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《地心游记》以及《神秘岛》.人们大都认为其作品是科幻小说,但凡尔纳迷不这样认为。In the

19th century Jules Verne wrote some of the greatest adventure stories ever told. Novels

such as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth,

and The Mysterious Island. Most consider these works of science fiction. Vernians know


惨了Not good!

狗狗乖Whoa! Good boy!



拼了Here we ·go!

晚上好,警官大人。有兴趣来个夜泳吗? Evening, officers. Anyone up for a late night


老兄 这星期的牌局怎么没来?Hey, buddy. Missed you at poker this week.

谢谢你通知我 具体什么情况Thanks for the call. What's going on?

这事本不该外泄We didn't want this going out over the radio.

这孩子私闯卫星基地Kid broke into a satellite facility.

然后骑着摩托冲进了老迈家泳池Then he drove his dirt bike into the McGillicuttys'


我说服他们别起诉了I talked them out of pressing charges.


你继父来了Your stepfather's here for you.

不是继父 是监护人No. Legal guardian.

要不是我,你未来6个月得在少管所度过。 If it weren't for me, you'd be in juvie for the

next six months.

我宁愿被关起来Rather do the time.

想说说为什么要闯进一个偏僻的卫星基地吗Do you want to explain to me why you

were breaking into a satellite facility in the middle of nowhere?

别担心 妈妈 真的没什么Don't worry about it, Mom. It's nothing, really.

警察深更半夜来电话还叫没事The police calling in the middle of the night is



他去那儿干嘛? 他在找什么?What was he doing there? What was he looking for?

宝贝 我也不知道 还得问他Honey, I don't know. All we can do is asking him.

肖恩 得谈谈这事Hey. Sean, we gotta talk about this.

我就纳闷了 他哪儿来的发言权I'm confused. Who gave him a speaking part?

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我若没出面,现在就得去探监了Without my speaking part, we'd visit you in jail right


住这里跟坐牢没差别I'm already in jail.

你什么意思 肖恩What is that supposed to mean? Sean?

是你们把我带到戴顿,离开原来的学习和朋友Look, I didn't ask to be taken away from

my school and friends, and dragged all the way to Dayton.

算了 利兹 It's okay, Liz

不能算了 No, it's not.

肖恩Sean! 肖恩Sean!

他父亲的去世对他的打击很大 It's gotta be tough on him with his father gone.

那也不能这样闯祸That still doesn't excuse his behavior.



现在找到你了,得查个水落石出 Now that I got you, I just gotta figure out what you


别烦我not here.

是我 在忙吗Hey, it's me. You busy?


我就是想和你谈谈,就是忧心的过来人和热血青年人之间的对话 I was looking to talk to

you. You know, very concerned adult to somewhat troubled youth.

我是其中的哪一个? Which one am I in that equation?

穿透过道照在我门前引领你出现Cracked up the walkway to my door 。Brought you

as a·

哥们儿Hey, buddy.

这是什么What's all this?


是密码,对吧? 看着像摩斯密码That's a cryptogram, right? Looks like Morse code.

你看,一个音节的字是"点" 两个音节的字是"划" 我当海军时学过这个Yeah, look. One

syllable words, dots. Two syllable words, dashes. I learned that in the navy.

好 那它说了什么Okay, then. What's it say?

干嘛用的What's it for?

很复杂It's complicated.

密码也不简单So is the code.

好吧 是这样Okay. Here's the deal.

前几晚,我收到奇怪的无线电信号。可能来自任何地方。 重复发送这些内容A few nights

ago, a radio signal got sent out. Could've been anywhere. It was these words on a loop.

皮普 佐恩 斯特拉克斯"Pip, Zorn, Strux." (均为单音节词)

都是凡尔纳小说中的人物,明显是凡尔纳迷发送的 All characters from the books of

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Verne. So, clearly, the message was by a Vernian.

我的设备不给力,无法接受完整信息,所以··And my equipment wasn't powerful

enough to receive the whole message, so·

所以你闯入卫星基地增强信号So you broke into that satellite facility to bt your


有人传信息给我,我得破解它Someone sent this message and I'm gonna be the

person to solve it.

这对我很重要 This is really important to me.

那这样吧 我们一起来破解怎么样Hey, you know what? Why don't we solve this




第一部分的信息是说I S L "岛"" ["岛"前三个字母] "Is." “是R E "真的"["真"前两个字母] "

岛真的存在"The first part of the message reads, The. i. s. l.· island ·is· R. E·Real. The

island is real."

你是认真的?不是耍我吧? You're serious? You're not messing with me?

信息是这么说: "岛真的存在" No. That's what it says. "The island is real."

我不敢相信 真有人找到了那个岛I can't believe it. I can't believe somebody actually

found the island.

哪个岛What island?

神秘岛 凡尔纳迷已经找了很久很久The Mysterious Island. Vernians have been

looking for this for years.

剩下的密码是什么? What's the rest say?

史蒂夫之子生于."Child of Steve, born eighteen eight-three."

生于年"Born ."

史蒂夫之子 史蒂夫之子Child of Steve. Child of Steve.

也许就是史蒂夫的儿子Maybe "Son of Steve"?

史蒂文儿子 史蒂文森[拆开为 史蒂文 儿子] Steven's son. Stevenson.

罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森 -作者吗- Robert Louis Stevenson. - The author.

作者出生远早于年 肯定是别人He was born way before . Gotta be somebody else.

也许不是别人Maybe it's not a somebody.

也许是别的东西Maybe it's a something.

你找什么What are we looking for?

放哪儿啦Come on.

《金银岛》Treasure Island,

罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森著于年written by Robert Louis Stevenson in .

-剩下的谜题呢 -就好- What's the next part of the riddle? - All right.

这个姓氏行动迅速"The name that's last is going fast.

他的故事在雷米尔鲁的桅杆上飘动He hitched his tale to Lemuel's mast."

姓氏行动迅速 跑步者吗Okay, so his last name is going fast. A runner?

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姓什么才表示行动迅速呢What if his last name is fast?

飞逝 迅速 快速Fleet or Quick. Swift.

斯威夫特 乔纳森·斯威夫特Swift. Jonathan Swift.

另一作家Another author.

写了另外一个岛Writing about another island.

这么说 雷米尔鲁肯定是指.So "Lemuel" must be.

太棒了 雷米尔鲁·格列佛ice. Lemuel Gulliver.

现在有三本不同的小说We have three different books.

三个不同的作者写成By three different authors.

描写三个不同的岛屿About three different islands.


也许三本书写的就是同一个岛屿Maybe all three books are about the same island.

也许正因如此才没人找到这个岛Maybe that's why nobody else has ever found it

因为别人都没利用另外两本书because they haven't used the other two books.

《金银岛》有幅地图Treasure Island's got a map.

斯威夫特这本也有Yeah, Swift has one too.

可都跟凡尔纳的不一样 难以理解These are different from Verne's. I don't get it.

你在干嘛What are you doing?

知道我当海军时干什么吃的吗 肖恩You know what I did in the navy, Sean?


我曾连续三年荣获洛克福特奖全靠我的破译本领I won the esteemed Rochefort Award

three years in a row for code-breaking.


神秘岛现出原形了We found your Mysterious Island.

那些是什么Uh, what are those?

地理坐标:经度和纬度 Coordinates.:Longitude and latitude.

这会到我们去··这里.And that'll put us right about ·here

距离帛琉100英里,位于南太平洋That's 100 miles off the coast of Palau, in the middle

of the South Pacific.

你干什么What are you doing?

我得走了 -去哪儿- I gotta go. - Go where?

神秘岛To Mysterious Island.

好啊 真不错All right, cool.

那你路过月球时顺便给我买杯思乐冰吧Hey, can you stop by the moon and grab me a


随你笑话Joke all you want.

那当然 你在这给我听好了Yeah, I will, and you're gonna be here to listen to it.

你不许去帕劳 肖恩You're not going to Palau, Sean.

为什么不行Why not?

第一 你被禁足了,另外 你还得上学Number one, you're grounded. On top of that,

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you got school.

我可是全优生,旷几天课没事,况且这可是神秘岛啊I'm a straight-A student. I can afford

to miss a couple days. Besides, this is Mysterious Island.

淡定 好吗Slow down. Okay?

你认为你可以绕地球半圈就为见见那发密电的疯子吗You think you'll travel half way

around the world meet up with some lunatic messing around on a ham radio?

他可不是疯子It's not some lunatic.

他叫亚历山大·安德森 是我爷爷It's Alexander Anderson, my grandfather.

你怎么知道是他发的How would you know he sent that?

当然了 他是家族第一个凡尔纳迷,究其半生都在搜寻那个岛,只是这两年没了音讯Look, it

makes perfect sense. He's the original Vernian in the family ,he's been looking for the

island half his life and nobody's heard from him in two years.

我猜他碰到麻烦了,我要去找他I think he's in trouble. I'm gonna find him.

打住 肖恩 停Sean, stop. Sean. Stop!

我不会让你独自搞什么营救,不管你乐不乐意, 你还是个孩子I'm not letting you go on

a rescue mission by yourself. Whether you like it or not buddy, you're still a kid.

好吧 我理解你的处境Look, I understand your situation, okay?

你想哄我妈妈高兴 非常感谢 真的You wanna make my mom happy and I appreciate

that. I really do.

但你需要专心经营你的建筑公司,付按揭,照顾好我妈But you need to just focus on

running your construction company and paying the mortgage and asking her how her

day was,

至于我 不牢您费神了because I'm okay.

不管怎样,这件事非同小可And like it or not, this is bigger than you.

他认为信息是他爷爷发的Apparently the message was sent by his grandfather.

肖恩说他有两年没音讯了Sean said he's been missing for a couple years.

很难说是失踪,我们根本不来往It's hard to be missing if you were never around.

亚历山大·安德森的话我一句也不信I wouldn't trust one word from Alexander


但肖恩深信不疑Sean seems really convinced.

亚历山大巧舌如簧Oh, it's always convincing from Alexander.

我懂了,在肖恩心中,亚历山大一定是个卓越的探险家I see. So in Sean's mind,

Alexander's this glamorous adventurer.

但实际上,他是个不负责任又靠不住的家人When in reality ,he was a man that wasn't

there when his family needed him the most.

这样我们更该让肖恩去That's why we need to let Sean go on this trip.


肖恩生活中需要有个父亲,一个愿意支持他 与他时时沟通的男人Sean needs a man in

his life. Somebody who'll be there for him and connect with him.

当我们一起破译密文时,还是头一次好好相处超过五分钟We were cracking that code,

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that was the first time that we were on the same page for more than 5minutes.

那带他去别的岛培养感情,像是夏威夷什么的Then bond with him on some

non-mysterious island, like Hawaii.

夏威夷 你我蜜月之旅啊Ah, Hawaii. Our honeymoon.

阿罗哈Aloha oe.

但我是认真的 宝贝Yes, but I'm serious, babe.

我也是认真的I'm serious too.

我们飞到帕劳We'll fly down to Palau.


When Sean realizes the island's not real, his grandfather's not there·I'll be there to

cushion the blow, and done will be done.

早啊 哥们儿 七点整Good morning, buddy. 0700hours.

我忙着呢I'm busy.

我想你再忙也能腾时间干这个I don't think you're gonna be too busy for this.

让我去帕劳了I'm going to Palau?

差不多Ha, ha. Close.

是我们去帕劳We're going to Palau.


我知道你得过洛克福特奖,但这次探险我酝酿已久 听我的好吧I know you've won the

esteemed Rochefort Award·but I've been on these adventures before so let me handle


兄弟放松点 谁出钱谁才是老大Easy, buddy. Just remember who's financing this

whole trip.

伊莎贝拉女王也没跟着哥伦布找新大陆Queen Isabella didn't tag along with


好吧,伊莎贝拉,我让你带队,我们来瞧瞧··Okay, Isabella. I'll let you handle your

thing..We'll see how·

慢点 当心你那蜥蜴 小心点Wait, watch the lizard. Watch.

原来大块头还怕小爬虫啊Big man's afraid of a little lizard?

男子汉天不怕地不怕。我爱蜥蜴 变成皮鞋皮带时Big man's not afraid anything. I love

lizards when they're boots and belts.

打搅一下Excuse us.


你好吗 我们 美国人 你 导游吗Hey, how's it going? We, uh. We Americans. Uh, you,

tour guide?

-肖恩 -我来- Sean. - I got this.

你 带我们 船 海水You. you take us on boat. On water.

你们想租船吗You wanna charter a boat?

帕劳官方语言就是英语The official language of Palau? English.

谢谢Thank you.

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对 我们想去这里的一个岛Uh, yeah, we need someone to take us to an island

located here.

想都别想Absolutely not.

等等 为什么Wait, why?

因为那里没有岛 只有没完没了的风暴,那里是海船的墓地Because there is no island,

just a bunch of storms. It's a graveyard for ships.

我们可以多给钱 1000美金We'll pay you good money, $1000!

只有傻瓜才为钱玩儿命Only a fool trades his life for money.

抱歉 打扰 今天是你的幸运日 Excuse me, excuse me. Today is your lucky day.

我叫嘎巴托·拉瓜坦 帕劳最牛的船长,我听说你们需要交通工具Hey, I'm Gabato

Laguatan, best captain in Palau. I understand you in need of transportation.

太好了 我们要去这里 可以的话我们会付一千块That's great. We need someone to

get us here. A thousand bucks if you can.

轻松 小菜一碟 来吧 给我 走 伙计们 绝对差不了 包二位满意 我带出海的游客成百上

千,每次都一个不漏带回来Ooh, baby! Easy-peasy, easy-peasy. Let's go. Here we go. Let's

go. Man, this is gonna be so good. You know, you won't be disappointed. I've taken

hundreds of people out to sea. I come back with them alt every single time.

-好船 -漂亮- ice ride. - ice ride.

谢谢 谢谢了Thank you, thank you, thank you.

这堆破烂儿是什么What in the blue heck is that?

帕劳最好的直升飞机That's the finest helicopter in Palau.

还能有更糟的吗Hate to see the worst.

这是我的防盗系统That's my security system.

-我还不如坐泰坦尼克号呢 - - I'd rather take the Titanic. -

凯兰妮,游客来啦 Kailani! We have customers here.

必须见见我女儿,大美人一个,跟我长得超像You simply must meet my daughter. She's

a real beauty. Looks just like me.

这破玩意飞不起来This chopper's not gonna work out.

其实吧 汉克 知道吗 我又好好看了下 这飞机美得耀眼Actually, Hank, you know what?

now that I get a better look at it, this chopper's pretty freaking gorgeous.

这就是跟你长很像的女儿?This daughter looks like you?

看 鼻孔长一样嘛Look. Same trils.

他们是谁?Who are these guys?

我是科学探险家 你好I am a scientific explorer. Hi.

他是.And he's a.

-汉克 -对 汉克- Hank. - Hank.

我们想去这个坐标Right. So we need to get to these coordinates.

这直升机不去,那是海里最危险的海域not on this helicopter. That's the deadliest part

of the ocean.

停停 宝贝 宝贝 你听着 他们可是愿出1000美元啊这样就能让你上大学了Time-out.

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Sweetness, sweetness. Sweetness, look. They agreed to pay us 1000 American dollars,

okay?I could help with college for you then.

加到2000美元才行Make it 2000 .

不行 说好多少就多少No way. We had a deal.

那就3000吧. 不然看谁愿意载你们Then make it 3000 And good luck finding

someone else to take you there.


能刷卡吗Do you take Visa?


各位下午好 欢迎加入嘎巴托豪华游 请坐好 放松身心 并开始终身难忘的旅程吧Good

afternoon, folks, and welcome to Gabato Luxury Tours. Please sit back, relax and get

ready for the ride of a lifetime.

现在是机长广播And now a word from our pilot.

我是本机机长 出门不幸 轻松搞定This is your pilot, and. Here we go. Gotcha!

