1. 可执行文件定义
可执行文件(executable file)1在计算机科学上,指一种内容可被计算机解释为程序的计算机文件。通常可执行文件内,含有以二进制编码的微处理器指令,也因此可执行文件有时称为二进制文件。这些二进制微处理器指令的编码,于各种微处理器有所不同,故此可执行文件大多分为不同的微处理版本。
2. Windows默认的可执行扩展名
Windows中基本的可执行文件存储在一个名为PATHEXT的环境变量中2,在我的计算机的CMD中运行set PATHEXT命令,我得到了如下图所示的结果:
上面列出的是我的计算机中(Windows 10)默认的可执行扩展名。但Windows还可执行其他文件扩展名的可执行文件。
3. Windows下可执行文件的扩展名列表
序号 | 扩展名 | 格式含义 | 操作系统 |
1 | BAT | Batch File | Windows |
2 | BIN | Binary Executable | Windows, macOS, Linux |
3 | CMD | Command Script | Windows |
4 | COM | Command File | Windows |
5 | CPL | Control Panel Extension | Windows |
6 | EXE | Executable | Windows |
7 | GADGET | Windows Gadget | Windows |
8 | INF | Setup Information File | Windows |
9 | INS | Internet Communication Settings | Windows |
10 | INX | InstallShield Compiled Script | Windows |
11 | ISU | InstallShield Uninstaller Script | Windows |
12 | JOB | Windows Task Scheduler Job File | Windows |
13 | JSE | JScript Encoded File | Windows |
14 | LNK | File Shortcut | Windows |
15 | MSC | Microsoft Common Console Document | Windows |
16 | MSI | Windows Installer Package | Windows |
17 | MSP | Windows Installer Patch | Windows |
18 | MST | Windows Installer Setup Transform File | Windows |
19 | PAF | Portable Application Installer File | Windows |
20 | PIF | Program Information File | Windows |
21 | PS1 | Windows PowerShell Cmdlet | Windows |
22 | REG | Registry Data File | Windows |
23 | RGS | Registry Script | Windows |
24 | SCR | Screensaver Executable | Windows |
25 | SCT | Windows Scriptlet | Windows |
26 | SHB | Windows Document Shortcut | Windows |
27 | SHS | Shell Scrap Object | Windows |
28 | U3P | U3 Smart Application | Windows |
29 | VB | VBScript File | Windows |
30 | VBE | VBScript Encoded Script | Windows |
31 | VBS | VBScript File | Windows |
32 | VBSCRIPT | Visual Basic Script | Windows |
33 | WS | Windows Script | Windows |
34 | WSF | Windows Script | Windows |
35 | WSH | Windows Script Preference | Windows |
4. 其他系统下可执行文件扩展名
序号 | 扩展名 | 格式含义 | 操作系统 |
1 | ACTION | Automator Action | macOS |
2 | APK | Application | Android |
3 | APP | Executable | macOS |
4 | BIN | Binary Executable | Windows, macOS, Linux |
5 | COMMAND | Terminal Command | macOS |
6 | CSH | C Shell Script | macOS, Linux |
7 | IPA | Application | iOS |
8 | KSH | Unix Korn Shell Script | Linux |
9 | OSX | Executable | macOS |
10 | OUT | Executable | Linux |
11 | PRG | Executable | GEM |
12 | RUN | Executable | Linux |
13 | WORKFLOW | Automator Workflow | macOS |
5. 其他可执行文件扩展名
序号 | 扩展名 | 格式含义 | 软件 |
1 | 0XE | Renamed Virus File | F-Secure Internet Security |
2 | 73K | TI-73 Application | TI Connect |
3 | 89K | TI-89 Application | TI Connect |
4 | A6P | Authorware 6 Program File | Adobe Authorware |
5 | AC | GNU Autoconf Script | Autoconf |
6 | ACC | GEM Accessory File | Gemulator |
7 | ACR | ACRobot Script | ACRobot |
8 | ACTM | AutoCAD Action Macro | AutoCAD |
9 | AHK | AutoHotkey Script | AutoHotkey |
10 | AIR | Adobe AIR Installation Package | Adobe AIR |
11 | APP | FoxPro Application | Visual FoxPro |
12 | ARSCRIPT | ArtRage Script | ArtRage Studio |
13 | AS | Adobe Flash ActionScript File | Adobe Flash |
14 | ASB | Alphacam Stone VB Macro | Alphacam |
15 | AWK | AWK Script | AWK |
16 | AZW2 | Kindle Active Content App File | Kindle Collection Manager |
17 | BEAM | Compiled Erlang File | Erlang |
18 | BTM | 4DOS Batch File | 4DOS |
19 | CEL | Celestia Script | Celestia |
20 | CELX | Celestia Script | Celestia |
21 | CHM | Compiled HTML Help File | Firefox, IE, Safari |
23 | CRT | Security Certificate | Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari |
