
The reason why the system can not find the mouse is mainly caused
by mouse damage, poor contact between the mouse and the host,
damage to the mouse interface on the motherboard, and mouse
driver damage. The system can not find the mouse fault diagnosis
method, as follows, first enter the safe mode, and then restart
the computer or restore the registry method to repair the mouse
driver. If you do not solve the problem, it may be bad contact
or hardware damage, you can connect the mouse to another
computer test. General mouse damage, directly replace the mouse
1, photoelectric mouse stall solution (suddenly beating):
Right click on my computer / property / hardware / device
manager, and enter the "PS/2 mouse" / property / advanced
settings, remove the "quick initialization" before the label
page, and press the application.
2, the mouse positioning is not allowed (with floating
The positioning of the mouse is not enough, to a large extent,
Windows XP mouse pointer acceleration function is strange, this
function is designed in Microsoft Windows XP in order to
simulate the true feelings. Solution: enter the control panel
/ mouse / pointer options, the "improve the pointer accuracy"
before the hook removed, and then move the pointer speed
appropriate to speed up some of the problem can be solved.
鼠标乱飞及解决方法(Mouse flying and Solutions)
It's very detailed here! You can look at it, there will be a
lot of harvest! It can also solve the problem for you!!
Reason and solution of mouse disorderly flight
One, the mouse problem
I have met the problem of mouse auto fly more than once, and
I believe other friends have also encountered it. It's a small
problem, but it can make a lot of trouble for you. Here, I solve
this problem with theoretical and practical analysis.
First of all, let's talk about software failures. Talking about
here, you will immediately think of the system infection of the
virus, or the mouse flooding and operating systems conflict.
But there is another reason, probably not everyone has ever met,
that is, you have a Trojan horse, the system for remote control
of others. For such problems, it is recommended to use floppy
disk in DOS antivirus, if not valid, please reinstall the system.
In addition, if your computer often surf the Internet, it is
recommended to download THE CLEAN software to kill Trojan
Next, let's talk about the more complicated hardware failures.
First of all, we should be familiar with the working principle
of the mechanical mouse: by moving the mouse, driven by the
rubber ball, rubber ball and rolling friction level in mouse
and in charge of vertical direction of the two roller gate, gate
driving wheel. The grid wheel rim is grid shaped. Adjacent to
the grid wheel grille, one side is an infrared light emitting
diode, and the other side is an infrared receiving module. The
infrared receiving module is a 13 terminal device, which
contains two infrared receiving tubes. There is a pressing
wheel in the direction of the angle between the horizontal and
vertical grid wheels, which makes the rubber ball always press
on the two grid wheels, no matter where the direction is
Connect to host via ps/2 port or serial port. The interface uses
four lines, respectively, power, ground, clock and data. In
normal operation, the movement of the mouse is converted to the
rotation of the horizontal and vertical grid wheels in
different directions and speeds. When the grid wheel rotates,
the teeth of the grid wheel periodically block the infrared ray
emitted by the infrared light emitting tube to irradiate the
tube and the tube in the receiving component, so that the output
of a and B outputs the electric pulse to the control chip inside
the mouse. Because the infrared receiving module and two pipes
are arranged vertically, the gate wheel tooth clamps in the
direction of infrared transmitting and receiving middle
portion of the direction, and a receiving angle tube and the
infrared transmitting tube is not zero, then B tube output
electric pulse has a phase difference. The mouse control chip
through the pulse phase difference to judge the direction of
rotation of horizontal or vertical grid wheel, through the
pulse frequency to judge the rotation speed of the wheel gate,
and continue through the data line to the host mouse information,
the host through the cursor on the screen with the mouse to move.
When the computer starts, the windows initializes the mouse
through the interface. If there is a broken line in the mouse
cable, the host will give the mouse not installed. Please shut
down the information of installing the mouse. If the mouse
connector or mouse cable is not touched properly, the mouse
system will die.
Knowing the basic working principle of the mouse, here we will
discuss why the mouse pointer will be fluttering:
Pointer movement shows that the mouse sends the mouse movement
information to the host through the serial data line, but the
mouse does not move at this time. How can the mouse chip send
the mobile data? The reason is that the relative position
between the middle infrared transmitting tube of the mouse and
the gear of the grid wheel and the infrared receiving component
is not proper, and the power supply voltage of the host sent
through the interface is not matched well with the three mouse.
When a moment in a mouse wheel in the gate stopped receiving
module two B tube has the same voltage position, and the voltage
is to determine the threshold voltage to the mouse chip
identification bright and dark signals, the voltage may be
identified as mouse chip light, may also identify dark. If the
mouse on a chip tube output recognition as a bright signal, B
tube output for dark signal, mouse based on signal processing,
and chip processing will cause the receiver output voltage and
mouse chip receiving tube component of a light dark
discrimination threshold small changes. Because the mouse chip
is also a clock driven digital circuit, its identification of
the signal also has a clock cycle, the current identification
cycle is coming,
The discriminant result is a dark second is bright. So far, the
recognition results of the two recognition cycles of the mouse
chip are different, so the chip obtains the information of the
grid wheel rotation. In this process, the pointer moves rapidly
and uniformly in one direction until the edge of the screen.
