元器件交易网19-3080 Rev 2; 12/06MAX1272 Evaluation Kit/Evaluation SystemGeneral DescriptionFeaturesThe MAX1272 evaluation system (EV system) is a com-plete, 12-bit, multirange, single-channel, data-acquisi-♦Proven PC Board Layouttion system consisting of a MAX1272 evaluation kit (EV♦Convenient On-Board Test Pointskit), Maxim 68HC16MODULE-DIP microcontroller (µC)MMmodule, and USBTO232.
♦Fully Assembled and TestedOrder the complete EV system (MAX1272EVC16) for a♦EV Kit Software Supports Windows®98/2000/XPcomprehensive evaluation of the MAX1272 using a per-with RS-232/COM Portssonal computer (PC). Order the EV kit (MAX1272EVKIT)separately if the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module has♦EV Kit Software Supports Windows 2000/XP withalready been purchased with a previous Maxim EV sys-USB Portstem or for custom use in other µC-based MAX1272 EV kit can also be used to evaluate theOrdering InformationMAX1273CPA (8-pin DIP).PARTTEMP RANGEINTERFACE TYPEMAX1272EVKIT0°C to +70°CUser suppliedMAX1272EVKIT SoftwareMAX1272EVC160°C to +70°CWindows softwareP
UNCTIONNote:The MAX1272 EV kit software is designed for use withI
the complete EV system. It includes the µC module,nstalls the EV kit files on yourUSBTO232, and the EV kit. If the Windows software is , the EV kit board can be purchased by itself, without theµC module.
oftware loaded into 68HC16µC module.M
pplication :To evaluate the MAX1273, request a free sample of theMAX1273CPA when ordering the MAX1272 EV 1272EVKIT Component ListQuick StartDESIGNATIONQTYDESCRIPTIONUSB Port PC Connection Option
1Note:In the following section(s), software-relatedC
1, C32
µF ceramic capacitors (0805)TDK C2012X5R1C105Mitems are identified by bolding. Text in boldrefers to
items directly from the EV kit software. Text in boldC2
.1µF ceramic capacitor (0603)and underlinedrefers to items from the Windows
x 20 right-angle female connector98SE/2000/XP operating system.
wo-circuit terminal block•AX1272EVC16 (AX1272EVKIT board,T
-pin headerUSBTO232, and 68HC16MODULE-DIP)U
AX1272CPA (8-pin DIP)•A DC power supply (+8V to +20V)—
AX1272 EV kit PCB•A PC running Windows 2000/XP with an available—
AX1272 EV kit software, CD-ROMstandard USB port to connect to the USBTO232•USB cable included with the USBTO232MAX1272EVC16 System1)Visit the Maxim website () todownload the latest version of the USBTO232 userPARTQTYDESCRIPTIONguide. Follow the steps in the USBTO232 userMAX1272EVKIT1MAX1272 EV kitguide quick start section and return to step 2 of this68HC16MODULE-DIP168HC16 µC moduleQuick Startsection when finished.
2)Carefully connect the boards by aligning the 40-pinUSBTO232+1USB-to-RS-232 converterboardconnector of the MAX1272EVKIT with the 40-pinheader of the 68HC16MODULE-DIP s is a registered trademark of Microsoft press them together. The two boards shouldbe flush against one another.________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products1For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at
1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at te: MAX1272/MAX1273
元器件交易网1272 Evaluation Kit/Evaluation SystemEvaluate:
MAX1272/MAX12733)Ensure that the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module’sSW1 switch is in the OFF position.4)Connect the +8V to +20V power supply to the68HC16MODULE-DIP module’s terminal block (J2)located next to SW1. Observe the polarity markedon the board.5)Connect the USBTO232 board to the68HC16MODULE-DIP module if you have not doneso already.6)The MAX1272 EV kit software should have alreadybeen downloaded and installed in the USBTO232user guide quick start.7)Start the MAX1272 program by opening its icon inthe Start | Programsmenu.
8)Slide SW1 to the ON position. Click OK, theWindows program automatically downloadsKIT1272.C16 to the module.9)Apply an input signal (0 to 10V) between AIN andGND. Observe the readout on the running Windowsprogram.4)Ensure that the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module’sSW1 switch is in the OFF position.5)Connect the +8V to +20V power supply to the68HC16MODULE-DIP module’s terminal block (J2)located next to SW1. Observe the polarity markedon the board.6)Connect a standard serial cable from the comput-er’s serial port to the 68HC16MODULE-DIP the PC’s standard serial port has a 9-pin connec-tor, use a straight-through, 9-pin female-to-malecable. If the PC’s only available standard serial porthas a 25-pin connector, a standard 25-pin to 9-pinadapter is required. The EV kit software checks themodem status lines (CTS, DSR, DCD) to confirmthat the correct port has been selected.7)Start the MAX1272 program by opening its icon inthe Start | Programsmenu.8)Turn on the power supply and slide SW1 to the ONposition on the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module. Clickthe OK button to automatically connect and down-load the file KIT1272.C16 to the module.
