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元器件交易网811, CAT8124-Pin Microprocessor Power Supply SupervisorsFEATURESsPrecision monitoring ofHGENFROLAEELEADFREETMsDirect replacements for the MAX811 and+5.0 V (+/- 5%, +/- 10%, +/- 20%),+3.3 V (+/- 5%, +/ 10%),+3.0 V (+/- 10%) and+2.5 V (+/- 5%) power suppliessOffered in two output configurations:MAX812 in applications operating over theindustrial temperature ranges Reset valid down to VCC = 1.0 Vs 6

µA power supply currents Power supply transient immunitys Compact 4-pin SOT143 packages Industrial temperature range: -40˚C to +85˚C- CAT811: Active LOW reset- CAT812: Active HIGH resetsManual reset inputAPPLICATIONSsComputerssServerssLaptopssCable modemss

Wireless communicationssEmbedded control systemssWhite goodssPower meterssIntelligent instrumentssPDAs and handheld equipmentDESCRIPTIONThe CAT811 and CAT812 are µP supervisory circuitsthat monitor power supplies in digital systems. TheCAT811 and CAT812 are direct replacements for theMAX811 and MAX812 in applications operating over theindustrial temperature range; both have a manual devices generate a reset signal, which is assertedwhile the power supply voltage is below a preset thresholdlevel and for at least 140 ms after the power supply levelhas risen above that level. The underlying floating gatetechnology, AE2(TM) used by Catalyst Semiconductor,makes it possible to offer any custom reset thresholdvalue. Seven industry standard threshold levels areoffered to support +5.0 V, +3.3 V, +3.0 V and +2.5 CAT811 features a RESET push-pull output (activeLOW) and the CAT812 features a RESET push-pulloutput (active HIGH).Fast transients on the power supply are ignored and theoutput is guaranteed to be in the correct state at Vcclevels as low as 1.0 CAT811/812 are fully specified over the industrialtemperature range (-40˚C to 85˚C) and are available ina compact 4-pin SOT143 OLD SUFFIX SELECTORNominal ThresholdVoltage4.63V4.38V4.00V3.08V2.93V2.63V2.32VThreshold SuffixDesignationLMJTSRZ1PIN CONFIGURATIONGND1CAT811(CAT812)RESET(RESET)4VCC23© 2004 by Catalyst Semiconductor, Inc., Patent PendingCharacteristics subject to change without noticeDoc. No. 3005, Rev. P

元器件交易网811, CAT812ORDERING INFORMATIONOrderingPartNumberCAT811_EUS-TCAT811_EUS-T10CAT811_TBI-TCAT811_TBI-T10CAT812_EUS-TCAT812_EUS-T10CAT812_TBI-TCAT812_TBI-T10RESETPolarityPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPackage4-pin,SOT1434-pin,SOT1434-pin,SOT143Green4-pin,SOT143Green4-pin,SOT1434-pin,SOT1434-pin,SOT143Green4-pin,SOT143GreenPartsperReel3k10k3k10k3k10k3k10kInsert threshold suffix (L, M, J, T, S, R or Z) into the blank position. Example: CAT811LTBI-T for 4.63 V, and lead-free SOT143 MARKINGSOT143CAT811LCAT811MCAT811JCAT811TCAT811SCAT811RCAT811ZCAT812LCAT812MCAT812JCAT812TCAT812SCAT812RCAT812ZWhere YM stands for Year and YMAZYMAPYMAQYMARYMAYYMASYMATYMAUYMAVYMAWYMAXYMCIYMSOT143GreenDHYMDJYMCKYMDLYMDMYMDNYMCPYMDRYMDTYMDUYMDVYMDWYMDXYMCYYMDoc. No. 3005, Rev. P2Patent Pending

元器件交易网811, CAT812PIN DESCRIPTIONSPin NumberCAT81112—CAT8121—2Name DescriptionGNDRESETRESETGroundActive LOW reset. RESET is asserted if VCC falls below the reset thresholdand remains low for at least 140ms after VCC rises above the reset HIGH reset. RESET is asserted if VCC falls below the resetthreshold and remains high for at least 140ms after VCC rises abovethe reset Reset Input. A logic LOW on MR asserts RESET. RESET remainsactive as long as MR is LOW and for 140ms after MR returns HIGH. Theactive low input has an internal 20kΩ pull-up resistor. The input should be leftopen if not used. It can be driven by TTL or CMOS logic or shorted to groundby a supply voltage that is monitored.33MR44VCCPatent Pending3Doc. No. 3005, Rev. P

