Yocto Project Reference Manual
bitbake bitbake-hashclient bitbake-prserv bitbake-server
bitbake-diffsigs bitbake-hashserv bitbake-prserv-tool bitbake-whatchanged
bitbake-dumpsig bitbake-layers bitbake-selftest bitbake-worker
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bmcweb$ bitbake
bitbake bitbake-hashclient bitbake-prserv bitbake-server
bitbake-diffsigs bitbake-hashserv bitbake-prserv-tool bitbake-whatchanged
bitbake-dumpsig bitbake-layers bitbake-selftest bitbake-worker
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ ls bitbake -alh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 penghu4x penghu4x 13 4月 6 21:20 bitbake -> poky/bitbake/
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ cd poky/bitbake/
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bitbake$ ls
AUTHORS bin ChangeLog contrib doc lib LICENSE LICENSE.GPL-2.0-only LICENSE.MIT README toaster-requirements.txt
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bitbake$ ls bin/ -alh
total 92K
drwxrwxr-x 2 penghu4x penghu4x 4.0K 4月 6 21:20 .
drwxrwxr-x 6 penghu4x penghu4x 4.0K 4月 6 21:20 ..
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 1.4K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 7.6K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-diffsigs
lrwxrwxrwx 1 penghu4x penghu4x 16 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-dumpsig -> bitbake-diffsigs
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 5.3K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-hashclient
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 2.3K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-hashserv
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 3.5K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-layers
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 2.2K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-prserv
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 1.9K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-selftest
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 1.7K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-server
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 19K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-worker
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 5.8K 4月 6 21:20 git-make-shallow
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 9.0K 4月 6 21:20 toaster
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 3.5K 4月 6 21:20 toaster-eventreplay
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bin$ file bitbake*
bitbake: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-diffsigs: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-dumpsig: symbolic link to bitbake-diffsigs
bitbake-hashclient: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-hashserv: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-layers: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-prserv: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-selftest: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-server: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-worker: Python script, ASCII text executable
1.1 bitbake-layers
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bitbake$ bitbake-layers -h
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
WARNING: Duplicate inclusion for /media/disk3/penghu4x/work/EGS/dsg-openbmc-openbmc/meta/conf/distro/include/ in /media/disk3/penghu4x/work/EGS/dsg-openbmc-openbmc/meta-phosphor/conf/distro/include/
usage: bitbake-layers [-d] [-q] [-F] [--color COLOR] [-h] <subcommand> ...BitBake layers utilityoptional arguments:-d, --debug Enable debug output-q, --quiet Print only errors-F, --force Force add without recipe parse verification--color COLOR Colorize output (where COLOR is auto, always, never)-h, --help show this help message and exitsubcommands:<subcommand>show-layers show current configured list overlayed recipes (where the same recipe exists in another layer)show-recipes list available recipes, showing the layer they are provided byshow-appends list bbappend files and recipe files they apply toshow-cross-depends Show dependencies between recipes that cross layer boundaries.add-layer Add one or more layers to bblayers.conf.remove-layer Remove one or more layers from bblayers.conf.flatten flatten layer configuration into a separate output directory.layerindex-fetch Fetches a layer from a layer index along with its dependent layers, and adds them toconf/bblayers.conf.layerindex-show-dependsFind layer dependencies from layer index.create-layer Create a basic layerUse bitbake-layers <subcommand> --help to get help on a specific command
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bitbake$ bitbake-layers show-recipes | grep gdb
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bitbake$[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bmcweb$ bitbake-layers show-cross-depends -h
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
WARNING: Duplicate inclusion for /media/disk3/penghu4x/work/EGS/dsg-openbmc-openbmc/meta/conf/distro/include/ in /media/disk3/penghu4x/work/EGS/dsg -openbmc-openbmc/meta-phosphor/conf/distro/include/
usage: bitbake-layers show-cross-depends [-h] [-f] [-i LAYERNAME]Figure out the dependencies between recipes that cross layer boundaries.NOTE: .bbappend files can impact the dependencies.optional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit-f, --filenames show full file path-i LAYERNAME, --ignore LAYERNAMEignore dependencies on items in the specified layer(s) (split multiple layer names with commas, no spaces)
