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3DMark Professional Edition 命令行指南说明书

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Command Line Guide

Updated January 14, 2021 for use with

3DMark Professional Edition v2.16.7117


When installing the application using a command line the following options are



Command Description

/installpath= Defines the install path, default is

C:Program FilesFuturemark3DMark

/quiet /silent Silent install, displays no user


/force Force install

/install Installs the product (Default)

/uninstall Uninstalls the product

Running the installer while using elevated permissions can cause the

application to not function correctly. Please avoid running the installer

with elevated permissions until prompted.

When specifying a custom install path, do not use unicode characters in

the path to avoid issues.


Run the program from a command line that was started as an administrator,

(right-click on the ​cmd ​shortcut, and select ​Run as Administrator​).


​3DMark Professional Edition​ license required for command line use.


When ​on/off​ is omitted with an option, ​on​ is assumed.

Command Description


This command is deprecated as it does not

include newer tests. For similar usage you can

modify runall.3dmdef to include all desired tests

and use --definition=runall.3dmdef - note that

command line runs do not prevent you from

trying to run a test on hardware that is not

compatible with a test and will crash if hardware

is not compatible.


Name of benchmark definition XML file.

Specifies the XML file that defines the tests

and settings to be used. See below for XML file



Set the number of times to loop benchmark.

The default is 1. Use 0 for infinite loop stress

test, benchmark will not end until aborted.


Play audio (default on).


Collect SystemInfo (default off).


Enable SystemInfo Monitoring (default off).


Save results in the file.


Load results from the file (only for submitting

online using --online=on or exporting using



Send results to Futuremark Online (default



Export results to the XML file.


Specify DirectX feature level, which can be one

of: 9_1, 9_2, 9_3, 10_0, 10_1 or 11_0. Note that

if you limit this and attempt to run tests that

require higher feature level, you will get an

error that your hardware doesn't support the

required features. Not available for DX12 tests

and generally intended only for graphics driver



Specify scaling mode, which can be one

of:centered, stretched.


Save benchmark progress log to ​

Logging does not affect scores.


If this option is not used, the last 1000 lines of

logging are saved to the default location:



Enable per workload debug logging. Log files

for each workload run are saved to:




Register 3DMark with the given key.


Unregister 3DMark.


If you have a standalone 3DMark dlc file it can

be installed by providing the path to the DLC



Removes all DLCs and settings files


Changes the destination path for downloaded

DLCs and other runtime files


Changes the language of the application


Passes command line parameters to the

application in encoded form


Verbose logging


List available graphics adapters and their

LUIDs. Useful for determining desired adapter

LUID for tests that support manually selecting

the GPU - Available in DX12 tests. Apply

desired LUID to “​

appropriate test-specific .3dmdef file to

dxgi_adapter_luid” field of

manually select a GPU to be used when

running from the command line.

You may have problems running Time Spy, Time Spy Extreme, Night

Raid, Port Royal, DirectX Raytracing Feature test, NVIDIA DLSS Feature

Test, PCI Express Feature Test and VRS Feature Test from a PowerShell

terminal due to the way PowerShell works with full-screen DirectX 12

applications. Use the following Command Line option to work around

this issue:

start /max

​Below is the logic how the GPU is selected by default in the UI for the

DirectX 12 tests.

the dGPU that can run the test.

there is more than one dGPU that can run the test, pick one

that is attached to the primary display.

is picked if dGPU cannot run the test but iGPU can.


no GPU can run the test, there will be a warning explaining that

the test is not compatible.

hardware that is not yet publicly released can be mistaken

for dGPU for this selection since the UI doesn't recognise it.

Future updates to SystemInfo with the new GPU detection library

will identify hardware correctly and fix this.

Command line runs do not choose a GPU unless a selection is manually edited

into the definition file. The test will run on a default GPU chosen by the drivers

and the operating system, exactly as the tests worked prior to the addition of

the GPU selector feature. This can be generally overridden in the graphics

driver settings. In some cases this can mean that the command line and the UI

default runs choose a different GPU on systems with multiple GPUs.