元器件交易网811, CAT812ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Any pin with respect -0.3 V to +6.0 VInput Current, 20 mAOutput Current, RESET, 20 mARate of Rise, 100 V/µsContinuous Power Dissipation Derate 4mW/˚C above 70˚C (SOT143)........320 mWOperating -40°C to +85°CStorage -65°C to +105°CLead Soldering Temperature (10 sec)..............300°C*COMMENTStresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” maycause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditionsoutside of those listed in the operational sections of this specification is notimplied. Exposure to any absolute maximum rating for extended periodsmay affect device performance and ICAL CHARACTERISTICSVCC = Full range, TA = -40°C to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Typical values at TA = +25˚C and VCC

= 5 V for theL/M/J versions, VCC

= 3.3 V for the T/S versions, VCC=3 V for the R version and VCC

= 2.5 V for the Z terVCC RangeSymbolConditionsTA = 0˚C to +70˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CSupply CurrentICCTA = -40˚C to +85˚CL ThresholdM ThresholdVCC < 5.5 V, J/L/MVCC < 3.6 V, R/S/T/ZTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚C4.564.504.314.253.933.893.043.002.892.852.592.552.282.252.322.632.933.084.004.38Min1.01.2864.63TypMax5.55.520154.704.754.454.504.µAJ ThresholdResetThresholdVoltageT ThresholdVVTHS ThresholdR ThresholdZ ThresholdDoc. No. 3005, Rev. P4Patent Pending

元器件交易网811, CAT812ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(continued)VCC = Full range, TA = -40˚C to +85˚C unless otherwise noted. Typical values at TA = +25˚C and VCC

= 5 V forL/M/J versions, VCC

= 3.3 V for T/S versions, VCC

= 3 V for R version and VCC

= 2.5 V for Z terReset Threshold TempcoVCC to Reset Delay (Note 2)Reset Active Timeout PeriodVCC = VTH to (VTH - 100 mV)TA = -40˚C to +85˚CVCC = VTH min, ISINK = 1.2 mARESET Output Voltage Low(Push-pull, active LOW,CAT811)CAT811R/S/T/ZVOLVCC = VTH min, ISINK = 3.2 mACAT811J/L/MVCC > 1.0 V, ISINK = 50 µAVCC = VTH max, ISOURCE = 500 µARESET Output Voltage High(Push-pull, active LOW,CAT811)VOHCAT811R/S/T/ZVCC = VTH max, ISOURCE = 800 µACAT811J/L/MVCC > VTH max, ISINK = 1.2 mARESET Output Voltage Low(Push-pull, active HIGH,CAT812)RESET Output Voltage High(Push-pull active HIGH,CAT812)MR Minimum Pulse WidthMR Glitch ImmunityMR to RESET PropagationDelaytMDVIHMR Input ThresholdVILVIHVILMR Pull-up ResistanceNote 1: Production testing done at TA = +25˚C; limits over temperature guaranteed by design 2: RESET output for the CAT811; RESET output for the CAT812Note 3: Glitches of 100 ns or less typically will not generate a reset ConditionsMinTyp(1)3020MaxUnitsppm/˚Cµs1402404000.3ms0.40.30.8 VCCVVVCC - 1.50.3V0.4VOLCAT812R/S/T/ZVCC > VTH max, ISINK = 3.2 mACAT812J/L/MVOH1.8 V < VCC ≤ VTH min, ISOURCE = 150 µA0.8 VCCVtMRNote 310100µsnsNote 2VCC > VTH (MAX), CAT811/812L/M/J2.3 V0.5µs0.8VCC > VIH (MAX), CAT811/812R/S/T/Z0.7VCC0.25VCCV102030kΩPatent Pending5Doc. No. 3005, Rev. P