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bmcweb$ bitbake-layers show-cross-depends | grep gdb
meta-networking/recipes-support/openipmi/ DEPENDS meta/recipes-support/gdbm/
meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/crda/ RDEPENDS meta/recipes-kernel/wireless-regdb/
meta-oe/recipes-support/satyr/ DEPENDS meta/recipes-devtools/gdb/
meta-oe/recipes-shells/zsh/ DEPENDS meta/recipes-support/gdbm/
meta-oe/recipes-devtools/cgdb/ DEPENDS meta/recipes-devtools/autoconf/
1.2 bitbake-diffsigs
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bin$ bitbake-diffsigs -h
usage: bitbake-diffsigs [-h] [-D] [-c color] [-d] [-t recipename taskname] [-s fromsig tosig] [sigdatafile1] [sigdatafile2]Compares siginfo/sigdata files written out by BitBakepositional arguments:sigdatafile1 First signature file to compare (or signature file to dump, if second not specified). Not used when using -t/--task.sigdatafile2 Second signature file to compareoptional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit-D, --debug Enable debug output-c color, --color colorColorize the output (where color is auto, always, never)-d, --dump Dump the last signature data instead of comparing (equivalent to using bitbake-dumpsig)-t recipename taskname, --task recipename tasknamefind the signature data files for the last two runs of the specified task and compare them-s fromsig tosig, --signature fromsig tosigWith -t/--task, specify the signatures to look for instead of taking the last two
1.3 bitbake-dumpsig
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ bitbake-dumpsig -h
usage: bitbake-dumpsig [-h] [-D] [-t recipename taskname] [sigdatafile]Dumps siginfo/sigdata files written out by BitBakepositional arguments:sigdatafile Signature file to dump. Not used when using -t/--task.optional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit-D, --debug Enable debug output-t recipename taskname, --task recipename tasknamefind the signature data file for the last run of the specified task[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0build$ bitbake-dumpsig tmp/stamps/armv7ahf-vfpv4d16-openbmc-linux-gnueabi/license-manager/1.0+git999-r0.do_compile.sigdata.f7a2ae1cde441975057d83cab5189c0350e00bd3f35ff54c70b40c6a7d48e2d9
1.4 bitbake-server & bitbake-worker & bitbake-prserv & bitbake-prserv-tool
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0build$ bitbake-server -h
bitbake-server is meant for internal execution by bitbake itself, please don't use it standalone.
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0build$ bitbake-worker -h
bitbake-worker is meant for internal execution by bitbake itself, please don't use it standalone.
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0build$ bitbake-prserv -h
Usage: bitbake-prserv < --start | --stop > [options]Options:--version show program's version number and exit-h, --help show this help message and exit-f DBFILE, --file=DBFILEdatabase filename(default: prserv.sqlite3)-l LOGFILE, --log=LOGFILElog filename(default: prserv.log)--loglevel=LOGLEVEL logging level, i.e. CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO,DEBUG--start start daemon--stop stop daemon--host=HOST ip address to bind--port=PORT port number(default: 8585)
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0build$ bitbake-prserv-tool -h
ERROR: must end with .conf or .inc!
1.5 bitbake-hashserv & bitbake-hashclient
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ bitbake-hashserv -h
usage: bitbake-hashserv [-h] [-b BIND] [-d DATABASE] [-l LOG] [-u UPSTREAM] [-r]Hash Equivalence Reference Server. Version=1.0.0optional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit-b BIND, --bind BIND Bind address (default "unix://./hashserve.sock")-d DATABASE, --database DATABASEDatabase file (default "./hashserv.db")-l LOG, --log LOG Set logging level-u UPSTREAM, --upstream UPSTREAMUpstream hashserv to pull hashes from-r, --read-only Disallow write operations from clientsThe bind address is the path to a unix domain socket if it is prefixed with "unix://". Otherwise, it is an IP address and port in form ADDRESS:PORT. To bind to all addresses, leave
the ADDRESS empty, e.g. "--bind :8686". To bind to a specific IPv6 address, enclose the address in "[]", e.g. "--bind [::1]:8686"
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ bitbake-hashclient -h
usage: bitbake-hashclient [-h] [--address ADDRESS] [--log LOG] {stats,stress} ...Hash Equivalence Clientpositional arguments:{stats,stress}stats Show server statsstress Run stress testoptional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit--address ADDRESS Server address (default "unix://./hashserve.sock")--log LOG Set logging level
1.6 bitbake-whatchanged
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ bitbake-whatchanged -h
usage: bitbake-whatchanged [options] [package ...]
print what will be done between the current and last builds, for example:$ bitbake core-image-sato# Edit the recipes$ bitbake-whatchanged core-image-satoThe changes will be printed"Note:The amount of tasks is not accurate when the task is "do_build" sinceit usually depends on other tasks.The "nostamp" task is not included.arguments:recipe recipe to checkoptions:-h, --help show this help message and exit-v, --verbose print the verbose changes
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ bitbake-whatchanged license-manager
Figuring out the STAMPS_DIR ...
