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【IT专家】多线程C程序在OS X上比Linux慢得多。

IT圈 admin 27浏览 0评论



多线程C程序在OS X上比Linux慢得多。

I wrote this for an OS class assignment that I’ve already completed and handed in. I

posted this question yesterday, but due to “Academic Honesty” regulations I took it off

until after the submission deadline.



  The object was to learn how to use critical sections. There is a data array with 100

monotonously increasing numbers, 0...99, and 40 threads that randomly swap two

elements 2,000,000 times each. Once a second a Checkergoes through and makes sure that

there is only one of each number (which means that no parallel access happened).




  Here were the Linux times:


  real 0m5.102suser 0m5.087ssys 0m0.000s and the OS X times

 OS X乘以

  real 6m54.139suser 0m41.873ssys 6m43.792s I run a vagrant box with

ubuntu/trusty64 on the same machine that is running OS X. It is a quad-core i7 2.3Ghz (up

to 3.2Ghz) 2012 rMBP.

 我在运行OS x的同一台机器上运行一个带有ubuntu/trusty64的移动盒子。它是一

个四核i7 2.3Ghz(最高3.2Ghz) 2012 rMBP。

  If I understand correctly, sys is system overhead, which I have no control over, and

even then, 41s of user time suggests that perhaps the threads are running serially.





多线程C程序在OS X上比Linux慢得多。

I wrote this for an OS class assignment that I’ve already completed and handed in. I

posted this question yesterday, but due to “Academic Honesty” regulations I took it off

until after the submission deadline.



  The object was to learn how to use critical sections. There is a data array with 100

monotonously increasing numbers, 0...99, and 40 threads that randomly swap two

elements 2,000,000 times each. Once a second a Checkergoes through and makes sure that

there is only one of each number (which means that no parallel access happened).




  Here were the Linux times:


  real 0m5.102suser 0m5.087ssys 0m0.000s and the OS X times

 OS X乘以

  real 6m54.139suser 0m41.873ssys 6m43.792s I run a vagrant box with

ubuntu/trusty64 on the same machine that is running OS X. It is a quad-core i7 2.3Ghz (up

to 3.2Ghz) 2012 rMBP.

 我在运行OS x的同一台机器上运行一个带有ubuntu/trusty64的移动盒子。它是一

个四核i7 2.3Ghz(最高3.2Ghz) 2012 rMBP。

  If I understand correctly, sys is system overhead, which I have no control over, and

even then, 41s of user time suggests that perhaps the threads are running serially.




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