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经络穴位翻译_中医中药_医药卫生_专业资料- 经络穴位翻译

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in the superior lateral partlocalized in the erect

of the anterior thoracicor supine sitting

wall,1 cun below theposition,3 ribs above

Yunmen(LU 02),parrale tothe nipple and 2 cun

the 1st intercostal space,6lateral to the

cun lateral to the anteriormammillary line or the

vicular line

in the superior lateral part

of the anterior thoracic

localized in the erect

wall,interior to the coracoid

or supine sitting

process of the scapula, in

position, 1 cun above

the depression of the

the Zhongfu(LU 01),2

inferior part of the clavicle,

cun lateral to the

6 cun lateral to the anterior

mammillary line or the

midclavicular line

on the medial side of the


localized with the arm

arm and on the radialextended and the palm

border of the biceps muscleupwards,3 cun from

of the arm,3 cun below thethe anterior end of the

anterior end of the axillaryaxillary fold directly

s Chize(LU 05).

on the medial side of the

arm and on the radial

localized with the arm

border of the biceps muscle

extended and the palm

of the arm,4 cun below the

upwards,5 cun above

anterior end of the axillary

the cubital

fold,or 5 cun above the

crease(Chize ,LU 05)

cubital crease.

localized with the arm

in the middle of the cubital

extended and the palm

crease,,in the depression of

upwards,in the center

the radial side of the biceps

of the cubital

muscle of the arm.

crease,slightly to the

radial side and between

the two tendons.





on the radial side of thelocalized with the arm

palmar surface of theextended and the palm

forearm,and on theupwards,7 cun above

connecting Chize(LUthe carpal

05)and Taiyuan(LU 09),7crease(Taiyuan,LU09)

cun above the cubitaland directly towards

(LU 05)

when the patient is

asked to cross the

on the radial side of the

index fingers and

forearm,in the superior

thumbs of the both

lateral part of the styloid

hands with the index

process of the radius,1.5

finger of one hand

cun above the carpal

placed on the styloid

crease,between the tendons

process of the radius

of the brachioradial muscle

of the pther hand,it can

and the long abductor

be localized in the

muscle of the thumb.

depression exactly

under the tip of the

index finger.

on the radial side of thelocalized with the arm

palmarsurface of theextended and the palm

forearm,in the depression ofupwards,1 cun above

the styloid process of thethe carpal

radius and the radialcrease(Taiyuan,LU09)

artery,1cun above theand opposite to

carpal (LU 05)

localized with the arm

extended and the palm

on the radial side of theupwards,directly below

carpal crease, where theJingqu(LU 08),on the

radial artery side of the carpal

crease, where the

radial artery is.




localized with the palm

in the depression proximalupwards,in the

to the 1stdepression proximal to

metacarpophalangealthe 1st

joint,on the radial side ofmetacarpophalangeal

the midpoint of the 1 stjoint,on the radial side

metacarpal bone,on theof the midpoint of the

junction of the red and1 st metacarpal

white skinbone,on the junction of

the red and white skin

on the radial side of the

localizaed with the fist

thumb, 0.1 cun

clenched and the

posteriolateral to the corner

thumb up, 0.1cun to

of the fingernail

the radial corner of the


localized with the palm

on the radial side of thedownwards,on the

index finger, about 0.1 cunradial side of the index

posterior to the corner offinger, about 0.1 cun

the fingernailposterior to the corner

of the fingernail





localized with the

finger flexed, on the

hold the fist slightly,on thejunction of the red and

radial side of the indexwhite skin of the

finger, in the depressioncrease end proximal to

proximal to thethe radial side of the

metacarpophalangeal jointmetacarpophalangeal

joint of the index


localized with the

hold the fist slightly,on the

finger flexed,on the

radial side of the index

radial side of the index

finger, in the depression

finger, in the

proximal to the

depression proximal to

metacarpophalangeal joint




localized with the hand

on the dorsum of the hand,in flat position and

between the 1st and 2ndwith the thumb and

metacarpal bones,index finger spread,in

approximately in the centerthe slight depression

of the 2nd metacarpal bonebetween the 1st and

2nd metacarpal bones

localized with the plam

in flat position, in the

at the radial end of the

depression between the

crease of the wrist,in the

two tendons proximal

depression between the

to the 1st metacarpal

extensor and long extesor

bone when the index

muscles of the thumb

finger and the thumb

are extended and the

thumb is tilted


on the dorsal surface of the






distal part of the

radius,between the short

radial extensor muscle of

the wrist and the long

abductor muscle of the

thumb, 3 cun above

Yangxi(LI 05)

the elbow flexed, on the

radial side of the dorsal

surface of the forearm,on

the line connecting

Yangxi(LI 05) and

Quchi(LI11), 5 cun above

carpal crease

on the radial side of the

dorsal surface of the

forearm,on the line

connecting Yangxi(LI 05)

and Quchi(LI11),4 cun

below cubital crease

on the radial side of the

dorsal surface of the

forearm,on the line

connecting Yangxi(LI 05)

and Quchi(LI11),3 cun

below cubital crease

on the radial side of the

dorsal surface of the

forearm,on the line

connecting Yangxi(LI 05)

and Quchi(LI11),2 cun

below cubital crease

localized with the

elbow flexed, in the tip

of the middle finger

when the two hands

are crossed

localized with the

elbow flexed, on the

dorsal side of the

radius, between the

short radial extensor

muscle of the wrist and

the long abductor

muscle of the thumb,5

cun posterior to the


localized with the

elbow flexed,3 cun

above Wenliu(LI07)

localized with the

elbow flexed,1 cun

below Xialian(LI08)

localized with the

elbow flexed,1 cun

above Shanglian(lI09)





at the midpoint of the line

localized with the

between the radial endof the

elbow flexed, in the

cubital crease and the

end of the transverse

external humeral epicondyle

crease of the cubital


on the lateral side of thelocalized with the

arm, with the elbowelbow flexed,1 cun

flexed,1 cun aboveabove and lateral to

Quchi(LI11), on the borderQuchi(LI11), on the

of the humerusborder of the humerus

on the lateral side of the

arm,on the line connectinglocalized with the

Quchi(LI11) andelbow flexed,3 cun

Jianyu(LI15),3 cun aboveabove Quchi(LI11)


on the lateral side of the

arm,on the lower end of the

localized with the

deltoid muscle,on the line

elbow flexed,7 cun

connecting Quchi(LI11)

above Quchi(LI11),on

and Jianyu(LI15),7cun

the lower end of the

above Quchi(LI11)

deltoid muscle





on the shoulder, on thelocalized in the sitting

midpoint of the upper partposotion, with the arm

of the detoid muscle andraised on the level of

between the acromialthe shoulder,in the

extremity of clavicle and thedepression of the

great tuberosity of humerusacromion

localized in the sitting

on the shoulder, in theposotion,in the

depression between thedepression formed by

acromial extremity of thethe acromial extermity

clavicae and scapular spineof the clavicle and the

scapular spine

on the lateral side of the

neck, on the posterior

localized in the erect

border of the

sitting position, 3 cun


lateral to

muscle,at the level of the


laryngeal protuberance, at

the clavicle and 1 cun

the midpoint between

directly below

Futu(LI18) and


localized in the erect

sitting position or

supine position.

Palpate the carotid and


on the lateral side of the

Renying(ST09) at the

neck, at the level of the

level of the laryngeal


protuberance, then

protuberance,between the

measure posteriorly

anterior and posterior

with the distance

borders of the


sternocledomastoid muscle

Renying(ST09) and the


protuberance, the

acupoint is exactly

between the anterior

and posterior borders

of the






on the upper lip, directly

localized in the erect

below the lateral border of

sitting position or

the nostril, at the level of

supine position, 0.5


cun beside


localized in the sitting

beside the midpoint of theposition or supine

nasal ala, among theposition, in the

nasolabial groovenasolabial groove next

to the nasal sla

localized in the sitting

position or supine

on the face, directly belowposition,directly below

the pupil, between thethe pupil while looking

eyeball and the infraoritalstraight forwards and

ridgeat the junction of the

infraorbital ridge and

lower eyelid

localized in the sitting

position or the supine

on the face, directly below

position, 1 cun directly

the pupil, in the depression

below the pupil while

of the infraorbital foramen

looking straighr

farwards and in the

foeamen below the

socket of the eyeball

localized in the sitting

position or the supine

on the face, directly below

position, directly

the pupil,on the level of the

below the pupil while

lower border of the nasal

looking straighr

ala, at the lateral side of the

farwards,on the level

nasolabial groove

of the lower border of

the nasal ala, at the

lateral side of the

nasolabial groove






on the face, on the lateral

localized in the sitting

side of the corner of the

position or the supine

mouth, right straight down

position,0.4 cun on the

the pupil

lateral side of the

corner of the mouth

localized in the lateral

anterior to the mandibularrecumbent

angle and the masseterposition,with the cheek

muscle, where the artery isbilged, in the groove

palpablebeside the border of

the mandible

localized in the lateral

in the depression onerecumbent position, in

finger-breadth anterior andthe bone depression

superior to the mandibularanterior and superior

angle where the masseterto the mandibular

muscle is prominent inangle, in the prominent

clenching the teethmuscle when the teeth

are clenched

localized in the lateral

recumbent position or

on the face, anterior to thethe sitting position, in

ear, in the depressionthe bone depression

between the zygomatic archpalpable anterior to the

and the mandibular notchear and inferior to the

zygomatic bone when

the mouth is open

0.5 cun above the hairline

localized in the lateral

of the forehead, 4.5 cun

recumbent position or

lateral to the midline of the

the sitting position,4.5


cun lateral to


localized in the sitting

position with the head






on the neck, lateral to thelifted or in the supine

laryngeal protuberance,posion,close to the

close to the anterior borderanterior border of the

of the sternocleidomastoidsternocleidomastoid

muscle, where the artery ismuscle, at the level of

palpablethe laryngeal

protuberance, where

the artery is palpable

localized in the sitting

position with the head

on the neck, close to the

lifted or in the supine

anterior border of the

posion,close to the


anterior border of the

muscle,on the midpoint of


the line connecting

muscle, on the

Reying(ST09) and

midpoint of the line



Reying(ST09) and

localized in the sitting


on the neck, anterior to the

position or the supine

upper border of the clavicle,

position, directly

between the sternal and

below Renying(ST09),

clavicular heads of the

at the level between

sternocleidomastoid muscle

the upper border of the

clavicle and

localized in the sitting


position or the supine

at the center of theposition,at the center

supraclavicular fossa, 4 cunof the supraclavicular

lateral to the anteriorfossa, 4 cun lateral to

midlineTiantu(RN22) or

directly above the

nipple in males

localized in the sitting

on the chest, at the lowerposition or the supine

border of the midpoint ofposition,4 cun lateral

the clavicle, 4 cun lateral toto Xuanji(RN21),or

the anterior midlinedirectly above the

nipple in males






localized in the sitting

on the chest, in the 1st

position or the supine

intercostal space, 4 cun

position,4 cun lateral

lateral to the anterior

to Huagai(RN20),or in


the 1st intercostal

space directly above

the nipple in males

localized in the sitting

on the chest, in the 2nd

position or the supine

intercostal space, 4 cun

position,4 cun lateral

lateral to the anterior

to Zigong(RN19),or in


the 2nd intercostal

space directly above

the nipple in males

localized in the sitting

on the chest, in the 3rd

position or the supine

intercostal space, 4 cun

position,4 cun lateral

lateral to the anterior

to Yutang(RN18),or in


the 3rd intercostal

space directly above

the nipple in males

on the chest, in the 4th

intercostal space, in the

localized in the sitting

center of the nipple,4 cun

position or the supine

lateral to the anterior

position,in the center


of the nipple

on the chest, directly below

localized in the sitting

the nipple,in the 5th

position or the supine

intercostal space, in the

position,4 cun lateral

center of the nipple,4 cun


lateral to the anterior

Zhongting(RN16),or in


the 5th intercostal

space directly below

the nipple in males







in the upper part of the

abdomen, 6 cun above the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the upper part of the

abdomen, 5 cun above the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the upper part of the

abdomen, 4 cun above the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the upper part of the

abdomen, 3 cun above the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the upper part of the

abdomen, 2 cun above the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the upper part of the

abdomen, 1 cun above the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Juque(RN14),

below the arch of the


localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Shangwan(RN13)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Zhongwan(RN12)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Jianli(RN11)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Xiawan(RN10)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Shuifen(RN09)







in the middle of the

abdomen,2 cun lateral to

the umbilicus

in the lower part of the

abdomen, 1 cun below the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the lower part of the

abdomen, 2 cun below the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the lower part of the

abdomen, 3 cun below the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the lower part of the

abdomen, 4 cun below the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

above the inguinal groove

and 5 cun below the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to the center of the


localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Yinjiao(RN07)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Shimen(RN05)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Guanyuan(RN04)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Zhongji(RN03)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Qugu(RN02)






in the foreside of the leg, on

localized in the supine

the line connecting the

position,on the line

anterior superior lilac spine

connecting the anterior

and lateral border of the

superior lilac spine and

patella, on the level of the

lateral border of the


patella, on the level of

the perineum

in the foreside of the leg, onlocalized in the erect

the line connecting thesitting position, with

anterior superior lilac spinethe leg extended

and lateral border of theforcefully, 6 cun above

patella, 6 cun above thethe upper border of the

upper border of the patellapatella

localized in the erect

in the foreside of the leg, on

sitting position, with

the line connecting the

the lfoot dropped

anterior superior lilac spine

down,3 cun above the

and lateral border of the

upper border of the

patella, 3 cun above the

patella,on the line

upper border of the patella


Dubi(ST35) and


when the knee is flexed,in

localized in the erect

the foreside of the leg, on

sitting position, with

the line connecting the

the foot dropped

anterior superior lilac spine

down,2 cun above the

and lateral border of the

upper border of the

patella, 2 cun above the

patella,on the line

upper border of the patella


Dubi(ST35) and

localized in the erect


sitting position, with

when the knee is flexed,in

the foot dropped

the depression between

down, lateral to the

patella and patella ligament

point between the

patella and tubercle of

tibia, in the depression

lateral to the patellar






on the fore and lateral side

of the foot, 3 cun below

Dubi(ST35), one finger-

breadth lateral to the

anterior crest of the tibia

on the fore and lateral side

of the foot, 6 cun below

Dubi(ST35), one finger-

breadth lateral to the

anterior crest of the tibia

on the fore and lateral side

of the foot, 8 cun below

Dubi(ST35), one finger-

breadth lateral to the

anterior crest of the tibia

on the fore and lateral side

of the foot, 9 cun below

Dubi(ST35), one finger-

breadth lateral to the

anterior crest of the tibia

localized in the erect

sitting position, with

the foot dropped

down,3 cun below

Dubi(ST35),about 0.5

cun from the anterior

crest of the tibia,

between the tendon

and bone(the anterior

tibial muscle and

anterior cresst of the


localized in the erect

sitting position, with

the foot dropped

down,3 cun below

Zusanli(ST36), at the

midpoint of the line


Zusanli(ST36) and


localized in the erect

sitting position, with

the foot dropped

down, at the midpoint

of the line connecting

Dubi(ST35) and


localized in the erect

sitting position, with

the foot dropped

down, at the midpoint

of the line connecting

Zusanli(ST36) and

Jiexi(ST41), 1 cun

below Tiaokou(ST38)





on the fore and lateral side

localized in the erect

of the foot, 8 cun above the

sitting position, with

lateral malleolus, lateral to

the foot dropped

Tiaokou(ST38), two finger-

down, om the lateral

breadth lateral to the

side of leg, 1 cun

anterior crest of the tibia

lateral to


localized in the erect

sitting position, with

in the depression of thethe foot dropped

transverse crease of thedown, 1.5 cun above

junction between theChongyang(ST42), on

dorsum of foot and leg,the anterior side of the

between the long extensorankle joint, in the

muscle of great toe anddepression between the

long extensor muscle oftendons of long

toesextensor muscle of reat

toe and long extensor

muscle of toes

localized in the erect

at the highest point of thesitting positionwith the

dorsum of the foot,foot dropped down,at

between the long extensorthe highest point of the

muscle of great toe anddorsum of the foot, 1.5

long extensor muscle ofcun above Jiexi(ST41),

toes,at the throbbing pointin the depression of the

of the dorsal pedal arterythrobbing point of the

dorsal pedal artery

localized in the erect

sitting positionwith the

on the dorsum of the foot,

foot dropped down,in

in the depresson between

the depression between

the second and third

the second and third

metatarsal bones


bones,posterior to the



localized in the erect

sitting positionwith the

on the dorsum of the foot,

foot dropped down,0.5

proximal to the web margin




between the second and

third toes

on the lateral side of the

2nd toe, about 0.1 cun

posterior to the corner of

the toenail

on the medial side of the

great toe, about 0.1cun

posterior to the corner of

the toenail

cun posterior to the

web margin between

the second and third


localized in the erect

sitting positionwith the

foot dropped on the

ground,on the lateral

side of the 2nd toe,

about 0.1 cun posterior

to the corner of the


localized in erect

sitting position and

with the foot dropped

down, on the midial

side of the great

toe,about 0.1cun

posterior to the corner

of the toenail





localized in erect

sitting position and

with the foot dropped

on the medial side of the

down, on the midial

great toe, in the depression

side of the great toe,in

anteroinferior to the 1st

the depression of the


junction of the red and

white skin,anterior to

the 1st


localized in erect


on the medial side of the

sitting position and

foot, in the depression

with the foot arched,at

posterior and inferior to the

the junction of the red

head of 1st metatarsal bone

and white skin

posterior and inferior

to the 1st

on the medial side of the

localized in erect


foot, anterior and inferior to

sitting position and

the base of the 1st

with the foot arched,at

metatarsal bone,about 1 cun

the level of the highest

posterior to the 1st

point on the dorsum of

metatarsophalangeal joint

the foot, in the

depression beside the

localized in erect


on the medial side of the

sitting position and

foot,anterior and inferior to

with the foot dropped

the medial malleous,at the

down, anterior and

midpoint between the tip of

inferior to the medial

the medial malleouls and

malleous when the

the tuberosity of the

great toe is titled

navicular bone

upwards, between the

medial malleolus and



localized in erect

sitting position and

on the medial side of the

with the foot dropped

leg, 3 cun above the tip of

down,3 cun above the

the medial malleolus,

center of the medial

posterior to the medial

malleolus,in the

border of the tibia

depression posterior to

the tibia



on the medial side of the

leg, on the line connecting

the tip of the medial

malleolus and

Yinlingquan(SP09), 6 cun

above the tip of the medial

malleolus, posterior to the

medial border of the tibia

on the medial side of the

leg, on the line connecting

the tip of the medial

malleolus and

Yinlingquan(SP09), 3 cun

below Yinlingquan(SP09)

localized in erect

sitting position and

with the foot dropped

down,posterior to the

tibia,in the depression

3 cun above


localized in erect

sitting position and

with the foot dropped

down,3 cun below


posterior to the tibia

localized in erect

sitting position and

with the foot

extended,on the upper

part of the medial side

of the leg,in the


posteriorand inferior to

the medial condyle of

localized in erect

sitting position and

with the foot dropped

down,cup the palm on

the knee with the

thumb on the medial

side, and the point is

where the tip of the

thumb rests


on the medial side of the

leg,in the depression


posteriorand inferior to the

medial condyle of the tibia


when the knee is flexed,on

the medial side of the thigh,

2 cun above the tip of the

medial patella, on the

prominence of the medial

muscle of the thigh








on the medial side of thelocalized in erect

thigh,on the line connectingsitting position, 8 cun

Xuehai(ST10) anddirectly above the

Chongmen(ST12), 6 cunmedial border of the

above Xuehai(ST10)patella

on the lateral side of thelocalized in the supine

inguinal groove, 3.5 cunposition, 3.5 cun

lateral to the upper borderlateral to

of symphysis pubis, lateralQugu(RN02),at the

to the point where thelateral end of the

artery palpableinguinal groove,

on the lower part of the

abdomen, 4 cun below the

localized in the supine

umbilicus, 0.7 cun above

position,4.3 cun

Chongmen(SP12), 4 cun

directly below

lateral to the anterior


on the lower part of the


abdomen,1.3 cun directly

localized in the supine

below Daheng(SP15),4 cun

position,1.3 cun

lateral to the anterior

directly below



in the middle of thelocalized in the supine

abdomen,4 cun below theposition,4 cun below

umbilicusthe umbilicus

on the upper part of the

localized in the supine

abdomen, 3 cun above the

position,directly below

umbilicus, 4 cun lateral to

the nipple, 3 cun above

the anterior midline

Daheng(SP15),4 cun

lateral to Jianli(RN11)

localized in the supine

on the lateral side of theposition and with the

abdomen, in the 5thupper limbs abducted,

intercostal space, 6 cun6 cun lateral to

lateral to the anteriorZhongting(RN16), in

midlinethe 5th intercostal








on the lateral side of the

localized in the supine

abdomen, in the 4th

position and with the

intercostal space, 6 cun

upper limbs abducted,

lateral to the anterior

6 cun lateral to


Danzhong(RN17), in

the 4th intercostal

on the lateral side of the

localized in the supine


abdomen, in the 3rd

position and with the

intercostal space, 6 cun

upper limbs abducted,

lateral to the anterior

6 cun lateral to


Yutang(RN18), in the

3rd intercostal space

on the lateral side of the

localized in the supine

abdomen, in the 2nd

position and with the

intercostal space, 6 cun

upper limbs abducted,

lateral to the anterior

6 cun lateral to


Zigong(RN19), in the

2nd intercostal space

localized in the supine

on the lateral side of the

position and with the

abdomen,on the mid-

upper limbs

axillary line, 6 cun lateral to

abducted,at the

the anterior midline

midpoint of the line

conncting the axilla

and the free end of the

localized in the lateral

11th rib

in the center of the axilla,

recumbent position and

where the axillary artery is

with the arm lifted, in


the center of the axilla,

where the axillary

artery is palpable

on the medial side of the

arm, on the line connectinglocalized in the erect

Jiquan(HT01) andsitting position or the

Shaohai(HT03),3 cunsupine position,3 cun

above the cubital crease, inabove the tip of the

the groove medial to theelbow

biceps muscle of the arm

localized in the erect







when the elbow is flexed,

at the midpoint of the line

sitting position or the

connecting the medial end

supine position and the

of the cubital crease and the

elbow is flexed, 0.5

medial epicondyle

cun from the medial

end of the cubital

on the palmar side of the

localized with the


forearm, on the radial side

elbow flexed and the

of the tendon of the ulnar

palm faced upwards,

flexor muscle of the wrist,

1.5 cun posterior to

1.5 cun above the carpal

the crease of the wrist,


on the radial side of

on the palmar side of the

localized with the

the tendon

forearm, on the radial side

elbow flexed and the

of the tendon of the ulnar

palm faced upwards, 1

flexor muscle of the wrist, 1

cun posterior to the

cun above the carpal crease

crease of the wrist, on

the radial side of the

on the palmar side of the

localized with the


forearm, on the radial side

elbow flexed and the

of the tendon of the ulnar

palm faced upwards,

flexor muscle of the wrist,

0.5 cun below

0.5 cun above the carpal

Tongli(HT05), on the


radial side of the

on the palmar side, at the

localized with the


ulnar end of the transverse

elbow flexed and the

crease of the wrist, in the

palm faced upwards,at

depression on the radial

the junction of the

side of the tendon of the

pisform bone and ulna

ulnar flexor muscle of the

posterior to the palm,


in the depression on

the radial side of the

localized with the


on the palm, between the

elbow flexed and the

4th and 5th metacarpal

palm faced

bones, where the small

upwards,and with the

finger locates with the

fingers clenched, on

fingers clenched

the midpoint between

the tips of the small

and ring fingers, at the

level with







localized with the palm

on the radial side of thefaced downwards, on

small finger, about 0.1 cunthe medial side of the

posterior to the corner ofsmall finger, about 0.1

the fingernailcun lateral to the

corner of the fingernail

localized with the palm

on the ulnar side of thefaced downwards, on

small finger, about 0.1 cunthe lateral side of the

posterior to the corner ofsmall finger, about 0.1

the fingernailcun lateral to the

corner of the fingernail

when the patient is

on the ulnar side of the

asked to make a fist, it

palm, at the junction of the

is localized on the

red and white skin ihferior

lateral side of the small

to the small finger (the 5th

finger, at the end of the

metacarpophalangeal joint)