These examples assume that you have a .3dmdef definition file in the same

folder as which defines your benchmark run and that you have

a C:my_path folder with write permissions. Replace the path as appropriate

with the result folder you wish to use.

Example: Run Time Spy, save result file to myresults.3dmark-result



Example: Run Time Spy, save result file to myresults.3dmark-result and

include hardware information scan and hardware monitoring data in the result



--out=c:my_pathmyresults.3dmark-result --systeminfo=on


Example: ​Loop Fire Strike, including demo, indefinitely using default settings.

--definition=firestrike.3dmdef –-loop=0


Example: ​Loop three times with customized "mybenchmark.3dmdef" settings,

saving results to myresults.3dmark-result (there will be three numbered result

files, one per run)

--definition=mybenchmark.3dmdef –-loop=3


Example: ​Install DLCs downloaded seperately.


Example: ​Change language to German.


Example: ​Change DLC install path


Example: ​Run DirectX 12 tests on a specific GPU on a system with multiple


List all LUIDs for available graphics adapters on the system.


Insert the desired LUID in the ”​dxgi_adapter_luid” field and desired

display ID in “display_id” field of the

example, Time Spy here.

.3dmdef definition file, for





Run Time Spy with this customised .3dmdef definition file.


Definition XML files

3DMark comes with definition files that enable you to set up and run a

benchmark with standard or custom settings. By default, these definitions can

be found in:

C:Program FilesUL3DMark


Default definitions are the same as running a test from the GUI.

firestrike.3dmdef Run default Fire Strike test

firestrike_extreme.3dmdef Run default Fire Strike Extreme test

firestrike_ultra.3dmdef Run default Fire Strike Ultra test

nightraid.3dmdef Run default Night Raid test

portroyal.3dmdef Run default Port Royal test

timespy.3dmdef Run default Time Spy test

timespy_extreme.3dmdef Run default Time Spy Extreme test

wildlife.3dmdef Run default Wild Life test

Benchmarks with custom settings

Custom definition files mirror the options available on the Custom tab of the

GUI. Copy the appropriate custom definition file and edit it to match your

desired settings. Note that custom runs only produce sub-scores, never an

overall score.

custom_firestrike.3dmdef Run Fire Strike with custom settings

custom_firestrike_extreme.3dmdef Run Fire Strike Extreme with custom settings

custom_firestrike_ultra.3dmdef Run Fire Strike Ultra with custom settings

custom_nightraid.3dmdef Run Night Raid with custom settings

custom_portroyal.3dmdef Run Port Royal with custom settings

custom_timespy.3dmdef Run Time Spy with custom settings

custom_timespy_extreme.3dmdef Run Time Spy Extreme with custom settings

custom_wildlife.3dmdef Run Wild Life with custom settings

Feature tests

directxraytracingft.3dmdef Run default DirectX Raytracing feature test

pciexpress.3dmdef Run default PCI Express test

vrs.3dmdef Run default VRS tier 1 test

vrs2.3dmdef Run default VRS tier 2 test

nvidiadlss.3dmdef Run default NVIDIA DLSS test

Stress tests

stresstest_firestrike_performance.3dmdef Run default Fire Strike Stress Test

stresstest_firestrike_extreme.3dmdef Run default Fire Strike Extreme Stress Test

stresstest_firestrike_ultra.3dmdef Run default Fire Strike Ultra Stress Test

stresstest_timespy_performance.3dmdef Run default Time Spy Stress Test

stresstest_timespy_extreme.3dmdef Run default Time Spy Extreme Stress Test

stresstest_nightraid_performance.3dmdef Run default Night Raid Stress Test

stresstest_wildlife_performance.3dmdef Run default Wild Life Stress TEst

stresstest_portroyal_performance.3dmdef Run default Port Royal Stress Test



Test names are fairly self-explanatory, for example "TimeSpyDemoP" is the

demo, "TimeSpyGt1P" the Graphics test 1 and so on. Note that you will only get

an overall score when all sub-tests are included.

If all you want is to specify which tests to run (for example, to skip the Demo),

just make a copy of the appropriate definition file and edit the list of tests.