Generating the new stamps ... (need several minutes)
=== Newly added tasks: (39 tasks)os-release: do_package do_prepare_recipe_sysroot do_install do_packagedata do_configure do_package_write_rpm do_compilephosphor-dbus-interfaces: do_write_config do_packagedata do_configure do_fetch do_package do_package_write_rpm do_unpack do_prepare_recipe_sysroot do_compile do_populate_sysroot do_installphosphor-software-manager: do_fetch do_package_write_rpm do_packagedata do_install do_prepare_recipe_sysroot do_compile do_package do_unpack do_configurelicense-manager: do_package_write_rpm do_prepare_recipe_sysroot do_install do_configure do_package do_packagedata do_populate_lic do_generate_toolchain_file do_build do_populate_sysroot do_compile do_package_qa=== Summary: (39 changed, 3 unchanged)
Newly added: 39
PV changed: 0
PR changed: 0
Dependencies changed: 0Removing the newly generated stamps dir ...
1.7 bitbake-selftest
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ bitbake-selftest -h
usage: bitbake-selftest [-h] [-v] [-q] [--locals] [-f] [-c] [-k TESTNAMEPATTERNS] [tests [tests ...]]positional arguments:tests a list of any number of test modules, classes and test methods.optional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit-v, --verbose Verbose output-q, --quiet Quiet output--locals Show local variables in tracebacks-f, --failfast Stop on first fail or error-c, --catch Catch Ctrl-C and display results so far-k TESTNAMEPATTERNS Only run tests which match the given substringExamples:bitbake-selftest - run default set of testsbitbake-selftest MyTestSuite - run suite 'MyTestSuite'bitbake-selftest MyTestCase.testSomething - run MyTestCase.testSomethingbitbake-selftest MyTestCase - run all 'test*' test methodsin MyTestCaseEnvironment variables:BB_SKIP_NETTESTS set to 'yes' in order to skip tests using networkconnectionBB_TMPDIR_NOCLEAN set to 'yes' to preserve test tmp directories
Yocto Project Reference Manual
bitbake bitbake-hashclient bitbake-prserv bitbake-server
bitbake-diffsigs bitbake-hashserv bitbake-prserv-tool bitbake-whatchanged
bitbake-dumpsig bitbake-layers bitbake-selftest bitbake-worker
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bmcweb$ bitbake
bitbake bitbake-hashclient bitbake-prserv bitbake-server
bitbake-diffsigs bitbake-hashserv bitbake-prserv-tool bitbake-whatchanged
bitbake-dumpsig bitbake-layers bitbake-selftest bitbake-worker
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ ls bitbake -alh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 penghu4x penghu4x 13 4月 6 21:20 bitbake -> poky/bitbake/
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ cd poky/bitbake/
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bitbake$ ls
AUTHORS bin ChangeLog contrib doc lib LICENSE LICENSE.GPL-2.0-only LICENSE.MIT README toaster-requirements.txt
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bitbake$ ls bin/ -alh
total 92K
drwxrwxr-x 2 penghu4x penghu4x 4.0K 4月 6 21:20 .
drwxrwxr-x 6 penghu4x penghu4x 4.0K 4月 6 21:20 ..
