Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2, 2008, no. 31, 1507 - 1520
Edge Detection Techniques:
Evaluations and Comparisons
Ehsan Nadernejad
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Mazandaran Institute of Technology
P.O. Box: 744, Babol, Iran
Sara Sharifzadeh
Department of Communication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Shomal higher-education Institute,
P.O. Box: 731, Amol, Iran
Hamid Hassanpour
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Mazandaran Institute of Technology
P.O. Box: 744, Babol, Iran
Edge detection is one of the most commonly used operations in image analysis, and
there are probably more algorithms in the literature for enhancing and detecting edges
than any other single subject. The reason for this is that edges form the outline of an
object. An edge is the boundary between an object and the background, and indicates
the boundary between overlapping objects. This means that if the edges in an image can
be identified accurately, all of the objects can be located and basic properties such as
area, perimeter, and shape can be measured. Since computer vision involves the
identification and classification of objects in an image, edge detections is an essential
tool. In this paper, we have compared several techniques for edge detection in image
processing. We consider various well-known measuring metrics used in image
processing applied to standard images in this comparison.
Keywords: image processing, edge detection, Euclidean distance, canny detector
1508 E. Nadernejad, S. Sharifzadeh and H. Hassanpour
I. I
Edge detection is a very important area in the field of Computer Vision. Edges define
the boundaries between regions in an image, which helps with segmentation and object
recognition. They can show where shadows fall in an image or any other distinct
change in the intensity of an image. Edge detection is a fundamental of low-level image
processing and good edges are necessary for higher level processing. [1]
The problem is that in general edge detectors behave very poorly. While their behavior
may fall within tolerances in specific situations, in general edge detectors have
difficulty adapting to different situations. The quality of edge detection is highly
dependent on lighting conditions, the presence of objects of similar intensities, density
of edges in the scene, and noise. While each of these problems can be handled by
adjusting certain values in the edge detector and changing the threshold value for what
is considered an edge, no good method has been determined for automatically setting
these values, so they must be manually changed by an operator each time the detector is
run with a different set of data.
Since different edge detectors work better under different conditions, it would be ideal
to have an algorithm that makes use of multiple edge detectors, applying each one when
the scene conditions are most ideal for its method of detection. In order to create this
system, you must first know which edge detectors perform better under which
conditions. That is the goal of our project. We tested four edge detectors that use
different methods for detecting edges and compared their results under a variety of
situations to determine which detector was preferable under different sets of conditions.
This data could then be used to create a multi-edge-detector system, which analyzes the
scene and runs the edge detector best suited for the current set of data. For one of the
edge detectors we considered two different ways of implementation, one using intensity
only and the other using color information.
We also considered one additional edge detector which takes a different philosophy to
edge detection. Rather than trying to find the ideal edge detector to apply to traditional
photographs, it would be more efficient to merely change the method of photography to
one which is more conducive to edge detection. It makes use of a camera that takes
multiple images in rapid succession under different lighting conditions. Since the
hardware for this sort of edge detection is different than that used with the other edge
detectors, it would not be included in the multiple edge detector system but can be
considered as a viable alternative to this.
A. The Marr-Hildreth Edge Detector
The Marr-Hildreth edge detector was a very popular edge operator before Canny
released his paper. It is a gradient based operator which uses the Laplacian to take the
second derivative of an image. The idea is that if there is a step difference in the
intensity of the image, it will be represented by in the second derivative by a zero
Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2, 2008, no. 31, 1507 - 1520
Edge Detection Techniques:
Evaluations and Comparisons
Ehsan Nadernejad
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Mazandaran Institute of Technology
P.O. Box: 744, Babol, Iran
Sara Sharifzadeh
Department of Communication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Shomal higher-education Institute,
P.O. Box: 731, Amol, Iran
Hamid Hassanpour
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Mazandaran Institute of Technology
P.O. Box: 744, Babol, Iran
Edge detection is one of the most commonly used operations in image analysis, and
there are probably more algorithms in the literature for enhancing and detecting edges
than any other single subject. The reason for this is that edges form the outline of an
object. An edge is the boundary between an object and the background, and indicates
the boundary between overlapping objects. This means that if the edges in an image can
be identified accurately, all of the objects can be located and basic properties such as
area, perimeter, and shape can be measured. Since computer vision involves the
identification and classification of objects in an image, edge detections is an essential
tool. In this paper, we have compared several techniques for edge detection in image
processing. We consider various well-known measuring metrics used in image
processing applied to standard images in this comparison.
Keywords: image processing, edge detection, Euclidean distance, canny detector
1508 E. Nadernejad, S. Sharifzadeh and H. Hassanpour
I. I
Edge detection is a very important area in the field of Computer Vision. Edges define
the boundaries between regions in an image, which helps with segmentation and object
recognition. They can show where shadows fall in an image or any other distinct
change in the intensity of an image. Edge detection is a fundamental of low-level image
processing and good edges are necessary for higher level processing. [1]
The problem is that in general edge detectors behave very poorly. While their behavior
may fall within tolerances in specific situations, in general edge detectors have
difficulty adapting to different situations. The quality of edge detection is highly
dependent on lighting conditions, the presence of objects of similar intensities, density
of edges in the scene, and noise. While each of these problems can be handled by
adjusting certain values in the edge detector and changing the threshold value for what
is considered an edge, no good method has been determined for automatically setting
these values, so they must be manually changed by an operator each time the detector is
run with a different set of data.
Since different edge detectors work better under different conditions, it would be ideal
to have an algorithm that makes use of multiple edge detectors, applying each one when
the scene conditions are most ideal for its method of detection. In order to create this
system, you must first know which edge detectors perform better under which
conditions. That is the goal of our project. We tested four edge detectors that use
different methods for detecting edges and compared their results under a variety of
situations to determine which detector was preferable under different sets of conditions.
This data could then be used to create a multi-edge-detector system, which analyzes the
scene and runs the edge detector best suited for the current set of data. For one of the
edge detectors we considered two different ways of implementation, one using intensity
only and the other using color information.
We also considered one additional edge detector which takes a different philosophy to
edge detection. Rather than trying to find the ideal edge detector to apply to traditional
photographs, it would be more efficient to merely change the method of photography to
one which is more conducive to edge detection. It makes use of a camera that takes
multiple images in rapid succession under different lighting conditions. Since the
hardware for this sort of edge detection is different than that used with the other edge
detectors, it would not be included in the multiple edge detector system but can be
considered as a viable alternative to this.
A. The Marr-Hildreth Edge Detector
The Marr-Hildreth edge detector was a very popular edge operator before Canny
released his paper. It is a gradient based operator which uses the Laplacian to take the
second derivative of an image. The idea is that if there is a step difference in the
intensity of the image, it will be represented by in the second derivative by a zero