crease of the joint, at

the junction of the red

and white skin

on the ulnar side of the

when the patient is

palm, at the junction of the

asked to make a fist, it

red and white skin posterior

is localized on the

to the small finger (the 5th

lateral side of the small

metacarpophalangeal joint)

finger, in the

depression above the

tip of the fist

on the ulnar side of the

locaized in the erect

hand, in the depression

sitting posiotion and

between the 5th metacarpal

with the arm extended,

bone and the triquetral

on the lateral side

bone, at the junction of the

posterior to the palm,

red and white skin

in the depression

anterior to the carpal

locaized in the erect

on the ulnar side of thesitting posiotion and

wrist, in the depressionwith the arm extended,

between the styloid processdirectly above the

of the ulna and thecarpal bone, in the

triangular bonedepression lateral and

anterior to the condyle






locaized in the erect

on the ulnar side of the

sitting posiotion and

dorsal surface of the

with the elbow flexed,

forearm, in the depression

in the depression

of the radial side of the

appearing on the

head of the ulna

condyle of the wrist

when the palm is faced

to the chest and turned

locaized in the erect


on the ulnar side of the

dorsal surface of the

sitting posiotion and

forearm, on the line

with the arm

connecting Yanggu(SI05)

extended,on the line

and Xiaohai(SI08), 5 cun


above the wrist crease

Yanggu(SI05) and

Xiaohai(SI08), 5 cun

above Yanggu(SI05)

locaized in the erect

sitting posiotion and

on the medial side of the

with the elbow

elbow, in the depression of

flexed,in the cleft

the olecranon of the ulna

between the two bones

and the medial epicondyle

on the medial side of

of the humerus

the elbow, where the

sore and numb

sensation radiates to

the small finger when

localized in the erect

below and posterior to the

sitting position or the

shoulder, when the arm is

prone position, and

adducted, 1 cun (1 finger

with the arm close to

width) above the posterior

the hypochondrium, 1

end of the axillary fold

cun above the

posterior end of the

localized in the erect

axillary fold

sitting position or the

on the shoulder, direclyprone position,directly

above the end of thebelow the acromion,

axillary fold, in theposterior to

depression of the lowerJianliao(TE14), in the

border of the scapular spinedepression below the

bone which is above



on the scapula, in the

depression of the

infrascapular fossa, at the

level with the 4th thoracic



on the scapula, in the center

of the infrascapular fossa,

directly above

Tianzong(SI11), in the

depression when the arm is


localized in the erect

sitting position, in the

center of the scapula,

below the scapular

spine, at the level with

the spinous process of

the 5th thoracic


localized in the erect

sitting position,on the

upper border of the

scapular spine,directly

above Tianzong(SI11),

in the depression when

the arm is lifted

localized in the erect


position,between the

spinous process of the

2nd thoracic vertebra

and the greater

tuberosity of the

humerus, posterior and

inferior to

Jianjing(GB21) and

Tianliao(TE15), on the

upper border of the

scapular spine

localized in the erect

sitting position and

with the head bowed, 3

cun lateral to


localized in the erect

sitting position and

with the head bowed, 2

cun lateral to


localized in the erect

sitting position,at the

level to the laryngeal

protuberance,in the

posterior border of the


muscle, posterior to



on the scapula, on the

medial extremity of the

suprascapular fossa, on the

midpoint of the line

connecting Naoshu(SI10)

and the spinous process of

the 2nd thoracic vertebra


on the back, 3 cun lateral to

the lower border of the

spinous process of the 1st

thoracic vertebra


on the back, 2 cun lateral to

the lower border of the


spinous process of the 7th

cervical vertebra

in the lateral aspect of the

neck, in the posterior

border of the

Tianchuangsternocleidomastoid muscle,

posterior to Futu(LI18), at

the level to the laryngeal



localized in the erect





in the lateral aspect of the

neck, in the depression

sitting position,below

posterior to the angle

the ear lobe, posterior

muscle, anterior to the

to the angle muscle,

sternocleidomastoid muscle

anterior to the


localized in the erect


on the face, directly below

sitting position,

the outer canthus, in the

directly below the

depression below the lower

outer canthus, in the

border of the zygoma

depression below the

lower border of the


localized in the erect

on the face,anterior to the

sitting position or the

ear, posterior to the process

lateral recumbent

of the madibular bone, in

position, in the

the depression when the

depression anterior to

patient open the mouth

the tragus, where there

is sound in the ear

when pressing it

localized in the erect

sitting position or the

on the face, in thesupine position,in the

depression above thedepression about 0.1

canthuscun above the inner

canthus when the eyes

are closed


localized in the erect

sitting position or the

on the face, on the medial

supine position,in the

extremity of the eyeball, on

depression of the bone

the supraorbital notch

on the extremity of the



on the head, drectly above

Cuanzhu(BL02), 0.5 cun

within the hairline, at the

midpoint of the line

connecting Shenting(DU24)

and Qucha(BL04)

localized with the head

erected,drectly above

Cuanzhu(BL02), 0.5

cun within the hairline,

lateral to



on the head, 0.5 cun within

the midpoint of the anterior

localized with the head

hairline and 1.5 cun lateral

erected, 1.5 cun lateral

to it, on the line connecting

to Shenting(DU24),

Shenting(DU24) and

0.5 cun within the

Touwei(ST08),where the


medial quarter and middle

quarter locates




on the head, 1 cun above

localized with the head

the midpoint of the anterior

erected, 1 cun within


hairline and 1.5 cun lateral

the hairline, 1.5 cun

lateral to

to it


localized with the head

on the head, 2.5 cun above

erected, 2.5 cun within

the midpoint of the anterior

Chengguangthe anterior hairline,

hairline and 1.5 cun lateral

1.5 cun lateral to the

to it

DU vessel

on the head, 4 cun above

localized with the head

the midpoint of the anterior

erected, 4 cun within


hairline and 1.5 cun lateral

the anterior hairline,

1.5 cun lateral to the

to it

DU vessel







on the head, 5.5 cun above

localized with the head

the midpoint of the anterior

erected, 5.5 cun within

hairline and 1.5 cun lateral

the anterior hairline,

to it

1.5 cun lateral to the

DU vessel

on the back of the head,

2.5 cun above the midpoint

localized with the head

of the posterior hairline and

erected, 2.5 cun within

1.3 cun lateral to it, on the

the posterior hairline,

lever to the depression of

1.3 cun lateral to the

the upper border of

DU vessel

occipital process

in the depression lateral tolocalized with the head

the trapazius muscle, in thebowed, 0.5 cun within

posterior hair line,about 1.3the posterior hairline,

cun lateral to the midpoint1.3 cun lateral to the

of the posterior hairlineYamen(DU15)

localized in the erect

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

sitting position and

to the lower border of the

with the head bowed,

spinous porcess of the 1st

1.5 cun lateral to the

thoracic vertebra

lower border of the

spinous porcess of the

1st thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

sitting position and

to the lower border of the

with the back arched,

spinous porcess of the 2nd

1.5 cun lateral to the

thoracic vertebra

lower border of the

spinous porcess of the

2nd thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

sitting position and

to the lower border of the

with the back arched,

spinous porcess of the 3rd

1.5 cun lateral to the

thoracic vertebra

lower border of the

spinous porcess of the

3rd thoracic vertebra






on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

to the lower border of the

spinous porcess of the 4th

thoracic vertebra

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

to the lower border of the

spinous porcess of the 5th

thoracic vertebra

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

to the lower border of the

spinous porcess of the 6th

thoracic vertebra

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

to the lower border of the

spinous porcess of the 7th

thoracic vertebra

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

to the lower border of the

spinous porcess of the 9th

thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

sitting position and

with the back arched

or in the prone

position, 1.5 cun

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 4th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

with the back arched

or in the prone

position, 1.5 cun

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 5th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

with the back arched

or in the prone

position, 1.5 cun

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 6th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

with the back arched

or in the prone

position, 1.5 cun

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 7th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

with the back arched

or in the prone

position, 1.5 cun

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 9th

thoracic vertebra






localized in the erect

sitting position and

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

with the back arched

to the lower border of the

or in the prone

spinous porcess of the 10th

position, 1.5 cun

thoracic vertebra

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 10th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

with the back arched

to the lower border of the

or in the prone

spinous porcess of the 11th

position, 1.5 cun

thoracic vertebra

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 11th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

with the back arched

to the lower border of the

or in the prone

spinous porcess of the 12th

position, 1.5 cun

thoracic vertebra

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 12th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

on the loin, 1.5 cun lateral

with the elbows resting

to the lower border of the

on a table,or in the

spinous porcess of the 1st

prone position, 1.5 cun

lumbar vertebra

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 1st

localized in the erect

lumbar vertebra

sitting position and

on the loin, 1.5 cun lateral

with the elbows resting

to the lower border of the

on a table,or in the

spinous porcess of the 2nd

prone position, 1.5 cun

lumbar vertebra

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 2nd

lumbar vertebra



localized in the prone

on the loin, 1.5 cun lateral

position, 1.5 cun

to the lower border of the

lateral to the lower

spinous porcess of the 3rd

border of the spinous

lumbar vertebra

porcess of the 3rd

lumbar vertebra

localized in the prone

on the loin, 1.5 cun lateral

position, 1.5 cun

to the lower border of the

lateral to the lower

spinous porcess of the 4th

border of the spinous

lumbar vertebra

porcess of the 4th



lumbar vertebra

localized in the prone

on the loin, 1.5 cun lateral

position, 1.5 cun

to the lower border of the

lateral to the lower


spinous porcess of the 5th

border of the spinous

lumbar vertebra

porcess of the 5th

lumbar vertebra

localized in the prone

1.5 cun lateral to the

position, 1.5 cun

spinous porcess of the

Xiaochangshlateral to the lower

sacral vertebra, on the lvevl

uborder of the spinous

to the 1st posterior sacral

porcess of the 1st


sacral vertebra

localized in the prone

1.5 cun lateral to the

position, 1.5 cun

spinous porcess of the


sacral vertebra, on the lvevl

lateral to the lower


to the 2nd posterior sacral

border of the spinous

porcess of the 2nd


sacral vertebra

localized in the prone

1.5 cun lateral to the

position, 1.5 cun

spinous porcess of the

Zhonglüshusacral vertebra, on the lvevl

lateral to the lower

to the 3rd posterior sacral

border of the spinous

porcess of the 3rd


sacral vertebra

localized in the prone

1.5 cun lateral to the

position, 1.5 cun

spinous porcess of the

Baihuanshusacral vertebra, on the lvevl

lateral to the lower

to the 4th posterior sacral

border of the spinous

porcess of the 4th


sacral vertebra

localized in the prone

in the midpoint between the

position, below the 1st

posterior superior iliac

sacral vertebra, in the

Shangliaospine and the DU vessel,in

foramen on each side,

the 1st posterior scaral

at the level with














localized in the prone

below and medial to theposition, below the

posterior superior iliac2nd sacral vertebra, in

spine ,in the 2nd posteriorthe foramen on each

scaral foramenside, at the level with


localized in the prone

below and medial to

position, below the 3rd

Ciliao(BL32),in the 3rd

sacral vertebra, in the

posterior scaral foramen

foramen on each side,

at the level with


localized in the prone

below and medial to

position, below the 4th

Zhongliao(BL33),in the 4th

sacral vertebra, in the

posterior scaral foramen

foramen on each side,

at the level with


localized in the prone

0.5 cun lateral to the

position or the


kneeling position,

below the tip of the

coccyx, about 0.5 cun

lateral to it

on the back of the thigh,on

localized in the prone

the midpoint of the inferior

position, in the middle

gluteal crease

of the transverse

gluteal fold

on the back of the thigh,onlocalized in the

the line connectingstanding position or

Chengfu(BL36) andthe prone position,6

Weizhong(BL40), 6 cuncun below

below Chengfu(BL36)Chengfu(BL36)

on the lateral end of thelocalized with the knee

transverse crease of theflexed, 1 cun above

popliteal fossa, 1 cun aboveWeiyang(BL39) which

Weiyang(BL39), on theis between the two

medial border of the bicepstendons lateral to the

muscle of the thighpopliteal fossa





at the lateral end of thelocalized with the knee

popliteal crease, medial toflexed, lateral to the

the tendon of the bicepspoplteal fossa, between

muscle of the thighthe two tendons

at the midpoint of popliteal

localized with the

crease, between the biceps

sitting position and

muscle of the thigh and the

feet dropped down,at

semitendinous muscle

the midpoint of

popliteal crease

localized in the erect

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

sitting position and

the lower border of the

with the back arched, 3

spinous process of the 2nd

cun lateral to the lower

thoracic vertebra

border of the spinous

porcess of the 2nd

thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

sitting position and

the lower border of the

with the back arched, 3

spinous process of the 3rd

cun lateral to the lower

thoracic vertebra

border of the spinous

porcess of the 3rd

thoracic vertebra






localized in the erect

sitting position and

with the back

arched,and with the

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

two hands on knees

the lower border of the

and the scapulas

spinous process of the 4th

opened, 3 cun lateral

thoracic vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous porcess of

the 4th thoracic

vertebra, where one

feels sore and painful

when be pressed

localized in the erect

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

sitting position and

the lower border of the

with the back arched, 3

spinous process of the 5th

cun lateral to the lower

thoracic vertebra

border of the spinous

porcess of the 5th

thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

sitting position and

the lower border of the

with the back arched, 3

spinous process of the 6th

cun lateral to the lower

thoracic vertebra

border of the spinous

porcess of the 6th

thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

sitting position and

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

with the back

the lower border of the

arched,or in prone

spinous process of the 7th

position, 3 cun lateral

thoracic vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous porcess of

the 7th thoracic

localized in the erect


sitting position and

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

with the back

the lower border of the

arched,or in prone

spinous process of the 9th

position, 3 cun lateral

thoracic vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous porcess of

the 9th thoracic







localized in the erect

sitting position and

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

with the back

the lower border of the

arched,or in prone

spinous process of the 10th

position, 3 cun lateral

thoracic vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous porcess of

the 10th thoracic

localized in the erect


sitting position and

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

with the back

the lower border of the

arched,or in prone

spinous process of the 11th

position, 3 cun lateral

thoracic vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous porcess of

the 11th thoracic

localized in the erect


sitting position and

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

with the back

the lower border of the

arched,or in prone

spinous process of the 12th

position, 3 cun lateral

thoracic vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous porcess of

the 12th thoracic

localized in the erect


on the loin, 3 cun lateral to

sitting position or in

the lower border of the

the prone position,3

spinous porcess of the 1st

cun lateral to the lower

lumbar vertebra

border of the spinous

porcess of the 1st

lumbar vertebra

localized in the erect

on the loin, 3 cun lateral to

sitting position or in

the lower border of the

the prone position,3

spinous porcess of the 2nd

cun lateral to the lower

lumbar vertebra

border of the spinous

porcess of the 2nd

lumbar vertebra






3 cun lateral to the spinous

localized in the sitting

porcess of the sacral

position or prone

vertebra, on the lvevl to the

position, 3 cun lateral

3rd posterior sacral

to the lower border of


the spinous porcess of

the 3rd sacral vertebra

localized in the sitting

3 cun lateral to the spinousposition or prone

porcess of the sacralposition, 3 cun lateral

vertebra, on the lvevl to theto the lower border of

4th posterior sacral foramenthe spinous porcess of

the 4th sacral vertebra

localized in the prone

on the back of the leg,on

position or in the erect

the line connecting

sitting position, with

Chengfu(BL36) and

the foot dropped

Weizhong(BL40), 6 cun

down,2 cun below

below Chengfu(BL36)

Weizhong(BL40) in

the center of the

popliteal fossa

localized in the prone

on the back of the leg,on

position or in the erect

the line connecting

sitting position, with

Chengfu(BL36) and

the foot dropped

Weizhong(BL40),in the

down,on the line

center of the beely of the


gastrocnemius muscle, 6

Chengfu(BL36) and

cun below Chengfu(BL36)


the center of the beely

of the gastrocnemius

when the patient is

on the middle back of the

asked to stand erectly

leg, between

with both hands


supported on the wall

Kunlun(BL60),in the

and the feet tiptoed, in

depression appears when

the "人" image

feet tiptoed, below the belly

appearing below the

of the gastrocnemius

belly of the

gastrocnemius muscle






localized in the erect

sitting position, with

the foot dropped

on the back of the leg,

down, posterior to the

posterior to the lateral

lateral malleolus,7 cun

malleolus,7 cun above

above Kunlun(BL60),1

Kunlun(BL60),1 cun below

cun below and 1 cun


lateral to


the level with


localized in the erect

on the back of the leg,sitting position, with

posterior to the lateralthe foot dropped

malleolus,3 cun abovedown, posterior to the

Kunlun(BL60)lateral malleolus,3 cun

above Kunlun(BL60)

localized in the erect

posterior to the lateral

sitting position, with

malleolus,in the depression

the foot dropped

between the lateral

down, between the

malleolus and the Achilles

posterior to the lateral


malleolus and the

Achilles tendon, in the

depression above

posterior and inferior to the

localized in the erect


lateral malleolus, below

sitting position, with

Kunlun(BL60), in the

the foot dropped

depression of the calcaneum

down, below

at the junction of the res

Kunlun(BL60), in the

and white skin

depression below the

localized in the erect


on the lateral side of the

sitting position, with

foot, in the depression

the foot dropped

below the the lateral

down, in the


depression 0.5 cun

below the the lateral







localized in the erect

sitting position, with

on the lateral side of the

the foot dropped

foot, anterior and inferior to

down, below

the lateral malleolus, on the

Qiuxu(gb40), in the

lateral and inferior border

depression anterior and

of the cuboid bone

inferior to

Shenmai(BL62) and

lateral to the cuboid

on the lateral side of the

localized in the erect


foot, in the depression

sitting position, with

below the tuberiosity of the

the foot dropped

5th metatarsal bone, at the

down, below the

junction of the red and

tuberiosity of the 5th

white skin

metatarsal bone, at the

junction of the red and

localized in the erect

white skin

on the lateral side of the

sitting position, with

foot, in the depression

the foot dropped

posterior and inferior to the

down, on the lateral

head of the 5th metatarsal

side of the small toe, in

bone, at the junction of the

the depression

red and white skin

posterior to the 5th



localized in the erect

sitting position, with

on the lateral side of the

the foot dropped

foot, in the depression

down, on the lateral

anterior and inferior to the

side of the small toe, in

head of the 5th metatarsal

the depression anterior

bone, at the junction of the

to the 5th

red and white skin


joint,at the end of the

transverse crease of

the flexor digitorum

localized in the erect

on the lateral side of the

sitting position, with

small toe, 0.1 cun posterior

the foot dropped

to the toenail

down,on the lateral

side of the small toe,

0.1 cun posterior to

the toenail





on the sole, in the

localized in the supine

depression when the foot is

position, at the

arched, the point is at the

junction of the third

junction of the 1/3 and 2/3

and posterior two

on the line connecting the

thirds of the sole, in

2nd and 3rd metatarsal

the depression

bones and the sole

appearing when the

foot is arched

localized in the erect

on the medial side of thesitting position with

foot, inferior to thethe foot arched, in the

tuberosity of the naviculardepression anterior and

bone, at the junction of theinferior to the

red and white skintuberosity of the

navicular bone

localized in the erect

sitting position with

on the medial side of thethe foot dropped

foot, in the depression ofdown, between he

the medial malleolus andmedial malleolus and

the Achilles tendonthe Achilles

tendon,opposite to


on the medial side of the

localized in the erect

foot, posterior and inferior

sitting position with

to the medial malleolus, in

the foot dropped

the depression anterior and

down, medial to the

medial to the Achilles

Achilles tendon,


posterior the the point

0.5 cun below







on the medial side of the

foot, posterior and inferior

to the medial malleolus, 1

localized in the erect

cun below Taixi(KI03), in

sitting position with

the depression anterior and

the foot dropped

superior to the medial

down, 1 cun below

border of the tuberosity of


the calcaneum

localized in the erect

on the medial side of the

sitting position with

foot, in the depression

the foot arched, in the

below the medial malleolus

depression 1 cun

below the tip of medial


localized in the erect

on the nedial side of the leg,sitting position with

2 cun abovethe foot dropped

Taixi(KI03),anterior to thedown,2 cun above

Achilles tendonTaixi(KI03),anterior to

the Achilles tendon

localized in the erect

on the nedial side of the leg,sitting position with

2 cun abovethe foot dropped

Taixi(KI03),0.5 cundown,2 cun above

anterior to Fuliu(KI07),Taixi(KI03),posterior

posterior to the medialto the medial border of

border of the tibiathe tibia,at the level

with Fuliu(KI07)

on the medial side of the

localized in the erect

leg, on the line connecting

sitting position with

Taixi(KI03) and

the foot dropped

Yingu(KI10), 5 cun above

down,5 cun above

Taixi(KI03),posterior to the


medial border of the

to the medial border of


the gastrocnemius 1

cun posterior to the










localized in the erect

sitting position with

on the medial side of thethe knee flexed,on the

popliteal fossa, when themedial end of the

knee flexed,between thetransverse crease of

tendons of thethe popliteal fossa,

semitendinous andbetween the tendons of

semimembranous musclesthe semitendinous and



localized in supine

on the lower part of the

position, 5 cun below

abdomen, 5 cun below the

the umbilicus, 0.5 cun

umbilicus, 0.5 cun lateral to

lateral to Qugu(LR02),

the anterior midline

on the transverse

crease of the lower

in tne hypogastric region,4localized in the supine


cun below the umbilicus,0.5position,4 cun below

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to zhongji

in tne hypogastric region,3localized in the supine

cun below the umbilicus,0.5position,3 cun below

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to guanyuan

in tne hypogastriclocalized in the supine

region,2cun below theposition,2 cun below

umbilicus,0.5 cun lateral tothe umbilicus,0.5 cun

anterior median linelateral to shimen

in tne hypogastric region,1localized in the supine

cun below the umbilicus,0.5position,1 cun below

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to yinjiao

in tne middle region of

localized in the supine

abdominal part,0.5 cun

position,0.5 cun lateral

lateral to the umbilicus

to the center of the


in tne epigastric region,2localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,0.5position,2 cun above

