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Dell EMC Networking – Deploying Native FC and

FCoE on single S4148U-ON

Short guide on deploying Fibre-Channel and Fibre-Channel over

Ethernet using the Dell EMC S4148U-ON


A short configuration guide on FC and FCoE using the Dell EMC

S4148U-ON simultaneously

May 2018

Dell EMC Technical White Paper




May 2018


Initial release


This paper was produced by the following members of the Dell EMC technical marketing engineering team:

Author: Mario Chow



The information in this publication is provided “as is.” Dell Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the information in this

publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Use, copying, and distribution of any software described in this publication requires an applicable software license.

© 2018 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. Dell, EMC, Dell EMC and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other

trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Dell believes the information in this document is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice.

Dell EMC Technical White Paper


Table of contents


Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................................................. 2

Test Set Up ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4


S4148-ON Configuration Details .................................................................................................................................. 5

Fibre-Channel Configuration ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Fibre-Channel over Ethernet Configuration ................................................................................................................. 6

3 Dell EMC Networking – Deploying Native FC and FCoE on single S4148U-ON | 1.0

S4148U-ON Configuration Details

Test Set Up

Figure 1 shows the setup used to test native Fibre-Channel (FC) and Fibre-Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)

deployment on the Dell EMC S4148U. The following list defines the setup:

Traffic is uni-directional

Storage traffic is generated by the server

The S4148U is running OS10 (10.4.0E(X2))

The target storage device is an emulated target – SAN Blaze

HBA connection speed is at 16Gbps on interface Fc1/1/5 (FC)

CNA connection speed is at 10Gbps on interface Eth1/53 (FCoE)

The objective of this short document is to provide a configuration cheat sheet on the Dell EMC S4148U as it

relates to having two different types of end hosts (HBA, CNA) connecting to a fibre-channel storage target.

Dell EMC S4148U-ON as FC and FCoE Test setup

Dell EMC Technical White Paper

S4148-ON Configuration Details

A S4148-ON Configuration Details

Fibre-Channel Configuration

1. Enable FC feature and a domain ID for FPort

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# dcbx enable

c. Switch(config)# feature fc

2. Configure the Ethernet interface as fibre-channel interface

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# port-group 1/1/1

c. Switch(conf-pg-1/1/1)# mode fc <16g-2x or 8g-4x>

d. Switch(conf-pg-1/1/1)# end

e. Switch#

3. Create FCoE vlan

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# int vlan 1002 – it’s recommended to use or reserve 1002 vland id or higher for

FC/FCoE traffic in order to differentiate between storage and non-storage traffic.

c. Switch(config-if-vl-1002)# description FC_FCoE_traffic

d. Switch(config-f-vl-1002)# end

e. Switch#

4. Create the vfabric. This is the storage fabric on which specific zones are attached. In this case, a default

zone is created and anyone is permitted to connect to this zone.

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# vfabric

c. Switch(config-vfabric-)# vlan 1002

d. Switch(config-vfabric-)# fcoe fcmap <0xefc00 – 0xefcff>

e. Switch(config-vfabric-)# zone default-zone permit

Configure allow or deny default-zone. No specific zone is being configured. To configure a

specific zone, use “zoneset” command

f. Switch(config-vfabric-)# end

g. Switch#

5. Attach vfabric to the proper interfaces

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# int range fibrechannel 1/1/3-1/1/5

c. Switch(config-range-fc1/1/3-1/1/5)# vfabric 2

d. Switch(config-range-fc1/1/3-1/1/5)# end

e. Switch#

5 Dell EMC Networking – Deploying Native FC and FCoE on single S4148U-ON | 1.0


Fibre-Channel over Ethernet Configuration

6. The configurations from steps 1-5 apply for straight native Fibre-channel deployment on the S4148U. The

subsequent configuration steps apply to Fibre-channel over Ethernet deployment.

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# policy-map type qos test

c. Switch(config-pmap-qos)# class class-trust

d. Switch(config-pmap-qos)# trust dot1p

e. Switch(config-pmap-qos)# end

f. Switch#

7. Using the previously configured policy map that trusts incoming dot1p’s values, turn on ETS (Enhanced

Transmission Selection) system wide.

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# system qos

c. Switch(config-sys-qos)# ets mode on

d. Switch(config-sys-qos)# service-policy input type qos test

e. Switch(config-sys-qos)# end

f. Switch#

8. Configure a qos map consisting of two queues (queue 1 – LAN traffic, queue 3 – FCoE traffic). Assign

each queue to a different qos group. The same qos map will be applied on all interfaces expected to

receive FCoE traffic.