左侧舷窗下您将欣赏到太平洋 右侧舷窗下 您将欣赏到另一侧的太平洋If you look out

your window on your left, gentlemen, you will see what is known as the Pacific Ocean.

On your right side, you will see the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

你要一路唠叨个不停吗You gonna do that the whole trip?

先生 您支付的可是豪华游Sir, you did pay for the luxury tour.

天空真美 是吧?It's a beautiful sky, huh?

我是说 今天有点格外的··壮丽I mean, today just seems especially majestic.

壮丽? 是吗"Majestic"? Really?

我得做完飞行安全检查I have to finish this in-flight safety check.

我们得绕开风暴We have to go around the storm.

可根据坐标 岛就在那里Uh, according to these coordinates, that's where the island


那里没有岛There is no island there.

看来我们能亲自确认一遍了It looks like we are about to find out.

爸爸 我们得马上离开这里Papa, we gotta get out of here now!

我也想离开来着I was thinking the same thing!

不 不 等等No, no, no. Wait!

《神秘岛》第一章写道乘客被吸入个柱状的气旋The Mysterious Island, chapter one!

"The passengers had been taken into a circling movement of a column of air."

我们就要卷进五级飓风里了,别再照本宣科了We're about to fly into a Category

hurricane! ow's not the time to take the book literally!

得进入风眼才能到达神秘岛We have to go into the eye of the hurricane to get to the


你有病吧 我们都快死了Are you psychotic? We'll never survive!

我们必须相信凡尔纳We gotta trust Verne!

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我只相信地心引力,嘎巴托 快带我们离开You know what I trust? Gravity. Gabato, get

us out of here now!

你说得对 我赞成但是有一件事得说明 这飞机不在我掌控之内了 风门坏了You're right, I

agree with you. But here's the deal I'm not flying this helicopter anymore! The

throttle's broken!


我们要掉下去了We're going down!

挺住啊Hold on!

进去了Here we go!

不 不要死在这里啊no! not like this!

稳住啊 稳住Hang on! Hang on!

肖恩 肖恩 肖恩 醒醒 孩子 快醒醒 没事了 没事了看看能否坐起来 好样的Sean! Sean!

Sean! Come on, buddy. Come on. It's okay. It's okay. Try and sit up. Attaboy.

我就说能成功的吧I told you it'd work.

你说得没错You were right.

真不敢相信居然真到岛上了I can't believe we made it.

他可是儒勒·凡尔纳It's Jules Verne, man.

你得相信他You gotta believe.

我们这是在哪Where are we?

我爸爸呢Where's my father?

谁来救救我 救命啊 我的身子被截成两半了Somebody help me! Help me! My body's

been cut in half!

你的脚还在呢Your foot's right there.

我切断的脚丫子 断了它还在动 它在动My severed foot. And it's moving! It's moving.

我没被截成两段 太好了Oh, and I'm still in one piece. Yay.

你说的没错 这里确实有个岛但看起来不太像岛Well, you were right. There is an island.

not much of one.

跟我想的差远了This is not what I was expecting.

好了 大伙 听着 把冲上岸的物品收集起来 盘点装备 得找个避难所 快行动吧All right,

guys, listen up. We have to gather up everything that washed ashore and take stock of

our supplies. We need to find a shelter. Let's go.

宝贝你在这呢 我以为你丢了呢 我的心肝There you are, baby. I thought I t you. Oh,

yeah. My girl.

我发现一条离开海岸的路Hey, I think I found a way off the beach!

什么声音What was that?

黑漆漆的洞里总是有怪声 继续走 继续走 快走It's a scary noise in a dark cave. Keep

moving. Keep moving. Go, go.

如果这是天堂 那我就是房客 If this is heaven, I'm checking in.

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女士们 先生们 向你们隆重介绍··神秘岛Ladies and gentlemen, I give you ·The

Mysterious Island.

这是到底是什么地方?What is this place?

天哪,这座岛让我们变小了 或者说让我们变巨人了This island, it shrunk us! Or turned

us into giants?

肖恩 凡尔纳对此作何解释Sean, what does Verne say about this?

这是岛屿生物地理学定律之一It's one of the first laws of island biogeography.

小型动物变大 而大型动物变小Small animals become large and large animals

become small.

小人国 斯威夫特在格列佛游记中提到过Lilliputian. Swift alluded to it in Gulliver's


我想把它当宠物养 再给他织件毛衣I'd like to keep him as a pet. I could knit him a

little trunk-warmer.

再见 小家伙See you, buddy.

看那边 你们看到那股烟了吗?那肯定就是我爷爷的营地Hey, check it out. You guys

see that smoke? That's gotta be my grandpa's campsite.

你怎么知道How do you know?

不然呢What else could it be?

也许是当地人点火烧烤,准备把我们当晚餐呢The natives sparking up a barbecue,

getting ready to cook us for dinner.

那就只能一探究竟了Only one way to find out.

等一下 我希望你爷爷平安 但是我爸和我就不跟你们去了Whoa, time-out! I hope your

grandfather's okay, but my father and I aren't going.

我们要回到岸边去 We're headed back to the beach. -

回去干嘛 To do what?

用贝壳或者海草拼个SOS也许有人能看到Spell SOS with seashells and maybe kelp.

.海草 外面只有永不停息遇船吞船、遇机吞机的飓风 谁能看见你那SOS啊Kelp? There's

a boat-eating, plane-eating hurricane out there 24/7. nobody's gonna see your kelp.

肖恩说得对 我们得一起找到他爷爷 然后用他的无线电求救Sean's absolutely right. We

stick together, once he finds his grandfather, use his radio to call for help.

好吧 但我们要是死无全尸 就怪你Fine. Just know that if we get torn to bits, I'm

blaming you.

我也怪你I'm blaming you too.

你真行Real smooth.

我做了什么?What did I do?

我到底说错什么?或是做错了什么?Seriously, what did I say? What did I do?

防晒指数100 最好能挤出件毛衣来SPF100 ? You squeeze it and a sweater comes


你很冷 海军健将 你被晒成土著时 可别来跟我哭Yeah, that's funny, navy man. Don't

come crying to me when you're as red as a tomato.

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我会需要美白吗Do I look like I burn?

天哪, 这些石头好粘 Oh,man·That's one gooey rock.

都别动 这些不是石头而是蛋No one move. These aren't rocks. They're eggs.

别扯了 那快打碎几个煎蛋吃吧Get out. Why don't we crack a couple open and make

some omelets?

那可不明智not a good idea.

别呀 我们还没吃早餐呢Come on, man, I haven't had breakfast yet.

有巨蛋必有巨妈Shh! Where there are giant eggs, there must be a giant mother.

为什么非是蜥蜴不可 为啥不是蛇啊It had to be a lizard. Why couldn't it be snakes?

没办法了 我们要小心快速的移动 蜥蜴听觉和嗅觉超敏锐Okay, okay we just need to

move quickly but carefully. Lizards have incredible hearing and an acute sense of smell.

走吧 走吧Let's move. Just move.

这就叫做如履薄冰We are literally walking on eggshells.


千万别动Don't take another step.

爸爸 小心Papa, be careful.

别担心 宝贝 没事 看 没事吧Don't worry, honey. I got this. See? no problem. Oh!

我的妈呀Oh, man!

快跑 快跑 快跑Run, run, run!

进丛林里去Head for the jungle!

快点 快点Faster! Faster!

快跑 快 快Let's go! Go! Go!


快点Come on!

这边This way!

快跑Let's go!

快 快 快 跑Go, go, go! Move!

它在你们后面 快跑It's right behind you! Hurry!

快点啊Come on!


哥斯拉Hey, Godzilla!

不好了Oh, crap.

苍天啊Oh, man!

快跑 快跑 快跑Oh, go, go, go!

快点 快点Come on, come on!

-快点 快跑 -快点- Come on, keep moving! - Hurry!

退后 退后 退后Back! Back! Back!

肖恩 到我后面去Sean, get behind me.

肖恩 背包给我Sean, backpack!

退后 退后Back! Back!

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-汉克 汉克 -退后- Hank! Hank! - Back!

等下再说 肖恩 她害怕了not now, Sean. She's scared!

不是 她是冷血动物 很喜欢热源No, she's cold-blooded and attracted to heat!

真不给面子 That's emasculating.

现在怎么办now what?

只有一个办法了 用拳头招待她 看来弄巧成拙了now there's only one thing left. The

thunder cookie. I think I just made it worse.

希望她不喜欢波利尼西亚食物Hope she doesn't like Polynesian food.

但愿她不喜欢沾上便便的食物I hope she don't like food with poop in its pants!

快跑 快跑 快跑Go, go, go!

大家没事吧Everybody okay?


傻站着干嘛 鼓掌啊Well, don't just stand there. Applaud!


太神奇了That was amazing.

用求偶的叫声引开蜥蜴 这招总是屡试不爽A pitch-perfect frill-necked lizard mating

call. They fall for it all the time.

这是嘎巴托和凯兰妮 他们开直升机送我来的This is Gabato and Kailani. Their

helicopter brought us here.

见到你们很高兴Pleasure. Pleasure.

我是肖恩的继父 汉克·帕森斯 我帮肖恩破解你的密电And I'm Sean's stepfather, Hank

Parsons. I helped Sean crack your code.

你就是他继父 怪不得这么久才破译You're the stepfather? Well, maybe that's why it

took so long, eh?

有什么难的··不过是把一堆凡尔纳书中的人物转化为摩斯密码After all, how hard can it

be to crack a code by converting a string of Vernian characters into a list of dots and


你大可直接传信息,搞什么密码 Or you could have just sent a message not in code.

这就说明了为何你不是安德森家的人There it is, definitive proof that you are not an


我想我们还是快点离开这里I think it's best we get out of here.

那声交尾叫声之后,她可能就认定你当老公了After that mating call, she may have

ideas about making you her husband.

真可爱的回马枪 亨利Oh, witty. Good for you, Henry.

我叫汉克 不是亨利 就是汉克The name's Hank. It's never Henry. Just Hank.

我看你是个很有决断力的人 要不你来带路Ah. I see you're a man of incisive decision.

Why don't you lead the way?

事实上,我们似乎还想见到明早的太阳 没错 所以你们大家 还是跟我走吧Oh, actually

we want to live through the night. Yes. So maybe you should all follow me. Come


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汉克 我跟你走Hank? I'm following you.

好 快走吧 跟上去All right, come on. Go ahead.

这里好棒That's awesome.

到了,伙计们 上来吧 这就是我家 欢迎光临 Here we are, folks. Come on up. This is

my place. Welcome.

有正常运转的电梯 室内卫生间We've got a working elevator, indoor plumbing.

我甚至还配备了台75英寸高清电视And I've even got A 75-inch HDTV.

这些怎么建起来的How'd you build all this stuff?

我是用搭乘的那艘名叫"碧眼露西一号"的船做成的 她在那场飓风中丧生了 所以我才得以

发现这无比绚丽的神秘岛I made it out of the sailboat that brought me here. Old

Blue-Eyed Lucy. She gave her life in that hurricane so that I could discover the

ever-glorious Mysterious Island.


谢谢Oh, thank you.

你就用这无线电发射信号的吗This the radio you used to send the signal?

对 我用闹钟和从那边山上挖出的铜外加一个茶匙做成的Yes. I made it myself out of an

alarm clock some copper I mined in the hills over there and a teaspoon.

你知道这花了我多长时间吗You know how long it took me to make it?

我不知道 大概··谁在乎呢··Oh, I don't know..Probably a little less than· who cares?

三个月 你知道要是换成你 得花多长时间吗 永远都做不出来 哈哈哈Three months.

You know how long it would've taken you? Forever. Ha-ha-ha!

我们联系下帕劳,然后离开这座岛吧Let's just contact Palau, get off this island.

那可不那么容易 亲爱的 你必须等到卫星绕到适当的位置才行It's not that easy, darling.

You have to wait for the satellite to come around to the proper ition.

那要多久How long's that gonna take?

大约两周吧Oh, about two weeks.

等等 你是说我们要在困这里两周Wait, do you mean we're stuck here for two weeks?

"困在这里" 我觉得这会很有意思 我们能更了解彼此 "Stuck here"? I think it'll be fun.

We can get to know each other better.

肖恩 苟活在这可一点都不好玩 再说,两周不跟你妈妈联系 她该多担心Sean, surviving

here won't be fun. How will your mom feel if we're off the grid for two weeks?

等你们回去的时候 兴许她都改嫁了By the time you get back, she's probably gonna

be remarried.

你就任由他这么跟你说话啊You gonna let him talk to you like that?

没事It's okay.

好吧 哈兰德·桑德斯 您怎么打算的Okay, so, what's the plan, Colonel Sanders?


么孵化的吗?How about you show us more of your trinkets that won't get us off this


Anyone else thinking about the eggs hatching?

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如果你害怕小动物 那你一开始就不该来这 亨利 If you're afraid of a few critters,

maybe you shouldn't have come down here, Henry.

这是神秘岛It is called the Mysterious Island.

那就肯定有很多神秘的事物 地如其名You should've expected mysterious things. It's

right in the title.

我知道书上怎么写 你想找神秘岛 现在找到了I know what the book says. You wanted

to find Mysterious Island. Mission accomplished.

你想找你奶奶 也找到了 天亮我们就走 最后说一次 我叫汉克You wanted to find your

Grandmother. Mission accomplished. At daybreak we're out of here. And for the last

time, it's Hank.

干嘛那么着急明天 我带你们去个地方 那一定会让你们叹为观止的What's the hurry?

Tomorrow, I am gonna show you a place that will take your breath away.

会危险吗?Like forever?

明天就知道了,先睡一会吧 明天可是个大日子You're all gonna find out. So let's get

some shut-eye. It's a big day tomorrow.

晚安 亲爱的Good night, honey.

-晚安 爸爸 -晚安- Good night, Papa. - Good night.

还好吧Hey, how's it going?

除了被你害到身陷荒岛 其他都挺好Well, apart from you stranding us on this stupid

island, just fine.

好 好 我想 如果你愿意的话 我们可以聊聊天什么的Good. Good. So, hey, I was

thinking, you know, sometime we could hang out or something if you wanted to.

我想我们喜欢的东西会很不一样I have a feeling that your idea of fun and my idea of

fun are two very different things.

也许吧 你周末喜欢干嘛I don't know. What do you like doing on the weekends?

收集标记软体动物Collect and label mollusks.

不是吧 我也喜欢 我可喜欢软体动物了o way! Me too. I'm way into mollusks.

-真的吗 -真的- Really? - Yeah.

那你喜欢什么Well, which one's your favorite?

.我喜欢麦克泽皮特克蜗牛Mine's the Mxyzptlk snail.

说了你可能不信 但那也是我的最爱You're not gonna believe me, but that's my

favorite too.

那是我瞎编的I just made that up.

麦克泽皮特克根本不是蜗牛 而是超人的一个劲敌Mxyzptlk isn't a snail. It's one of

Superman's archenemies.

你真是个把妹高手Way to slay the heart.


想引起一个女人的注意是最难的事之一Getting the attention of a woman is one of

the hardest things to do.

好吧我该怎么做 卡萨诺瓦All right. So, what do I do, Casanova?

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我等你这话很久了 要了解女孩你必须知道三件事 第一 别靠直觉 生活的其他事情都能靠

直觉指引 除了女人 所以你想要什么就反其道而行 第二 你要开诚布公 贴心温柔 女人想要的

男人不仅仅得像我这样孔武有力 这还不够 她们想要个灵魂伴侣 闺蜜 她们希望有人能理解她

们 女人喜欢那种感受内心深处情感的男人 第三条则是最重要的 这条规则 千百年来迷倒了无

数妹子I been waiting a long time to have this talk with you, buddy. There are three

things to know about understanding girls. Number one ,Don't follow your instincts. Any

other area in life instincts will get you there. not with women. So whatever you think

you should do, do the opposite. Number two You need to be open, sensitive. Women

don't want a man just because he's big and strong and has abs like mine. No. They want

a thinker, they want a feeler. They want someone who can understand them. Women

want a man who is in touch with his t inner emotions. And the third thing is the most

important. It's something that women have responded to for thousands of years.

