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Unit 1



2. san dy

3. somehow

4. stale

5. din gy

6. proceed

7. bloodshot

smoke or vapour ; offen sive or suffocati ng gas

of the colour of sand ; pale reddish-yellow

for some reas on or other

dry and un appetiz ing

dirty-look ing ; not fresh or cheerful

go ahead

full of blood ; red because the small blood vessels are swolle n or broke


made afraid or discouraged at the prospect of trouble 8. dismayed

Un it 2



2. a vegetable plot

3. croak ing

4. murmur

5. wi nd dow n

be very angry

a small piece of land for grow ing vegetables

rough and harsh

speak in a low but not clear voice

lower ( the car window ) by turning the han dle

6. gesture of despair moveme nt of the head or hand to show helpless ness

7. brutal cruel

8. quara nti ne

the period of separati on from others so that the disease cannot



move around

not straight to the point ; in a roun dabout way

talk ing about uni mporta nt things

a comb in atio n of events happe ning in such a way that it seems pla nned


arran ged

in a hurry

ask forcefully

speak in a loud, deep voice

Un it 3



2. circle

3. in directly

4. idle talk

5. coin cide nee

6. hastily

7. dema nd

8. roar

Un it 4




sig nature

3. literary

4. suppositi on

5. playwright

6. vague

7. confirm

the legal statement concerning the disposal of one ' property after death

pers on's n ame writte n by himself

of literature

a guess

dramatist, a pers on who writes plays

not clearly known

prove the truth of someth ing


8. verse

Un it 6

1. outlay a spe nding of money

2. refill

3. theoretically

4. uranium

5. bonnet

6. submari ne

7. radiati on

8. syn thetic

Unit 7

1. pose as

2. pest

3. suspe nse and an xiety

4. fidgeti ng

5. assure

6. apace

7. inq uisitivechatterbox

9. escapism

10. justify

Uint 8

a new filli ng

in theory

heavy white metal which is radioactive, a source of atomic en ergy

metal lid on the front of a car

a ship that can stay un der water

the process in which en ergy in the form of rays is sent out from


not n aturally produced ; artificial

prete nd to be

an annoying thing

state of being an xious and un certa in about someth ing unknown

moving about restlessly

make somebody believe, feel sure


a pers on who is curious aboutother people and talkative

that which makes one stay away from un pleasa nt reality

give a good reason for

8. obsti nacyand willfu In ess stubbor nn ess and pig-headed ness

Shelter ------------------------- f. protect ion;a buildi ng offeri ng protect ion

dust-jacket -------------------- h. a loose paper cover put roung the hard cover of a book for

protecti on

become engrossed in -------- d. have one ' attention completely taken up by

Content ------------------------ e. satisfact ion

Browse ------------------------- a. read here and there in books especially for enjiyme nt

Variety -------------------------- b. collect ion of differe nt kinds of things

apart from --------------------- g. besades

Tempt -------------------------- c. attract

Unit 9

Fledgling ----------------------- -j. young and in experie need

Spectacular ------------------- e. very impressive

Adroit --------------------------- g. quick and skilful

Coma --------------------------- i. uncon scious ness due to injury

Flurry ------------------------- a. sudde n exciteme nt

Recuperate ------------------- b. get back one ' strength

massive hemorrhage --------- c」osing a lot of blood

Fragile -------------------------- f. easily injured or broke n

Concussion ------------------- d. (an )injury to the brain

Permanent -------------------- h. lasti ng for a long time or forever

Uni t10

Cudgel ----------------------- c. short,thick stick

Buck -------------------------- g. lower one 'head or body so as to avoid bei ng hit


Unit 1



2. san dy

3. somehow

4. stale

5. din gy

6. proceed

7. bloodshot

smoke or vapour ; offen sive or suffocati ng gas

of the colour of sand ; pale reddish-yellow

for some reas on or other

dry and un appetiz ing

dirty-look ing ; not fresh or cheerful

go ahead

full of blood ; red because the small blood vessels are swolle n or broke


made afraid or discouraged at the prospect of trouble 8. dismayed

Un it 2



2. a vegetable plot

3. croak ing

4. murmur

5. wi nd dow n

be very angry

a small piece of land for grow ing vegetables

rough and harsh

speak in a low but not clear voice

lower ( the car window ) by turning the han dle

6. gesture of despair moveme nt of the head or hand to show helpless ness

7. brutal cruel

8. quara nti ne

the period of separati on from others so that the disease cannot



move around

not straight to the point ; in a roun dabout way

talk ing about uni mporta nt things

a comb in atio n of events happe ning in such a way that it seems pla nned


arran ged

in a hurry

ask forcefully

speak in a loud, deep voice

Un it 3



2. circle

3. in directly

4. idle talk

5. coin cide nee

6. hastily

7. dema nd

8. roar

Un it 4




sig nature

3. literary

4. suppositi on

5. playwright

6. vague

7. confirm

the legal statement concerning the disposal of one ' property after death

pers on's n ame writte n by himself

of literature

a guess

dramatist, a pers on who writes plays

not clearly known

prove the truth of someth ing


8. verse

Un it 6

1. outlay a spe nding of money

2. refill

3. theoretically

4. uranium

5. bonnet

6. submari ne

7. radiati on

8. syn thetic

Unit 7

1. pose as

2. pest

3. suspe nse and an xiety

4. fidgeti ng

5. assure

6. apace

7. inq uisitivechatterbox

9. escapism

10. justify

Uint 8

a new filli ng

in theory

heavy white metal which is radioactive, a source of atomic en ergy

metal lid on the front of a car

a ship that can stay un der water

the process in which en ergy in the form of rays is sent out from


not n aturally produced ; artificial

prete nd to be

an annoying thing

state of being an xious and un certa in about someth ing unknown

moving about restlessly

make somebody believe, feel sure


a pers on who is curious aboutother people and talkative

that which makes one stay away from un pleasa nt reality

give a good reason for

8. obsti nacyand willfu In ess stubbor nn ess and pig-headed ness

Shelter ------------------------- f. protect ion;a buildi ng offeri ng protect ion

dust-jacket -------------------- h. a loose paper cover put roung the hard cover of a book for

protecti on

become engrossed in -------- d. have one ' attention completely taken up by

Content ------------------------ e. satisfact ion

Browse ------------------------- a. read here and there in books especially for enjiyme nt

Variety -------------------------- b. collect ion of differe nt kinds of things

apart from --------------------- g. besades

Tempt -------------------------- c. attract

Unit 9

Fledgling ----------------------- -j. young and in experie need

Spectacular ------------------- e. very impressive

Adroit --------------------------- g. quick and skilful

Coma --------------------------- i. uncon scious ness due to injury

Flurry ------------------------- a. sudde n exciteme nt

Recuperate ------------------- b. get back one ' strength

massive hemorrhage --------- c」osing a lot of blood

Fragile -------------------------- f. easily injured or broke n

Concussion ------------------- d. (an )injury to the brain

Permanent -------------------- h. lasti ng for a long time or forever

Uni t10

Cudgel ----------------------- c. short,thick stick

Buck -------------------------- g. lower one 'head or body so as to avoid bei ng hit


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