Chinese JIAOLONG’s First Scientific Cruise in 2013
LI Xiang-yang
, LIU Feng
, HU Zhen
, ZHOU Huai-yang
, WANG Chun-sheng
, CHEN Cun-ben
(1. China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association (COMRA), Beijing 10083, China;2. China National Deep
Sea Center, Qingdao 266061, China; 3. China Ship Scientific Research Center, Wuxi 214082, China; 4. Tongji
University, Shanghai 200092, China; 5. The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration,
Hangzhou 310012, China; 6. Northsea Branch of State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao 266000, China)
Abstract: After the successful sea trial in Mariana Trench last year, JIAOLONG conducted its maid-
en scientific cruise from June 10th to Sept 20th, 2013. The cruise was composed of three legs in South
China Sea, Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone of Northeast Pacific and cobalt-rich crust seamounts of
Northwest Pacific respectively. This paper will mainly present JIAOLONG
s positioning system sea
trial results, the sampling in dives and preliminary scientific results at two sites of South China Sea,
four sites of Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone and two cobalt -rich crust seamounts of Northwest
Pacific. The advantages of JIAOLONG on the in-situ sampling are shown well.
Key words: JIAOLONG; submersible; seep; seamount; Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone
CLC number: P74
Document code: A doi: 10.3969/.1007-7294.2014.03.012
1 Introduction
JIAOLONG conducted her maiden cruise from June 10th to September 20th, 2013 after the
successful sea trial in Mariana Trench where the submersible dived to a depth of 7 062m in
June, 2012
. The whole cruise of 2013 was composed of three legs respectively, the first in
South China Sea emphasized on the positioning system sea trial, the geology and environment
survey at a cold seep site and a seamount (see Fig.1), the second in Clarion-Clipperton Frac-
ture Zone of Northeast Pacific (see Fig.2) on the resources, biodiversity and environment sur-
vey, and the third in cobalt-rich crust seamounts of Northwest Pacific (see Fig.3) on the re-
sources, biodiversity and environment survey. The paper will give a brief summary of JIAO-
s positioning system sea trial and will mainly focus on the 21 dives made in different
areas, some preliminary scientific results are obtained.
s positioning system sea trial
The South China Sea leg, the first leg of 2013 cruise, is mostly targeted to test the under-
Received date
Foundation item: Sponsored by China Ocean Mineral Resources Survey & Development Program Biography
LI Xiang-yang(1978-), male, Ph. D., senior engineer of COMRA, E-mail: lixy@;
LIU Feng(1962-), male, researcher of CNDSC.
water positioning systems, which includes the Ultra-Short Base Line (USBL) positioning sys-
tem and the newly-installed Long Base Line (LBL) positioning system.
On June 12-20, 2013, the USBL-Box software was updated, and some interior parame-
ters of USBL-Box software were modified. After testing, the data validity of USBL raised from
45%-80% to above 95%. The inclined distance error of USBL positioning is calculated 0.41%.
USBL in each dive of the first leg was tracked to the submersible position of descending, bottom
sampling and ascending. The positioning results of USBL in Dive 60 is shown in Fig.4, the da-
ta validity is above 85%.
s survey areas in South China Sea
Four transponders, positioned and depth-measured by USBL, are laid on the flat seabed
of the adjacent JIAOLONG Seamount named by the cruise team in the South China Sea. The
repeatability, continuity and accuracy are tested in Dive 57. The variance of positioning in still
status is calculated 2 cm and well-repeatedly, the root mean square error of positioning original
track and smoothed positioning track in sailing status is calculated 1.3 meters, and the conti-
Chinese JIAOLONG’s First Scientific Cruise in 2013
LI Xiang-yang
, LIU Feng
, HU Zhen
, ZHOU Huai-yang
, WANG Chun-sheng
, CHEN Cun-ben
(1. China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association (COMRA), Beijing 10083, China;2. China National Deep
Sea Center, Qingdao 266061, China; 3. China Ship Scientific Research Center, Wuxi 214082, China; 4. Tongji
University, Shanghai 200092, China; 5. The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration,
Hangzhou 310012, China; 6. Northsea Branch of State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao 266000, China)
Abstract: After the successful sea trial in Mariana Trench last year, JIAOLONG conducted its maid-
en scientific cruise from June 10th to Sept 20th, 2013. The cruise was composed of three legs in South
China Sea, Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone of Northeast Pacific and cobalt-rich crust seamounts of
Northwest Pacific respectively. This paper will mainly present JIAOLONG
s positioning system sea
trial results, the sampling in dives and preliminary scientific results at two sites of South China Sea,
four sites of Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone and two cobalt -rich crust seamounts of Northwest
Pacific. The advantages of JIAOLONG on the in-situ sampling are shown well.
Key words: JIAOLONG; submersible; seep; seamount; Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone
CLC number: P74
Document code: A doi: 10.3969/.1007-7294.2014.03.012
1 Introduction
JIAOLONG conducted her maiden cruise from June 10th to September 20th, 2013 after the
successful sea trial in Mariana Trench where the submersible dived to a depth of 7 062m in
June, 2012
. The whole cruise of 2013 was composed of three legs respectively, the first in
South China Sea emphasized on the positioning system sea trial, the geology and environment
survey at a cold seep site and a seamount (see Fig.1), the second in Clarion-Clipperton Frac-
ture Zone of Northeast Pacific (see Fig.2) on the resources, biodiversity and environment sur-
vey, and the third in cobalt-rich crust seamounts of Northwest Pacific (see Fig.3) on the re-
sources, biodiversity and environment survey. The paper will give a brief summary of JIAO-
s positioning system sea trial and will mainly focus on the 21 dives made in different
areas, some preliminary scientific results are obtained.
s positioning system sea trial
The South China Sea leg, the first leg of 2013 cruise, is mostly targeted to test the under-
Received date
Foundation item: Sponsored by China Ocean Mineral Resources Survey & Development Program Biography
LI Xiang-yang(1978-), male, Ph. D., senior engineer of COMRA, E-mail: lixy@;
LIU Feng(1962-), male, researcher of CNDSC.
water positioning systems, which includes the Ultra-Short Base Line (USBL) positioning sys-
tem and the newly-installed Long Base Line (LBL) positioning system.
On June 12-20, 2013, the USBL-Box software was updated, and some interior parame-
ters of USBL-Box software were modified. After testing, the data validity of USBL raised from
45%-80% to above 95%. The inclined distance error of USBL positioning is calculated 0.41%.
USBL in each dive of the first leg was tracked to the submersible position of descending, bottom
sampling and ascending. The positioning results of USBL in Dive 60 is shown in Fig.4, the da-
ta validity is above 85%.
s survey areas in South China Sea
Four transponders, positioned and depth-measured by USBL, are laid on the flat seabed
of the adjacent JIAOLONG Seamount named by the cruise team in the South China Sea. The
repeatability, continuity and accuracy are tested in Dive 57. The variance of positioning in still
status is calculated 2 cm and well-repeatedly, the root mean square error of positioning original
track and smoothed positioning track in sailing status is calculated 1.3 meters, and the conti-