Hooking up a desktop computer to a monitor is simple; you just plug it in and it works. Connecting a laptop to a television should be just as easy, right? Well, not always. Read on as we explain several ways to hook up a laptop to your TV.
将台式计算机连接到显示器很简单; 您只需将其插入即可使用。 将笔记本电脑连接到电视应该同样容易,对吗? 好吧,并非总是如此。 请继续阅读,我们会解释几种将笔记本电脑连接到电视的方法。
连接类型 (Connection Types)
Televisions, at least the more recent ones, typically support a lot of different connections, so it’s all about finding the one that will allow your computer to hook up to it. The newer your laptop and TV, the easier this process will be, and the better the video and audio quality will be.
电视机(至少是较新的电视机)通常支持许多不同的连接,因此,寻找与您的计算机连接的电视机就是一切。 笔记本电脑和电视越新,此过程越容易,视频和音频质量就越好。
HDMI连接 (HDMI Connections)
All modern televisions have HDMI inputs, and it’s currently the best way to connect any device to a TV. HDMI delivers superior audio and video in a lightweight cable that’s easy to connect and tuck away. If you’re trying to hook your laptop up to a television you bought within the last few years (HDMI was in widespread use as early as 2005), then HDMI will be the way to go.
所有现代电视都有HDMI输入,这是目前将任何设备连接到电视的最佳方法。 HDMI通过轻巧的电缆提供出色的音频和视频,易于连接和隐藏。 如果您想将笔记本电脑连接到最近几年购买的电视上(HDMI早在2005年就已被广泛使用),那么HDMI就是必经之路。
The most common and basic way of plugging into your television’s HDMI port will be from the HDMI port on your laptop. As with TVs, the majority of recently manufactured laptops will have an HDMI port on them. HDMI cables are cheap and connecting your devices with this method will be a breeze, especially since they are extremely easy to come by.
插入电视的HDMI端口的最普通和基本的方法是从笔记本电脑上的HDMI端口。 与电视一样,大多数新近生产的笔记本电脑上都将带有HDMI端口。 HDMI电缆价格便宜,并且使用此方法连接设备非常容易,特别是因为它们非常容易获得。
You’ll probably never see a laptop or television with a DVI port on it. However, it’s pretty common to find them on desktop computers. DVI uses digital signals to send video output, so it can be easily adapted to HDMI while still maintaining great quality. The biggest drawback to using DVI instead of HDMI is that it doesn’t carry audio.
您可能永远不会看到带有DVI端口的笔记本电脑或电视。 但是,在台式计算机上找到它们是很常见的。 DVI使用数字信号发送视频输出,因此可以轻松适应HDMI,同时保持高质量。 使用DVI代替HDMI的最大缺点是它不携带音频。
HDMI to Thunderbolt or Mini DisplayPort
HDMI转Thunderbolt或Mini DisplayPort
Thunderbolt and Mini DisplayPort use identical connections, and either one can be used to deliver high quality video and audio to your TV via HDMI. Since both connections are digital, they can also be converted to DVI. You can also purchase an adapter to convert either of these connections to VGA. Keep in mind that if you went the DVI or VGA route, you would lose sound.
Thunderbolt和Mini DisplayPort使用相同的连接,并且其中任何一个均可用于通过HDMI向电视传输高质量的视频和音频。 由于两个连接均为数字连接,因此它们也可以转换为DVI。 您也可以购买适配器以将这些连接中的任何一个转换为VGA。 请记住,如果您使用DVI或VGA路由,则会丢失声音。
HDMI to DisplayPort
DisplayPort can be easily converted to DVI or HDMI (all three are digital). You will retain superb video and audio quality by using your DisplayPort connection, so it’s right on the same level as using HDMI, but the cable is obviously less common.