9)Apply an input signal (0 to 10V) between AIN andGND. Observe the readout on the running -232/COM Port PC Connection Option•MAX1272EVC16 (MAX1272EVKIT board and68HC16MODULE-DIP)•A DC power supply (+8V to +20V)•A PC running Windows 98/2000/XP with an availablestandard serial port, preferably with a 9-pin plug•A standard serial cable to connect the PC’s stan-dard serial port to the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module1)Visit the Maxim website (/evkit-software) to download the latest version of the EV kitsoftware. Save the EV kit software to a temporaryfolder and uncompress the file (if it is a .zip file).2)Install the MAX1272 EV kit software on your com-puter by running the program. Theprogram files are copied and icons are created forthem in the Windows Start | Programsmenu.3)Carefully connect the boards by aligning the 40-pinconnector of the MAX1272EVKIT with the 40-pinheader of the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module. Gentlypress them together. The two boards should beflush against one ed DescriptionMAX1272 Stand-Alone EV KitThe MAX1272EVKIT provides a proven PCB layout toevaluate the MAX1272. It must be interfaced to appropri-ate timing signals for proper operation. Connect +5V toVDDand connect ground return to GND. See Figure 2(MAX1272 EV Kit Schematic)and refer to the MAX1272data sheet for timing 1272 EV SystemThe MAX1272EVC16 operates from a user-supplied +8Vto +20V DC power supply. Windows 98-/2000-/XP-com-patible software interfaces to the EV system boardthrough the PC’s standard serial port (virtual COM port).See the Quick Startsection for setup and operatinginstructions.
元器件交易网1272 Evaluation Kit/Evaluation SystemFigure 1. MAX1272 Evaluation Software Main WindowDetailed Descriptionwas stored in the memory of the µC as fast as the µCof Softwarecan obtain the data from the ADC, because the µC’sSPI interface is much faster than the PC’s standard ser-The evaluation software’s main window is shown inial port. Hence, the ADC-to-µC sample rate refers to theFigure 1. It controls the serial clock speed and samplesample rate at which data is being sampled by therate. It also displays the voltage and output code asADC and stored in the µC’s memory. Use the pulldownwell as some statistics relating to the input signal. Amenu to select the desired SCLK frequency. The firstseparate graph shows the data changing in real digits are the divisors for the µC’s internal update rate is limited to about 10 samples per sec-The next floating point number is the correspondingond, due to COM port (virtual COM port) bandwidthSCLK frequency. The ADC-to-µC sample rate is in the ADC-to-µC sample rate field located onPart Selectionthe right side of the main Choose Partpulldown menu allows the user toThe other sample rate of interest is the rate at which dataevaluate the MAX1272CPA or the MAX1273CPA. Theis being sampled from the µC’s memory to the PC. Thisdefault part is the MAX1272CPA.µC-to-PC sample rate is controlled using the field in thelower right hand corner of the main window and can beControl Byte Pulldown Menuscontrolled in two different ways. Pressing the ReadbuttonThe pulldown menus at the top of the main program win-allows the user to manually obtain a sample from the µC’sdow allow the user to select the control byte. The firstmemory. Checking the Read Everycheckbox allows thefield represents the start bit and is always one. The sec-user to automatically read samples from the µC’s memoryond field controls the input range and polarity. The thirdat a rate selectable in sets the power-down mode. The fourth field sets theexternal clock. The last field selects either the internal orTo retrieve a block of consecutively sampled data toan external PC, click on the Samplemenu located at the topleft-hand corner of the main window. The data blockSample Ratelength is selectable and the data can be saved to a SPI™ SCLK frequency area allows the user to varythe analog-to-digital converter (ADC)-to-µC samplerate. The PC is not capable of retrieving the data thatSPI is a trademark of Motorola, Inc._______________________________________________________________________________________3Evaluate: MAX1272/MAX1273
元器件交易网1272 Evaluation Kit/Evaluation SystemEvaluate:
MAX1272/MAX1273TP1VDD3C11µFC20.1µFU1AIN5VDDCSSCLKDINDOUT123456J1-1J1-2J1-3J1-38J1-37J1-36J1-35VDDREF6C31µF21J1-7J1-8TB0J1-4VDD7128AINMAX1272GNDGND4Figure 2. MAX1272 EV Kit SchematicStatisticsThe Minimum and Maximum fields in the statistics areashow the highest and lowest readings acquired. TheAverage field shows a running mean. When readingdata manually by pressing the Readbutton, theAverage and RMS fields require approximately fivesamples until they are accurately represented. TheClear Statisticsbutton resets the statistics. To removeoffset errors, first apply 0V to the active input channel,press the Clear Statisticsbutton, acquire some sam-ples, and then check the Null Offsetcheckbox. Oncechecked, the label next to the Null Offsetcheckboxshows the sampled offset error. This value is subtractedfrom all subsequent measurements until the checkboxis ed Descriptionof HardwareThe MAX1272 is a 12-bit, multirange, serial ADC. Whenthe MAX1272EVKIT board is connected to the68HC16MODULE-DIP module, power is provided by themodule. See Figure 2 (MAX1272 EV Kit Schematic).