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to xiawan









in tne epigastric region,3localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,0.5position,3 cun above

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to jianli

in tne epigastric region,4localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,0.5position,4 cun above

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to zhongwan

in tne epigastric region,5localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,0.5position,5 cun above

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to shangwan

in tne epigastric region,6localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,0.5position,6 cun above

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to juque

on the chest,in the 5th

localized in the supine

intercostal space,2 cun

position,2 cun lateral

lateral to anterior median

to zhongting which is


on the lower border of

the sternal body

localized in the supine

on the chest,in the 4thposition,2 cun lateral

intercostal space,2 cunto danzhong which is

lateral to anterior medianon the midpoint of the

lineline connecting the two


on the chest,in the 3rd

localized in the supine

intercostal space,2 cun

position,in the 3rd

lateral to anterior median

intercostal space,2 cun


lateral to the anterior


on the chest,in the 2nd

localized in the supine

intercostal space,2 cun

position,in the 2nd

lateral to anterior median

intercostal space,2 cun


lateral to the anterior







on the chest,in the 1st

localized in the supine

intercostal space,2 cun

position,in the 1st

lateral to anterior median

intercostal space,2 cun


lateral to the anterior


localized in the supine

on the chest,on the lowerposition,in the

border of the clavicle,2 cundepression on the

lateral to anterior medianlower border of the

lineclavicle,2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

on the chest,in the 4th

localized in the erect

intercostal space,1 cun

sitting position or in

lateral to the nipple,5 cun

the lateral recumbent

lateral to the anterior

position,1 cun lateral


to the nipple,in the 4th

intercostal space

on the arm,2 cun below thelocalized with the arm

anterior axillarylifted,2 cun below the

fold,between the long andanterior end of the

short heads of the bicepsaxillary fold,directly

muscle of the armabove Quze

localized with the palm

faced upwards and the

on the transverse cubital

elbow flexed,on the

crease,on the ulnar side of

transverse cubital

the tendon of the biceps

crease,in the

muscle of the arm

depression medial to

the tendon of the

biceps muscle of the






localized with the

forearm extended and

on the palmar aspect of the

the palm faced

forearm,on the line

upwards,5 cun above

connecting Daling and

Daling,in the center of

Quze,5 cun above the

the palmar aspect of

transverse crease of the

the forearm,between


the tendons of the long

palmar muscle and the

radial flexor muscle of

the wrist

localized with the

on the palmar aspect of theforearm extended and

forearm,on the linethe palm faced

connecting Daling andupwards,3 cun above

Quze,3 cun above theDaling,in the center of

transverse crease of thethe palmar aspect of

wrist,between the tendonsthe forearm,between

of the long palmar musclethe tendons of the long

and the radial flexor musclepalmar muscle and the

of the wristradial flexor muscle of

the wrist

localized with the

on the palmar aspect of theforearm extended and

forearm,on the linethe palm faced

connecting Daling andupwards,2 cun above

Quze,2 cun above theDaling,in the center of

transverse crease of thethe palmar aspect of

wrist,between the tendonsthe forearm,between

of the long palmar musclethe tendons of the long

and the radial flexor musclepalmar muscle and the

of the wristradial flexor muscle of

the wrist

on the midpoint of the

localized with the

transverse crease of the

forearm extended and

wrist,between the tendons

the palm faced

of the long palmar muscle

upwards,on the

and the radial flexor muscle

midpoint of the

of the wrist

transverse crease of

the wrist,between the

two tendons


in the palm,between the 2nd

localized with the hand

and 3rd metacarpal

made a fist,on the

bones,slightly close to the

transverse palmar

3rd metacarpal bone,where

crease where the

the middle finger points

middle finger points

when a fist is made


in the center of the tip of

the middle finger

in the center of the tip

of the middle finger


localized with the palm

faced upwards and the

on the ulnar side of the ringelbow flexed,on the

Guanchongfinger,0.1 cun posterior tolateral side of the ring

the corner of the fingernailfinger,0.1 cun

posterior to the corner

of the fingernail

on the dorsum of the

hand,distal to the


joint,in the depression

between the small and ring


on the dorsum of the

hand,proximal to the


joint,in the depression

between the 4th and 5th

metacarpal bones

localized with the hand

made a fist,anterior to



joint between the small

and ring fingers

localized with the hand

made a fist,1 cun

above Yemen,in the

depression posterior to



joints of the small and

ring fingers








localized with the

forearm extended and

the palm faced

on the transverse crease ofdownwards,on the

the dorsum of the wrist,intransverse crease of

the depression on the ulnarthe dorsum of the

side of the tendon of thewrist,in the depression

extensor muscle of thebetween the tendons of

fingersthe extensor muscle of

the fingers and of the

extensor muscle of the

small finger

on the dorsal aspect of the

forearm,on the line

localized with the

connecting Yangchi and the

forearm extended and

tip of the elbow,2 cun

the palm faced

above the transverse crease

downwards,2 cun

of the dorsum of the


wrist,between the ulna and

Yangchi,between the


ulna and radius

on the dorsal aspect of the

forearm,on the line

localized with the

connecting Yangchi and the

forearm extended and

tip of the elbow,3 cun

the palm faced

above the transverse crease

downwards,3 cun

of the dorsum of the


wrist,between the ulna and

Yangchi,between the

on the dorsal aspect of the


ulna and radius

localized with the

forearm,3 cun above the

forearm extended and

transverse crease of the

the palm faced

dorsum of the

downwards,about 1

wrist,Zhigou,on the radial

cun lateral to

side of the ulna

Zhigou,on the radial

localized with the

side of the ulna

on the dorsal aspect of theforearm extended and

forearm,4 cun above thethe palm faced

transverse crease of thedownwards,4 cun

dorsum of theabove the transverse

wrist,between the ulna andcrease of the dorsum

radiusof the wrist,between

the ulna and radius



on the dorsal aspect of the

forearm,on the line

connecting Yangchi and the

tip of the elbow,5 cun

below the tip of the

elbow,between the ulna and


on the extensor aspect of

the arm,in the depression 1

cun above the tip of the

elbow when the elbow is


between the ulna and

radius,7 cun above

Yangchi,5 cun below

the tip of the elbow

localized with the

elbow flexed and the

arm lifted,in the

depression 1 cun above

the tip of the elbow


on the extensor aspect of

localized with the arm

the arm,2 cun above the tip

lifted,in the depression

Qinglengyuanof the elbow ,i.e.1 cun

2 cun above the tip of

above Tianjing when the

the elbow

elbow is flexed

on the extensor aspect of

the arm,on the midpoint of

the line connecting

Qinglengyuan and Naohui

on the extensor aspect of

the arm,on the line

connecting the tip of the

elbow and Jianliao,3 cun

below Jianliao,on the

posterior border of the

deltoid muscle

on the shoulder,posterior to

Jianyu,in the depression

posterior and inferior to the

acromion when the arm is


on the scapula,on the

midway between Jianjing

and Quyuan,1 cun below

Jianjing,on the superior

angle of the scapula

localized with the arm

lifted,on the midpoint

of the line connecting

Qinglengyuan and


localized in the erect

sitting position,1 cun

below the posterior

end of the axillary

fold,directly above the

tip of the elbow,on the

posterior border of the

deltoid muscle

localized with the arm

lifted,in the depression

posterior and inferior

to the

acromion,posterior to


localized in the erect

sitting position,on the

midway between

Jianjing and Quyuan











on the lateral side of the

neck,directly below the

posterior border of the

localized with the head

mastoid process,at the level

erected,on the midway

with the angle of

between Tianzhu and

mandible,on the posterior


border of the


sternocleidomastoid muscle

posterior to the ear lobe,in

localized with the head

the depression between the

erected,posterior to

mastoid process and

the ear lobe,in the


depression about 0.5

cun posterior to the

on the head,in the center of


the mastoid process

localized with the head

posterior to the ear

erected,in the center of

between Jiaosun and

the mastoid process

Yifeng,at the junction of the

posterior to the ear,on

middle third and lower third

the midway between

of the curve line posterior

Yifeng and Luxi

on the head,between

to the helix

Jiaosun and Yifeng,at the

localized with the head

junction of the upper third

erected,1 cun above

and middle third of the

Qimai, on the midway

curve line posterior to the

between Jiaosun and



on the head,directly above

localized with the head

the ear apex within the

erected,directly above

hairline when the ear is

the ear apex within the

folded forwards

hairline when the ear is

folded forwards

anterior to the supratragiclocalized with the head

notch,in the depressionerected,in the

posterior the condyloiddepression anterior to

process of the mandiblethe supratragic notch,






localized with the head

on the lateral side of the

erected,anterior and

head,posterior to the

superior to Ermen,at

hairline of the temple,at the

the level with the root

level with the root of the

of the auricle,posterior

auricle,anterior to the

to the hairline of the

superficial temporal artery

temple,anterior to the

superficial temporal


localized with the head

on the face,in the

erected,directly above

depression at the lateral end

Tongziliao,in the

of the eyebrow

depression at the

lateral end of the


on the face,0.5 cun lateral

localized with the head

to the outer canthus,in the

erected,0.5 cun lateral

depression on lateral side of

to the outer canthus,in

the orbit

the depression on

lateral side of the orbit

localized with the head

erected or with the

on the face,anterior to the

head rested on a table

intertragic notch,posterior

on the side,anterior to

to the condyloid process of

the intertragic

the mandible,in the

notch,posterior to the

depression appearing when

condyloid process of

the mouth is opened

the mandible,in the

depression appearing

when the mouth is


localized with the head

anterior to the ear,directly

erected or with the

above Xiaguan,in the

head rested on a table

depression on the upper

on the side,anterior to

border of the zygomatic

the ear,on the upper


border of the


arch,anterior to Ermen







localized with the head

on the head,within theerected or with the

hairline of the temporalhead rested on a table

region,at the junction of theon the side,within the

upper 1/4 and lower 3/4 ofhairline of the temporal

the distance betweenregion,1 cun below

Touwei and QubinTouwei,where it

moves when chewing

on the head,within the

localized with the head

hairline of the temporal

erected or with the

region,on the midpoint of

head rested on a table

the distance between

on the side,on the

Touwei and Qubin

midpoint of Touwei

on the head,within thelocalized with the head

and Qubin

hairline of the temporalerected or with the

region,at the junction of thehead rested on a table

upper 3/4 and lower 1/4 ofon the side,on the

the distance betweenmidpoint of Xuanlu

Touwei and Qubin

on the head,at a crossing

localized with the head

and Qubin

point of the vertical

erected or with the

posterior border of the

head rested on a table

temples and the horizontal

on the side,1 cun

line through the ear apex

anterior to

Jiaosun,within the

localized with the head


on the head,directly above

erected or with the

the ear apex,1.5 cun above

head rested on a table

the hairline,on the same

on the side,1.5 cun

vertical line with Jiaosun

within the hairline

above the ear

apex,where it moves

localized with the head

when chewing

on the head,directly above

erected or with the

the posterior border of the

head rested on a table

auricle,2 cun within the

on the side,0.5 cun

hairline,0.5 cun posterior to

posterior to Shuaigu,2


cun within the hairline

,above the posterior

border of the auricle








on the head,posterior and

localized with the head

superior to the mastoid

erected or with the

process behind the

head rested on a table

ear,between Tianchong and

on the side,within the


hairline ,1 cun


on the head,posterior and

localized with the head

superior to the mastoid

bowed or with the

process behind the

head rested on a table

ear,between Fubai and

on the side,on the


midway between Fubai

and Wangu

localized with the head

on the head,in the

bowed or with the

depression posterior and

head rested on a table

inferior to the mastoid

on the side,posterior to

process behind the ear

the mastoid

process,0.5 cun within

on the head,0.5 cun within

the hairline

the hairline of the

localized with the head

forehead,3 cun lateral to

erected ,3 cun lateral

Shenting,at the junction of

to Shenting,directly

the medial 2/3 and lateral

above the outer

1/3 of the line connecting

canthus,0.5 cun within

Shenting and Touwei

the hairline

localized with the head

on the head,directly aboveerected,1 cun above

the midpoint of the eye,1the midpoint of the

cun above the midpoint ofeyebrow,directly above

the eyebrowthe pupil when looking


on the head,directly above

the midpoint of the eye,0.5

localized with the head

cun within the hairline,on

erected,directly above

the midpoint of the line

the pupil when looking

connecting Shenting and

straight,0.5 cun within


the hairline

on the head,1.5 cun above

the hairline of the

localized with the head

forehead,2.25 cun lateral to

erected,1 cun posterior

midline of the head ,on the

to Toulinqi,on the line

line connecting Toulinqi

connecting Toulinqi

and Fengchi

and Fengchi






on the head,2.5 cun above

the hairline of the

localized with the head

forehead,2.25 cun lateral to

erected,1 cun posterior

midline of the head ,on the

to Muchuang,on the

line connecting Toulinqi

line connecting

and Fengchi

Toulinqi and Fengchi

on the head,4 cun above the

localized with the head

hairline of the forehead,2.25

erected,1.5 cun

cun lateral to midline of the

posterior to

head ,on the line connecting

Zhengying,on the line

Toulinqi and Fengchi

connecting Toulinqi

and Fengchi

on the head,superior to the

lateral border of the

external occipital

localized with the head

protuberance,at the level

erected,directly above

with Naohu,directly above

Fengchi,at the level

Fengchi ,2.25 cun lateral to

with Naohu

midline of the head

in the neck,below the

localized with the head

occipital bone,1 cun above

bowed,on the posterior

the posterior hairline,at the

aspect of the neck,at

level with Fengfu,in the

the level with

depression between the

Fengfu,in the

upper ends of the

depression between the

sternocleidomastoid and

upper ends of the

trapezius muscles


and trapezius muscles

on the shoulder,directly

localized in the erect

above the nipple,on

sitting position,on the

midpoint of the line

shoulder,on midpoint

connecting Dazhui and the

of the line connecting


Dazhui and the









on the lateral aspect of thelocalized in the lateral

chest when the arm isrecumbent position and

lifted,on the mid-axillarywith the arm lifted,on

line,3 cun below thethe mid-axillary line,in

axilla,in the 4th intercostalthe 4th intercostal


on the lateral aspect of the

localized in the lateral


chest,1 cun anterior to

recumbent position ,3

Yuanye which is on the

cun below the axilla

mid-axillary line ,in the 4th

and 1 cun anterior to

intercostal space

Yuanyein the 4th

intercostal space

on the upper3 ribs below the

abdomen,directly below thenipple,in the 7th

nipple,in the 7th intercostalintercostal

space,4 cun lateral to thespace,directly above

anterior midlineQimen

localized in the lateral

on the lateral aspect of therecumbent position,on

waist,on the lower borderthe lateral aspect of the

of the free end of the 12thwaist,on the lower

ribborder of the free end

of the 12th rib

on the lateral aspect of the

localized in the lateral

abdomen,1.8 cun below

recumbent position,at

Zhangmen,at the crossing

the crossing point of a

point of a vertical line

vertical line through

through the free end of the

the free end of the 11th

11th rib and a horizontal

rib and a horizontal

line through the umbilicus

line through the

on the lateral aspect of the

localized in the spine


abdomen,anterior to the

position,0.5 cun

anteriosuperior iliac spine,3

anterior to the

cun below the level of the

anteriosuperior iliac


spine,about 3 cun

below the level of the

on the lateral aspect of the


abdomen,medial andlocalized in the lateral

inferior to therecumbent position,0.5

anteriosuperior iliaccun medial and inferior

spine,0.5 cun medial andto Wushu

inferior to Wushu


on the hip,on the midpoint

of the line connecting the

anteriosuperior iliac spine

and the prominence of the

great trochanter

localized in the lateral

recumbent position,on

the midpoint of the line

connecting the

anteriosuperior iliac

spine and the

prominence of the

great trochanter


localized in the lateral

recumbent position and

on the lateral side of the

with the thigh flexed,at

thigh,at the junction of the

the junction of the

middle 1/3 and lateral 1/3 of

middle 1/3 and lateral

the line connecting the

1/3 of the line

prominence of the great

connecting the

trochanter and the sacral

prominence of the


great trochanter and

the sacral hiatus

on the midline of the lateral

side of the thigh,7 cunlocalized in the erect

above the transversestanding position and

popliteal crease,where thewith the hands close to

tip of the middle fingerthe sides,where the tip

touches when the patient isof the middle finger

standing erect with thetouches

hands close to the sides

localized with the knee

flexed,5 cun above the

transverse popliteal

crease,2 cun directly

below Fengshi

localized with the knee

flexed,3 cun directly

above Yanglingquan,in

the depression above

the external epicondyle

of the femur




on the lateral side of the

thigh,2 cun below Fengshi,5

cun above the transverse


popliteal crease,between the

lateral vastus muscle and

the biceps muscle of the


on the lateral aspect of the

knee,3 cun above

Yanglingquan,in the


depression above the

external epicondyle of the



localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the lateral aspect of thewith the knee flexed

leg,in the depressionand with the foot


anterior and inferior to thedropped down,in the

head of the fibuladepression anterior and




on the lateral aspect of the

leg,7 cun above the tip of

the lateral

malleolus,posterior to the


on the lateral aspect of the

leg,7 cun above the tip of

the lateral

malleolus,anterior to the

fibula,at the level with


on the lateral aspect of the

leg,5 cun above the tip of

the lateral

malleolus,anterior to the


inferior to the head of

the fibula

localized in the erect

standing position, and

with the knee flexed

and with the foot

dropped down,7 cun

above the tip of the


malleolus,posterior to

localized in the erect

the fibula

standing position, and

with the knee flexed

and with the foot

dropped down,7 cun

above the lateral


below Yanglingquan,1

cun anterior to

Yangjiao,anterior to

the fibula

localized in the erect

standing position, and

with the knee flexed

and with the foot

dropped down,5 cun

above the tip of the

lateral malleolus,2 cun

below Waiqiu





localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the lateral aspect of thewith the knee flexed

leg,4 cun above the tip ofand with the foot

the lateral malleolus,slightlydropped down,4 cun

anterior to the anteriorabove the tip of the

border of the fibulalateral malleolus,1 cun

below and 0.3 cun

anterior to Guangming

localized in the erect

on the lateral aspect of the

standing position, and

leg,3 cun above the tip of

with the knee flexed

the lateral

and with the foot

malleolus,anterior to the

dropped down,3 cun


above the tip of the


malleolus,anterior to

localized in the erect

the fibula

anterior and inferior to the

standing position, and

lateral malleolus,in the

with the knee flexed

depression lateral to the

and with the foot

tendon of the long extensor

dropped down on the

muscle of the toes

ground,in the

depression anterior and

inferior to the lateral

localized in the erect


standing position, and

with the knee flexed

on the lateral aspect of the

and with the foot

dorsum of the

dropped down on the

foot,posterior to the 4th

ground,in the

metatarsophalangeal joint,in

depression anterior to

the depression lateral to the

the junction of the 4th

tendon of the long extensor

and 5th metatarsal

muscle of the little toes

bones,lateral to the

tendon of the long

extensor muscle of the

little toes





localized in the erect

on the lateral aspect of the

standing position, and

dorsum of the foot,between

with the knee flexed

the 4th and 5th metatarsal

and with the foot

bones,on the medial side of

dropped down on the

the tendon of the long

ground,between the

extensor muscle of the little

4th and 5th metatarsal


bones,0.5 cun below

Zulinqi,1 cun above


localized in the erect

on the lateral aspect of thestanding position, and

dorsum of the foot,on thewith the knee flexed

web margin between the 4thand with the foot

and 5th toes,in thedropped down on the

depression anterior totheground,between the

metatarsophalangeal joint4th and 5th toes,on the

web margin

localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the lateral side of the 4th

with the knee flexed

toe,0.1 cun posterior to the

and with the foot

corner of the toenail

dropped down on the

ground,on the lateral

side of the 4th toe,0.1

cun posterior to the

localized in the erect

corner of the toenail

standing position, and

with the knee flexed

on the lateral side of the

and with the foot

distal segment of the great

dropped down on the

toe,0.1 cun posterior to the

ground,on the lateral

corner of the toenail

side of the distal

segment of the great

toe,0.1 cun posterior

to the corner of the





localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the dorsum of the

with the knee flexed

foot,on the web margin

and with the foot

between the 1st and 2nd

dropped down on the


ground,about 0.5 cun

posterior to the web

margin between the 1st

and 2nd toes

localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the dorsum of the foot,in

with the knee flexed

the depression of the

and with the foot

posterior end of the 1st

dropped down on the

interosseous metatarsal

ground,in the


depression anterior to

the junction of the 1st

and 2nd metatarsal


localized in the erect

anterior to the medial

standing position, and

malleolus, on the midway of

with the knee flexed

the line connecting

and with the foot

Shangqiu and Jiexi,in the

dropped down on the

depression medial to the

ground,0.1 cun

tendon of the anterior tibial

anterior to the medial



between Shangqiu and






localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the medial aspect of thewith the knee flexed

leg,5 cun above the tip ofand with the foot

the medial malleolus,in thedropped down,5 cun

center of the medial borderabove the tip of the

of the tibiamedial malleolus,in the

center of the medial

border of the tibia

localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the medial aspect of the

with the knee flexed

leg,7 cun above the tip of

and with the foot

the medial malleolus,in the

dropped down,7 cun

center of the medial border

above the tip of the

of the tibia

medial malleolus,in the

center of the medial

border of the tibia,2

on the medial aspect of the

localized in the erect

cun above Ligou

leg,posterior and inferior to

standing position, and

the medial epicondyle of the

with the knee flexed,2

tibia,1 cun poserior to

cun below

Yinlingquan,at the upper

Neixiyan,posterior to

end of the medial head of

the medial border of

the gastrocnemius muscle

the tibia,about 1 cun

poserior to


on the medial aspect of the

thigh,when the knee is

flexed,at the medial end oflocalized in the erect

the transverse poplitealstanding position, and

crease,on the medial borderwith the knee flexed,at

of the knee joint,posteriorthe end of the

to the medial epicondyle oftransverse popliteal

the tibia,in the depressioncrease,on the medial

anterior to the insertion ofborder of the knee

the semitendinousnand

semimembranous muscles






localized in the erect

on the medial aspect of thestanding position, and

thigh,4 cun above thewith the knee flexed,4

medial epicondyle of thecun above the medial

femur,posterior to theepicondyle of the

sartorius musclefemur,posterior to the

sartorius muscle

on the medial aspect of the

thigh,3 cun directly below

localized in the spine

Qichong,at the end of the

position and with the

thigh,below the pubic

leg extended,2 cun

tubercle,1 cun below

lateral to and 3 cun


below Qugu

on the medial aspect of the

thigh,2 cun directly below

localized in the spine

Qichong,at the end of the

position and with the

thigh,below the pubic

leg extended,2 cun


directly below Qichong

lateral to the pubiclocalized in the spine

tubercle,lateral and inferiorposition,2.5 cun lateral

to Qichong,in the inguinalto the pubic

groove where the pulsationsymphysis,in the

of the femoral artery isinguinal groove lateral

palpable,2.5 cun lateral toand inferior to

the anterior midlineQichong

localized in the lateral

on the lateral side of the

recumbent position and

abdomen,below the free end

with the arm flexed,at

of the 11th floating rib

the end of the 11th rib

where the tip of the

elbow touches


on the chest,directly belowlocalized in the erect

the nipple,in the 6thsitting position or in

intercostal space,4 cunthe spine position,2

lateral to the anteriorribs below the nipple,at

midlinethe level with Burong


localized in the

kneeling position or in

0.5 cun below the tip of the

the prone position,on

coccyx,at the midpoint

Changqiangthe midpoint of the line

between the tip of the

connecting the tip of

coccyx and the anus

the coccyx and the



on the sacrum,on the

posterior midline,in the

hiatus of the sacrum

localized in the prone

position or in the

lateral recumbent

position,in the hiatus

of the sacrum


localized in the prone

position,on the

on the lumbus,on the

posterior midline,in the

posterior midline,below the

depression below the

Yaoyanfguanspinous process of the 4th

spinous process of the

lumbar vertebra,at the level

4th lumbar vertebra,at

with the crista iliaca

the level with the crista



localized in the prone

on the lumbus,on the

position,in the

posterior midline,in the

depression below the


spinous process of the

below the spinous process

2nd and 3rd lumbar

of the 4th lumbar vertebra








on the lumbus,on the

localized in the prone

posterior midline,in the

position,in the

depression below the

depression below the

spinous process of the 1st

spinous process of the

lumber vertebrae.

