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Synopsys STAR Memory System 测试、修复和诊断解决方案说明书_

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STAR Memory System Solution


• Complete memory test, repair and

diagnostics solution supporting

embedded SRAM, register files, CPU and

GPU caches, CAM, multi ports, embedded

flash, MRAM as well as external memory

such as DDR/LPDDR

• Increased design productivity with

hierarchical architecture and automated

system-on-chip (SoC) integration and


• High-quality test to provide full memory

defect coverage with minimum test time

• High yield with efficient on-chip repair

across multiple operating corners

• Superior diagnostics with physical failed

bitmaps and XY coordinate identification

to quickly determine root cause of failures

• Increased field reliability with STAR

Memory System Compiler for Error

Correcting Codes’ (ECC) multi-bit transient

error correction

• ISO 26262 certified to meet the safety

requirements of high reliability designs

targeting up to and including the most

stringent ASIL D standard

• Supports Internet of Things (IoT)

applications with the industry’s first

commercial built-in self-test (BIST)

solution for embedded flash and

embedded MRAM (eMRAM)


The Synopsys Self-Test and Repair (STAR) Memory System™ is a comprehensive,

integrated test, repair and diagnostics solution that supports repairable or

nonrepairable embedded memories across any foundry, process node or

memory IP vendor. Silicon-proven in over a billion chips on a range of process

nodes, the STAR Memory System is a cost-effective solution for improving test

quality and repair of manufacturing faults found in advanced technologies like

FinFET. The STAR Memory System’s highly automated design implementation

and diagnostic flow enables SoC designers to achieve quick design closure and

significantly improve time-to-market and time-to-yield in volume production.

The STAR Memory System has been certified for the ISO 26262 automotive

functional safety standard by SGS-TUV Saar GmbH, an independent

accredited assessor. In addition, the test and repair support for e-flash and

embedded MRAM (eMRAM) enables the STAR Memory System to be used in

IoT applications.

SoC designers, silicon aggregators, and leading foundries targeting automotive,

IoT, enterprise, and consumer applications license STAR Memory System with

the added flexibility of consulting services for memory BIST planning, generation,

insertion, and verification.



Test bus


System MMB





IEEE 1500

STAR Memory

IEEE 1687

group 1


System Server


STAR Memory

System Yield

STAR Memory

IEEE 1500








STAR Memory
















STAR Memory








System Silicon


Off chip memory


STAR Memory System solution

Figure 1: Synopsys STAR Memory System Solution



Memory IP


Memory IP



STAR Memory

Memory IP

System Yield



STAR Memory

System Silicon


Test and Repair infrastructure

with STAR Memory System

Design Accelerator

Figure 2: The Synopsys STAR Memory System helps save millions of dollars in recovered silicon,

reduces test costs, and shortens time-to-volume

The STAR Memory System Solution Consists of:

• Synthesizable test and repair register transfer level (RTL) IP

• STAR Memory System Design Acceleration (DA) scripts: Automates the planning, generation, insertion, and verification of test

and repair RTL IP

• STAR Memory System Yield Accelerator: Automates the generation of tester ready patterns in WGL/STIL/SVF, test algorithm

programmability and post silicon failure diagnostics and fault classification

• STAR Memory System Silicon Browser: Provides interactive silicon debug of memory using a personal computer or workstation

• STAR Memory System ECC: Automatically generates ECC Verilog code, testbenches and scripts for single-port and multiport

SRAM memories

• STAR Memory System ext-RAM: Offers a high-coverage, cost-effective test with optional Post Package Repair (PPR) and

diagnostics solution for external memories such as DDR, LPDDR and HBM via JTAG, either during production or in-field test

• STAR Memory System CAM: Supports specialty content addressable memory (CAM) such as binary, ternary and XYCAMs with

support for common CAM capabilities

• STAR Memory System eMRAM: Optimizes manufacturing yield for eMRAM technology with inclusion of NVM specific test

algorithms and support for trimming in addition to test, repair and diagnosis

Flexible, Open System

To provide STAR Memory System access to all memory developers, Synopsys offers a specialized memory description language

called MASIS. The MASIS language, together with a MASIS compiler, simplifies and automates the process of creating and verifying

memory views used by the STAR Memory System. By providing an open interface to the STAR Memory System, Synopsys extends

the value of the system to all users regardless of whether or not they elect to use Synopsys memories (Figure 2).

High-Performance Core Support

The STAR Memory System allows at-speed test and repair of high-performance processor cores by using a preconfigured test bus,

which provides access to the memories inside the core in test mode. The STAR Memory System uses this shared Multi-Memory

Bus (MMB) to test memories and add memory test and repair logic outside the IP core to avoid any impact on processor core

performance (Figure 1).

Test Algorithm Programmability

The STAR Memory System provides full test algorithm programmability. The STAR Memory System processor includes a BIST

module to execute test algorithms. The default test algorithms in the BIST module can be replaced with new algorithms in the RTL

or in silicon, and the user can program either their own custom algorithms or select from the comprehensive library of algorithms

provided in the STAR Memory System.