DisplayPort可以轻松转换为DVI或HDMI(所有三个均为数字)。 通过使用DisplayPort连接,您将保留出色的视频和音频质量,因此与使用HDMI的级别处于同一水平,但是电缆显然不常见。
VGA连接 (VGA Connections)
VGA connections are common on computers and televisions, but are becoming outdated, so you may not see them on newer laptop models. VGA can produce a good looking picture, but is not in the same league as its digital counterparts (HDMI, DVI). VGA also can’t carry sound. The port in the picture above is labeled “RGB” – RGB and VGA are compatible, but that explanation is beyond the scope of this article.
VGA连接在计算机和电视上很常见,但是已经过时,因此在较新的笔记本电脑型号上可能看不到它们。 VGA可以产生漂亮的图像,但与数字同类产品(HDMI,DVI)不在同一个等级。 VGA也无法传送声音。 上图中的端口标记为“ RGB” – RGB和VGA兼容,但是该说明不在本文讨论范围之内。
It would be a little unusual to resort to this connection, as it’s a lot more likely that you’ll be able to hook up your devices with just VGA or at least DVI to HDMI. However, there are some cases in which you’d have to use this connection type. You’ll get the analog quality that VGA provides, and will have to find another way to get sound working.
诉诸这种连接是有点不寻常的,因为您更有可能只用VGA或至少用DVI到HDMI来连接设备。 但是,在某些情况下,您必须使用此连接类型。 您将获得VGA提供的模拟质量,并且必须寻找另一种方法来使声音正常工作。
音频连接 (Audio Connections)
If you are using VGA or DVI to connect your computer to a TV, you’ll have to find another way to get your audio going. You basically have two choices: you can use external speakers that you hook up to your computer (or use the speakers built into your laptop), or you can use a separate audio cable to output the sound from your computer to the TV.
如果您使用VGA或DVI将计算机连接到电视,则必须找到另一种使音频传输的方法。 您基本上有两种选择:可以使用连接到计算机的外部扬声器(或使用笔记本计算机内置的扬声器),也可以使用单独的音频电缆将计算机中的声音输出到电视。
Usually, your TV will accept a 3.5mm cable that can be used in conjunction with the video signal.
无线连接 (Wireless Connections)
If you’d rather cut the cord and go wireless, there are a lot of products available that can transmit your computer’s video signal to your TV over your WiFi network. Netgear Push2TV is one such example, but there are plenty of alternatives, so look around for a good price and highly rated reviews.
如果您希望切断电源线并使用无线技术,则有许多产品可以通过WiFi网络将计算机的视频信号传输到电视。 Netgear Push2TV就是这样的一个例子,但是有很多选择,因此请寻找一个好价钱和高评价的评论。
These products are small devices that can plug into your TV via HDMI and then connect wirelessly to your computer. This may not be an ideal solution for streaming really high performance video, like if you plan to use it to play video games. However, with a good connection to your router, you should have no problem streaming 1080p video this way.
这些产品是小型设备,可以通过HDMI插入电视,然后无线连接到计算机。 这可能不是流式传输真正高性能视频的理想解决方案,例如,如果您打算使用它来玩视频游戏。 但是,只要与路由器的连接良好,就可以通过这种方式流传输1080p视频。
他们已插入电源,现在呢? (They’re plugged in, now what?)
With your laptop plugged into your TV, both devices should recognize the connection and adjust automatically. A prompt may pop up on your TV, asking you if you’d like to switch to the new input it detected.
将笔记本电脑插入电视后,两个设备均应识别连接并自动进行调整。 电视上可能会弹出提示,询问您是否要切换到检测到的新输入。
If your TV doesn’t automatically detect and adjust itself for the new connection, you will have to manually select the correct input on your TV. If you are on the correct input and still don’t see a picture, you’ll need to adjust the display settings on your computer.
如果您的电视没有自动检测并自行调整以适应新的连接,则必须在电视上手动选择正确的输入。 如果输入正确,但仍然看不到图片,则需要调整计算机上的显示设置。
The easiest way is to press the Start key + P. From there, you can decide how you’d like to use the television display (clone, extend, etc).
