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互联网 admin 25浏览 0评论




MSVCRTD.lib(crtexew.obj):错误LNK2019:未解析的外部符号WinMain @ 16在函数__tmainCRTStartup中引用


using namespace std;

int main()


const double A = 15.0,

B = 12.0,

C = 9.0;

double aTotal, bTotal, cTotal, total;

int numSold;

cout << "Enter The Number of Class A Tickets Sold: ";

cin >> numSold;

aTotal = numSold * A;

cout << "Enter The Number of Class B Tickets Sold: ";

cin >> numSold;

bTotal = numSold * B;

cout << "Enter The Number of Class C Tickets Sold: ";

cin >> numSold;

cTotal = numSold * C;

total = aTotal + bTotal + cTotal;

cout << "Income Generated" << endl;

cout << "From Class A Seats $" << aTotal << endl;

cout << "From Class B Seats $" << bTotal << endl;

cout << "From Class C Seats $" << cTotal << endl;

cout << "-----------------------" << endl;

cout << "Total Income: " << total << endl;

return 0;





MSVCRTD.lib(crtexew.obj):错误LNK2019:未解析的外部符号WinMain @ 16在函数__tmainCRTStartup中引用


using namespace std;

int main()


const double A = 15.0,

B = 12.0,

C = 9.0;

double aTotal, bTotal, cTotal, total;

int numSold;

cout << "Enter The Number of Class A Tickets Sold: ";

cin >> numSold;

aTotal = numSold * A;

cout << "Enter The Number of Class B Tickets Sold: ";

cin >> numSold;

bTotal = numSold * B;

cout << "Enter The Number of Class C Tickets Sold: ";

cin >> numSold;

cTotal = numSold * C;

total = aTotal + bTotal + cTotal;

cout << "Income Generated" << endl;

cout << "From Class A Seats $" << aTotal << endl;

cout << "From Class B Seats $" << bTotal << endl;

cout << "From Class C Seats $" << cTotal << endl;

cout << "-----------------------" << endl;

cout << "Total Income: " << total << endl;

return 0;



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