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Winter Break Adventures

Yay, winter break was finally here! After weeks and weeks of

hard work at school, I was so ready for a nice long break to relax

and have fun. This winter break was going to be extra special

because my family was planning some really cool trips and

activities. I could hardly wait!

The first big event was going to my aunt and uncle's house

for a few days right after Christmas. They live out in the country

on a huge piece of land with a big pond for fishing and

swimming in the summer. In the winter though, the pond freezes

over into a giant ice skating rink! My cousin Tyler and I always

have a blast ice skating together when we visit. We take our ice

skates and bundle up in our warmest clothes, scarves, gloves,

and hats. Then we head out to the pond and skate around for

hours, playing games like ice hockey and racing each other

around the edges. Last year I fell a few times which was kind of

embarrassing, but Tyler thought it was hilarious. I've gotten a lot

better at skating since then though, so I'm hoping to show off

my skills this year!

After a couple nights at my aunt and uncle's place, we

headed back home for a few days of just relaxing at the house.

My parents had bought me a cool new video game for Christmas

that I was dying to play. It's this awesome adventure game where

you get to explore different planets and worlds, solving puzzles

and battling aliens and robots. I played it pretty much non-stop

those couple days, only taking breaks to eat mom's delicious

home-cooked meals and drink hot chocolate. My dad tried to

play with me a few times but I totally crushed him - video games

are kind of my thing!

Once I had gotten my fill of gaming, it was time for the

bigfamily ski trip we take every year up in the mountains. This is

always the highlight of my winter break. We rented a huge cabin

right on the slopes of the ski resort. The first couple days we just

kind of settled in, building fires in the big fireplace, and watching

movies together. My little sister and I had an epic hot chocolate

drinking contest one night to see who could drink the most

before getting a stomachache. I ended up winning but I

definitely paid for it later with one of the worst tummy aches I've

ever had!





Winter Break Adventures

Yay, winter break was finally here! After weeks and weeks of

hard work at school, I was so ready for a nice long break to relax

and have fun. This winter break was going to be extra special

because my family was planning some really cool trips and

activities. I could hardly wait!

The first big event was going to my aunt and uncle's house

for a few days right after Christmas. They live out in the country

on a huge piece of land with a big pond for fishing and

swimming in the summer. In the winter though, the pond freezes

over into a giant ice skating rink! My cousin Tyler and I always

have a blast ice skating together when we visit. We take our ice

skates and bundle up in our warmest clothes, scarves, gloves,

and hats. Then we head out to the pond and skate around for

hours, playing games like ice hockey and racing each other

around the edges. Last year I fell a few times which was kind of

embarrassing, but Tyler thought it was hilarious. I've gotten a lot

better at skating since then though, so I'm hoping to show off

my skills this year!

After a couple nights at my aunt and uncle's place, we

headed back home for a few days of just relaxing at the house.

My parents had bought me a cool new video game for Christmas

that I was dying to play. It's this awesome adventure game where

you get to explore different planets and worlds, solving puzzles

and battling aliens and robots. I played it pretty much non-stop

those couple days, only taking breaks to eat mom's delicious

home-cooked meals and drink hot chocolate. My dad tried to

play with me a few times but I totally crushed him - video games

are kind of my thing!

Once I had gotten my fill of gaming, it was time for the

bigfamily ski trip we take every year up in the mountains. This is

always the highlight of my winter break. We rented a huge cabin

right on the slopes of the ski resort. The first couple days we just

kind of settled in, building fires in the big fireplace, and watching

movies together. My little sister and I had an epic hot chocolate

drinking contest one night to see who could drink the most

before getting a stomachache. I ended up winning but I

definitely paid for it later with one of the worst tummy aches I've

ever had!


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