元器件交易网811, CAT812TYPICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSVCC = Full range, TA = -40˚C to +85˚C unless otherwise noted. Typical values at TA = +25˚C and VCC

= 5 V forL/M/J versions, VCC=3.3 V for T/S versions, VCC = 3 V for R version and VCC = 2.5 V for Z -UP RESET TIMEOUTVS. TEMPERATURESUPPLY CURRENT VS. TEMPERATURE(NO LOAD, CAT8xxR/S/T/Z)12VCC=5.5VPOWER-UP









THRESHOLD121086420-50 0 50 100 15010.99980.99960.99940.99920.9990.99880 20 40 60 80 100 120TEMPERATURE (˚C)TEMPERATURE (˚C)Doc. No. 3005, Rev. P6Patent Pending

元器件交易网811, CAT812DETAILED DESCRIPTIONSRESET TIMINGThe reset signal is asserted LOW for the CAT811 and HIGH for the CAT812 when the power supply voltage falls belowthe threshold trip voltage and remains asserted for at least 140ms after the power supply voltage has risen above 5VSupplyVoltage0VThresholdVoltageReset Timeout Period140msminimumRESET5V0V5VCAT811RESET0VCAT812Figure 1. Reset Timing DiagramVCC TRANSIENT RESPONSEThe CAT811/812 protect µPs against brownout failure. Short duration transients of 4µsec or less and 100 mVamplitude typically do not cause a false 2 shows the maximum pulse duration of negative-going VCC transients that do not cause a reset condition. Asthe amplitude of the transient goes further below the threshold (increasing VTH - VCC), the maximum pulse durationdecreases. In this test, the VCC starts from an initial voltage of 0.5V above the threshold and drops below it by theamplitude of the overdrive voltage (VTH - VCC).30TRANSIENT



50CAT8xxMTAMB = 25°CCAT8xxZ1 10 100 1000RESET OVERDRIVE VTH - VCC [mV]Figure 2. Maximum Transient Duration Without Causing a Reset Pulse vs. Reset Comparator OverdrivePatent Pending7Doc. No. 3005, Rev. P

元器件交易网811, CAT812VALID RESET WITH VCC UNDER 1.0 VTo ensure that the CAT811 RESET pin is in a known state when VCC is under 1.0 V, a 100 kΩ pull-down resistorbetween RESET pin and GND is recommended; the value is not critical. For the CAT812, a pull-up resistor fromRESET pin to VCC is upplyVCCPowerSupplyVCCCAT811RESETGND100kΩCAT812RESET100kΩGNDFIGURE 3.

RESET Valid with VCC Under 1.0 VFIGURE 4. RESET Valid with VCC Under 1.1 VBI-DIRECTIONAL RESET PIN INTERFACINGThe CAT811/812 can interface with µP/µC bi-directional reset pins by connecting a 4.7 kΩ resistor in series with theCAT811/812 reset output and the µP/µC bi-directional reset erSupplyVCCBufferedRESETCAT8114.7kΩRESETGNDBi-directional I/O PinµPRESETINPUTGND(For example: 68HC11)FIGURE 5. Bi-directional Reset Pin InterfacingDoc. No. 3005, Rev. P8Patent Pending

元器件交易网811, CAT812OTHER SUPERVISORY PRODUCTS FunctionWith 16k Bit Serial EEPROM MemoryWatchdog TimerManual Reset InputActive Low ResetActive High ResetDual Polarity Reset OutputsPackage 8-pinDIP and SOIC

8-pin DIP and SOIC3-pin SOT23 andSC703-pin SOT23 andSC704-pin SOT1434-pin SOT143

CAT1161/3 CAT1162

CAT809CAT810CAT811CAT812PACKAGE INFORMATIONPlastic SOT143 (4-Pin)2.05 MAX1.78 MIN2.64 MAX2.10 MIN0.200.89 MAX0.76 MIN0.51 MAX0.37 MIN3.04 MAX2.80 MIN1.40 MAX1.20 MIN0.18 MAX0.085 MIN0.94 MAX0.88 MIN1.12 MAX0.89 MIN0.20GAUGE PLANE0.10 MAX0.013 MIN0.54 REF0.41 MAX0.21 MINPatent Pending9Doc. No. 3005, Rev. P