The key lies in the optical signal voltage supply voltage
delivered to the host mouse launch a mouse in the infrared
emission tube in infrared photosensitive component in two B of
photosensitive tube produced just in bright and dark
discrimination mouse chip signal recognition threshold cut-off
point. This point is very coincidental, so the emergence of
mouse pointer swimming is also very random, sometimes may not
appear for a few days, and sometimes occur frequently. This
fault generally occurs only in one direction. Because the fault
is also related to the output power of the host interface, it
is possible that a malfunctioning mouse on one machine works
on another machine.
Solution: check the hardware aspects of the hardware, there is
no conflict (such as Modem and other peripherals) and then try
to check your mouse interface needle is bent and broken, then
open the mouse, to see if there is dirt or winding twist? Clear
it up and try again. Or, try it on other computers to see if
the fault is still there. Do you have any information about
hardware failures?. If not, only adjust the corresponding
direction of the infrared transmitter tube, the infrared
receiving component and the relative position of the grid wheel,
to see whether it can be restored. The last move is to buy a
new one.
Two, virus invasion
My mouse recently sometimes casually move, do not listen to
command. I suspect there is a virus or Trojan like, so use
Kingsoft, iparmor5.33, the cleaner killing, were not found to
have problems. But I found several tasks with no path, version,
and any information under the "system information - running
task" (see Annex). Do not know and this has not shut, ask these
three tasks is what things, can delete, how to delete?
Answer: This is a NIMDA virus. The solution is as follows:
A. detection and removal
* check if there are and files in
the temporary folder, and XXXX is a string that is randomly
composed of subtitles and numbers
* check whether C:, D:, and E: exist files
* is bandwidth heavily occupied?
In Win 9x/ME system, is there a file in the
Windowssystem directory?
In the Win NT/2K system, is there a hidden file in
the WindowsSystem directory?
It is recommended that you download Symantec and Trendmicro
killing Nimda_E virus tools for detection and removal
Killing steps:
1, /focus/nimda_e/
, stored in the system.
2. Stop all the running programs in the system.
3, if your system is Windows Me, you must stop the Windows Me
system recovery function, because the virus may be
automatically saved in the backup directory. Stop system
recovery steps. See Synonyms at stop:
4, double-click to run .
Note: running this program requires you to log in as a system
administrator and stop the IIS service or unplug the line before
the operation, so as not to be infected again during the cleanup
5, click the Start button to run the program until it is reported
that the system has cleared the virus.
6, /focus/nimda/trend_
download trend_, decompress, use the command line to
execute Fix_.
B. install operating system patch
If the system is still not installed the following patch, please
immediately install Microsoft's latest security patches
according to different operating systems:
1, Windows NT4 system
Windows NT 4.
0中文版Service Pack 6a下载
Windows NT 4英文版Service Pack 6a下载
Windows NT 4中文版SP6a安全补丁集合(SRP)下载
Windows NT 4英文版SP6a安全补丁集合(SRP)下载
2、Windows 2000系统
Windows 2000 Service Pack 2下载中文版
Windows 2000 Service Pack 2下载英文版
Internet Explorer 5.01服务包2:
Internet Explorer 5.5服务包2:
1、Windows NT4系统
* IIS 4中文版
ssinc DLL安全补丁:
×IIS 4英文版
ssinc DLL安全补丁:
2、Windows 2000系统
* IIS 5中文版
ssinc DLL安全补丁:
×IIS 5英文版
http: / / / focus / patch / iispatch /
q301625 _, an _ sp3 x86 _ _
参考资料: http: / / / article /
下载网址: http: / / /
下载安装后, 首先升级到最新版本, 然后退出正常模式并重启按f8
进入到安全模式.打开软件, 点击 "系统扫描", 对扫描结果全选,
然后点击 "执行清理" 按钮, 如果软件提示你是否 "备份", 选择 "
是" (备份是为了防止发生清理错误, 如果清理后系统没有发生异常,
就删除备份), 按提示进行操作即可.
1、开机按f8进入安全模式后在退出, 选重启或关机在开机, 就可以
进入正常模式 (修复注册表).
2、如果故障依旧, 请你用系统自带的系统还原, 还原到你没有出现
这次故障的时候修复 (如果正常模式恢复失败, 请开机按f8进入到
3、如果故障依旧, 使用系统盘修复, 打开命令提示符输入sfc /
scannow 回车 (sfc和 / 之间有一个空格), 插入原装系统盘修复系
统, 系统会自动对比修复的.