The MAX1272 has a software-selectable internal+4.096V reference. The terminal block (TB0) on theMAX1272EVKIT board is for applications requiring anexternal ting the MAX1273The MAX1272EVKIT board can also be used to evalu-ate the MAX1273. The MAX1272 and the MAX1273 dif-fer only in analog input voltage range. The MAX1272has a software-selectable input voltage range of 0 to+5V, 0 to +10V, ±5V and ±10V. The MAX1273 has asoftware-selectable input voltage range of 0 to VREF
/ 2,0 to VREF, ±VREF
/ 2, and ±VREF. Simply replace theMAX1272CPA with the nce VoltageThe evaluation software assumes a +4.096V referencevoltage, unless otherwise specified. To override the+4.096V reference value, apply the new reference volt-age at the terminal block (TB0) on the board, type inthe new reference voltage (without the volt unit), andpress the Set Vref
元器件交易网1272 Evaluation Kit/Evaluation SystemFigure 3. MAX1272 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—Figure 4. MAX1272 EV Kit PCB Layout—Component SideComponent SideFigure 5. MAX1272 EV Kit PCB Layout—Solder SideMaxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses areimplied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 _____________________5©2006 Maxim Integrated Products is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, te: MAX1272/MAX1273
元器件交易网19-3080 Rev 2; 12/06MAX1272 Evaluation Kit/Evaluation SystemGeneral DescriptionFeaturesThe MAX1272 evaluation system (EV system) is a com-plete, 12-bit, multirange, single-channel, data-acquisi-♦Proven PC Board Layouttion system consisting of a MAX1272 evaluation kit (EV♦Convenient On-Board Test Pointskit), Maxim 68HC16MODULE-DIP microcontroller (µC)MMmodule, and USBTO232.
♦Fully Assembled and TestedOrder the complete EV system (MAX1272EVC16) for a♦EV Kit Software Supports Windows®98/2000/XPcomprehensive evaluation of the MAX1272 using a per-with RS-232/COM Portssonal computer (PC). Order the EV kit (MAX1272EVKIT)separately if the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module has♦EV Kit Software Supports Windows 2000/XP withalready been purchased with a previous Maxim EV sys-USB Portstem or for custom use in other µC-based MAX1272 EV kit can also be used to evaluate theOrdering InformationMAX1273CPA (8-pin DIP).PARTTEMP RANGEINTERFACE TYPEMAX1272EVKIT0°C to +70°CUser suppliedMAX1272EVKIT SoftwareMAX1272EVC160°C to +70°CWindows softwareP
UNCTIONNote:The MAX1272 EV kit software is designed for use withI
the complete EV system. It includes the µC module,nstalls the EV kit files on yourUSBTO232, and the EV kit. If the Windows software is , the EV kit board can be purchased by itself, without theµC module.
oftware loaded into 68HC16µC module.M
pplication :To evaluate the MAX1273, request a free sample of theMAX1273CPA when ordering the MAX1272 EV 1272EVKIT Component ListQuick StartDESIGNATIONQTYDESCRIPTIONUSB Port PC Connection Option
1Note:In the following section(s), software-relatedC
1, C32
µF ceramic capacitors (0805)TDK C2012X5R1C105Mitems are identified by bolding. Text in boldrefers to
items directly from the EV kit software. Text in boldC2
.1µF ceramic capacitor (0603)and underlinedrefers to items from the Windows
x 20 right-angle female connector98SE/2000/XP operating system.
wo-circuit terminal block•AX1272EVC16 (AX1272EVKIT board,T
-pin headerUSBTO232, and 68HC16MODULE-DIP)U
AX1272CPA (8-pin DIP)•A DC power supply (+8V to +20V)—
AX1272 EV kit PCB•A PC running Windows 2000/XP with an available—
AX1272 EV kit software, CD-ROMstandard USB port to connect to the USBTO232•USB cable included with the USBTO232MAX1272EVC16 System1)Visit the Maxim website () todownload the latest version of the USBTO232 userPARTQTYDESCRIPTIONguide. Follow the steps in the USBTO232 userMAX1272EVKIT1MAX1272 EV kitguide quick start section and return to step 2 of this68HC16MODULE-DIP168HC16 µC moduleQuick Startsection when finished.