Tester Patterns and Diagnostics

The STAR Memory System Yield Accelerator addresses the need to identify, analyze, isolate and classify memory faults as

designs are readied for transition from first silicon to volume manufacturing rapidly, cost-effectively and accurately. Leveraging the

infrastructure of the STAR Memory System, the Yield Accelerator automatically generates vectors for test equipment and provides

fault analysis and root-cause failure guidance based on silicon test results. Using this feature, test and product engineers can rapidly

analyze failures manifested in embedded memories and inspect the physical location and class of each fault to determine the root

cause without involving the IP vendor or SoC designer.

On-Chip Self-Repair

Unlike complex external repair flows, the STAR Memory System’s on-chip repair is fully automated. A built-in self-diagnosis module

determines the location of any memory defect and provides error logging by scanning out failure data for silicon debug. When testing

memories with redundancies that have failures, a built-in repair and redundancy allocation module identifies available redundant

elements and determines the best possible redundancy configuration.

Integrated Test and Repair with Synopsys Embedded Memories

By hardening the timing-critical test and repair logic within the memory hard macro, the Synopsys STAR Memory System provides

unique integration with Synopsys Embedded Memory Compilers. Optimal placement of the timing-critical test and repair logic near

the memory allows faster design closure, higher performance, better area and reduced power.

Silicon Bring-up and Characterization

The STAR Memory System Silicon Browser has advanced automation capabilities to interactively communicate through a JTAG port

with the STAR Memory System’s infrastructure in a chip for post-silicon bring-up, system debug, diagnosis and characterization of

embedded memories. The unique features of the Silicon Browser allow full extraction of memory contents, multi-corner and multi-

voltage characterization, precise physical failure localization, defect classification and redundancy utilization analysis, all from an

engineer’s desktop, and without the need for expensive automatic test equipment.

About Synopsys IP

Synopsys is a leading provider of high-quality, silicon-proven IP solutions for SoC designs. The broad Synopsys IP portfolio

includes logic libraries, embedded memories, PVT sensors, embedded test, analog IP, wired and wireless interface IP,

security IP, embedded processors, and subsystems. To accelerate prototyping, software development and integration of IP

into SoCs, Synopsys’ IP Accelerated initiative offers IP prototyping kits, IP software development kits, and IP subsystems.

Synopsys’ extensive investment in IP quality, comprehensive technical support and robust IP development methodology

enable designers to reduce integration risk and accelerate time-to-market.

For more information on Synopsys IP, visit /ip .

©2023 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks is

available at /. All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.




STAR Memory System Solution


• Complete memory test, repair and

diagnostics solution supporting

embedded SRAM, register files, CPU and

GPU caches, CAM, multi ports, embedded

flash, MRAM as well as external memory

such as DDR/LPDDR

• Increased design productivity with

hierarchical architecture and automated

system-on-chip (SoC) integration and


• High-quality test to provide full memory

defect coverage with minimum test time

• High yield with efficient on-chip repair

across multiple operating corners

• Superior diagnostics with physical failed

bitmaps and XY coordinate identification

to quickly determine root cause of failures

• Increased field reliability with STAR

Memory System Compiler for Error

Correcting Codes’ (ECC) multi-bit transient

error correction

• ISO 26262 certified to meet the safety

requirements of high reliability designs

targeting up to and including the most

stringent ASIL D standard

• Supports Internet of Things (IoT)

applications with the industry’s first

commercial built-in self-test (BIST)

solution for embedded flash and

embedded MRAM (eMRAM)


The Synopsys Self-Test and Repair (STAR) Memory System™ is a comprehensive,

integrated test, repair and diagnostics solution that supports repairable or

nonrepairable embedded memories across any foundry, process node or

memory IP vendor. Silicon-proven in over a billion chips on a range of process

nodes, the STAR Memory System is a cost-effective solution for improving test

quality and repair of manufacturing faults found in advanced technologies like

FinFET. The STAR Memory System’s highly automated design implementation

and diagnostic flow enables SoC designers to achieve quick design closure and

significantly improve time-to-market and time-to-yield in volume production.

The STAR Memory System has been certified for the ISO 26262 automotive

functional safety standard by SGS-TUV Saar GmbH, an independent

accredited assessor. In addition, the test and repair support for e-flash and

embedded MRAM (eMRAM) enables the STAR Memory System to be used in

IoT applications.

SoC designers, silicon aggregators, and leading foundries targeting automotive,

IoT, enterprise, and consumer applications license STAR Memory System with

the added flexibility of consulting services for memory BIST planning, generation,

insertion, and verification.