1st and 2nd lumbar


localized in the prone

on the back,on the posteriorposition,in the

midline,in the depressiondepression below the

blew the spinous process ofspinous process of the

the 11th thoracic vertebrae.11th and 12th thoracic


localized in the prone

on the back,on the posteriorposition,in the

midline,in the depressiondepression below the

blew the spinous process ofspinous process of the

the 10th thoracic vertebrae.10th and 11th thoracic


localized in the prone

position or in the erect

on the back,on the posteriorsitting position with

midline,in the depressionthe elbows resting on a

blew the spinous process oftable,in the depression

the 9th thoracic the spinous

process of the 9th and

10th thoracic vertebra

localized in the prone

position or in the erect

on the back,on the posteriorsitting position with

midline,in the depressionthe elbows resting on a

blew the spinous process oftable,in the depression

the 7th thoracic the spinous

process of the 7th and

8th thoracic vertebra

localized in the prone

position or in the erect

on the back,on the posteriorsitting position with

midline,in the depressionthe elbows resting on a

blew the spinous process oftable,in the depression

the 6th thoracic the spinous

process of the 6th and

7th thoracic vertebra






localized in the prone

position or in the erect

on the back,on the posteriorsitting position with

midline,in the depressionthe elbows resting on a

blew the spinous process oftable,in the depression

the 5th thoracic the spinous

process of the 5th and

6th thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

on the back,on the posteriorsitting position,in the

midline,in the depressiondepression below the

blew the spinous process ofspinous process of the

the 3rd thoracic vertebrae.3rd and 4th thoracic


localized in the erect

on the back,on the posterior

sitting position and

midline,in the depression

with the head bowed,in

blew the spinous process of

the depression below

the 1st thoracic vertebrae.

the spinous process of

the 1st and 2nd

thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

sitting position and

on the posterior midline,in

with the head

the depression blew the

bowed,on the midpoint

spinous process of the 7th

at the level with the

cervicla vertebrae.

shoulder,in the

depression between the

spinous process of the

7th cervical and 1st

thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

on the neck,0.5 cun directlysitting position and

above the midpoint of thewith the head

posterior hairline,below thebowed,on the posterior

spinous process of the 1stmidline,in the

cervical vertebradepression 0.5 cun

within the hairline







on the neck,1 cun above the

midpoint of the posteriorlocalized in the erect

hairline,directly below thesitting position and

external occipitalwith the head

protuberance,in thebowed,on the posterior

depression between themidline on the neck,1

trapezius muscles of thecun within the hairline

both sides

on the head,on the midpointlocalized in the erect

of the head,1.5 cun directlysitting position,1.5 cun

above Fengfu,in thedirectly above

depression superior to theFengfu,superior to the

external occipitalexternal occipital


on the head,4 cun directly

localized in the erect

above the midpoint of the

sitting position,1.5 cun

posterior hairline(1.5 cun

directly above Naohu,4

above Naohu)

cun above the

posterior hairline

on the head,5.5 cun directly

localized in the erect

above the midpoint of the

sitting position,1.5 cun

posterior hairline(3 cun

directly above

above Naohu)

Qiangjian,5.5 cun

above the posterior

on the head,5 cun directly


above the anterior hairline,7localized in the erect

cun directly above thesitting position,directly

posterior hairline,on theabove the two ear

midpoint of the lineapexes,in the center of

connecting the two eartop of the head


on the head,3.5 cun directly

localized in the erect

above the midpoint of the

sitting position,1.5 cun

anterior hairline(1.5 cun

anterior to Baihui,3.5

anterior to Baihui)

cun posterior to the

anterior hairline








on the head,2 cun directly

localized in the erect

above the midpoint of the

sitting position,3 cun

anterior hairline(3 cun

anterior to Baihui,2

anterior to Baihui)

cun posterior to the

anterior hairline

on the head,1 cun directly

localized in the erect

above the midpoint of the

sitting position,1 cun

anterior hairline

posterior to the

anterior hairline

localized in the erect

on the head,0.5 cun directly

sitting position and

above the midpoint of the

with the head held

anterior hairline

up,on the midline of

the head,0.5 cun within

the anterior hairline

on the face,in the center of

localized in the erect

the tip of the nose

sitting position,on the

tip of the nose

localized in the erect

on the face,at the junctionsitting position,at the

of the upper 1/3 and middlejunction of the upper

1/3 of the philtrum1/3 and middle 1/3 of

the philtrum

on the face,on the labial

localized in the erect

tubercle of the upper lip,on

sitting position and

the vermilion border

with the head held

between the philtrum and

up,on the vermilion

upper lip

border between the

philtrum and upper lip

localized in the erect

sitting position or in

inside the upper lip,at thethe supine position,at

junction of the labial frenumthe junction of the

and upper gumlabial frenum and

upper gum when the

upper lip is lifted







on the perineum,on thelocalized in the supine

midpoint of the lineposition and with the

connecting the scrotum andknee flexed,between

anus in males,on thethe scrotum and anus

midpoint of the linein males,between the

connecting the posteriorposterior commissure

commissure of the largeof the large labia and

labia and anus in femalesanus in females

in the lower abdomen,on

localized in the supine

the anterior midline,on the

position,on the anterior

midpoint of the upper

midline,in the

border of the pubic

depression on the


upper border of the

pubic symphysis

in the lower abdomen,4 cun

localized in the supine

below the umbilicus,on the

position,4 cun below

anterior midline

the umbilicus,1 cun

above Qugu

in the lower abdomen,3 cun

localized in the supine

below the umbilicus,on the

position,3 cun below

anterior midline

the umbilicus,1 cun

above Zhongji

in the lower abdomen,2 cunlocalized in the supine

below the umbilicus,on theposition,2 cun below

anterior midlinethe umbilicus

localized in the supine

in the lower abdomen,1.5

position,1.5 cun below

cun below the umbilicus,on

the umbilicus,on the

the anterior midline

midpoint of the line

connecting the

umbilicus and











in the lower abdomen,1 cun

localized in the supine

below the umbilicus,on the

position,1 cun below

anterior midline

the umbilicus,1 cun

above Shimen

in the center of the

localized in the supine


position,in the center

of the umbilicus

on the upper abdomen,1localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,onposition,1 cun above

the anterior midlinethe umbilicus

on the upper abdomen,2localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,onposition,2 cun above

the anterior midlinethe umbilicus

on the upper abdomen,3localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,onposition,3 cun above

the anterior midlinethe umbilicus

on the upper abdomen,4localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,onposition,4 cun above

the anterior midlinethe umbilicus

on the upper abdomen,5localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,onposition,1 cun above

the anterior midlinethe Zhongwan

on the upper abdomen61

localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,on

position,1 cun below

the anterior midline

Jiuwei,6 cun above the


on the upperlocalized in the supine

abdomen,below theposition,7 cun above

xiphisternal synchondrosis,7the umbilicus,on the

cun above the umbilicus,onmidline of the

the anterior midlineabdomen






localized in the erect

sitting position or in

on the chest,on the anterior

the supine position,1.6

midline,on the level of the

cun below

5th intercostal space,

Danzhong,on the

the midpoint of the

midline of the chest,on

xiphisternal synchondrosis

the level of the 5th

intercostal space,on

the lower border of the

localized in the erect


sitting position or in

on the chest,on the anterior

the supine position,in

midline,on the level of the

the center of the chest

4th intercostal space,

between the two

the midpoint of the line

nipples,in the center of

connecting two nipples

the sternum,on the

level of the 4th

intercostal space in the

localized in the erect


sitting position or in

on the chest,on the anterior

the supine position,1.6

midline,on the level of the

cun above

3rd intercostal space

Danzhong,on the

midline of the

sternum,at the medial

localized in the erect

end of the 3rd

sitting position or in

on the chest,on the anterior

the supine position,3.2

midline,on the level of the

cun above

2nd intercostal space

Danzhong,on the

midline of the

sternum,at the medial

localized in the erect

end of the 2nd

sitting position or in

on the chest,on the anterior

the supine position,4.8

midline,at the midpoint of

cun above

the sternal angle

Danzhong,on the

midline of the

sternum,t the midpoint

of the sternal angle











localized in the erect

sitting position or in

on the chest,on the anterior

the supine position,1

midline,1 cun below Tiantu

cun below

Tiantu,about on the

midpoint of the sternal


localized in the supine

position or with the

on the neck,on the anteriorheas held up,1 cun

midline,in the center of theabove Xuanji,above

suprasternal fossathe jugular notch of the

sterum,in the center of

the suprasternal fossa

localized in the supine

on the neck,on the anteriorposition or with the

midline,on the upper borderheas held up,on the

of the laryngealupper border of the

protuberance,in thelaryngeal

depression superior to theprotuberance,in the

hyoid bonedepression superior to

the hyoid bone

localized in the supine

on the face,in the

position or with the

depression in the center of

heas held up,in the

the mentolabial groove

depression in the

center of the

mentolabial groove

in the lower part of the

localized in the supine

anterior surface of the

position,in the lower

thigh,1.5 cun lateral and

part of the anterior

medial to Liangqiu,2 points

surface of the thigh,1.5

on each side of the thigh,4

cun lateral and medial

points totally

to Liangqiu,2 points on

each side of the thigh,4

points totally

localized in the prone

position or in the













on the back,0.5 cun lateral

to the lower border of the

recumbent position,on

spinous process of the 7th

the back,0.5 cun lateral

cervical vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous process of

the 7th cervical

localized in the erect


on the posterior side of the

sitting position with

elbow,at the tip of the

the elbow flexed 90

olecranon when the elbow

degree,on the posterior

is flexed

side of the elbow,at the

tip of the olecranon

when the elbow is


localized in the supine

on the lower abdomen,4position,on the lower

cun below the umbilicus,3abdomen,4 cun below

cun lateral to Zhongjithe umbilicus,3 cun

lateral to Zhongji

localized in the erect

on the vertex of the head,1sitting position,on the

cun anterior,posterior andvertex of the head,1

lateral to Baihui,4 pointscun anterior,posterior

totallyand lateral to Baihui,4

points totally

localized with the palm

on the palmar aspect of the

faced upwards,on the

forearm,4 cun above the

palmar aspect of the

transverse crease of the

forearm,4 cun above

wrist,on each side of the

the transverse crease

tendon of the radial flexor

of the wrist,on each

muscle of the wrist,2 points

side of the tendon of


the radial flexor muscle

of the wrist,2 points

above the knee,in the

with the knee


depression of the midpoint

flexed,above the

of the upper border of the

knee,in the depression


of the midpoint of the

upper border of the



on the back and low

back,0.5 cun lateral to the

lower borders of the spious

processes from the 1st

throacic to the 5th lumbar

vertebra,34 points totally.


on the frontal part of the

head,directly above the

pupil,1 cun above the

anterior hairlie.

localized in the prone

position or in the

recumbent position,on

the back and low

back,0.5 cun lateral to

the lower borders of

the spious processes

from the 1st throacic

to the 5th lumbar

vertebra,34 points


localized in the erect

sitting position,on the

frontal part of the

head,directly above the

pupil,1 cun above the

anterior hairlie.

localized in the erect

sitting position and

with the head held up

on the forehead ,at the

or localized in the

midpoint between the

supine position,on the


medial ends of the two

forehead ,at the


midpoit betwee the

eyebrows,on the Du



localized in the erect

sitting position and

with the knee flexed or

in the medial side of the

localized in the supine

EX-LE03Baichongwothigh,3 cun medial to

position,in the medial

patella,1 cun above Xuehai

side of the thigh,3 cun

medial to patella,1 cun

above Xuehai

localized in the prone

position or in the

on the back ,1.5 cun lateralrecumbent position,on

Weiwanxiashto the lower borber of thethe back ,1.5 cun

uspinous process of the 8thlateral to the lower

thoracic of the spinous

process of the 8th

thoracic vertebra.














with the palm faced

on the dorsal crease of the

downwards,on the

wrist,in the depression on

dorsal crease of the

the radial side of the tendon

wrist,in the depression

of the common extensor

on the radial side of

muscle of the fingers.

the tendon of the

common extensor

muscle of the fingers.

localized in the

on the low back,3.5 cun

recumbent positionon

lateral to the lower border

the low back,3.5 cun

of the spinous process of

lateral to the lower

the 1st lumbar vertebra.

border of the spinous

process of the 1st

lumbar vertebra.

with the palm faced

on the dorsal side of theupwards,made a fist,on

middle finger,in the centerthe dorsal side of the

of the proximalmiddle finger,in the

interphalangeal jointcenter of the proximal

interphalangeal joint

localized in the erect

sitting position with

in the depression medial to

the knee flexed or

the patellar ligament.

localized in the supine

position,in the

depression medial to

the patellar ligament.

localized in the erect

sitting position or

on the forehead ,directly

localized in the supine

above the pupil,in the

position,on the

centre of the eyebrow

forehead ,in the centre

of the eyebrow

,directly above the

with the palm faced


on the dorsal side of the

upwards,made a fist,on

thumb,in the centre of the

the dorsal side of the

interphalangeal joint.

thumb,in the centre of

the interphalangeal












localized in the

on the low back,3 cun

recumbent positionon

lateral to the lower border

the low back,3 cun

of the spinous process of

lateral to the lower

the 3rd lumbar vertebra.

border of the spinous

process of the 3rd

lumbar vertebra.

localized with the knee

in the depression on both

flexed,in the

sides of the patellar

depression on both

ligament,the medial point is

sides of the patellar

named as 'Neixiyan'and the

ligament,the medial

lateral one is named as

point is named as


'Neixiyan'and the

lateral one is named as


localized in the erect

at the temporal part of the

sitting position,at the

head,between the lateral

temporal part of the

end of the eyebrow and the

head,between the

outer canthus,in the

lateral end of the

depression 1 cun posterior

eyebrow and the outer

of them.

canthus,in the

depression 1 cun

posterior of them.

localized in the

on the low back,3 cun

recumbent position,on

lateral to the lower border

the low back,3 cun

of the spinous process of

lateral to the lower

the 4th lumbar vertebra.

border of the spinous

process of the 4th

lumbar vertebra.

localized in the erect

sitting position or

on the upper part of thelocalized in the lateral

lateral aspect of the leg,2recumbent position,on

cun directly blew thethe upper part of the

depression anterior andlateral aspect of the

inferior to the head of theleg,2 cun directly blew

depression anterior

and inferior to the head

of the fibula.

with the palm faced

on the dorsal side of theupwards,made a fist,on

little finger,in the centre ofthe dorsal side of the


the proximallittle finger,in the

interphalangeal of the proximal

interphalangeal joint.

localized in the erect

sitting position or

localized in the lateral

above the apex of the


auricle,at the auricle when

position,above the

the ear is folded forwards.

apex of the auricle,at

the auricle when the

car is folded forwards.


with the palm faced

on the dorsum of theupwards,on the

hand,on the midpointsdorsum of the hand,on

between the 2nd and 3rdthe midpoints between

EX-UE07Yaotongdianand between 4th and 5ththe 2nd and 3rd and

metacarpal bones,2 pointsbetween 4th and 5th

totally on the dorsum ofmetacarpal bones,2

each totally on the

dorsum of each hand.


localized in the erect

sitting position with

on the face ,at the junction

the head held up,on the

of the lateral 1/4 and medial

face ,at the junction of

3/4 of the infraorbital

the lateral 1/4 and


medial 3/4 of the

infraorbital margin.


on the upper part of the

anterior aspect of the leg,5

cun below Dubi,one finger-

breadth lateral to the

anterior crest of the tibia.


on the low back,3.5 cun

lateral to the lower border

of the spinous process of

the 4th lumbar vertebra.

localized in the erect

sitting position or

localized in the supine

position with the knee

flexed,on the upper

part of the anterior

aspect of the leg,5 cun

below Dubi,one finger-

breadth lateral to the

anterior crest of the


localized in the prone

position,on the low

back,3.5 cun lateral to

the lower border of the

spinous process of the

4th lumbar vertebra.


localized in the erect

sitting position or

on the medical aspect of thelocalized in the supine

Neihuaijianfoot,at the tip of the medialposition,on the medical

of the foot,at

the tip of the medial


localized in the erect

sitting position with

on the face ,at the junction

the head held up,on the

of the alar cartilage of the

Shangyingxiaface ,at the junction of

nose and the sasal

ngthe alar cartilage of the

concha,near the upper end

nose and the sasal

of the nsaolabial.

concha,near the upper

end of the nsaolabial.

localized in the prone

on the low back,on theposition,on the low

postterior midline,below theback,on the postterior

spious process of the 5thmidline,below the

lumbar process of the

5th lumbar vertebra.




with the palm faced

upwards,on the

on the dorsum of thedorsum of the

hand,between the 2nd andhand,between the 2nd

3rd metacarpal bones,0.5and 3rd metacarpal

cun posterior to thebones,0.5 cun

metacarpophalangeal ior to the



localized in the prone

on the sacrum,2 cun

position,on the

EX-B09Yaoqidirectly above the tip of the

sacrum,2 cun directly


above the tip of the


localized in the erect

sitting position with

in the nostril,on the mucosa

the head held up,in the

of the alar cartilage

EX-HN09Neiyingxiangnostril,on the mucosa

opposite to

of the alar cartilage


opposite to



slightly made a fist,on

on the dorsum of thethe dorsum of the

hand,on the web marginshand,on the web

between each two of themargins between each

five fingers 8 points totallytwo of the five fingers

on both sides8 points totally on both



localized in the erect

sitting position or

on the lateral aspect of thelocalized in the supine

Waihuaijianfoot,at the tip of the medialposition,on the lateral

of the foot,at

the tip of the medial












localized in the erect

in the mouth,at thesitting position,in the

midpoint of the dorsalmouth,at the midpoint

midline of the dorsal midline of


with the palm faced

upwards and the

on the palmar side of thefingers stretched,on

2nd to 5th fingers,in thethe palmar side of the

centre of the proximal2nd to 5th fingers,in

interphalangeal joints,4the centre of the

points on each al

interphalangeal joints,4

points on each side.

localized in the erect

sitting position or

on the dorsum of thelocalized in the supine

foot,on the web marginsposition,on the dorsum

between each two of theof the foot,on the web

five fingers 8 points totallymargins between each

on both sidestwo of the five fingers

8 points totally on both


localized in the supine

on the plantar side of theposition,on the plantar

2nd toe,at the midpoint ofside of the 2nd toe,at

the distal interphalangealthe midpoint of the



localized in the erect

sitting position with

in the mouth,at the

the mouth opened and

midpoint of the frenulum of

the tongue rolled

the togue.

backwards,in the

mouth,at the midpoint

of the frenulum of the


with the palm faced











at the tips of the tenupwards,at the tips of

fingers,about 0.1 cun fromthe ten fingers,about

the free margin of the0.1 cun from the free

nails,10 points totally onmargin of the nails,10

both totally on both


localized in the erect

sitting position or

at the tips of the tenlocalized in the supine

toes,0.1 inch from the freeposition,at the tips of

margin of each toenail,10the ten toes,0.1 inch

points totally on both the free margin of

each toenail,10 points

totally on both sides.

localized in the erect

sitting position with

in the mouth,on the vein in

the mouth opened and

the left side of the frenulum

the tongue rolled

of the tongue.

backwards,in the

mouth,on the vein in

the left side of the

frenulum of the

localized in the erect


sitting position with

in the mouth,on the vein in

the mouth opened and

the right side of the

the tongue rolled

frenulum of the tongue.

upwards,in the

mouth,on the vein in

the right side of the

frenulum of the


localized in the erect

on the nape,1 cun posterior

sitting position with

to Yifeng.

the head foreward,on

the nape,1 cun

posterior to Yifeng.


