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1) Bacillus purgationiresistens (Vaz-Moreira et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 71; Type strain:

DS22 = DSM 23494 = LMG

25783 = NRRL B-59432= CICC 23907)

N.L. part. adj. purgationiresistens, opposing, resisisting (i.e. resisting cleansing, purification). 抗净化芽胞杆菌

2) Brachybacterium squillarum (Park et al. IJSEM. 2011, 61:1118; Type strain: M-6-3 = JCM 16464 = KACC

14221= CICC 23822)

L. gen. pl. n. squillarum, of/from shrimp. 虾小短杆菌

3) Carboxylicivirga mesophila (Yang et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 1351; Type strain: MEBiC 07026=KCCM

42978=JCM18290= CICC 10984)

N.L. neut. n. acidum carboxylicum, carboxylic acid; L. fem. n. virga, a rod; N.L. fem. n. Carboxylicivirga, carboxylic acid

(utilizing) rod.

Gr. adj. mesos, middle, in the middle; N.L. adj. philus -a -um (from Gr. adj. philos on), friend, loving; N.L.

fem. adj. mesophila, middle temperature-loving, i.e. mesophilic. 嗜中温羧酸利用杆菌

4) Carboxylicivirga taeanensis (Yang et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 1351; Type strain: MEBiC 08903=KCCM 43024=JCM

19490= CICC 23793)

N.L. fem. adj. taeanensis, referring to Taean County, Chung-Cheong Province of South Korea, from where the type strain

was isolated. 泰安羧酸利用杆菌

5) Cronobacter condimenti (Joseph et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 1277; Type strain: 1330 = CECT 7863 = LMG 26250

=DSM 27966= CICC 24184)

L. gen. n. condimenti, of spice, seasoning. 香料克罗诺杆菌

6) Cronobacter universalis (Joseph et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 1277; Type strain: CECT 7864 = LMG 26249 = NCTC


=DSM 27963= CICC 24183)

L. masc. adj. universalis, of or belonging to all, universal. 广泛克罗诺杆菌

7) Lysinibacillus macroides (Coorevits et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 1121; Type strain: ATCC 12905= DSM 54 = LMG


Gr. adj. makros, large or long; Gr. suff. -eides (from Gr. n. eidos, form or shape), resembling, similar; N.L. masc. adj.

macroides, long in form, describing the elongated appearance of the rods. 细长赖氨酸芽胞杆菌

8) Lysinibacillus mangiferihumi (Yang et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 2045; Type strain: M-GX18 = CCTCC AB 2010389 =

DSM 24076)

N.L. n. Mangifera scientific generic name of mango; L. n. humus soil; N.L. gen. n. mangiferihumi of soil of mango fiel.



Novosphingobium barchaimii (Niharika et al.

IJSEM. 2013, 63: 667; Type strain:

LL02 = CCM 7980 = DSM

25411= CICC 24073)

N.L. masc. gen. n. barchaimii, of Yechiel Bar-Chaim, who has served as a programme director for various Central

European and North African countries for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, a philanthropic and

humanitarian aid organization.


10) Novosphingobium gossypii (Kämpfer et al. IJSEM. 2015, 65: 2831; Type strain:

JM-1396=LMG 28605=CCM

8569=CIP 110884 = DSM 29615= CICC 24091)

N. L. gen. n. gossypii, of Gossypium hirsutum.


11) Novosphingobium lindaniclasticum (Saxena et al. IJSEM. 2013, 63: 2160; Type strain:

LE124 = CCM 7976 =

DSM 25409= CICC 24072)

N.L. n. lindanun, lindane; N.L. adj. clasticus -a -um (from Gr. adj. klastos -ê -on, broken, in pieces) breaking; N.L. neut.

adj. lindaniclasticum, lindane-breaking.


12) Siccibacter turicensis (Stephan et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 3402; Type strain: 508/05=LMG 23730=DSM 18397=

CICC 24155)

L. masc. adj. turicensis, from Turicum/Zurich, from where the species was first isolated.


13) Sinomicrobium oceani (Xu et al. IJSEM. 2013, 63: 1045; Type strain:

SCSIO 03483 = CGMCC 1.12145 =

KCTC 23994)

L. gen. n. oceani, of an ocean, referring to its optimal growth under marine.


14) Sphingomonas formosensis (Lin et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 1581; Type strain:

CC-Nfb-2 = BCRC 80272 = DSM

24164= CICC 10890)

N.L. fem. adj. formosensis, of or pertaining to Formosa (Taiwan), the beautiful island.


15) Sphingomonas ginsenosidimutans (Choi et al. IJSEM. 2011, 61: 2563; Type strain:

Gsoil 1429 = JCM 17074 =

KACC 14949 = LMG 25799= CICC 10895)

N.L. n. ginsenosidum, ginsenoside; L. part. adj. mutans, transforming, converting; N.L. part. adj. ginsenosidimutans,



16) Sphingomonas oligoaromativorans (Han et al.