告诉我Well, tell me.

你得这样You have got to do this.

这是什么What is that?

这是抖胸示爱协奏曲 扔个浆果试试That is the pec pop of love. Now go on and throw

a berry.

才不要 no. -

扔 你后面就有 拿起一个扔过来 别害怕 他们也不会咬你 摘个浆果Throw a berry.

There's some behind you. Grab one and throw it. Don't be afraid, they're not gonna bite.

Grab a berry.


继续 摘一串 连续扔 来Go ahead, grab a bunch. Rapid-fire, now.

我可不会连续扔I'm not doing rapid-fire.

你要不喂它们 可是会不停哟They will not stop until you feed them.

喂 不要Feed them? no.

它们饿了They're hungry.

我来喂I'll feed them.

好 来Attaboy. Come get some.

好了 你准备好了吗 预备 开始Okay, you ready? Ready? Here we go.


准备好了吗 这个可不一样Ready? This one's special.

没问题Make this one count.

真不可思议 太厉害了o way, that's awesome.

别夸他Stop encouraging him.

这是一种天赋It's a gift.

-是一种天赋 -他有天赋- It is a gift. - He has a gift.

肖恩 这屡试不爽Sean, it works every time.

跟上 叨叨 快点Come on, Gabby. Get a move on.

他要去哪Where's he going?

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不知道 但是你再慢点他就要打屁股了快点I don't know, but if this goes on much

longer, he'll blow a hip. Come on.

我知道了Oh! I'm going.

快点 快点 我们马上就到了Come on, come on. We're alt there.

准备好了 叨叨 我要让你窒息了Get ready, Gabby. I'm about to take your breath



现在佩服你奶奶了吧How do you like Grandma now?


好几千年没人住了 叨叨o one's been home for thousands of years, Gabby.

有谁能猜一下Can anybody guess

这些是什么what all this is?

你认识吗Do you know?



是海神波塞冬Well, that's Poseidon.

-能挪一下吗 -行- Can you move this? - Yeah.


我不敢相信 我们站在已经消失之城亚特兰提斯上 凡尔纳曾巨细无遗的描写它 I can't

believe it. We're standing in the t city of Atlantis. The same Atlantis that Verne wrote

about, down to the last detail.

可它不是在海底下吗But wasn't Atlantis underwater?

凡尔纳描写时它的确在海底 它每140年经历一个周期有一半的时间在水上Oh, when

Verne wrote about it, it was, but it has a 140-year cycle and spends half its time above

the water.

那另一半时间呢What about the other half?

这叫地壳构造循环,海床因为岩层火山活动而隆起将地表推高拉低It's called tectonic

recurrence. The ocean bed buckles due to volcanic activity pulling land to the surface.

这个岛因此被带回海底Then the entire island sinks back to the bottom of the sea.

没人见过这么大规模的地质运动Nobody's ever seen it on this big of a scale.

太惊人了This is amazing.

跟我来 我寻找这个天堂已经30年了 我答应过你爸要一起找到它 但他无缘分享这一刻

只得确保他儿子一定在这里 所以我才编了那密码 我想让安德森家的人 在别人之前最先看到

这个地方 有些人的姓氏被用来命名星星和物种,还有植物 我们的名字则会被用在这个神奇的

岛上 两周后 通知当局来接我们 三周后 我们将登上时代杂志的封面Come with me. I've

been looking for this piece of paradise for 30 years. I promised your old man that we'd

find it together. But he's not here to enjoy it so I made sure that his son would be. That

is why I encoded that message. I wanted an Anderson to see this place before anyone

else. Some men get to put their names on stars, species, plants. We get to put our name

on this gorgeous island. In two weeks, we'll contact the authorities to pick us up and in

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three weeks, we'll be on the cover of TIME magazine.

各位 我们有麻烦了Guys. We got a problem.

什么意思What do you talking about?

看这水 这是海水 海水能到达这么深的陆地的唯一可能是从地底下渗出来You see this?

It's saltwater. The only way saltwater gets this far inland is if it enters the subsoil from



所以这个岛快沉了So this island's about to go under.

是你的脑子进水了吧 我分析过样本 也计算过数据 这岛还要14年才会沉没The only

saltwater here is on your brain. I've analyzed the samples and I've calculated the

numbers. This island isn't due to sink for 14 years.

亚历山大 你的数据错了Alexander, your numbers are wrong.

你怎么知道And how would you know that?

我弄工程时偶然发现被水冲刷过的区域叫土壤液化 看 在这里隔水层缝隙里 就能看到

还有那里 这后面I've come acts this as we build over runoff areas. [地盘破坏方式]It's

called soil liquefaction. Look, you can see it in the cracks in the confining beds all along

here, along here, over there, back here.

好吧 你说的有道理Okay, you made your point.

我们还有多长时间Well, how long do we have?

根据这些水 我猜两天 最多三天If I had to guess, based on all this water two, three

days max.

然后呢 我没有救生圈Then what? Because I ain't no flotation device, man.

走不了那就惨了You gonna be if we don't figure this out.

一定有办法离开这里的There must be some way off this island.

我们能造一艘船We could build a boat.

环绕这岛的风暴会把它撕碎The storm around this island will chew it up, spit it out.

我有办法了,我们去找鹦鹉螺I've got something. What about the Nautilus?

那东西能帮忙什么How is an exercise machine gonna help us get out of here?

我是说 鹦鹉螺号尼莫船长1870年造的潜水艇no, no, the Nautilus. Captain Nemo's

submarine, built in1870 .

好主意 肖恩Well done, Sean.

第16章 凡尔纳说它藏在岛上某处Chapter , Verne wrote it is hidden on the island.

如果能及时找到,我们可以绕过飓风回到帕劳If we can make it there in time, we can

ride it under the hurricane back to Palau.

但是 问题是它在哪?Okay. One question :Where is it?

只有一个人能告诉我们答案 那就是尼莫船长There's only one man who can tell us that

and that is Captain Nemo himself.

达卡岩穴 尼莫船长的长眠之地 传说他的船员把他埋这里了The Dakkar Grotto. The

final resting place of Captain Nemo. Legend has it his crew buried him there.

我告诉你你这里最好有什么 他的航海日志 它会告诉我们鹦鹉螺号的位置I'll tell you

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what had better be in there Nemo's journal. It could tell us the location of the


我可爬不进去 太肥了点I've never been able to crawl in there on my own. Too many

fried eggs, I'm afraid.

我去 我是惟一的人选I'll go. I'm the only one who can fit.

不行 那里太危险No way. It's too dangerous.

真贴心 可我不需要经过你的允许Sweet, but I don't need your permission.

亲爱的 爸爸爱你 记住安全守则 小心点 不知道下面有什么危险Honey? - Papa loves

you. - You remember the drill. Be careful. Who knows what's down there.

亲爱的 你没事吧 没事吧Honey? Honey? You okay?!

没事I'm fine.

我进来了I'm inside!

里面有什么What was that?

这就是岛屿下沉的声音So that's what a sinking island sounds like.



把她拉出来Pull her out! Pull her out!

这人的字真潦草啊Man, that guy had some terrible handwriting.

-像梵文 -很接近了 这是北印度文- Looks like Sanskrit. - Ce. It's Hindi.

是的 尼莫来自印度Yeah, nemo's from India.

这里写着鹦鹉螺号位于岛另一头的玄武岩洞里,就在波塞冬崖的下面 我知道那地方It says

here that the Nautilus is in a basalt cave on the other side of the island, just under

Poseidon's Cliffs. I know this place.

我们得去那里That's where we gotta go.

怎么去比较好What's the best way there?

很难说Well, now, that depends.

最安全的办法是沿着海岸线走,但最快的办法是直穿过岛中心The safest way is around

the shoreline but the fastest way is across the heart of the island.

你觉得呢 汉克What do you think, Hank?

-没得选 只能求快 -他说的对- I think we got no choice. The quickest way. - He's


我赞成I'm in.

但是警告你 岛中心充满了崎岖的山 黑暗的丛林 可怕的生物 你会噩梦不断的 所以呢

谁准备好去冒险了Yeah, but let me warn you. The heart of this island is full of jagged

mountains, dark jungles and terrifying creatures who will give you nightmares. So,

who's up for an adventure?

我们到了吗Are we there yet?

该到自然就会到 叨叨We get there when we get there, Gabby.

怎么回事What was that?

岛下面的海底岩层开始裂了The tectonic plates are starting to pull apart

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underneath the island.

快走 快快 走We gotta move. Let's go. Move. Move.

等等 那是什么Wait, what is that?

是火山灰吗Volcanic ash?

看起来像是 It looks like Gold.

纯金Pure gold.

是史蒂文森小说《金银岛》提到的宝藏 火山喷出来的就是构成它的东西 如果喷出来的是

金子 那这座山就是The treasure Stevenson talked about in Treasure Island. Volcanoes are

made of what they erupt. So if that thing's erupting gold, then it's.

金山 A mountain of gold.

一定蕴藏了大量金矿 我们去看看Must be massive gold deposits. Let's go check it out.

等等 那太费时间了 我们没那么多时间Hold on. That'll take us days out of our way.

We don't have the time.

挤点时间 这可是座金山哪 是科学上的重大发现啊Let's make the time. Volcanic gold?

That's a huge scientific breakthrough.

知道 但我们必须快去找鹦鹉螺号I understand, but we gotta get to the Nautilus.

汉克 我不是小孩子了 我也有决定权Hank, I'm not just a little kid. Okay? I get a say in

this too.

肖恩 我得对你负责 不能拿你的生命冒险Sean, I am responsible for you. I'd never

take a chance with your life.

你不能命令他做什么或不做什么 你不是他爸Hey, hey, you can't tell him what to do.

You're not his father.

据我所知 你这个爷爷当得也不称职From what I hear you haven't been much of a


我在各方面给他树立榜样 科学 探险 梦想 你给过他什么?I have given him something

to live up to. Science, adventure, wonder. What have you ever given him?

我给过他很多 其中一项是责任感 你显然不具备此项I've given him a lot of things, a

sense of responsibility being one of them. Something clearly you don't have.

不能去 我们要快走 没得商量You're not going. We're getting out of here. End of


肖恩 求你 我们得快离开这个岛Sean, please. We have to get off this island.

再见啦 金子Bye-bye, gold.

你没事吧Hey, you okay?

没事儿Yeah. Fine.

只是 我不需要汉克成日管着我It's just, you know, I don't need Hank trying to tell me

what to

do all the time.

我爸也管的很多,总把我弄得很难堪My dad's always trying to get involved too, but he

usually ends up embarrassing me.

是吗 怎么说Yeah? How?

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去年暑假 我想去打工,他就开着直升机在帕劳撒了几千份我的简历Last summer I was

trying to get a job so he flew all over Palau dropping thousands of copies of my resume

from his helicopter.

真难堪啊 他们管这么多真的很烦人That's embarrassing. Isn't that the worst when

they try so hard?

不 要是啥都不管才更糟呢no. I mean, the worst would be if they didn't try at all.

亚历山大 你的指南针指向正确吗Alexander, are you sure your compass readings are


当然正确啦 咋了Of course I am. Why?

为什么 因为我们在山底 需要一路爬上去Why? Because we're down here and we need

to be all the way up there.

每个问题都有解决方法 我的大块头朋友 而我觉得这个会很好玩To every problem,

there is a solution, my large friend, and I think this might be a fun one.

你觉得这个会很好玩吗?有人带伞了吗? 显然神仙婆婆要带我们飞上去You think this

might be a fun one, eh? Does anybody have an umbrella? Because Mary Poppins is

gonna fly us up to the top of the cliff.

我就知道你会派上用场的 亨利 在这等着I knew you'd be good for something. Better

wait here, Henry.

他要去哪Where's he going?

不知道 但他肯定疯了I don't know, but that guy's out of his mind.

一点儿没错 我发现只要不看它的眼睛 要骑上这蜜蜂很容易Oh, I t certainly am. It turns

out that mounting the bee is easy if you don't look into its eyes.

太奇妙了That is so sick.

你快下来Okay, you get down now.

为什么Why would I get down?

因为老太太从蜜蜂上掉下来而保险公司不会赔 下来吧Well, because Medicare doesn't

cover old ladies falling off of giant bees. Get down.

随便你Suit yourself.

当这里成了太平洋一部分时,你最好带条泳裤But make sure you're wearing swimming

trunks when this place becomes the Pacific Ocean.


能载我一程吗Can we fly together?

太棒了This is amazing!

就像骑骏马驰骋在大草原上Like riding stallions acs the Serengeti.

太美了 就像在天堂This is beautiful! Talk about paradise!

天啊Oh, man!

-那是.-难不成是鸟屎- Is that.? - Bird poop?

那肯定是只巨鸟.That must be one giant bird!

到树林里去Into the trees!

它看起来很饿That thing looks hungry!

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那是白喉针尾雨燕A white-throated needletail.

他们吃虫 蚜虫还有 蜜蜂It feeds on worms, aphids and, yes, bees!

那里还有一只There's another one!

抱紧我Hold on!

小心Watch out!

别占道Stay in your own lane!

你知道撞鸡吗Are you familiar with Chicken?

这又不是鸡These aren't chickens!

不是 那个撞鸡游戏No, the game! Chicken!

好点子I like the way he thinks.


等等 再等等 就现在not yet. not yet! now!

很酷吧 小老弟Yeah! How cool was that, little buddy?

我爱你 汉克 爱死你了I love you, Hank! I love you so much!

爱你I love you.

高兴过头了 过头了Too much happy. That's too much happy.

抓好Hold on!


你救了我You saved me.

我救了你Yeah, I guess I did.

也许还没呢Or maybe not!

快 快下去Go, go! Get out of here!

肖恩 你要干嘛Sean, what are you doing?

来吧 小鸟Come on, bird!

尝尝这个吧Let's do this!

肖恩 怎么了Sean. Talk to me.

我的脚踝动不了了It's my ankle. I can't move it.

看起来很严重 得检查一下This could be serious. I need to look at it.

不能在这里not here.

这里天黑后更危险This part of town is even more dangerous after dark.

数到3, 我把你拉起来,起来,好了,手给我,走吧 Okay. I'm gonna get you up, on three.

One, two, three. Up. That's it. Give me your arm. Okay. Now come on.

肿消了吗 Has the swelling gone down?

脱臼很严重 可能得耽搁一阵儿了It's dislocated pretty bad. We might be here a


我们去找点水Well, we'll go get some water.

哥们儿 得把脚踝装回去We're gonna have to pop it back in, buddy.

好 动手吧Okay. Let's do it.

我摁住他 你数到三动手Alexander, I'll brace him. You do it on three?

好Got it.

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-准备好了吗 -好了- Ready? - Yeah.


二和三哪去了?What happened to two and three?

对啊,二和三呢? Yeah .What happened to two and three?

二和三?没那么糟了Two, three. Wasn't so bad.

也好不到哪里去,有止疼的东西吗?It wasn't very good. Do we have anything for the


没有There's nothing in here.

好了 小子 All right, buddy.

没事了There you go. Okay.


我们有这个We have this.

不要啊No, no, no.

别担心,我不会在星光下篝火前 对着男的唱歌的Don't worry. I don't sing to dudes

underneath the stars in front of a cozy fire.

-那不是我的风格 -很好- It's not my style. - Good.

你会唱歌You can sing?

会一点儿A little bit.


音乐是天然止痛药 给他唱首歌吧Music is nature's painkiller. Sing him a song.


唱一个吧Come on.


别担心Don't worry.

给你唱首特别的I got something special for you.