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 1.4K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 7.6K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-diffsigs
lrwxrwxrwx 1 penghu4x penghu4x 16 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-dumpsig -> bitbake-diffsigs
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 5.3K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-hashclient
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 2.3K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-hashserv
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 3.5K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-layers
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 2.2K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-prserv
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 1.9K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-selftest
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 1.7K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-server
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 19K 4月 6 21:20 bitbake-worker
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 5.8K 4月 6 21:20 git-make-shallow
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 9.0K 4月 6 21:20 toaster
-rwxrwxr-x 1 penghu4x penghu4x 3.5K 4月 6 21:20 toaster-eventreplay
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bin$ file bitbake*
bitbake: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-diffsigs: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-dumpsig: symbolic link to bitbake-diffsigs
bitbake-hashclient: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-hashserv: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-layers: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-prserv: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-selftest: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-server: Python script, ASCII text executable
bitbake-worker: Python script, ASCII text executable
1.1 bitbake-layers
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bitbake$ bitbake-layers -h
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
WARNING: Duplicate inclusion for /media/disk3/penghu4x/work/EGS/dsg-openbmc-openbmc/meta/conf/distro/include/ in /media/disk3/penghu4x/work/EGS/dsg-openbmc-openbmc/meta-phosphor/conf/distro/include/
usage: bitbake-layers [-d] [-q] [-F] [--color COLOR] [-h] <subcommand> ...BitBake layers utilityoptional arguments:-d, --debug Enable debug output-q, --quiet Print only errors-F, --force Force add without recipe parse verification--color COLOR Colorize output (where COLOR is auto, always, never)-h, --help show this help message and exitsubcommands:<subcommand>show-layers show current configured list overlayed recipes (where the same recipe exists in another layer)show-recipes list available recipes, showing the layer they are provided byshow-appends list bbappend files and recipe files they apply toshow-cross-depends Show dependencies between recipes that cross layer boundaries.add-layer Add one or more layers to bblayers.conf.remove-layer Remove one or more layers from bblayers.conf.flatten flatten layer configuration into a separate output directory.layerindex-fetch Fetches a layer from a layer index along with its dependent layers, and adds them toconf/bblayers.conf.layerindex-show-dependsFind layer dependencies from layer index.create-layer Create a basic layerUse bitbake-layers <subcommand> --help to get help on a specific command
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bitbake$ bitbake-layers show-recipes | grep gdb
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bitbake$[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bmcweb$ bitbake-layers show-cross-depends -h
NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
WARNING: Duplicate inclusion for /media/disk3/penghu4x/work/EGS/dsg-openbmc-openbmc/meta/conf/distro/include/ in /media/disk3/penghu4x/work/EGS/dsg -openbmc-openbmc/meta-phosphor/conf/distro/include/
usage: bitbake-layers show-cross-depends [-h] [-f] [-i LAYERNAME]Figure out the dependencies between recipes that cross layer boundaries.NOTE: .bbappend files can impact the dependencies.optional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit-f, --filenames show full file path-i LAYERNAME, --ignore LAYERNAMEignore dependencies on items in the specified layer(s) (split multiple layer names with commas, no spaces)
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bmcweb$ bitbake-layers show-cross-depends | grep gdb
meta-networking/recipes-support/openipmi/ DEPENDS meta/recipes-support/gdbm/
meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/crda/ RDEPENDS meta/recipes-kernel/wireless-regdb/
meta-oe/recipes-support/satyr/ DEPENDS meta/recipes-devtools/gdb/
meta-oe/recipes-shells/zsh/ DEPENDS meta/recipes-support/gdbm/
meta-oe/recipes-devtools/cgdb/ DEPENDS meta/recipes-devtools/autoconf/
1.2 bitbake-diffsigs
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0bin$ bitbake-diffsigs -h
usage: bitbake-diffsigs [-h] [-D] [-c color] [-d] [-t recipename taskname] [-s fromsig tosig] [sigdatafile1] [sigdatafile2]Compares siginfo/sigdata files written out by BitBakepositional arguments:sigdatafile1 First signature file to compare (or signature file to dump, if second not specified). Not used when using -t/--task.sigdatafile2 Second signature file to compareoptional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit-D, --debug Enable debug output-c color, --color colorColorize the output (where color is auto, always, never)-d, --dump Dump the last signature data instead of comparing (equivalent to using bitbake-dumpsig)-t recipename taskname, --task recipename tasknamefind the signature data files for the last two runs of the specified task and compare them-s fromsig tosig, --signature fromsig tosigWith -t/--task, specify the signatures to look for instead of taking the last two
1.3 bitbake-dumpsig
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ bitbake-dumpsig -h
usage: bitbake-dumpsig [-h] [-D] [-t recipename taskname] [sigdatafile]Dumps siginfo/sigdata files written out by BitBakepositional arguments:sigdatafile Signature file to dump. Not used when using -t/--task.optional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit-D, --debug Enable debug output-t recipename taskname, --task recipename tasknamefind the signature data file for the last run of the specified task[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0build$ bitbake-dumpsig tmp/stamps/armv7ahf-vfpv4d16-openbmc-linux-gnueabi/license-manager/1.0+git999-r0.do_compile.sigdata.f7a2ae1cde441975057d83cab5189c0350e00bd3f35ff54c70b40c6a7d48e2d9
1.4 bitbake-server & bitbake-worker & bitbake-prserv & bitbake-prserv-tool
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0build$ bitbake-server -h
bitbake-server is meant for internal execution by bitbake itself, please don't use it standalone.
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0build$ bitbake-worker -h
bitbake-worker is meant for internal execution by bitbake itself, please don't use it standalone.