元器件交易网811, CAT812REVISION HISTORYDate10/22/0312/22/onUpdated Ordering InformationUpdated FeaturesReplaced power-up reset timeout vs. temperature graphwith updated oneRelaced VCC Transient Response graph with updatedoneUpdated FeaturesUpdated DescriptionUpdated Ordering InformationAdded Top MarkingsUpdated Absolute Maximum RatingsUpdated Electrical CharacteristicsUpdated Detailed DescriptionChanged Preliminary designation to FinalUpdated Top MarkingsUpdated Electrical Characteristics (Reset ActiveTimeout Period Max)Corrected Pin Configure diagram3/22/04N3/25/2004O3/25/2004PDoc. No. 3005, Rev. P10Patent Pending

元器件交易网yrights, Trademarks and PatentsTrademarks and registered trademarks of Catalyst Semiconductor include each of the following:DPP ™AE2 ™Catalyst Semiconductor has been issued U.S. and foreign patents and has patent applications pending that protect its products. For a complete list of patentsissued to Catalyst Semiconductor contact the Company’s corporate office at ST SEMICONDUCTOR MAKES NO WARRANTY, REPRESENTATION OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE SUITABILITY OF ITSPRODUCTS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NOR THAT THE USE OF ITS PRODUCTS WILL NOT INFRINGE ITS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OR THERIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR USE OR APPLICATION AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY ARISINGOUT OF ANY SUCH USE OR APPLICATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL st Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, orother applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Catalyst Semiconductor product could create asituation where personal injury or death may st Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes to or discontinue any product or service described herein without notice. Products with data sheetslabeled "Advance Information" or "Preliminary" and other products described herein may not be in production or offered for st Semiconductor advises customers to obtain the current version of the relevant product information before placing orders. Circuit diagrams illustratetypical semiconductor applications and may not be st Semiconductor, ate Headquarters1250 Borregas AvenueSunnyvale, CA 94089Phone: 408.542.1000Fax: lication #:Revison:Issue date:Type:3005P3/25/04FinalPatent Pending


元器件交易网811, CAT8124-Pin Microprocessor Power Supply SupervisorsFEATURESsPrecision monitoring ofHGENFROLAEELEADFREETMsDirect replacements for the MAX811 and+5.0 V (+/- 5%, +/- 10%, +/- 20%),+3.3 V (+/- 5%, +/ 10%),+3.0 V (+/- 10%) and+2.5 V (+/- 5%) power suppliessOffered in two output configurations:MAX812 in applications operating over theindustrial temperature ranges Reset valid down to VCC = 1.0 Vs 6

µA power supply currents Power supply transient immunitys Compact 4-pin SOT143 packages Industrial temperature range: -40˚C to +85˚C- CAT811: Active LOW reset- CAT812: Active HIGH resetsManual reset inputAPPLICATIONSsComputerssServerssLaptopssCable modemss

Wireless communicationssEmbedded control systemssWhite goodssPower meterssIntelligent instrumentssPDAs and handheld equipmentDESCRIPTIONThe CAT811 and CAT812 are µP supervisory circuitsthat monitor power supplies in digital systems. TheCAT811 and CAT812 are direct replacements for theMAX811 and MAX812 in applications operating over theindustrial temperature range; both have a manual devices generate a reset signal, which is assertedwhile the power supply voltage is below a preset thresholdlevel and for at least 140 ms after the power supply levelhas risen above that level. The underlying floating gatetechnology, AE2(TM) used by Catalyst Semiconductor,makes it possible to offer any custom reset thresholdvalue. Seven industry standard threshold levels areoffered to support +5.0 V, +3.3 V, +3.0 V and +2.5 CAT811 features a RESET push-pull output (activeLOW) and the CAT812 features a RESET push-pulloutput (active HIGH).Fast transients on the power supply are ignored and theoutput is guaranteed to be in the correct state at Vcclevels as low as 1.0 CAT811/812 are fully specified over the industrialtemperature range (-40˚C to 85˚C) and are available ina compact 4-pin SOT143 OLD SUFFIX SELECTORNominal ThresholdVoltage4.63V4.38V4.00V3.08V2.93V2.63V2.32VThreshold SuffixDesignationLMJTSRZ1PIN CONFIGURATIONGND1CAT811(CAT812)RESET(RESET)4VCC23© 2004 by Catalyst Semiconductor, Inc., Patent PendingCharacteristics subject to change without noticeDoc. No. 3005, Rev. P