来吧All right.

这能让我不那么疼Oh, that's gonna make me feel better?

别急 得先调好音 一个大男人弹一把小吉他 有点浪费Slow it down. Just gotta get in

tune. Takes a big man to play a little guitar.

听众牺牲更大And an even bigger one to listen.

i}我看到树木葱葱茏茏I see trees of green

i}玫瑰娇艳欲滴Red roses too

i}看到她们为你我I see them bloom

i}倾情绽放For me and for you

i}我想And I think to


i}多么美好的世界What a wonderful world

i}看到巨蜂I see giant bees and

i}我要告诉你I could have told you

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i}别信亚历山大Don't trust Alexander

i}他是个老顽固He's older than Yoda

i}我想And I think

i}这是To myself

i}多么美好的世界What a wonderful world

i}我们所在的The island

i}这座小岛That we stand on

i}就要下沉Well, it's currently sinking

i}你到底中了什么邪Sending those secret codes

i}发送那些密电What the heck were you drinking?

i}不过这些But it's

i}已成历史All in the past.

i}忘却过去We wiped the slate clean.

i}我们要去寻找We're going to find



你会觉得And you'll think to yourself

这是个多么美妙的世界What a wonderful world

唱得太棒了Oh, that was extraordinary.

夸我多才多艺吗What, my multiple talents?

不 终于见到梦寐以求的会唱歌的臭鼬猿了no, after all these years, finding the elusive

singing Sasquatch.

说真的 你怎么学会弹吉它的o, but seriously, where'd you learn to play like that?

小时候我爸爸经常唱歌给我听My dad used to sing it to me when I was a kid.

记得提醒我回去请他喝一杯Remind me to buy him a drink when we get back.

没问题 如果有幸能找到他的话Yeah. Good luck finding him.


他呢Where is he?

不知道Don't know.

我岁那年他走了 以后再也没见过 但至少我学会了唱歌He left when I was , and I

haven't seen him since. At least I got a good song out of it, right?


你喜欢他 对吗?You like him, don't you?

谁 肖恩吗 才不呢Who, Sean? o.

他虽然有点急性子,但是个好孩子Yeah, he's a little hotheaded, you know, but he

seems to be a good kid.

我俩绝无可能,离开这座岛 他就会回美国继续他的生活,去上大学,而我则回到帕劳It can

never happen between us. I mean, if we get off this island, he'll go back to America,

move on with his life and go to college. And I'll go back to tiny Palau.

要是你想 你也可以上大学You could go to college someday if that's something

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you really want.

谁帮你做生意 更何况我们负担不起Who's gonna help you at work? Plus we can't

afford it.

别这么说 你想上大学 那就去上 明白吗 老爸能搞定 我保证Don't say that. You wanna

go to college, you can go to college. Okay? I can make that happen. I promise.

谢谢 爸爸Thanks, Papa.

汉克 汉克 快起来Hank. Hank, get up.

情况不对 大家快起来Something's wrong here. Everybody up!

这水从哪来的Where'd this water come from?

看来液化速度一夜之间快了三倍It looks like the liquefaction rate tripled overnight.

什么意思What's that mean?

也就是说这座岛比预期沉得还快It means this island is sinking a lot faster than we


我记得你说有几天时间I thought you said a couple of days.

现在看来只剩几个小时了Now more like a couple of hours.

几个小时A couple of hours?

我们得快点找到潜水艇We need to get to that sub

要么就等着沉到海底两万里吧or we'll all be leagues under the sea.

爸爸Papa? 爸爸Papa? 爸爸Papa!

-他不见了 -别着急- He's gone. - Stay calm.

说不定他去小便了He's probably gone for a pee.

不好了 不好了Oh, no. Oh, no.


昨晚他说要送我去上大学 现在我明白了 他一定去金山了 我得去找他 你们去找潜水艇

要是我们没赶到 你们就先走Last night, he promised me he'd send me to college. Now I

know what he meant. He's going after the mountain of gold. Look, I gotta go get him.

You guys head to the sub. If we're not there in time, leave without us.

不行 你不能一个人去 我跟你一起去No way. You're not going alone. I'll go with you.

肖恩 你脚上有伤 这离那有英里Sean, you have a dislocated ankle, that's four miles.

没关系 我能行 没事 it's fine. I can do it. It'll be okay.

不行 肖恩 他说的对 你这样去不了No, Sean, he's right. You're in no condition to

make that trip.

那也不能让她自己去Well, she can't go alone.

我跟她去Then I'll go with her.

是我叫你来这里 是我害你身陷险境 如果这地图没错的话 三叉戟悬崖应该在那个方向

一英里半外 你俩尽快去找鹦鹉螺号 在岸上等我们会合I'm the one who called you to this

island. It's my fault you're in this quagmire. If this map of ours is right, then the Trident

Cliffs should be about a mile and a half in that direction. You get to the nautilus as

soon as you can and then meet us on the shoreline.

我们只有一张地图We have one map.

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把你手机给我Let me see your phone.

地图给我Let me see this thing.

现在有两张了now we have two.

汉克 干得好Hank, well done.

谢谢你Thank you.

叫我汉克For calling me Hank.


小心点Be careful.

走吧 宝贝Come on, darling.

一会儿见 我保证I'll see you soon. I promise.

准备好了吗 肖恩Ready, Sean?


走吧Come on.

好疼 那里也疼 金子 美梦成真了not that there! That hurt too! Gold. Our prayers

have been answered.

海神三叉戟在这 潜水艇本该在这里呀There's Poseidon's Trident, right where it's

supposed to be.

我们要找悬崖 这是海岸We need the cliff. This is just shoreline.

鹦鹉螺号应该就在这儿的洞穴里The autilus is suped to be inside of a cave right here.

或许地图错了Maybe the map is wrong.

我看看Let me see it.

肖恩 是这里没错Sean, we are in the right place.

那洞穴在哪 鹦鹉螺号在哪Well, then where's the cave? Where's the autilus?

下面Down there.

二十四小时内海平面升高了一百英尺The sea level's risen over feet in the last hours.

不敢相信 我们来晚了 完蛋了I can't believe this is happening. We're too late. It's


不 没有 没关系o, it's not. It's okay. It's okay.

我们仔细想想 想办法 有了We just gotta think. We just gotta think of a way to get. I

got it.

-什么 -潜水气瓶- What? - Scuba tanks.

要列举一下我们缺的东西吗? 火箭推动器 女友 宣纸Are we listing things that we

don't have? Okay, a jet pack, a girlfriend, calligraphy paper.

不 不 听我说 我们只要宣纸no, no, listen to me. We just. "Calligraphy paper"?

我随口一说It popped into my head.

-我们还有防水袋 对吗 -对- We have a couple of dry bags, right? - Yeah.

我们要物尽其用 自制潜水气袋Okay, so we take what we salvaged from the beach,

and we build makeshift scuba tanks.

尽量深呼吸 不要拖拉下沉时注意保持耳内气压平衡No short breaths. No wasted

movements. Make sure you equalize ear pressure as you go down.

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如果我们死在下面,老妈会杀了我们You know, if we die down there, Mom's gonna kill


那我们一定要成功Then let's do this.

爸爸Papa? 爸爸Papa.

你来这干嘛?快回鹦鹉螺号去 我回头去找你What are you doing here? You're suped to

be back at the Nautilus. I'll meet you back there.

爸爸 住手Papa, stop. 住手Stop. 爸爸 住手Papa, stop!

宝贝 这是我们唯一的机会 让你上大学的唯一机会 拥有不一样的生活 更好的生活Baby,

this is our one chance. Our one chance to send you to college. To give you a different

life, a better life.

爸爸 只要我们在一起 就能拥有一切 我们回家吧Papa. We'll have all the wealth we'll

ever need just as long as we're together. Let's go home.

好 好All right. All right.


动作快点 叨叨Double-time, Gabby.

好了 只是一百英尺而已Okay, it's only feet down,

潜水气袋只够吸两次and we've got two hits of air with this.


准备好了吗Are you ready?

问我准备好了吗 你准备好了吗Am I ready? Are you ready?

我百分百准备好了I'm totally ready.

我百分二百准备好了Well, I'm totally ready.

我打从娘胎就准备好了Well, I'm probably more ready than you.

少来 我上辈子就准备好了o, there's no way. I'm, like, twice as ready as you are.

咱们因为害怕在拖延时间 对吧We're procrastinating out of fear, aren't we?

-没错 -是的- Absolutely. - Yeah.

等等 你这是往哪走Wait, which way are you going?

说实话 我也不确定Frankly, I'm not sure.

你不确定 我们时间不多了You're not sure? Look, we're running out of time.

好吧 哪面是北Well, which way's north?

这个方向 不对 不 不是那边 是这边 这里磁干扰太强This way. no. no, that's not it. It's

this way. We're getting too much magnetic friction.

什么意思What does that mean?

就是我们迷路了It means we're t.

成功了We made it.

鹦鹉螺号The Nautilus.

走Come on.

肖恩 给我手电筒Sean, give me the flashlight.

把它发动起来 然后去跟他们会合Let's power this up and get to the others.

没指南针怎么找北How do we find north without a compass?

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我已经骑过大蜜蜂,不想再骑大蜘蛛了I already rode a giant bee. I ain't getting on no


蜘蛛总是面朝南织网[引自《地心游记》]Spiders build their webs facing south.

各位 我想我找到蜘蛛了Guys? I think I found our spider.

那就快朝反方向走吧And we go the other way.

压载控制板肯定在这附近The ballast control panel's gotta be around here


启动开关在哪Where's the power switch?

我想这个就是I think this is it.

你怎么知道的How do you know?

第十七章里写得很清楚It's right there in chapter .

又多一个凡尔纳迷Someone's reading their Verne.

让咱们启动她吧Let's fire this baby up.

快点 快运转起来Come on, come on. Wake up!

引擎坏了 咱们得下去看看The engine's dead. We gotta get under the hood.

这些电池有140年了These batteries are 140 years old.

需要电激活It's gonna need a jump-start.

但那得上千瓦的电流Yeah, but that's gonna take thousands of kilowatts of


你和我想的一样吗You thinking what I'm thinking?

太疯狂了That's completely insane.


-电线跟鱼叉接好了吗 -接好了- Cable attached to the harpoon? - Yeah.

很好 只要充一下电,咱们就能出发了Great. One good charge from that thing out

there, we're gonna be on our way.

好 但你得平安归来Okay. But I need you to come back.

当然 不然谁给你开潜水艇Of course. Somebody's gotta help you pilot this thing.

不 我是说no, I mean.

如果有人问起 我绝不承认这话 你一定要平安归来 身边已经有很多人离我而去 我不想

你也成为其中一个Look, if anybody ever asks, I'm gonna deny that I ever said this. But I

need you to come back. I've had a lot of people take off on me in my life and I don't

want you to be one of them.

出发之前,我向你妈保证会照顾好她的宝贝儿子 你不仅是她儿子 也是我的家人 我答应你

为了你我会平安回来,好吗?Before we left, I told your mom that I was gonna take care of

her son. You're not just her son. You're my family too now. I promise you I'll come back

for you. Okay?


现在某人也要去探险了 Now, who's up for an adventure?

他们在哪Where are they?

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他们不在这They're not here.


他们最好快点,我们快没有立足之地了They'd better get here quick! We're running out

of real estate!

这里Hey, over here!

你跑哪去了?Where are you?

快点 汉克 快Come on, Hank. Come on!

你在哪 来吧 秀一下上千瓦的超能量吧Where are you? Come on, show me that -watt


出手Do it now!


我爱你 爸爸I love you, Papa.

我爱你 宝贝I love you, baby.

跳下去Down we go!

我们成功了We made it.

不 还没有not yet, we haven't!

小心上面,我们要被堵死了Up ahead. We're gonna be blocked.

嘎巴托 你来掌舵Gabato, I need you to captain us out of here.


你能带我们来 也能带我们出去You brought us to the island, you can take us back.


肖恩 听我指令 按下那个按钮Sean, on my signal, hit that button.

对 没错 跟开直升机差不多Yeah, you right. It's like flying in my helicopter. Like.


汉克Hank! 汉克Hank! 发射Fire it!

伙计们 我们成功了 得救了Hey, hey, man, we did it! We did it!


-太好了 -太好了- Yeah! - Yeah!

-太好了 -太好了- Yes! - Yeah!


让她自动驾驶吧And we're on cruise control.

干得漂亮ice work, man.

你也是You too.

真不敢相信我们成功逃离了Can't believe we made it off the island.


快展示抖胸绝活Pop your pecs.

我才不要抖胸I'm not gonna pop my pecs.

现在是绝好的时机 她会很喜欢 相信我now's the time. She's gonna love it, believe


-我才不 -快点 你可以的- I'm not gonna pop pecs. - Do it, do it. You can do it.

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她会喜欢的 相信我She would love it, believe me.

你俩说完了吗You two done yet?

快亮绝活Pop your pecs.

谢谢你做的这一切Thank you. For everything.

那样也行That works too.

我现在好开心想不出还有什么更让我更开心I'm so happy right now.

I don't know how this moment could get better.

如果能让我们Well, the one way it could get better is

避开珊瑚礁会更好if you steer us away from this coral reef.


说的对 说的对That's a good idea, good idea.

各位下午好 欢迎加入嘎巴托豪华游 您窗口左侧是众所周知的太平洋Good afternoon,

folks, and welcome to Gabato Luxury Tours. If you look out the window on your left,

you will see what is known as the Pacific Ocean.

又来了Here we go again.

-快传球 -车来了- Pass it! - Car!


继续Game on!

这是今天第三次了 爸爸 我很好For the third time today, Papa, I'm fine.

我听说加州有.2.3级地震,离俄亥俄州近吗?Yeah, but I heard there was a 2.3

magnitude earthquake in Ojai. Is that anywhere near Ohio?

离这有两千英里呢你不必担心什么地震It's miles away. You don't need to worry about

any earthquakes.

-火山呢 -也不用- What about volcanoes? -no.

大鸟呢Giant birds?

再见 爸爸 我爱你Goodbye, Papa. I love you.

我爱你 宝贝I love you, sweetness.

帮我祝肖恩生日快乐 我过会儿再打给你 五分钟之后 行吗Hey, can you wish Sean a

happy birthday for me? And maybe I'll call you later. Say, in five minutes?

再见 爸爸Bye, Papa.

我爱你 宝贝 再见I love you, baby. Bye.

好 大家准备好出发了吗Okay, are we ready for the journey?!

大家好 抱歉我来晚了Hello. Hey, guys. I'm sorry I'm late.

亲爱的 你真漂亮Hey, darling. You look wonderful.

见到你真高兴Good to see you.

来一下Come here for a second.

-生日快乐 -你教子有方- Happy birthday. - You raised a great man.

-抱歉我来晚了 -是我们教子有方- So sorry I'm late. - We are raising a great man.

先打开这个Open this one first.

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从喀麦隆寄来的 是爷爷寄的 他说下次见面再亲手给我礼物Postmarked Cameroon?

It's from Grandpa. He wants to give me his present next time he sees me.

别光傻坐着 鼓掌呀Well, don't just sit there. Applaud!

爷爷 真不敢相信你来了Grandpa! Can't believe you're here.

我无论如何也不会错过你的生日 给你件礼物I wouldn't miss your birthday for the

world. I wanted to give you this.

一本书A book?

可不仅是本书 是趟旅行 全家人的旅行It's not just a book. It's a trip I want us to go

on. All of us, as a family.

《从地球到月球》[凡尔纳著]From the Earth to the Moon.

怎么样What do you say?

我想答案只有一个Well, I think there's only one thing to say.

某人要去探险了So who's up for an adventure?

不 不 不 No, no, no!

亲爱的 那有什么嘛 只是去月球玩一圈而已Honey, what could possibly go wrong?

It's only the moon.