The stress test definitions function in a similar manner to other definition files

but must also contain a valid loop count setting (between 2 and 5000)

Note that when specifying file paths in a custom definition file, for example for

outputting frames via image quality tool feature, do not add quotation marks

around the path or the test will fail.

Changes to .3dmdef files from v1.3 to v1.4

Setting command line options with .3dmdef files

Some command line settings can now be set within .3dmdef files, for both

default and custom benchmark runs.

If the same setting is set from both the command line and the .3dmdef file, the

value differing from the default value will be used.

For example, if ​--debug-log=off is specified on the command line, but .3dmdef

file contains the code below, then the debug log will be enabled since it is the

non-default setting.



The table below lists all settings that can be set within a .3dmdef file.

.3dmdef setting name .3dmdef default value command line switch

(with default value)

enable_debug_log 0 --debug-log=off

swapchain_height 0 (auto)

swapchain_width 0 (auto)

enable_audio 1 --audio=on

enable_systeminfo_monitor 0 --systeminfomonitor=off

enable_systeminfo_collect 0 --systeminfo=off

gpu_count 0 (autodetect)

scaling_mode centered --scalingmode=centered




Using the --scalingmode setting on the command line always overrides the value in .3dmdef

Using custom settings

Custom workloads now have separate identifiers. For example, to run Fire Strike

with non-default resolution or other settings:

Specifying the "C" version of each workload name is required for the custom

settings to have effect. If another name (for example FireStrikePhysicsP) is used,

all custom settings that could potentially affect the score will be ignored.

Redundant 'preset' attribute removed

The now redundant 'preset' attribute has been removed.

3DMark v1.3.708

3DMark v1.4.775

GPU count setting in .3dmdef now has effect

In 3DMark v1.3 the gpu_count setting in .3dmdef file had no effect. In most

sample files it had value 1.

In 3DMark v1.4 the gpu_count setting works as expected. For the majority of

cases, the value should be 0 or omitted to enable auto-detection of the number

of GPUs.



2021 Futuremark®


property of




3DMark® trademarks

UL and the





character names and distinctive likenesses, are the


are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft











DirectX, and


The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks


of their





Command Line Guide

Updated January 14, 2021 for use with

3DMark Professional Edition v2.16.7117


When installing the application using a command line the following options are



Command Description

/installpath= Defines the install path, default is

C:Program FilesFuturemark3DMark

/quiet /silent Silent install, displays no user


/force Force install

/install Installs the product (Default)

/uninstall Uninstalls the product

Running the installer while using elevated permissions can cause the

application to not function correctly. Please avoid running the installer

with elevated permissions until prompted.

When specifying a custom install path, do not use unicode characters in

the path to avoid issues.


Run the program from a command line that was started as an administrator,

(right-click on the ​cmd ​shortcut, and select ​Run as Administrator​).


​3DMark Professional Edition​ license required for command line use.


When ​on/off​ is omitted with an option, ​on​ is assumed.

Command Description


This command is deprecated as it does not

include newer tests. For similar usage you can

modify runall.3dmdef to include all desired tests

and use --definition=runall.3dmdef - note that

command line runs do not prevent you from

trying to run a test on hardware that is not

compatible with a test and will crash if hardware

is not compatible.


Name of benchmark definition XML file.

Specifies the XML file that defines the tests

and settings to be used. See below for XML file



Set the number of times to loop benchmark.

The default is 1. Use 0 for infinite loop stress

test, benchmark will not end until aborted.


Play audio (default on).


Collect SystemInfo (default off).


Enable SystemInfo Monitoring (default off).


Save results in the file.


Load results from the file (only for submitting

online using --online=on or exporting using



Send results to Futuremark Online (default



Export results to the XML file.


Specify DirectX feature level, which can be one

of: 9_1, 9_2, 9_3, 10_0, 10_1 or 11_0. Note that

if you limit this and attempt to run tests that

require higher feature level, you will get an

error that your hardware doesn't support the

required features. Not available for DX12 tests

and generally intended only for graphics driver



Specify scaling mode, which can be one

of:centered, stretched.


Save benchmark progress log to ​

Logging does not affect scores.