24 | DEK | Eavesdropper Batch File | Eavesdropper |
25 | DLD | EdLog Compiled Program | Edlog |
26 | DMC | Medical Manager Script | Sage Medical Manager |
27 | DOCM | Word Macro-Enabled Document | Microsoft Word |
28 | DOTM | Word Macro-Enabled Template | Microsoft Word |
29 | DXL | Rational DOORS Script | Rational DOORS |
30 | EAR | Java Enterprise Archive File | Apache Geronimo |
31 | EBM | EXTRA! Basic Macro | EXTRA! |
32 | EBS | E-Run 1.x Script | E-Prime (v1) |
33 | EBS2 | E-Run 2.0 Script | E-Prime (v2) |
34 | ECF | SageCRM Component File | SageCRM |
35 | EHAM | ExtraHAM Executable | HAM Programmer Toolkit |
36 | ELF | Nintendo Wii Game File | Dolphin Emulator |
37 | ES | SageCRM Script | SageCRM |
38 | EX4 | MetaTrader Program File | MetaTrader |
39 | EXOPC | ExoPC Application | EXOfactory |
40 | EZS | EZ-R Stats Batch Script | EZ-R Stats |
41 | FAS | Compiled Fast-Load AutoLISP File | AutoCAD |
42 | FKY | FoxPro Macro | Visual FoxPro |
43 | FPI | FPS Creator Intelligence Script | FPS Creator |
44 | FRS | Flash Renamer Script | Flash Renamer |
45 | FXP | FoxPro Compiled Program | Visual FoxPro |
46 | GS | Geosoft Script | Oasis Montaj |
47 | HAM | HAM Executable | Ham Runtime |
48 | HMS | HostMonitor Script | HostMonitor |
49 | HPF | HP9100A Program File | HP9100A Emulator |
50 | HTA | HTML Application | Internet Explorer |
51 | IIM | iMacro Macro | iMacros (Firefox Add-on) |
52 | IPF | SMS Installer Script | Microsoft SMS |
53 | ISP | Internet Communication Settings | Microsoft IIS |
54 | JAR | Java Archive | Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari |
55 | JS | JScript Executable Script | Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari |
56 | JSX | ExtendScript Script | Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit |
57 | KIX | KiXtart Script | KiXtart |
58 | LO | Interleaf Compiled Lisp File | QuickSilver |
59 | LS | LightWave LScript File | LightWave |
60 | MAM | Access Macro-Enabled Workbook | Microsoft Access |
61 | MCR | 3ds Max Macroscript or Tecplot Macro | 3ds Max |
62 | MEL | Maya Embedded Language File | Maya 2013 |
63 | MPX | FoxPro Compiled Menu Program | Visual FoxPro |
64 | MRC | mIRC Script | mIRC |
65 | MS | 3ds Max Script | 3ds Max |
66 | MS | Maxwell Script | Maxwell Render |
67 | MXE | Macro Express Playable Macro | Macro Express |
68 | NEXE | Chrome Native Client Executable | Chrome |
69 | OBS | ObjectScript Script | ObjectScript |
70 | ORE | Ore Executable | Ore Runtime Environment |
71 | OTM | Outlook Macro | Microsoft Outlook |
72 | PEX | ProBoard Executable | ProBoard BBS |
73 | PLX | Perl Executable | ActivePerl or Microsoft IIS |
74 | POTM | PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Design Template | Microsoft PowerPoint |
75 | PPAM | PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Add-in | Microsoft PowerPoint |
76 | PPSM | PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide Show | Microsoft PowerPoint |
77 | PPTM | PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation | Microsoft PowerPoint |
78 | PRC | Palm Resource Code File | Palm Desktop |
79 | PVD | Instalit Script | Instalit |
80 | PWC | PictureTaker File | PictureTaker |
81 | PYC | Python Compiled File | Python |
82 | PYO | Python Optimized Code | Python |
83 | QPX | FoxPro Compiled Query Program | Visual FoxPro |
84 | RBX | Rembo-C Compiled Script | Rembo Toolkit |
85 | ROX | Actuate Report Object Executable | eReport |
86 | RPJ | Real Pac Batch Job File | Real Pac |
87 | S2A | SEAL2 Application | SEAL |
88 | SBS | SPSS Script | SPSS |