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《地心游记》以及《神秘岛》.人们大都认为其作品是科幻小说,但凡尔纳迷不这样认为。In the

19th century Jules Verne wrote some of the greatest adventure stories ever told. Novels

such as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth,

and The Mysterious Island. Most consider these works of science fiction. Vernians know


惨了Not good!

狗狗乖Whoa! Good boy!



拼了Here we ·go!

晚上好,警官大人。有兴趣来个夜泳吗? Evening, officers. Anyone up for a late night


老兄 这星期的牌局怎么没来?Hey, buddy. Missed you at poker this week.

谢谢你通知我 具体什么情况Thanks for the call. What's going on?

这事本不该外泄We didn't want this going out over the radio.

这孩子私闯卫星基地Kid broke into a satellite facility.

然后骑着摩托冲进了老迈家泳池Then he drove his dirt bike into the McGillicuttys'


我说服他们别起诉了I talked them out of pressing charges.


你继父来了Your stepfather's here for you.

不是继父 是监护人No. Legal guardian.

要不是我,你未来6个月得在少管所度过。 If it weren't for me, you'd be in juvie for the

next six months.

我宁愿被关起来Rather do the time.

想说说为什么要闯进一个偏僻的卫星基地吗Do you want to explain to me why you

were breaking into a satellite facility in the middle of nowhere?

别担心 妈妈 真的没什么Don't worry about it, Mom. It's nothing, really.

警察深更半夜来电话还叫没事The police calling in the middle of the night is



他去那儿干嘛? 他在找什么?What was he doing there? What was he looking for?

宝贝 我也不知道 还得问他Honey, I don't know. All we can do is asking him.

肖恩 得谈谈这事Hey. Sean, we gotta talk about this.

我就纳闷了 他哪儿来的发言权I'm confused. Who gave him a speaking part?

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我若没出面,现在就得去探监了Without my speaking part, we'd visit you in jail right


住这里跟坐牢没差别I'm already in jail.

你什么意思 肖恩What is that supposed to mean? Sean?

是你们把我带到戴顿,离开原来的学习和朋友Look, I didn't ask to be taken away from

my school and friends, and dragged all the way to Dayton.

算了 利兹 It's okay, Liz

不能算了 No, it's not.

肖恩Sean! 肖恩Sean!

他父亲的去世对他的打击很大 It's gotta be tough on him with his father gone.

那也不能这样闯祸That still doesn't excuse his behavior.



现在找到你了,得查个水落石出 Now that I got you, I just gotta figure out what you


别烦我not here.

是我 在忙吗Hey, it's me. You busy?


我就是想和你谈谈,就是忧心的过来人和热血青年人之间的对话 I was looking to talk to

you. You know, very concerned adult to somewhat troubled youth.

我是其中的哪一个? Which one am I in that equation?

穿透过道照在我门前引领你出现Cracked up the walkway to my door 。Brought you

as a·

哥们儿Hey, buddy.

这是什么What's all this?


是密码,对吧? 看着像摩斯密码That's a cryptogram, right? Looks like Morse code.

你看,一个音节的字是"点" 两个音节的字是"划" 我当海军时学过这个Yeah, look. One

syllable words, dots. Two syllable words, dashes. I learned that in the navy.

好 那它说了什么Okay, then. What's it say?

干嘛用的What's it for?

很复杂It's complicated.

密码也不简单So is the code.

好吧 是这样Okay. Here's the deal.

前几晚,我收到奇怪的无线电信号。可能来自任何地方。 重复发送这些内容A few nights

ago, a radio signal got sent out. Could've been anywhere. It was these words on a loop.

皮普 佐恩 斯特拉克斯"Pip, Zorn, Strux." (均为单音节词)

都是凡尔纳小说中的人物,明显是凡尔纳迷发送的 All characters from the books of

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Verne. So, clearly, the message was by a Vernian.

我的设备不给力,无法接受完整信息,所以··And my equipment wasn't powerful

enough to receive the whole message, so·

所以你闯入卫星基地增强信号So you broke into that satellite facility to bt your


有人传信息给我,我得破解它Someone sent this message and I'm gonna be the

person to solve it.

这对我很重要 This is really important to me.

那这样吧 我们一起来破解怎么样Hey, you know what? Why don't we solve this




第一部分的信息是说I S L "岛"" ["岛"前三个字母] "Is." “是R E "真的"["真"前两个字母] "

岛真的存在"The first part of the message reads, The. i. s. l.· island ·is· R. E·Real. The

island is real."

你是认真的?不是耍我吧? You're serious? You're not messing with me?

信息是这么说: "岛真的存在" No. That's what it says. "The island is real."

我不敢相信 真有人找到了那个岛I can't believe it. I can't believe somebody actually

found the island.

哪个岛What island?

神秘岛 凡尔纳迷已经找了很久很久The Mysterious Island. Vernians have been

looking for this for years.

剩下的密码是什么? What's the rest say?

史蒂夫之子生于."Child of Steve, born eighteen eight-three."

生于年"Born ."

史蒂夫之子 史蒂夫之子Child of Steve. Child of Steve.

也许就是史蒂夫的儿子Maybe "Son of Steve"?

史蒂文儿子 史蒂文森[拆开为 史蒂文 儿子] Steven's son. Stevenson.

罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森 -作者吗- Robert Louis Stevenson. - The author.

作者出生远早于年 肯定是别人He was born way before . Gotta be somebody else.

也许不是别人Maybe it's not a somebody.

也许是别的东西Maybe it's a something.

你找什么What are we looking for?

放哪儿啦Come on.

《金银岛》Treasure Island,

罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森著于年written by Robert Louis Stevenson in .

-剩下的谜题呢 -就好- What's the next part of the riddle? - All right.

这个姓氏行动迅速"The name that's last is going fast.

他的故事在雷米尔鲁的桅杆上飘动He hitched his tale to Lemuel's mast."

姓氏行动迅速 跑步者吗Okay, so his last name is going fast. A runner?

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姓什么才表示行动迅速呢What if his last name is fast?

飞逝 迅速 快速Fleet or Quick. Swift.

斯威夫特 乔纳森·斯威夫特Swift. Jonathan Swift.

另一作家Another author.

写了另外一个岛Writing about another island.

这么说 雷米尔鲁肯定是指.So "Lemuel" must be.

太棒了 雷米尔鲁·格列佛ice. Lemuel Gulliver.

现在有三本不同的小说We have three different books.

三个不同的作者写成By three different authors.

描写三个不同的岛屿About three different islands.


也许三本书写的就是同一个岛屿Maybe all three books are about the same island.

也许正因如此才没人找到这个岛Maybe that's why nobody else has ever found it

因为别人都没利用另外两本书because they haven't used the other two books.

《金银岛》有幅地图Treasure Island's got a map.

斯威夫特这本也有Yeah, Swift has one too.

可都跟凡尔纳的不一样 难以理解These are different from Verne's. I don't get it.

你在干嘛What are you doing?

知道我当海军时干什么吃的吗 肖恩You know what I did in the navy, Sean?


我曾连续三年荣获洛克福特奖全靠我的破译本领I won the esteemed Rochefort Award

three years in a row for code-breaking.


神秘岛现出原形了We found your Mysterious Island.

那些是什么Uh, what are those?

地理坐标:经度和纬度 Coordinates.:Longitude and latitude.

这会到我们去··这里.And that'll put us right about ·here

距离帛琉100英里,位于南太平洋That's 100 miles off the coast of Palau, in the middle

of the South Pacific.

你干什么What are you doing?

我得走了 -去哪儿- I gotta go. - Go where?

神秘岛To Mysterious Island.

好啊 真不错All right, cool.

那你路过月球时顺便给我买杯思乐冰吧Hey, can you stop by the moon and grab me a


随你笑话Joke all you want.

那当然 你在这给我听好了Yeah, I will, and you're gonna be here to listen to it.

你不许去帕劳 肖恩You're not going to Palau, Sean.

为什么不行Why not?

第一 你被禁足了,另外 你还得上学Number one, you're grounded. On top of that,

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you got school.

我可是全优生,旷几天课没事,况且这可是神秘岛啊I'm a straight-A student. I can afford

to miss a couple days. Besides, this is Mysterious Island.

淡定 好吗Slow down. Okay?

你认为你可以绕地球半圈就为见见那发密电的疯子吗You think you'll travel half way

around the world meet up with some lunatic messing around on a ham radio?

他可不是疯子It's not some lunatic.

他叫亚历山大·安德森 是我爷爷It's Alexander Anderson, my grandfather.

你怎么知道是他发的How would you know he sent that?

当然了 他是家族第一个凡尔纳迷,究其半生都在搜寻那个岛,只是这两年没了音讯Look, it

makes perfect sense. He's the original Vernian in the family ,he's been looking for the

island half his life and nobody's heard from him in two years.

我猜他碰到麻烦了,我要去找他I think he's in trouble. I'm gonna find him.

打住 肖恩 停Sean, stop. Sean. Stop!

我不会让你独自搞什么营救,不管你乐不乐意, 你还是个孩子I'm not letting you go on

a rescue mission by yourself. Whether you like it or not buddy, you're still a kid.

好吧 我理解你的处境Look, I understand your situation, okay?

你想哄我妈妈高兴 非常感谢 真的You wanna make my mom happy and I appreciate

that. I really do.

但你需要专心经营你的建筑公司,付按揭,照顾好我妈But you need to just focus on

running your construction company and paying the mortgage and asking her how her

day was,

至于我 不牢您费神了because I'm okay.

不管怎样,这件事非同小可And like it or not, this is bigger than you.

他认为信息是他爷爷发的Apparently the message was sent by his grandfather.

肖恩说他有两年没音讯了Sean said he's been missing for a couple years.

很难说是失踪,我们根本不来往It's hard to be missing if you were never around.

亚历山大·安德森的话我一句也不信I wouldn't trust one word from Alexander


但肖恩深信不疑Sean seems really convinced.

亚历山大巧舌如簧Oh, it's always convincing from Alexander.

我懂了,在肖恩心中,亚历山大一定是个卓越的探险家I see. So in Sean's mind,

Alexander's this glamorous adventurer.

但实际上,他是个不负责任又靠不住的家人When in reality ,he was a man that wasn't

there when his family needed him the most.

这样我们更该让肖恩去That's why we need to let Sean go on this trip.


肖恩生活中需要有个父亲,一个愿意支持他 与他时时沟通的男人Sean needs a man in

his life. Somebody who'll be there for him and connect with him.

当我们一起破译密文时,还是头一次好好相处超过五分钟We were cracking that code,

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that was the first time that we were on the same page for more than 5minutes.

那带他去别的岛培养感情,像是夏威夷什么的Then bond with him on some

non-mysterious island, like Hawaii.

夏威夷 你我蜜月之旅啊Ah, Hawaii. Our honeymoon.

阿罗哈Aloha oe.

但我是认真的 宝贝Yes, but I'm serious, babe.

我也是认真的I'm serious too.

我们飞到帕劳We'll fly down to Palau.


When Sean realizes the island's not real, his grandfather's not there·I'll be there to

cushion the blow, and done will be done.

早啊 哥们儿 七点整Good morning, buddy. 0700hours.

我忙着呢I'm busy.

我想你再忙也能腾时间干这个I don't think you're gonna be too busy for this.

让我去帕劳了I'm going to Palau?

差不多Ha, ha. Close.

是我们去帕劳We're going to Palau.


我知道你得过洛克福特奖,但这次探险我酝酿已久 听我的好吧I know you've won the

esteemed Rochefort Award·but I've been on these adventures before so let me handle


兄弟放松点 谁出钱谁才是老大Easy, buddy. Just remember who's financing this

whole trip.

伊莎贝拉女王也没跟着哥伦布找新大陆Queen Isabella didn't tag along with


好吧,伊莎贝拉,我让你带队,我们来瞧瞧··Okay, Isabella. I'll let you handle your

thing..We'll see how·

慢点 当心你那蜥蜴 小心点Wait, watch the lizard. Watch.

原来大块头还怕小爬虫啊Big man's afraid of a little lizard?

男子汉天不怕地不怕。我爱蜥蜴 变成皮鞋皮带时Big man's not afraid anything. I love

lizards when they're boots and belts.

打搅一下Excuse us.


你好吗 我们 美国人 你 导游吗Hey, how's it going? We, uh. We Americans. Uh, you,

tour guide?

-肖恩 -我来- Sean. - I got this.

你 带我们 船 海水You. you take us on boat. On water.

你们想租船吗You wanna charter a boat?

帕劳官方语言就是英语The official language of Palau? English.

谢谢Thank you.

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对 我们想去这里的一个岛Uh, yeah, we need someone to take us to an island

located here.

想都别想Absolutely not.

等等 为什么Wait, why?

因为那里没有岛 只有没完没了的风暴,那里是海船的墓地Because there is no island,

just a bunch of storms. It's a graveyard for ships.

我们可以多给钱 1000美金We'll pay you good money, $1000!

只有傻瓜才为钱玩儿命Only a fool trades his life for money.

抱歉 打扰 今天是你的幸运日 Excuse me, excuse me. Today is your lucky day.

我叫嘎巴托·拉瓜坦 帕劳最牛的船长,我听说你们需要交通工具Hey, I'm Gabato

Laguatan, best captain in Palau. I understand you in need of transportation.

太好了 我们要去这里 可以的话我们会付一千块That's great. We need someone to

get us here. A thousand bucks if you can.

轻松 小菜一碟 来吧 给我 走 伙计们 绝对差不了 包二位满意 我带出海的游客成百上

千,每次都一个不漏带回来Ooh, baby! Easy-peasy, easy-peasy. Let's go. Here we go. Let's

go. Man, this is gonna be so good. You know, you won't be disappointed. I've taken

hundreds of people out to sea. I come back with them alt every single time.

-好船 -漂亮- ice ride. - ice ride.

谢谢 谢谢了Thank you, thank you, thank you.

这堆破烂儿是什么What in the blue heck is that?

帕劳最好的直升飞机That's the finest helicopter in Palau.

还能有更糟的吗Hate to see the worst.

这是我的防盗系统That's my security system.

-我还不如坐泰坦尼克号呢 - - I'd rather take the Titanic. -

凯兰妮,游客来啦 Kailani! We have customers here.

必须见见我女儿,大美人一个,跟我长得超像You simply must meet my daughter. She's

a real beauty. Looks just like me.

这破玩意飞不起来This chopper's not gonna work out.

其实吧 汉克 知道吗 我又好好看了下 这飞机美得耀眼Actually, Hank, you know what?

now that I get a better look at it, this chopper's pretty freaking gorgeous.

这就是跟你长很像的女儿?This daughter looks like you?

看 鼻孔长一样嘛Look. Same trils.

他们是谁?Who are these guys?

我是科学探险家 你好I am a scientific explorer. Hi.

他是.And he's a.

-汉克 -对 汉克- Hank. - Hank.

我们想去这个坐标Right. So we need to get to these coordinates.

这直升机不去,那是海里最危险的海域not on this helicopter. That's the deadliest part

of the ocean.

停停 宝贝 宝贝 你听着 他们可是愿出1000美元啊这样就能让你上大学了Time-out.

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Sweetness, sweetness. Sweetness, look. They agreed to pay us 1000 American dollars,

okay?I could help with college for you then.

加到2000美元才行Make it 2000 .

不行 说好多少就多少No way. We had a deal.

那就3000吧. 不然看谁愿意载你们Then make it 3000 And good luck finding

someone else to take you there.


能刷卡吗Do you take Visa?


各位下午好 欢迎加入嘎巴托豪华游 请坐好 放松身心 并开始终身难忘的旅程吧Good

afternoon, folks, and welcome to Gabato Luxury Tours. Please sit back, relax and get

ready for the ride of a lifetime.

现在是机长广播And now a word from our pilot.

我是本机机长 出门不幸 轻松搞定This is your pilot, and. Here we go. Gotcha!