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# qos-map traffic-class TC-Q

c. Switch(config-qos-map)# queue 1 qos-group 0-2,4-7

d. Switch(config-qos-map)# queue 3 qos-group 3

e. Switch(config-qos-map)# end

f. Switch#

9. Create queueing class maps that uses the qos-map defined in step 8.

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# class-map type queueing LAN

c. Switch(config-cmap-queuing)# match queue 1

d. Switch(config-cmap-queuing)# exit

e. Switch(config)# class-map type queueing FCoE

f. Switch(config-cmap-map)# match queue 3

g. Switch(config-cmap-map)# end

h. Switch#

10. Create policy map that uses the class maps defined in step 9 and assign a percentage of the link

bandwidth to the specific traffic type defined by the class maps (LAN and FCoE).

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# policy-map type queuing ETS

c. Switch(config-pmap-queuing)# class LAN

d. Switch(config-pmap-c-que)# bandwidth percent 10

e. Switch(config-pmap-c-que)# exit

f. Switch(config-pmap-queuing)# class FCoE

g. Switch(config-pmap-c-que)# bandwidth percent 90


Dell EMC Networking – Deploying Native FC and FCoE on single S4148U-ON | 1.0

S4148-ON Configuration Details

h. Switch(config-pmap-c-que)# end

i. Switch#

11. Configure the service policy maps and qos maps on all the relevant interfaces expected to receive LAN

and SAN traffic. In this case, there is only one interface that is expected to receive LAN and FCoE traffic.

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# int eth1/1/53

c. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# description Link_2_CNA_FCoE

d. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# switchport mode trunk

e. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# switchport access vlan 1

f. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# service-policy input type network-qos PFC

g. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# service-policy output type queuing ETS

h. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# ets mode on

i. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# qos-map traffic-class TC-Q

j. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# priority-flow-control mode on

k. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# vfabric 2

l. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# spanning-tree port type edge

The configurations provided apply only to the Dell EMC S4148U switch. The CNA still needs to be properly

configured in order to bring up FCoE services. The setup in figure 1, uses ESXi 6.5 on the server with the CNA


7 Dell EMC Networking – Deploying Native FC and FCoE on single S4148U-ON | 1.0


Dell EMC Networking – Deploying Native FC and

FCoE on single S4148U-ON

Short guide on deploying Fibre-Channel and Fibre-Channel over

Ethernet using the Dell EMC S4148U-ON


A short configuration guide on FC and FCoE using the Dell EMC

S4148U-ON simultaneously

May 2018

Dell EMC Technical White Paper




May 2018


Initial release


This paper was produced by the following members of the Dell EMC technical marketing engineering team:

Author: Mario Chow



The information in this publication is provided “as is.” Dell Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the information in this

publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Use, copying, and distribution of any software described in this publication requires an applicable software license.

© 2018 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. Dell, EMC, Dell EMC and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other

trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Dell believes the information in this document is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice.

Dell EMC Technical White Paper


Table of contents


Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................................................. 2

Test Set Up ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4


S4148-ON Configuration Details .................................................................................................................................. 5

Fibre-Channel Configuration ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Fibre-Channel over Ethernet Configuration ................................................................................................................. 6

3 Dell EMC Networking – Deploying Native FC and FCoE on single S4148U-ON | 1.0

S4148U-ON Configuration Details

Test Set Up

Figure 1 shows the setup used to test native Fibre-Channel (FC) and Fibre-Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)

deployment on the Dell EMC S4148U. The following list defines the setup:

Traffic is uni-directional

Storage traffic is generated by the server

The S4148U is running OS10 (10.4.0E(X2))

The target storage device is an emulated target – SAN Blaze

HBA connection speed is at 16Gbps on interface Fc1/1/5 (FC)

CNA connection speed is at 10Gbps on interface Eth1/53 (FCoE)

The objective of this short document is to provide a configuration cheat sheet on the Dell EMC S4148U as it

relates to having two different types of end hosts (HBA, CNA) connecting to a fibre-channel storage target.