Windows 8:
Windows 8:
Windows 7:
Windows 7的:
翻译自: /
Hooking up a desktop computer to a monitor is simple; you just plug it in and it works. Connecting a laptop to a television should be just as easy, right? Well, not always. Read on as we explain several ways to hook up a laptop to your TV.
将台式计算机连接到显示器很简单; 您只需将其插入即可使用。 将笔记本电脑连接到电视应该同样容易,对吗? 好吧,并非总是如此。 请继续阅读,我们会解释几种将笔记本电脑连接到电视的方法。
连接类型 (Connection Types)
Televisions, at least the more recent ones, typically support a lot of different connections, so it’s all about finding the one that will allow your computer to hook up to it. The newer your laptop and TV, the easier this process will be, and the better the video and audio quality will be.
电视机(至少是较新的电视机)通常支持许多不同的连接,因此,寻找与您的计算机连接的电视机就是一切。 笔记本电脑和电视越新,此过程越容易,视频和音频质量就越好。
HDMI连接 (HDMI Connections)
All modern televisions have HDMI inputs, and it’s currently the best way to connect any device to a TV. HDMI delivers superior audio and video in a lightweight cable that’s easy to connect and tuck away. If you’re trying to hook your laptop up to a television you bought within the last few years (HDMI was in widespread use as early as 2005), then HDMI will be the way to go.
所有现代电视都有HDMI输入,这是目前将任何设备连接到电视的最佳方法。 HDMI通过轻巧的电缆提供出色的音频和视频,易于连接和隐藏。 如果您想将笔记本电脑连接到最近几年购买的电视上(HDMI早在2005年就已被广泛使用),那么HDMI就是必经之路。
The most common and basic way of plugging into your television’s HDMI port will be from the HDMI port on your laptop. As with TVs, the majority of recently manufactured laptops will have an HDMI port on them. HDMI cables are cheap and connecting your devices with this method will be a breeze, especially since they are extremely easy to come by.
插入电视的HDMI端口的最普通和基本的方法是从笔记本电脑上的HDMI端口。 与电视一样,大多数新近生产的笔记本电脑上都将带有HDMI端口。 HDMI电缆价格便宜,并且使用此方法连接设备非常容易,特别是因为它们非常容易获得。
You’ll probably never see a laptop or television with a DVI port on it. However, it’s pretty common to find them on desktop computers. DVI uses digital signals to send video output, so it can be easily adapted to HDMI while still maintaining great quality. The biggest drawback to using DVI instead of HDMI is that it doesn’t carry audio.
您可能永远不会看到带有DVI端口的笔记本电脑或电视。 但是,在台式计算机上找到它们是很常见的。 DVI使用数字信号发送视频输出,因此可以轻松适应HDMI,同时保持高质量。 使用DVI代替HDMI的最大缺点是它不携带音频。
HDMI to Thunderbolt or Mini DisplayPort
HDMI转Thunderbolt或Mini DisplayPort
Thunderbolt and Mini DisplayPort use identical connections, and either one can be used to deliver high quality video and audio to your TV via HDMI. Since both connections are digital, they can also be converted to DVI. You can also purchase an adapter to convert either of these connections to VGA. Keep in mind that if you went the DVI or VGA route, you would lose sound.
Thunderbolt和Mini DisplayPort使用相同的连接,并且其中任何一个均可用于通过HDMI向电视传输高质量的视频和音频。 由于两个连接均为数字连接,因此它们也可以转换为DVI。 您也可以购买适配器以将这些连接中的任何一个转换为VGA。 请记住,如果您使用DVI或VGA路由,则会丢失声音。
HDMI to DisplayPort
DisplayPort can be easily converted to DVI or HDMI (all three are digital). You will retain superb video and audio quality by using your DisplayPort connection, so it’s right on the same level as using HDMI, but the cable is obviously less common.