左侧舷窗下您将欣赏到太平洋 右侧舷窗下 您将欣赏到另一侧的太平洋If you look out

your window on your left, gentlemen, you will see what is known as the Pacific Ocean.

On your right side, you will see the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

你要一路唠叨个不停吗You gonna do that the whole trip?

先生 您支付的可是豪华游Sir, you did pay for the luxury tour.

天空真美 是吧?It's a beautiful sky, huh?

我是说 今天有点格外的··壮丽I mean, today just seems especially majestic.

壮丽? 是吗"Majestic"? Really?

我得做完飞行安全检查I have to finish this in-flight safety check.

我们得绕开风暴We have to go around the storm.

可根据坐标 岛就在那里Uh, according to these coordinates, that's where the island


那里没有岛There is no island there.

看来我们能亲自确认一遍了It looks like we are about to find out.

爸爸 我们得马上离开这里Papa, we gotta get out of here now!

我也想离开来着I was thinking the same thing!

不 不 等等No, no, no. Wait!

《神秘岛》第一章写道乘客被吸入个柱状的气旋The Mysterious Island, chapter one!

"The passengers had been taken into a circling movement of a column of air."

我们就要卷进五级飓风里了,别再照本宣科了We're about to fly into a Category

hurricane! ow's not the time to take the book literally!

得进入风眼才能到达神秘岛We have to go into the eye of the hurricane to get to the


你有病吧 我们都快死了Are you psychotic? We'll never survive!

我们必须相信凡尔纳We gotta trust Verne!

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我只相信地心引力,嘎巴托 快带我们离开You know what I trust? Gravity. Gabato, get

us out of here now!

你说得对 我赞成但是有一件事得说明 这飞机不在我掌控之内了 风门坏了You're right, I

agree with you. But here's the deal I'm not flying this helicopter anymore! The

throttle's broken!


我们要掉下去了We're going down!

挺住啊Hold on!

进去了Here we go!

不 不要死在这里啊no! not like this!

稳住啊 稳住Hang on! Hang on!

肖恩 肖恩 肖恩 醒醒 孩子 快醒醒 没事了 没事了看看能否坐起来 好样的Sean! Sean!

Sean! Come on, buddy. Come on. It's okay. It's okay. Try and sit up. Attaboy.

我就说能成功的吧I told you it'd work.

你说得没错You were right.

真不敢相信居然真到岛上了I can't believe we made it.

他可是儒勒·凡尔纳It's Jules Verne, man.

你得相信他You gotta believe.

我们这是在哪Where are we?

我爸爸呢Where's my father?

谁来救救我 救命啊 我的身子被截成两半了Somebody help me! Help me! My body's

been cut in half!

你的脚还在呢Your foot's right there.

我切断的脚丫子 断了它还在动 它在动My severed foot. And it's moving! It's moving.

我没被截成两段 太好了Oh, and I'm still in one piece. Yay.

你说的没错 这里确实有个岛但看起来不太像岛Well, you were right. There is an island.

not much of one.

跟我想的差远了This is not what I was expecting.

好了 大伙 听着 把冲上岸的物品收集起来 盘点装备 得找个避难所 快行动吧All right,

guys, listen up. We have to gather up everything that washed ashore and take stock of

our supplies. We need to find a shelter. Let's go.

宝贝你在这呢 我以为你丢了呢 我的心肝There you are, baby. I thought I t you. Oh,

yeah. My girl.

我发现一条离开海岸的路Hey, I think I found a way off the beach!

什么声音What was that?

黑漆漆的洞里总是有怪声 继续走 继续走 快走It's a scary noise in a dark cave. Keep

moving. Keep moving. Go, go.

如果这是天堂 那我就是房客 If this is heaven, I'm checking in.

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女士们 先生们 向你们隆重介绍··神秘岛Ladies and gentlemen, I give you ·The

Mysterious Island.

这是到底是什么地方?What is this place?

天哪,这座岛让我们变小了 或者说让我们变巨人了This island, it shrunk us! Or turned

us into giants?

肖恩 凡尔纳对此作何解释Sean, what does Verne say about this?

这是岛屿生物地理学定律之一It's one of the first laws of island biogeography.

小型动物变大 而大型动物变小Small animals become large and large animals

become small.

小人国 斯威夫特在格列佛游记中提到过Lilliputian. Swift alluded to it in Gulliver's


我想把它当宠物养 再给他织件毛衣I'd like to keep him as a pet. I could knit him a

little trunk-warmer.

再见 小家伙See you, buddy.

看那边 你们看到那股烟了吗?那肯定就是我爷爷的营地Hey, check it out. You guys

see that smoke? That's gotta be my grandpa's campsite.

你怎么知道How do you know?

不然呢What else could it be?

也许是当地人点火烧烤,准备把我们当晚餐呢The natives sparking up a barbecue,

getting ready to cook us for dinner.

那就只能一探究竟了Only one way to find out.

等一下 我希望你爷爷平安 但是我爸和我就不跟你们去了Whoa, time-out! I hope your

grandfather's okay, but my father and I aren't going.

我们要回到岸边去 We're headed back to the beach. -

回去干嘛 To do what?

用贝壳或者海草拼个SOS也许有人能看到Spell SOS with seashells and maybe kelp.

.海草 外面只有永不停息遇船吞船、遇机吞机的飓风 谁能看见你那SOS啊Kelp? There's

a boat-eating, plane-eating hurricane out there 24/7. nobody's gonna see your kelp.

肖恩说得对 我们得一起找到他爷爷 然后用他的无线电求救Sean's absolutely right. We

stick together, once he finds his grandfather, use his radio to call for help.

好吧 但我们要是死无全尸 就怪你Fine. Just know that if we get torn to bits, I'm

blaming you.

我也怪你I'm blaming you too.

你真行Real smooth.

我做了什么?What did I do?

我到底说错什么?或是做错了什么?Seriously, what did I say? What did I do?

防晒指数100 最好能挤出件毛衣来SPF100 ? You squeeze it and a sweater comes


你很冷 海军健将 你被晒成土著时 可别来跟我哭Yeah, that's funny, navy man. Don't

come crying to me when you're as red as a tomato.

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我会需要美白吗Do I look like I burn?

天哪, 这些石头好粘 Oh,man·That's one gooey rock.

都别动 这些不是石头而是蛋No one move. These aren't rocks. They're eggs.

别扯了 那快打碎几个煎蛋吃吧Get out. Why don't we crack a couple open and make

some omelets?

那可不明智not a good idea.

别呀 我们还没吃早餐呢Come on, man, I haven't had breakfast yet.

有巨蛋必有巨妈Shh! Where there are giant eggs, there must be a giant mother.

为什么非是蜥蜴不可 为啥不是蛇啊It had to be a lizard. Why couldn't it be snakes?

没办法了 我们要小心快速的移动 蜥蜴听觉和嗅觉超敏锐Okay, okay we just need to

move quickly but carefully. Lizards have incredible hearing and an acute sense of smell.

走吧 走吧Let's move. Just move.

这就叫做如履薄冰We are literally walking on eggshells.


千万别动Don't take another step.

爸爸 小心Papa, be careful.

别担心 宝贝 没事 看 没事吧Don't worry, honey. I got this. See? no problem. Oh!

我的妈呀Oh, man!

快跑 快跑 快跑Run, run, run!

进丛林里去Head for the jungle!

快点 快点Faster! Faster!

快跑 快 快Let's go! Go! Go!


快点Come on!

这边This way!

快跑Let's go!

快 快 快 跑Go, go, go! Move!

它在你们后面 快跑It's right behind you! Hurry!

快点啊Come on!


哥斯拉Hey, Godzilla!

不好了Oh, crap.

苍天啊Oh, man!

快跑 快跑 快跑Oh, go, go, go!

快点 快点Come on, come on!

-快点 快跑 -快点- Come on, keep moving! - Hurry!

退后 退后 退后Back! Back! Back!

肖恩 到我后面去Sean, get behind me.

肖恩 背包给我Sean, backpack!

退后 退后Back! Back!

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-汉克 汉克 -退后- Hank! Hank! - Back!

等下再说 肖恩 她害怕了not now, Sean. She's scared!

不是 她是冷血动物 很喜欢热源No, she's cold-blooded and attracted to heat!

真不给面子 That's emasculating.

现在怎么办now what?

只有一个办法了 用拳头招待她 看来弄巧成拙了now there's only one thing left. The

thunder cookie. I think I just made it worse.

希望她不喜欢波利尼西亚食物Hope she doesn't like Polynesian food.

但愿她不喜欢沾上便便的食物I hope she don't like food with poop in its pants!

快跑 快跑 快跑Go, go, go!

大家没事吧Everybody okay?


傻站着干嘛 鼓掌啊Well, don't just stand there. Applaud!


太神奇了That was amazing.

用求偶的叫声引开蜥蜴 这招总是屡试不爽A pitch-perfect frill-necked lizard mating

call. They fall for it all the time.

这是嘎巴托和凯兰妮 他们开直升机送我来的This is Gabato and Kailani. Their

helicopter brought us here.

见到你们很高兴Pleasure. Pleasure.

我是肖恩的继父 汉克·帕森斯 我帮肖恩破解你的密电And I'm Sean's stepfather, Hank

Parsons. I helped Sean crack your code.

你就是他继父 怪不得这么久才破译You're the stepfather? Well, maybe that's why it

took so long, eh?

有什么难的··不过是把一堆凡尔纳书中的人物转化为摩斯密码After all, how hard can it

be to crack a code by converting a string of Vernian characters into a list of dots and


你大可直接传信息,搞什么密码 Or you could have just sent a message not in code.

这就说明了为何你不是安德森家的人There it is, definitive proof that you are not an


我想我们还是快点离开这里I think it's best we get out of here.

那声交尾叫声之后,她可能就认定你当老公了After that mating call, she may have

ideas about making you her husband.

真可爱的回马枪 亨利Oh, witty. Good for you, Henry.

我叫汉克 不是亨利 就是汉克The name's Hank. It's never Henry. Just Hank.

我看你是个很有决断力的人 要不你来带路Ah. I see you're a man of incisive decision.

Why don't you lead the way?

事实上,我们似乎还想见到明早的太阳 没错 所以你们大家 还是跟我走吧Oh, actually

we want to live through the night. Yes. So maybe you should all follow me. Come


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汉克 我跟你走Hank? I'm following you.

好 快走吧 跟上去All right, come on. Go ahead.

这里好棒That's awesome.

到了,伙计们 上来吧 这就是我家 欢迎光临 Here we are, folks. Come on up. This is

my place. Welcome.

有正常运转的电梯 室内卫生间We've got a working elevator, indoor plumbing.

我甚至还配备了台75英寸高清电视And I've even got A 75-inch HDTV.

这些怎么建起来的How'd you build all this stuff?

我是用搭乘的那艘名叫"碧眼露西一号"的船做成的 她在那场飓风中丧生了 所以我才得以

发现这无比绚丽的神秘岛I made it out of the sailboat that brought me here. Old

Blue-Eyed Lucy. She gave her life in that hurricane so that I could discover the

ever-glorious Mysterious Island.


谢谢Oh, thank you.

你就用这无线电发射信号的吗This the radio you used to send the signal?

对 我用闹钟和从那边山上挖出的铜外加一个茶匙做成的Yes. I made it myself out of an

alarm clock some copper I mined in the hills over there and a teaspoon.

你知道这花了我多长时间吗You know how long it took me to make it?

我不知道 大概··谁在乎呢··Oh, I don't know..Probably a little less than· who cares?

三个月 你知道要是换成你 得花多长时间吗 永远都做不出来 哈哈哈Three months.

You know how long it would've taken you? Forever. Ha-ha-ha!

我们联系下帕劳,然后离开这座岛吧Let's just contact Palau, get off this island.

那可不那么容易 亲爱的 你必须等到卫星绕到适当的位置才行It's not that easy, darling.

You have to wait for the satellite to come around to the proper ition.

那要多久How long's that gonna take?

大约两周吧Oh, about two weeks.

等等 你是说我们要在困这里两周Wait, do you mean we're stuck here for two weeks?

"困在这里" 我觉得这会很有意思 我们能更了解彼此 "Stuck here"? I think it'll be fun.

We can get to know each other better.

肖恩 苟活在这可一点都不好玩 再说,两周不跟你妈妈联系 她该多担心Sean, surviving

here won't be fun. How will your mom feel if we're off the grid for two weeks?

等你们回去的时候 兴许她都改嫁了By the time you get back, she's probably gonna

be remarried.

你就任由他这么跟你说话啊You gonna let him talk to you like that?

没事It's okay.

好吧 哈兰德·桑德斯 您怎么打算的Okay, so, what's the plan, Colonel Sanders?


么孵化的吗?How about you show us more of your trinkets that won't get us off this


Anyone else thinking about the eggs hatching?

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如果你害怕小动物 那你一开始就不该来这 亨利 If you're afraid of a few critters,

maybe you shouldn't have come down here, Henry.

这是神秘岛It is called the Mysterious Island.

那就肯定有很多神秘的事物 地如其名You should've expected mysterious things. It's

right in the title.

我知道书上怎么写 你想找神秘岛 现在找到了I know what the book says. You wanted

to find Mysterious Island. Mission accomplished.

你想找你奶奶 也找到了 天亮我们就走 最后说一次 我叫汉克You wanted to find your

Grandmother. Mission accomplished. At daybreak we're out of here. And for the last

time, it's Hank.

干嘛那么着急明天 我带你们去个地方 那一定会让你们叹为观止的What's the hurry?

Tomorrow, I am gonna show you a place that will take your breath away.

会危险吗?Like forever?

明天就知道了,先睡一会吧 明天可是个大日子You're all gonna find out. So let's get

some shut-eye. It's a big day tomorrow.

晚安 亲爱的Good night, honey.

-晚安 爸爸 -晚安- Good night, Papa. - Good night.

还好吧Hey, how's it going?

除了被你害到身陷荒岛 其他都挺好Well, apart from you stranding us on this stupid

island, just fine.

好 好 我想 如果你愿意的话 我们可以聊聊天什么的Good. Good. So, hey, I was

thinking, you know, sometime we could hang out or something if you wanted to.

我想我们喜欢的东西会很不一样I have a feeling that your idea of fun and my idea of

fun are two very different things.

也许吧 你周末喜欢干嘛I don't know. What do you like doing on the weekends?

收集标记软体动物Collect and label mollusks.

不是吧 我也喜欢 我可喜欢软体动物了o way! Me too. I'm way into mollusks.

-真的吗 -真的- Really? - Yeah.

那你喜欢什么Well, which one's your favorite?

.我喜欢麦克泽皮特克蜗牛Mine's the Mxyzptlk snail.

说了你可能不信 但那也是我的最爱You're not gonna believe me, but that's my

favorite too.

那是我瞎编的I just made that up.

麦克泽皮特克根本不是蜗牛 而是超人的一个劲敌Mxyzptlk isn't a snail. It's one of

Superman's archenemies.

你真是个把妹高手Way to slay the heart.


想引起一个女人的注意是最难的事之一Getting the attention of a woman is one of

the hardest things to do.

好吧我该怎么做 卡萨诺瓦All right. So, what do I do, Casanova?

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我等你这话很久了 要了解女孩你必须知道三件事 第一 别靠直觉 生活的其他事情都能靠

直觉指引 除了女人 所以你想要什么就反其道而行 第二 你要开诚布公 贴心温柔 女人想要的

男人不仅仅得像我这样孔武有力 这还不够 她们想要个灵魂伴侣 闺蜜 她们希望有人能理解她

们 女人喜欢那种感受内心深处情感的男人 第三条则是最重要的 这条规则 千百年来迷倒了无

数妹子I been waiting a long time to have this talk with you, buddy. There are three

things to know about understanding girls. Number one ,Don't follow your instincts. Any

other area in life instincts will get you there. not with women. So whatever you think

you should do, do the opposite. Number two You need to be open, sensitive. Women

don't want a man just because he's big and strong and has abs like mine. No. They want

a thinker, they want a feeler. They want someone who can understand them. Women

want a man who is in touch with his t inner emotions. And the third thing is the most

important. It's something that women have responded to for thousands of years.

