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TWT TH 3976/3977 PEAK ------- TH 3976/3977行波管


Ku-band high power TWT series for SATCOM Uplinks: up to 750W

Ku波段的高功率SATCOM Uplinks行波管系列:高至750W

Drawing on Thales experience of over 60 years in developing Periodic Permanent Magnet focused Traveling Wave Tubes

(TWTs) for space-based and ground-based satellite telecom applications, the TH 3976 –TH 3977 series features a two-stage

collector design for a high efficiency (>42%).

THALES有着近60年的基于航空或者地面卫星通讯使用的行波管的开发经验,TH 3976 – TH 3977系列行波管是高功


The TH 3976 – TH 3977 TWT peak mode series operating in the full Ku-band, offers a typical gain of 45dB minimum from

13.75 to 14.5 GHz and delivers an exceptional output power up to 750W peak with an intermediate version of 400W. The

TH3976 – TH 3977 TWT series has been developed for high linearity, optimized dissipation and size.

TH 3976 – TH 3977行波管峰值模式系列是全Ku波段的,可以在13.5到14.5GHz范围内提供最低45dB标准增益并且

能够产生高至750W的输出功率峰值并400W的中间功率版本。TH 3976 – TH 3977行波管系列已经可以开发到高线


The TH 3976 – TH 3977 TWT series is RoHS compliant through exemption (directive 2002/95/EC). Thales TWTs are

designed, developed and manufactured at a production plant certified to ISO 900: 2000 and ISO 14001.

TH 3976 – TH 3977行波管系列是无铅产品(2002/95/EC)。THALES行波管的设计、开发以及生产车间已经获取了ISO900:


Peak power optimized---峰值功率优化

Reduced dissipated power----减少了功率损耗


Optimized efficiency----最佳功效

Supra compact---紧凑的设计

Cover the full Ku-band----全Ku波段。

SATCOM Uplinks

Thales TH 3976 – TH 3977 traveling Wave Tubes series has been chosen by most civil and military satellite operators

around the world to support growing demand for new high bandwidth Ku-band Satcom uplinks largely deployed


THALES TH 3976 – TH 3977行波管系列已经成为全世界大多数民用以及军用卫星使用者的选择,并新一代的宽Ku波

段Satcom Uplinks系列产品的需求数量也在进一步在各处不断的扩大。

Our TH 3976 – TH 3977 TWT peak mode series is widely used for large earth station uplinks and mobile antennas: Satcom

on the halt and Satcom on the move. Thales has delivered thousands of Ku-band units to date, and we are still investing in

new production capacity to ensure quick delivery for the TH 3976 – TH 3977 TWT series with a capacity of a few hundred

per year.

我们的TH 3976 – TH 3977峰值模式系列已经在地面站以及移动天线方面得到了充分的应用:固定使用SATCOM,移


生产线以保证TH 3976 – TH 3977行波管的快速生产周期。

Thales is at the cutting edge of Ku-band technology, with an important heritage coming from the Space TWTs activity at

Thales, providing to our customers a very high level of reliability.


Technical specifications—技术规格

TWT references 行波管 TH 3976 TH3977

Peak 峰值 peak峰值

Frequency range(频率范围) 13.75 – 14.5 13.75-14.50 GHz

Output power(输出功率)

-average power cw (平均功率) 200 420 W min

-peak power (峰值功率) 400 750 W min

Gain Pout = P cw rated (增益-额定) 50 50 dB min

Gain at small signal (-10dB) (微弱信号增益 -10dB) 54 54 dB typ

Output power variation at rated power any 80MHz 0.6 0.6 dB max.


Small signal gain variation (-10 dB) any 80MHz 0.7 0.7 dB max.


AM/PM conversion at rated power 44 °/dB max.


AM/PM conversion at small signal 2 2.5 °/dB max.


Third-order modulation for 2 equal carriers(2种介质的第三命令调整)

At a total power of -10 dB below rated power(低于额定功率-10dB总功率)

- Standard version(标准模式) -30 -30 dBc

Load VSWR 电压驻波比 1.25:1 1.25:1

Noise power density (噪声功率密度) -76 -70 dBW/4kHz

Electrical characteristics(电特性)

Filament voltage(细丝电压) 6.3 6.3 V

Filament current(细丝电流) 1.4 1.4 A max.

Cathode current(阴极电流) 300 440 mA max.

Helix voltage (Vh) setting range(螺旋电压设定范围) 8.2 – 9 10.5-11.5 kV

Helix current(螺旋电流) 7 10 mA max.

Collector 1 voltage(集电极1电压) 50 50 %Vh

Collector 1 current (at rated power) (集电极1电流) 160 200 mA max.

Collector 2 voltage (集电极2电压) 17.5 18 %Vh

Collector 2 current (without RF) (集电极2电流) 290 430 mA max.

Efficiency(效率) 28 30 % typ

Heat dissipation(热损) 500 950 W max.

Prime power consumption, without RF(基本功耗) 500 950 W max.

Prime power consumption, at rated power 700 1,400 W max.