localized in the erect

sitting position or with

on the nape,2 cun directlythe head bowed,on the

above Dazhui ,1 cun lateralnape,2 cun directly

to the posterior Dazhui ,1 cun

lateral to the posterior




al Number








in the superior lateral partlocalized in the erect

of the anterior thoracicor supine sitting

wall,1 cun below theposition,3 ribs above

Yunmen(LU 02),parrale tothe nipple and 2 cun

the 1st intercostal space,6lateral to the

cun lateral to the anteriormammillary line or the

vicular line

in the superior lateral part

of the anterior thoracic

localized in the erect

wall,interior to the coracoid

or supine sitting

process of the scapula, in

position, 1 cun above

the depression of the

the Zhongfu(LU 01),2

inferior part of the clavicle,

cun lateral to the

6 cun lateral to the anterior

mammillary line or the

midclavicular line

on the medial side of the


localized with the arm

arm and on the radialextended and the palm

border of the biceps muscleupwards,3 cun from

of the arm,3 cun below thethe anterior end of the

anterior end of the axillaryaxillary fold directly

s Chize(LU 05).

on the medial side of the

arm and on the radial

localized with the arm

border of the biceps muscle

extended and the palm

of the arm,4 cun below the

upwards,5 cun above

anterior end of the axillary

the cubital

fold,or 5 cun above the

crease(Chize ,LU 05)

cubital crease.

localized with the arm

in the middle of the cubital

extended and the palm

crease,,in the depression of

upwards,in the center

the radial side of the biceps

of the cubital

muscle of the arm.

crease,slightly to the

radial side and between

the two tendons.





on the radial side of thelocalized with the arm

palmar surface of theextended and the palm

forearm,and on theupwards,7 cun above

connecting Chize(LUthe carpal

05)and Taiyuan(LU 09),7crease(Taiyuan,LU09)

cun above the cubitaland directly towards

(LU 05)

when the patient is

asked to cross the

on the radial side of the

index fingers and

forearm,in the superior

thumbs of the both

lateral part of the styloid

hands with the index

process of the radius,1.5

finger of one hand

cun above the carpal

placed on the styloid

crease,between the tendons

process of the radius

of the brachioradial muscle

of the pther hand,it can

and the long abductor

be localized in the

muscle of the thumb.

depression exactly

under the tip of the

index finger.

on the radial side of thelocalized with the arm

palmarsurface of theextended and the palm

forearm,in the depression ofupwards,1 cun above

the styloid process of thethe carpal

radius and the radialcrease(Taiyuan,LU09)

artery,1cun above theand opposite to

carpal (LU 05)

localized with the arm

extended and the palm

on the radial side of theupwards,directly below

carpal crease, where theJingqu(LU 08),on the

radial artery side of the carpal

crease, where the

radial artery is.




localized with the palm

in the depression proximalupwards,in the

to the 1stdepression proximal to

metacarpophalangealthe 1st

joint,on the radial side ofmetacarpophalangeal

the midpoint of the 1 stjoint,on the radial side

metacarpal bone,on theof the midpoint of the

junction of the red and1 st metacarpal

white skinbone,on the junction of

the red and white skin

on the radial side of the

localizaed with the fist

thumb, 0.1 cun

clenched and the

posteriolateral to the corner

thumb up, 0.1cun to

of the fingernail

the radial corner of the


localized with the palm

on the radial side of thedownwards,on the

index finger, about 0.1 cunradial side of the index

posterior to the corner offinger, about 0.1 cun

the fingernailposterior to the corner

of the fingernail





localized with the

finger flexed, on the

hold the fist slightly,on thejunction of the red and

radial side of the indexwhite skin of the

finger, in the depressioncrease end proximal to

proximal to thethe radial side of the

metacarpophalangeal jointmetacarpophalangeal

joint of the index


localized with the

hold the fist slightly,on the

finger flexed,on the

radial side of the index

radial side of the index

finger, in the depression

finger, in the

proximal to the

depression proximal to

metacarpophalangeal joint




localized with the hand

on the dorsum of the hand,in flat position and

between the 1st and 2ndwith the thumb and

metacarpal bones,index finger spread,in

approximately in the centerthe slight depression

of the 2nd metacarpal bonebetween the 1st and

2nd metacarpal bones

localized with the plam

in flat position, in the

at the radial end of the

depression between the

crease of the wrist,in the

two tendons proximal

depression between the

to the 1st metacarpal

extensor and long extesor

bone when the index

muscles of the thumb

finger and the thumb

are extended and the

thumb is tilted


on the dorsal surface of the






distal part of the

radius,between the short

radial extensor muscle of

the wrist and the long

abductor muscle of the

thumb, 3 cun above

Yangxi(LI 05)

the elbow flexed, on the

radial side of the dorsal

surface of the forearm,on

the line connecting

Yangxi(LI 05) and

Quchi(LI11), 5 cun above

carpal crease

on the radial side of the

dorsal surface of the

forearm,on the line

connecting Yangxi(LI 05)

and Quchi(LI11),4 cun

below cubital crease

on the radial side of the

dorsal surface of the

forearm,on the line

connecting Yangxi(LI 05)

and Quchi(LI11),3 cun

below cubital crease

on the radial side of the

dorsal surface of the

forearm,on the line

connecting Yangxi(LI 05)

and Quchi(LI11),2 cun

below cubital crease

localized with the

elbow flexed, in the tip

of the middle finger

when the two hands

are crossed

localized with the

elbow flexed, on the

dorsal side of the

radius, between the

short radial extensor

muscle of the wrist and

the long abductor

muscle of the thumb,5

cun posterior to the


localized with the

elbow flexed,3 cun

above Wenliu(LI07)

localized with the

elbow flexed,1 cun

below Xialian(LI08)

localized with the

elbow flexed,1 cun

above Shanglian(lI09)





at the midpoint of the line

localized with the

between the radial endof the

elbow flexed, in the

cubital crease and the

end of the transverse

external humeral epicondyle

crease of the cubital


on the lateral side of thelocalized with the

arm, with the elbowelbow flexed,1 cun

flexed,1 cun aboveabove and lateral to

Quchi(LI11), on the borderQuchi(LI11), on the

of the humerusborder of the humerus

on the lateral side of the

arm,on the line connectinglocalized with the

Quchi(LI11) andelbow flexed,3 cun

Jianyu(LI15),3 cun aboveabove Quchi(LI11)


on the lateral side of the

arm,on the lower end of the

localized with the

deltoid muscle,on the line

elbow flexed,7 cun

connecting Quchi(LI11)

above Quchi(LI11),on

and Jianyu(LI15),7cun

the lower end of the

above Quchi(LI11)

deltoid muscle





on the shoulder, on thelocalized in the sitting

midpoint of the upper partposotion, with the arm

of the detoid muscle andraised on the level of

between the acromialthe shoulder,in the

extremity of clavicle and thedepression of the

great tuberosity of humerusacromion

localized in the sitting

on the shoulder, in theposotion,in the

depression between thedepression formed by

acromial extremity of thethe acromial extermity

clavicae and scapular spineof the clavicle and the

scapular spine

on the lateral side of the

neck, on the posterior

localized in the erect

border of the

sitting position, 3 cun


lateral to

muscle,at the level of the


laryngeal protuberance, at

the clavicle and 1 cun

the midpoint between

directly below

Futu(LI18) and


localized in the erect

sitting position or

supine position.

Palpate the carotid and


on the lateral side of the

Renying(ST09) at the

neck, at the level of the

level of the laryngeal


protuberance, then

protuberance,between the

measure posteriorly

anterior and posterior

with the distance

borders of the


sternocledomastoid muscle

Renying(ST09) and the


protuberance, the

acupoint is exactly

between the anterior

and posterior borders

of the






on the upper lip, directly

localized in the erect

below the lateral border of

sitting position or

the nostril, at the level of

supine position, 0.5


cun beside


localized in the sitting

beside the midpoint of theposition or supine

nasal ala, among theposition, in the

nasolabial groovenasolabial groove next

to the nasal sla

localized in the sitting

position or supine

on the face, directly belowposition,directly below

the pupil, between thethe pupil while looking

eyeball and the infraoritalstraight forwards and

ridgeat the junction of the

infraorbital ridge and

lower eyelid

localized in the sitting

position or the supine

on the face, directly below

position, 1 cun directly

the pupil, in the depression

below the pupil while

of the infraorbital foramen

looking straighr

farwards and in the

foeamen below the

socket of the eyeball

localized in the sitting

position or the supine

on the face, directly below

position, directly

the pupil,on the level of the

below the pupil while

lower border of the nasal

looking straighr

ala, at the lateral side of the

farwards,on the level

nasolabial groove

of the lower border of

the nasal ala, at the

lateral side of the

nasolabial groove






on the face, on the lateral

localized in the sitting

side of the corner of the

position or the supine

mouth, right straight down

position,0.4 cun on the

the pupil

lateral side of the

corner of the mouth

localized in the lateral

anterior to the mandibularrecumbent

angle and the masseterposition,with the cheek

muscle, where the artery isbilged, in the groove

palpablebeside the border of

the mandible

localized in the lateral

in the depression onerecumbent position, in

finger-breadth anterior andthe bone depression

superior to the mandibularanterior and superior

angle where the masseterto the mandibular

muscle is prominent inangle, in the prominent

clenching the teethmuscle when the teeth

are clenched

localized in the lateral

recumbent position or

on the face, anterior to thethe sitting position, in

ear, in the depressionthe bone depression

between the zygomatic archpalpable anterior to the

and the mandibular notchear and inferior to the

zygomatic bone when

the mouth is open

0.5 cun above the hairline

localized in the lateral

of the forehead, 4.5 cun

recumbent position or

lateral to the midline of the

the sitting position,4.5


cun lateral to


localized in the sitting

position with the head






on the neck, lateral to thelifted or in the supine

laryngeal protuberance,posion,close to the

close to the anterior borderanterior border of the

of the sternocleidomastoidsternocleidomastoid

muscle, where the artery ismuscle, at the level of

palpablethe laryngeal

protuberance, where

the artery is palpable

localized in the sitting

position with the head

on the neck, close to the

lifted or in the supine

anterior border of the

posion,close to the


anterior border of the

muscle,on the midpoint of


the line connecting

muscle, on the

Reying(ST09) and

midpoint of the line



Reying(ST09) and

localized in the sitting


on the neck, anterior to the

position or the supine

upper border of the clavicle,

position, directly

between the sternal and

below Renying(ST09),

clavicular heads of the

at the level between

sternocleidomastoid muscle

the upper border of the

clavicle and

localized in the sitting


position or the supine

at the center of theposition,at the center

supraclavicular fossa, 4 cunof the supraclavicular

lateral to the anteriorfossa, 4 cun lateral to

midlineTiantu(RN22) or

directly above the

nipple in males

localized in the sitting

on the chest, at the lowerposition or the supine

border of the midpoint ofposition,4 cun lateral

the clavicle, 4 cun lateral toto Xuanji(RN21),or

the anterior midlinedirectly above the

nipple in males






localized in the sitting

on the chest, in the 1st

position or the supine

intercostal space, 4 cun

position,4 cun lateral

lateral to the anterior

to Huagai(RN20),or in


the 1st intercostal

space directly above

the nipple in males

localized in the sitting

on the chest, in the 2nd

position or the supine

intercostal space, 4 cun

position,4 cun lateral

lateral to the anterior

to Zigong(RN19),or in


the 2nd intercostal

space directly above

the nipple in males

localized in the sitting

on the chest, in the 3rd

position or the supine

intercostal space, 4 cun

position,4 cun lateral

lateral to the anterior

to Yutang(RN18),or in


the 3rd intercostal

space directly above

the nipple in males

on the chest, in the 4th

intercostal space, in the

localized in the sitting

center of the nipple,4 cun

position or the supine

lateral to the anterior

position,in the center


of the nipple

on the chest, directly below

localized in the sitting

the nipple,in the 5th

position or the supine

intercostal space, in the

position,4 cun lateral

center of the nipple,4 cun


lateral to the anterior

Zhongting(RN16),or in


the 5th intercostal

space directly below

the nipple in males







in the upper part of the

abdomen, 6 cun above the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the upper part of the

abdomen, 5 cun above the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the upper part of the

abdomen, 4 cun above the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the upper part of the

abdomen, 3 cun above the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the upper part of the

abdomen, 2 cun above the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the upper part of the

abdomen, 1 cun above the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Juque(RN14),

below the arch of the


localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Shangwan(RN13)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Zhongwan(RN12)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Jianli(RN11)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Xiawan(RN10)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Shuifen(RN09)







in the middle of the

abdomen,2 cun lateral to

the umbilicus

in the lower part of the

abdomen, 1 cun below the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the lower part of the

abdomen, 2 cun below the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the lower part of the

abdomen, 3 cun below the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

in the lower part of the

abdomen, 4 cun below the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

above the inguinal groove

and 5 cun below the

umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to the center of the


localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Yinjiao(RN07)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Shimen(RN05)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Guanyuan(RN04)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Zhongji(RN03)

localized in the supine

position, 2 cun lateral

to Qugu(RN02)






in the foreside of the leg, on

localized in the supine

the line connecting the

position,on the line

anterior superior lilac spine

connecting the anterior

and lateral border of the

superior lilac spine and

patella, on the level of the

lateral border of the


patella, on the level of

the perineum

in the foreside of the leg, onlocalized in the erect

the line connecting thesitting position, with

anterior superior lilac spinethe leg extended

and lateral border of theforcefully, 6 cun above

patella, 6 cun above thethe upper border of the

upper border of the patellapatella

localized in the erect

in the foreside of the leg, on

sitting position, with

the line connecting the

the lfoot dropped

anterior superior lilac spine

down,3 cun above the

and lateral border of the

upper border of the

patella, 3 cun above the

patella,on the line

upper border of the patella


Dubi(ST35) and


when the knee is flexed,in

localized in the erect

the foreside of the leg, on

sitting position, with

the line connecting the

the foot dropped

anterior superior lilac spine

down,2 cun above the

and lateral border of the

upper border of the

patella, 2 cun above the

patella,on the line

upper border of the patella


Dubi(ST35) and

localized in the erect


sitting position, with

when the knee is flexed,in

the foot dropped

the depression between

down, lateral to the

patella and patella ligament

point between the

patella and tubercle of

tibia, in the depression

lateral to the patellar






on the fore and lateral side

of the foot, 3 cun below

Dubi(ST35), one finger-

breadth lateral to the

anterior crest of the tibia

on the fore and lateral side

of the foot, 6 cun below

Dubi(ST35), one finger-

breadth lateral to the

anterior crest of the tibia

on the fore and lateral side

of the foot, 8 cun below

Dubi(ST35), one finger-

breadth lateral to the

anterior crest of the tibia

on the fore and lateral side

of the foot, 9 cun below

Dubi(ST35), one finger-

breadth lateral to the

anterior crest of the tibia

localized in the erect

sitting position, with

the foot dropped

down,3 cun below

Dubi(ST35),about 0.5

cun from the anterior

crest of the tibia,

between the tendon

and bone(the anterior

tibial muscle and

anterior cresst of the


localized in the erect

sitting position, with

the foot dropped

down,3 cun below

Zusanli(ST36), at the

midpoint of the line


Zusanli(ST36) and


localized in the erect

sitting position, with

the foot dropped

down, at the midpoint

of the line connecting

Dubi(ST35) and


localized in the erect

sitting position, with

the foot dropped

down, at the midpoint

of the line connecting

Zusanli(ST36) and

Jiexi(ST41), 1 cun

below Tiaokou(ST38)





on the fore and lateral side

localized in the erect

of the foot, 8 cun above the

sitting position, with

lateral malleolus, lateral to

the foot dropped

Tiaokou(ST38), two finger-

down, om the lateral

breadth lateral to the

side of leg, 1 cun

anterior crest of the tibia

lateral to


localized in the erect

sitting position, with

in the depression of thethe foot dropped

transverse crease of thedown, 1.5 cun above

junction between theChongyang(ST42), on

dorsum of foot and leg,the anterior side of the

between the long extensorankle joint, in the

muscle of great toe anddepression between the

long extensor muscle oftendons of long

toesextensor muscle of reat

toe and long extensor

muscle of toes

localized in the erect

at the highest point of thesitting positionwith the

dorsum of the foot,foot dropped down,at

between the long extensorthe highest point of the

muscle of great toe anddorsum of the foot, 1.5

long extensor muscle ofcun above Jiexi(ST41),

toes,at the throbbing pointin the depression of the

of the dorsal pedal arterythrobbing point of the

dorsal pedal artery

localized in the erect

sitting positionwith the

on the dorsum of the foot,

foot dropped down,in

in the depresson between

the depression between

the second and third

the second and third

metatarsal bones


bones,posterior to the



localized in the erect

sitting positionwith the

on the dorsum of the foot,

foot dropped down,0.5

proximal to the web margin




between the second and

third toes

on the lateral side of the

2nd toe, about 0.1 cun

posterior to the corner of

the toenail

on the medial side of the

great toe, about 0.1cun

posterior to the corner of

the toenail

cun posterior to the

web margin between

the second and third


localized in the erect

sitting positionwith the

foot dropped on the

ground,on the lateral

side of the 2nd toe,

about 0.1 cun posterior

to the corner of the


localized in erect

sitting position and

with the foot dropped

down, on the midial

side of the great

toe,about 0.1cun

posterior to the corner

of the toenail





localized in erect

sitting position and

with the foot dropped

on the medial side of the

down, on the midial

great toe, in the depression

side of the great toe,in

anteroinferior to the 1st

the depression of the


junction of the red and

white skin,anterior to

the 1st


localized in erect


on the medial side of the

sitting position and

foot, in the depression

with the foot arched,at

posterior and inferior to the

the junction of the red

head of 1st metatarsal bone

and white skin

posterior and inferior

to the 1st

on the medial side of the

localized in erect


foot, anterior and inferior to

sitting position and

the base of the 1st

with the foot arched,at

metatarsal bone,about 1 cun

the level of the highest

posterior to the 1st

point on the dorsum of

metatarsophalangeal joint

the foot, in the

depression beside the

localized in erect


on the medial side of the

sitting position and

foot,anterior and inferior to

with the foot dropped

the medial malleous,at the

down, anterior and

midpoint between the tip of

inferior to the medial

the medial malleouls and

malleous when the

the tuberosity of the

great toe is titled

navicular bone

upwards, between the

medial malleolus and



localized in erect

sitting position and

on the medial side of the

with the foot dropped

leg, 3 cun above the tip of

down,3 cun above the

the medial malleolus,

center of the medial

posterior to the medial

malleolus,in the

border of the tibia

depression posterior to

the tibia



on the medial side of the

leg, on the line connecting

the tip of the medial

malleolus and

Yinlingquan(SP09), 6 cun

above the tip of the medial

malleolus, posterior to the

medial border of the tibia

on the medial side of the

leg, on the line connecting

the tip of the medial

malleolus and

Yinlingquan(SP09), 3 cun

below Yinlingquan(SP09)

localized in erect

sitting position and

with the foot dropped

down,posterior to the

tibia,in the depression

3 cun above


localized in erect

sitting position and

with the foot dropped

down,3 cun below


posterior to the tibia

localized in erect

sitting position and

with the foot

extended,on the upper

part of the medial side

of the leg,in the


posteriorand inferior to

the medial condyle of

localized in erect

sitting position and

with the foot dropped

down,cup the palm on

the knee with the

thumb on the medial

side, and the point is

where the tip of the

thumb rests


on the medial side of the

leg,in the depression


posteriorand inferior to the

medial condyle of the tibia


when the knee is flexed,on

the medial side of the thigh,

2 cun above the tip of the

medial patella, on the

prominence of the medial

muscle of the thigh








on the medial side of thelocalized in erect

thigh,on the line connectingsitting position, 8 cun

Xuehai(ST10) anddirectly above the

Chongmen(ST12), 6 cunmedial border of the

above Xuehai(ST10)patella

on the lateral side of thelocalized in the supine

inguinal groove, 3.5 cunposition, 3.5 cun

lateral to the upper borderlateral to

of symphysis pubis, lateralQugu(RN02),at the

to the point where thelateral end of the

artery palpableinguinal groove,

on the lower part of the

abdomen, 4 cun below the

localized in the supine

umbilicus, 0.7 cun above

position,4.3 cun

Chongmen(SP12), 4 cun

directly below

lateral to the anterior


on the lower part of the


abdomen,1.3 cun directly

localized in the supine

below Daheng(SP15),4 cun

position,1.3 cun

lateral to the anterior

directly below



in the middle of thelocalized in the supine

abdomen,4 cun below theposition,4 cun below

umbilicusthe umbilicus

on the upper part of the

localized in the supine

abdomen, 3 cun above the

position,directly below

umbilicus, 4 cun lateral to

the nipple, 3 cun above

the anterior midline

Daheng(SP15),4 cun

lateral to Jianli(RN11)

localized in the supine

on the lateral side of theposition and with the

abdomen, in the 5thupper limbs abducted,

intercostal space, 6 cun6 cun lateral to

lateral to the anteriorZhongting(RN16), in

midlinethe 5th intercostal








on the lateral side of the

localized in the supine

abdomen, in the 4th

position and with the

intercostal space, 6 cun

upper limbs abducted,

lateral to the anterior

6 cun lateral to


Danzhong(RN17), in

the 4th intercostal

on the lateral side of the

localized in the supine


abdomen, in the 3rd

position and with the

intercostal space, 6 cun

upper limbs abducted,

lateral to the anterior

6 cun lateral to


Yutang(RN18), in the

3rd intercostal space

on the lateral side of the

localized in the supine

abdomen, in the 2nd

position and with the

intercostal space, 6 cun

upper limbs abducted,

lateral to the anterior

6 cun lateral to


Zigong(RN19), in the

2nd intercostal space

localized in the supine

on the lateral side of the

position and with the

abdomen,on the mid-

upper limbs

axillary line, 6 cun lateral to

abducted,at the

the anterior midline

midpoint of the line

conncting the axilla

and the free end of the

localized in the lateral

11th rib

in the center of the axilla,

recumbent position and

where the axillary artery is

with the arm lifted, in


the center of the axilla,

where the axillary

artery is palpable

on the medial side of the

arm, on the line connectinglocalized in the erect

Jiquan(HT01) andsitting position or the

Shaohai(HT03),3 cunsupine position,3 cun

above the cubital crease, inabove the tip of the

the groove medial to theelbow

biceps muscle of the arm

localized in the erect







when the elbow is flexed,

at the midpoint of the line

sitting position or the

connecting the medial end

supine position and the

of the cubital crease and the

elbow is flexed, 0.5

medial epicondyle

cun from the medial

end of the cubital

on the palmar side of the

localized with the


forearm, on the radial side

elbow flexed and the

of the tendon of the ulnar

palm faced upwards,

flexor muscle of the wrist,

1.5 cun posterior to

1.5 cun above the carpal

the crease of the wrist,


on the radial side of

on the palmar side of the

localized with the

the tendon

forearm, on the radial side

elbow flexed and the

of the tendon of the ulnar

palm faced upwards, 1

flexor muscle of the wrist, 1

cun posterior to the

cun above the carpal crease

crease of the wrist, on

the radial side of the

on the palmar side of the

localized with the


forearm, on the radial side

elbow flexed and the

of the tendon of the ulnar

palm faced upwards,

flexor muscle of the wrist,

0.5 cun below

0.5 cun above the carpal

Tongli(HT05), on the


radial side of the

on the palmar side, at the

localized with the


ulnar end of the transverse

elbow flexed and the

crease of the wrist, in the

palm faced upwards,at

depression on the radial

the junction of the

side of the tendon of the

pisform bone and ulna

ulnar flexor muscle of the

posterior to the palm,


in the depression on

the radial side of the

localized with the


on the palm, between the

elbow flexed and the

4th and 5th metacarpal

palm faced

bones, where the small

upwards,and with the

finger locates with the

fingers clenched, on

fingers clenched

the midpoint between

the tips of the small

and ring fingers, at the

level with







localized with the palm

on the radial side of thefaced downwards, on

small finger, about 0.1 cunthe medial side of the

posterior to the corner ofsmall finger, about 0.1

the fingernailcun lateral to the

corner of the fingernail

localized with the palm

on the ulnar side of thefaced downwards, on

small finger, about 0.1 cunthe lateral side of the

posterior to the corner ofsmall finger, about 0.1

the fingernailcun lateral to the

corner of the fingernail

when the patient is

on the ulnar side of the

asked to make a fist, it

palm, at the junction of the

is localized on the

red and white skin ihferior

lateral side of the small

to the small finger (the 5th

finger, at the end of the

metacarpophalangeal joint)