2)Carefully connect the boards by aligning the 40-pinUSBTO232+1USB-to-RS-232 converterboardconnector of the MAX1272EVKIT with the 40-pinheader of the 68HC16MODULE-DIP s is a registered trademark of Microsoft press them together. The two boards shouldbe flush against one another.________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products1For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at
1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at te: MAX1272/MAX1273
元器件交易网1272 Evaluation Kit/Evaluation SystemEvaluate:
MAX1272/MAX12733)Ensure that the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module’sSW1 switch is in the OFF position.4)Connect the +8V to +20V power supply to the68HC16MODULE-DIP module’s terminal block (J2)located next to SW1. Observe the polarity markedon the board.5)Connect the USBTO232 board to the68HC16MODULE-DIP module if you have not doneso already.6)The MAX1272 EV kit software should have alreadybeen downloaded and installed in the USBTO232user guide quick start.7)Start the MAX1272 program by opening its icon inthe Start | Programsmenu.
8)Slide SW1 to the ON position. Click OK, theWindows program automatically downloadsKIT1272.C16 to the module.9)Apply an input signal (0 to 10V) between AIN andGND. Observe the readout on the running Windowsprogram.4)Ensure that the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module’sSW1 switch is in the OFF position.5)Connect the +8V to +20V power supply to the68HC16MODULE-DIP module’s terminal block (J2)located next to SW1. Observe the polarity markedon the board.6)Connect a standard serial cable from the comput-er’s serial port to the 68HC16MODULE-DIP the PC’s standard serial port has a 9-pin connec-tor, use a straight-through, 9-pin female-to-malecable. If the PC’s only available standard serial porthas a 25-pin connector, a standard 25-pin to 9-pinadapter is required. The EV kit software checks themodem status lines (CTS, DSR, DCD) to confirmthat the correct port has been selected.7)Start the MAX1272 program by opening its icon inthe Start | Programsmenu.8)Turn on the power supply and slide SW1 to the ONposition on the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module. Clickthe OK button to automatically connect and down-load the file KIT1272.C16 to the module.
9)Apply an input signal (0 to 10V) between AIN andGND. Observe the readout on the running -232/COM Port PC Connection Option•MAX1272EVC16 (MAX1272EVKIT board and68HC16MODULE-DIP)•A DC power supply (+8V to +20V)•A PC running Windows 98/2000/XP with an availablestandard serial port, preferably with a 9-pin plug•A standard serial cable to connect the PC’s stan-dard serial port to the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module1)Visit the Maxim website (/evkit-software) to download the latest version of the EV kitsoftware. Save the EV kit software to a temporaryfolder and uncompress the file (if it is a .zip file).2)Install the MAX1272 EV kit software on your com-puter by running the program. Theprogram files are copied and icons are created forthem in the Windows Start | Programsmenu.3)Carefully connect the boards by aligning the 40-pinconnector of the MAX1272EVKIT with the 40-pinheader of the 68HC16MODULE-DIP module. Gentlypress them together. The two boards should beflush against one ed DescriptionMAX1272 Stand-Alone EV KitThe MAX1272EVKIT provides a proven PCB layout toevaluate the MAX1272. It must be interfaced to appropri-ate timing signals for proper operation. Connect +5V toVDDand connect ground return to GND. See Figure 2(MAX1272 EV Kit Schematic)and refer to the MAX1272data sheet for timing 1272 EV SystemThe MAX1272EVC16 operates from a user-supplied +8Vto +20V DC power supply. Windows 98-/2000-/XP-com-patible software interfaces to the EV system boardthrough the PC’s standard serial port (virtual COM port).See the Quick Startsection for setup and operatinginstructions.