4、如果故障依旧, 在bios中设置光驱为第一启动设备插入系统安装
盘按r键选择 "修复安装" 即可.
5、如果故障依旧, 建议重装操作系统 (如果没有安装盘需购买).
出现鼠标问题大部分是鼠标自身的问题, 需要到另外一台电脑做实
验首先排除鼠标自身的问题.如果是系统的原因, 一般经过重启就可
恢复或开机按f8进入安全模式在退出, 在进入正常模式 (修复受损
的注册表).另外还有一种原因, 就是usb接口供电不足, 可能是usb
用usb转ps / 2的转接头.还有可能windowsxp默认开启了节电模式,
致使usb接口供电不足, 使usb接口间歇性失灵.右击我的电脑 / 属
性 / 硬件 / 设备管理器, 双击 "通用串行总线控制器" "usb root
hub 会到好几个" 双击任意一个, 打开属性对话框, 切换 到 "电源
管理" 选项卡, 去除 "允许计算机关闭这个设备以节约电源" 前的
勾选, 点击确定返回, 依次将每个usb roothub的属性都修改完后重
新启动电脑.usb设备就能恢复稳定运行了, 频率尽量设低一些.
(一) 光电鼠标故障主要包括: 鼠标按键失灵、找不到鼠标、灵敏度
变差、鼠标定位不准或经常无故发生飘移现象.光电鼠标故障90% 以
上为断线、按键接触不良、光学系统脏污三类故障, 但也有虚焊和原
(1) 电缆芯线断线主要为光标不动或时好时坏, 用手触动连线, 光
标抖动.一般断线故障多发生在插头或电缆引出端等频繁弯折处, 此
时护套完好无损, 从表面一般看不出来, 需要用万用表测量.电缆芯
线断线故障的排除方法为: 拆开鼠标, 将电缆排线插头从电路板拔
下, 并按芯线颜色与插针的对应关系做好标记后, 然后把芯线按断
线的位置剪去5cm - 6cm左右, 再将鼠标芯线重新接好即可.
(2) 按键失灵故障多为微动开关中的簧片断裂或内部接触不良所致,
这种故障可以采用另换一只按键的方法维修.更换方法为: 用电烙铁
The removed middle key is welded back to the left key position.
(3) the variation of sensitivity is a common fault of the
photoelectric mouse. The specific manifestation is that the
cursor moves late and does not obey the command when moving the
mouse. The main reasons for the deterioration of sensitivity
are the aging of the light-emitting diode or photosensitive
element, the deviation of the photoelectric receiving system,
the lack of alignment of the focal length, the influence of
external light and the contamination of the lens path. The same
type of light emitting tube or photosensitive tube can be
replaced by the failure of the luminous tube or photosensitive
element. For the photoelectric receiver system, the focus of
the fault can not adjust the location of the light-emitting
diode, so that it can restore the original position, until the
cursor moves to the horizontal and vertical direction, the most
sensitive until. The black paper which covers the exposed parts
of the lens assembly can be re placed for the failure caused
by the external light. For the lens path pollution, so that the
light can not reach the fault caused by the smooth, can be washed
with anhydrous alcohol light-emitting tube, lens and reflector,
photosensitive tube surface can be.
(4) mouse positioning is not accurate or often drift occurs
without fault is mainly due to the influence of stray light or
interference pulse in the circuit, crystal oscillator or IC
quality is not good. Positioning the mouse are not allowed to
drift or failure often occurs without cause first check circuit
of the solder joints, especially the force of some vulnerable
parts, found that the weld point after electric soldering iron
welding. If there is no weld, check the crystal is normal, if
not normal, the crystal can be replaced.
(two) the system can not find the mouse diagnosis method
The reason why the system can not find the mouse is mainly caused
by mouse damage, poor contact between the mouse and the host,
damage to the mouse interface on the motherboard, and mouse
driver damage. The system can not find the mouse fault diagnosis
method, as follows, first enter the safe mode, and then restart
the computer or restore the registry method to repair the mouse
driver. If you do not solve the problem, it may be bad contact
or hardware damage, you can connect the mouse to another
computer test. General mouse damage, directly replace the mouse
1, photoelectric mouse stall solution (suddenly beating):
Right click on my computer / property / hardware / device
manager, and enter the "PS/2 mouse" / property / advanced
settings, remove the "quick initialization" before the label
page, and press the application.
2, the mouse positioning is not allowed (with floating
The positioning of the mouse is not enough, to a large extent,
Windows XP mouse pointer acceleration function is strange, this
function is designed in Microsoft Windows XP in order to
simulate the true feelings. Solution: enter the control panel
/ mouse / pointer options, the "improve the pointer accuracy"
before the hook removed, and then move the pointer speed
appropriate to speed up some of the problem can be solved.