If this option is not used, the last 1000 lines of

logging are saved to the default location:



Enable per workload debug logging. Log files

for each workload run are saved to:




Register 3DMark with the given key.


Unregister 3DMark.


If you have a standalone 3DMark dlc file it can

be installed by providing the path to the DLC



Removes all DLCs and settings files


Changes the destination path for downloaded

DLCs and other runtime files


Changes the language of the application


Passes command line parameters to the

application in encoded form


Verbose logging


List available graphics adapters and their

LUIDs. Useful for determining desired adapter

LUID for tests that support manually selecting

the GPU - Available in DX12 tests. Apply

desired LUID to “​

appropriate test-specific .3dmdef file to

dxgi_adapter_luid” field of

manually select a GPU to be used when

running from the command line.

You may have problems running Time Spy, Time Spy Extreme, Night

Raid, Port Royal, DirectX Raytracing Feature test, NVIDIA DLSS Feature

Test, PCI Express Feature Test and VRS Feature Test from a PowerShell

terminal due to the way PowerShell works with full-screen DirectX 12

applications. Use the following Command Line option to work around

this issue:

start /max

​Below is the logic how the GPU is selected by default in the UI for the

DirectX 12 tests.

the dGPU that can run the test.

there is more than one dGPU that can run the test, pick one

that is attached to the primary display.

is picked if dGPU cannot run the test but iGPU can.


no GPU can run the test, there will be a warning explaining that

the test is not compatible.

hardware that is not yet publicly released can be mistaken

for dGPU for this selection since the UI doesn't recognise it.

Future updates to SystemInfo with the new GPU detection library

will identify hardware correctly and fix this.

Command line runs do not choose a GPU unless a selection is manually edited

into the definition file. The test will run on a default GPU chosen by the drivers

and the operating system, exactly as the tests worked prior to the addition of

the GPU selector feature. This can be generally overridden in the graphics

driver settings. In some cases this can mean that the command line and the UI

default runs choose a different GPU on systems with multiple GPUs.


These examples assume that you have a .3dmdef definition file in the same

folder as which defines your benchmark run and that you have

a C:my_path folder with write permissions. Replace the path as appropriate

with the result folder you wish to use.

Example: Run Time Spy, save result file to myresults.3dmark-result



Example: Run Time Spy, save result file to myresults.3dmark-result and

include hardware information scan and hardware monitoring data in the result



--out=c:my_pathmyresults.3dmark-result --systeminfo=on


Example: ​Loop Fire Strike, including demo, indefinitely using default settings.

--definition=firestrike.3dmdef –-loop=0


Example: ​Loop three times with customized "mybenchmark.3dmdef" settings,

saving results to myresults.3dmark-result (there will be three numbered result

files, one per run)

--definition=mybenchmark.3dmdef –-loop=3


Example: ​Install DLCs downloaded seperately.


Example: ​Change language to German.


Example: ​Change DLC install path


Example: ​Run DirectX 12 tests on a specific GPU on a system with multiple


List all LUIDs for available graphics adapters on the system.


Insert the desired LUID in the ”​dxgi_adapter_luid” field and desired

display ID in “display_id” field of the

example, Time Spy here.

.3dmdef definition file, for





Run Time Spy with this customised .3dmdef definition file.


Definition XML files

3DMark comes with definition files that enable you to set up and run a

benchmark with standard or custom settings. By default, these definitions can

be found in:

C:Program FilesUL3DMark


Default definitions are the same as running a test from the GUI.

firestrike.3dmdef Run default Fire Strike test

firestrike_extreme.3dmdef Run default Fire Strike Extreme test

firestrike_ultra.3dmdef Run default Fire Strike Ultra test

nightraid.3dmdef Run default Night Raid test

portroyal.3dmdef Run default Port Royal test

timespy.3dmdef Run default Time Spy test

timespy_extreme.3dmdef Run default Time Spy Extreme test

wildlife.3dmdef Run default Wild Life test

Benchmarks with custom settings

Custom definition files mirror the options available on the Custom tab of the

GUI. Copy the appropriate custom definition file and edit it to match your

desired settings. Note that custom runs only produce sub-scores, never an

overall score.

