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matlab滤波器 代码,自适应滤波器设计及Matlab实现附程序代码整理版.doc

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matlab滤波器 代码,自适应滤波器设计及Matlab实现附程序代码整理版.doc



摘 要


关键字:退化图像 维纳滤波自适应滤波?最陡下降法? LMS


This paper? analy?ses the basic? work theor?y, perfo?rmanc?e of tradi?tiona?l filte?r and adapt?ive filte?r based? on the prope?rty of rando?m noise?, and intro?duce the statu?s quo and the foreg?round? of filte?r techn?ology?. Then we expla?in basic? theor?y of wiene?r filte?r and basic? struc?ture model? of adapt?ive filte?r, and combi?ne the metho?d of steep?est desce?nt to deduc?e the LMS. After?ward accor?ding to the MSE rule, we desig?n a limit?ed lengt?h trans?versa?l filte?r, and imple?ment by MATLA?B. And then we valid?ate perfo?rmanc?e of adapt?ive LMS filte?r by resto?ring image?s, Test resul?t show that the quali?ty of the degra?de image?s were impro?ved under? the rule of MSE. Final?ly, we compa?re the perfo?rmanc?e of adapt?ive LMS filte?r and itera?tive wiene?r filte?r.

We also simpl?y analy?ses the wiene?r2 () which? is a adapt?ive filte?r in MATLA?B.

Keywo?rds: degra?de image?;wiene?r filte?r;adapt?ive filte?r;ADF;LMS algor?ithm



1. 1 引言…………………………………………………………………………1

1. 2 研究目标及?现状……………………………………………………………1

1. 2 .1 图像复原技?术的目标……………………………………………1

1. 2 .2 图像复原技?术的研究现?状………………………………………1

理论基础 …………………………………………………………………………3

2. 1 基本自适应?滤波器的模?块结构……………………………………………3

2. 2 基本维纳滤?波原理…………………………………………………………4

自适应滤波?原理及算法? ………………………………………………………6

3.1 横向滤波结?构的最陡下?降算法……………………………………………7

3.1.1 最陡下降算?法的原理……………………………………………7

3.1.2 最陡下降算?法稳定性……………………………………………10

3.2 LMS滤波?原理及算法?……………………………………………………11

3.2.1 从最陡下降?算法导出L?MS算法 ………………………………11

3.2.2 基本LMS?算法的实现?步骤 ……………………………………11

3.2.3 基本LMS?算法的实现?流程图 …………………………………12

3.2.4 LMS算法?的Matl?ab实现 ………………………………………12


matlab滤波器 代码,自适应滤波器设计及Matlab实现附程序代码整理版.doc



摘 要


关键字:退化图像 维纳滤波自适应滤波?最陡下降法? LMS


This paper? analy?ses the basic? work theor?y, perfo?rmanc?e of tradi?tiona?l filte?r and adapt?ive filte?r based? on the prope?rty of rando?m noise?, and intro?duce the statu?s quo and the foreg?round? of filte?r techn?ology?. Then we expla?in basic? theor?y of wiene?r filte?r and basic? struc?ture model? of adapt?ive filte?r, and combi?ne the metho?d of steep?est desce?nt to deduc?e the LMS. After?ward accor?ding to the MSE rule, we desig?n a limit?ed lengt?h trans?versa?l filte?r, and imple?ment by MATLA?B. And then we valid?ate perfo?rmanc?e of adapt?ive LMS filte?r by resto?ring image?s, Test resul?t show that the quali?ty of the degra?de image?s were impro?ved under? the rule of MSE. Final?ly, we compa?re the perfo?rmanc?e of adapt?ive LMS filte?r and itera?tive wiene?r filte?r.

We also simpl?y analy?ses the wiene?r2 () which? is a adapt?ive filte?r in MATLA?B.

Keywo?rds: degra?de image?;wiene?r filte?r;adapt?ive filte?r;ADF;LMS algor?ithm



1. 1 引言…………………………………………………………………………1

1. 2 研究目标及?现状……………………………………………………………1

1. 2 .1 图像复原技?术的目标……………………………………………1

1. 2 .2 图像复原技?术的研究现?状………………………………………1

理论基础 …………………………………………………………………………3

2. 1 基本自适应?滤波器的模?块结构……………………………………………3

2. 2 基本维纳滤?波原理…………………………………………………………4

自适应滤波?原理及算法? ………………………………………………………6

3.1 横向滤波结?构的最陡下?降算法……………………………………………7

3.1.1 最陡下降算?法的原理……………………………………………7

3.1.2 最陡下降算?法稳定性……………………………………………10

3.2 LMS滤波?原理及算法?……………………………………………………11

3.2.1 从最陡下降?算法导出L?MS算法 ………………………………11

3.2.2 基本LMS?算法的实现?步骤 ……………………………………11

3.2.3 基本LMS?算法的实现?流程图 …………………………………12

3.2.4 LMS算法?的Matl?ab实现 ………………………………………12



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