Agilent Lithography and Nanomanipulation
Package, CAD-Based Software for the
Agilent 5500, 5400, and 5100 AFM/SPM
Data Sheet
Features and Benefits
• CAD-based drawing program offers
user-friendly interface for easy
• Ability to design and save shapes
for reuse helps conserve time and
• Ability to control parameters such as
force or probe bias increases utility
• Ability to work “on-the-fly” or
through scripts provides enhanced
• Move-tip tool provides real-time
• Visual Basic® Scripting enables
custom, programmable lithography
• Seamless integration with Agilent’s
5500, 5400, and 5100 AFM/SPM
controller software offers simple
upgrade path for AFM/SPM
microscope users
Agilent’s lithography and nanomanipula-
tion software is a CAD-based package
that provides a nanolithography tool
for scanning probe microscopy (SPM)
researchers. It allows users to sketch
various shapes on a canvas (including
lines, poly-lines, circles, and boxes) that
can then be mapped to a real sample
surface. Individual shapes can be as-
signed a unique set of parameters. Each
parameter set is associated with a color
for easy visual reference.
Accessible parameters include force,
probe bias, sample bias or potential, and
probe speed. As shown in Figure 1, a
user-friendly interface enables the user to
edit parameters and segment properties,
such as start and end points and the order
of execution. The software offers users
the ability to cut and paste predesigned
shapes to assist in the building of more
complex patterns. Once designed, shapes
can be reused in future experiments and
are easily resized.
Additional Capabilities
• Micro-machining via force
• Nano-patterning via probe bias and
EC etching
• Nano-writing via surface potential
controlled deposition and
Move-Tip Tool Applications
The move-tip tool provides a complete
set of functions for nanomanipulation.
With numerous parameter settings, such
as force set-point or tip bias, the user
can inscribe a line, inscribe a pattern, or
manipulate particles in real time. (See
Figures 2 and 3.)
Figure 2. Making a smiling face with
gold particles on a mica surface.
Scan size: 2.5 μm x 2.5 μm.
Resizable grid with
Load background images
snap-to-grid option
Draw lines and polylines
Draw circles, rectangles,
and polygons
Fill a shape
Six colors allow six sets
of lithography settings
Figure 1a. Design canvas.
Figure 1b. Primitive property window. Figure 1c. Parameter settings window.
Figure 3. Sequence of drawing
triangles on CD blank surface.
Green lines indicate the path of
the tip movement in contact mode.
Images are taken in AAC mode.
Scan size: 5.5 μm x 5.5 μm.
Figure 4a. AAC mode topography
image of PZT film
Scan size: 14 μm x 14 μm
Figure 4c. EFM image after writing
Scan size: 14 μm x 14 μm.
Figure 4b. Drawing and
parameter setting
Figure 4. Using Agilent’s lithography and manipulation software to write with tip bias.
Visual Basic Scripting
Agilent 5500, 5400, and 5100 AFM/SPM
microscopes come with a 32-bit
NT/2000/XP-based software
package that incorporates Visual Basic
Scripting capabilities. Visual Basic allows
the user to program (via VBScript) most of
the functions in the microscope software
and defi ne special sequences of desired
action. By combining Agilent’s closed-loop
scanners and stages with VBScripting ca-
pability, the user is provided with a unique
scripting tool for lithography applications.
With predefi ned parameter settings (in-
cluding STM/AFM tip bias, force set-point,
and more), VBScripting makes drawing
a line or a circle on the sample surface a
straightforward procedure (Figure 4).
Figure 6. Simple writing on a
blank compact disc surface.
Writing speed: 0.3 μm/s.
Force: 2 V (uncalibrated).
Scan size: 12 μm x 8 μm.
Figure 5. Drawing circles on
PMMA film.
Scan size: 2.5 μm x 2.5 μm.
Figure 7. Inscribing a circle
and lines on a polymer film
by increasing the tip-sample
interaction force.
Scan size: 5 μm x 5 μm.
AFM Instrumentation from Agilent Technologies
Agilent Technologies offers high-precision, modular AFM solutions for research,
industry, and education. Exceptional worldwide support is provided by experienced
application scientists and technical service personnel. Agilent’s leading-edge R&D
laboratories are dedicated to the timely introduction and optimization of innovative and
easy-to-use AFM technologies.