元器件交易网811, CAT812ORDERING INFORMATIONOrderingPartNumberCAT811_EUS-TCAT811_EUS-T10CAT811_TBI-TCAT811_TBI-T10CAT812_EUS-TCAT812_EUS-T10CAT812_TBI-TCAT812_TBI-T10RESETPolarityPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPush-PullRESETPackage4-pin,SOT1434-pin,SOT1434-pin,SOT143Green4-pin,SOT143Green4-pin,SOT1434-pin,SOT1434-pin,SOT143Green4-pin,SOT143GreenPartsperReel3k10k3k10k3k10k3k10kInsert threshold suffix (L, M, J, T, S, R or Z) into the blank position. Example: CAT811LTBI-T for 4.63 V, and lead-free SOT143 MARKINGSOT143CAT811LCAT811MCAT811JCAT811TCAT811SCAT811RCAT811ZCAT812LCAT812MCAT812JCAT812TCAT812SCAT812RCAT812ZWhere YM stands for Year and YMAZYMAPYMAQYMARYMAYYMASYMATYMAUYMAVYMAWYMAXYMCIYMSOT143GreenDHYMDJYMCKYMDLYMDMYMDNYMCPYMDRYMDTYMDUYMDVYMDWYMDXYMCYYMDoc. No. 3005, Rev. P2Patent Pending

元器件交易网811, CAT812PIN DESCRIPTIONSPin NumberCAT81112—CAT8121—2Name DescriptionGNDRESETRESETGroundActive LOW reset. RESET is asserted if VCC falls below the reset thresholdand remains low for at least 140ms after VCC rises above the reset HIGH reset. RESET is asserted if VCC falls below the resetthreshold and remains high for at least 140ms after VCC rises abovethe reset Reset Input. A logic LOW on MR asserts RESET. RESET remainsactive as long as MR is LOW and for 140ms after MR returns HIGH. Theactive low input has an internal 20kΩ pull-up resistor. The input should be leftopen if not used. It can be driven by TTL or CMOS logic or shorted to groundby a supply voltage that is monitored.33MR44VCCPatent Pending3Doc. No. 3005, Rev. P

元器件交易网811, CAT812ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Any pin with respect -0.3 V to +6.0 VInput Current, 20 mAOutput Current, RESET, 20 mARate of Rise, 100 V/µsContinuous Power Dissipation Derate 4mW/˚C above 70˚C (SOT143)........320 mWOperating -40°C to +85°CStorage -65°C to +105°CLead Soldering Temperature (10 sec)..............300°C*COMMENTStresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” maycause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditionsoutside of those listed in the operational sections of this specification is notimplied. Exposure to any absolute maximum rating for extended periodsmay affect device performance and ICAL CHARACTERISTICSVCC = Full range, TA = -40°C to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Typical values at TA = +25˚C and VCC

= 5 V for theL/M/J versions, VCC

= 3.3 V for the T/S versions, VCC=3 V for the R version and VCC

= 2.5 V for the Z terVCC RangeSymbolConditionsTA = 0˚C to +70˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CSupply CurrentICCTA = -40˚C to +85˚CL ThresholdM ThresholdVCC < 5.5 V, J/L/MVCC < 3.6 V, R/S/T/ZTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚CTA = +25˚CTA = -40˚C to +85˚C4.564.504.314.253.933.893.043.002.892.852.592.552.282.252.322.632.933.084.004.38Min1.01.2864.63TypMax5.55.520154.704.754.454.504.µAJ ThresholdResetThresholdVoltageT ThresholdVVTHS ThresholdR ThresholdZ ThresholdDoc. No. 3005, Rev. P4Patent Pending

元器件交易网811, CAT812ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(continued)VCC = Full range, TA = -40˚C to +85˚C unless otherwise noted. Typical values at TA = +25˚C and VCC

