【我有话说/你来我往】 北京大妈有话说
对话”诚邀各位参加哦!现在就请慢慢enjoy这期CR吧。(Mac) 心情・对话
得到当期CR一本哦。本期就让小编我做第一个吃“螃蟹”的人吧。 Utada Hikaru: I
Have Nothing to Lose 2009年,宇多田光凭借新英文专辑This Is The One再闯美国大陆。
在这张专辑中,光一如既往地包办了所有词曲的创作,加上Stargate、Tricky Stewart、The-Dream
混音到编曲风格都加入了更多的美式元素。 她真的能借此在高手如云的美国乐坛打出一片天
多田光不以炫舞和性感为招牌,想凭着天赋和个性打动乐迷,个中难度可想而知。 经历了专辑
心而论,This Is The One不是她最好的作品。然而此刻我异常欣赏她,倒不是因为她的天后光环,而
是因为她在经历了手术、离婚一连串变故之后,仍然没有遗失去拼去闯的勇气与能力。 辞
海拾贝 张福荣(北京): It [beauty] is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand
stretched forth, but rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted. It is not the image you
would see nor the song you would hear, but rather an image you see through [when] you
close your eyes and a song you hear through [when] you shut your ears. ―Kahlil
Gibran 陈睿(天津): If you take a book with you on a journey, an odd thing
happens: The book begins collecting your memories. And forever after, you have only to
open that book to be back where you first read it. It will all come into your mind with the
very first words: the sights you saw in that place, what it smelled like, the ice cream you
ate while you were reading it…yes, books are like flypaper memories clinging to the
printed page better than anything else.省略 QQ群: 51856597 or 54928572
Address: 广州市1913信箱《疯狂英语阅读版》收(510405) ”2009游学之旅有奖征
文活动”一等奖获奖征文选登: My Favourite Film By 裘天佑(上海外国语大学)
I have always wondered: What’s the purpose of Christmas? Is it merely a traditional ritual
to celebrate the birth of Jesus? Is it a perfect reason to plunge into an orgy of food and
fun? Or, is it but a joke, bearing the intention to make those happy people happier and the
lonely ones even lonelier? Thanks to Love Actually, one of my favourite films, the
answer to the mystery was finally unveiled. Following the paths of eight couples and the
ways they cope with their ups and downs in love and relationships during the month of
chaos preceding Christmas, this hilarious rom-com creates a unique evocation of
Christmas: without any plan or agenda, to express, to confess and to reveal (编者注:此处应
改为“without any plan or agenda to express, confess or reveal”) the existence of our
deep-buried, long-forgotten, but most cherished emotion in the world, an emotion that
makes us mad and miserable but manage (编者注:此处应改为“manages”) to remind us
that we are alive and why we are. Christmas is a time for us to rediscover the ubiquity of
love. We endure the maddeningly complicated food preparation in steaming kitchens; we
squeeze through the torrent of crowds and packed shops; we hunt for the perfect
presents despite the hectic hustle and bustle of holiday shopping; and we crack our heads
trying to figure out the first line on a Christmas card―not (编者注:此处应加上“so”) much
because we need to or have to, but because we would love to. 本文为全文原貌 未安
装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文 Love is the ultimate answer. “Often
it is not particularly dignified or newsworthy,” as the film tells, “but it’s always
there―fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends,
girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers as far as I know, none of the
phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate and revenge. They were all
messages of love. If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually
is all around.” … I love it for it speaks the universal language of love that ignores
all the differences between peoples and nations and serves as the source of inspiration for
all. I love it for it is telling me, no matter who we are, no matter where we are from, we all
belong to the same species that can never ever escape the sweet agonies of love. …
Christmas, as all its other equivalents in different cultures, is a timely reminder of the fact
that our world is not a place of hatred and greed, and our life is not about the prosperity
in our bank accounts or the climbs up the social ladders; we are living for something
called love, unconditional and overabundant love. Even though Christmas is mostly a time
we do nothing but hang around with friends, killing time in cafe (编者注:此处应改为
“cafes”) or gorging the night away on some not-so-mouthwatering feasts; even though
we secretly complain all the time that the new sweater we receive (编者注:此处应改为
“received”) is not impressive enough, or the holiday shows on “telly” are as tedious as
usual; even though the greatest achievement that we accomplish during Christmas is
probably getting ourselves drunk with tons of Guinness and crazy Christmas carols, we are
feeling, more strongly than ever, that we are warmed by the sense of belonging and the
knowledge that someone will always be there, reaching out for us, rain or shine, fair or
foul. Next time when snowflakes are kissing the evergreen, when street lights start
glowing again, when the melody of Silent Night is dancing in the air and when Love
Actually rebroadcasts on HBO, “without hope or agenda”, let’s tell each other in any
language we want: “Merry Christmas, and you know, I love you”. Comment
from Cultural And Education Section, British Embassy: By posing the question about
the purpose of Christmas, the author reveals the true message behind the film. The judges
are all impressed by the smooth flow of the language. The article also reflects the author’
s understanding of western culture. It ends beautifully with a depiction of a lovely scene. It
has a very touching effect which makes people want to see the film. 本文为全文原貌
未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文