For more information on Agilent
Technologies’ products, applications
or services, please contact your local
Agilent office. The complete list is avail-
able at:
Phone or Fax
United States: (tel) 800 829 4444
(fax) 800 829 4433
(tel) 877 894 4414
(fax) 800 746 4866
(tel) 800 810 0189
(fax) 800 820 2816
(tel) 31 20 547 2111
(tel) (81) 426 56 7832
(fax) (81) 426 56 7840
(tel) (080) 769 0800
(fax) (080) 769 0900
Latin America: (tel) (305) 269 7500
(tel) 0800 047 866
(fax) 0800 286 331
Other Asia Pacific Countries:
(tel) (65) 6375 8100
(fax) (65) 6755 0042
Revised: 11/08/06
Product specifications and descriptions
in this document subject to change with-
out notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2006
Printed in USA, December 20, 2006
Agilent Lithography and Nanomanipulation
Package, CAD-Based Software for the
Agilent 5500, 5400, and 5100 AFM/SPM
Data Sheet
Features and Benefits
• CAD-based drawing program offers
user-friendly interface for easy
• Ability to design and save shapes
for reuse helps conserve time and
• Ability to control parameters such as
force or probe bias increases utility
• Ability to work “on-the-fly” or
through scripts provides enhanced
• Move-tip tool provides real-time
• Visual Basic® Scripting enables
custom, programmable lithography
• Seamless integration with Agilent’s
5500, 5400, and 5100 AFM/SPM
controller software offers simple
upgrade path for AFM/SPM
microscope users
Agilent’s lithography and nanomanipula-
tion software is a CAD-based package
that provides a nanolithography tool
for scanning probe microscopy (SPM)
researchers. It allows users to sketch
various shapes on a canvas (including
lines, poly-lines, circles, and boxes) that
can then be mapped to a real sample
surface. Individual shapes can be as-
signed a unique set of parameters. Each
parameter set is associated with a color
for easy visual reference.
Accessible parameters include force,
probe bias, sample bias or potential, and
probe speed. As shown in Figure 1, a
user-friendly interface enables the user to
edit parameters and segment properties,
such as start and end points and the order
of execution. The software offers users
the ability to cut and paste predesigned
shapes to assist in the building of more
complex patterns. Once designed, shapes
can be reused in future experiments and
are easily resized.
Additional Capabilities
• Micro-machining via force
• Nano-patterning via probe bias and
EC etching
• Nano-writing via surface potential
controlled deposition and
Move-Tip Tool Applications
The move-tip tool provides a complete
set of functions for nanomanipulation.
With numerous parameter settings, such
as force set-point or tip bias, the user
can inscribe a line, inscribe a pattern, or
manipulate particles in real time. (See
Figures 2 and 3.)
Figure 2. Making a smiling face with
gold particles on a mica surface.
Scan size: 2.5 μm x 2.5 μm.
Resizable grid with
Load background images
snap-to-grid option
Draw lines and polylines
Draw circles, rectangles,
and polygons
Fill a shape
Six colors allow six sets
of lithography settings
Figure 1a. Design canvas.
Figure 1b. Primitive property window. Figure 1c. Parameter settings window.
Figure 3. Sequence of drawing
triangles on CD blank surface.
Green lines indicate the path of
the tip movement in contact mode.
Images are taken in AAC mode.
Scan size: 5.5 μm x 5.5 μm.
Figure 4a. AAC mode topography
image of PZT film
Scan size: 14 μm x 14 μm
Figure 4c. EFM image after writing
Scan size: 14 μm x 14 μm.
Figure 4b. Drawing and
parameter setting
Figure 4. Using Agilent’s lithography and manipulation software to write with tip bias.
Visual Basic Scripting
Agilent 5500, 5400, and 5100 AFM/SPM
microscopes come with a 32-bit
NT/2000/XP-based software
package that incorporates Visual Basic
Scripting capabilities. Visual Basic allows
the user to program (via VBScript) most of
the functions in the microscope software
and defi ne special sequences of desired
action. By combining Agilent’s closed-loop
scanners and stages with VBScripting ca-
pability, the user is provided with a unique
scripting tool for lithography applications.
With predefi ned parameter settings (in-
cluding STM/AFM tip bias, force set-point,
and more), VBScripting makes drawing
a line or a circle on the sample surface a
straightforward procedure (Figure 4).
Figure 6. Simple writing on a
blank compact disc surface.
Writing speed: 0.3 μm/s.
Force: 2 V (uncalibrated).
Scan size: 12 μm x 8 μm.
Figure 5. Drawing circles on
PMMA film.
Scan size: 2.5 μm x 2.5 μm.
Figure 7. Inscribing a circle
and lines on a polymer film
by increasing the tip-sample
interaction force.
Scan size: 5 μm x 5 μm.
AFM Instrumentation from Agilent Technologies
Agilent Technologies offers high-precision, modular AFM solutions for research,
industry, and education. Exceptional worldwide support is provided by experienced
application scientists and technical service personnel. Agilent’s leading-edge R&D
laboratories are dedicated to the timely introduction and optimization of innovative and
easy-to-use AFM technologies.
For more information on Agilent
Technologies’ products, applications
or services, please contact your local
Agilent office. The complete list is avail-
able at:
Phone or Fax
United States: (tel) 800 829 4444
(fax) 800 829 4433
(tel) 877 894 4414
(fax) 800 746 4866
(tel) 800 810 0189
(fax) 800 820 2816
(tel) 31 20 547 2111
(tel) (81) 426 56 7832
(fax) (81) 426 56 7840
(tel) (080) 769 0800
(fax) (080) 769 0900
Latin America: (tel) (305) 269 7500
(tel) 0800 047 866
(fax) 0800 286 331
Other Asia Pacific Countries:
(tel) (65) 6375 8100
(fax) (65) 6755 0042
Revised: 11/08/06
Product specifications and descriptions
in this document subject to change with-
out notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2006
Printed in USA, December 20, 2006