= 5 V forL/M/J versions, VCC

= 3.3 V for T/S versions, VCC

= 3 V for R version and VCC

= 2.5 V for Z terReset Threshold TempcoVCC to Reset Delay (Note 2)Reset Active Timeout PeriodVCC = VTH to (VTH - 100 mV)TA = -40˚C to +85˚CVCC = VTH min, ISINK = 1.2 mARESET Output Voltage Low(Push-pull, active LOW,CAT811)CAT811R/S/T/ZVOLVCC = VTH min, ISINK = 3.2 mACAT811J/L/MVCC > 1.0 V, ISINK = 50 µAVCC = VTH max, ISOURCE = 500 µARESET Output Voltage High(Push-pull, active LOW,CAT811)VOHCAT811R/S/T/ZVCC = VTH max, ISOURCE = 800 µACAT811J/L/MVCC > VTH max, ISINK = 1.2 mARESET Output Voltage Low(Push-pull, active HIGH,CAT812)RESET Output Voltage High(Push-pull active HIGH,CAT812)MR Minimum Pulse WidthMR Glitch ImmunityMR to RESET PropagationDelaytMDVIHMR Input ThresholdVILVIHVILMR Pull-up ResistanceNote 1: Production testing done at TA = +25˚C; limits over temperature guaranteed by design 2: RESET output for the CAT811; RESET output for the CAT812Note 3: Glitches of 100 ns or less typically will not generate a reset ConditionsMinTyp(1)3020MaxUnitsppm/˚Cµs1402404000.3ms0.40.30.8 VCCVVVCC - 1.50.3V0.4VOLCAT812R/S/T/ZVCC > VTH max, ISINK = 3.2 mACAT812J/L/MVOH1.8 V < VCC ≤ VTH min, ISOURCE = 150 µA0.8 VCCVtMRNote 310100µsnsNote 2VCC > VTH (MAX), CAT811/812L/M/J2.3 V0.5µs0.8VCC > VIH (MAX), CAT811/812R/S/T/Z0.7VCC0.25VCCV102030kΩPatent Pending5Doc. No. 3005, Rev. P

元器件交易网811, CAT812TYPICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSVCC = Full range, TA = -40˚C to +85˚C unless otherwise noted. Typical values at TA = +25˚C and VCC

= 5 V forL/M/J versions, VCC=3.3 V for T/S versions, VCC = 3 V for R version and VCC = 2.5 V for Z -UP RESET TIMEOUTVS. TEMPERATURESUPPLY CURRENT VS. TEMPERATURE(NO LOAD, CAT8xxR/S/T/Z)12VCC=5.5VPOWER-UP









THRESHOLD121086420-50 0 50 100 15010.99980.99960.99940.99920.9990.99880 20 40 60 80 100 120TEMPERATURE (˚C)TEMPERATURE (˚C)Doc. No. 3005, Rev. P6Patent Pending

元器件交易网811, CAT812DETAILED DESCRIPTIONSRESET TIMINGThe reset signal is asserted LOW for the CAT811 and HIGH for the CAT812 when the power supply voltage falls belowthe threshold trip voltage and remains asserted for at least 140ms after the power supply voltage has risen above 5VSupplyVoltage0VThresholdVoltageReset Timeout Period140msminimumRESET5V0V5VCAT811RESET0VCAT812Figure 1. Reset Timing DiagramVCC TRANSIENT RESPONSEThe CAT811/812 protect µPs against brownout failure. Short duration transients of 4µsec or less and 100 mVamplitude typically do not cause a false 2 shows the maximum pulse duration of negative-going VCC transients that do not cause a reset condition. Asthe amplitude of the transient goes further below the threshold (increasing VTH - VCC), the maximum pulse durationdecreases. In this test, the VCC starts from an initial voltage of 0.5V above the threshold and drops below it by theamplitude of the overdrive voltage (VTH - VCC).30TRANSIENT



50CAT8xxMTAMB = 25°CCAT8xxZ1 10 100 1000RESET OVERDRIVE VTH - VCC [mV]Figure 2. Maximum Transient Duration Without Causing a Reset Pulse vs. Reset Comparator OverdrivePatent Pending7Doc. No. 3005, Rev. P

元器件交易网811, CAT812VALID RESET WITH VCC UNDER 1.0 VTo ensure that the CAT811 RESET pin is in a known state when VCC is under 1.0 V, a 100 kΩ pull-down resistorbetween RESET pin and GND is recommended; the value is not critical. For the CAT812, a pull-up resistor fromRESET pin to VCC is upplyVCCPowerSupplyVCCCAT811RESETGND100kΩCAT812RESET100kΩGNDFIGURE 3.