元器件交易网1272 Evaluation Kit/Evaluation SystemFigure 1. MAX1272 Evaluation Software Main WindowDetailed Descriptionwas stored in the memory of the µC as fast as the µCof Softwarecan obtain the data from the ADC, because the µC’sSPI interface is much faster than the PC’s standard ser-The evaluation software’s main window is shown inial port. Hence, the ADC-to-µC sample rate refers to theFigure 1. It controls the serial clock speed and samplesample rate at which data is being sampled by therate. It also displays the voltage and output code asADC and stored in the µC’s memory. Use the pulldownwell as some statistics relating to the input signal. Amenu to select the desired SCLK frequency. The firstseparate graph shows the data changing in real digits are the divisors for the µC’s internal update rate is limited to about 10 samples per sec-The next floating point number is the correspondingond, due to COM port (virtual COM port) bandwidthSCLK frequency. The ADC-to-µC sample rate is in the ADC-to-µC sample rate field located onPart Selectionthe right side of the main Choose Partpulldown menu allows the user toThe other sample rate of interest is the rate at which dataevaluate the MAX1272CPA or the MAX1273CPA. Theis being sampled from the µC’s memory to the PC. Thisdefault part is the MAX1272CPA.µC-to-PC sample rate is controlled using the field in thelower right hand corner of the main window and can beControl Byte Pulldown Menuscontrolled in two different ways. Pressing the ReadbuttonThe pulldown menus at the top of the main program win-allows the user to manually obtain a sample from the µC’sdow allow the user to select the control byte. The firstmemory. Checking the Read Everycheckbox allows thefield represents the start bit and is always one. The sec-user to automatically read samples from the µC’s memoryond field controls the input range and polarity. The thirdat a rate selectable in sets the power-down mode. The fourth field sets theexternal clock. The last field selects either the internal orTo retrieve a block of consecutively sampled data toan external PC, click on the Samplemenu located at the topleft-hand corner of the main window. The data blockSample Ratelength is selectable and the data can be saved to a SPI™ SCLK frequency area allows the user to varythe analog-to-digital converter (ADC)-to-µC samplerate. The PC is not capable of retrieving the data thatSPI is a trademark of Motorola, Inc._______________________________________________________________________________________3Evaluate: MAX1272/MAX1273
元器件交易网1272 Evaluation Kit/Evaluation SystemEvaluate:
MAX1272/MAX1273TP1VDD3C11µFC20.1µFU1AIN5VDDCSSCLKDINDOUT123456J1-1J1-2J1-3J1-38J1-37J1-36J1-35VDDREF6C31µF21J1-7J1-8TB0J1-4VDD7128AINMAX1272GNDGND4Figure 2. MAX1272 EV Kit SchematicStatisticsThe Minimum and Maximum fields in the statistics areashow the highest and lowest readings acquired. TheAverage field shows a running mean. When readingdata manually by pressing the Readbutton, theAverage and RMS fields require approximately fivesamples until they are accurately represented. TheClear Statisticsbutton resets the statistics. To removeoffset errors, first apply 0V to the active input channel,press the Clear Statisticsbutton, acquire some sam-ples, and then check the Null Offsetcheckbox. Oncechecked, the label next to the Null Offsetcheckboxshows the sampled offset error. This value is subtractedfrom all subsequent measurements until the checkboxis ed Descriptionof HardwareThe MAX1272 is a 12-bit, multirange, serial ADC. Whenthe MAX1272EVKIT board is connected to the68HC16MODULE-DIP module, power is provided by themodule. See Figure 2 (MAX1272 EV Kit Schematic).
The MAX1272 has a software-selectable internal+4.096V reference. The terminal block (TB0) on theMAX1272EVKIT board is for applications requiring anexternal ting the MAX1273The MAX1272EVKIT board can also be used to evalu-ate the MAX1273. The MAX1272 and the MAX1273 dif-fer only in analog input voltage range. The MAX1272has a software-selectable input voltage range of 0 to+5V, 0 to +10V, ±5V and ±10V. The MAX1273 has asoftware-selectable input voltage range of 0 to VREF
/ 2,0 to VREF, ±VREF
/ 2, and ±VREF. Simply replace theMAX1272CPA with the nce VoltageThe evaluation software assumes a +4.096V referencevoltage, unless otherwise specified. To override the+4.096V reference value, apply the new reference volt-age at the terminal block (TB0) on the board, type inthe new reference voltage (without the volt unit), andpress the Set Vref
元器件交易网1272 Evaluation Kit/Evaluation SystemFigure 3. MAX1272 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—Figure 4. MAX1272 EV Kit PCB Layout—Component SideComponent SideFigure 5. MAX1272 EV Kit PCB Layout—Solder SideMaxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses areimplied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 _____________________5©2006 Maxim Integrated Products is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, te: MAX1272/MAX1273