Mechanical characteristics(机械特性)

Overall dimensions(体积) 350*65*78 410*75*72 mm

Weight(重量) 2.0 2.6 kg

Mounting position(装配位置) any any

RF input(射频输入) WR 75 waveguide, R120 flange threated holes

High voltage connection(高电压连接) by flying leads(引线)

Cooling(冷却) by conduction(传导)


TWT TH 3976/3977 PEAK ------- TH 3976/3977行波管


Ku-band high power TWT series for SATCOM Uplinks: up to 750W

Ku波段的高功率SATCOM Uplinks行波管系列:高至750W

Drawing on Thales experience of over 60 years in developing Periodic Permanent Magnet focused Traveling Wave Tubes

(TWTs) for space-based and ground-based satellite telecom applications, the TH 3976 –TH 3977 series features a two-stage

collector design for a high efficiency (>42%).

THALES有着近60年的基于航空或者地面卫星通讯使用的行波管的开发经验,TH 3976 – TH 3977系列行波管是高功


The TH 3976 – TH 3977 TWT peak mode series operating in the full Ku-band, offers a typical gain of 45dB minimum from

13.75 to 14.5 GHz and delivers an exceptional output power up to 750W peak with an intermediate version of 400W. The

TH3976 – TH 3977 TWT series has been developed for high linearity, optimized dissipation and size.

TH 3976 – TH 3977行波管峰值模式系列是全Ku波段的,可以在13.5到14.5GHz范围内提供最低45dB标准增益并且

能够产生高至750W的输出功率峰值并400W的中间功率版本。TH 3976 – TH 3977行波管系列已经可以开发到高线


The TH 3976 – TH 3977 TWT series is RoHS compliant through exemption (directive 2002/95/EC). Thales TWTs are

designed, developed and manufactured at a production plant certified to ISO 900: 2000 and ISO 14001.

TH 3976 – TH 3977行波管系列是无铅产品(2002/95/EC)。THALES行波管的设计、开发以及生产车间已经获取了ISO900:


Peak power optimized---峰值功率优化

Reduced dissipated power----减少了功率损耗


Optimized efficiency----最佳功效

Supra compact---紧凑的设计

Cover the full Ku-band----全Ku波段。

SATCOM Uplinks

Thales TH 3976 – TH 3977 traveling Wave Tubes series has been chosen by most civil and military satellite operators

around the world to support growing demand for new high bandwidth Ku-band Satcom uplinks largely deployed


THALES TH 3976 – TH 3977行波管系列已经成为全世界大多数民用以及军用卫星使用者的选择,并新一代的宽Ku波

段Satcom Uplinks系列产品的需求数量也在进一步在各处不断的扩大。

Our TH 3976 – TH 3977 TWT peak mode series is widely used for large earth station uplinks and mobile antennas: Satcom

on the halt and Satcom on the move. Thales has delivered thousands of Ku-band units to date, and we are still investing in

new production capacity to ensure quick delivery for the TH 3976 – TH 3977 TWT series with a capacity of a few hundred

per year.

我们的TH 3976 – TH 3977峰值模式系列已经在地面站以及移动天线方面得到了充分的应用:固定使用SATCOM,移


生产线以保证TH 3976 – TH 3977行波管的快速生产周期。

Thales is at the cutting edge of Ku-band technology, with an important heritage coming from the Space TWTs activity at

Thales, providing to our customers a very high level of reliability.


Technical specifications—技术规格

TWT references 行波管 TH 3976 TH3977

Peak 峰值 peak峰值

Frequency range(频率范围) 13.75 – 14.5 13.75-14.50 GHz

Output power(输出功率)

-average power cw (平均功率) 200 420 W min

-peak power (峰值功率) 400 750 W min

Gain Pout = P cw rated (增益-额定) 50 50 dB min

Gain at small signal (-10dB) (微弱信号增益 -10dB) 54 54 dB typ

Output power variation at rated power any 80MHz 0.6 0.6 dB max.


Small signal gain variation (-10 dB) any 80MHz 0.7 0.7 dB max.


AM/PM conversion at rated power 44 °/dB max.


AM/PM conversion at small signal 2 2.5 °/dB max.


Third-order modulation for 2 equal carriers(2种介质的第三命令调整)

At a total power of -10 dB below rated power(低于额定功率-10dB总功率)

- Standard version(标准模式) -30 -30 dBc

Load VSWR 电压驻波比 1.25:1 1.25:1

Noise power density (噪声功率密度) -76 -70 dBW/4kHz

Electrical characteristics(电特性)

Filament voltage(细丝电压) 6.3 6.3 V

Filament current(细丝电流) 1.4 1.4 A max.

Cathode current(阴极电流) 300 440 mA max.

Helix voltage (Vh) setting range(螺旋电压设定范围) 8.2 – 9 10.5-11.5 kV

Helix current(螺旋电流) 7 10 mA max.

Collector 1 voltage(集电极1电压) 50 50 %Vh

Collector 1 current (at rated power) (集电极1电流) 160 200 mA max.

Collector 2 voltage (集电极2电压) 17.5 18 %Vh

Collector 2 current (without RF) (集电极2电流) 290 430 mA max.

Efficiency(效率) 28 30 % typ

Heat dissipation(热损) 500 950 W max.

Prime power consumption, without RF(基本功耗) 500 950 W max.

Prime power consumption, at rated power 700 1,400 W max.


Mechanical characteristics(机械特性)

Overall dimensions(体积) 350*65*78 410*75*72 mm

Weight(重量) 2.0 2.6 kg

Mounting position(装配位置) any any

RF input(射频输入) WR 75 waveguide, R120 flange threated holes

High voltage connection(高电压连接) by flying leads(引线)

Cooling(冷却) by conduction(传导)


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