告诉我Well, tell me.

你得这样You have got to do this.

这是什么What is that?

这是抖胸示爱协奏曲 扔个浆果试试That is the pec pop of love. Now go on and throw

a berry.

才不要 no. -

扔 你后面就有 拿起一个扔过来 别害怕 他们也不会咬你 摘个浆果Throw a berry.

There's some behind you. Grab one and throw it. Don't be afraid, they're not gonna bite.

Grab a berry.


继续 摘一串 连续扔 来Go ahead, grab a bunch. Rapid-fire, now.

我可不会连续扔I'm not doing rapid-fire.

你要不喂它们 可是会不停哟They will not stop until you feed them.

喂 不要Feed them? no.

它们饿了They're hungry.

我来喂I'll feed them.

好 来Attaboy. Come get some.

好了 你准备好了吗 预备 开始Okay, you ready? Ready? Here we go.


准备好了吗 这个可不一样Ready? This one's special.

没问题Make this one count.

真不可思议 太厉害了o way, that's awesome.

别夸他Stop encouraging him.

这是一种天赋It's a gift.

-是一种天赋 -他有天赋- It is a gift. - He has a gift.

肖恩 这屡试不爽Sean, it works every time.

跟上 叨叨 快点Come on, Gabby. Get a move on.

他要去哪Where's he going?

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不知道 但是你再慢点他就要打屁股了快点I don't know, but if this goes on much

longer, he'll blow a hip. Come on.

我知道了Oh! I'm going.

快点 快点 我们马上就到了Come on, come on. We're alt there.

准备好了 叨叨 我要让你窒息了Get ready, Gabby. I'm about to take your breath



现在佩服你奶奶了吧How do you like Grandma now?


好几千年没人住了 叨叨o one's been home for thousands of years, Gabby.

有谁能猜一下Can anybody guess

这些是什么what all this is?

你认识吗Do you know?



是海神波塞冬Well, that's Poseidon.

-能挪一下吗 -行- Can you move this? - Yeah.


我不敢相信 我们站在已经消失之城亚特兰提斯上 凡尔纳曾巨细无遗的描写它 I can't

believe it. We're standing in the t city of Atlantis. The same Atlantis that Verne wrote

about, down to the last detail.

可它不是在海底下吗But wasn't Atlantis underwater?

凡尔纳描写时它的确在海底 它每140年经历一个周期有一半的时间在水上Oh, when

Verne wrote about it, it was, but it has a 140-year cycle and spends half its time above

the water.

那另一半时间呢What about the other half?

这叫地壳构造循环,海床因为岩层火山活动而隆起将地表推高拉低It's called tectonic

recurrence. The ocean bed buckles due to volcanic activity pulling land to the surface.

这个岛因此被带回海底Then the entire island sinks back to the bottom of the sea.

没人见过这么大规模的地质运动Nobody's ever seen it on this big of a scale.

太惊人了This is amazing.

跟我来 我寻找这个天堂已经30年了 我答应过你爸要一起找到它 但他无缘分享这一刻

只得确保他儿子一定在这里 所以我才编了那密码 我想让安德森家的人 在别人之前最先看到

这个地方 有些人的姓氏被用来命名星星和物种,还有植物 我们的名字则会被用在这个神奇的

岛上 两周后 通知当局来接我们 三周后 我们将登上时代杂志的封面Come with me. I've

been looking for this piece of paradise for 30 years. I promised your old man that we'd

find it together. But he's not here to enjoy it so I made sure that his son would be. That

is why I encoded that message. I wanted an Anderson to see this place before anyone

else. Some men get to put their names on stars, species, plants. We get to put our name

on this gorgeous island. In two weeks, we'll contact the authorities to pick us up and in

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three weeks, we'll be on the cover of TIME magazine.

各位 我们有麻烦了Guys. We got a problem.

什么意思What do you talking about?

看这水 这是海水 海水能到达这么深的陆地的唯一可能是从地底下渗出来You see this?

It's saltwater. The only way saltwater gets this far inland is if it enters the subsoil from



所以这个岛快沉了So this island's about to go under.

是你的脑子进水了吧 我分析过样本 也计算过数据 这岛还要14年才会沉没The only

saltwater here is on your brain. I've analyzed the samples and I've calculated the

numbers. This island isn't due to sink for 14 years.

亚历山大 你的数据错了Alexander, your numbers are wrong.

你怎么知道And how would you know that?

我弄工程时偶然发现被水冲刷过的区域叫土壤液化 看 在这里隔水层缝隙里 就能看到

还有那里 这后面I've come acts this as we build over runoff areas. [地盘破坏方式]It's

called soil liquefaction. Look, you can see it in the cracks in the confining beds all along

here, along here, over there, back here.

好吧 你说的有道理Okay, you made your point.

我们还有多长时间Well, how long do we have?

根据这些水 我猜两天 最多三天If I had to guess, based on all this water two, three

days max.

然后呢 我没有救生圈Then what? Because I ain't no flotation device, man.

走不了那就惨了You gonna be if we don't figure this out.

一定有办法离开这里的There must be some way off this island.

我们能造一艘船We could build a boat.

环绕这岛的风暴会把它撕碎The storm around this island will chew it up, spit it out.

我有办法了,我们去找鹦鹉螺I've got something. What about the Nautilus?

那东西能帮忙什么How is an exercise machine gonna help us get out of here?

我是说 鹦鹉螺号尼莫船长1870年造的潜水艇no, no, the Nautilus. Captain Nemo's

submarine, built in1870 .

好主意 肖恩Well done, Sean.

第16章 凡尔纳说它藏在岛上某处Chapter , Verne wrote it is hidden on the island.

如果能及时找到,我们可以绕过飓风回到帕劳If we can make it there in time, we can

ride it under the hurricane back to Palau.

但是 问题是它在哪?Okay. One question :Where is it?

只有一个人能告诉我们答案 那就是尼莫船长There's only one man who can tell us that

and that is Captain Nemo himself.

达卡岩穴 尼莫船长的长眠之地 传说他的船员把他埋这里了The Dakkar Grotto. The

final resting place of Captain Nemo. Legend has it his crew buried him there.

我告诉你你这里最好有什么 他的航海日志 它会告诉我们鹦鹉螺号的位置I'll tell you

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what had better be in there Nemo's journal. It could tell us the location of the


我可爬不进去 太肥了点I've never been able to crawl in there on my own. Too many

fried eggs, I'm afraid.

我去 我是惟一的人选I'll go. I'm the only one who can fit.

不行 那里太危险No way. It's too dangerous.

真贴心 可我不需要经过你的允许Sweet, but I don't need your permission.

亲爱的 爸爸爱你 记住安全守则 小心点 不知道下面有什么危险Honey? - Papa loves

you. - You remember the drill. Be careful. Who knows what's down there.

亲爱的 你没事吧 没事吧Honey? Honey? You okay?!

没事I'm fine.

我进来了I'm inside!

里面有什么What was that?

这就是岛屿下沉的声音So that's what a sinking island sounds like.



把她拉出来Pull her out! Pull her out!

这人的字真潦草啊Man, that guy had some terrible handwriting.

-像梵文 -很接近了 这是北印度文- Looks like Sanskrit. - Ce. It's Hindi.

是的 尼莫来自印度Yeah, nemo's from India.

这里写着鹦鹉螺号位于岛另一头的玄武岩洞里,就在波塞冬崖的下面 我知道那地方It says

here that the Nautilus is in a basalt cave on the other side of the island, just under

Poseidon's Cliffs. I know this place.

我们得去那里That's where we gotta go.

怎么去比较好What's the best way there?

很难说Well, now, that depends.

最安全的办法是沿着海岸线走,但最快的办法是直穿过岛中心The safest way is around

the shoreline but the fastest way is across the heart of the island.

你觉得呢 汉克What do you think, Hank?

-没得选 只能求快 -他说的对- I think we got no choice. The quickest way. - He's


我赞成I'm in.

但是警告你 岛中心充满了崎岖的山 黑暗的丛林 可怕的生物 你会噩梦不断的 所以呢

谁准备好去冒险了Yeah, but let me warn you. The heart of this island is full of jagged

mountains, dark jungles and terrifying creatures who will give you nightmares. So,

who's up for an adventure?

我们到了吗Are we there yet?

该到自然就会到 叨叨We get there when we get there, Gabby.

怎么回事What was that?

岛下面的海底岩层开始裂了The tectonic plates are starting to pull apart

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underneath the island.

快走 快快 走We gotta move. Let's go. Move. Move.

等等 那是什么Wait, what is that?

是火山灰吗Volcanic ash?

看起来像是 It looks like Gold.

纯金Pure gold.

是史蒂文森小说《金银岛》提到的宝藏 火山喷出来的就是构成它的东西 如果喷出来的是

金子 那这座山就是The treasure Stevenson talked about in Treasure Island. Volcanoes are

made of what they erupt. So if that thing's erupting gold, then it's.

金山 A mountain of gold.

一定蕴藏了大量金矿 我们去看看Must be massive gold deposits. Let's go check it out.

等等 那太费时间了 我们没那么多时间Hold on. That'll take us days out of our way.

We don't have the time.

挤点时间 这可是座金山哪 是科学上的重大发现啊Let's make the time. Volcanic gold?

That's a huge scientific breakthrough.

知道 但我们必须快去找鹦鹉螺号I understand, but we gotta get to the Nautilus.

汉克 我不是小孩子了 我也有决定权Hank, I'm not just a little kid. Okay? I get a say in

this too.

肖恩 我得对你负责 不能拿你的生命冒险Sean, I am responsible for you. I'd never

take a chance with your life.

你不能命令他做什么或不做什么 你不是他爸Hey, hey, you can't tell him what to do.

You're not his father.

据我所知 你这个爷爷当得也不称职From what I hear you haven't been much of a


我在各方面给他树立榜样 科学 探险 梦想 你给过他什么?I have given him something

to live up to. Science, adventure, wonder. What have you ever given him?

我给过他很多 其中一项是责任感 你显然不具备此项I've given him a lot of things, a

sense of responsibility being one of them. Something clearly you don't have.

不能去 我们要快走 没得商量You're not going. We're getting out of here. End of


肖恩 求你 我们得快离开这个岛Sean, please. We have to get off this island.

再见啦 金子Bye-bye, gold.

你没事吧Hey, you okay?

没事儿Yeah. Fine.

只是 我不需要汉克成日管着我It's just, you know, I don't need Hank trying to tell me

what to

do all the time.

我爸也管的很多,总把我弄得很难堪My dad's always trying to get involved too, but he

usually ends up embarrassing me.

是吗 怎么说Yeah? How?

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去年暑假 我想去打工,他就开着直升机在帕劳撒了几千份我的简历Last summer I was

trying to get a job so he flew all over Palau dropping thousands of copies of my resume

from his helicopter.

真难堪啊 他们管这么多真的很烦人That's embarrassing. Isn't that the worst when

they try so hard?

不 要是啥都不管才更糟呢no. I mean, the worst would be if they didn't try at all.

亚历山大 你的指南针指向正确吗Alexander, are you sure your compass readings are


当然正确啦 咋了Of course I am. Why?

为什么 因为我们在山底 需要一路爬上去Why? Because we're down here and we need

to be all the way up there.

每个问题都有解决方法 我的大块头朋友 而我觉得这个会很好玩To every problem,

there is a solution, my large friend, and I think this might be a fun one.

你觉得这个会很好玩吗?有人带伞了吗? 显然神仙婆婆要带我们飞上去You think this

might be a fun one, eh? Does anybody have an umbrella? Because Mary Poppins is

gonna fly us up to the top of the cliff.

我就知道你会派上用场的 亨利 在这等着I knew you'd be good for something. Better

wait here, Henry.

他要去哪Where's he going?

不知道 但他肯定疯了I don't know, but that guy's out of his mind.

一点儿没错 我发现只要不看它的眼睛 要骑上这蜜蜂很容易Oh, I t certainly am. It turns

out that mounting the bee is easy if you don't look into its eyes.

太奇妙了That is so sick.

你快下来Okay, you get down now.

为什么Why would I get down?

因为老太太从蜜蜂上掉下来而保险公司不会赔 下来吧Well, because Medicare doesn't

cover old ladies falling off of giant bees. Get down.

随便你Suit yourself.

当这里成了太平洋一部分时,你最好带条泳裤But make sure you're wearing swimming

trunks when this place becomes the Pacific Ocean.


能载我一程吗Can we fly together?

太棒了This is amazing!

就像骑骏马驰骋在大草原上Like riding stallions acs the Serengeti.

太美了 就像在天堂This is beautiful! Talk about paradise!

天啊Oh, man!

-那是.-难不成是鸟屎- Is that.? - Bird poop?

那肯定是只巨鸟.That must be one giant bird!

到树林里去Into the trees!

它看起来很饿That thing looks hungry!

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那是白喉针尾雨燕A white-throated needletail.

他们吃虫 蚜虫还有 蜜蜂It feeds on worms, aphids and, yes, bees!

那里还有一只There's another one!

抱紧我Hold on!

小心Watch out!

别占道Stay in your own lane!

你知道撞鸡吗Are you familiar with Chicken?

这又不是鸡These aren't chickens!

不是 那个撞鸡游戏No, the game! Chicken!

好点子I like the way he thinks.


等等 再等等 就现在not yet. not yet! now!

很酷吧 小老弟Yeah! How cool was that, little buddy?

我爱你 汉克 爱死你了I love you, Hank! I love you so much!

爱你I love you.

高兴过头了 过头了Too much happy. That's too much happy.

抓好Hold on!


你救了我You saved me.

我救了你Yeah, I guess I did.

也许还没呢Or maybe not!

快 快下去Go, go! Get out of here!

肖恩 你要干嘛Sean, what are you doing?

来吧 小鸟Come on, bird!

尝尝这个吧Let's do this!

肖恩 怎么了Sean. Talk to me.

我的脚踝动不了了It's my ankle. I can't move it.

看起来很严重 得检查一下This could be serious. I need to look at it.

不能在这里not here.

这里天黑后更危险This part of town is even more dangerous after dark.

数到3, 我把你拉起来,起来,好了,手给我,走吧 Okay. I'm gonna get you up, on three.

One, two, three. Up. That's it. Give me your arm. Okay. Now come on.

肿消了吗 Has the swelling gone down?

脱臼很严重 可能得耽搁一阵儿了It's dislocated pretty bad. We might be here a


我们去找点水Well, we'll go get some water.

哥们儿 得把脚踝装回去We're gonna have to pop it back in, buddy.

好 动手吧Okay. Let's do it.

我摁住他 你数到三动手Alexander, I'll brace him. You do it on three?

好Got it.

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-准备好了吗 -好了- Ready? - Yeah.


二和三哪去了?What happened to two and three?

对啊,二和三呢? Yeah .What happened to two and three?

二和三?没那么糟了Two, three. Wasn't so bad.

也好不到哪里去,有止疼的东西吗?It wasn't very good. Do we have anything for the


没有There's nothing in here.

好了 小子 All right, buddy.

没事了There you go. Okay.


我们有这个We have this.

不要啊No, no, no.

别担心,我不会在星光下篝火前 对着男的唱歌的Don't worry. I don't sing to dudes

underneath the stars in front of a cozy fire.

-那不是我的风格 -很好- It's not my style. - Good.

你会唱歌You can sing?

会一点儿A little bit.


音乐是天然止痛药 给他唱首歌吧Music is nature's painkiller. Sing him a song.


唱一个吧Come on.


别担心Don't worry.

给你唱首特别的I got something special for you.


来吧All right.