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0build$ bitbake-prserv -h
Usage: bitbake-prserv < --start | --stop > [options]Options:--version show program's version number and exit-h, --help show this help message and exit-f DBFILE, --file=DBFILEdatabase filename(default: prserv.sqlite3)-l LOGFILE, --log=LOGFILElog filename(default: prserv.log)--loglevel=LOGLEVEL logging level, i.e. CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO,DEBUG--start start daemon--stop stop daemon--host=HOST ip address to bind--port=PORT port number(default: 8585)
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0build$ bitbake-prserv-tool -h
ERROR: must end with .conf or .inc!
1.5 bitbake-hashserv & bitbake-hashclient
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ bitbake-hashserv -h
usage: bitbake-hashserv [-h] [-b BIND] [-d DATABASE] [-l LOG] [-u UPSTREAM] [-r]Hash Equivalence Reference Server. Version=1.0.0optional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit-b BIND, --bind BIND Bind address (default "unix://./hashserve.sock")-d DATABASE, --database DATABASEDatabase file (default "./hashserv.db")-l LOG, --log LOG Set logging level-u UPSTREAM, --upstream UPSTREAMUpstream hashserv to pull hashes from-r, --read-only Disallow write operations from clientsThe bind address is the path to a unix domain socket if it is prefixed with "unix://". Otherwise, it is an IP address and port in form ADDRESS:PORT. To bind to all addresses, leave
the ADDRESS empty, e.g. "--bind :8686". To bind to a specific IPv6 address, enclose the address in "[]", e.g. "--bind [::1]:8686"
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ bitbake-hashclient -h
usage: bitbake-hashclient [-h] [--address ADDRESS] [--log LOG] {stats,stress} ...Hash Equivalence Clientpositional arguments:{stats,stress}stats Show server statsstress Run stress testoptional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit--address ADDRESS Server address (default "unix://./hashserve.sock")--log LOG Set logging level
1.6 bitbake-whatchanged
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ bitbake-whatchanged -h
usage: bitbake-whatchanged [options] [package ...]
print what will be done between the current and last builds, for example:$ bitbake core-image-sato# Edit the recipes$ bitbake-whatchanged core-image-satoThe changes will be printed"Note:The amount of tasks is not accurate when the task is "do_build" sinceit usually depends on other tasks.The "nostamp" task is not included.arguments:recipe recipe to checkoptions:-h, --help show this help message and exit-v, --verbose print the verbose changes
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ bitbake-whatchanged license-manager
Figuring out the STAMPS_DIR ...
Generating the new stamps ... (need several minutes)
=== Newly added tasks: (39 tasks)os-release: do_package do_prepare_recipe_sysroot do_install do_packagedata do_configure do_package_write_rpm do_compilephosphor-dbus-interfaces: do_write_config do_packagedata do_configure do_fetch do_package do_package_write_rpm do_unpack do_prepare_recipe_sysroot do_compile do_populate_sysroot do_installphosphor-software-manager: do_fetch do_package_write_rpm do_packagedata do_install do_prepare_recipe_sysroot do_compile do_package do_unpack do_configurelicense-manager: do_package_write_rpm do_prepare_recipe_sysroot do_install do_configure do_package do_packagedata do_populate_lic do_generate_toolchain_file do_build do_populate_sysroot do_compile do_package_qa=== Summary: (39 changed, 3 unchanged)
Newly added: 39
PV changed: 0
PR changed: 0
Dependencies changed: 0Removing the newly generated stamps dir ...
1.7 bitbake-selftest
[penghu4x@bmcdev-S2600WF0dsg-openbmc-openbmc$ bitbake-selftest -h
usage: bitbake-selftest [-h] [-v] [-q] [--locals] [-f] [-c] [-k TESTNAMEPATTERNS] [tests [tests ...]]positional arguments:tests a list of any number of test modules, classes and test methods.optional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit-v, --verbose Verbose output-q, --quiet Quiet output--locals Show local variables in tracebacks-f, --failfast Stop on first fail or error-c, --catch Catch Ctrl-C and display results so far-k TESTNAMEPATTERNS Only run tests which match the given substringExamples:bitbake-selftest - run default set of testsbitbake-selftest MyTestSuite - run suite 'MyTestSuite'bitbake-selftest MyTestCase.testSomething - run MyTestCase.testSomethingbitbake-selftest MyTestCase - run all 'test*' test methodsin MyTestCaseEnvironment variables:BB_SKIP_NETTESTS set to 'yes' in order to skip tests using networkconnectionBB_TMPDIR_NOCLEAN set to 'yes' to preserve test tmp directories