DisplayPort可以轻松转换为DVI或HDMI(所有三个均为数字)。 通过使用DisplayPort连接,您将保留出色的视频和音频质量,因此与使用HDMI的级别处于同一水平,但是电缆显然不常见。
VGA连接 (VGA Connections)
VGA connections are common on computers and televisions, but are becoming outdated, so you may not see them on newer laptop models. VGA can produce a good looking picture, but is not in the same league as its digital counterparts (HDMI, DVI). VGA also can’t carry sound. The port in the picture above is labeled “RGB” – RGB and VGA are compatible, but that explanation is beyond the scope of this article.
VGA连接在计算机和电视上很常见,但是已经过时,因此在较新的笔记本电脑型号上可能看不到它们。 VGA可以产生漂亮的图像,但与数字同类产品(HDMI,DVI)不在同一个等级。 VGA也无法传送声音。 上图中的端口标记为“ RGB” – RGB和VGA兼容,但是该说明不在本文讨论范围之内。
It would be a little unusual to resort to this connection, as it’s a lot more likely that you’ll be able to hook up your devices with just VGA or at least DVI to HDMI. However, there are some cases in which you’d have to use this connection type. You’ll get the analog quality that VGA provides, and will have to find another way to get sound working.
诉诸这种连接是有点不寻常的,因为您更有可能只用VGA或至少用DVI到HDMI来连接设备。 但是,在某些情况下,您必须使用此连接类型。 您将获得VGA提供的模拟质量,并且必须寻找另一种方法来使声音正常工作。
音频连接 (Audio Connections)
If you are using VGA or DVI to connect your computer to a TV, you’ll have to find another way to get your audio going. You basically have two choices: you can use external speakers that you hook up to your computer (or use the speakers built into your laptop), or you can use a separate audio cable to output the sound from your computer to the TV.
如果您使用VGA或DVI将计算机连接到电视,则必须找到另一种使音频传输的方法。 您基本上有两种选择:可以使用连接到计算机的外部扬声器(或使用笔记本计算机内置的扬声器),也可以使用单独的音频电缆将计算机中的声音输出到电视。
Usually, your TV will accept a 3.5mm cable that can be used in conjunction with the video signal.
无线连接 (Wireless Connections)
If you’d rather cut the cord and go wireless, there are a lot of products available that can transmit your computer’s video signal to your TV over your WiFi network. Netgear Push2TV is one such example, but there are plenty of alternatives, so look around for a good price and highly rated reviews.
如果您希望切断电源线并使用无线技术,则有许多产品可以通过WiFi网络将计算机的视频信号传输到电视。 Netgear Push2TV就是这样的一个例子,但是有很多选择,因此请寻找一个好价钱和高评价的评论。
These products are small devices that can plug into your TV via HDMI and then connect wirelessly to your computer. This may not be an ideal solution for streaming really high performance video, like if you plan to use it to play video games. However, with a good connection to your router, you should have no problem streaming 1080p video this way.
这些产品是小型设备,可以通过HDMI插入电视,然后无线连接到计算机。 这可能不是流式传输真正高性能视频的理想解决方案,例如,如果您打算使用它来玩视频游戏。 但是,只要与路由器的连接良好,就可以通过这种方式流传输1080p视频。
他们已插入电源,现在呢? (They’re plugged in, now what?)
With your laptop plugged into your TV, both devices should recognize the connection and adjust automatically. A prompt may pop up on your TV, asking you if you’d like to switch to the new input it detected.
将笔记本电脑插入电视后,两个设备均应识别连接并自动进行调整。 电视上可能会弹出提示,询问您是否要切换到检测到的新输入。
If your TV doesn’t automatically detect and adjust itself for the new connection, you will have to manually select the correct input on your TV. If you are on the correct input and still don’t see a picture, you’ll need to adjust the display settings on your computer.
如果您的电视没有自动检测并自行调整以适应新的连接,则必须在电视上手动选择正确的输入。 如果输入正确,但仍然看不到图片,则需要调整计算机上的显示设置。
The easiest way is to press the Start key + P. From there, you can decide how you’d like to use the television display (clone, extend, etc).
Windows 8:
Windows 8:
Windows 7:
Windows 7的:
翻译自: /