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adb shell mount --help

C:\>adb shell mount --help
Toybox 0.8.4-android multicall binary: https://landley/toybox (see toybox --help)

usage: mount [-afFrsvw] [-t TYPE] [-o OPTION,] [[DEVICE] DIR]

Mount new filesystem(s) on directories. With no arguments, display existing

-a      Mount all entries in /etc/fstab (with -t, only entries of that TYPE)
-O      Only mount -a entries that have this option
-f      Fake it (don't actually mount)
-r      Read only (same as -o ro)
-w      Read/write (default, same as -o rw)
-t      Specify filesystem type
-v      Verbose

OPTIONS is a comma separated list of options, which can also be supplied
as --longopts.

Autodetects loopback mounts (a file on a directory) and bind mounts (file
on file, directory on directory), so you don't need to say --bind or --loop.
You can also "mount -a /path" to mount everything in /etc/fstab under /path,
even if it's noauto. DEVICE starting with UUID= is identified by blkid -U.

adb shell umount --help

C:\>adb shell umount --help
Toybox 0.8.4-android multicall binary: https://landley/toybox (see toybox --help)

usage: umount [-a [-t TYPE[,TYPE...]]] [-vrfD] [DIR...]

Unmount the listed filesystems.

-a      Unmount all mounts in /proc/mounts instead of command line list
-D      Don't free loopback device(s)
-f      Force unmount
-l      Lazy unmount (detach from filesystem now, close when last user does)
-n      Don't use /proc/mounts
-r      Remount read only if unmounting fails
-t      Restrict "all" to mounts of TYPE (or use "noTYPE" to skip)
-v      Verbose

adb shell remount --help

C:\>adb shell remount --help
qrcode_authentication_emmcid_passed: emmc_id: 130ab1ef
qrcode_verify_signature: hash match
passed check
remount [-h] [-R] [-T fstab_file] [partition]...
        -h --help       this help
        -R --reboot     disable verity & reboot to facilitate remount
        -T --fstab      custom fstab file location
        partition       specific partition(s) (empty does all)

Remount specified partition(s) read-write, by name or mount point.
-R notwithstanding, verity must be disabled on partition(s).
-R within a DSU guest system reboots into the DSU instead of the host system,
this command would enable DSU (one-shot) if not already enabled.

adb shell mountpoint --help

C:\>adb shell mountpoint --help
Toybox 0.8.4-android multicall binary: https://landley/toybox (see toybox --help)

usage: mountpoint [-qd] DIR
       mountpoint [-qx] DEVICE

Check whether the directory or device is a mountpoint.

-q      Be quiet, return zero if directory is a mountpoint
-d      Print major/minor device number of the directory
-x      Print major/minor device number of the block device

adb shell mount --help

C:\>adb shell mount --help
Toybox 0.8.4-android multicall binary: https://landley/toybox (see toybox --help)

usage: mount [-afFrsvw] [-t TYPE] [-o OPTION,] [[DEVICE] DIR]

Mount new filesystem(s) on directories. With no arguments, display existing

-a      Mount all entries in /etc/fstab (with -t, only entries of that TYPE)
-O      Only mount -a entries that have this option
-f      Fake it (don't actually mount)
-r      Read only (same as -o ro)
-w      Read/write (default, same as -o rw)
-t      Specify filesystem type
-v      Verbose

OPTIONS is a comma separated list of options, which can also be supplied
as --longopts.

Autodetects loopback mounts (a file on a directory) and bind mounts (file
on file, directory on directory), so you don't need to say --bind or --loop.
You can also "mount -a /path" to mount everything in /etc/fstab under /path,
even if it's noauto. DEVICE starting with UUID= is identified by blkid -U.

adb shell umount --help

C:\>adb shell umount --help
Toybox 0.8.4-android multicall binary: https://landley/toybox (see toybox --help)

usage: umount [-a [-t TYPE[,TYPE...]]] [-vrfD] [DIR...]

Unmount the listed filesystems.

-a      Unmount all mounts in /proc/mounts instead of command line list
-D      Don't free loopback device(s)
-f      Force unmount
-l      Lazy unmount (detach from filesystem now, close when last user does)
-n      Don't use /proc/mounts
-r      Remount read only if unmounting fails
-t      Restrict "all" to mounts of TYPE (or use "noTYPE" to skip)
-v      Verbose

adb shell remount --help

C:\>adb shell remount --help
qrcode_authentication_emmcid_passed: emmc_id: 130ab1ef
qrcode_verify_signature: hash match
passed check
remount [-h] [-R] [-T fstab_file] [partition]...
        -h --help       this help
        -R --reboot     disable verity & reboot to facilitate remount
        -T --fstab      custom fstab file location
        partition       specific partition(s) (empty does all)

Remount specified partition(s) read-write, by name or mount point.
-R notwithstanding, verity must be disabled on partition(s).
-R within a DSU guest system reboots into the DSU instead of the host system,
this command would enable DSU (one-shot) if not already enabled.

adb shell mountpoint --help

C:\>adb shell mountpoint --help
Toybox 0.8.4-android multicall binary: https://landley/toybox (see toybox --help)

usage: mountpoint [-qd] DIR
       mountpoint [-qx] DEVICE

Check whether the directory or device is a mountpoint.

-q      Be quiet, return zero if directory is a mountpoint
-d      Print major/minor device number of the directory
-x      Print major/minor device number of the block device


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