Dell EMC S4148U-ON as FC and FCoE Test setup

Dell EMC Technical White Paper

S4148-ON Configuration Details

A S4148-ON Configuration Details

Fibre-Channel Configuration

1. Enable FC feature and a domain ID for FPort

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# dcbx enable

c. Switch(config)# feature fc

2. Configure the Ethernet interface as fibre-channel interface

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# port-group 1/1/1

c. Switch(conf-pg-1/1/1)# mode fc <16g-2x or 8g-4x>

d. Switch(conf-pg-1/1/1)# end

e. Switch#

3. Create FCoE vlan

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# int vlan 1002 – it’s recommended to use or reserve 1002 vland id or higher for

FC/FCoE traffic in order to differentiate between storage and non-storage traffic.

c. Switch(config-if-vl-1002)# description FC_FCoE_traffic

d. Switch(config-f-vl-1002)# end

e. Switch#

4. Create the vfabric. This is the storage fabric on which specific zones are attached. In this case, a default

zone is created and anyone is permitted to connect to this zone.

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# vfabric

c. Switch(config-vfabric-)# vlan 1002

d. Switch(config-vfabric-)# fcoe fcmap <0xefc00 – 0xefcff>

e. Switch(config-vfabric-)# zone default-zone permit

Configure allow or deny default-zone. No specific zone is being configured. To configure a

specific zone, use “zoneset” command

f. Switch(config-vfabric-)# end

g. Switch#

5. Attach vfabric to the proper interfaces

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# int range fibrechannel 1/1/3-1/1/5

c. Switch(config-range-fc1/1/3-1/1/5)# vfabric 2

d. Switch(config-range-fc1/1/3-1/1/5)# end

e. Switch#

5 Dell EMC Networking – Deploying Native FC and FCoE on single S4148U-ON | 1.0


Fibre-Channel over Ethernet Configuration

6. The configurations from steps 1-5 apply for straight native Fibre-channel deployment on the S4148U. The

subsequent configuration steps apply to Fibre-channel over Ethernet deployment.

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# policy-map type qos test

c. Switch(config-pmap-qos)# class class-trust

d. Switch(config-pmap-qos)# trust dot1p

e. Switch(config-pmap-qos)# end

f. Switch#

7. Using the previously configured policy map that trusts incoming dot1p’s values, turn on ETS (Enhanced

Transmission Selection) system wide.

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# system qos

c. Switch(config-sys-qos)# ets mode on

d. Switch(config-sys-qos)# service-policy input type qos test

e. Switch(config-sys-qos)# end

f. Switch#

8. Configure a qos map consisting of two queues (queue 1 – LAN traffic, queue 3 – FCoE traffic). Assign

each queue to a different qos group. The same qos map will be applied on all interfaces expected to

receive FCoE traffic.

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# qos-map traffic-class TC-Q

c. Switch(config-qos-map)# queue 1 qos-group 0-2,4-7

d. Switch(config-qos-map)# queue 3 qos-group 3

e. Switch(config-qos-map)# end

f. Switch#

9. Create queueing class maps that uses the qos-map defined in step 8.

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# class-map type queueing LAN

c. Switch(config-cmap-queuing)# match queue 1

d. Switch(config-cmap-queuing)# exit

e. Switch(config)# class-map type queueing FCoE

f. Switch(config-cmap-map)# match queue 3

g. Switch(config-cmap-map)# end

h. Switch#

10. Create policy map that uses the class maps defined in step 9 and assign a percentage of the link

bandwidth to the specific traffic type defined by the class maps (LAN and FCoE).

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# policy-map type queuing ETS

c. Switch(config-pmap-queuing)# class LAN

d. Switch(config-pmap-c-que)# bandwidth percent 10

e. Switch(config-pmap-c-que)# exit

f. Switch(config-pmap-queuing)# class FCoE

g. Switch(config-pmap-c-que)# bandwidth percent 90


Dell EMC Networking – Deploying Native FC and FCoE on single S4148U-ON | 1.0

S4148-ON Configuration Details

h. Switch(config-pmap-c-que)# end

i. Switch#

11. Configure the service policy maps and qos maps on all the relevant interfaces expected to receive LAN

and SAN traffic. In this case, there is only one interface that is expected to receive LAN and FCoE traffic.

a. Switch# conf t

b. Switch(config)# int eth1/1/53

c. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# description Link_2_CNA_FCoE

d. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# switchport mode trunk

e. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# switchport access vlan 1

f. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# service-policy input type network-qos PFC

g. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# service-policy output type queuing ETS

h. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# ets mode on

i. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# qos-map traffic-class TC-Q

j. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# priority-flow-control mode on

k. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# vfabric 2

l. Switch(config-eth1/1/53)# spanning-tree port type edge

The configurations provided apply only to the Dell EMC S4148U switch. The CNA still needs to be properly

configured in order to bring up FCoE services. The setup in figure 1, uses ESXi 6.5 on the server with the CNA


7 Dell EMC Networking – Deploying Native FC and FCoE on single S4148U-ON | 1.0


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