【我有话说/你来我往】 北京大妈有话说
对话”诚邀各位参加哦!现在就请慢慢enjoy这期CR吧。(Mac) 心情・对话
得到当期CR一本哦。本期就让小编我做第一个吃“螃蟹”的人吧。 Utada Hikaru: I
Have Nothing to Lose 2009年,宇多田光凭借新英文专辑This Is The One再闯美国大陆。
在这张专辑中,光一如既往地包办了所有词曲的创作,加上Stargate、Tricky Stewart、The-Dream
混音到编曲风格都加入了更多的美式元素。 她真的能借此在高手如云的美国乐坛打出一片天
多田光不以炫舞和性感为招牌,想凭着天赋和个性打动乐迷,个中难度可想而知。 经历了专辑
心而论,This Is The One不是她最好的作品。然而此刻我异常欣赏她,倒不是因为她的天后光环,而
是因为她在经历了手术、离婚一连串变故之后,仍然没有遗失去拼去闯的勇气与能力。 辞
海拾贝 张福荣(北京): It [beauty] is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand
stretched forth, but rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted. It is not the image you
would see nor the song you would hear, but rather an image you see through [when] you
close your eyes and a song you hear through [when] you shut your ears. ―Kahlil
Gibran 陈睿(天津): If you take a book with you on a journey, an odd thing
happens: The book begins collecting your memories. And forever after, you have only to
open that book to be back where you first read it. It will all come into your mind with the
very first words: the sights you saw in that place, what it smelled like, the ice cream you
ate while you were reading it…yes, books are like flypaper memories clinging to the
printed page better than anything else.省略 QQ群: 51856597 or 54928572
Address: 广州市1913信箱《疯狂英语阅读版》收(510405) ”2009游学之旅有奖征
文活动”一等奖获奖征文选登: My Favourite Film By 裘天佑(上海外国语大学)
I have always wondered: What’s the purpose of Christmas? Is it merely a traditional ritual
to celebrate the birth of Jesus? Is it a perfect reason to plunge into an orgy of food and
fun? Or, is it but a joke, bearing the intention to make those happy people happier and the
lonely ones even lonelier? Thanks to Love Actually, one of my favourite films, the
answer to the mystery was finally unveiled. Following the paths of eight couples and the
ways they cope with their ups and downs in love and relationships during the month of
chaos preceding Christmas, this hilarious rom-com creates a unique evocation of
Christmas: without any plan or agenda, to express, to confess and to reveal (编者注:此处应
改为“without any plan or agenda to express, confess or reveal”) the existence of our
deep-buried, long-forgotten, but most cherished emotion in the world, an emotion that
makes us mad and miserable but manage (编者注:此处应改为“manages”) to remind us
that we are alive and why we are. Christmas is a time for us to rediscover the ubiquity of
love. We endure the maddeningly complicated food preparation in steaming kitchens; we
squeeze through the torrent of crowds and packed shops; we hunt for the perfect
presents despite the hectic hustle and bustle of holiday shopping; and we crack our heads
trying to figure out the first line on a Christmas card―not (编者注:此处应加上“so”) much
because we need to or have to, but because we would love to. 本文为全文原貌 未安
装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文 Love is the ultimate answer. “Often
it is not particularly dignified or newsworthy,” as the film tells, “but it’s always
there―fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends,
girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers as far as I know, none of the
phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate and revenge. They were all
messages of love. If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually
is all around.” … I love it for it speaks the universal language of love that ignores
all the differences between peoples and nations and serves as the source of inspiration for
all. I love it for it is telling me, no matter who we are, no matter where we are from, we all
belong to the same species that can never ever escape the sweet agonies of love. …
Christmas, as all its other equivalents in different cultures, is a timely reminder of the fact
that our world is not a place of hatred and greed, and our life is not about the prosperity
in our bank accounts or the climbs up the social ladders; we are living for something
called love, unconditional and overabundant love. Even though Christmas is mostly a time
we do nothing but hang around with friends, killing time in cafe (编者注:此处应改为
“cafes”) or gorging the night away on some not-so-mouthwatering feasts; even though
we secretly complain all the time that the new sweater we receive (编者注:此处应改为
“received”) is not impressive enough, or the holiday shows on “telly” are as tedious as
usual; even though the greatest achievement that we accomplish during Christmas is
probably getting ourselves drunk with tons of Guinness and crazy Christmas carols, we are
feeling, more strongly than ever, that we are warmed by the sense of belonging and the
knowledge that someone will always be there, reaching out for us, rain or shine, fair or
foul. Next time when snowflakes are kissing the evergreen, when street lights start
glowing again, when the melody of Silent Night is dancing in the air and when Love
Actually rebroadcasts on HBO, “without hope or agenda”, let’s tell each other in any
language we want: “Merry Christmas, and you know, I love you”. Comment
from Cultural And Education Section, British Embassy: By posing the question about
the purpose of Christmas, the author reveals the true message behind the film. The judges
are all impressed by the smooth flow of the language. The article also reflects the author’
s understanding of western culture. It ends beautifully with a depiction of a lovely scene. It
has a very touching effect which makes people want to see the film. 本文为全文原貌
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