89 | SCA | Scala Script | Scala Designer |
90 | SCAR | SCAR Script | SCAR |
91 | SCB | Scala Published Script | Scala Designer |
92 | SCRIPT | Generic Script | 任何创建脚本的软件 |
93 | SMM | Ami Pro Macro | Ami Pro |
94 | SPR | FoxPro Generated Screen File | Visual FoxPro |
95 | TCP | Tally Compiled Program | Tally Developer |
96 | THM | Thermwood Macro | Mastercam |
97 | TLB | OLE Type Library | Microsoft Excel |
98 | TMS | Telemate Script | Telemate |
99 | UDF | Excel User Defined Function | Microsoft Excel |
100 | UPX | Ultimate Packer for eXecutables File | Ultimate Packer for eXecutables |
101 | URL | Internet Shortcut | Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari |
102 | VLX | Compiled AutoLISP File | AutoCAD |
103 | VPM | Vox Proxy Macro | Vox Proxy |
104 | WCM | WordPerfect Macro | WordPerfect |
105 | WIDGET | Yahoo! Widget | Yahoo! Widgets |
106 | WIZ | Microsoft Wizard File | Microsoft Word |
107 | WPK | WordPerfect Macro | WordPerfect |
108 | WPM | WordPerfect Macro | WordPerfect |
109 | XAP | Silverlight Application Package | Micrsoft Silverlight |
110 | XBAP | XAML Browser Application | Firefox, IE |
111 | XLAM | Excel Macro-Enabled Add-In | Microsoft Excel |
112 | XLM | Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook | Microsoft Excel |
113 | XLSM | Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook | Microsoft Excel |
114 | XLTM | Excel Macro-Enabled Template | Microsoft Excel |
115 | XQT | SuperCalc Macro | CA SuperCalc |
116 | XYS | XYplorer Script | XYplorer |
117 | ZL9 | Renamed Virus File | ZoneAlarm |
可执行文件 - 维基百科. ↩︎
https://superuser/questions/228680/on-windows-what-filename-extensions-denote-an-executable/228693 ↩︎
Tim Fisher. List of Executable File Extensions. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
1. 可执行文件定义
可执行文件(executable file)1在计算机科学上,指一种内容可被计算机解释为程序的计算机文件。通常可执行文件内,含有以二进制编码的微处理器指令,也因此可执行文件有时称为二进制文件。这些二进制微处理器指令的编码,于各种微处理器有所不同,故此可执行文件大多分为不同的微处理版本。
2. Windows默认的可执行扩展名
Windows中基本的可执行文件存储在一个名为PATHEXT的环境变量中2,在我的计算机的CMD中运行set PATHEXT命令,我得到了如下图所示的结果:
上面列出的是我的计算机中(Windows 10)默认的可执行扩展名。但Windows还可执行其他文件扩展名的可执行文件。
3. Windows下可执行文件的扩展名列表
序号 | 扩展名 | 格式含义 | 操作系统 |
1 | BAT | Batch File | Windows |
2 | BIN | Binary Executable | Windows, macOS, Linux |
3 | CMD | Command Script | Windows |
4 | COM | Command File | Windows |
5 | CPL | Control Panel Extension | Windows |
6 | EXE | Executable | Windows |
7 | GADGET | Windows Gadget | Windows |
8 | INF | Setup Information File | Windows |
9 | INS | Internet Communication Settings | Windows |
10 | INX | InstallShield Compiled Script | Windows |
11 | ISU | InstallShield Uninstaller Script | Windows |
12 | JOB | Windows Task Scheduler Job File | Windows |
13 | JSE | JScript Encoded File | Windows |
14 | LNK | File Shortcut | Windows |
15 | MSC | Microsoft Common Console Document | Windows |
16 | MSI | Windows Installer Package | Windows |
17 | MSP | Windows Installer Patch | Windows |
18 | MST | Windows Installer Setup Transform File | Windows |
19 | PAF | Portable Application Installer File | Windows |
20 | PIF | Program Information File | Windows |
21 | PS1 | Windows PowerShell Cmdlet | Windows |
22 | REG | Registry Data File | Windows |
23 | RGS | Registry Script | Windows |
24 | SCR | Screensaver Executable | Windows |
25 | SCT | Windows Scriptlet | Windows |
26 | SHB | Windows Document Shortcut | Windows |
27 | SHS | Shell Scrap Object | Windows |
28 | U3P | U3 Smart Application | Windows |
29 | VB | VBScript File | Windows |
30 | VBE | VBScript Encoded Script | Windows |
31 | VBS | VBScript File | Windows |