crease of the joint, at

the junction of the red

and white skin

on the ulnar side of the

when the patient is

palm, at the junction of the

asked to make a fist, it

red and white skin posterior

is localized on the

to the small finger (the 5th

lateral side of the small

metacarpophalangeal joint)

finger, in the

depression above the

tip of the fist

on the ulnar side of the

locaized in the erect

hand, in the depression

sitting posiotion and

between the 5th metacarpal

with the arm extended,

bone and the triquetral

on the lateral side

bone, at the junction of the

posterior to the palm,

red and white skin

in the depression

anterior to the carpal

locaized in the erect

on the ulnar side of thesitting posiotion and

wrist, in the depressionwith the arm extended,

between the styloid processdirectly above the

of the ulna and thecarpal bone, in the

triangular bonedepression lateral and

anterior to the condyle






locaized in the erect

on the ulnar side of the

sitting posiotion and

dorsal surface of the

with the elbow flexed,

forearm, in the depression

in the depression

of the radial side of the

appearing on the

head of the ulna

condyle of the wrist

when the palm is faced

to the chest and turned

locaized in the erect


on the ulnar side of the

dorsal surface of the

sitting posiotion and

forearm, on the line

with the arm

connecting Yanggu(SI05)

extended,on the line

and Xiaohai(SI08), 5 cun


above the wrist crease

Yanggu(SI05) and

Xiaohai(SI08), 5 cun

above Yanggu(SI05)

locaized in the erect

sitting posiotion and

on the medial side of the

with the elbow

elbow, in the depression of

flexed,in the cleft

the olecranon of the ulna

between the two bones

and the medial epicondyle

on the medial side of

of the humerus

the elbow, where the

sore and numb

sensation radiates to

the small finger when

localized in the erect

below and posterior to the

sitting position or the

shoulder, when the arm is

prone position, and

adducted, 1 cun (1 finger

with the arm close to

width) above the posterior

the hypochondrium, 1

end of the axillary fold

cun above the

posterior end of the

localized in the erect

axillary fold

sitting position or the

on the shoulder, direclyprone position,directly

above the end of thebelow the acromion,

axillary fold, in theposterior to

depression of the lowerJianliao(TE14), in the

border of the scapular spinedepression below the

bone which is above



on the scapula, in the

depression of the

infrascapular fossa, at the

level with the 4th thoracic



on the scapula, in the center

of the infrascapular fossa,

directly above

Tianzong(SI11), in the

depression when the arm is


localized in the erect

sitting position, in the

center of the scapula,

below the scapular

spine, at the level with

the spinous process of

the 5th thoracic


localized in the erect

sitting position,on the

upper border of the

scapular spine,directly

above Tianzong(SI11),

in the depression when

the arm is lifted

localized in the erect


position,between the

spinous process of the

2nd thoracic vertebra

and the greater

tuberosity of the

humerus, posterior and

inferior to

Jianjing(GB21) and

Tianliao(TE15), on the

upper border of the

scapular spine

localized in the erect

sitting position and

with the head bowed, 3

cun lateral to


localized in the erect

sitting position and

with the head bowed, 2

cun lateral to


localized in the erect

sitting position,at the

level to the laryngeal

protuberance,in the

posterior border of the


muscle, posterior to



on the scapula, on the

medial extremity of the

suprascapular fossa, on the

midpoint of the line

connecting Naoshu(SI10)

and the spinous process of

the 2nd thoracic vertebra


on the back, 3 cun lateral to

the lower border of the

spinous process of the 1st

thoracic vertebra


on the back, 2 cun lateral to

the lower border of the


spinous process of the 7th

cervical vertebra

in the lateral aspect of the

neck, in the posterior

border of the

Tianchuangsternocleidomastoid muscle,

posterior to Futu(LI18), at

the level to the laryngeal



localized in the erect





in the lateral aspect of the

neck, in the depression

sitting position,below

posterior to the angle

the ear lobe, posterior

muscle, anterior to the

to the angle muscle,

sternocleidomastoid muscle

anterior to the


localized in the erect


on the face, directly below

sitting position,

the outer canthus, in the

directly below the

depression below the lower

outer canthus, in the

border of the zygoma

depression below the

lower border of the


localized in the erect

on the face,anterior to the

sitting position or the

ear, posterior to the process

lateral recumbent

of the madibular bone, in

position, in the

the depression when the

depression anterior to

patient open the mouth

the tragus, where there

is sound in the ear

when pressing it

localized in the erect

sitting position or the

on the face, in thesupine position,in the

depression above thedepression about 0.1

canthuscun above the inner

canthus when the eyes

are closed


localized in the erect

sitting position or the

on the face, on the medial

supine position,in the

extremity of the eyeball, on

depression of the bone

the supraorbital notch

on the extremity of the



on the head, drectly above

Cuanzhu(BL02), 0.5 cun

within the hairline, at the

midpoint of the line

connecting Shenting(DU24)

and Qucha(BL04)

localized with the head

erected,drectly above

Cuanzhu(BL02), 0.5

cun within the hairline,

lateral to



on the head, 0.5 cun within

the midpoint of the anterior

localized with the head

hairline and 1.5 cun lateral

erected, 1.5 cun lateral

to it, on the line connecting

to Shenting(DU24),

Shenting(DU24) and

0.5 cun within the

Touwei(ST08),where the


medial quarter and middle

quarter locates




on the head, 1 cun above

localized with the head

the midpoint of the anterior

erected, 1 cun within


hairline and 1.5 cun lateral

the hairline, 1.5 cun

lateral to

to it


localized with the head

on the head, 2.5 cun above

erected, 2.5 cun within

the midpoint of the anterior

Chengguangthe anterior hairline,

hairline and 1.5 cun lateral

1.5 cun lateral to the

to it

DU vessel

on the head, 4 cun above

localized with the head

the midpoint of the anterior

erected, 4 cun within


hairline and 1.5 cun lateral

the anterior hairline,

1.5 cun lateral to the

to it

DU vessel







on the head, 5.5 cun above

localized with the head

the midpoint of the anterior

erected, 5.5 cun within

hairline and 1.5 cun lateral

the anterior hairline,

to it

1.5 cun lateral to the

DU vessel

on the back of the head,

2.5 cun above the midpoint

localized with the head

of the posterior hairline and

erected, 2.5 cun within

1.3 cun lateral to it, on the

the posterior hairline,

lever to the depression of

1.3 cun lateral to the

the upper border of

DU vessel

occipital process

in the depression lateral tolocalized with the head

the trapazius muscle, in thebowed, 0.5 cun within

posterior hair line,about 1.3the posterior hairline,

cun lateral to the midpoint1.3 cun lateral to the

of the posterior hairlineYamen(DU15)

localized in the erect

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

sitting position and

to the lower border of the

with the head bowed,

spinous porcess of the 1st

1.5 cun lateral to the

thoracic vertebra

lower border of the

spinous porcess of the

1st thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

sitting position and

to the lower border of the

with the back arched,

spinous porcess of the 2nd

1.5 cun lateral to the

thoracic vertebra

lower border of the

spinous porcess of the

2nd thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

sitting position and

to the lower border of the

with the back arched,

spinous porcess of the 3rd

1.5 cun lateral to the

thoracic vertebra

lower border of the

spinous porcess of the

3rd thoracic vertebra






on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

to the lower border of the

spinous porcess of the 4th

thoracic vertebra

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

to the lower border of the

spinous porcess of the 5th

thoracic vertebra

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

to the lower border of the

spinous porcess of the 6th

thoracic vertebra

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

to the lower border of the

spinous porcess of the 7th

thoracic vertebra

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

to the lower border of the

spinous porcess of the 9th

thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

sitting position and

with the back arched

or in the prone

position, 1.5 cun

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 4th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

with the back arched

or in the prone

position, 1.5 cun

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 5th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

with the back arched

or in the prone

position, 1.5 cun

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 6th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

with the back arched

or in the prone

position, 1.5 cun

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 7th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

with the back arched

or in the prone

position, 1.5 cun

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 9th

thoracic vertebra






localized in the erect

sitting position and

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

with the back arched

to the lower border of the

or in the prone

spinous porcess of the 10th

position, 1.5 cun

thoracic vertebra

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 10th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

with the back arched

to the lower border of the

or in the prone

spinous porcess of the 11th

position, 1.5 cun

thoracic vertebra

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 11th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

on the back, 1.5 cun lateral

with the back arched

to the lower border of the

or in the prone

spinous porcess of the 12th

position, 1.5 cun

thoracic vertebra

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 12th

localized in the erect

thoracic vertebra

sitting position and

on the loin, 1.5 cun lateral

with the elbows resting

to the lower border of the

on a table,or in the

spinous porcess of the 1st

prone position, 1.5 cun

lumbar vertebra

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 1st

localized in the erect

lumbar vertebra

sitting position and

on the loin, 1.5 cun lateral

with the elbows resting

to the lower border of the

on a table,or in the

spinous porcess of the 2nd

prone position, 1.5 cun

lumbar vertebra

lateral to the lower

border of the spinous

porcess of the 2nd

lumbar vertebra



localized in the prone

on the loin, 1.5 cun lateral

position, 1.5 cun

to the lower border of the

lateral to the lower

spinous porcess of the 3rd

border of the spinous

lumbar vertebra

porcess of the 3rd

lumbar vertebra

localized in the prone

on the loin, 1.5 cun lateral

position, 1.5 cun

to the lower border of the

lateral to the lower

spinous porcess of the 4th

border of the spinous

lumbar vertebra

porcess of the 4th



lumbar vertebra

localized in the prone

on the loin, 1.5 cun lateral

position, 1.5 cun

to the lower border of the

lateral to the lower


spinous porcess of the 5th

border of the spinous

lumbar vertebra

porcess of the 5th

lumbar vertebra

localized in the prone

1.5 cun lateral to the

position, 1.5 cun

spinous porcess of the

Xiaochangshlateral to the lower

sacral vertebra, on the lvevl

uborder of the spinous

to the 1st posterior sacral

porcess of the 1st


sacral vertebra

localized in the prone

1.5 cun lateral to the

position, 1.5 cun

spinous porcess of the


sacral vertebra, on the lvevl

lateral to the lower


to the 2nd posterior sacral

border of the spinous

porcess of the 2nd


sacral vertebra

localized in the prone

1.5 cun lateral to the

position, 1.5 cun

spinous porcess of the

Zhonglüshusacral vertebra, on the lvevl

lateral to the lower

to the 3rd posterior sacral

border of the spinous

porcess of the 3rd


sacral vertebra

localized in the prone

1.5 cun lateral to the

position, 1.5 cun

spinous porcess of the

Baihuanshusacral vertebra, on the lvevl

lateral to the lower

to the 4th posterior sacral

border of the spinous

porcess of the 4th


sacral vertebra

localized in the prone

in the midpoint between the

position, below the 1st

posterior superior iliac

sacral vertebra, in the

Shangliaospine and the DU vessel,in

foramen on each side,

the 1st posterior scaral

at the level with














localized in the prone

below and medial to theposition, below the

posterior superior iliac2nd sacral vertebra, in

spine ,in the 2nd posteriorthe foramen on each

scaral foramenside, at the level with


localized in the prone

below and medial to

position, below the 3rd

Ciliao(BL32),in the 3rd

sacral vertebra, in the

posterior scaral foramen

foramen on each side,

at the level with


localized in the prone

below and medial to

position, below the 4th

Zhongliao(BL33),in the 4th

sacral vertebra, in the

posterior scaral foramen

foramen on each side,

at the level with


localized in the prone

0.5 cun lateral to the

position or the


kneeling position,

below the tip of the

coccyx, about 0.5 cun

lateral to it

on the back of the thigh,on

localized in the prone

the midpoint of the inferior

position, in the middle

gluteal crease

of the transverse

gluteal fold

on the back of the thigh,onlocalized in the

the line connectingstanding position or

Chengfu(BL36) andthe prone position,6

Weizhong(BL40), 6 cuncun below

below Chengfu(BL36)Chengfu(BL36)

on the lateral end of thelocalized with the knee

transverse crease of theflexed, 1 cun above

popliteal fossa, 1 cun aboveWeiyang(BL39) which

Weiyang(BL39), on theis between the two

medial border of the bicepstendons lateral to the

muscle of the thighpopliteal fossa





at the lateral end of thelocalized with the knee

popliteal crease, medial toflexed, lateral to the

the tendon of the bicepspoplteal fossa, between

muscle of the thighthe two tendons

at the midpoint of popliteal

localized with the

crease, between the biceps

sitting position and

muscle of the thigh and the

feet dropped down,at

semitendinous muscle

the midpoint of

popliteal crease

localized in the erect

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

sitting position and

the lower border of the

with the back arched, 3

spinous process of the 2nd

cun lateral to the lower

thoracic vertebra

border of the spinous

porcess of the 2nd

thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

sitting position and

the lower border of the

with the back arched, 3

spinous process of the 3rd

cun lateral to the lower

thoracic vertebra

border of the spinous

porcess of the 3rd

thoracic vertebra






localized in the erect

sitting position and

with the back

arched,and with the

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

two hands on knees

the lower border of the

and the scapulas

spinous process of the 4th

opened, 3 cun lateral

thoracic vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous porcess of

the 4th thoracic

vertebra, where one

feels sore and painful

when be pressed

localized in the erect

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

sitting position and

the lower border of the

with the back arched, 3

spinous process of the 5th

cun lateral to the lower

thoracic vertebra

border of the spinous

porcess of the 5th

thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

sitting position and

the lower border of the

with the back arched, 3

spinous process of the 6th

cun lateral to the lower

thoracic vertebra

border of the spinous

porcess of the 6th

thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

sitting position and

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

with the back

the lower border of the

arched,or in prone

spinous process of the 7th

position, 3 cun lateral

thoracic vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous porcess of

the 7th thoracic

localized in the erect


sitting position and

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

with the back

the lower border of the

arched,or in prone

spinous process of the 9th

position, 3 cun lateral

thoracic vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous porcess of

the 9th thoracic







localized in the erect

sitting position and

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

with the back

the lower border of the

arched,or in prone

spinous process of the 10th

position, 3 cun lateral

thoracic vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous porcess of

the 10th thoracic

localized in the erect


sitting position and

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

with the back

the lower border of the

arched,or in prone

spinous process of the 11th

position, 3 cun lateral

thoracic vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous porcess of

the 11th thoracic

localized in the erect


sitting position and

on the back, 3 cun lateral to

with the back

the lower border of the

arched,or in prone

spinous process of the 12th

position, 3 cun lateral

thoracic vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous porcess of

the 12th thoracic

localized in the erect


on the loin, 3 cun lateral to

sitting position or in

the lower border of the

the prone position,3

spinous porcess of the 1st

cun lateral to the lower

lumbar vertebra

border of the spinous

porcess of the 1st

lumbar vertebra

localized in the erect

on the loin, 3 cun lateral to

sitting position or in

the lower border of the

the prone position,3

spinous porcess of the 2nd

cun lateral to the lower

lumbar vertebra

border of the spinous

porcess of the 2nd

lumbar vertebra






3 cun lateral to the spinous

localized in the sitting

porcess of the sacral

position or prone

vertebra, on the lvevl to the

position, 3 cun lateral

3rd posterior sacral

to the lower border of


the spinous porcess of

the 3rd sacral vertebra

localized in the sitting

3 cun lateral to the spinousposition or prone

porcess of the sacralposition, 3 cun lateral

vertebra, on the lvevl to theto the lower border of

4th posterior sacral foramenthe spinous porcess of

the 4th sacral vertebra

localized in the prone

on the back of the leg,on

position or in the erect

the line connecting

sitting position, with

Chengfu(BL36) and

the foot dropped

Weizhong(BL40), 6 cun

down,2 cun below

below Chengfu(BL36)

Weizhong(BL40) in

the center of the

popliteal fossa

localized in the prone

on the back of the leg,on

position or in the erect

the line connecting

sitting position, with

Chengfu(BL36) and

the foot dropped

Weizhong(BL40),in the

down,on the line

center of the beely of the


gastrocnemius muscle, 6

Chengfu(BL36) and

cun below Chengfu(BL36)


the center of the beely

of the gastrocnemius

when the patient is

on the middle back of the

asked to stand erectly

leg, between

with both hands


supported on the wall

Kunlun(BL60),in the

and the feet tiptoed, in

depression appears when

the "人" image

feet tiptoed, below the belly

appearing below the

of the gastrocnemius

belly of the

gastrocnemius muscle






localized in the erect

sitting position, with

the foot dropped

on the back of the leg,

down, posterior to the

posterior to the lateral

lateral malleolus,7 cun

malleolus,7 cun above

above Kunlun(BL60),1

Kunlun(BL60),1 cun below

cun below and 1 cun


lateral to


the level with


localized in the erect

on the back of the leg,sitting position, with

posterior to the lateralthe foot dropped

malleolus,3 cun abovedown, posterior to the

Kunlun(BL60)lateral malleolus,3 cun

above Kunlun(BL60)

localized in the erect

posterior to the lateral

sitting position, with

malleolus,in the depression

the foot dropped

between the lateral

down, between the

malleolus and the Achilles

posterior to the lateral


malleolus and the

Achilles tendon, in the

depression above

posterior and inferior to the

localized in the erect


lateral malleolus, below

sitting position, with

Kunlun(BL60), in the

the foot dropped

depression of the calcaneum

down, below

at the junction of the res

Kunlun(BL60), in the

and white skin

depression below the

localized in the erect


on the lateral side of the

sitting position, with

foot, in the depression

the foot dropped

below the the lateral

down, in the


depression 0.5 cun

below the the lateral







localized in the erect

sitting position, with

on the lateral side of the

the foot dropped

foot, anterior and inferior to

down, below

the lateral malleolus, on the

Qiuxu(gb40), in the

lateral and inferior border

depression anterior and

of the cuboid bone

inferior to

Shenmai(BL62) and

lateral to the cuboid

on the lateral side of the

localized in the erect


foot, in the depression

sitting position, with

below the tuberiosity of the

the foot dropped

5th metatarsal bone, at the

down, below the

junction of the red and

tuberiosity of the 5th

white skin

metatarsal bone, at the

junction of the red and

localized in the erect

white skin

on the lateral side of the

sitting position, with

foot, in the depression

the foot dropped

posterior and inferior to the

down, on the lateral

head of the 5th metatarsal

side of the small toe, in

bone, at the junction of the

the depression

red and white skin

posterior to the 5th



localized in the erect

sitting position, with

on the lateral side of the

the foot dropped

foot, in the depression

down, on the lateral

anterior and inferior to the

side of the small toe, in

head of the 5th metatarsal

the depression anterior

bone, at the junction of the

to the 5th

red and white skin


joint,at the end of the

transverse crease of

the flexor digitorum

localized in the erect

on the lateral side of the

sitting position, with

small toe, 0.1 cun posterior

the foot dropped

to the toenail

down,on the lateral

side of the small toe,

0.1 cun posterior to

the toenail





on the sole, in the

localized in the supine

depression when the foot is

position, at the

arched, the point is at the

junction of the third

junction of the 1/3 and 2/3

and posterior two

on the line connecting the

thirds of the sole, in

2nd and 3rd metatarsal

the depression

bones and the sole

appearing when the

foot is arched

localized in the erect

on the medial side of thesitting position with

foot, inferior to thethe foot arched, in the

tuberosity of the naviculardepression anterior and

bone, at the junction of theinferior to the

red and white skintuberosity of the

navicular bone

localized in the erect

sitting position with

on the medial side of thethe foot dropped

foot, in the depression ofdown, between he

the medial malleolus andmedial malleolus and

the Achilles tendonthe Achilles

tendon,opposite to


on the medial side of the

localized in the erect

foot, posterior and inferior

sitting position with

to the medial malleolus, in

the foot dropped

the depression anterior and

down, medial to the

medial to the Achilles

Achilles tendon,


posterior the the point

0.5 cun below







on the medial side of the

foot, posterior and inferior

to the medial malleolus, 1

localized in the erect

cun below Taixi(KI03), in

sitting position with

the depression anterior and

the foot dropped

superior to the medial

down, 1 cun below

border of the tuberosity of


the calcaneum

localized in the erect

on the medial side of the

sitting position with

foot, in the depression

the foot arched, in the

below the medial malleolus

depression 1 cun

below the tip of medial


localized in the erect

on the nedial side of the leg,sitting position with

2 cun abovethe foot dropped

Taixi(KI03),anterior to thedown,2 cun above

Achilles tendonTaixi(KI03),anterior to

the Achilles tendon

localized in the erect

on the nedial side of the leg,sitting position with

2 cun abovethe foot dropped

Taixi(KI03),0.5 cundown,2 cun above

anterior to Fuliu(KI07),Taixi(KI03),posterior

posterior to the medialto the medial border of

border of the tibiathe tibia,at the level

with Fuliu(KI07)

on the medial side of the

localized in the erect

leg, on the line connecting

sitting position with

Taixi(KI03) and

the foot dropped

Yingu(KI10), 5 cun above

down,5 cun above

Taixi(KI03),posterior to the


medial border of the

to the medial border of


the gastrocnemius 1

cun posterior to the










localized in the erect

sitting position with

on the medial side of thethe knee flexed,on the

popliteal fossa, when themedial end of the

knee flexed,between thetransverse crease of

tendons of thethe popliteal fossa,

semitendinous andbetween the tendons of

semimembranous musclesthe semitendinous and



localized in supine

on the lower part of the

position, 5 cun below

abdomen, 5 cun below the

the umbilicus, 0.5 cun

umbilicus, 0.5 cun lateral to

lateral to Qugu(LR02),

the anterior midline

on the transverse

crease of the lower

in tne hypogastric region,4localized in the supine


cun below the umbilicus,0.5position,4 cun below

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to zhongji

in tne hypogastric region,3localized in the supine

cun below the umbilicus,0.5position,3 cun below

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to guanyuan

in tne hypogastriclocalized in the supine

region,2cun below theposition,2 cun below

umbilicus,0.5 cun lateral tothe umbilicus,0.5 cun

anterior median linelateral to shimen

in tne hypogastric region,1localized in the supine

cun below the umbilicus,0.5position,1 cun below

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to yinjiao

in tne middle region of

localized in the supine

abdominal part,0.5 cun

position,0.5 cun lateral

lateral to the umbilicus

to the center of the


in tne epigastric region,2localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,0.5position,2 cun above