IJSEM. 2014, 64: 1679; Type strain:

SY-6=KACC 12948=NBRC

105508= CICC 10896)

Gr. adj. oligos, little, small; L. n. aroma, -atis, spice, aroma; L. part. adj. vorans, devouring; N.L. part. adj.

oligoaromativorans, degrading a few aromatic compounds.


17) Sphingomonas polyaromaticivorans (Luo

et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 1223; Type strain: B2-7 = JCM 16711 = KCCM

42951= CICC 10894)

Gr. adj. polu, many; L. adj. aromaticus, aromatic, fragrant; L. part. adj. vorans, devouring; N.L. part. adj.

polyaromaticivorans, devouring many aromatic (compounds). 多噬香鞘氨醇单胞菌

18) Sphingomonas yantingensis (Huang et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 1030; Type strain:

1007=DSM 27244=JCM

19201=CCTCC AB 2013146= CICC 10891)

N.L. fem. adj. yantingensis, pertaining to Yanting County in China, where the type strain was isolated.


19) Pseudomonas baetica (López et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 874; Type strain:

a390 = CECT 7720 = LMG 25716=DSM

26532= CICC 23894)

L. fem. adj. baetica, of or belonging to Hispania Baetica, the name of the former province of the Roman Empire covering

the south-west region of Spain. 贝提卡假单胞菌

20) Pseudomonas chengduensis (Tao et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 95; Type strain:

MBR= CGMCC 2318= DSM 26382)

N.L. fem. adj. chengduensis, pertaining to Chengdu, where the type strain was isolated. 成都假单胞菌

21) Pseudomonas saponiphila (Lang et al.

IJSEM. 2012, 62: 1017; Type strain:

CIP 109856 = DSM 9751)

L. n. sapo -onis, soap; N.L. fem. adj. phila (from Gr. fem. adj. philê), friend, loving; N.L. fem. adj. saponiphila, soap

(detergent)- loving.


22) Zhihengliuella aestuarii

(Baik et al. IJSEM. 2011, 61: 1671; Type strain: DY66 = JCM 16364 = KCTC 19557 =

CICC 24068)

L. gen. n. aestuarii, of a tidal flat, from where the type strain was isolated. 潮汐刘志恒氏菌

(中国工业微生物菌种保藏管理中心 刘洋 胡海蓉 梁寒峭 白飞荣)








1) Bacillus purgationiresistens (Vaz-Moreira et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 71; Type strain:

DS22 = DSM 23494 = LMG

25783 = NRRL B-59432= CICC 23907)

N.L. part. adj. purgationiresistens, opposing, resisisting (i.e. resisting cleansing, purification). 抗净化芽胞杆菌

2) Brachybacterium squillarum (Park et al. IJSEM. 2011, 61:1118; Type strain: M-6-3 = JCM 16464 = KACC

14221= CICC 23822)

L. gen. pl. n. squillarum, of/from shrimp. 虾小短杆菌

3) Carboxylicivirga mesophila (Yang et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 1351; Type strain: MEBiC 07026=KCCM

42978=JCM18290= CICC 10984)

N.L. neut. n. acidum carboxylicum, carboxylic acid; L. fem. n. virga, a rod; N.L. fem. n. Carboxylicivirga, carboxylic acid

(utilizing) rod.

Gr. adj. mesos, middle, in the middle; N.L. adj. philus -a -um (from Gr. adj. philos on), friend, loving; N.L.

fem. adj. mesophila, middle temperature-loving, i.e. mesophilic. 嗜中温羧酸利用杆菌

4) Carboxylicivirga taeanensis (Yang et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 1351; Type strain: MEBiC 08903=KCCM 43024=JCM

19490= CICC 23793)

N.L. fem. adj. taeanensis, referring to Taean County, Chung-Cheong Province of South Korea, from where the type strain

was isolated. 泰安羧酸利用杆菌

5) Cronobacter condimenti (Joseph et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 1277; Type strain: 1330 = CECT 7863 = LMG 26250

=DSM 27966= CICC 24184)

L. gen. n. condimenti, of spice, seasoning. 香料克罗诺杆菌

6) Cronobacter universalis (Joseph et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 1277; Type strain: CECT 7864 = LMG 26249 = NCTC


=DSM 27963= CICC 24183)

L. masc. adj. universalis, of or belonging to all, universal. 广泛克罗诺杆菌

7) Lysinibacillus macroides (Coorevits et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 1121; Type strain: ATCC 12905= DSM 54 = LMG


Gr. adj. makros, large or long; Gr. suff. -eides (from Gr. n. eidos, form or shape), resembling, similar; N.L. masc. adj.

macroides, long in form, describing the elongated appearance of the rods. 细长赖氨酸芽胞杆菌

8) Lysinibacillus mangiferihumi (Yang et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 2045; Type strain: M-GX18 = CCTCC AB 2010389 =

DSM 24076)

N.L. n. Mangifera scientific generic name of mango; L. n. humus soil; N.L. gen. n. mangiferihumi of soil of mango fiel.