custom_firestrike.3dmdef Run Fire Strike with custom settings

custom_firestrike_extreme.3dmdef Run Fire Strike Extreme with custom settings

custom_firestrike_ultra.3dmdef Run Fire Strike Ultra with custom settings

custom_nightraid.3dmdef Run Night Raid with custom settings

custom_portroyal.3dmdef Run Port Royal with custom settings

custom_timespy.3dmdef Run Time Spy with custom settings

custom_timespy_extreme.3dmdef Run Time Spy Extreme with custom settings

custom_wildlife.3dmdef Run Wild Life with custom settings

Feature tests

directxraytracingft.3dmdef Run default DirectX Raytracing feature test

pciexpress.3dmdef Run default PCI Express test

vrs.3dmdef Run default VRS tier 1 test

vrs2.3dmdef Run default VRS tier 2 test

nvidiadlss.3dmdef Run default NVIDIA DLSS test

Stress tests

stresstest_firestrike_performance.3dmdef Run default Fire Strike Stress Test

stresstest_firestrike_extreme.3dmdef Run default Fire Strike Extreme Stress Test

stresstest_firestrike_ultra.3dmdef Run default Fire Strike Ultra Stress Test

stresstest_timespy_performance.3dmdef Run default Time Spy Stress Test

stresstest_timespy_extreme.3dmdef Run default Time Spy Extreme Stress Test

stresstest_nightraid_performance.3dmdef Run default Night Raid Stress Test

stresstest_wildlife_performance.3dmdef Run default Wild Life Stress TEst

stresstest_portroyal_performance.3dmdef Run default Port Royal Stress Test



Test names are fairly self-explanatory, for example "TimeSpyDemoP" is the

demo, "TimeSpyGt1P" the Graphics test 1 and so on. Note that you will only get

an overall score when all sub-tests are included.

If all you want is to specify which tests to run (for example, to skip the Demo),

just make a copy of the appropriate definition file and edit the list of tests.




The stress test definitions function in a similar manner to other definition files

but must also contain a valid loop count setting (between 2 and 5000)

Note that when specifying file paths in a custom definition file, for example for

outputting frames via image quality tool feature, do not add quotation marks

around the path or the test will fail.

Changes to .3dmdef files from v1.3 to v1.4

Setting command line options with .3dmdef files

Some command line settings can now be set within .3dmdef files, for both

default and custom benchmark runs.

If the same setting is set from both the command line and the .3dmdef file, the

value differing from the default value will be used.

For example, if ​--debug-log=off is specified on the command line, but .3dmdef

file contains the code below, then the debug log will be enabled since it is the

non-default setting.



The table below lists all settings that can be set within a .3dmdef file.

.3dmdef setting name .3dmdef default value command line switch

(with default value)

enable_debug_log 0 --debug-log=off

swapchain_height 0 (auto)

swapchain_width 0 (auto)

enable_audio 1 --audio=on

enable_systeminfo_monitor 0 --systeminfomonitor=off

enable_systeminfo_collect 0 --systeminfo=off

gpu_count 0 (autodetect)

scaling_mode centered --scalingmode=centered




Using the --scalingmode setting on the command line always overrides the value in .3dmdef

Using custom settings

Custom workloads now have separate identifiers. For example, to run Fire Strike

with non-default resolution or other settings:

Specifying the "C" version of each workload name is required for the custom

settings to have effect. If another name (for example FireStrikePhysicsP) is used,

all custom settings that could potentially affect the score will be ignored.

Redundant 'preset' attribute removed

The now redundant 'preset' attribute has been removed.

3DMark v1.3.708

3DMark v1.4.775

GPU count setting in .3dmdef now has effect

In 3DMark v1.3 the gpu_count setting in .3dmdef file had no effect. In most

sample files it had value 1.

In 3DMark v1.4 the gpu_count setting works as expected. For the majority of

cases, the value should be 0 or omitted to enable auto-detection of the number

of GPUs.



2021 Futuremark®


property of




3DMark® trademarks

UL and the





character names and distinctive likenesses, are the


are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft











DirectX, and


The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks


of their





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