Test bus


System MMB





IEEE 1500

STAR Memory

IEEE 1687

group 1


System Server


STAR Memory

System Yield

STAR Memory

IEEE 1500








STAR Memory
















STAR Memory








System Silicon


Off chip memory


STAR Memory System solution

Figure 1: Synopsys STAR Memory System Solution



Memory IP


Memory IP



STAR Memory

Memory IP

System Yield



STAR Memory

System Silicon


Test and Repair infrastructure

with STAR Memory System

Design Accelerator

Figure 2: The Synopsys STAR Memory System helps save millions of dollars in recovered silicon,

reduces test costs, and shortens time-to-volume

The STAR Memory System Solution Consists of:

• Synthesizable test and repair register transfer level (RTL) IP

• STAR Memory System Design Acceleration (DA) scripts: Automates the planning, generation, insertion, and verification of test

and repair RTL IP

• STAR Memory System Yield Accelerator: Automates the generation of tester ready patterns in WGL/STIL/SVF, test algorithm

programmability and post silicon failure diagnostics and fault classification

• STAR Memory System Silicon Browser: Provides interactive silicon debug of memory using a personal computer or workstation

• STAR Memory System ECC: Automatically generates ECC Verilog code, testbenches and scripts for single-port and multiport

SRAM memories

• STAR Memory System ext-RAM: Offers a high-coverage, cost-effective test with optional Post Package Repair (PPR) and

diagnostics solution for external memories such as DDR, LPDDR and HBM via JTAG, either during production or in-field test

• STAR Memory System CAM: Supports specialty content addressable memory (CAM) such as binary, ternary and XYCAMs with

support for common CAM capabilities

• STAR Memory System eMRAM: Optimizes manufacturing yield for eMRAM technology with inclusion of NVM specific test

algorithms and support for trimming in addition to test, repair and diagnosis

Flexible, Open System

To provide STAR Memory System access to all memory developers, Synopsys offers a specialized memory description language

called MASIS. The MASIS language, together with a MASIS compiler, simplifies and automates the process of creating and verifying

memory views used by the STAR Memory System. By providing an open interface to the STAR Memory System, Synopsys extends

the value of the system to all users regardless of whether or not they elect to use Synopsys memories (Figure 2).

High-Performance Core Support

The STAR Memory System allows at-speed test and repair of high-performance processor cores by using a preconfigured test bus,

which provides access to the memories inside the core in test mode. The STAR Memory System uses this shared Multi-Memory

Bus (MMB) to test memories and add memory test and repair logic outside the IP core to avoid any impact on processor core

performance (Figure 1).

Test Algorithm Programmability

The STAR Memory System provides full test algorithm programmability. The STAR Memory System processor includes a BIST

module to execute test algorithms. The default test algorithms in the BIST module can be replaced with new algorithms in the RTL

or in silicon, and the user can program either their own custom algorithms or select from the comprehensive library of algorithms

provided in the STAR Memory System.


Tester Patterns and Diagnostics

The STAR Memory System Yield Accelerator addresses the need to identify, analyze, isolate and classify memory faults as

designs are readied for transition from first silicon to volume manufacturing rapidly, cost-effectively and accurately. Leveraging the

infrastructure of the STAR Memory System, the Yield Accelerator automatically generates vectors for test equipment and provides

fault analysis and root-cause failure guidance based on silicon test results. Using this feature, test and product engineers can rapidly

analyze failures manifested in embedded memories and inspect the physical location and class of each fault to determine the root

cause without involving the IP vendor or SoC designer.

On-Chip Self-Repair

Unlike complex external repair flows, the STAR Memory System’s on-chip repair is fully automated. A built-in self-diagnosis module

determines the location of any memory defect and provides error logging by scanning out failure data for silicon debug. When testing

memories with redundancies that have failures, a built-in repair and redundancy allocation module identifies available redundant

elements and determines the best possible redundancy configuration.

Integrated Test and Repair with Synopsys Embedded Memories

By hardening the timing-critical test and repair logic within the memory hard macro, the Synopsys STAR Memory System provides

unique integration with Synopsys Embedded Memory Compilers. Optimal placement of the timing-critical test and repair logic near

the memory allows faster design closure, higher performance, better area and reduced power.

Silicon Bring-up and Characterization

The STAR Memory System Silicon Browser has advanced automation capabilities to interactively communicate through a JTAG port

with the STAR Memory System’s infrastructure in a chip for post-silicon bring-up, system debug, diagnosis and characterization of

embedded memories. The unique features of the Silicon Browser allow full extraction of memory contents, multi-corner and multi-

voltage characterization, precise physical failure localization, defect classification and redundancy utilization analysis, all from an

engineer’s desktop, and without the need for expensive automatic test equipment.

About Synopsys IP

Synopsys is a leading provider of high-quality, silicon-proven IP solutions for SoC designs. The broad Synopsys IP portfolio

includes logic libraries, embedded memories, PVT sensors, embedded test, analog IP, wired and wireless interface IP,

security IP, embedded processors, and subsystems. To accelerate prototyping, software development and integration of IP

into SoCs, Synopsys’ IP Accelerated initiative offers IP prototyping kits, IP software development kits, and IP subsystems.

Synopsys’ extensive investment in IP quality, comprehensive technical support and robust IP development methodology

enable designers to reduce integration risk and accelerate time-to-market.

For more information on Synopsys IP, visit /ip .

©2023 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks is

available at /. All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.




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