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to xiawan









in tne epigastric region,3localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,0.5position,3 cun above

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to jianli

in tne epigastric region,4localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,0.5position,4 cun above

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to zhongwan

in tne epigastric region,5localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,0.5position,5 cun above

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to shangwan

in tne epigastric region,6localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,0.5position,6 cun above

cun lateral to anteriorthe umbilicus,0.5 cun

median linelateral to juque

on the chest,in the 5th

localized in the supine

intercostal space,2 cun

position,2 cun lateral

lateral to anterior median

to zhongting which is


on the lower border of

the sternal body

localized in the supine

on the chest,in the 4thposition,2 cun lateral

intercostal space,2 cunto danzhong which is

lateral to anterior medianon the midpoint of the

lineline connecting the two


on the chest,in the 3rd

localized in the supine

intercostal space,2 cun

position,in the 3rd

lateral to anterior median

intercostal space,2 cun


lateral to the anterior


on the chest,in the 2nd

localized in the supine

intercostal space,2 cun

position,in the 2nd

lateral to anterior median

intercostal space,2 cun


lateral to the anterior







on the chest,in the 1st

localized in the supine

intercostal space,2 cun

position,in the 1st

lateral to anterior median

intercostal space,2 cun


lateral to the anterior


localized in the supine

on the chest,on the lowerposition,in the

border of the clavicle,2 cundepression on the

lateral to anterior medianlower border of the

lineclavicle,2 cun lateral to

the anterior midline

on the chest,in the 4th

localized in the erect

intercostal space,1 cun

sitting position or in

lateral to the nipple,5 cun

the lateral recumbent

lateral to the anterior

position,1 cun lateral


to the nipple,in the 4th

intercostal space

on the arm,2 cun below thelocalized with the arm

anterior axillarylifted,2 cun below the

fold,between the long andanterior end of the

short heads of the bicepsaxillary fold,directly

muscle of the armabove Quze

localized with the palm

faced upwards and the

on the transverse cubital

elbow flexed,on the

crease,on the ulnar side of

transverse cubital

the tendon of the biceps

crease,in the

muscle of the arm

depression medial to

the tendon of the

biceps muscle of the






localized with the

forearm extended and

on the palmar aspect of the

the palm faced

forearm,on the line

upwards,5 cun above

connecting Daling and

Daling,in the center of

Quze,5 cun above the

the palmar aspect of

transverse crease of the

the forearm,between


the tendons of the long

palmar muscle and the

radial flexor muscle of

the wrist

localized with the

on the palmar aspect of theforearm extended and

forearm,on the linethe palm faced

connecting Daling andupwards,3 cun above

Quze,3 cun above theDaling,in the center of

transverse crease of thethe palmar aspect of

wrist,between the tendonsthe forearm,between

of the long palmar musclethe tendons of the long

and the radial flexor musclepalmar muscle and the

of the wristradial flexor muscle of

the wrist

localized with the

on the palmar aspect of theforearm extended and

forearm,on the linethe palm faced

connecting Daling andupwards,2 cun above

Quze,2 cun above theDaling,in the center of

transverse crease of thethe palmar aspect of

wrist,between the tendonsthe forearm,between

of the long palmar musclethe tendons of the long

and the radial flexor musclepalmar muscle and the

of the wristradial flexor muscle of

the wrist

on the midpoint of the

localized with the

transverse crease of the

forearm extended and

wrist,between the tendons

the palm faced

of the long palmar muscle

upwards,on the

and the radial flexor muscle

midpoint of the

of the wrist

transverse crease of

the wrist,between the

two tendons


in the palm,between the 2nd

localized with the hand

and 3rd metacarpal

made a fist,on the

bones,slightly close to the

transverse palmar

3rd metacarpal bone,where

crease where the

the middle finger points

middle finger points

when a fist is made


in the center of the tip of

the middle finger

in the center of the tip

of the middle finger


localized with the palm

faced upwards and the

on the ulnar side of the ringelbow flexed,on the

Guanchongfinger,0.1 cun posterior tolateral side of the ring

the corner of the fingernailfinger,0.1 cun

posterior to the corner

of the fingernail

on the dorsum of the

hand,distal to the


joint,in the depression

between the small and ring


on the dorsum of the

hand,proximal to the


joint,in the depression

between the 4th and 5th

metacarpal bones

localized with the hand

made a fist,anterior to



joint between the small

and ring fingers

localized with the hand

made a fist,1 cun

above Yemen,in the

depression posterior to



joints of the small and

ring fingers








localized with the

forearm extended and

the palm faced

on the transverse crease ofdownwards,on the

the dorsum of the wrist,intransverse crease of

the depression on the ulnarthe dorsum of the

side of the tendon of thewrist,in the depression

extensor muscle of thebetween the tendons of

fingersthe extensor muscle of

the fingers and of the

extensor muscle of the

small finger

on the dorsal aspect of the

forearm,on the line

localized with the

connecting Yangchi and the

forearm extended and

tip of the elbow,2 cun

the palm faced

above the transverse crease

downwards,2 cun

of the dorsum of the


wrist,between the ulna and

Yangchi,between the


ulna and radius

on the dorsal aspect of the

forearm,on the line

localized with the

connecting Yangchi and the

forearm extended and

tip of the elbow,3 cun

the palm faced

above the transverse crease

downwards,3 cun

of the dorsum of the


wrist,between the ulna and

Yangchi,between the

on the dorsal aspect of the


ulna and radius

localized with the

forearm,3 cun above the

forearm extended and

transverse crease of the

the palm faced

dorsum of the

downwards,about 1

wrist,Zhigou,on the radial

cun lateral to

side of the ulna

Zhigou,on the radial

localized with the

side of the ulna

on the dorsal aspect of theforearm extended and

forearm,4 cun above thethe palm faced

transverse crease of thedownwards,4 cun

dorsum of theabove the transverse

wrist,between the ulna andcrease of the dorsum

radiusof the wrist,between

the ulna and radius



on the dorsal aspect of the

forearm,on the line

connecting Yangchi and the

tip of the elbow,5 cun

below the tip of the

elbow,between the ulna and


on the extensor aspect of

the arm,in the depression 1

cun above the tip of the

elbow when the elbow is


between the ulna and

radius,7 cun above

Yangchi,5 cun below

the tip of the elbow

localized with the

elbow flexed and the

arm lifted,in the

depression 1 cun above

the tip of the elbow


on the extensor aspect of

localized with the arm

the arm,2 cun above the tip

lifted,in the depression

Qinglengyuanof the elbow ,i.e.1 cun

2 cun above the tip of

above Tianjing when the

the elbow

elbow is flexed

on the extensor aspect of

the arm,on the midpoint of

the line connecting

Qinglengyuan and Naohui

on the extensor aspect of

the arm,on the line

connecting the tip of the

elbow and Jianliao,3 cun

below Jianliao,on the

posterior border of the

deltoid muscle

on the shoulder,posterior to

Jianyu,in the depression

posterior and inferior to the

acromion when the arm is


on the scapula,on the

midway between Jianjing

and Quyuan,1 cun below

Jianjing,on the superior

angle of the scapula

localized with the arm

lifted,on the midpoint

of the line connecting

Qinglengyuan and


localized in the erect

sitting position,1 cun

below the posterior

end of the axillary

fold,directly above the

tip of the elbow,on the

posterior border of the

deltoid muscle

localized with the arm

lifted,in the depression

posterior and inferior

to the

acromion,posterior to


localized in the erect

sitting position,on the

midway between

Jianjing and Quyuan











on the lateral side of the

neck,directly below the

posterior border of the

localized with the head

mastoid process,at the level

erected,on the midway

with the angle of

between Tianzhu and

mandible,on the posterior


border of the


sternocleidomastoid muscle

posterior to the ear lobe,in

localized with the head

the depression between the

erected,posterior to

mastoid process and

the ear lobe,in the


depression about 0.5

cun posterior to the

on the head,in the center of


the mastoid process

localized with the head

posterior to the ear

erected,in the center of

between Jiaosun and

the mastoid process

Yifeng,at the junction of the

posterior to the ear,on

middle third and lower third

the midway between

of the curve line posterior

Yifeng and Luxi

on the head,between

to the helix

Jiaosun and Yifeng,at the

localized with the head

junction of the upper third

erected,1 cun above

and middle third of the

Qimai, on the midway

curve line posterior to the

between Jiaosun and



on the head,directly above

localized with the head

the ear apex within the

erected,directly above

hairline when the ear is

the ear apex within the

folded forwards

hairline when the ear is

folded forwards

anterior to the supratragiclocalized with the head

notch,in the depressionerected,in the

posterior the condyloiddepression anterior to

process of the mandiblethe supratragic notch,






localized with the head

on the lateral side of the

erected,anterior and

head,posterior to the

superior to Ermen,at

hairline of the temple,at the

the level with the root

level with the root of the

of the auricle,posterior

auricle,anterior to the

to the hairline of the

superficial temporal artery

temple,anterior to the

superficial temporal


localized with the head

on the face,in the

erected,directly above

depression at the lateral end

Tongziliao,in the

of the eyebrow

depression at the

lateral end of the


on the face,0.5 cun lateral

localized with the head

to the outer canthus,in the

erected,0.5 cun lateral

depression on lateral side of

to the outer canthus,in

the orbit

the depression on

lateral side of the orbit

localized with the head

erected or with the

on the face,anterior to the

head rested on a table

intertragic notch,posterior

on the side,anterior to

to the condyloid process of

the intertragic

the mandible,in the

notch,posterior to the

depression appearing when

condyloid process of

the mouth is opened

the mandible,in the

depression appearing

when the mouth is


localized with the head

anterior to the ear,directly

erected or with the

above Xiaguan,in the

head rested on a table

depression on the upper

on the side,anterior to

border of the zygomatic

the ear,on the upper


border of the


arch,anterior to Ermen







localized with the head

on the head,within theerected or with the

hairline of the temporalhead rested on a table

region,at the junction of theon the side,within the

upper 1/4 and lower 3/4 ofhairline of the temporal

the distance betweenregion,1 cun below

Touwei and QubinTouwei,where it

moves when chewing

on the head,within the

localized with the head

hairline of the temporal

erected or with the

region,on the midpoint of

head rested on a table

the distance between

on the side,on the

Touwei and Qubin

midpoint of Touwei

on the head,within thelocalized with the head

and Qubin

hairline of the temporalerected or with the

region,at the junction of thehead rested on a table

upper 3/4 and lower 1/4 ofon the side,on the

the distance betweenmidpoint of Xuanlu

Touwei and Qubin

on the head,at a crossing

localized with the head

and Qubin

point of the vertical

erected or with the

posterior border of the

head rested on a table

temples and the horizontal

on the side,1 cun

line through the ear apex

anterior to

Jiaosun,within the

localized with the head


on the head,directly above

erected or with the

the ear apex,1.5 cun above

head rested on a table

the hairline,on the same

on the side,1.5 cun

vertical line with Jiaosun

within the hairline

above the ear

apex,where it moves

localized with the head

when chewing

on the head,directly above

erected or with the

the posterior border of the

head rested on a table

auricle,2 cun within the

on the side,0.5 cun

hairline,0.5 cun posterior to

posterior to Shuaigu,2


cun within the hairline

,above the posterior

border of the auricle








on the head,posterior and

localized with the head

superior to the mastoid

erected or with the

process behind the

head rested on a table

ear,between Tianchong and

on the side,within the


hairline ,1 cun


on the head,posterior and

localized with the head

superior to the mastoid

bowed or with the

process behind the

head rested on a table

ear,between Fubai and

on the side,on the


midway between Fubai

and Wangu

localized with the head

on the head,in the

bowed or with the

depression posterior and

head rested on a table

inferior to the mastoid

on the side,posterior to

process behind the ear

the mastoid

process,0.5 cun within

on the head,0.5 cun within

the hairline

the hairline of the

localized with the head

forehead,3 cun lateral to

erected ,3 cun lateral

Shenting,at the junction of

to Shenting,directly

the medial 2/3 and lateral

above the outer

1/3 of the line connecting

canthus,0.5 cun within

Shenting and Touwei

the hairline

localized with the head

on the head,directly aboveerected,1 cun above

the midpoint of the eye,1the midpoint of the

cun above the midpoint ofeyebrow,directly above

the eyebrowthe pupil when looking


on the head,directly above

the midpoint of the eye,0.5

localized with the head

cun within the hairline,on

erected,directly above

the midpoint of the line

the pupil when looking

connecting Shenting and

straight,0.5 cun within


the hairline

on the head,1.5 cun above

the hairline of the

localized with the head

forehead,2.25 cun lateral to

erected,1 cun posterior

midline of the head ,on the

to Toulinqi,on the line

line connecting Toulinqi

connecting Toulinqi

and Fengchi

and Fengchi






on the head,2.5 cun above

the hairline of the

localized with the head

forehead,2.25 cun lateral to

erected,1 cun posterior

midline of the head ,on the

to Muchuang,on the

line connecting Toulinqi

line connecting

and Fengchi

Toulinqi and Fengchi

on the head,4 cun above the

localized with the head

hairline of the forehead,2.25

erected,1.5 cun

cun lateral to midline of the

posterior to

head ,on the line connecting

Zhengying,on the line

Toulinqi and Fengchi

connecting Toulinqi

and Fengchi

on the head,superior to the

lateral border of the

external occipital

localized with the head

protuberance,at the level

erected,directly above

with Naohu,directly above

Fengchi,at the level

Fengchi ,2.25 cun lateral to

with Naohu

midline of the head

in the neck,below the

localized with the head

occipital bone,1 cun above

bowed,on the posterior

the posterior hairline,at the

aspect of the neck,at

level with Fengfu,in the

the level with

depression between the

Fengfu,in the

upper ends of the

depression between the

sternocleidomastoid and

upper ends of the

trapezius muscles


and trapezius muscles

on the shoulder,directly

localized in the erect

above the nipple,on

sitting position,on the

midpoint of the line

shoulder,on midpoint

connecting Dazhui and the

of the line connecting


Dazhui and the









on the lateral aspect of thelocalized in the lateral

chest when the arm isrecumbent position and

lifted,on the mid-axillarywith the arm lifted,on

line,3 cun below thethe mid-axillary line,in

axilla,in the 4th intercostalthe 4th intercostal


on the lateral aspect of the

localized in the lateral


chest,1 cun anterior to

recumbent position ,3

Yuanye which is on the

cun below the axilla

mid-axillary line ,in the 4th

and 1 cun anterior to

intercostal space

Yuanyein the 4th

intercostal space

on the upper3 ribs below the

abdomen,directly below thenipple,in the 7th

nipple,in the 7th intercostalintercostal

space,4 cun lateral to thespace,directly above

anterior midlineQimen

localized in the lateral

on the lateral aspect of therecumbent position,on

waist,on the lower borderthe lateral aspect of the

of the free end of the 12thwaist,on the lower

ribborder of the free end

of the 12th rib

on the lateral aspect of the

localized in the lateral

abdomen,1.8 cun below

recumbent position,at

Zhangmen,at the crossing

the crossing point of a

point of a vertical line

vertical line through

through the free end of the

the free end of the 11th

11th rib and a horizontal

rib and a horizontal

line through the umbilicus

line through the

on the lateral aspect of the

localized in the spine


abdomen,anterior to the

position,0.5 cun

anteriosuperior iliac spine,3

anterior to the

cun below the level of the

anteriosuperior iliac


spine,about 3 cun

below the level of the

on the lateral aspect of the


abdomen,medial andlocalized in the lateral

inferior to therecumbent position,0.5

anteriosuperior iliaccun medial and inferior

spine,0.5 cun medial andto Wushu

inferior to Wushu


on the hip,on the midpoint

of the line connecting the

anteriosuperior iliac spine

and the prominence of the

great trochanter

localized in the lateral

recumbent position,on

the midpoint of the line

connecting the

anteriosuperior iliac

spine and the

prominence of the

great trochanter


localized in the lateral

recumbent position and

on the lateral side of the

with the thigh flexed,at

thigh,at the junction of the

the junction of the

middle 1/3 and lateral 1/3 of

middle 1/3 and lateral

the line connecting the

1/3 of the line

prominence of the great

connecting the

trochanter and the sacral

prominence of the


great trochanter and

the sacral hiatus

on the midline of the lateral

side of the thigh,7 cunlocalized in the erect

above the transversestanding position and

popliteal crease,where thewith the hands close to

tip of the middle fingerthe sides,where the tip

touches when the patient isof the middle finger

standing erect with thetouches

hands close to the sides

localized with the knee

flexed,5 cun above the

transverse popliteal

crease,2 cun directly

below Fengshi

localized with the knee

flexed,3 cun directly

above Yanglingquan,in

the depression above

the external epicondyle

of the femur




on the lateral side of the

thigh,2 cun below Fengshi,5

cun above the transverse


popliteal crease,between the

lateral vastus muscle and

the biceps muscle of the


on the lateral aspect of the

knee,3 cun above

Yanglingquan,in the


depression above the

external epicondyle of the



localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the lateral aspect of thewith the knee flexed

leg,in the depressionand with the foot


anterior and inferior to thedropped down,in the

head of the fibuladepression anterior and




on the lateral aspect of the

leg,7 cun above the tip of

the lateral

malleolus,posterior to the


on the lateral aspect of the

leg,7 cun above the tip of

the lateral

malleolus,anterior to the

fibula,at the level with


on the lateral aspect of the

leg,5 cun above the tip of

the lateral

malleolus,anterior to the


inferior to the head of

the fibula

localized in the erect

standing position, and

with the knee flexed

and with the foot

dropped down,7 cun

above the tip of the


malleolus,posterior to

localized in the erect

the fibula

standing position, and

with the knee flexed

and with the foot

dropped down,7 cun

above the lateral


below Yanglingquan,1

cun anterior to

Yangjiao,anterior to

the fibula

localized in the erect

standing position, and

with the knee flexed

and with the foot

dropped down,5 cun

above the tip of the

lateral malleolus,2 cun

below Waiqiu





localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the lateral aspect of thewith the knee flexed

leg,4 cun above the tip ofand with the foot

the lateral malleolus,slightlydropped down,4 cun

anterior to the anteriorabove the tip of the

border of the fibulalateral malleolus,1 cun

below and 0.3 cun

anterior to Guangming

localized in the erect

on the lateral aspect of the

standing position, and

leg,3 cun above the tip of

with the knee flexed

the lateral

and with the foot

malleolus,anterior to the

dropped down,3 cun


above the tip of the


malleolus,anterior to

localized in the erect

the fibula

anterior and inferior to the

standing position, and

lateral malleolus,in the

with the knee flexed

depression lateral to the

and with the foot

tendon of the long extensor

dropped down on the

muscle of the toes

ground,in the

depression anterior and

inferior to the lateral

localized in the erect


standing position, and

with the knee flexed

on the lateral aspect of the

and with the foot

dorsum of the

dropped down on the

foot,posterior to the 4th

ground,in the

metatarsophalangeal joint,in

depression anterior to

the depression lateral to the

the junction of the 4th

tendon of the long extensor

and 5th metatarsal

muscle of the little toes

bones,lateral to the

tendon of the long

extensor muscle of the

little toes





localized in the erect

on the lateral aspect of the

standing position, and

dorsum of the foot,between

with the knee flexed

the 4th and 5th metatarsal

and with the foot

bones,on the medial side of

dropped down on the

the tendon of the long

ground,between the

extensor muscle of the little

4th and 5th metatarsal


bones,0.5 cun below

Zulinqi,1 cun above


localized in the erect

on the lateral aspect of thestanding position, and

dorsum of the foot,on thewith the knee flexed

web margin between the 4thand with the foot

and 5th toes,in thedropped down on the

depression anterior totheground,between the

metatarsophalangeal joint4th and 5th toes,on the

web margin

localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the lateral side of the 4th

with the knee flexed

toe,0.1 cun posterior to the

and with the foot

corner of the toenail

dropped down on the

ground,on the lateral

side of the 4th toe,0.1

cun posterior to the

localized in the erect

corner of the toenail

standing position, and

with the knee flexed

on the lateral side of the

and with the foot

distal segment of the great

dropped down on the

toe,0.1 cun posterior to the

ground,on the lateral

corner of the toenail

side of the distal

segment of the great

toe,0.1 cun posterior

to the corner of the





localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the dorsum of the

with the knee flexed

foot,on the web margin

and with the foot

between the 1st and 2nd

dropped down on the


ground,about 0.5 cun

posterior to the web

margin between the 1st

and 2nd toes

localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the dorsum of the foot,in

with the knee flexed

the depression of the

and with the foot

posterior end of the 1st

dropped down on the

interosseous metatarsal

ground,in the


depression anterior to

the junction of the 1st

and 2nd metatarsal


localized in the erect

anterior to the medial

standing position, and

malleolus, on the midway of

with the knee flexed

the line connecting

and with the foot

Shangqiu and Jiexi,in the

dropped down on the

depression medial to the

ground,0.1 cun

tendon of the anterior tibial

anterior to the medial



between Shangqiu and






localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the medial aspect of thewith the knee flexed

leg,5 cun above the tip ofand with the foot

the medial malleolus,in thedropped down,5 cun

center of the medial borderabove the tip of the

of the tibiamedial malleolus,in the

center of the medial

border of the tibia

localized in the erect

standing position, and

on the medial aspect of the

with the knee flexed

leg,7 cun above the tip of

and with the foot

the medial malleolus,in the

dropped down,7 cun

center of the medial border

above the tip of the

of the tibia

medial malleolus,in the

center of the medial

border of the tibia,2

on the medial aspect of the

localized in the erect

cun above Ligou

leg,posterior and inferior to

standing position, and

the medial epicondyle of the

with the knee flexed,2

tibia,1 cun poserior to

cun below

Yinlingquan,at the upper

Neixiyan,posterior to

end of the medial head of

the medial border of

the gastrocnemius muscle

the tibia,about 1 cun

poserior to


on the medial aspect of the

thigh,when the knee is

flexed,at the medial end oflocalized in the erect

the transverse poplitealstanding position, and

crease,on the medial borderwith the knee flexed,at

of the knee joint,posteriorthe end of the

to the medial epicondyle oftransverse popliteal

the tibia,in the depressioncrease,on the medial

anterior to the insertion ofborder of the knee

the semitendinousnand

semimembranous muscles






localized in the erect

on the medial aspect of thestanding position, and

thigh,4 cun above thewith the knee flexed,4

medial epicondyle of thecun above the medial

femur,posterior to theepicondyle of the

sartorius musclefemur,posterior to the

sartorius muscle

on the medial aspect of the

thigh,3 cun directly below

localized in the spine

Qichong,at the end of the

position and with the

thigh,below the pubic

leg extended,2 cun

tubercle,1 cun below

lateral to and 3 cun


below Qugu

on the medial aspect of the

thigh,2 cun directly below

localized in the spine

Qichong,at the end of the

position and with the

thigh,below the pubic

leg extended,2 cun


directly below Qichong

lateral to the pubiclocalized in the spine

tubercle,lateral and inferiorposition,2.5 cun lateral

to Qichong,in the inguinalto the pubic

groove where the pulsationsymphysis,in the

of the femoral artery isinguinal groove lateral

palpable,2.5 cun lateral toand inferior to

the anterior midlineQichong

localized in the lateral

on the lateral side of the

recumbent position and

abdomen,below the free end

with the arm flexed,at

of the 11th floating rib

the end of the 11th rib

where the tip of the

elbow touches


on the chest,directly belowlocalized in the erect

the nipple,in the 6thsitting position or in

intercostal space,4 cunthe spine position,2

lateral to the anteriorribs below the nipple,at

midlinethe level with Burong


localized in the

kneeling position or in

0.5 cun below the tip of the

the prone position,on

coccyx,at the midpoint

Changqiangthe midpoint of the line

between the tip of the

connecting the tip of

coccyx and the anus

the coccyx and the



on the sacrum,on the

posterior midline,in the

hiatus of the sacrum

localized in the prone

position or in the

lateral recumbent

position,in the hiatus

of the sacrum


localized in the prone

position,on the

on the lumbus,on the

posterior midline,in the

posterior midline,below the

depression below the

Yaoyanfguanspinous process of the 4th

spinous process of the

lumbar vertebra,at the level

4th lumbar vertebra,at

with the crista iliaca

the level with the crista



localized in the prone

on the lumbus,on the

position,in the

posterior midline,in the

depression below the


spinous process of the

below the spinous process

2nd and 3rd lumbar

of the 4th lumbar vertebra








on the lumbus,on the

localized in the prone

posterior midline,in the

position,in the

depression below the

depression below the

spinous process of the 1st

spinous process of the

lumber vertebrae.