32 | VBSCRIPT | Visual Basic Script | Windows |
33 | WS | Windows Script | Windows |
34 | WSF | Windows Script | Windows |
35 | WSH | Windows Script Preference | Windows |
4. 其他系统下可执行文件扩展名
序号 | 扩展名 | 格式含义 | 操作系统 |
1 | ACTION | Automator Action | macOS |
2 | APK | Application | Android |
3 | APP | Executable | macOS |
4 | BIN | Binary Executable | Windows, macOS, Linux |
5 | COMMAND | Terminal Command | macOS |
6 | CSH | C Shell Script | macOS, Linux |
7 | IPA | Application | iOS |
8 | KSH | Unix Korn Shell Script | Linux |
9 | OSX | Executable | macOS |
10 | OUT | Executable | Linux |
11 | PRG | Executable | GEM |
12 | RUN | Executable | Linux |
13 | WORKFLOW | Automator Workflow | macOS |
5. 其他可执行文件扩展名
序号 | 扩展名 | 格式含义 | 软件 |
1 | 0XE | Renamed Virus File | F-Secure Internet Security |
2 | 73K | TI-73 Application | TI Connect |
3 | 89K | TI-89 Application | TI Connect |
4 | A6P | Authorware 6 Program File | Adobe Authorware |
5 | AC | GNU Autoconf Script | Autoconf |
6 | ACC | GEM Accessory File | Gemulator |
7 | ACR | ACRobot Script | ACRobot |
8 | ACTM | AutoCAD Action Macro | AutoCAD |
9 | AHK | AutoHotkey Script | AutoHotkey |
10 | AIR | Adobe AIR Installation Package | Adobe AIR |
11 | APP | FoxPro Application | Visual FoxPro |
12 | ARSCRIPT | ArtRage Script | ArtRage Studio |
13 | AS | Adobe Flash ActionScript File | Adobe Flash |
14 | ASB | Alphacam Stone VB Macro | Alphacam |
15 | AWK | AWK Script | AWK |
16 | AZW2 | Kindle Active Content App File | Kindle Collection Manager |
17 | BEAM | Compiled Erlang File | Erlang |
18 | BTM | 4DOS Batch File | 4DOS |
19 | CEL | Celestia Script | Celestia |
20 | CELX | Celestia Script | Celestia |
21 | CHM | Compiled HTML Help File | Firefox, IE, Safari |
23 | CRT | Security Certificate | Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari |
24 | DEK | Eavesdropper Batch File | Eavesdropper |
25 | DLD | EdLog Compiled Program | Edlog |
26 | DMC | Medical Manager Script | Sage Medical Manager |
27 | DOCM | Word Macro-Enabled Document | Microsoft Word |
28 | DOTM | Word Macro-Enabled Template | Microsoft Word |
29 | DXL | Rational DOORS Script | Rational DOORS |
30 | EAR | Java Enterprise Archive File | Apache Geronimo |
31 | EBM | EXTRA! Basic Macro | EXTRA! |
32 | EBS | E-Run 1.x Script | E-Prime (v1) |
33 | EBS2 | E-Run 2.0 Script | E-Prime (v2) |
34 | ECF | SageCRM Component File | SageCRM |
35 | EHAM | ExtraHAM Executable | HAM Programmer Toolkit |
36 | ELF | Nintendo Wii Game File | Dolphin Emulator |
37 | ES | SageCRM Script | SageCRM |
38 | EX4 | MetaTrader Program File | MetaTrader |
39 | EXOPC | ExoPC Application | EXOfactory |
40 | EZS | EZ-R Stats Batch Script | EZ-R Stats |
41 | FAS | Compiled Fast-Load AutoLISP File | AutoCAD |
42 | FKY | FoxPro Macro | Visual FoxPro |
43 | FPI | FPS Creator Intelligence Script | FPS Creator |
44 | FRS | Flash Renamer Script | Flash Renamer |
45 | FXP | FoxPro Compiled Program | Visual FoxPro |
46 | GS | Geosoft Script | Oasis Montaj |
47 | HAM | HAM Executable | Ham Runtime |
48 | HMS | HostMonitor Script | HostMonitor |
49 | HPF | HP9100A Program File | HP9100A Emulator |
50 | HTA | HTML Application | Internet Explorer |
51 | IIM | iMacro Macro | iMacros (Firefox Add-on) |
52 | IPF | SMS Installer Script | Microsoft SMS |
53 | ISP | Internet Communication Settings | Microsoft IIS |
54 | JAR | Java Archive | Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari |
55 | JS | JScript Executable Script | Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari |
56 | JSX | ExtendScript Script | Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit |
57 | KIX | KiXtart Script | KiXtart |
58 | LO | Interleaf Compiled Lisp File | QuickSilver |
59 | LS | LightWave LScript File | LightWave |
60 | MAM | Access Macro-Enabled Workbook | Microsoft Access |
61 | MCR | 3ds Max Macroscript or Tecplot Macro | 3ds Max |
62 | MEL | Maya Embedded Language File | Maya 2013 |
63 | MPX | FoxPro Compiled Menu Program | Visual FoxPro |
64 | MRC | mIRC Script | mIRC |
65 | MS | 3ds Max Script | 3ds Max |
66 | MS | Maxwell Script | Maxwell Render |
67 | MXE | Macro Express Playable Macro | Macro Express |
68 | NEXE | Chrome Native Client Executable | Chrome |
69 | OBS | ObjectScript Script | ObjectScript |
70 | ORE | Ore Executable | Ore Runtime Environment |
71 | OTM | Outlook Macro | Microsoft Outlook |
72 | PEX | ProBoard Executable | ProBoard BBS |
73 | PLX | Perl Executable | ActivePerl or Microsoft IIS |
74 | POTM | PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Design Template | Microsoft PowerPoint |
75 | PPAM | PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Add-in | Microsoft PowerPoint |
76 | PPSM | PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide Show | Microsoft PowerPoint |
77 | PPTM | PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation | Microsoft PowerPoint |
78 | PRC | Palm Resource Code File | Palm Desktop |
79 | PVD | Instalit Script | Instalit |
80 | PWC | PictureTaker File | PictureTaker |
81 | PYC | Python Compiled File | Python |
82 | PYO | Python Optimized Code | Python |
83 | QPX | FoxPro Compiled Query Program | Visual FoxPro |
84 | RBX | Rembo-C Compiled Script | Rembo Toolkit |
85 | ROX | Actuate Report Object Executable | eReport |
86 | RPJ | Real Pac Batch Job File | Real Pac |
87 | S2A | SEAL2 Application | SEAL |
88 | SBS | SPSS Script | SPSS |
89 | SCA | Scala Script | Scala Designer |
90 | SCAR | SCAR Script | SCAR |
91 | SCB | Scala Published Script | Scala Designer |
92 | SCRIPT | Generic Script | 任何创建脚本的软件 |
93 | SMM | Ami Pro Macro | Ami Pro |
94 | SPR | FoxPro Generated Screen File | Visual FoxPro |
95 | TCP | Tally Compiled Program | Tally Developer |
96 | THM | Thermwood Macro | Mastercam |
97 | TLB | OLE Type Library | Microsoft Excel |
98 | TMS | Telemate Script | Telemate |
99 | UDF | Excel User Defined Function | Microsoft Excel |
100 | UPX | Ultimate Packer for eXecutables File | Ultimate Packer for eXecutables |
101 | URL | Internet Shortcut | Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari |
102 | VLX | Compiled AutoLISP File | AutoCAD |
103 | VPM | Vox Proxy Macro | Vox Proxy |
104 | WCM | WordPerfect Macro | WordPerfect |
105 | WIDGET | Yahoo! Widget | Yahoo! Widgets |
106 | WIZ | Microsoft Wizard File | Microsoft Word |
107 | WPK | WordPerfect Macro | WordPerfect |
108 | WPM | WordPerfect Macro | WordPerfect |
109 | XAP | Silverlight Application Package | Micrsoft Silverlight |
110 | XBAP | XAML Browser Application | Firefox, IE |
111 | XLAM | Excel Macro-Enabled Add-In | Microsoft Excel |
112 | XLM | Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook | Microsoft Excel |
113 | XLSM | Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook | Microsoft Excel |
114 | XLTM | Excel Macro-Enabled Template | Microsoft Excel |
115 | XQT | SuperCalc Macro | CA SuperCalc |
116 | XYS | XYplorer Script | XYplorer |
117 | ZL9 | Renamed Virus File | ZoneAlarm |
可执行文件 - 维基百科. ↩︎
https://superuser/questions/228680/on-windows-what-filename-extensions-denote-an-executable/228693 ↩︎
Tim Fisher. List of Executable File Extensions. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