Novosphingobium barchaimii (Niharika et al.

IJSEM. 2013, 63: 667; Type strain:

LL02 = CCM 7980 = DSM

25411= CICC 24073)

N.L. masc. gen. n. barchaimii, of Yechiel Bar-Chaim, who has served as a programme director for various Central

European and North African countries for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, a philanthropic and

humanitarian aid organization.


10) Novosphingobium gossypii (Kämpfer et al. IJSEM. 2015, 65: 2831; Type strain:

JM-1396=LMG 28605=CCM

8569=CIP 110884 = DSM 29615= CICC 24091)

N. L. gen. n. gossypii, of Gossypium hirsutum.


11) Novosphingobium lindaniclasticum (Saxena et al. IJSEM. 2013, 63: 2160; Type strain:

LE124 = CCM 7976 =

DSM 25409= CICC 24072)

N.L. n. lindanun, lindane; N.L. adj. clasticus -a -um (from Gr. adj. klastos -ê -on, broken, in pieces) breaking; N.L. neut.

adj. lindaniclasticum, lindane-breaking.


12) Siccibacter turicensis (Stephan et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 3402; Type strain: 508/05=LMG 23730=DSM 18397=

CICC 24155)

L. masc. adj. turicensis, from Turicum/Zurich, from where the species was first isolated.


13) Sinomicrobium oceani (Xu et al. IJSEM. 2013, 63: 1045; Type strain:

SCSIO 03483 = CGMCC 1.12145 =

KCTC 23994)

L. gen. n. oceani, of an ocean, referring to its optimal growth under marine.


14) Sphingomonas formosensis (Lin et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 1581; Type strain:

CC-Nfb-2 = BCRC 80272 = DSM

24164= CICC 10890)

N.L. fem. adj. formosensis, of or pertaining to Formosa (Taiwan), the beautiful island.


15) Sphingomonas ginsenosidimutans (Choi et al. IJSEM. 2011, 61: 2563; Type strain:

Gsoil 1429 = JCM 17074 =

KACC 14949 = LMG 25799= CICC 10895)

N.L. n. ginsenosidum, ginsenoside; L. part. adj. mutans, transforming, converting; N.L. part. adj. ginsenosidimutans,



16) Sphingomonas oligoaromativorans (Han et al.

IJSEM. 2014, 64: 1679; Type strain:

SY-6=KACC 12948=NBRC

105508= CICC 10896)

Gr. adj. oligos, little, small; L. n. aroma, -atis, spice, aroma; L. part. adj. vorans, devouring; N.L. part. adj.

oligoaromativorans, degrading a few aromatic compounds.


17) Sphingomonas polyaromaticivorans (Luo

et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 1223; Type strain: B2-7 = JCM 16711 = KCCM

42951= CICC 10894)

Gr. adj. polu, many; L. adj. aromaticus, aromatic, fragrant; L. part. adj. vorans, devouring; N.L. part. adj.

polyaromaticivorans, devouring many aromatic (compounds). 多噬香鞘氨醇单胞菌

18) Sphingomonas yantingensis (Huang et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 1030; Type strain:

1007=DSM 27244=JCM

19201=CCTCC AB 2013146= CICC 10891)

N.L. fem. adj. yantingensis, pertaining to Yanting County in China, where the type strain was isolated.


19) Pseudomonas baetica (López et al. IJSEM. 2012, 62: 874; Type strain:

a390 = CECT 7720 = LMG 25716=DSM

26532= CICC 23894)

L. fem. adj. baetica, of or belonging to Hispania Baetica, the name of the former province of the Roman Empire covering

the south-west region of Spain. 贝提卡假单胞菌

20) Pseudomonas chengduensis (Tao et al. IJSEM. 2014, 64: 95; Type strain:

MBR= CGMCC 2318= DSM 26382)

N.L. fem. adj. chengduensis, pertaining to Chengdu, where the type strain was isolated. 成都假单胞菌

21) Pseudomonas saponiphila (Lang et al.

IJSEM. 2012, 62: 1017; Type strain:

CIP 109856 = DSM 9751)

L. n. sapo -onis, soap; N.L. fem. adj. phila (from Gr. fem. adj. philê), friend, loving; N.L. fem. adj. saponiphila, soap

(detergent)- loving.


22) Zhihengliuella aestuarii

(Baik et al. IJSEM. 2011, 61: 1671; Type strain: DY66 = JCM 16364 = KCTC 19557 =

CICC 24068)

L. gen. n. aestuarii, of a tidal flat, from where the type strain was isolated. 潮汐刘志恒氏菌

(中国工业微生物菌种保藏管理中心 刘洋 胡海蓉 梁寒峭 白飞荣)






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