这能让我不那么疼Oh, that's gonna make me feel better?

别急 得先调好音 一个大男人弹一把小吉他 有点浪费Slow it down. Just gotta get in

tune. Takes a big man to play a little guitar.

听众牺牲更大And an even bigger one to listen.

i}我看到树木葱葱茏茏I see trees of green

i}玫瑰娇艳欲滴Red roses too

i}看到她们为你我I see them bloom

i}倾情绽放For me and for you

i}我想And I think to


i}多么美好的世界What a wonderful world

i}看到巨蜂I see giant bees and

i}我要告诉你I could have told you

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i}别信亚历山大Don't trust Alexander

i}他是个老顽固He's older than Yoda

i}我想And I think

i}这是To myself

i}多么美好的世界What a wonderful world

i}我们所在的The island

i}这座小岛That we stand on

i}就要下沉Well, it's currently sinking

i}你到底中了什么邪Sending those secret codes

i}发送那些密电What the heck were you drinking?

i}不过这些But it's

i}已成历史All in the past.

i}忘却过去We wiped the slate clean.

i}我们要去寻找We're going to find



你会觉得And you'll think to yourself

这是个多么美妙的世界What a wonderful world

唱得太棒了Oh, that was extraordinary.

夸我多才多艺吗What, my multiple talents?

不 终于见到梦寐以求的会唱歌的臭鼬猿了no, after all these years, finding the elusive

singing Sasquatch.

说真的 你怎么学会弹吉它的o, but seriously, where'd you learn to play like that?

小时候我爸爸经常唱歌给我听My dad used to sing it to me when I was a kid.

记得提醒我回去请他喝一杯Remind me to buy him a drink when we get back.

没问题 如果有幸能找到他的话Yeah. Good luck finding him.


他呢Where is he?

不知道Don't know.

我岁那年他走了 以后再也没见过 但至少我学会了唱歌He left when I was , and I

haven't seen him since. At least I got a good song out of it, right?


你喜欢他 对吗?You like him, don't you?

谁 肖恩吗 才不呢Who, Sean? o.

他虽然有点急性子,但是个好孩子Yeah, he's a little hotheaded, you know, but he

seems to be a good kid.

我俩绝无可能,离开这座岛 他就会回美国继续他的生活,去上大学,而我则回到帕劳It can

never happen between us. I mean, if we get off this island, he'll go back to America,

move on with his life and go to college. And I'll go back to tiny Palau.

要是你想 你也可以上大学You could go to college someday if that's something

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you really want.

谁帮你做生意 更何况我们负担不起Who's gonna help you at work? Plus we can't

afford it.

别这么说 你想上大学 那就去上 明白吗 老爸能搞定 我保证Don't say that. You wanna

go to college, you can go to college. Okay? I can make that happen. I promise.

谢谢 爸爸Thanks, Papa.

汉克 汉克 快起来Hank. Hank, get up.

情况不对 大家快起来Something's wrong here. Everybody up!

这水从哪来的Where'd this water come from?

看来液化速度一夜之间快了三倍It looks like the liquefaction rate tripled overnight.

什么意思What's that mean?

也就是说这座岛比预期沉得还快It means this island is sinking a lot faster than we


我记得你说有几天时间I thought you said a couple of days.

现在看来只剩几个小时了Now more like a couple of hours.

几个小时A couple of hours?

我们得快点找到潜水艇We need to get to that sub

要么就等着沉到海底两万里吧or we'll all be leagues under the sea.

爸爸Papa? 爸爸Papa? 爸爸Papa!

-他不见了 -别着急- He's gone. - Stay calm.

说不定他去小便了He's probably gone for a pee.

不好了 不好了Oh, no. Oh, no.


昨晚他说要送我去上大学 现在我明白了 他一定去金山了 我得去找他 你们去找潜水艇

要是我们没赶到 你们就先走Last night, he promised me he'd send me to college. Now I

know what he meant. He's going after the mountain of gold. Look, I gotta go get him.

You guys head to the sub. If we're not there in time, leave without us.

不行 你不能一个人去 我跟你一起去No way. You're not going alone. I'll go with you.

肖恩 你脚上有伤 这离那有英里Sean, you have a dislocated ankle, that's four miles.

没关系 我能行 没事 it's fine. I can do it. It'll be okay.

不行 肖恩 他说的对 你这样去不了No, Sean, he's right. You're in no condition to

make that trip.

那也不能让她自己去Well, she can't go alone.

我跟她去Then I'll go with her.

是我叫你来这里 是我害你身陷险境 如果这地图没错的话 三叉戟悬崖应该在那个方向

一英里半外 你俩尽快去找鹦鹉螺号 在岸上等我们会合I'm the one who called you to this

island. It's my fault you're in this quagmire. If this map of ours is right, then the Trident

Cliffs should be about a mile and a half in that direction. You get to the nautilus as

soon as you can and then meet us on the shoreline.

我们只有一张地图We have one map.

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把你手机给我Let me see your phone.

地图给我Let me see this thing.

现在有两张了now we have two.

汉克 干得好Hank, well done.

谢谢你Thank you.

叫我汉克For calling me Hank.


小心点Be careful.

走吧 宝贝Come on, darling.

一会儿见 我保证I'll see you soon. I promise.

准备好了吗 肖恩Ready, Sean?


走吧Come on.

好疼 那里也疼 金子 美梦成真了not that there! That hurt too! Gold. Our prayers

have been answered.

海神三叉戟在这 潜水艇本该在这里呀There's Poseidon's Trident, right where it's

supposed to be.

我们要找悬崖 这是海岸We need the cliff. This is just shoreline.

鹦鹉螺号应该就在这儿的洞穴里The autilus is suped to be inside of a cave right here.

或许地图错了Maybe the map is wrong.

我看看Let me see it.

肖恩 是这里没错Sean, we are in the right place.

那洞穴在哪 鹦鹉螺号在哪Well, then where's the cave? Where's the autilus?

下面Down there.

二十四小时内海平面升高了一百英尺The sea level's risen over feet in the last hours.

不敢相信 我们来晚了 完蛋了I can't believe this is happening. We're too late. It's


不 没有 没关系o, it's not. It's okay. It's okay.

我们仔细想想 想办法 有了We just gotta think. We just gotta think of a way to get. I

got it.

-什么 -潜水气瓶- What? - Scuba tanks.

要列举一下我们缺的东西吗? 火箭推动器 女友 宣纸Are we listing things that we

don't have? Okay, a jet pack, a girlfriend, calligraphy paper.

不 不 听我说 我们只要宣纸no, no, listen to me. We just. "Calligraphy paper"?

我随口一说It popped into my head.

-我们还有防水袋 对吗 -对- We have a couple of dry bags, right? - Yeah.

我们要物尽其用 自制潜水气袋Okay, so we take what we salvaged from the beach,

and we build makeshift scuba tanks.

尽量深呼吸 不要拖拉下沉时注意保持耳内气压平衡No short breaths. No wasted

movements. Make sure you equalize ear pressure as you go down.

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如果我们死在下面,老妈会杀了我们You know, if we die down there, Mom's gonna kill


那我们一定要成功Then let's do this.

爸爸Papa? 爸爸Papa.

你来这干嘛?快回鹦鹉螺号去 我回头去找你What are you doing here? You're suped to

be back at the Nautilus. I'll meet you back there.

爸爸 住手Papa, stop. 住手Stop. 爸爸 住手Papa, stop!

宝贝 这是我们唯一的机会 让你上大学的唯一机会 拥有不一样的生活 更好的生活Baby,

this is our one chance. Our one chance to send you to college. To give you a different

life, a better life.

爸爸 只要我们在一起 就能拥有一切 我们回家吧Papa. We'll have all the wealth we'll

ever need just as long as we're together. Let's go home.

好 好All right. All right.


动作快点 叨叨Double-time, Gabby.

好了 只是一百英尺而已Okay, it's only feet down,

潜水气袋只够吸两次and we've got two hits of air with this.


准备好了吗Are you ready?

问我准备好了吗 你准备好了吗Am I ready? Are you ready?

我百分百准备好了I'm totally ready.

我百分二百准备好了Well, I'm totally ready.

我打从娘胎就准备好了Well, I'm probably more ready than you.

少来 我上辈子就准备好了o, there's no way. I'm, like, twice as ready as you are.

咱们因为害怕在拖延时间 对吧We're procrastinating out of fear, aren't we?

-没错 -是的- Absolutely. - Yeah.

等等 你这是往哪走Wait, which way are you going?

说实话 我也不确定Frankly, I'm not sure.

你不确定 我们时间不多了You're not sure? Look, we're running out of time.

好吧 哪面是北Well, which way's north?

这个方向 不对 不 不是那边 是这边 这里磁干扰太强This way. no. no, that's not it. It's

this way. We're getting too much magnetic friction.

什么意思What does that mean?

就是我们迷路了It means we're t.

成功了We made it.

鹦鹉螺号The Nautilus.

走Come on.

肖恩 给我手电筒Sean, give me the flashlight.

把它发动起来 然后去跟他们会合Let's power this up and get to the others.

没指南针怎么找北How do we find north without a compass?

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我已经骑过大蜜蜂,不想再骑大蜘蛛了I already rode a giant bee. I ain't getting on no


蜘蛛总是面朝南织网[引自《地心游记》]Spiders build their webs facing south.

各位 我想我找到蜘蛛了Guys? I think I found our spider.

那就快朝反方向走吧And we go the other way.

压载控制板肯定在这附近The ballast control panel's gotta be around here


启动开关在哪Where's the power switch?

我想这个就是I think this is it.

你怎么知道的How do you know?

第十七章里写得很清楚It's right there in chapter .

又多一个凡尔纳迷Someone's reading their Verne.

让咱们启动她吧Let's fire this baby up.

快点 快运转起来Come on, come on. Wake up!

引擎坏了 咱们得下去看看The engine's dead. We gotta get under the hood.

这些电池有140年了These batteries are 140 years old.

需要电激活It's gonna need a jump-start.

但那得上千瓦的电流Yeah, but that's gonna take thousands of kilowatts of


你和我想的一样吗You thinking what I'm thinking?

太疯狂了That's completely insane.


-电线跟鱼叉接好了吗 -接好了- Cable attached to the harpoon? - Yeah.

很好 只要充一下电,咱们就能出发了Great. One good charge from that thing out

there, we're gonna be on our way.

好 但你得平安归来Okay. But I need you to come back.

当然 不然谁给你开潜水艇Of course. Somebody's gotta help you pilot this thing.

不 我是说no, I mean.

如果有人问起 我绝不承认这话 你一定要平安归来 身边已经有很多人离我而去 我不想

你也成为其中一个Look, if anybody ever asks, I'm gonna deny that I ever said this. But I

need you to come back. I've had a lot of people take off on me in my life and I don't

want you to be one of them.

出发之前,我向你妈保证会照顾好她的宝贝儿子 你不仅是她儿子 也是我的家人 我答应你

为了你我会平安回来,好吗?Before we left, I told your mom that I was gonna take care of

her son. You're not just her son. You're my family too now. I promise you I'll come back

for you. Okay?


现在某人也要去探险了 Now, who's up for an adventure?

他们在哪Where are they?

2012-09-23 - 27 - Cathy


他们不在这They're not here.


他们最好快点,我们快没有立足之地了They'd better get here quick! We're running out

of real estate!

这里Hey, over here!

你跑哪去了?Where are you?

快点 汉克 快Come on, Hank. Come on!

你在哪 来吧 秀一下上千瓦的超能量吧Where are you? Come on, show me that -watt


出手Do it now!


我爱你 爸爸I love you, Papa.

我爱你 宝贝I love you, baby.

跳下去Down we go!

我们成功了We made it.

不 还没有not yet, we haven't!

小心上面,我们要被堵死了Up ahead. We're gonna be blocked.

嘎巴托 你来掌舵Gabato, I need you to captain us out of here.


你能带我们来 也能带我们出去You brought us to the island, you can take us back.


肖恩 听我指令 按下那个按钮Sean, on my signal, hit that button.

对 没错 跟开直升机差不多Yeah, you right. It's like flying in my helicopter. Like.


汉克Hank! 汉克Hank! 发射Fire it!

伙计们 我们成功了 得救了Hey, hey, man, we did it! We did it!


-太好了 -太好了- Yeah! - Yeah!

-太好了 -太好了- Yes! - Yeah!


让她自动驾驶吧And we're on cruise control.

干得漂亮ice work, man.

你也是You too.

真不敢相信我们成功逃离了Can't believe we made it off the island.


快展示抖胸绝活Pop your pecs.

我才不要抖胸I'm not gonna pop my pecs.

现在是绝好的时机 她会很喜欢 相信我now's the time. She's gonna love it, believe


-我才不 -快点 你可以的- I'm not gonna pop pecs. - Do it, do it. You can do it.

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她会喜欢的 相信我She would love it, believe me.

你俩说完了吗You two done yet?

快亮绝活Pop your pecs.

谢谢你做的这一切Thank you. For everything.

那样也行That works too.

我现在好开心想不出还有什么更让我更开心I'm so happy right now.

I don't know how this moment could get better.

如果能让我们Well, the one way it could get better is

避开珊瑚礁会更好if you steer us away from this coral reef.


说的对 说的对That's a good idea, good idea.

各位下午好 欢迎加入嘎巴托豪华游 您窗口左侧是众所周知的太平洋Good afternoon,

folks, and welcome to Gabato Luxury Tours. If you look out the window on your left,

you will see what is known as the Pacific Ocean.

又来了Here we go again.

-快传球 -车来了- Pass it! - Car!


继续Game on!

这是今天第三次了 爸爸 我很好For the third time today, Papa, I'm fine.

我听说加州有.2.3级地震,离俄亥俄州近吗?Yeah, but I heard there was a 2.3

magnitude earthquake in Ojai. Is that anywhere near Ohio?

离这有两千英里呢你不必担心什么地震It's miles away. You don't need to worry about

any earthquakes.

-火山呢 -也不用- What about volcanoes? -no.

大鸟呢Giant birds?

再见 爸爸 我爱你Goodbye, Papa. I love you.

我爱你 宝贝I love you, sweetness.

帮我祝肖恩生日快乐 我过会儿再打给你 五分钟之后 行吗Hey, can you wish Sean a

happy birthday for me? And maybe I'll call you later. Say, in five minutes?

再见 爸爸Bye, Papa.

我爱你 宝贝 再见I love you, baby. Bye.

好 大家准备好出发了吗Okay, are we ready for the journey?!

大家好 抱歉我来晚了Hello. Hey, guys. I'm sorry I'm late.

亲爱的 你真漂亮Hey, darling. You look wonderful.

见到你真高兴Good to see you.

来一下Come here for a second.

-生日快乐 -你教子有方- Happy birthday. - You raised a great man.

-抱歉我来晚了 -是我们教子有方- So sorry I'm late. - We are raising a great man.

先打开这个Open this one first.

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从喀麦隆寄来的 是爷爷寄的 他说下次见面再亲手给我礼物Postmarked Cameroon?

It's from Grandpa. He wants to give me his present next time he sees me.

别光傻坐着 鼓掌呀Well, don't just sit there. Applaud!

爷爷 真不敢相信你来了Grandpa! Can't believe you're here.

我无论如何也不会错过你的生日 给你件礼物I wouldn't miss your birthday for the

world. I wanted to give you this.

一本书A book?

可不仅是本书 是趟旅行 全家人的旅行It's not just a book. It's a trip I want us to go

on. All of us, as a family.

《从地球到月球》[凡尔纳著]From the Earth to the Moon.

怎么样What do you say?

我想答案只有一个Well, I think there's only one thing to say.

某人要去探险了So who's up for an adventure?

不 不 不 No, no, no!

亲爱的 那有什么嘛 只是去月球玩一圈而已Honey, what could possibly go wrong?

It's only the moon.

2012-09-23 - 30 - Cathy


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