RESET Valid with VCC Under 1.0 VFIGURE 4. RESET Valid with VCC Under 1.1 VBI-DIRECTIONAL RESET PIN INTERFACINGThe CAT811/812 can interface with µP/µC bi-directional reset pins by connecting a 4.7 kΩ resistor in series with theCAT811/812 reset output and the µP/µC bi-directional reset erSupplyVCCBufferedRESETCAT8114.7kΩRESETGNDBi-directional I/O PinµPRESETINPUTGND(For example: 68HC11)FIGURE 5. Bi-directional Reset Pin InterfacingDoc. No. 3005, Rev. P8Patent Pending

元器件交易网811, CAT812OTHER SUPERVISORY PRODUCTS FunctionWith 16k Bit Serial EEPROM MemoryWatchdog TimerManual Reset InputActive Low ResetActive High ResetDual Polarity Reset OutputsPackage 8-pinDIP and SOIC

8-pin DIP and SOIC3-pin SOT23 andSC703-pin SOT23 andSC704-pin SOT1434-pin SOT143

CAT1161/3 CAT1162

CAT809CAT810CAT811CAT812PACKAGE INFORMATIONPlastic SOT143 (4-Pin)2.05 MAX1.78 MIN2.64 MAX2.10 MIN0.200.89 MAX0.76 MIN0.51 MAX0.37 MIN3.04 MAX2.80 MIN1.40 MAX1.20 MIN0.18 MAX0.085 MIN0.94 MAX0.88 MIN1.12 MAX0.89 MIN0.20GAUGE PLANE0.10 MAX0.013 MIN0.54 REF0.41 MAX0.21 MINPatent Pending9Doc. No. 3005, Rev. P

元器件交易网811, CAT812REVISION HISTORYDate10/22/0312/22/onUpdated Ordering InformationUpdated FeaturesReplaced power-up reset timeout vs. temperature graphwith updated oneRelaced VCC Transient Response graph with updatedoneUpdated FeaturesUpdated DescriptionUpdated Ordering InformationAdded Top MarkingsUpdated Absolute Maximum RatingsUpdated Electrical CharacteristicsUpdated Detailed DescriptionChanged Preliminary designation to FinalUpdated Top MarkingsUpdated Electrical Characteristics (Reset ActiveTimeout Period Max)Corrected Pin Configure diagram3/22/04N3/25/2004O3/25/2004PDoc. No. 3005, Rev. P10Patent Pending

元器件交易网yrights, Trademarks and PatentsTrademarks and registered trademarks of Catalyst Semiconductor include each of the following:DPP ™AE2 ™Catalyst Semiconductor has been issued U.S. and foreign patents and has patent applications pending that protect its products. For a complete list of patentsissued to Catalyst Semiconductor contact the Company’s corporate office at ST SEMICONDUCTOR MAKES NO WARRANTY, REPRESENTATION OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE SUITABILITY OF ITSPRODUCTS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NOR THAT THE USE OF ITS PRODUCTS WILL NOT INFRINGE ITS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OR THERIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR USE OR APPLICATION AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY ARISINGOUT OF ANY SUCH USE OR APPLICATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL st Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, orother applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Catalyst Semiconductor product could create asituation where personal injury or death may st Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes to or discontinue any product or service described herein without notice. Products with data sheetslabeled "Advance Information" or "Preliminary" and other products described herein may not be in production or offered for st Semiconductor advises customers to obtain the current version of the relevant product information before placing orders. Circuit diagrams illustratetypical semiconductor applications and may not be st Semiconductor, ate Headquarters1250 Borregas AvenueSunnyvale, CA 94089Phone: 408.542.1000Fax: lication #:Revison:Issue date:Type:3005P3/25/04FinalPatent Pending


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