1st and 2nd lumbar


localized in the prone

on the back,on the posteriorposition,in the

midline,in the depressiondepression below the

blew the spinous process ofspinous process of the

the 11th thoracic vertebrae.11th and 12th thoracic


localized in the prone

on the back,on the posteriorposition,in the

midline,in the depressiondepression below the

blew the spinous process ofspinous process of the

the 10th thoracic vertebrae.10th and 11th thoracic


localized in the prone

position or in the erect

on the back,on the posteriorsitting position with

midline,in the depressionthe elbows resting on a

blew the spinous process oftable,in the depression

the 9th thoracic the spinous

process of the 9th and

10th thoracic vertebra

localized in the prone

position or in the erect

on the back,on the posteriorsitting position with

midline,in the depressionthe elbows resting on a

blew the spinous process oftable,in the depression

the 7th thoracic the spinous

process of the 7th and

8th thoracic vertebra

localized in the prone

position or in the erect

on the back,on the posteriorsitting position with

midline,in the depressionthe elbows resting on a

blew the spinous process oftable,in the depression

the 6th thoracic the spinous

process of the 6th and

7th thoracic vertebra






localized in the prone

position or in the erect

on the back,on the posteriorsitting position with

midline,in the depressionthe elbows resting on a

blew the spinous process oftable,in the depression

the 5th thoracic the spinous

process of the 5th and

6th thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

on the back,on the posteriorsitting position,in the

midline,in the depressiondepression below the

blew the spinous process ofspinous process of the

the 3rd thoracic vertebrae.3rd and 4th thoracic


localized in the erect

on the back,on the posterior

sitting position and

midline,in the depression

with the head bowed,in

blew the spinous process of

the depression below

the 1st thoracic vertebrae.

the spinous process of

the 1st and 2nd

thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

sitting position and

on the posterior midline,in

with the head

the depression blew the

bowed,on the midpoint

spinous process of the 7th

at the level with the

cervicla vertebrae.

shoulder,in the

depression between the

spinous process of the

7th cervical and 1st

thoracic vertebra

localized in the erect

on the neck,0.5 cun directlysitting position and

above the midpoint of thewith the head

posterior hairline,below thebowed,on the posterior

spinous process of the 1stmidline,in the

cervical vertebradepression 0.5 cun

within the hairline







on the neck,1 cun above the

midpoint of the posteriorlocalized in the erect

hairline,directly below thesitting position and

external occipitalwith the head

protuberance,in thebowed,on the posterior

depression between themidline on the neck,1

trapezius muscles of thecun within the hairline

both sides

on the head,on the midpointlocalized in the erect

of the head,1.5 cun directlysitting position,1.5 cun

above Fengfu,in thedirectly above

depression superior to theFengfu,superior to the

external occipitalexternal occipital


on the head,4 cun directly

localized in the erect

above the midpoint of the

sitting position,1.5 cun

posterior hairline(1.5 cun

directly above Naohu,4

above Naohu)

cun above the

posterior hairline

on the head,5.5 cun directly

localized in the erect

above the midpoint of the

sitting position,1.5 cun

posterior hairline(3 cun

directly above

above Naohu)

Qiangjian,5.5 cun

above the posterior

on the head,5 cun directly


above the anterior hairline,7localized in the erect

cun directly above thesitting position,directly

posterior hairline,on theabove the two ear

midpoint of the lineapexes,in the center of

connecting the two eartop of the head


on the head,3.5 cun directly

localized in the erect

above the midpoint of the

sitting position,1.5 cun

anterior hairline(1.5 cun

anterior to Baihui,3.5

anterior to Baihui)

cun posterior to the

anterior hairline








on the head,2 cun directly

localized in the erect

above the midpoint of the

sitting position,3 cun

anterior hairline(3 cun

anterior to Baihui,2

anterior to Baihui)

cun posterior to the

anterior hairline

on the head,1 cun directly

localized in the erect

above the midpoint of the

sitting position,1 cun

anterior hairline

posterior to the

anterior hairline

localized in the erect

on the head,0.5 cun directly

sitting position and

above the midpoint of the

with the head held

anterior hairline

up,on the midline of

the head,0.5 cun within

the anterior hairline

on the face,in the center of

localized in the erect

the tip of the nose

sitting position,on the

tip of the nose

localized in the erect

on the face,at the junctionsitting position,at the

of the upper 1/3 and middlejunction of the upper

1/3 of the philtrum1/3 and middle 1/3 of

the philtrum

on the face,on the labial

localized in the erect

tubercle of the upper lip,on

sitting position and

the vermilion border

with the head held

between the philtrum and

up,on the vermilion

upper lip

border between the

philtrum and upper lip

localized in the erect

sitting position or in

inside the upper lip,at thethe supine position,at

junction of the labial frenumthe junction of the

and upper gumlabial frenum and

upper gum when the

upper lip is lifted







on the perineum,on thelocalized in the supine

midpoint of the lineposition and with the

connecting the scrotum andknee flexed,between

anus in males,on thethe scrotum and anus

midpoint of the linein males,between the

connecting the posteriorposterior commissure

commissure of the largeof the large labia and

labia and anus in femalesanus in females

in the lower abdomen,on

localized in the supine

the anterior midline,on the

position,on the anterior

midpoint of the upper

midline,in the

border of the pubic

depression on the


upper border of the

pubic symphysis

in the lower abdomen,4 cun

localized in the supine

below the umbilicus,on the

position,4 cun below

anterior midline

the umbilicus,1 cun

above Qugu

in the lower abdomen,3 cun

localized in the supine

below the umbilicus,on the

position,3 cun below

anterior midline

the umbilicus,1 cun

above Zhongji

in the lower abdomen,2 cunlocalized in the supine

below the umbilicus,on theposition,2 cun below

anterior midlinethe umbilicus

localized in the supine

in the lower abdomen,1.5

position,1.5 cun below

cun below the umbilicus,on

the umbilicus,on the

the anterior midline

midpoint of the line

connecting the

umbilicus and











in the lower abdomen,1 cun

localized in the supine

below the umbilicus,on the

position,1 cun below

anterior midline

the umbilicus,1 cun

above Shimen

in the center of the

localized in the supine


position,in the center

of the umbilicus

on the upper abdomen,1localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,onposition,1 cun above

the anterior midlinethe umbilicus

on the upper abdomen,2localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,onposition,2 cun above

the anterior midlinethe umbilicus

on the upper abdomen,3localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,onposition,3 cun above

the anterior midlinethe umbilicus

on the upper abdomen,4localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,onposition,4 cun above

the anterior midlinethe umbilicus

on the upper abdomen,5localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,onposition,1 cun above

the anterior midlinethe Zhongwan

on the upper abdomen61

localized in the supine

cun above the umbilicus,on

position,1 cun below

the anterior midline

Jiuwei,6 cun above the


on the upperlocalized in the supine

abdomen,below theposition,7 cun above

xiphisternal synchondrosis,7the umbilicus,on the

cun above the umbilicus,onmidline of the

the anterior midlineabdomen






localized in the erect

sitting position or in

on the chest,on the anterior

the supine position,1.6

midline,on the level of the

cun below

5th intercostal space,

Danzhong,on the

the midpoint of the

midline of the chest,on

xiphisternal synchondrosis

the level of the 5th

intercostal space,on

the lower border of the

localized in the erect


sitting position or in

on the chest,on the anterior

the supine position,in

midline,on the level of the

the center of the chest

4th intercostal space,

between the two

the midpoint of the line

nipples,in the center of

connecting two nipples

the sternum,on the

level of the 4th

intercostal space in the

localized in the erect


sitting position or in

on the chest,on the anterior

the supine position,1.6

midline,on the level of the

cun above

3rd intercostal space

Danzhong,on the

midline of the

sternum,at the medial

localized in the erect

end of the 3rd

sitting position or in

on the chest,on the anterior

the supine position,3.2

midline,on the level of the

cun above

2nd intercostal space

Danzhong,on the

midline of the

sternum,at the medial

localized in the erect

end of the 2nd

sitting position or in

on the chest,on the anterior

the supine position,4.8

midline,at the midpoint of

cun above

the sternal angle

Danzhong,on the

midline of the

sternum,t the midpoint

of the sternal angle











localized in the erect

sitting position or in

on the chest,on the anterior

the supine position,1

midline,1 cun below Tiantu

cun below

Tiantu,about on the

midpoint of the sternal


localized in the supine

position or with the

on the neck,on the anteriorheas held up,1 cun

midline,in the center of theabove Xuanji,above

suprasternal fossathe jugular notch of the

sterum,in the center of

the suprasternal fossa

localized in the supine

on the neck,on the anteriorposition or with the

midline,on the upper borderheas held up,on the

of the laryngealupper border of the

protuberance,in thelaryngeal

depression superior to theprotuberance,in the

hyoid bonedepression superior to

the hyoid bone

localized in the supine

on the face,in the

position or with the

depression in the center of

heas held up,in the

the mentolabial groove

depression in the

center of the

mentolabial groove

in the lower part of the

localized in the supine

anterior surface of the

position,in the lower

thigh,1.5 cun lateral and

part of the anterior

medial to Liangqiu,2 points

surface of the thigh,1.5

on each side of the thigh,4

cun lateral and medial

points totally

to Liangqiu,2 points on

each side of the thigh,4

points totally

localized in the prone

position or in the













on the back,0.5 cun lateral

to the lower border of the

recumbent position,on

spinous process of the 7th

the back,0.5 cun lateral

cervical vertebra

to the lower border of

the spinous process of

the 7th cervical

localized in the erect


on the posterior side of the

sitting position with

elbow,at the tip of the

the elbow flexed 90

olecranon when the elbow

degree,on the posterior

is flexed

side of the elbow,at the

tip of the olecranon

when the elbow is


localized in the supine

on the lower abdomen,4position,on the lower

cun below the umbilicus,3abdomen,4 cun below

cun lateral to Zhongjithe umbilicus,3 cun

lateral to Zhongji

localized in the erect

on the vertex of the head,1sitting position,on the

cun anterior,posterior andvertex of the head,1

lateral to Baihui,4 pointscun anterior,posterior

totallyand lateral to Baihui,4

points totally

localized with the palm

on the palmar aspect of the

faced upwards,on the

forearm,4 cun above the

palmar aspect of the

transverse crease of the

forearm,4 cun above

wrist,on each side of the

the transverse crease

tendon of the radial flexor

of the wrist,on each

muscle of the wrist,2 points

side of the tendon of


the radial flexor muscle

of the wrist,2 points

above the knee,in the

with the knee


depression of the midpoint

flexed,above the

of the upper border of the

knee,in the depression


of the midpoint of the

upper border of the



on the back and low

back,0.5 cun lateral to the

lower borders of the spious

processes from the 1st

throacic to the 5th lumbar

vertebra,34 points totally.


on the frontal part of the

head,directly above the

pupil,1 cun above the

anterior hairlie.

localized in the prone

position or in the

recumbent position,on

the back and low

back,0.5 cun lateral to

the lower borders of

the spious processes

from the 1st throacic

to the 5th lumbar

vertebra,34 points


localized in the erect

sitting position,on the

frontal part of the

head,directly above the

pupil,1 cun above the

anterior hairlie.

localized in the erect

sitting position and

with the head held up

on the forehead ,at the

or localized in the

midpoint between the

supine position,on the


medial ends of the two

forehead ,at the


midpoit betwee the

eyebrows,on the Du



localized in the erect

sitting position and

with the knee flexed or

in the medial side of the

localized in the supine

EX-LE03Baichongwothigh,3 cun medial to

position,in the medial

patella,1 cun above Xuehai

side of the thigh,3 cun

medial to patella,1 cun

above Xuehai

localized in the prone

position or in the

on the back ,1.5 cun lateralrecumbent position,on

Weiwanxiashto the lower borber of thethe back ,1.5 cun

uspinous process of the 8thlateral to the lower

thoracic of the spinous

process of the 8th

thoracic vertebra.














with the palm faced

on the dorsal crease of the

downwards,on the

wrist,in the depression on

dorsal crease of the

the radial side of the tendon

wrist,in the depression

of the common extensor

on the radial side of

muscle of the fingers.

the tendon of the

common extensor

muscle of the fingers.

localized in the

on the low back,3.5 cun

recumbent positionon

lateral to the lower border

the low back,3.5 cun

of the spinous process of

lateral to the lower

the 1st lumbar vertebra.

border of the spinous

process of the 1st

lumbar vertebra.

with the palm faced

on the dorsal side of theupwards,made a fist,on

middle finger,in the centerthe dorsal side of the

of the proximalmiddle finger,in the

interphalangeal jointcenter of the proximal

interphalangeal joint

localized in the erect

sitting position with

in the depression medial to

the knee flexed or

the patellar ligament.

localized in the supine

position,in the

depression medial to

the patellar ligament.

localized in the erect

sitting position or

on the forehead ,directly

localized in the supine

above the pupil,in the

position,on the

centre of the eyebrow

forehead ,in the centre

of the eyebrow

,directly above the

with the palm faced


on the dorsal side of the

upwards,made a fist,on

thumb,in the centre of the

the dorsal side of the

interphalangeal joint.

thumb,in the centre of

the interphalangeal












localized in the

on the low back,3 cun

recumbent positionon

lateral to the lower border

the low back,3 cun

of the spinous process of

lateral to the lower

the 3rd lumbar vertebra.

border of the spinous

process of the 3rd

lumbar vertebra.

localized with the knee

in the depression on both

flexed,in the

sides of the patellar

depression on both

ligament,the medial point is

sides of the patellar

named as 'Neixiyan'and the

ligament,the medial

lateral one is named as

point is named as


'Neixiyan'and the

lateral one is named as


localized in the erect

at the temporal part of the

sitting position,at the

head,between the lateral

temporal part of the

end of the eyebrow and the

head,between the

outer canthus,in the

lateral end of the

depression 1 cun posterior

eyebrow and the outer

of them.

canthus,in the

depression 1 cun

posterior of them.

localized in the

on the low back,3 cun

recumbent position,on

lateral to the lower border

the low back,3 cun

of the spinous process of

lateral to the lower

the 4th lumbar vertebra.

border of the spinous

process of the 4th

lumbar vertebra.

localized in the erect

sitting position or

on the upper part of thelocalized in the lateral

lateral aspect of the leg,2recumbent position,on

cun directly blew thethe upper part of the

depression anterior andlateral aspect of the

inferior to the head of theleg,2 cun directly blew

depression anterior

and inferior to the head

of the fibula.

with the palm faced

on the dorsal side of theupwards,made a fist,on

little finger,in the centre ofthe dorsal side of the


the proximallittle finger,in the

interphalangeal of the proximal

interphalangeal joint.

localized in the erect

sitting position or

localized in the lateral

above the apex of the


auricle,at the auricle when

position,above the

the ear is folded forwards.

apex of the auricle,at

the auricle when the

car is folded forwards.


with the palm faced

on the dorsum of theupwards,on the

hand,on the midpointsdorsum of the hand,on

between the 2nd and 3rdthe midpoints between

EX-UE07Yaotongdianand between 4th and 5ththe 2nd and 3rd and

metacarpal bones,2 pointsbetween 4th and 5th

totally on the dorsum ofmetacarpal bones,2

each totally on the

dorsum of each hand.


localized in the erect

sitting position with

on the face ,at the junction

the head held up,on the

of the lateral 1/4 and medial

face ,at the junction of

3/4 of the infraorbital

the lateral 1/4 and


medial 3/4 of the

infraorbital margin.


on the upper part of the

anterior aspect of the leg,5

cun below Dubi,one finger-

breadth lateral to the

anterior crest of the tibia.


on the low back,3.5 cun

lateral to the lower border

of the spinous process of

the 4th lumbar vertebra.

localized in the erect

sitting position or

localized in the supine

position with the knee

flexed,on the upper

part of the anterior

aspect of the leg,5 cun

below Dubi,one finger-

breadth lateral to the

anterior crest of the


localized in the prone

position,on the low

back,3.5 cun lateral to

the lower border of the

spinous process of the

4th lumbar vertebra.


localized in the erect

sitting position or

on the medical aspect of thelocalized in the supine

Neihuaijianfoot,at the tip of the medialposition,on the medical

of the foot,at

the tip of the medial


localized in the erect

sitting position with

on the face ,at the junction

the head held up,on the

of the alar cartilage of the

Shangyingxiaface ,at the junction of

nose and the sasal

ngthe alar cartilage of the

concha,near the upper end

nose and the sasal

of the nsaolabial.

concha,near the upper

end of the nsaolabial.

localized in the prone

on the low back,on theposition,on the low

postterior midline,below theback,on the postterior

spious process of the 5thmidline,below the

lumbar process of the

5th lumbar vertebra.




with the palm faced

upwards,on the

on the dorsum of thedorsum of the

hand,between the 2nd andhand,between the 2nd

3rd metacarpal bones,0.5and 3rd metacarpal

cun posterior to thebones,0.5 cun

metacarpophalangeal ior to the



localized in the prone

on the sacrum,2 cun

position,on the

EX-B09Yaoqidirectly above the tip of the

sacrum,2 cun directly


above the tip of the


localized in the erect

sitting position with

in the nostril,on the mucosa

the head held up,in the

of the alar cartilage

EX-HN09Neiyingxiangnostril,on the mucosa

opposite to

of the alar cartilage


opposite to



slightly made a fist,on

on the dorsum of thethe dorsum of the

hand,on the web marginshand,on the web

between each two of themargins between each

five fingers 8 points totallytwo of the five fingers

on both sides8 points totally on both



localized in the erect

sitting position or

on the lateral aspect of thelocalized in the supine

Waihuaijianfoot,at the tip of the medialposition,on the lateral

of the foot,at

the tip of the medial












localized in the erect

in the mouth,at thesitting position,in the

midpoint of the dorsalmouth,at the midpoint

midline of the dorsal midline of


with the palm faced

upwards and the

on the palmar side of thefingers stretched,on

2nd to 5th fingers,in thethe palmar side of the

centre of the proximal2nd to 5th fingers,in

interphalangeal joints,4the centre of the

points on each al

interphalangeal joints,4

points on each side.

localized in the erect

sitting position or

on the dorsum of thelocalized in the supine

foot,on the web marginsposition,on the dorsum

between each two of theof the foot,on the web

five fingers 8 points totallymargins between each

on both sidestwo of the five fingers

8 points totally on both


localized in the supine

on the plantar side of theposition,on the plantar

2nd toe,at the midpoint ofside of the 2nd toe,at

the distal interphalangealthe midpoint of the



localized in the erect

sitting position with

in the mouth,at the

the mouth opened and

midpoint of the frenulum of

the tongue rolled

the togue.

backwards,in the

mouth,at the midpoint

of the frenulum of the


with the palm faced











at the tips of the tenupwards,at the tips of

fingers,about 0.1 cun fromthe ten fingers,about

the free margin of the0.1 cun from the free

nails,10 points totally onmargin of the nails,10

both totally on both


localized in the erect

sitting position or

at the tips of the tenlocalized in the supine

toes,0.1 inch from the freeposition,at the tips of

margin of each toenail,10the ten toes,0.1 inch

points totally on both the free margin of

each toenail,10 points

totally on both sides.

localized in the erect

sitting position with

in the mouth,on the vein in

the mouth opened and

the left side of the frenulum

the tongue rolled

of the tongue.

backwards,in the

mouth,on the vein in

the left side of the

frenulum of the

localized in the erect


sitting position with

in the mouth,on the vein in

the mouth opened and

the right side of the

the tongue rolled

frenulum of the tongue.

upwards,in the

mouth,on the vein in

the right side of the

frenulum of the


localized in the erect

on the nape,1 cun posterior

sitting position with

to Yifeng.

the head foreward,on

the nape,1 cun

posterior to Yifeng.


localized in the erect

sitting position or with

on the nape,2 cun directlythe head bowed,on the

above Dazhui ,1 cun lateralnape,2 cun directly

to the posterior Dazhui ,1 cun

lateral to the posterior



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